Summer 2019 Masculinity Reclaimed: Be respected, enjoy fierce intimacy and love being married again!
“Have you ever been approached by a husband seeking to anonymously introduce your work to his wife? I don’t want to be manipulative – and perhaps that is exactly what I am being – but I am struggling with losing hope for a recovery." - Husband

“I am amazed at your understanding of the male perspective on intimacy. I also realize that I am not providing you any new feedback on your unique ability to capture the male point of are spot on" -Husband

""Wow Just Wow!!! ...Our marriage has stepped up to a whole new level in all ways physically, mentally, and spiritually.
I cannot thank you enough.
You definitely have a revelation from God in these areas! I thank you and I thank God for you!"

Awarded 19th of the Top 30 Relationship Podcasts--Belah Rose is author, intimacy & marriage expert and coach and I want to help you have incredible intimacy in your marriage!

Please note: Belah will only accept men into the Masculinity Reclaimed who are:
4-READY to take real action and get amazing results!
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