{"id":5503,"date":"2020-10-13T18:54:12","date_gmt":"2020-10-13T18:54:12","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/delightyourmarriage.com\/?p=5503"},"modified":"2022-01-27T22:14:21","modified_gmt":"2022-01-27T22:14:21","slug":"263-will-my-wife-say-no-again","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/delightyourmarriage.com\/263-will-my-wife-say-no-again\/","title":{"rendered":"263-Will My Wife Say No&#8230;Again?"},"content":{"rendered":"<div class=\"powerpress_player\" id=\"powerpress_player_9990\"><!--[if lt IE 9]><script>document.createElement('audio');<\/script><![endif]-->\n<audio class=\"wp-audio-shortcode\" id=\"audio-5503-1\" preload=\"none\" style=\"width: 100%;\" controls=\"controls\"><source type=\"audio\/mpeg\" src=\"https:\/\/traffic.libsyn.com\/secure\/delightyourmarriage\/Will_my_wife_say_no...again.mp3?_=1\" \/><a href=\"https:\/\/traffic.libsyn.com\/secure\/delightyourmarriage\/Will_my_wife_say_no...again.mp3\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">https:\/\/traffic.libsyn.com\/secure\/delightyourmarriage\/Will_my_wife_say_no...again.mp3<\/a><\/audio><\/div><p class=\"powerpress_links powerpress_links_mp3\" style=\"margin-bottom: 1px !important;\">Podcast: <a href=\"https:\/\/traffic.libsyn.com\/secure\/delightyourmarriage\/Will_my_wife_say_no...again.mp3\" class=\"powerpress_link_pinw\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"Play in new window\" onclick=\"return powerpress_pinw(&#039;https:\/\/delightyourmarriage.com\/?powerpress_pinw=5503-podcast&#039;);\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">Play in new window<\/a> | <a href=\"https:\/\/traffic.libsyn.com\/secure\/delightyourmarriage\/Will_my_wife_say_no...again.mp3\" class=\"powerpress_link_d\" title=\"Download\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\" download=\"Will_my_wife_say_no...again.mp3\" target=\"_blank\">Download<\/a><\/p><div id=\":5aw\" class=\"ii gt\">\n<div id=\":5av\" class=\"a3s aXjCH\">\n<div dir=\"ltr\">\n<div>Hi there,<\/div>\n<div><\/div>\n<div>This podcast is for men (or the women who want to peer inside of hearts of men) it&#8217;s all about the specific Stages to Sexual Freedom that a husband can employ to transform his marriage&#8212;even if he&#8217;s the only one doing the work.<\/div>\n<div><\/div>\n<div>If you&#8217;re an action-taker once you know the process you&#8217;re going to start and fix this once and for all, this is the podcast for you.<\/div>\n<div><\/div>\n<div>I believe that those who listen will feel empowered to do what God wants them to do in their marriage to truly transform it.<\/div>\n<div><\/div>\n<div>In the second half of the episode I&#8217;ll be sharing more about the Masculinity Reclaimed: Be respected, enjoy fierce intimacy, and love being married again program.<\/div>\n<div><\/div>\n<div>We&#8217;ll even hear from Vikas who went from a sex-starved frustrated marriage with a young child to a place where she often initiates 3+ times per week and she doesn&#8217;t&#8217; even know he did the program.<\/div>\n<div><\/div>\n<div>To learn more about the program he\u00a0went through, go to\u00a0<a href=\"http:\/\/delightyourmarriage.com\/mrsp\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" data-saferedirecturl=\"https:\/\/www.google.com\/url?q=http:\/\/delightyourmarriage.com\/mrsp&amp;source=gmail&amp;ust=1602701344092000&amp;usg=AFQjCNHzTyn8XdrOfjxsbzs7LlFWDAOqyw\">delightyourmarriage.com\/mrsp<\/a><\/div>\n<div><\/div>\n<div>Blessings,<\/div>\n<div>Belah<\/div>\n<div><\/div>\n<div>\n<div><\/div>\n<div>Enrollment is open now but won&#8217;t be open for long. Find out all the details here:\u00a0<a href=\"http:\/\/www.delightyourmarriage.com\/mrsp\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" data-saferedirecturl=\"https:\/\/www.google.com\/url?q=http:\/\/www.delightyourmarriage.com\/mrsp&amp;source=gmail&amp;ust=1602701344092000&amp;usg=AFQjCNEI-KEWBONRQpfE9egfSo4LPF4t4A\">www.delightyourmarriage.com\/<wbr \/>mrsp<\/a><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class=\"yj6qo\"><\/div>\n<div class=\"adL\">&#8212;<\/div>\n<div>transcript<\/div>\n<div>\n<p>0:02<br \/>\nWelcome to the delight your marriage podcast. You&#8217;re joining me belah rose as I dive deep into the beauty, power and truth about intimacy, learn not only the practicals, but the heart behind what making love is all about. delight your marriage. Hi there and welcome. I am so grateful you are joining me. And so today what I want to talk about is when your wife rejects you. And for many, it&#8217;s over and over again. And it&#8217;s very, very painful. So that&#8217;s the first piece I want to be diving into. The second piece is if you&#8217;ve been following along with either the podcasts or the masterclass, I&#8217;m really excited that enrollment is open for this session of masculinity reclaimed. And what I&#8217;ve done is three part three lessons to a full masterclass. And the response has just been mind blowing, just amazing with with people sharing their hearts and the vision that they have for not only their marriage, but most importantly what they&#8217;re going to do after they get the marriage that they believe God wants them to be. I mean, some people, they want to start ministries, they want to be better fathers they want. I mean, all of these things, they need to get their marriage and intimacy straightened out. And so that&#8217;s actually what I want to do on today&#8217;s podcast is I&#8217;m going to share with you the first half of the third masterclass. And somebody said, in an email to me said it&#8217;s one I am here. And I wish I could tell everyone that this is worth it. That was one one comment. Another comment said after this section that I&#8217;m going to be sharing with you they said next time trying to remember the quote something like next time you decide to share God inspirational message, would you please let us know we need to bring a box of Kleenex is. So I expect and hope and pray that this is going to be really encouraging for you. If you&#8217;re the husband, that gets rejected a lot. Because what I want to do is give you a sense of the process to change things in your marriage, like actually understand that there is a system that can transform. And it&#8217;s wisdom to do that. And plenty of people in the Bible model wisdom to us, not not only Jesus, which he definitely does, many, many, many times around. But how does someone very key in the Bible that I really want to elucidate their, their process for changing their spouse in an extremely dramatic way. There is a process for this. So if you have been rejected by your wife, there is a process to change this, there is a way to change this. So let&#8217;s go ahead and dive into the content. There is one part where I specifically say, I&#8217;m going to be taking a break in a little bit. But before I do, I want to tell you the most important thing whether or not you take my course this is the most important thing. So I would encourage if you&#8217;re writing in your car, if you&#8217;re, you know, mowing the lawn if you&#8217;re doing something else, which I know, I know you&#8217;re busy, so it makes sense. But this is the you know, few minutes that I would encourage you to pause and, you know, sit down take a moment to see what God might want to speak to you in that section. Because I think that if we don&#8217;t if we&#8217;re not attentive to the, the opportunities God gives us to be impacted by him, then we won&#8217;t be impacted. So that&#8217;s my encouragement if you listen to my podcast two times fast, which is what I do during that when I say I&#8217;m about to take a break, I would love for you to slow it down. Really take the moment to focus in and then after that segment, it&#8217;s finished there&#8217;s going to be some calming music and just see if you can connect with Jesus and let&#8217;s dive in<\/p>\n<p>4:24<br \/>\nthank you so much to this final lesson of the masterclass oh my gosh we have been through an amazing time right I feel like every single night so far God has shown up in amazing ways I&#8217;ve heard just amazing encouragement from you from literally all over the world we&#8217;ve had a chilly and hungry Oh your bed from hunger. You know it&#8217;s 1am in Hungary right now. And in this gentleman is here like incredible somebody here from England. It&#8217;s midnight. Like, God is so good. There&#8217;s so many people. I really do believe in that there are those that are on this call right now that because of tonight, their marriage will be transformed. And I say that because I get to see that over and over again. And so it&#8217;s really up to you. It&#8217;s really how much you bring to this class is how much you&#8217;re going to get out of it really. And so my encouragement to you is to close all the tabs, silence your phone, get off a Facebook, I&#8217;m just kidding, you&#8217;re not on Facebook. Just close it all off. And really dial in you&#8217;ve, you&#8217;ve taken the time some of you are, you know, woke up in the middle of the night to join us live, and join me live. And I&#8217;m so honored by that. So, so give it your all be here, be present, and, and see what God might want to do in your life that we&#8217;ve been<\/p>\n<p>5:55<br \/>\nthrough years and years of counseling, I&#8217;ve read a ton of books on marriage and everything else. This has been the most awful thing that the honorable men involved with,<\/p>\n<p>6:05<br \/>\ncan to have this roadmap, you can go back to your room and close the door and say, Okay, where am I and you can go through the checklist and say, Okay, this is where we are, this is what I need to start doing again, because this is what I forgot to do. And that&#8217;s why we went off the rails. So many people say it all starts with you, but you don&#8217;t have the tools to regroup. I&#8217;m not, I&#8217;m not worried. I&#8217;m not scared. That&#8217;s all because<\/p>\n<p>6:33<br \/>\nof you. It can only be considered spirit led and guided because there&#8217;s no no human way this can be like this. It&#8217;s it&#8217;s this is as important, as important is as any evangelists or minister, leading people to Christ, this is healing families and marriages. This is what this is about. You are fully spirit led and guided here. Incredible. And I bless you Bella, Jesus name<\/p>\n<p>7:14<br \/>\nLet&#8217;s pray. Father, we, we invite you here God, you are the God of miracles. You are the God of healing. You are the God of transformation. God, you are the one who heals hearts. When you walked on this earth, Jesus, you healed us. And you are still in the business of healing us in marriages, and families. All over the world tonight we ask that your presence would be felt would be known. I pray God, these would not be my words, but yours, I pray God that you would be opening eyes to what you want them to see tonight In Jesus mighty name. Amen. Alright, so I&#8217;m going to go ahead and recap lesson one and two. And let me just mention, I really think that we learn by repetition. I mean, that really is how we learn is we actually get it. And what I try to do is always teach even the same principle, a little bit of a different way. Because sometimes we don&#8217;t get it in this direction. But we&#8217;ll get the same principle if we kind of go at it a little differently. So hang with me, because I think if you kind of just keep your heart open to learning and insights, you might gain something a little new. In this again, recap of the last two nights. And for those that weren&#8217;t on the last two nights, here&#8217;s your recap. Okay, so lesson one, your wife is your most important human relationship. That&#8217;s what God makes it very clear. So love God first. Love your neighbor. Second, your closest neighbor is right next to you on the bed, hopefully, and, and then your kids and then that&#8217;s when the discernment process has to happen, whether it&#8217;s your ministry, your work, your friends, and how that but we&#8217;ve already got it established your marriage is first, above your work above all these other responsibilities. Then what we did was we talked about the intimacy framework. So what does your wife need to feel fulfilled intimately and what do you need to be fulfilled intimately and we talked about men they need to be respected, admired and wholehearted sexual intimacy and that includes the visuals and the teasing and the seduction and the fierceness and the excitement and all the stuff in between. Loving as member all of those things are included in the wholehearted sexual intimacy for men. All right, so hopefully, you&#8217;re on board with me there. Those are valid. God designed you with that desire those cravings. Women are designed with the desire for being known, being safe and being wholeheartedly cherished. And we learned about what that what that means more specifically. So If you&#8217;re holding on to pains and hurts from the past, and even just me saying those things out loud, just Oh, I wish I wish I&#8217;m so angry at my spouse, my wife for not doing those things for me. First of all, I get it because I&#8217;ve been there. But second of all, that means you&#8217;re carrying all these rocks, these heavy burdens. And you have to give those over to Jesus for you to have any motivation, any energy, to do something new in your marriage to get anything done. You have to give those over to Jesus. And most importantly to that, more importantly to that is, our eternity hangs in the balance. He says, if if you don&#8217;t forgive others, I&#8217;m not gonna forgive you. Like, that&#8217;s what he says he probably not in that tone. But he does say that in the Bible. And so that&#8217;s important. It&#8217;s, I mean, it&#8217;s vital, if our most important human relationship is our spouse, and we&#8217;re not going to forgive that other. That&#8217;s a big deal. So we addressed, we had a really cool exercise that, that some men cried on the thing, it was just beautiful. It was just incredible what that did. And then we saw the video of the cost, because so many people think, you know, if I, if I do all this work, let&#8217;s say she&#8217;s the one that needs to change, etc, etc. So the cos video, he changed and. And she then started making love to him and initiating and all these things. So definitely check out his testimonial, because it&#8217;s powerful. But yeah, she didn&#8217;t know he was doing the program. And yet, because he changed himself, she changed. Alright, so now let&#8217;s talk about lesson two. Now between lesson one and lesson two, I asked you to get really clear on your vision. What? What will you do with all the extra brain space, with all the extra motivation with all the extra stuff that you will get when you have a good marriage? Like, on the other side of a good marriage? What will you get the dream marriage that fulfills all your intimate needs?<\/p>\n<p>12:07<br \/>\nWhat will you do? Are you going to start a ministry? Are you gonna start a business? Are you going to be a better father? Are you going to like what&#8217;s your vision, because you need that vision. Otherwise, you&#8217;re going to, you&#8217;re going to lose steam and forget and realize, well, this isn&#8217;t that important. But if you have a vision of this matters, because and that&#8217;s what we really focused in on in lesson two, we talked about the story of Esther, and and you learned from a woman because women all the time have to learn from the Bible stories of men. And so you hung in there and you thought about Esther of what you can learn. Because she was not only brave, she was wildly strategic, wildly strategic with the most evil man and in in history. I mean, he was horrible, murdering people, raping women, capturing young virgins and raping them all. And I mean, like, horrible, and yet, she was not only brave, she was strategic. She waited in what season, she had to love him. He didn&#8217;t deserve it, love him the way he did. The way that would be effective, so that he would trust her. And eventually, she asked her request, and it saved the entire people of Israel, God&#8217;s people. So we talked about Esther, we also talked about a gentleman who was married before I called him Jeremiah, he was married before a Christian counselor told him don&#8217;t pursue sex. You know, she doesn&#8217;t want it don&#8217;t pursue it. So he didn&#8217;t. And they were sexless for years and then got divorced, then he got married a second time. And sex was happening twice a week on the same day, every week. And it was a duty, she was thinking about her grocery list, it seemed like and that hurt him. And then when he applied a strategy, even though it kind of seemed like at first, it was the same thing that the Christian counselor suggested. But then I talked about his results was, she didn&#8217;t know he was doing the program. And his results included. Like I gave you the full quote, but basically extreme, extremely passionate, she let him do all sorts of things. She got on top all this while she&#8217;s pregnant, like all these, and yet, and yet she didn&#8217;t know he was doing the program. So that&#8217;s the difference between not having strategy and having a strategy. Awesome. Okay. So we also talked about emotional, spiritual and physical intimacy and what those mean, and we talked about defining where you are in each of those in a very, what number you are on those scales, and so on. Ask you to kind of get your average of those. So if you weren&#8217;t here the last couple nights, then just kind of zero to 10. And kind of based on what you kind of think those are, where are you on average in your marriage, zero to 10. And you can, you can type those in the chat, because what we&#8217;re learning about today, is really putting all of this together, like what does all of this mean? All this strategy, all these things? What happens when you put all of that together? So let&#8217;s, let&#8217;s go ahead and talk again, about the phases to sexual freedom, the process to sexual freedom, and what I&#8217;m going to do is share my screen again, because I want you to look at these processes very specifically. So marital health, zero to 10, you&#8217;ve got your number, zero to 10. Openness, where you will talk about strategically what that looks like, in this kind of simple graph here. So on openness, right, if you&#8217;re a three out of 10, you&#8217;re not going to be 10, out of 10, open with your complaints and your frustrations and your sadness and all of those things. Because what that&#8217;s going to do is just push you down on the scale of marital health, you want to go up. So when you&#8217;re around here, you want to employ strategy. So you can go up and what are those phases? Phase one is peace. So what does this mean in a very quick summation is, in this phase, you are focused on letting her feel safe, letting her feel known and cherished, but primarily safe. So peace, that includes no arguments, no criticisms, no controlling, we&#8217;re going to talk much more about safety here in just a moment, because that is pivotal, pivotal in you getting your marriage healthier.<\/p>\n<p>17:08<br \/>\nAlright, so then we&#8217;ve got the next phase is the healing phase. And so that includes a culture of gratitude, a culture of gratitude, this is when you are shifting your marriage culture, you know how there&#8217;s a culture in, in businesses or culture in different countries, which we&#8217;ve got tons of countries here, it&#8217;s just incredible. Thank you for joining. But it culture makes a big difference, it makes a huge difference. What&#8217;s the culture of your marriage? What&#8217;s the culture of your family? Are you creating an atmosphere where she is attracted to you? Or is the culture of your marriage? Full of complaints and you know, what&#8217;s normal, in your conversations, what&#8217;s normal in your interactions, that&#8217;s all based on the culture you have cultivated. And it was a cultivation of a healthy culture or cultivation of a negative culture, just by not being intentional. And I&#8217;ve been there, so I&#8217;m not. I know this by experience, not by I don&#8217;t know, some other thing. Like, I have sadly been in that spot. Okay, so what else happens in this healing phase, and so to be thinking about, right, so we&#8217;re doing, you know, three to 10. And we&#8217;re at more at like, five to 10. So spiritual modeling happens in this phase as well. You are the spiritual head of your household. That&#8217;s the way God set it up. And so you need to be closer to Jesus, for her to feel safe for her to feel like I can trust him. So this has got to get started. Now, keep in mind here, that piece goes all the way across the board. So you can&#8217;t like get up to seven out of 10 and start doing a ton of like mean arguments. It&#8217;s got to go across the board. Same with the healing this, this stuff has to be consistent with the gratitude with the spiritual modeling. Alright, let&#8217;s talk about what trust is. That&#8217;s the next phase when you&#8217;re like five to six and seven. Basically, that&#8217;s when you are really time is huge. Because your wife is not your wife is not stupid. You know, she&#8217;s not silly. She&#8217;s not she knows that either. This is a permanent change, or it&#8217;s a fad and it&#8217;s going to go away. And so that&#8217;s what this process here is so important, because time will tell time will tell if these are real changes, and she can actually trust You and she can actually let down her guard. And she can actually be free in intimacy. Because they&#8217;re all connected when she feels like she can trust you why then you&#8217;re not going to judge her why then she can disrobe and be all playful and all those things, but unless she feels safe, unless she feels safe. So in this piece is a lot of times men get to this and they&#8217;d like rocket ship, like, everything&#8217;s changing, oh, my gosh, it&#8217;s amazing. It&#8217;s amazing. And they get to this stage, and they&#8217;re like, Oh, I&#8217;m exhausted, I have to keep going. Because the thing is, the thing that I just love seeing as a third party, you know, objective outsider looking in, is like, it really doesn&#8217;t take that long, it feels like a long time. But it doesn&#8217;t take that long of consistency for you to get to the freedom stage. And that&#8217;s when all the fun happens. That&#8217;s when you&#8217;ve got the playfulness and the masculine sex introduced. And you&#8217;ve got the playful culture and the teasing and all the things that you&#8217;ve seen the testimonials so far, and you&#8217;ll see some more about what this process is. But again, it&#8217;s it&#8217;s extremely, extremely intentional, very careful about it. All right, so let me stop sharing that. Okay, so in a bit, we are going to take a break. After that break, I&#8217;m going to do a bit more, um, let me get some water. We&#8217;re going to talk through the first phase, more so and what that entails since especially with what you all have shared, there&#8217;s a lot of people in that need that phase. And of course, even if you&#8217;re higher up in the, the phases, if you&#8217;re more like a seven or whatever, you still need that foundation. So that is very important.<\/p>\n<p>22:02<br \/>\nAnd so then we&#8217;re also going to hear from this incredible man, who is kind of like a king David story or a soul to Paul story. And he&#8217;s going to share his insights. And but what I want to do now. Okay, sorry, sorry, sorry, let me clarify. So we&#8217;re going to do that after the break. And then we&#8217;re going to talk about the program very specifically, I&#8217;m going to really lay it out. I know lots of you are asking questions about it. So I&#8217;ve got all sorts of information about that. So that&#8217;s kind of the trajectory of the rest of this conversation. Before we do that, I want to, I want to talk through the most important thing that I&#8217;ve shared on this weekend, or that I will share whether or not you come into the program, I want to talk about it now. So if you don&#8217;t have phase one, phase two crumbles, if you don&#8217;t have phase one, and two, then phase three has nothing to stand on, and it&#8217;s not going to work. To be clear, phase one is different than phase four. So in the first two stages, you&#8217;re probably going to feel like a doormat. And that&#8217;s when a lot of people are like, I&#8217;m not going there. I have been disrespected for far too long. No, thank you. But my invitation to you is to be wise. And again with Esther, the murderer, captured in wait raped women plans to have a full on genocide in his kingdom. And yet, she did a ton of work for him. And he didn&#8217;t deserve any of it. But she realized the purpose was greater. The purpose was greater. She didn&#8217;t act out of a selfish like, I just want to be loved. She acted because she saw more. There was a vision for more if she worked, if she was wise, if she was diligent. At the other side of it, a whole nation would be saved. So you&#8217;ve seen some stories already. I was so honored to receive your comments of your vision. A lot of you mentioned things like you would you would be able to serve people better, you&#8217;d be able to be a better father. Those things like we don&#8217;t know who your children are supposed to be. You know, the end times are coming. And it might be your kids that are going to have to deal with it. Are you modeling the kind of character they are going to have to have to go through that? It&#8217;s not pretty. You are their father, you get to hold that place in their lives. You are the only one that gets to influence them the way that you can So to clarify, many of you said, you want to be able to serve others more you want to do God&#8217;s will better. So I mean, is that it&#8217;s, it&#8217;s, it&#8217;s worth to get that to get to that spot to get the vision, it&#8217;s worth setting aside your right to respect for a season. And I do mean a season I do mean, with all compassion and honor to you that respect is a God given craving. It makes sense that you desire it. Just like for Esther, is a God given desire to be taken care of and to be cherished. All these things that came didn&#8217;t do that. He didn&#8217;t do that. Okay. All right, he didn&#8217;t do that she still had to be wise. So um, one thing that&#8217;s that&#8217;s very, I think, helpful, is that for Esther, it was very time sensitive 1000s of men, women and children that she loved and knew personally, were going to be killed on a certain date, there was no guarantee that the king would ask her what she wanted. Or that he would come to the dinner, or that he would come to the next dinner. And each time it happened. Esther, I&#8217;m sure there was fear in her. So the king the first time he said, Esther, what? Anything?<\/p>\n<p>26:45<br \/>\nI&#8217;ll give you up to half my kingdom, what would you like? Esther knew where she was on the scale. She knew she hadn&#8217;t built the trust, she hadn&#8217;t loved enough, she hadn&#8217;t gotten to the next stage to have a conversation like that. Instead, she just did one little step up, she did the next phase of Let me serve you more. Let me love you more. I know what you need. I know I can love you that way. That&#8217;s what Esther did to the king. And then he asked again, what can I give you, Esther anything up to have my kingdom? Now, again, like she&#8217;s got, like murder, like people will be killed? And there&#8217;s no guarantee he&#8217;s going to ask a third time none. And yet she trusted God, that the door would be open if she consistently was disciplined and strategic. Until eventually, yes, he asked a third time, and she was at a spot eight to 10 8%. Who knows, you know, something like that. And she could have a hard conversation because he was at a spot where he was receptive to it. You can&#8217;t have hard conversations, when you&#8217;re two out of 10, there&#8217;s no receptivity. There&#8217;s no real. You can&#8217;t a four out of 10 You can&#8217;t have a hard conversation. There&#8217;s no productivity that&#8217;s going to happen. So why is Esther worked, she did all sorts of work, preparing a feast before she even knew he was going to agree like all just just tons and tons of work. So being perceptive of where he was in his receptivity to her request was vital. And so that&#8217;s my invitation to you is to count the cost to count the cost when you get to eternity in front of Jesus. And we&#8217;re all going to be there. It&#8217;s very clearly laid out. We are going to have a meeting face to face there will be a judgement day when you get there before Jesus and he&#8217;s going to look at you with love in his eyes and he&#8217;s going to say what did you do with this life? What did you do with this life? And I can see I can feel the anticipation for tell me what did you do with this life that I gave you? Did you like it? Did you enjoy what it what was it about what did you do? And I just would hate for his eyes to look at me with disappointment. If if I don&#8217;t have something of substance to share with him. Say Yeah, I loved this life. Thank you for giving me this life. Thank you for dying for me. Look, this is what I did. These little 80 Puny years I get to enjoy Hundreds of 1000s of years with you, because I was faithful for 80 Little years. So what I want is for you not to say, your answer is, well, I would have done more but the woman you gave me sinned. If she had just done her part, I would have done mine. Because I think we know the end of that story. Eve sinned first Eve bit the apple first. And then she gave it to Adam and Adam sinned also. But what did Jesus What did God do? When he found out about their sin? Eve sinned first, but Adam was responsible. Eve sinned first, but Adam was responsible. So yeah, I agree your wife is sinning. Yes. But you don&#8217;t get a free pass to lazily sit by and not do your work because you deserve to be treated better. Jesus was never treated the way he deserved to be treated never once, not by me, not by anyone. No one treated him the way he deserved, ever. Even his nearest friends couldn&#8217;t come close to recognizing who was in front of them.<\/p>\n<p>31:44<br \/>\nThey couldn&#8217;t come close. And yet I and yet he served and yet he loved and yet he sacrificed it all for his bride, for his bride. That&#8217;s us. We are the bride of Jesus. And He sacrificed it all for us. So that we might be who the father wants us to be. And with him in eternity. So I mentioned that I&#8217;m going to give you a break here. And I&#8217;m going to play some music. And I invite you to allow the Lord to touch you. My words are weak, but he is the mighty, mighty mighty transformer of lives and human hearts. And my invitation to you is not let this moment go by. Because we are not promised any more. So let&#8217;s pray. Father, we are honored and grateful for your presence in this place, in the place where these gentlemen are around the world. We are honored. We are honored that you look at us that you are looking right at that gentleman right now with an expectant, desirous look, what is he going to respond? How is he going to respond to you, Jesus, not my program, not my philosophies but you, Lord, that&#8217;s what this is about. That&#8217;s what matters here. So God, I just ask Lord, that if there&#8217;s any sort of sin that needs to be repented of, if there&#8217;s any sort of rebellion that he needs to come back to you if there&#8217;s something he has never committed or surrendered his life to you at all. That now is the moment that you have an invitation on the table. That right now he gets to say Lord and you can just repeat after me Lord. I thank you for loving me. I thank you for dying on the cross. For me that my sin the bad things I have done are so bad. But because of your perfect life and your sacrifice I am a NEW NEW MAN everything I have done is washed, clean and I accept you Jesus. And I asked you to come into my heart and allow me to be who you want me to be in this world In Jesus mighty name Amen. So I will give you about five minutes and when the it&#8217;ll be clear when I want you to start coming back.<\/p>\n<p>36:40<br \/>\nAmazing, I&#8217;m so grateful that you went there. I&#8217;m so grateful that you dialed in. So what if you&#8217;re at a spot where you have been contemplating the masculinity reclaimed program, and we&#8217;re really shifting gears to talk about that. Now, if you&#8217;ve been contemplating it, and you&#8217;re trying to decide, is this right? Is this the right fit? Is this not? Is this the right timing? Or maybe once again, you&#8217;re just like, I&#8217;m all in belah. But my wife is not gonna allow me to do this. She&#8217;s not gonna allow me to invest the money. She&#8217;s not gonna want me to think about sex and focus on it and try to fix that, because she doesn&#8217;t value it. Why would she want me to invest in a course, and three months of my life to try to fix something that she doesn&#8217;t think should even be there, or she doesn&#8217;t think is a valid desire. For me as a man, I want to dive in and let you actually hear from somebody who he decided his marriage wasn&#8217;t at the level where she would actually be receptive to a conversation with his wife, which may be where you are, she&#8217;s not going to be receptive to a conversation. So of course, she&#8217;s not even going to be receptive to you trying to take a class to make yourself better, which then in turn makes your marriage better. So let&#8217;s, let&#8217;s listen in to the cost of store I think it&#8217;s powerful.<\/p>\n<p>38:13<br \/>\nI&#8217;m married about five years and just celebrated our anniversary. And before I came into the program, we had a new baby daughter, she was born just a few months. Well, she&#8217;s about like, eight to nine months old now. Yeah, just adjusting to being a new dad and you know, the impact that has on intimacy and negative impacts, honestly, and just adjusting to that and feeling. Feeling, you know, like, I&#8217;m not a priority for my wife, and then little one, you know, even from just what society kind of expected from me and I felt, you know, I just finished grad school and I had a lot of stress and anxiety from that. So I thought a lot of my stress and anxiety was kind of just bleeding into you know, what spelt kind of trapped in the situation and it didn&#8217;t feel good it felt like things were kind of spiraling downwards. And I think all those things combined and having a baby just put a magnifying glass on kind of where things were and where things might have be headed. You know, if we had future children, and I didn&#8217;t like it. It scared me about the future. I didn&#8217;t know how good I could be with my daughter just did my duty and just tried to do well but you know, lots of fighting between both of us a lot of apathy in some ways of just now. Now this is life and this is what it&#8217;s gonna be and it&#8217;s just it was just very draining very sapped my energy. You know, I think we had our ups and downs of course, there are definitely good spells and definitely a lot of dry spells but I think I think we&#8217;d gotten into this pattern of you know, it was at best once a week if not, maybe at worst, like once a month, that type of thing and very, kind of just, oh, let&#8217;s get this done. You know, you need this kind of Every week, enthusiasm almost out sometimes one sided. She was kind of doing it for me, this part of my life was actually the biggest dress and, and cause my anxiety. I&#8217;m happy that I recognize that and worked on it. One of the best days, probably in my life, I would say it was our five year anniversary sunny day, we went to the beach and everything. But the crazy thing is we, we made love twice. And she initiated both time, that level of just desire and love and it&#8217;s just happening naturally. And and even just just by the numbers to, you know, frequency twice in one day. I think that&#8217;s only happened maybe one other time. And I was very early on in our relationship. I don&#8217;t think I realized that. It&#8217;s not just about sex. It&#8217;s about she trusts me, she comes to me as her kind of most trusted adviser, she just wants to hold me sometimes he wants to tell me when she&#8217;s having a bad day, we like hanging out together. That&#8217;s Benson, who usually initiates Oh, it&#8217;s now it&#8217;s not one sided. anymore. Through the program. It was mostly mostly her, you know, it&#8217;s more passionate, more just not, oh, let&#8217;s just get this done. He is, you know, we&#8217;ve had a couple weeks, maybe two or three weeks where it was three or four times a week where that&#8217;s crazy. And I think the other thing is, it&#8217;s it&#8217;s it&#8217;s, it&#8217;s any day of the week, it&#8217;s not just reserved for this one time on the weekend. My anxiety was something I struggled with on a daily basis for years, three or four years, and I haven&#8217;t had it for the past four months. It&#8217;s it&#8217;s crazy to just call my mom and just relaxed and in a moment in the moment with my daughter in the moment, my wife, and my friends, everyone, I have more energy. I don&#8217;t require as much sleep even more energized. They don&#8217;t need as much caffeine and hard to drink caffeine nowadays, how your body feels about the program. She doesn&#8217;t know about the program?<\/p>\n<p>42:08<br \/>\nYeah, she which is incredible.<\/p>\n<p>42:11<br \/>\nShe doesn&#8217;t know about the program. What is I think incredible is she tells me almost on a weekly basis that you&#8217;re a different person cheats and she doesn&#8217;t just tell me this, she tells the friends as he tells her family. He&#8217;s completely different. Now, I don&#8217;t know what&#8217;s what&#8217;s going on. I think the other thing is you have to want to internalize it yourself. All has to come from your heart. You know, I feel like I&#8217;ve struck the gold. Right under my because how I feel is like what is actually make me making me happy as a as a man. And really identifying that and understanding and being honest with yourself and not being ashamed to admit that sexual intimacy matters. And it&#8217;s important. And it&#8217;s way more important than a lot of other things. You know, I always think about at this at this point in my life, do I want a birthday present? Or would I have better intimacy, you ask any man that it&#8217;s like, I&#8217;ll trade $100 gift, you know? $1,000 gift $10,000 Whatever it is, if you&#8217;re watching this right now, it&#8217;s probable that sex is a problem for you or that you want it to be better somehow. And your program fixes it. It really does. I would recommend you do it now. Do it. Don&#8217;t Don&#8217;t wait, just just do it now.<\/p>\n<p>43:47<br \/>\nAmazing. All right. Well, I am so looking forward to having you in the masculinity reclaimed program. Now&#8217;s the time to join especially since enrollments closing soon and if we get filled up I&#8217;ll have to close it sooner. So go to delight your marriage.com\/mrsp Do it now. Let&#8217;s let&#8217;s get this done. Your your family is worth it. The other things that God wants to do in your life is worth it. Join me now delight your marriage.com\/mr SP join me now.<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div id=\":5cq\" class=\"hq gt a10\"><\/div>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"<p>Hi there, This podcast is for men (or the women who want to peer inside of hearts of men) it&#8217;s all about the specific Stages to Sexual Freedom that a husband can employ to transform his marriage&#8212;even if he&#8217;s the only one doing the work. If you&#8217;re an action-taker once you know the process you&#8217;re going to start and fix<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":2,"featured_media":5505,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"_acf_changed":false,"footnotes":""},"categories":[74,137,557,254,206,1],"tags":[55,296,536,532,534],"post_folder":[],"class_list":["post-5503","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","has-post-thumbnail","hentry","category-blog","category-grow-confidence","category-podcasts","category-romance","category-sexual-intimacy-issues","category-uncategorized","tag-christian-intimacy","tag-christian-marriage","tag-encourage-wifes-sexuality","tag-grow-sexual-interest","tag-sexually-satisfied-husband"],"acf":[],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/delightyourmarriage.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/5503","targetHints":{"allow":["GET"]}}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/delightyourmarriage.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/delightyourmarriage.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/delightyourmarriage.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/2"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/delightyourmarriage.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=5503"}],"version-history":[{"count":2,"href":"https:\/\/delightyourmarriage.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/5503\/revisions"}],"predecessor-version":[{"id":7460,"href":"https:\/\/delightyourmarriage.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/5503\/revisions\/7460"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/delightyourmarriage.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/5505"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/delightyourmarriage.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=5503"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/delightyourmarriage.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=5503"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/delightyourmarriage.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=5503"},{"taxonomy":"post_folder","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/delightyourmarriage.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/post_folder?post=5503"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}