428- 30 Years Disconnected in Marriage, Now Deeply Connected: Adam’s Transformation Story
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We all know that marriage is a blessing from God. And when a marriage spans decades – ten, twenty, thirty years- we often stand in awe and amazement at that accomplishment.
However, there are times when those thirty years privately have been disconnected and painful and becoming empty nesters resulted in feeling like even less than roommates. But, what if they found a program that changed it all and brought a deeper peace, connection, and unity to their marriage than they’ve had in three decades?
That is Adam’s Transformation Story. From being disconnected and treating her almost as he did one of his “employees” to learning what it truly means to be “safe” for his wife. So connected in fact that they are planning a getaway for their 30th anniversary! When just a few short months ago she felt there was nothing to celebrate!
We are thrilled to share this transformation story with you because it’s a miracle that we give God all glory and honor for what He did in their family.
If any part of it resonates–the disconnect, the want for a change in heart, the desire for results like this one (planning a trip, deeper intimacy, deeper connection)–we encourage you to make a Clarity Call at www.delightyourmarriage.com/cc
We hope this story encourages you, reminds you that God is for you, and that it is truly, truly, never too late to turn and create a new beginning in your marriage.
PS – If you have been on the fence about deciding to go through a program we invite you to join in now, because in 2 weeks the pricing model and structure will change as we’re having to cap enrollment.
I hope you can jump in now as we’ll be raising the price in two weeks.
Check out delightyourmarriage.com/cc to learn more!
PPS – Here is a quote from a recent graduate:
Before MR: “Lack of connection, lack of intimacy on each Spiritual, Emotional or Physical. I knew that our physical intimacy was lacking, My wife and I were friendly ‘roommates’, Physical intimacy was infrequent (3-5x a year) and not passionate. I knew I wanted and needed more, but I wasn’t able to identify the lacking Spiritual and Emotional intimacy. I described myself as Helpless but not Hopeless because I had hope but didn’t know exactly what was missing and what to do about it….”
After MR: “(The) DYM MR program has drawn me closer to God, my wife, and my daughters. I have seen wonderful growth in my closeness with my wife and we’ve spent more time truly together in the last couple months than in prior years. We’ve gone from polite roommates where I had been jealous of my wife’s craving of Diet Coke more than she seemed to need or crave me in her life to teenagers who do fun silly things to express our love for one another… My spiritual connections with God and my wife have improved 100 fold!… My wife and I are on an adventure to read the bible within the next year. We’re also cooking together 3 nights per week…”
Does your marriage currently feel like living with a roommate? We want to help bring the spark back! Visit delightyourmarriage.com/cc to schedule a free Clarity Call with us. We would love to talk to you!
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269-What Seduction Means. Interview with My Husband, Part 2
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This is part 2 with my husband where we’re talking about what seduction means to men.
I encourage you to “catch” my husband’s heart. That’s what’s so attractive. That spirit is what encourages me to be generous in the ways my husband desires.
If you want more insight, on how to introduce your wife to my material, I have a special FREE Advice for Men To Invite Their Wives training.
If you’re a wife and want to get access to a FREE training called Seductive Confidence Masterclass. I am excited to encourage more women to grow in their God-given right to be free, playful, and loving through intimacy!
Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. You’re joining me belah rose as I dive deep into the beauty, power and truth about intimacy, learn not only the practicals, but the heart behind what making love is all about. delight your marriage. All right, welcome. This is Bella, thank you so much for joining me. So I have got our second part of the interview with my husband, and I’m really excited for you to listen, I think it’s gonna continue to encourage you and invite you if you’re a wife, to think about your husband’s heart, and how seduction matters to him, not because he’s evil, or gross, but because God designed them that way. And you can hear from my husband’s just the way he shares, you can hear his gratitude of it all. And at the same time, he is really seeking to encourage the wives who are listening. And for you, husbands, I think you can pick up a lot of insight just by listening to my husband, D or Darrow as we call them. So that is my encouragement. And if you are looking for help with more confidence around seduction, I have a training coming up just for wives. And you can sign up for that it’s a series of trainings for seductive confidence and it’s free. But you do have to sign up as soon as you can delight your marriage.com/tip S, you will get a download and you will get in your inbox, the training. So be sure to sign up as soon as you can see, don’t forget, alrighty, God bless you. Let’s dive in this was not my personality, I was not confident in it. I thought it was sinful and wrong. And it wasn’t until I went out unfortunately, away from God’s will and experienced things to find out that oh, this is how men think this is everywhere. This is the way men are. So then when Dee and I got together and you know, I’m going, pretending that I’m confident in all these things. But he was so grateful. Every little tiny thing, I felt like it was so easy to please him, it was so easy. So then it was became fun. So if you’re a husband, that’s hard to please, your wife is just going to give up, she’s gonna be like, doesn’t matter, he’s never going to be happy, whether it’s with frequency, whether it’s how engaged I am, whether it’s what I do, he’s never going to be happy. And so fix it now fix your heart now that you are happy, you are grateful for this woman, my gosh, that she’s even next to you on the other side of the bed that this breeds her wanting to make you happy. But you have to be grateful that has to come from your heart. And I think you know, my husband was brilliant and saying that the forgiveness has to be there, the gratefulness has to be there. And you’ve got to be really careful with those words, that the words are positive and grateful and gracious. And there was one other thing that you said, and it will come back to me very soon.
But I will say lucky you but you have you have your wife. And I one thing I will say well another thing or other things is when I get inspire, I gotta admit this, I don’t, I don’t really talk too much. But then I get this moment of comfortable. And my wife is laughing because when I get comfortable man, I just start speaking. I started speaking and that means I got I can’t comfortable. But yes, one thing that I will say is one of the few things how about that. One of the few things I said is do not take your wife for granted. Because I had it before I had it before and I wasn’t I feel like this connect with my wife. I you know like all this negative stuff coming out of your mind in our minds. But thank God I have this friend that is talking to me. And they say when you’re about no when you’re about to go to intimacy with with your wife, or your now want to go to intimacy with your wife, but just do this thing for her do this thing for her to make sure. One is, this is all about her. It’s not about you, you can tell her you can tell her, you know, this is what I’m doing is for you, it’s not for me, or for my pleasure, this is for you. And I feel like we all men know what our wives will love, or want. One is, you know, you make make sure that she feels me no special, you know, that, that she that she feels like you value her. You know, and I feel like when when this was a few days ago, that, you know, I feel like, I have to do something for my wife. And she loves the flavor of vanilla. So I got some vanilla candles, and I light up in the, in the bathroom, and fill it out the tub with warm water. So she can have a nice bath. And I turned to music, like the you know that that soft music. And we’re just talking, he’ll be talking and, and after that I give her a massage. And I, you know, I? I think, you know, like, I’ll say like, you know, let me know if it’s too rough. Or it’s too fast. But and then we should say, Oh, this feels really good. For Okay, let me keep doing this. I you know, and then after that, she told me, Oh, I will remember this forever. You know, you know what I mean? Why why not switch that hurtful things that we said to our wives that she won’t? She She won’t tell you that will remember this forever. But instead, do those things? And then she will tell you oh, I’ll remember this forever. Yeah, you know, it feel wonderful. And I’ll discover a lot of things about me, my wife. And you know, I’m still growing. I’m still learning. But I feel like that’s, that’s priceless. I feel like when when you want it to just be all about her. Mm hmm.
Amazing. Well, thank you, honey. Yes, it was, it was an amazing experience. I’ll say that. So that’s, that’s a is a really good example of what men can do. And and he also, you know, important, like you said, you know, this is this is just for you. There’s no, there’s no pressure or this is not to make love. This is just so you can enjoy yourself. And it’s an intimate experience. It’s obviously intimacy, but it’s not moving towards anyone’s orgasm. There’s no intercourse involved. There’s no pressure to it. And that’s a that’s a wonderful gift for a wife to receive from her husband. So definitely keep that in mind. And that’s what No, I remember the other thing I was going to say is, in order to not compare, it is the answer to to not comparing your spouse with someone else is gratitude. It is gratitude. It is deciding, Lord, thank you so much for giving me this spouse that I have been given what a gift. And we were actually just doing a virtual conference with Anthony Robbins and one thing he says that I really love so many things about him. But one thing he says is, how can you see this as a gift? So this experience for example, or or the fact that you’ve been given the the husband that you have been given or the wife you have been given how can you see her ability or lack of confidence or whatever it is, how can you see it as a gift. And that’s a choice you get to make. You get to make the decision if you’re going to see your spouse as I wish they were just so different in this, you know this discontentment, you rises up in you and then you’re critical and then you complain and then you’re all these negative things that your spouse doesn’t want to be around. So, of course, you’re not going to get the result you want because they don’t want to be around you. No one likes to feel like they’re not winning. When they’re near you. They want to feel like a winner. That’s what attracts them back to you. So you know all of I just have slip ups. I had a slip up the other day where I criticized my husband. It was painful, it hurt him. And I had to apologize and blame it on the wind. But it wasn’t it was my fault. And I had to take full responsibility.
He does. Remember? No, but you know, and we can just trust that every what the Bible says that all things work together for good for those who love the Lord. And so we have to trust Okay, so we made mistakes. All right? Go to Jesus, repent, ask him for forgiveness, go to your spouse, ask for forgiveness, and then choose to believe that God is going to use that for your good. Look for the gift in it. Try to find where God is teaching you. How is he growing you in this? And so I guess what I want to say, before we close here, I want to pray for the wife listening. And I’d love for my husband to pray for the husband listening actually. But I guess my encouragement, my last encouragement to the wife, you know, even if your husband has not been as appreciative and noticing the tiny steps that you’re making this direction, my encouragement is to be brave. To feel silly, before you feel sexy. Recognize that? Yes, we’re all insecure, I am insecure, there are times that I’ll do something special, extra unique and creative. And then half a second after I’ve done it, or maybe half a minute, so he can enjoy at least whatever, like, so did you like that? What did you think? Because it’s, I’m not I, you know, I go in faith in thinking that those things are going to be awesome for him. And they are, but I still have to. So my encouragement to you is it’s so normal to be scared about this stuff. It’s so normal. But it’s an opportunity, we have to love our husband in in the coolest way ever, like, Isn’t that fantastic? That something so playful and fun and risky and kind of exciting, makes him wildly happy. Like, Gosh, what a great part of life that we get to enjoy. And it’s specifically just the two of us. And it’s, it’s really special. But um, so that’s my encouragement is to step out in faith with recognizing, you know what, this is going to be scary, I’m going to feel silly, but I’m going to do this because I love that man. And I want him to feel loved. So that’s my encouragement to the wife.
To me, I’ll say, wives out, please forgive us. Husbands. We are in mature, we are learning, we are learning. And we’re trying to figure it out how to do it. And I feel like you know, sometimes we, we wish that oh, she will like that if I say those things, but those words don’t really come out in our mouth. Don’t come out in a mouth. That easy. So, I encourage for you husband to to say the things that you you like what your wife did, whether whether sexually, or what she said to you? Or was she they are, you know, just just things that that you say what you liked. Now, if you’re if both of you are not, you know, in a good spot, I feel like trying to find whether quite a room, something like that. So you can think about it. Or think about something about positive about your, your your spouse. Think about that positive and how grateful you are. So you know, just just, I don’t know just the things that we are learning, we are learning and I am learning you know, my kids, they see me how I treat my wife, the one of my kids says that how he’s wanting to change his wife Oh, I don’t know. I don’t know if you want to hear this story but man that when you hear your son, right, talking about he say how he’s want to treat his wife Oh, he already pick the names of his his kids. Three of them. Three of them. He says put out three of them but Anyway, I don’t want to go because I don’t want to go through that. But I just want to say that wives we are learning, we are learning and, you know, like, my wife, she teaches this husbands about how to how to treat or, or wives, how wife would like to be treated, because we we know how to do it. But we saw recent we can’t don’t want to do it, that there’s the motivation, it’s not there. And I feel like when even you know, sometimes she does this things. Like to be grateful those things that Oh, start crying, I’m like what? You know, you start crying just make me think how, how grateful I am. Bless a young that, for me to have this. These daughter of the God that I praise him? You know, my kids? I feel like like, what? I don’t know, just, I’ll start getting too excited. Yeah. Oh, so thank you. Yes, yes, husbands, there’s what I think just, if you can just encourage, or say something, something that you like, you know about your wife, what she did, whether sexually or what she said to you, or she hugged you when you’re walking, or she just gave you a kiss on the cheek? Or if because if you if you said, you know, I really liked it, when you kiss my cheek, you’re in front of our friends. Yeah, that’s the you know, that’s it, I feel like you have, you know, you can say that, but if you’re saying the other way, and then that won’t help. So that’s what I my encouraged for you to say those things that you you like what she did, and what she said to you.
And, you know, one thought that just came to mind is that it’s important for husbands to notice that a lot of times, women feel like I can’t do this all day seduction type things with my husband, because if I, you know, flash in my, you know, lingerie somewhere, somehow, he’ll think that oh my gosh, she wants to make love right now. So that’s what we’re gonna do. And that’s, it’s important for that not to be the case in your marriage, because she’s not, she’s not going to be playful and sexy and seductive. If every time she does any inch towards it, you want to have an orgasm, because what that does is it tells her oh, this, this is really all about him. Sex is all about him. And if you can just be grateful for the oh my gosh, how fun is this, this is, this is the sexy part, this is the seduction, the teasing, the that’s fun. So make sure she doesn’t feel pressure that if she does one bit towards that, you’re going to just tackle her and throw her on the bed. Like that’s not that’s not going to make it for her to want to do more of that. And, and you know, what if she has a lower sex drive than you and most of the people I work with, and you know, people in general, the wives do have the lower sex drive than the husband’s. But if she does, like assume that get get to a spot where you will be satiated. Like don’t this is this is a how do I say this? So I would say be careful to not make her feel like he’s never going to be satisfied. So what happens is maybe, maybe a couple haven’t made love for a month, you know, and then they make love and he’s so freaked out to think oh my gosh, sex isn’t going to happen for another month. So he’ll initiate the very next day. And and that, that really scares her. She’s just like, he’s never satisfied. We literally just had sex. But if you decide, You know what, we made love one day, okay, so maybe in four or five days, maybe you initiate or a week, you know, let it be known that you will be satisfied. You’re not going to attack her all the time. But if you give her the space and and the appreciation of what she does do, you’re going to get more of that because she does love you. She wants you to be happy. She wants to be a good wife that makes her husband happy. So my encouragement is to allow allow the Little things to happen. And to not be like a ravenous wolf where there’s a little, a little thing and you jump at it and like, just just enjoy that she did some playful little thing and be grateful for it and share how much it meant to you and but it’s not necessarily going to lead to more. It you know, she’s not necessarily asking you to make love just because she did something sexual so so keep that in mind like you want sexual things in your marriage, you want it to be a just a seductive culture. So don’t kind of mess it up by by assuming every time she does anything that that’s because that’s going to put pressure on her and it’s ultimately going to make her not want to do seductive things to you. Does that make sense?
Yes, yes.
Okay, well, let’s go ahead and pray for the wife, and you’ll pray for the husband. Okay. So Father, I pray for the wife that has gone out of her comfort zone and done things. And maybe she’s processing all of this because it feels scary, or out of her comfort zone, or just not her personality, or she was raised in a way that that this feels sinful and wrong. And so Lord, I just ask God, that you would make it clear to her? What is truth? Father, what what is holy and good? How did you design her husband to think and receive love? And in what is her opportunity in that? How can she love him in a playful good way? By by being seductive, and and how does she grow in confidence in that give her the grace to step even just a little outside of her comfort zone? Day by day, and it’ll get a little bit more in a little bit more. So I asked for your help in that and just be with her in Jesus name. Amen.
Father, pray for those husbands, that the week we could just realize how hurtful we were with were our wives and our prey that we we which is now switcher, our lives are the weight of our thoughts, to be encouraging human beings, tours, your daughters, their wives, I pray that that will be more kind, respectful, and to honor our wives, our families, our kids. And I pray that you bless those husbands, that they’re just doing the best that they can to be the best husbands got to pray that you continue encourage them that they they find encouraging things, places that they can feel they they can do this. Gather they this is this is not just to do today, tomorrow, next week, God this is for life, that we’re not, we’re not here to be served. We are here to serve others. God help us to see that and to experience that. I pray that you bless and keep all the families safe. And to bless every single human being on this earth. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.
Amen. Thank you, babe. All right. Well, I am so grateful that you joined us, I hope that there has been some nuggets of gold in here, I feel like there has been quite a lot. So thank you vape that will help you in your marriage and your intimacy. And if you are a wife, I’d love for you to sign up for the seduction tips. Because what that’ll do is also add you to an email list. And you’re going to get a really cool training about seductive confidence. And I think it’s going to be really good. So be sure to sign up for that to make sure that comes right into your inbox. And in the future. If you’re watching this in the future, also sign up because then you’ll have access to some other resources that I think will be really helpful for you in seduction. All right. Thank you so much for joining me. God bless you and I look forward to talking to you next week. Bye.
Awesome, thank you Darrow. I so appreciate him sharing and I appreciate you listening in. I hope this has been an encouragement to you and encourages you to go one step further outside of your comfort zone. I don’t, I’m not asking you to change who you are, or be wildly different, just a tweak just just one step. In addition, and I would love for you to join me on my seductive confidence training, because a lot of it is really just an earthing, what is under there, what’s holding you back? And it’s completely Christ centered. And I even talk about some of the major lies that the enemy tells women that keep them in this place of not moving forward in confidence in seduction. So I look forward to having you there. And yeah, go ahead and do it before before you forget to let your marriage.com/tip s and if you’re a husband, actually I have a I have advice for you. So if you want your wife involved in this training, I have got a free short video training for you to find out how to invite your wife so just go to delight your marriage comm slash advice and you will get immediately access to that free video training is very short, but it will help you to know how and if and when to share the material with your wife. So that’s really hot off the presses. I just finished that today actually and I think it’s going to really help some some couples out there already. God bless you. I look forward to speaking with you soon. Take care
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268-What Seduction Means. Interview with My Husband, Part 1
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Hi there,
Today is extra special because I have on the most amazing man I’ve ever met. Ehemm… my husband. 
If you want to know why I am the way I am (well, regarding the generous things in intimacy), it’s because this gentleman loved me really, really well and continues to every day.
It’s not necessarily intuitive, but it is God’s way.
This conversation will be instructive for wives — who feel insecure and challenged by seduction — and husbands — who want to be pursued with playful and fierceness.
For men – You’ll find out that gentleness and compassion are the keys to her heart as well as specifically what to say to her that makes her want to make you happy intimately.
For women – You’ll hear from a really good man, what seduction means to him and why it’s important.
If you’d like to get a free download of some of my favorite seduction tips, you can go to delightyourmarriage.com/tips and you’ll be signed up for the Free Training on Seductive Confidence coming soon!
Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. You’re joining me belah rose as I dive deep into the beauty, power and truth about intimacy. Learn not only the practicals, but the heart behind what making love is all about. delight your marriage. All right, welcome, welcome. This is Bella and I am so excited today because I have my wonderful husband D on welcome D.
Hello, everyone.
Okay, so before we dive in, this is a topic about seduction and what seduction means to husbands. And so the focus is going to be for wives. But if you’re a husband listening, I think my husband will also give you advice, because that’s how he does he likes to give husbands advice, because we all need advice. And so this is also for you. Before we dive into that, though, if you are a wife listening, I would love for you to get a wonderful PDF download of some seduction tips that I encourage so you can go to delight your marriage calm slash tip s. And I have a very special free training coming up soon. And if you sign on to the delight your marriage.com/tips I will be sending that to you in your inbox. So keep a lookout for that. Alright, let’s go ahead and dive in
All right, so let’s first talk about what seduction is. So in my view, seduction is several things. One, it’s the undercurrent of a marriage, where they’re seductive experiences and creative ways of reminding the other about intimacy and kind of like teasing sexual teasing throughout the day. And I have a whole podcast called all day seduction, which is much more about that. But it’s just this kind of undercurrent of your marriage. That means when sex is going to happen, it’s not this awkward thing to walk into. It’s something you’ve been kind of touching on here and there most days. So that’s, that’s kind of the old day seduction. And then in terms of seduction right before making love, that would be an especially I guess, seduction in general, I’m saying is instigated by the wife. And we’ll talk about what I mean by that. But basically, the wife being the seducer, if you will, and at some point, I’ll talk more about what it means to be a husband that seducing and how to entice your wife, if you will. But right now we’re talking about the wife being the seducer, and so she’s the one that’s really instigating this all day seduction, she’s the one that you know, shortly before making love, whether it’s something that it gets him excited around making love. So if it’s a seductive dance or a way of taking off or clothing or sharing some intimate visual or exciting conversation that kind of brings things moving in that direction, rather than just a, okay, let’s get this done. Kind of. So it really is making it a full experience for him to enjoy. So that’s what I mean when I’m talking about seduction. And so funny when I describe all of that, do you first of all think that’s important?
I think I think it is important, but I did not know that for ladies for ladies. Seduction. I thought that’s natural for him to feel that way. Because they feel they look very secure that they don’t have to bottle this by themselves about if they’re looking silly, or what are their husbands will think of them if it’s too much, or What is she thinking? I feel like I did not know that. That’s a lot of effort. A lot of effort. So for you ladies wife that you’re that you’re doing for your husband, I I’m just saying thank you for for you than the hospital because you’re you had to constantly like fight with this mind. that you feel very, like you feel and you look very secure. But your mind is like, do you know do I look silly? I did not know. That’s how. That’s how they felt. And I feel like for my opinion, I feel like for for for men, husbands. I thought that, because I see it looks, it looks confident. So I thought that she already know what I like without me saying anything. So I feel like oh, if she did something for me, I feel like oh, so I don’t have to say, because she obviously she knows what I would like. But I feel like that, that it’s not not true. You should definitely say it to your wife. One thing, for example, that, you know, she’ll say, you know, you know what, honey? What you did? This? I don’t know, this morning or? Yes, yes, this morning. Hopefully it was that day. Now, weeks later. But you know, I’ve really like, what, when you’re walking in the kitchen, and you didn’t have this, or you had this type of clothes, and I really liked it. Mm hmm. You know what I mean? I feel like, or if she says, if she’s doing something seductive to you, and you really like it. One thing I gotta say, never ever criticize a woman. Because she’s doing this for you. And your pleasure. So don’t ever think about criticizes. Like if you say, you know, I didn’t like this way you did? Never ever say that, in my opinion, because that means that whatever, she won’t focus anything positive that she that she did, but she will focus on that negative one part that you said, and that kills everything that she’s wanted to do for you for as a husband for us. So I feel like instead, when you think about the, the wonderful things, that positive things, the things that you like, the things that you love, what should they do or say to you and say, You know what, honey, I really like? What you said to me. I don’t know, launcher, dinner or breakfast? I really like when you say that to me. You know, thank you. I would really like if you do that again, sometime. You know, like those positive things that you should say that I think, you know, because my wife says, I, you know, it really encouraged me to do more for you. And I feel like as husbands who wouldn’t want that for their wives. But I feel like a lot of times, we feel like we had to tell them that the wrong things that they’re doing, instead of the amazing things that they’re doing for you for us. So I feel like you should definitely focus on the good things that that you like it that you love it. She did, she said, you know, just every, like, positive things that you can think of to say it and compliment her for saying that because you know, for your lady that is easy for you. You know, that’s great for
you know, but for your wife that are fighting with his things to your mind that that is? Is it too much? It’s not you know, she will like it is he will criticize me. Because probably all those things they think about is because happens before that he did not encourage you. He probably say that things that he wanted to do. So basically the things that he did not like it, that’s the first thing that he say I did not like like this, what you did or say and that sticks in your mind. So for you to try to do this things again, you’re afraid to hear those words instead of those encouraging words. But a lot of times I feel like you know, ladies, is he I feel like if he can if he can forgive us, because we still are also learning. Learning how to talk to our wives about to sing those amazing things for our wives that things that they do. We, we we’re we’re selfish. Big Thing. Nah, Nah, bro husbands, because there are some husbands out there, you know, there are doing all those things
like you.
You know, I did a podcast and and I feel like all those a lot of compliments for me. And I feel like I’ve been I, there’s a lot of things that that she tells like, Oh, my husband, you know, say or does this things and I feel like I? Well, yes,
he is humble, he is humble, but I appreciate so much of what you just said, Honey, I think a couple of them just to point out that, or underscore you said that, you know, instead of focusing on the things that, you know, maybe you would like a little differently, and kind of, you know, giving her feedback that she may take as criticism. Just instead really focus on you know, I’m so grateful. I loved when you did this. I loved when you said that. That was incredible. Oh my goodness. Oh, amazing. I mean, the funny thing I want to just add here is I didn’t get like this overnight. So for men that listen. And by God’s grace, there around the world, like this is not a you know, just the United States situation, I think what we got the email the other day, but it’s like, the podcast is number one in sexuality in different countries in Africa, and also in another category. And in health and wellness. It’s number one. And so the point is that all over the world, people are listening to this kind of content, because it doesn’t matter where you’re from. Men and women are different. And as a woman, I understand that men like women in bikinis and on billboards, and you know, in those sexy poses, but I still am super insecure about does my husband really want me to do something seductive? Does he really want me to you know, wear a certain thing in front of him or bend over in a certain way? Or show him some extra? You Lingerie in a certain way? Like, does he really want that from me? Am I sexy to him? And I like literally, gentlemen, if you have listened to my stuff, and you’re like, oh, Bella understands men and Lala, I hear that all the time. But please understand, I am just as insecure. I’m a woman, I don’t I don’t. I have understood through the encouragement of my husband. I mean, you can hear his his heart is so encouraging and all the little things I do, he’ll tell me about it, and it and it makes me want to, to love him better in this way and, and enjoy that process of seducing him. Now, it’s fun, but it didn’t happen because I wanted to naturally be a seductive woman that it wouldn’t matter to me, except that my husband feels loved through that kind of treatment. So with that in mind, great, okay, if he feels loved through sex, then I am just going to give it my all and I’m going to have a really good time doing it. And that means all day seduction, that means playful, this creative that giving him all sorts of different things. But if he didn’t tell me like her, I’ll give an example. It was trying to think that’s not a bad example, is not an explicit examples when I mean, I remember I was I was like getting vitamins in the top cabinet of our, of our kitchen. And, and I would do that every night. And I would wear a certain pajama that normally was like mid calf or something. But apparently when I reached up every night, it would get a little higher up the pajama would go not mid calf, let’s see mid mid thigh is where the pajama would hit me on my leg. And so yeah, but when I reached up, the pajama went a little higher up and my husband I remember, this was like day in and day out every night I would do this and he was like, my favorite time at night is when you reach up for the bits. I get to see your legs like that extra little what, two, three inches of leg that he gets to see. And that was so shocking to me like are you kidding me? My husband notices those little tiny sexual cues of me day in and day out and and as I continue to meditate on that because my husband continually in a really beautiful way. You know, obviously we have such a healthy marriage and he loves me in very many non sexual ways. all the time. So I feel very filled up. So I’m very open to hearing more about, you know, just the different things that he likes during the day that I’m like, Oh, my gosh, the sexual cues are everywhere. So why not play into that?
Yes, I gotta say one thing that when, when my wife, Bella says that she wasn’t like this before, I, I gotta say, I wasn’t like that before, too. Because instead of complimenting my wife, when there’s people around us, there’s always, this is what I hear a lot of husbands when I, when I hang out with, you know, before this pandemic, it’s, I hear a lot of complaints with our wives. And the, you know, that their complaints, not sexually, but I know whether going, you know, and when they, you know, what, when, when day, or when I used to say, you know, the same thing I was those husbands, I, they hang out and, and just talk about, they don’t talk about or we don’t, or at least the not talk about wonderful things of our wives. Right? One is because something that the they did, we didn’t like it. So we refuse to forgive our wives. Why if someone hurt you really bad? How can you forget a person? How could you, you know, you can’t. So that means that stays with you. And if it stays with you, you cannot do or say kind things to your wife, I feel like that, that plays has to, you have to do something, to to think about it, how to forgive that person. You know, in this case, your wife, because if that whatever happened is that you will start thinking about other things. Right? How to take revenge, right how to take revenge. And even you even if you don’t, if you don’t do it, or by you, you think about our or even if you don’t think about like often, sometimes your mind comes and comes and you get angry. In only here, here it is. Your wife trying to do the best that she can to be a best wife. And the you know, you’re frustrated for with, you know, with your wife, and there is now a lot of wonderful things were come out of your mouth. And when you say those things to your wife, man, those words will stay forever. Even if she forgives you. Even if she forgives you those words will stay will stay there. You know, and I feel that we have to be careful as husbands with our words. And trust me, I am a human being I am a husband. And yet I said certain things that I I hurt my wife’s feelings. And I you know, I feel like I’m the worst husband. How could I say those things to my wife? I’m not saying like, like, really? I don’t know. Like cursing or something though? We don’t we don’t. We don’t say those bad words in our in our home. I think because if if you say those just outside of our home, our home? No, no, it’s okay, go ahead. Yes. But yes, I think that we I feel like because when you I don’t know if you if you notice, but if you’re angry. If you start saying those bad words as curse words. It I feel like it takes over your whole you because all you want it to do and your goal is to hurt that person.
To her the person really bad not physically. But just what your words. That’s all you want it to settle those negative words and she’ll forgive you and then everything. It’s normal and it’s fine. And I’m telling you that’s that is she’ll forgive you, but you will forget those words. It’s not holding against you. I feel like is is just there were something that you said and cannot go away. Go and won’t go away. I feel like for us as husbands, we got to demonstrate that we are not that person as she met yesterday, or years ago, because I used to be that same husbands before, you know, in, like I say, one sample one time that my wife is doing all this thing’s amazing for me. And then,
like, sexually or somewhere, something else,
sexually, and always compliment me. And I remember we have a few years ago, we have friends come over and OD, how are you? And I was at a good, good. And she says, you know, my wife says, you know, I was this this person. And but I changed, right? And she says, right, honey, I, you know, I change? And guess what my response was? Yeah, you were here, you’re okay. Right. And, you know, for example, when I said her my wife’s feelings was that, you know, you’re, you’re a nice lady. This was what I say, You’re a nice lady. And, to me, I, you know, didn’t really pay attention, you know, all those things. But I feel like she’s doing the best that she can to change in all it took for me that I said, you know, you’re a nice lady. What? What happened to me, you know, and she treat me, you know, amazing. She says those wonderful things for me, but sometimes when I don’t, I don’t feel my best. I feel like I’m not a good husband, not a good human being. I am terrible and on to be a father, you know, and she’s like, company like, tells me all those things to lift on my spirit. So say that’s not true. This now you baby this is, you know, look what you did with their kids. You do this, you say this things are kids, you know, your, your wonderful husband, that your wonderful husband, this is what you do. And you say those things for me. And, you know, if, you know, it takes me it takes us a little time to get into that mood, sometimes will take us a few days, I don’t think will take us a few hours, but it will take us some time. But I feel like what what did I say you’re a nice lady. What if you said in front of that lady? Oh, man, you know, my wife. It’s amazing. She does this. She said this things? You know, she always encouraged me, the other person start feeling curious. How can this person, this wife is so lucky to have this men that it talks about? So wonderful things about his wife. And also the only thing to be careful, it’s not to compare to you to the other wife, to say, and I say don’t compare, but you will compare to say, Oh, I wish my husband will be I wish my husband was the same person as your husband probably won’t say it to you, or your husband. But she probably will say to her husband or thought about it. You know, and I feel like we have to be careful. But it we cannot help sometimes to compare to ourselves about how the other person treats or they’re happy or things they say and I feel I get it. You know, I used to compare myself to when we’re not we’re not happy and he said everybody just holding each other just smiling. You know, I feel like just just be gotta be gotta be careful not to compare.
Yeah, and I appreciate that honey, because it it seems to really relate to your earlier points around what you say. And you know, maybe you’re particularly good with your words and maybe you’re really just not and that just means you have other strengths that are not particularly not specific to communication, which is fine. But the thing here is to recognize it’s your heart. Your heart needs to be grateful for every little thing your wife does. Every inch she goes outside of her comfort zone, because she loves you. The gratefulness that you have in your hearts will seep out, it will seep out she will under stand that you care about it, even if you’re you don’t have all the perfect way of complimenting, even whatever, but you have to discipline your heart to be grateful for her, I mean, you can hear it in my in my husband’s voice like, he is genuinely grateful for all the tiny little things I do sexually. But if I, if he wasn’t, I would not be, I would not be motivated to do more. But because he is I’m like, Oh, this is fun. Okay, let me see if I can do something else that’s extra spicy. You know, let me surprise him in this way. Let me do this. But it’s because the tiny little, the process of me becoming more confident. He was so attentive to every little step, and grateful for every little thing. It wasn’t.
All right, we are going to come back to that next week. But let me go ahead and pray for you. If you are listening, and your wife, Father, I thank you that she is listening. And I pray, Lord, that You would touch her heart as she listens to my husband’s words this week and next week, help her to know that you love her. She is enough. She’s beautiful. And her husband is designed to love her body and her curves. And she has an opportunity to share that with him. And Father, I pray for the husband, God listening that he deeply, deeply would be grateful for that woman, that he would encourage the tiny little things. And those turn into big things as she feels healed, and confident once again. Lord, I trust that you are going to transform this marriage and help each of them to be faithful in that journey. In Jesus name. Amen. Thank you so much for listening this week. And again next week. I’m excited for you to hear the next portion of the interview with my husband. But I do want to add that if you are a wife, go ahead and sign up to delight your marriage.com/tip s and that’s going to give you some seduction tips and sign you up for a free training about seductive confidence. So I’m really excited about that training and I would love for you to be a part. Alright, God bless you and have a wonderful week. I’ll talk to you next week. Bye
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267-Why Seduction Matters
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As a wife, this is something I really struggled with.
Why would he want me to do such embarrassing things? Does it remind him of sin? I don’t want to be associated with his past.
Also, it’s not my personality.
And in general, I’m not comfortable.
I had SO many more hang-ups around this.
But, one thing kept knawing at me. Why is this all over our society?
Specifically seduction. Yes, the act is in certain movies and x-rated things that I don’t watch. But seduction is almost unavoidable (even in PG-13 movies). Whether it’s a glance, a teasing, and revealing advertisement…it’s everywhere and unavoidable.
It’s in every culture all around the world.
Yesterday, I received an email that Delight Your Marriage is ranked as the #1 Podcast in the categories of Sexuality as well as the category of Health & Wellness in several African countries which (is really cool!) means that culture doesn’t make a difference.
These philosophies go across cultures and all over the globe.
Why does seduction matter?
This podcast is directed at wives, but if you are a husband I think you’ll get a glimpse of what’s holding her back.
Get the Seduction Tips here and a free training on this! www.delightyourmarriage.com/tips
Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. You’re joining me belah rose as I dive deep into the beauty, power and truth about intimacy, learn not only the practicals, but the heart behind what making love is all about. delight your marriage. Hi there and welcome. This is Bella. And I want to thank you so much for joining me. If you’re a wife listening, let’s just pretend you and I are on a little coffee date. And we’re sharing and we’re friends. And we’re talking about intimacy. And I’m, you know, a bit further along in that journey. I’ve worked with men from all over the world and heard from many, many men. My podcast is reaching almost a million downloads, and I’m so grateful that men have really shared their story. And week after week, of me hearing them in my team coaching and my one on one coaching, I get to really understand their hearts. And they say I understand them. And and so you and I are having coffee. And we’re talking about what what matters in intimacy, why? Why is it such a big deal to your husband’s heart? And then we kind of start talking about what what are you comfortable doing in sex. Now, before I go too much further, I want to share with you that I specifically have a download for you for free, called seduction tips. So these are some of my, my favorite seduction tips. And they just really outline things in a good way for you. So you can get that for free at delight your marriage.com/tip s and I encourage you to do that before you forget. So the fact that I’m talking about it with you right now, I just encourage you to, you know, to click off of whatever you’re listening to, I’m sure the sound continues and just go to delight your marriage calm slash tip s download that. And then you just have it and you can refer to that anytime. So let’s talk about why seduction matters to your husband. Now when I look at some of the statistics in the background of my podcast, which I didn’t use to do, but I really changed my approach on that because I realized, it’s actually very helpful for me to know and it’s helpful for you to know what matters most to, to my listeners here. So some of the biggest are our highest rated podcasts, for example, one of them is the Okay, so the highest rated podcast ever, is 187 get turned on by him. And I almost guarantee you that most of those were listened to by men because they’re like, oh my gosh, how do I let my wife get more turned on by me. So he’s listening to that. The next one that’s the second most popular is episode 199. The three things he wants in sex, which is just one that I hear over and over again from husbands that this is a huge, hugely important episode for them. And then the third highest rated is Episode 234, oral sex, why he cares so much and why she’s not comfortable. So if you want to go back and listen to those, those are important ones, and obviously important to the men that are listening. And the thing is, I hear from men, maybe probably, I don’t know, eight out of 10 times, in terms of people that reach out to me, I hear so much more from men because they’re really suffering in their marriages around intimacy. And it seems strange to say suffering. Because a lot of times women are saying, You know what, we make love on a consistent basis, he should be happy. Or she’s like, you know, I’m not comfortable. I’m not sure if it’s even okay, I feel insecure. That’s not my personality to be out there and you know, excited about sex. So, so let’s talk about what you’re comfortable with as a wife. So I kind of break it down into a few different categories. So let’s say How comfortable are you in the act zero to 10 like during the act, how comfortable are you with you know, making
so rounds with certain positions with being enthusiastic and passionate and letting them see your body, all those zero to 10. Where are you with that? So that’s the first category. The next category. And one thing I’ll say is, a lot of times women are higher in that. Because when you get turned on, it’s easier to act and do all those things. Because you’re, you’re just less inhibited. That’s just naturally what happens when you’re turned on. It’s not, you’re not as inhibited. Okay, so what about how comfortable are you with activities in sex? So, yes, you know, specifically intercourse, but what about other things, you know, using your hand using your mouth? Being a little creative in other in other ways, you know, even in other types of sex? So my encouragement is to Yeah, to kind of think about zero to 10, How comfortable are you with other activities around sex? The next thing that specifically is this podcast episode about is seduction? How comfortable are you with seduction? So, zero to 10? How comfortable are you with starting things off initiating in a sexy way, dancing for your husband, doing especially fun things that get him excited and get him thinking about sex and, and whispering, whispering certain things in his ear. And those kinds of things? Where are you in your comfort level zero to 10. Now, a lot of times when I work with wives, they’re pretty good with the actual activity within sex, they’re maybe less comfortable with the activities that I kind of talked about. So. So actually, insects, they’re pretty comfortable. The activities, maybe they’re a little less comfortable. But then the seduction one, it’s like boom, that goes down the rung into zero and one degree zone. And that’s very normal. So just recognize your super normal about that. Now, when I hear from husbands, seduction is a big piece for them. I mean, it is a very important part for them. In fact, they’re like, you know, my husband says, or my wife says, you know, we should make love, or what’s your schedule look like should we put was, should we make love tomorrow afternoon, or let’s go have sex, or, you know, these kinds of things. Like, that’s the extent of her initiating. And that’s great, because she initiates. So I’m very proud of you, if that’s the way you initiate great. So be proud of yourself, because there’s plenty of women who don’t initiate it at all. And men are suffering because it’s like, their wife doesn’t even care. So there’s that aspect. But if you’re a woman who just is really at a spot where there’s not a comfort, there’s not a, it’s just very hard to do that. Then I want to just identify with you and say, I’ve been there, I’ve felt extremely stressed and, and uncomfortable and humiliated and feeling like my body’s not good enough and insecure. And all the things. And even like, you know, he seen sin, so I don’t want to look like send to him, I don’t want to be that object that he sinfully desired in the past, I don’t want to remind him of that sin. There’s lots of things that I used to think. And so that’s actually one reason I’ve got this free training coming up. So when you sign on to get those tips to let your marriage.com/tip S, you’re also going to get access to a free training. So I encourage you to sign up as soon as you can. So you can get access to that training but because I don’t want to be super specific on a podcast where anyone and everyone can listen. And I can give you more meat in a in a training there. But anyway, why does this matter to your husband? Why is seduction so important? Well when you think about what’s important to you as a wife, what what what does matter to you.
When you think about I feel so filled up when he surprises me with with gifts or an outing or a letter or a special experience that he’s thought through and it was it took time and energy and effort Thought for him to put all those pieces together and surprise you, for example, with whatever it was,
mean, think about how loved you feel, how satisfied you feel in your marriage, how much you feel like, you’re not taken for granted that who you are is
important to him. So if that’s the way you feel, think about your husband is a different, different being than you. I mean, in every way, he is so different than you. And if you want him to feel loved, then you have to treat him like he’s different. I hear women assume their husbands are the same as them. So they’re like, I’m just gonna, like candles and make this awesome dinner for him and really go all out. And I’m sure he would appreciate it. Yes. But in terms of priority, like really awesome, free, engaged, passionate woman wanting to make love to him and dance in front of him and do all the amazing things for him. I mean, it’s it’s, like out of 10 That’s 100 Like he just craves that. And how do I know this is true? Well, let’s look at our society. Our society is all about the seduction. sinfully right. But I mean, think about music videos, and magazines. And even, you know, as horrible as it is strip clubs. That’s not act. I mean, there’s nothing but seduction happening in those things. And yet, it is an atrocious part of our society. So it really does matter to the male brain. The seduction aspect, it’s the teasing, it’s the excitement, it’s the way that you look into his eyes and know what he wants, and you don’t give it to him immediately. But you tease him visually and in a in a way that that just drives them wild. He requires a lot from you, but it’s a similar way with all the surprises and the romance that you just wish he would do that he would buy you flowers just because he knows that would make you smile that he would buy you a cute little you know thing on Etsy that that you you know or he knows would be your taste, you know, that stuff breeds absolute, you know, swooning for a wife and, man if you want to go to delight your marriage calm and check out the wild romance course you’ll find out exactly what she’s craving, romantically and and how to do that. But, you know, think about that wives like, if you want your husband, to desire you and please you in the ways that make you feel filled up, then you’ve got to do it for him. You’ve got to recognize he’s not like you. He’s not like you and the bare minimum isn’t going to be satisfying. Just like the bare minimum with romance isn’t going to be satisfying. You’re going to rather your chick flicks and romance novels because he doesn’t think it matters. Or he’s too insecure to do it. Really, women the problem with what’s going on now one of the biggest things that men why they don’t do romance for you is they’re insecure. Just like for women the biggest reason she doesn’t do seduction is she’s insecure there’s plenty of other things there’s plenty of other things like I started listing them out there are the blocks basically to seduction, but that’s one of the biggest insecure about many things about the way her body looks about you know what, what she does what she should do what you know, even sinful, is it is it dirty? Is it wrong? Is it bad? Is it is it going to judge her? Is he going to criticize her? Is he gonna respond to her in a in a negative way? Is it just too scary to put herself out? Why does she have to perform for her husband? Like, there’s so many psychological barriers to it. But my dear wife, I invite you to get yourself out of this self centered mindset. And I’m sorry, I was in your shoes, so I get
it. But it’s not about you. It’s about loving this being. Well, this person who is very different than you, he was designed differently, his brain is created differently. And every single society, sex is a big deal. And seduction is a big deal. And unfortunately, sexual sin is a big deal everywhere. Which means there are some just basic truths. Men are the ones that are are seeking out this sexual satisfaction. Yes, women get addicted to pornography, too. But it’s not to the immense degree that it is for men. I mean, you just don’t have you know, strip clubs, for women. Not even close to the amount as men you don’t have the pornography addiction, like, like women, like, you don’t have the double standard where men almost always are. It’s okay to have sex all the time. Because you’re a man, you know, there’s just we have to as women open our eyes, like that is showing a truth about men. And yes, your husband is a man. He is a man. Yes, he’s pursuing God. Hopefully, he’s pursuing God. He’s seeking to be righteous and keeping his eyes and thoughts pure. But you have an opportunity to love him as a man. That’s your opportunity. So why does seduction matter? Because it’s his heart. He feels loved through sex. You feel loved in other ways through other ways. But he feels loved through sex. So when you reject this part, which is such an important part of sex, it’s rejecting him. It’s rejecting who he is as a man. But instead, if you’re like, Okay, this is my husband, what do I have to do? I’d like not even what do I have to do but what do I get to do? Alright, just the way you would want him to have as in his opinion, for surprises and gifts and dates and time with you and deep conversations. You want him to have a wonderful attitude and excited attitude, a growth mindset of how he can get better at those things. Not to be insecure, and put the focus on Him. Dear husbands, let me tell you, don’t be insecure, don’t put the the focus on you when you’re trying to give your wife something special. And in the same way wives, don’t be insecure and put the focus on you when you’re trying to give your husband something special in seduction. That’s what seduction is, is giving to your husband a gift. He is so different, designed differently and and go ahead and listen to episode 199 The three things he wants in sex, I have heard so many times from husbands how much that hits the nail on the head and how it should be required listening for wives and I mean, get in the mindset of your husband. I can’t count the amount of times men have said I think like a man. I understand them. And you know as much as you know, I’m super grateful for that. But I just want you to know, like I get to be in the room with men, you know the Zoom Room, if you will, when they are sharing an filtered thoughts about sex, unfiltered thoughts. They trust me it’s fully confidential. I don’t judge them. But I want you to know that’s what I’m bringing to this conversation. This is not I’m not feminist enough. I am feminist. I am a feminist I’m so grateful for what are my four mothers have fought so that I can vote and I can be independent and and all these wonderful gifts they have given. But one thing that is is a half truth is that my sexual drive an interest is equal to my husband’s. That’s not the case. I mean, I should be respected, my sexual
response to him should be respected and honored in the same way that his his, but I should think about his sex drive and his desires as different and unique. And more, let’s say stronger than mine, his drive is and if you’re listening to this and your higher drive wife, okay, there’s, there’s, there’s other stuff I could talk to you about. But for the vast majority of spouses, the husband has higher drive, he’s much more interested in the visuals and the craving and the teasing and all that and. And if you’re a higher drive wife there, there are aspects to things that there may be dynamics that need to be different in your marriage that would cause him to want you sexually. Maybe there’s controlling issues, that you’re controlling him, you’re mothering him, those are not attractive things that make him want to have sex with you. Or, or maybe it’s lights off sheets up, and he doesn’t get to visually enjoy you. And so and so there’s not a whole lot of interest, or, or maybe it’s duty sex, and he, and he’s like, that’s not it’s not an interesting thing. That’s not a you know, appealing proposition because there’s no passion in it. There’s not true deep connection. So all this to say, My dear wife is that your husband craves? passion, enthusiasm, excitement, and for it to start before the activity starts. For it to start before the activity starts. And so you may be asking, Okay, what’s the how? Well, what this has already become a pretty long podcast episode, let’s go ahead and keep the conversation going. Download that delight your marriage.com/tips. Understand that training that I’ve got coming for you. And husbands, if you’re like, yes, Bella, right on, tell me how to get my wife involved. I have advice for you, too. So go to delight your marriage.com get the tips. Select that your husband, I’m going to be sending you some information on how to get your wife involved in in this process. It is a process it’s not. You know, well, for some people, I guess it is flip the switch but for your wife, but assume it’s a process, assume you’re going to be patient assume you’re going to be strategic, assume you’re not going to email her this podcast and say this is going to fix it all. But it but get wise as a husband, get wise yourself, learn yourself so that you can invite your wife in a way that’s going to be effective, strategic, and actually draw her closer to you rather than push her away and make her feel like she’s not good enough. All right, well, let me let me just pray for you. And we’ll wrap this. So Father, I’m just imagining the wife listening to this Lord. And maybe she’s listening because her husband has just pleaded with her. So many times so many ways for her to have this mindset around seduction. And I just pray for her heart if she’s felt like she’s not good enough as a result, or, or she’s resentful, or angry or bitter or really, all underneath is really hurt and disappointed and pained by this topic in general. Father, I asked for her hearts and I asked that you would encourage her. I pray the now to say you know what, this isn’t personal. This is just a skill. This is just growth in a new way of thinking. And in loving her husband, well, he’s different than her and she can accept that and she can play into that and she can love that about him. I pray for new perspective just coming out of this podcast. Lord, I pray that for the woman that’s excited about seduction, that she wants to learn more that you would just bless that and breathe upon that and help her to understand it in the way that that matters. And that’s going to fill up her husband and and help him to have a more pure and lust free mindset as he walks into the world outside of their home God that that he has so many visuals and images and exciting times with his wife. He doesn’t even need to be distracted by someone else’s Something else that he encounters during the day father, I just asked for your grace on this, and
that this episode would would go to the women that need it. And I pray for men to not be the ones that listen to this to not be in comparison mode, but in seeking growth in themselves and what they can do, to take responsibility and change their marriage in a wise way, but not in a way that’s full of unforgiveness and, and, and instead decide, You know what I’m going to do what I can do, to shift things and take that responsibility on themselves. To make a difference, to make a difference for their marriage. Lord, we love you. We love what you’re doing in in this marriage and in this person’s heart. In Jesus name, Amen. All right, well, thank you for listening to me and for for engaging in this content. We’d love to have you on the training, delight your marriage.com/tip s for seduction tips, and you’ll get all the information about the training in that email that’ll be coming to your inbox already. God bless you and I look forward to speaking to you next week. Thank you so much.
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000-Start Here: An Introduction to Delight Your Marriage
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If you’re new to Delight Your Marriage, this is the first episode you should listen to.
Many people come to my resources with a question on how to make their marriage better but they really don’t know where to start.
This is a rundown on the most important philosophical underpinnings of Delight Your Marriage.
This gives the best introduction to the foundational principles that I use with people from all over the world–by God’s grace–to transform their marriages and families.
Just a few things included:
- What a husband needs and what a wife needs to feel fulfilled in a marriage
- Why intimacy is so important to a husband and that’s reflected in the brain’s physiology
- Why, I believe, God made men & women’s drives so different
- The underlying reasons emotional and physical intimacy isn’t strong in a marriage
- When people are struggling in their marriage they often get advice which makes it all worse. What’s the missing piece? Strategy.
There are courses for husbands or wives to receive the love you’re craving in your marriage.
Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. You’re joining me belah rose as I dive deep into the beauty, power and truth about intimacy, learn not only the practicals, but the heart behind what making love is all about. delight your marriage. All right, welcome. Thank you for joining. So, if you’re new to delight your marriage, that’s what this episode is all about. I want to give you really a rundown of my philosophies. And what I’m doing in this project called delight your marriage, it’s a business, some call it a ministry. But the purpose of it is really to help you transform your marriage, make aligned with God’s will, and in that really transforming your whole life. So let’s dive in.
So first and foremost, when Jesus was asked, What’s the greatest commandment, he said, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength. And the second is like it to love your neighbor as yourself. And so my conviction is that your closest neighbor is your spouse. So that means, you know, they’re on the other side of the bed, hopefully, they are the most important relationships. So when you think about, well, how do I prioritize my life, you’ve got God first, far, far, far above anyone else, including your spouse far above. And then you’ve got your spouse. And then after your spouse, you’ve got your kids. And then after your kids, everyone, everything else. So that includes your ministry, that includes your business that includes whatever you enjoy after that your activities, your hobbies, your income, that all all sorts of things. I mean, that’s the discernment process, but you don’t have to discern your spouse and your kids. They’re your automatic assignment. That’s your first and foremost, God’s will automatically you don’t have to think about it. The rest is a discernment process. And, and it depends on seasons and that kind of thing. Your kids, your spouse, those don’t depend on seasons, they’re always gonna be there. So I think that is a homerun. If you’re married, you committed to this person. They’re your assignments. You’re supposed to love them. Just like you love yourself. Now, what do I mean by loving yourself? What does that mean? Love your neighbor as yourself. What that means is you understand who your spouse is, and how they receive love. So just like if your friends loves cookies, you’re not going to bring them a cake just because you like cake. No, that wouldn’t be loving, that would be selfish. But if you know they love cookies, you’re gonna bring them a cookie, you’re gonna love them the way that you would want to be loved just like you love cake, you would want them to make you a cake. So that’s another huge principle that I teach is love your spouse, the way your spouse receives love. Love your spouse, the way your spouse receives love, and that’s different men and women are different. Even even non Christians, a feminist feminists, people that are completely you know, a gala, terian kind of mindsets. You can’t deny biological differences, not not just genitalia, but voice, the way you think. And even the way the mind is constructed, is different for men and women. Just Scientifically speaking, you look at one piece of the of the brain is a very different shape and size than females from male and females. So. So let’s talk about what those principal differences are. So for women to feel loved, to feel fulfilled in their marriage, I believe they need to have three things to feel fulfilled, they need to be known at her core, who is she her uniqueness and that that’s honored and valued of who she is at her core. who God made her to be her strengths, her passions, her desires, her likes her wishes, all of that who she is. So to be known as the first one, the second one is to be safe. Yes, of course, physical safety, but I’m actually talking emotional safety, that she can come to you with her emotions, her feelings, her cares. Her hurts her woundedness and, and you care. And you want to love her well, and she’s safe with you. And there’s no threat. There’s no pressure. There’s no these high expectations around anything, whether it’s intimacy or anything else, that you accept her for who she is. And you love that about her. You love her deeply. With no strings attached. You
just love this woman. So that’s number two. That’s to be safe. And then the final one, number three is wholeheartedly cherished. Wholeheartedly cherish now that’s the romance. That’s the stuff that all the chick flicks talk about. That is where she swoons because you’re thinking about her, you want to surprise her. You want to make her feel like she matters to you, you think about her, you wholeheartedly cherish? Why do I say wholeheartedly, you can’t take her to a restaurant and be annoyed the whole time, your attitude matters. If you have the attitude of being wholehearted in the way you think about and care about this woman, that’s what touches her heart. So we’ve got known, safe and cherish. So those are the core principles that I teach of how a woman feels loved and fulfilled in her marriage. So what about for men? What are the three things? Okay, so the first one is respected? What does that even mean? I definitely had a misconception of that for most of my life. But what it means is just the way it was before you were married, before you were dating, even, you would talk to a person that you don’t know, well, with a certain level of respect, you would say things like, Excuse me, or I don’t mean to interrupt, or would you mind if you would regard that person as separate from you, and fully able to have their own identity, their own life, freedom to be who they want to be. That’s called respect. So seeing saying things like we need to, or we have to, or you should, or you have to, or commanding a husband is the absolute opposite of respect. I used to do this, I did. And it was a horrible aspect of our marriage. I didn’t treat him like a man. But I’m not a man. So I don’t need that kind of respect in the same way. So I’m not sensitive to it like he is. But he is I mean, he’s got almost like a antenna a respect to antenna up all the time. And that either puts him in the right direction or the wrong direction, where you know, he his antenna radar goes off at disrespect and boom, he, he responds with anger or responds with apathy, or responds with knee jerk reaction leaving, those are the kinds of things that men respond to disrespect. Alright, so that’s the first one. He needs to be respected. Number Number Two for him is he needs to be admired. Yes, our society says things like the flimsy male ego or, you know, this, this almost like making fun of men’s need for being admired for being someone that that matters for being enough in this world. And as a wife, you have the opportunity to support him in this way to to help him know that he is enough and God did give him these particular strengths. And that’s what you focus on. You focus on the ways God has made him amazing. So you you discover what he’s good at. And, and you think about those things, you focus on the things that he’s awesome at, none of us are going to be 100% of everything. That’s ridiculous. There’s no way all of us are going to have awesome strengths. In all of us, you’re going to have significant weaknesses. And when you acknowledge that that’s not just normal, but this beautiful design God has given us it becomes a totally different way of thinking about your spouse, that you have the opportunity to discover what he is amazing at. And being that cheerleader. Being that cheerleader for him having the understanding. I find that it’s so helpful for wives to think about their husbands as being insecure. That’s just We’re all insecure, I mean, husbands also to be thinking about their wives as insecure is also helpful. We’re all insecure, we all have our insecurity and our spouse is the closest one to us. And so the way we think about our spouse is the way they think about themselves. It’s, it’s impossible not to you, you, it’s almost like your spouse is like holding up a mirror and, and the way your spouse sees you, affects your conception of your spouse, yourself. So my husband has got a high view of me, and I live up to that reputation that he has of me, I feel more empowered, because he sees me as so capable.
And that’s what I want a wife to do for her husband, is to admire him deeply. Don’t just, you know, consider him like, you’re his mother, you have to teach him all the things you have to correct him in public you have, like these are things that that demean and demoralize and de emasculate a man. But instead, if you admire him, you build him up, you make it known that you think he’s incredible. That’s the stuff that puts his shoulders back where he had has held head held high, he feels like, Man, I’m doing it. I’m living this life. Well. That’s the kind of thing you want to give your husband. That’s what makes him feel fulfilled as a man. And the final piece, wholehearted sexual intimacy. Now I talked about the brain being different for men and women, literally, biologically, the space for sex drive in a man and sex drive for a woman, the man’s space for that in, in where it is in the brain is two to three times larger than a woman’s. I mean, this is biological, he has 10 times more testosterone than she does. And that’s the sex drive hormone. So it’s, it’s biologically normal for the husband to crave sex more than the wife. And what does he craving sex? I talk about this stuff a lot, because I think this is stuff we don’t address Well, in our culture. But when we enter Christian culture to like, especially, I guess, Christian culture, and in a way that’s, that’s holy, and good and practical, and what does that even mean? Like, we can’t just say flour, really flowery language without giving practical how tos because then we’re expecting somebody to go to the dark side to learn and that’s full of sin. But instead, let’s give you practical tools on what to do, and how to do it and that sort of thing. So that’s what a lot of my courses and resources provide, whether it’s my book, delight, your husband, a Christians wife, manual to passion, confidence, and oral sex, or my course, the seduction course, or my video course delight your husband, or my men’s programs, which wild romance rediscover what you had at first, masculinity reclaimed, which is just full of incredible insights on how a man can transform to love his wife well, so I’ve got tons of resources for men and for women, you can go to delight your marriage.com you can click on Resources and really understand and unpack what I’m talking about here. But when we’re discussing sexual intimacy in your marriage, a lot of times people ask, Well, why would a husband have such a strong sex drive and the wife has such a low sex drive? Why would God create it that way? And there are exceptions. Okay, there are exceptions. Sometimes, just as a mentioned, sometimes men have a lower sex drive with their wife, because they’re not receiving respect, and they’re not receiving that admiration. Sometimes men have blocked out their sex drive, because they’ve struggled with sexual sin. And they’ve divorced that from their own desire of sex. And it’s, they need to integrate their desire of sex with their desire for their wife, and it requires a healing process. Those are some reasons and then some reasons. I haven’t worked with every other one in the world, some reasons, it’s just the way people are made and we can accept that that God made all of us different and just like most of us can do certain things. There are some people that have certain things, they’re different and that’s okay, God, God is God and, and he designs people that are different and that’s good. And that’s something we can celebrate and, and love and again, we all have our gifts and and that’s just an additional gift. All right, so but for those that, listen to my podcast, they’re usually in the place of higher sex drive is the husband, lower sex drive is the wife. Or maybe they want to get to that dynamic. And that’s where I’m talking about the integration and the changing the way a wife treats her husband. So why does God make husbands have a higher sex drive than wives? I think one of the main reasons is because a man needs to grow in character. In order to have a wife that wants to be free in intimacy,
he needs to grow in the way he looks like Jesus, in order for her to want to be free in intimacy, in order for her to want to do anything seductive, or variety or care about his body and how he operates there. He’s got to have the character of Jesus, which is gentle, and patient, and kind, and loving and peaceful, and joyful. Right, it’s the fruits of the Spirit, faithful and self controlled. So when a husband looks a lot more like Jesus, it’s not hard for a wife to want to make love to him. But if she feels like she’s comparing she he that he is comparing her to his past, or to pornography, or to affairs or these kinds of things, of course, she’s not going to feel safe. Of course, she’s not going to be able to trust him. You know, if she feels this pressure or high expectation, she can’t feel safe, she can’t let down her guard in intimacy. And so that’s why it’s so vital for husband to love her in the ways that she receives love known to know that, that he doesn’t want others that she is unique to him, that she is she is the has a uniqueness in her spirit that God designed that that she is the daughter of the Most High and he honors her reveal reveres her like that. And then tip number two, again, to be safe, that she is safe with me accepts her as she is and loves her as she is just like Christ loves the church. Right Christ loves the church, accepting her loving her, having patience with her gentling being gentle with her. That’s how Christ loves the church and wholeheartedly cherishing her. So again, with coming kind of swinging back over to what men crave is to to be respected, to be admired. And number three wholehearted sexual intimacy. So duty sex isn’t isn’t wholehearted, right, it’s the same as the man coming to the dinner and the nice date, whether he’s dressed up or not. And having a bad attitude. It’s not fulfilling. So in the same way for a wife to come to intimacy with excitement, enthusiasm, variety, visuals, and, and loving his body and specifically his member God designed it. God designed it as holy. That’s that’s his design. The enemy tried to steal it and manipulate and make everything feels a sinful around sexual intimacy, but it’s not. It’s God’s design. And lots of activities are specifically even written in the Song of Solomon. very explicitly, you can read it, it’s pretty powerful. The words that are just dramatically oral sex is right on in there. I mean, that’s, that’s the God designed us to be free in sex. To to even in Proverbs five, it talks about being nice created by your wife’s love, inebriated and it’s talking in contrast to adultery. So it’s talking about sex. We are supposed to have a freedom and connection in sexual intimacy that’s unlike anything anywhere else. And so yes, a huge amount of my resources are around sexual intimacy, because that needs to be consistent part of a married couples life. And being that your marriage is your highest human relationship. The husband has to look more like Jesus to fulfill that piece of marriage and a wife has to be disciplined. That sounds strange, but the truth is, if a wife has a lower libido, which Most wives have a lower libido than their husbands. And I’ve already told you scientifically why.
Myself included, I have to be disciplined, I have to recognize this as God’s will for my life, to make love to my husband on a consistent basis within Hoosiers. And that means I need my food to be in check, I need to have exercise as part of my life, I need to not compare myself to others, I need to reject the enemy’s attacks of me thinking about what my husband saw in the past, in his sexual sin, I need to reject what the enemy wants to lie to me about I’m not good enough, or I don’t know enough, or I don’t have the curves like some women do. I’m not sexy enough. Those are lies from the enemy. So a wife has to reject the lies of the enemy, and commit to loving her husband the way that he receives love, in God’s will, in God’s will. And it also requires her to not get too busy. It requires you to have rest as part of her lifestyle. And again, those are things that are in line with God’s will think about Mary versus Martha. So these, again, are just major principles that I teach with delight your marriage. Another really key thing is having your connection first and foremost with the Lord. Which means that the openness that you have with your spouse is limited. In integrity. That’s very important. Because sometimes we share with our spouse, everything, everything, everything, everything. And a lot of them are hurtful and harmful things. And if you really live according to the principles I just discussed, it’s obvious you cannot share all these negative thoughts that go through your head with your spouse. And a lot of people say, Well, I’m just being honest. I’m just being honest. But I would say no, you’re just being mean, you’re just not living according to the principles of Jesus. Jesus didn’t share everything with everybody. He shared according to what they were ready to hear. And that’s the same with our spouse. Yes, I can share everything with God. I can share my disappointments with my spouse, I can have my spouse, I can share the sadness I have, I can share my grief, I can share the joys I can share it all. But with my spouse, that’s not going to help anything. Me to just be all negative and complaining and all this stuff. No, that’s called lazy. That’s called mean. Let’s call childish and immature. And so my discipline is treating my husband in a way that’s respectful and admiring and honors, his sexual drive and the way God made him. So it’s not to say that, that you need to repress all your feelings and that sort of thing. No, it means honoring your spouse, and figuring out how to strategically change your marriage in a way that honors the ways they receive love. So receiving love is key, or giving them what they need to receive love. And recognizing that you’re actually tearing down that stuff you’re building in your marriage, growing your marriage, by exposing all this negativity to your spouse. Minecraft encouragement in integrity is finding finding help in that whether it’s my work whether it’s working with me specifically I work with one on one coaching I also work in team coaching, and and graduate groups as after doing a course with me. And so that’s very practical, I can help you otherwise, getting some some mentors around you getting some girlfriends or some some gentlemen who can keep you consistent and faithful to the teachings of Jesus and, and help you with the disappointments and the sadness and the things that make you want to lash out at your spouse negatively and help you move your marriage forward.
So that’s key. Another principle of mine is taking the long view is doing work, a lot of work in the short term, so that the long term is better than the long term is better. So I’m not really of the mind that marriage is hard forever. I think that if you really do wise work in the short term, which is hard. In the long term, you’ve you’ve already built the house now it’s just maintaining it. It’s you know, getting the you know, the extra I don’t know how you maintain a house. I live in New York City. All right. I’m in an apartment I don’t mean 18 hours. But that’s another principle of dy m is, you don’t need a lot to be happy, you don’t need a lot to be happy. My encouragement is to have a daily practice of gratitude for me. And my students, I say, write out your gratitudes 10 Every single day, and include several of them to be about your spouse, you don’t need a lot to be happy. And you have to make yourself happy in many different ways, to be able to show up, filled up for your spouse, your faith, your connection with Jesus has to be strong. Your joy, taking taking joy in the small things. You know, for men, sex can’t be the only thing that makes you feel like a man. You can’t be waiting around for your wife and say, you know, my life is miserable, because my wife doesn’t make love to me, I that that’s not an acceptable response when you get to Jesus. Like, I wish I had started the ministries that you called me to, but my wife wouldn’t have wouldn’t have sex with me consistently and joyfully and freely, so I didn’t do it. Like, that’s just not an excuse that I think Jesus is going to be okay with. So my invitation is to do do the things that you need to do in the short term, to transform things in the long term. And get your marriage in place, get your marriage fixed. So you can focus again, on the things that God wants you to be focused on. Another key principle that I teach is about consistent habits. So I’m very much a checklist person, I am very much a, how do we turn a principle into practical applications, which is why I have courses, which is why I work with people so closely because I want people to have that very specific how tos. And that I mean, that’s men’s my men’s program are shockingly different than my women’s program, I mean, dramatically different. And that’s, that is part of the reason I think some people wonder why I’m not more specific in my podcast. And some of it is that if I tell a husband, the same thing that I tell a wife, a husband, expectations will go up. They’ll, they’ll see their wife in a negative way. Because they’ll say, Oh, they’re not doing enough for me or that kind of thing. And that’s just icky and wrong, and not the way God wants us to see our spouse. There’s too much in the Bible about thankfulness and gratefulness for us to have that perspective of your spouse. It’s just not, it’s not godly, it’s not right. But at the same time, if I said all the things that I say to men, in my work, men, women also would have this perspective of my husband not doing enough, you know, why doesn’t he just listen to Bella, and all these sorts of things. And, again, it’s not going to help anything, it’s not going to make you feel more empowered on what to do to help your side of the equation. And that’s really what my invitation is that you clean up your side of the street, you do what you can do for your marriage, you that’s the only thing you have jurisdiction over, you can only change yourself. And you can change yourself in dramatic ways. But when I’m talking about habits, I do mean, specific practices that you do every single day, every single day, because you as a husband, or you as a wife are wired so differently than your spouse. These are disciplines. They are disciplines, when I talk about how I have to be confident in my body to seduce him in a really exciting way. Those are disciplines. That is not a natural thing that just happens in a long term marriage. They are disciplines. It is a way of living. That’s required. I think the same thing for men, being patient and kind and gentle, and a good listener and holding her when she cries. I mean, those are disciplines. It’s a discipline to become more present. It’s a discipline to learn how to affect her heart well,
but it’s worth it. And these are habits that become who you are. So I really love this quote. I tweaked it a little bit, but it’s pretty much Aristotle’s quote it says, You are what you continually do. Character then is not an act, but a habit. You are what you continually do. Character then is not an act, but a habit. So that’s my invitation to you is to love your spouse the way they receive love. And I think the last principle that I’m going to share. And obviously, this is a short podcast, I’ve got tons of episodes to go into each of these things way, way, way more. But the final piece I want to give you is the insight around strategy, the insight around strategy. So if you’re a two out of 10, you should not treat your spouse like you guys are at an eight out of 10. So when I talked about how much you’re sharing, and how much you’re open with your spouse, yes, be honest. But be wisely open, be wisely open based on where you are right now. Again, if you’re at a two at a 10, you’re not going to share all this negative stuff that’s going through your head, and all the loneliness and sadness and all the things because that’s going to move you guys backwards to be a one out of 10. Instead, you’re going to share the good, you’re going to share the tiny little things that you can appreciate about your spouse, you’re going to be really intentional to make yourself happy in other ways. And slowly the things will move up to a three out of 10. And again, you’re going to apply a bit of a different strategy when you’re three out of 10. And then you’re going to get to a four out of 10. And it’s just going to be extremely strategic. And you can see this in lots of biblical characters. But I’ll just give you an example. Like Esther, this was an evil, evil king, such an evil king that he allowed hate to be within his kingdom in such a degree that he allowed for genocide, genocide in his own kingdom, that he’s going to allow people to kill others. Now, Esther was not a lazy girl. I mean, this man was so evil, that he raped young girls, he captured them first raped them all, and then picked Esther to be his wife. And that was after he had murdered the last wife he had like he was evil. And yet, Esther was able to change his heart by employing the principles strategically, she gave first, she was extremely careful about how she implemented these principles. She, she served him, she, she respected him, she admired him, she even honored him in front of his friend, all of these sorts of things, she made love to him more than once, she did this very strategically, and then she was more open, she shared again, strategically, carefully with respect. So she was strategic, that’s my encouragement to you is be strategic in your marriage. And again, you know, I’ve got so many resources for you, whatever that means, whether it means working with me very closely in a in a, in a team coaching environment, a one on one coaching environment, you can learn more about that on my website, delight your marriage.com/resources. Or it might mean a course it might mean self directed online course or it might mean my book. But you have to be strategic, you have to learn, you have to grow. You have to be the one that says I’m going to change this, I can’t change my spouse, I’m going to change I’m going to be different. I’m going to do the hard work. Whenever there is a problem between myself and my own husband when there ever there’s a tense moment and argument. I think about
I you know, I have got it. I’ve got a part to play in this. Had I done something different things would have gone differently. It’s lazy thinking to say it’s all my spouse’s fault that’s lazy. It’s not it’s not okay. It’s it’s not a cop. I mean, it is a cop out. So that’s my encouragement for for all of us is to look at ourselves to look at the beam in our own eye rather than trying to focus on the splinter and our spouses I think about what could I do differently? How could I be the person of peace and love and goodness to my spouse to attract them to Jesus not to push them towards what I think they need to become but attract them towards Jesus in the way that I love them well, alright, so I have given you tons of like drinking from a fire hydrant principles here I totally get it if you need to listen to the several times or go into other podcasts and and, you know, other episodes of mine and really dive into some of these principles that you know, I just went through so quickly so it makes sense that you know, you need to dig in more but let me pray for you as your as your moment All of this over Father, I pray for the person listening. If this is their first time, God, to my work, I pray, Lord, that there will be an openness and their heart to what you might want to speak to them. A lot of my stuff is different than what a lot of people say, even therapists, even common knowledge or common wisdom, Father, I pray that if there is a point of insight that you want them to have, even if it was just one little piece of this podcast episode, I pray that you would make it really clear to them that this is what I needed to hear today. And Father, I pray Father, that You would give them the wisdom to know the difference. The resources they need to move forward with if there was a particular resource that I mentioned that they need, I pray that you give them the the gumption to go do it, to give them the motivation to go do it to change, to change themselves, to transform their marriage, for the for the results of their their kids and the rest of their lives, Lord, every person they interact with God, let them love their spouse after you, but before anyone else, are we thank you, we love you. And I bless you, in Jesus name, Amen. I did forget to mention my credentials here. And I’ll go ahead and do it just to give you insights on on why I think my my opinion is helpful for you. But at this point in my career, I’ve had the the grace to work with therapists who work with, you know, marriage counselors who work with others, some of the biggest names in the the marriage field that you would know, if I told you, I’ve worked with them on their own marriages, people who’ve been married just a handful of years to 4549 years, even 55 years, I haven’t been married 55 years, I’ll tell you that. But by God’s grace, these principles work and my work with them has transformed. So many, my podcast has been awarded in the top 30 relationship podcasts in 2018 2019 2020. So very thrilled with that from a company that that reviews, different different websites in different categories. And so I’m honored there. And then another piece is that we’re closing in on a million downloads. And I think by the end of 2020, we’ll be at a million we’re at like 950,000. Last time I checked, and it’s just growing each time. And then the next piece I wanted to mention is 100 and 155 countries worldwide, which is insane. It’s just amazing that people tune in, and I get to see marriages transformed from people who are divorced, who were separated, talking to lawyers and husband, you know, attracts his wife back, or a wife, who her husband’s having an affair, she’s able to attract him back to her. And he even left the job he was in with this other woman and they moved towns based on him what he did. And so it’s just amazing that God can transform people in the worst brink of divorces, a brink brinks of divorce, all right, you get it, the brink of divorce, and bring them to a place of intimacy where later they they’ve shared things like I feel like I’m the man of her dreams, or his love just oozes out of him. And these are people that were just about to get divorced. They’re in the midst of affairs. And so yeah, or people that have had pretty solid marriages, but intimacy was just a problem. And it wasn’t until they got these other principles, right, that they were able to completely shift things.
So I hope that today’s podcast has been very value oriented for you. And again, there’s so much more in my episodes in my resources, I’d love to invite you to learn more. Go to delight your marriage.com you can really find out so much you can search. You can find out by topics you can learn so much. And check out the resources. I’d love to have you in a program. I’d love to work with you. In a closer degree. I’d love to give you tailored advice. There’s so much more here. And I really look forward to having you sign up for my newsletter and you’re going to get insights in your inbox each week and I’d love to have you there. Go to the light your marriage.com to sign up. Alrighty, God bless you and we’ll talk more soon
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266-Thankfulness During Political (or Marital) Upheaval
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So, today’s a pretty important day. And you may listen to this in the future which will be relevant.
More than ever, our land is divided and we have strong convictions on right and wrong. In Jesus’ day political issues based on power, oppression, greed, and con… plagued everyone he interacted with. They were impacted at a personal level.
Jesus’ sights were different than those experiencing political suffering. He taught us how to love from our hearts. He brought enemies together to pursue God’s kingdom over an earthly kingdom.
I don’t know what is going to happen in this election. I know I voted according to my convictions.
More importantly, I know that if the other side wins, God is still my King. He is bigger than me. His timeline is far bigger than the number of years I am on this earth.
So, if the next 4 years needs to look different than I hoped, I will not take that out on God.
Because He knows better than I do. Instead, I will pray for those who I might consider enemies right now. I will also live in thanksgiving. It is a command far too often in the Bible for me to ignore.
I encourage you to not let your heart be troubled.
I encourage you to look like Jesus in this time.
Remember when Peter cut off the ear of the soldier coming to take Jesus to kill him (some might say “self-defense”)—Jesus rebuked Peter and healed the soldier.
I don’t know what God is up to necessarily, but I trust Him. And I will be faithful to His teachings even now.
If suffering is going on in your marriage, this exact message applies to you. Having hope, faith, and love–even now. It’s a choice. A hard one. But the right one.
Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. You’re joining me belah rose as I dive deep into the beauty, power and truth about intimacy, learn not only the practicals, but the heart behind what making love is all about. delight your marriage. Hi, there. Welcome. Welcome. Thank you so much for joining me, this is Bella. And I am releasing this on election day 2020 In the US, so I want to talk about Thanksgiving. Because the day of the US Thanksgiving is coming up soon. But I actually see Thanksgiving, all the time in the Bible. And depending on what happens this election, I think, you know, 50% of the country is going to have a challenge. And maybe maybe more than that even even those that got what they wanted. It’s it’s challenging, nonetheless. So I want to talk about that. And what this all has to do with your marriage and with your intimacy. So let’s go ahead and pray. Father, I just thank You, Lord, that you are a big God, there’s so much bigger than us. Father, I pray that wherever this person is, that you would be present with them, you would remind them that you have the world under control that you are not worried. You are not anxious, you are not concerned. Lord, I pray for our ability to trust you. Even right now, even in this time, in Jesus name, Amen.
All right, well, let’s just first talk about the election. As I’m recording this, before, I know what happened, I’m very excited to share the journey I’ve gone through around it. Number one is, I have strong opinions around who I have prayed for and voted for, and donated money to, I really have felt a strong conviction around it. I’m not going to share who I voted for because that won’t help our conversation. But where I’ve come to have peace is that Jesus walked the earth in an extremely politically volatile time. In fact, there were absolute enemies in that time period, because the Jewish people were the oppressed people. And the those that, that, you know, the Roman Empire was the power that required money, the the taxpayers were taking more than what they even should have. And the other thing that we have to remember is this power. This Roman Empire was doing horrific things. Even when Jesus was born, remember, King Herod wanted to kill the potential King of the Jews. And so he killed all of the baby boys, hoping that he would get Jesus. And that’s when Jesus became a refugee in Egypt, with his parents and imagine the life he grew up in, in Egypt. But Herod was horrible. And if he was willing to do something as absolutely grotesque as murder all these infant boys, I mean, imagine what else he was willing to do in his kingdom. So imagine if you were in that time, I mean, where would you fall on the spectrum? I mean, for me, I’d be wanting to fight for good and, and topple the government and all these sorts of things. And it’s interesting because Jesus hung out with the, quote, enemy. He went and spent time at Zacchaeus his house in the midst of like Wyatt that Zacchaeus is stealing money from poor people. I can imagine the poor people don’t even have a lot of money to begin with. Right. And this horrific government Zacchaeus is defending and in fighting for And yet Jesus is acting like it’s okay. Just by associating with these people, it seems like a tacit approval of what they’re doing. But then the interesting thing is when Jesus actually, as another example, when he decided who his 12 disciples were going to be, he actually called the enemies to spend time together. Matthew was a tax collector, Matthew is actually one of my favorite books in the Bible, at least my favorite gospel, I can dive into Matthew just about anywhere and feel refreshed. So if you need a gospel to start diving into Matthew, it’s amazing. But he was a tax collector, he supported this, this horrible empire. And then Simon was a zealot where he wanted to overthrow the government with violent violence. Take it back from the tax collectors, these were enemies, and yet Jesus brought them together to be His disciples. It’s absolutely incredible. Now, at that time, my assumption would be that Jesus would make things right through political means. I mean, the amount of suffering people were going through, because of the Romans was drastic, like, the people that are walking around, probably lost their sons to the genocide of little baby boys, they, they lost their nephews, they like this is their generation, their brothers were murdered.
They remember the atrocities, there are probably atrocities happening, even at this at that time. There were so many reasons to be against the political party, you know, or for it, you know, if they were the ones that were in power than they wanted the status quo, I mean, enemies, talk about enemies, or my pastor actually preached on this yesterday. So that’s one of the reasons I, I’ve really been processing this is I feel like the United States and even the world, depending on what side of the, of the spectrum there on either either your, for us or against us. It is it is enemy upon enemy. And Jesus just didn’t he, he just didn’t say that was okay. In fact, he said, Do good to those who persecute you. Pray for your enemies. I mean, that’s an incredible plan. And so whatever happens in this election, you know, I’m speaking to my own heart here. I want to pray. For the other side. I want to pray for them in, in the good things that God wants to do in their life and in their heart. I want to love them, well, I don’t want to speak ill of them. I don’t want my own fruits of the Spirit to be off kilter because of others, and their choice of who to vote for and what happened. Because God is still God, regardless of politics. Regardless of our leader, God is truly our leader, Jesus is our king. And we are really not of this earth. See, Jesus could have toppled the government. And that’s what the Jewish people wanted. And when Jesus didn’t do that, they were so disappointed that they turned on him and crucified Him who did nothing wrong. So my encouragement is whatever happens in this election, and in your life in general, when you feel disappointed by God. He has a bigger plan. See Jesus if he had succumbed to political issues, that would have been his legacy is just the political issues of the time. And yet, because he didn’t, we are now still talking about him to 2000 years later. And, I mean, that’s because he did not bow his knee to politics of the time, he instead knew that God had something far bigger, far more important for him to focus on the eternal things. So my infantry to use Yes, I hope you voted the way you needed to vote, I hope that you prayed, I hope that you fasted, I hope that you encouraged others in the ways that you felt God wanted you to. And now, God has a bigger plan. For whatever reason the Roman Empire stood, and it continues continued to martyr Christians. It continued to do horrific things to Christians, even though it had the God of the universe on its side, why? Why would God allow such suffering? Why? I don’t know. But I do know the truth that the God of the universe is still on the side of the believer. And I still know that even when we don’t understand why sometimes the bad guy wins. Sometimes the good guy wins, but sometimes it feels like the bad guys are winning. At the same moment, God’s plan is so much bigger than ours, even though it feels like we’re the center of the universe. And if God doesn’t move in our life right now, then he is not God. And we have to have a big question in our mind of faith. And it’s just like, God is just so much bigger than that. He is the generations of the beginning to the end, he’s the Alpha and the Omega, he didn’t start when you were born, he doesn’t end when you die, he is so much bigger than our little vapor of life, which is, you know, 80 or 100 years, at the most.
So he has a bigger plan. He has a much, much bigger plan, but we can be faithful now. We can be trusting him now. And it’s interesting, the reason I wanted to talk about Thanksgiving so much is because and you know, Philippians and in fact, a lot of the time that Paul was writing his he was in jail. The man was in jail, doing the work of the gospel. I mean, right. So so he could have been very cross with the political leaders, right, because he himself is suffering up their hands, physically suffering, and jail was not as nice as jail is here in the United States. Jail is not nice here. Absolutely not. You know, in dramatically huge terms, but I also know that back then there was a lot of physical beatings, you know, what, and jail does that now too, so I really don’t know. I’ve never actually been to jail. But the stories I’ve heard of jailer are horrific, too. So the point is, jail is bad. And Paul was in jail, and get this in Philippians. Four, he says, for four, he says, Rejoice in the Lord always again, I will say rejoice. And then let your reasonable Ness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand. Do not be anxious about anything. Anything, Paul is in jail. I mean, come on, he must be concerned about other people’s suffering, he must be concerned about. I mean, I feel like the weight of the world is on his shoulders. He’s the one that’s trying to get the church right before from before God. He was the one there’s trying to, you know, hold the line and, and encourage people who were discouraged. And man could he had lots of reasons to be anxious, and yet, he says, Be anxious about nothing. But in everything, by prayer, and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. I’m just gonna skip down and every time I see that kind of thing, just, I’ll read it out. Now in verse eight, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable. If there’s any excellence. If there’s anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Another one, whatever situation that sorry, this is verse 11. In what, now that I’m speaking of being a need, for I have learned in whatever situation, I am content. I know how to be brought low. I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty, and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. So you know, he’s talking about in the terrible times. He can be content. I’m gonna Keep going in the Bible. Verse 19, and my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches and glory in Christ Jesus. Keep in mind the context of when Paul’s saying that Colossians one it talks about and we always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ when we pray for you. Then, verse 24, now I rejoice in my sufferings. Then verse chapter two, verse two, that their hearts may be encouraged. And then verse two, verse seven, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, a bounding in thanksgiving. Then it says in chapter three, verse two, Set your minds on things that are above not on things that are on the earth. Then it says, verse 12, put on then, as God’s Chosen Ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Now, can you imagine if our country, all the Christians in our country, committed to that one, that would be amazing, bearing with one another, and if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive?
Above all, put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony, and then skipping down a bit, and be thankful. Then it says, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Then it continues to say, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Then chapter four, verse two, this is kulshan skin, continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. And then for verse eight, that he may encourage your hearts. So it just I mean, I could go on and on and on. But clearly God cares about us being thankful, in the midst of terrible circumstances, and potentially terrible politics. And, and just suffering. I mean, just flat out suffering physically, emotionally, absolute reality in our lives suffering. He says, Be thankful, be encouraged, still live, like Jesus still take on the character of Jesus, the fruits of the Spirit, of love and joy, and peace, and patience, and goodness and kindness, and gentleness and faithfulness, and self control. And so if you are suffering in your marriage, Thanksgiving is required to get better, that is exerting your faith. Thanksgiving is focusing on the good, focusing on what God has given you, in your spouse, that if you wanted to look at her, in the way of I am so lucky to have this woman, you could, if you decided in your heart to say, I am so lucky to have this man, you could. That is a choice in your heart rejoicing in the Lord, regardless of what the circumstance is. That is his that is His will for your life. I mean, it says the joy of the Lord is our strength. If we are not focused on joy, and the good things we will be, we will be ineffective in the kingdom. Because we’re just feel like my mom used to call it navel gazing. We’re just, I don’t know if that’s the right phrase or not. But you’re just looking at your belly button. You’re just thinking about what’s going on right now in your life, and it’s making you sad. And so you’re staying in that sadness, and you’re not. You don’t have energy to do anything. But if you bind and cast down those thoughts, and instead decide, I’m going to be thankful, because God I know you’re bigger. I know you’re bigger. I’m going to be thankful. I’m going to take it to you in prayer. I’m not going to be anxious. I’m not going to take it personally. I still say that you are God regardless of these particular things in my life, that you are God And the amazing thing about it is, the amazing thing about it is, is you start to see more good show up in your life. I don’t know why or how God does it. But when you are focused on the good, when you notice on the good, the good grows, that’s just what happens, your contentment grows, and your wife starts to smile more, and your husband starts to care more about your feelings, because you’re not this grouchy, complainy critical person anymore. You start to being a person of joy, and faith and peace, and free of anxiety, I I don’t think that’s an easy task. But I do know that is what God asks of us. Paul says, Do not be anxious. So somehow, some way it is a choice to be anxious or not. And so we get to decide, Do not be anxious, you know, something I’m been doing in my home is purging. I have a small home. And I love that it’s small. By the way, if I ever talk about how our one bedroom apartment in New York City is I want you to know I love it, I am content, I do not want a large space. I love the space I have. But I’ve been getting rid of things because clutter is just debilitating for lots of reasons, I think. And one thing I realized is one of these pictures that I bought on the street that I really love,
I loved. Let’s see, I loved the picture until the gentleman who had drawn it said that it was like worship of, you know, earthly, whatever. Some, like all the earth worship, I can’t even remember. But like, when I initially saw it, I saw this spiritual like, oh my gosh, they’re all worshipping Jesus, like this is amazing. And then he gave his take on it, and a little, no big deal. But I still bought it because I love the image. And so I had it up in my apartment. But every time I saw the image, I remember I was reminded of how I didn’t like what that guy said. And I was just like this, the connotation of this thing in my apartment is negative. And so I just decided I’m going to cover it up with paper, and a and then I put on that just a phrase, of I refuse, and I choose, I refuse and I choose, which is just helping me to say you know what, I refuse the negativity, I refuse the worry, and the the sadness and depression and the things that want to crouch into my mind. And, and cause me to not be able to do the work God wants me to do because I can’t change the world. I can’t change most people, but there are humans that I am assigned to. And if I am negative and sad and dejected and disappointed, I cannot impact them in the way God wants me to. I can’t do my little piece. Because I’m so sad about the hugeness of the problem. So then I can’t do my little piece to contribute to the work God wants me to do. And so then I choose is the part about I’m choosing in this moment, while I’m walking by that, you know, piece of paper hung up in my apartment, I’m choosing to focus on what God does want me to do whatever that is, whether it’s cleaning up the dishes, or whether it’s being present with my kids, or whether it’s making love to my husband, or whether it’s getting on a coaching call or doing a podcast or, or just superduper, mundane things, sweeping the kitchen or wiping the whatever stuff off of the refrigerator, like things that are super mundane. That is what I choose to do. And do it with contentment. And with Thanksgiving that I get to live this, that this is a gift that I am just a vapor in this life here today gone tomorrow, gone in a blink of an eye. So my invitation to you is whatever you’re going through whatever challenge you’re having in your marriage, whatever challenge you’re having in how things are going politically. Do do your part. But God is bigger. He is so much bigger and he knows why things are happening and we can trust him in the midst. His timeline is so much bigger than ours. And we can trust him for our little 80 years of life. That he knows what he’s doing. And Jesus didn’t mind to have enemies sit next to each other, love each other well. And I just encourage us to be like Jesus, in this time in this season. So Father, I just pray for the person listening, Lord, that they would be able to choose to be faithful to you, to love you Well, in this time, to love others well to love their enemies Well, and what that means to do good to others. Jesus in your time, it seems like it was so clear who were the good guys and who were the bad guys. And yet you hung out with both, you served both you loved both. And you ultimately sacrificed your life for both. There wasn’t a there in your book, the good guys and the bad guys. They needed your love. They needed your sacrifice. And it and it’s the same today. Give me the grace to see who I think are wrong. Give me the grace to be open to praying for them and seeking their good and wanting God to move on their lives and wanting them to become closer to Jesus. Just like I want myself to come closer to Jesus. Help us Lord in this time. Help them in their marriage in these particular ways as well to be thankful and grateful and not choose anxiety and negativity but gratefulness and thankfulness in Jesus
name. Amen. Thank you so much for listening. God bless you. I look forward to speaking with you next week. One quick takeaway here is if dy M has been a support to you I would so appreciate a review. Wherever you listen to the podcast, whether it’s on iTunes or another app, if you put in a review, it helps people find the podcast and it would mean so much to me. If you take a screenshot you send it to my email belah at delight your marriage.com I would happily send you back a training for you. This is specifically for gents but it’s also encouraging for women and you can share it with your husband’s possibly already God bless you. And yeah, I’m just praying that God would really give you peace today. All right. Love you. God bless.
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265-Abuse then Foster Care to Healing. Interview with Alexis and Justin Black
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Hi there!
I hope things are going well for you. I have an inspirational story to share with you today. It’s a story of challenge and ultimately hope and healing.
Alexis and Justin (
re-definingnormal.com) grew up in homes that had significant abuses, including sexual and drug abuse. By societal expectations, they wouldn’t have gotten through that pain.
But God intervened. Both went through the foster care system and by God’s grace, amazing things have changed for them. AND they’re now founders of organizations that help others who have gone through similar challenges.
They’ve written a book about their story and today, we focus on how Justin helped his wife heal from her trauma by his reliance on the Lord.
My encouragement is to listen in and be encouraged and inspired to continue your journey. And I think it will encourage you that people like Justin and Alexis are doing amazing things for people—Jesus’ hands in the earth.
Check out the Black’s various businesses here:
PS I have some resources for women coming (I know I focused on the men for a while) so I encourage you to get the 6 Tips for Seduction here:
Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. You’re joining me belah rose as I dive deep into the beauty, power and truth about intimacy, learn not only the practicals, but the heart behind what making love is all about. delight your marriage. Hey there and welcome, I am so grateful you’re joining. So today, oh my goodness, we have a super inspirational conversation with Alexis and her husband, Justin. And they’ve got just an incredible story of starting out from from foster care and various abuses, and including sexual abuse and just some of the toughest stuff you can experience in life. And then God has just incredibly transformed them to an incredible other side. And we talk about how a husband can help his wife heal from things like abuse and how a husband can feel healed from his wife in different ways as well. So that’s this awesome conversation, I’m excited to share it with you before we dive in. If you’re a wife listening, I’ve done a lot of materials for men recently. But if you’re a wife listening, I have something really exciting coming up. So my encouragement to you is, first of all get the freebie, which is the seduction tips. And it’s really helping you have kind of my favorite advices around seduction. And the truth of the matter is I think women really benefit from having other women kind of running alongside them in this journey to love our husbands well with excitement and passion. So when you do get that download, go to delight your marriage.com/tip s and then you’ll be on my email list and I’ll be able to share with you some exciting, free trainings that will be coming here in the coming weeks. And yeah, I think it’s going to be amazing for you. Alright, let’s go ahead and dive into Alexis and Justin
I have got some special guests on actually husband, wife newly married Alexis and Justin blacker on and I’m so grateful to have you all you’ve got an absolutely incredible story and, and also a huge amount of not just inspiration, but healing and possibility that others can get to the other side of their their pain and woundedness. So anyway, welcome. I’d love to invite you both to kind of introduce yourself.
Yeah, of course. First and foremost, we’re thankful and happy to be on here. And it’s you know, five years. Super excited about that. My name is Justin black. I’m from Detroit. And I grew up in Detroit from pretty much up until the age of 17, or 18. And I hear because with my wife, we co authored a book called redefining normal, partly about our experiences in the foster care system before meeting each other, how to individuals are able to kind of like figure out their trauma together, but also separately how we support each other. So I took the foster care system at the age of nine years old, my mom did with substance abuse, my dad was often selling drugs, and we grew up in an environment just filled with poverty, and neighborhood full of drug abuse. And it got to a point where we were on the run from Child Protective Services. And we live in an abandoned home for a couple months and live throughout the winter, where things are really bad. Me and my siblings got sick, and my mom released into the foster care system. So going from there, and entering the foster care system with one of my brothers. I’m the youngest of five, and me and him who was the fourth youngest. We have traveled through the foster care system together and deal with a lot of emotional abusive things, and just trying to grow and process of life without parents and they didn’t live too far away from me during my time and care and trying to understand how do I adjust the life without parents who seemingly didn’t love me or didn’t want me but I’m trying to develop identity of my own and another traumatic experience at 13 just losing my teeth in an assault. walk home from school, losing about four my teeth we hit with a brick ranch. And yes, so that happened when I was 13 years old on a random Friday catching the bus home from school. And that just send me into depression and a so many mental health issues of just loneliness and emptiness and dealing with that burden throughout like high school or middle school and high school. and not being able to make friends because you know, kids can be cruel, and making jokes about it and not being able to be myself. And trying to keep this a secret for as long as I could once I did actually get partials or fake teeth, and dealing with that, luckily, as an adult, you know, we talked about in the book, I was able to get surgery done to fix my teeth, and organization was willing to donate 1000s of dollars, more than like, 20,000 to fix my teeth. And this actually happened this past December. But, um, there’s ups and downs of mental health and so many things throughout the foster care system, and trying to be as vulnerable as possible my partner, and I put my trauma on her. Hmm,
yeah. Fun fact, this, Alexis has life. And when we first started dating, he actually thought I was gonna leave him because he didn’t have his two front teeth. He still were a flipper. And so um, you know, it’s just being in learning to be incredibly vulnerable with each other through our through different traumas, because we’re still healing, you know, healing is a lifetime journey. So, but a little bit about me. Yeah, so I’m, I’m Alexis black, newly elected black, I was less than Slenderman. Up until August, oh, we got married and, and I entered foster care at 13. But before that, my biological mother died from suicide. And I didn’t find out until high school that she did. And then I found out only like, two years ago that my grandma also died from suicide. So it runs my family. And when I was actually in high school, I was very suicidal, I was hospitalized, I was on medications and, and different things. So I also had to go through that. But my dad was a, sexually physically and emotionally abusive towards me until I was about 13. So I started when I was about six, until about 13, and then moved in with family members who were mentally and emotionally abusive, so I couldn’t really heal from that. And then, you know, it’s never a dull moment. So add on to that. I was actually in a an abusive relationship for about eight years from 18 to 20, or no, sorry, 13 to 22. And so those are such formative years of your identity and who you are, and so much of my existence belong to that individual. And so he would break up with me pretty much daily, and torture me in a lot of ways. And part of my being on suicide, watching other things was because of him. And just their relationship was just so awful. But it wasn’t until I was about 22 and 2016. I went to South Africa for about five months. And I really, like had come to Jesus moment where I, I because up until that point, I just hated myself so intensely, like so intensely. And, but I had to learn to like myself, I was all the way across the world from any and everybody that I know, and I love and I learned those doing little things together, like going out to lunch together, being alone in a room together, like all these things that I hated until that point, and then just started trying to make amends and do other things during that time, um, and then came back from South Africa, broke up with that person, one week later met Justin, on the first day of our scholarship program, so it’s kind of crazy how things come together. And now we’re years later married. Yeah, four years later, we’re married. We own three companies writing a book together. So it’s really insane how life kind of turns around. Yes. That’s incredible. And, yeah, and I know, I asked you before and Jesus did all of these things like he has been so powerful in your in your life. That’s just this is huge. So, um, so the, just the intense amount of challenge, you know, something, Alexis, that a lot of people I think don’t realize is how traumatic a mental hospital is and how like, yes, going into and through that. That is that is seriously palpable that definitely added some extra trauma and I said any and everything I could get out of there early rights, right. I’ve i Yes, I know a bit about that. And that’s just awful. So you guys are young. How old? Are you? 26
I’m 23
Amazing, like, seemed like what you guys have been through and the way you have completely shifted your lives. Like, tell me the process like how did this happen?
Well, first is is never just like, Okay, tomorrow my whole life. Yeah, you know, it’s the process. And even though we we’ve we’ve wrote a whole book about our lives and our experiences and how we start the process of overcoming and our turning point of her Her foster parents who are truly godly people who are true examples of what God is, and she was talking a little bit about her Turning Point and her process. But even though we have this whole book, we there’s still the process of growing and it never ends. You know, she talked about how there’s like two generations of suicide, her family. And on my side, on my dad’s side of the family, there’s two generations of domestic violence. And on my mom’s side, there’s two generations of drug abuse. So we’re always in the process of figuring things out, I have, we have to be intentional about every single thought and every single thing we do have, when I’m stressed, I’m not turning to certain things that have to do with my stress, I’m turning to God for my stress, and I’m talking to my wife in a healthy way, with my stress and not doing having a knee jerk reaction of my emotions when we butt heads, or we get into arguments. And being intentional about the things that I say, and the things that I do. And I still made, I still need to get better with the words that I use and how I treat lectures. And even though I feel like I’m doing a good job, I can always get better and always have moments where I reflect on it and say I could have done better. So this process of growing and turning and changing our lives, from different from what we’ve known growing up in our family history and our family culture. It’s an ongoing process, and also ongoing thing that we need to learn and kind of redefine our way of thinking. So even though our lives have changed, and for me, specifically, my life has changed when people have spoken life into me, and spoken good things into me and believed in me to where it’s like, I they believe in me more than I believed in myself. And it was at 17 years old when I’m moving to a group home, right outside the city of Detroit. And I separated from my family, even though it was like a 20 minute drive. But that’s all I really needed just to be separated from my family, my family for a little bit. And I had successful black men who were pastors, businessman, and engineers, and successful who spoke life into me and told me that I can see you going to college, I can see you being a great writer, I see you doing so many great things. And I didn’t believe that about myself at the time. But they believe they believe that and they spoke that into me. So it got to a point where I’m working hard. And I’m getting good grades, not for myself, but for them. Because they have that expectation for me. And they believe in me. So that was the big turning point in my life.
I love that Justin and I love the the importance of role models, the importance of black men that are showing you this is possible we can do this, you can do this, I believe this for you a good writer of you know, businessman like, and you are those things like you, you have your own into the man they saw in you ahead of time.
Yeah, they spoke that into me before I believe it myself. So it is crazy how just coming full circle.
Yeah, I think part of that though, is even though like for me, people speaking certain things into me, I had to be able to receive those things. And I think that as as a Christian, we’re always taught to give and be generous, but we’re not really taught how to receive. And in order for you to receive even blessings, you have to be receptive of that. And so that was always difficult to me for growing up in survival and growing up where I had to be super independent and figure everything out for myself, that the only way 100% The only way I will be successful is if I learn to be independent or interdependent with other people. And I learned to have those relationships and rely on other people. And that’s so hard when your entire life you’re let down you’re like stabbed in the back my family, everybody only wants things from you. It’s just, that’s extremely difficult. But also that’s your reliance on faith in God to get you through it and the importance of those relationships. And that’s why I always tell people that you have to stop trying to be so independent and learn to be interdependent on people around you. And you’ll be surprised at how many more people there are in the world that are willing to be in your corner and fight for you than people that are willing to stab you in the back and harm you. So it was really learning those boundaries of who is part of my family and who is in my community. And one of the greatest things for me for being in foster care as well was learning that I get to choose my family that is the power that I have. Just because your blood does mean it means nothing. Like I can I can choose that. And it’s a blood doesn’t mean loyalty to me at all. And so and so like even at our wedding, over half of the people there were from our college we graduated from and it’s like that just shows how much we’ve poured into our community and it because that just that just fits who we are. And so I always just try to encourage people to create your own family and community of people that that love you and surround you with the things that you need to succeed and move forward. Because that’s really what I needed. And I think it was trying to seek out different things that I needed from different people. And that’s how I naturally built my community. But I don’t think I was purposely doing that in the beginning. But then after I started viewing role models and mentors in the way that they do it, then are just kind of naturally picked up on it. I think, I love that. I love that. And I love what you talked about with the bringing others in. It’s it’s this idea of, and it takes courage, it takes courage to trust and believe that you’re not going to be stabbed in the back again, and especially with both of your histories. I mean, of people just walking out of your life and people abusing and you know, how, how have you been able to trust each other when you have had such pain from trusting others that were not trustworthy? You know, you got Oh, I don’t I think it really started from the beginning from us, because, um, so going back, um, I just left an eight year abusive relationship. And I told myself that I’m not going to date anybody for a long time. And I was okay with that. I was like, I can spare who Alexis is who I am, what I stand for my diving back into my faith. And then I also promised my foster parents at the time that, that I’m not going to date for a year. And so I promised them that and I was perfectly okay with that, and then just walks in. Yeah, mess it all up, just man Oh, man. Whatever.
But, um, just one of the most beautiful things that really happened, a relationship was, um, when we during the first week that we met, uh, I really, I told myself that if he’s going to leave, I want him to leave now. And I had this mentality that I’m, I’m too broken, to be loved. And so much of that came from my past, and what other men have told me that, you know, the typical abusive lines of like, nobody else will love you, you’re too broken to be loved all these things, you know, that that partners may say, and I internalize that, and I took that to this relationship, and I are beginning of this relationship. And I and I basically said to myself, you know, what, if he’s gonna go, he’s gonna go now. And so we just got done playing like game of football with our scholarship program, or volleyball was our scholarship program. And then we went and sat down in the grass together. And he was like, tell me about yourself. And I can promise you what I said, wasn’t what he meant when he said, Tell me about yourself. But I just kind of laid it all out and just said, like, this is me, let’s take it or leave it. And he grabbed my hand and said, You’re beautiful, and I just can’t wait to get to know you more. And to me, that was just like, one of the most validating things that a human could have done for me. And, and I just start crying, I want to cry, I’m crying. I was just like, this baby. And it was just like, holy crap. Like, I can be love, like, I’m not too broken. And I mean, obviously, you know, we both have our brokenness. And, um, and then also for, for Justin have, maybe even I think was like, a month and a half or two months later, when he said, I have something to tell you. And I’m like, Oh, God, he’s got kids, like, I don’t have a whole bunch of stuff, you know, like anything. And, and then he’s like, I don’t have my two front teeth. And I’m like, okay, and he’s like, Well, I This happened when I was a teenager, and I were a flipper, whatever. And he was expecting me to say, Oh, I can’t do this, like, this is me. And, you know, just telling him, like, you’re still like, the most beautiful man ever. Really, it’s okay. And, you know, and then the, the first night that we stayed together, and he said, You know, I can sleep with my flipper, and tonight, but tomorrow, or next time, I’m gonna have to take it out. And I’m like, take out now, like, I want to see you without it. And so he took it out. And, you know, as humans, we look for validation from others and from our partner. And so when he took out the teeth, and he looked at me, and he, you know, don’t didn’t have a seat, and I’m not gonna lie, I was shocked, because I don’t think I’ve ever seen somebody without their front teeth. But at the same time, I looked at him, I said, you’re still beautiful to me, like, you’re still amazing. And, like, I still love you. And just that moment, I’m sure build his confidence as much as it like, you know, built mine and each other. And then you want to tell Tom about the time that you know, you go first all that? Okay, wait, we do Oh, we do. I do want to mention, I love. I love Justin’s response to your vulnerability. Right? Because that is that for men that are listening, a lot of men listen, when your wife is so vulnerable, to share her heart to share her feelings to share her emotions. The validation of that to grab your hand and say you’re beautiful like that. You’re not too much like I feel like that’s a big thing for women is like, my feelings are too much. It’s gonna scare him away and he’s not gonna be able to take all the emotions of the woman and because of the pain of the past, right, yeah, you have a lot of pain. A lot of women have a lot of pain, I have a lot of pain in our past. And for a man to be able to hold her and say, You’re too much, you’re beautiful, I accept you as you are like, that is the healing balm for a woman’s heart. So I think I speak for the, the wrong man, and maybe too much before for a mature man, you know, he was 19. But he was mature enough to say those things into, you know, like, own up and say, like, it may be a lot, but I’m here for you in this process, and so support you. And I think it just takes maturity and compassion from that individual to be able to be with somebody like that. Um, but
I think you guys first you guys give me a lot of credit, oh, my God. So we talked about this in our book, and it goes into like the first part of how we met. And, you know, we we met during a Senior Scholars Program. And this for this is a program for foster youth to higher education, transition into college and transition into adulthood. And she was a junior, she just entered the program, but I was incoming freshmen. And to be honest with you my mindset as a freshman coming in with like, I first I wanted to hide the fact that I had fake teeth. And that was something that, you know, kept me from making true friendships, and in high school and in middle school, because eventually everyone will be like, hey, put a T file, let me see, you know, the kid with no teeth. And even me playing on the football team. You know, those are when you make your closest friends and everything but out, I had to take my teeth out when I play football. So that’s what I was known for. And I never really made any true friends. So my mindset coming into college was, you know what, nobody will know about my teeth. I’m not playing football in college. So I’m going to do everything I can to fit in and do everything I can to make these friendships. And even though I had a sense of God, who God was, and I was trying to be a man of God, more importantly, I wanted to fit in with the crowd. So my motivation coming into college or sleeping with as many women as possible, you know, go to college stuff, drink and all this other stuff. But because that wasn’t who I was, it went away so fast. And during it went away. And during set week when we met each other, which is a week where the Senior Scholars meet with your cohort and you walk around campus, see where your classes are, and meet your campus coach and everything. During that week. You know, I tried to talk to a bunch of girls and get a bunch of girls numbers and everything. But we had an activity where we kind of had to write on a note card, and it was anonymous, of something that you over overcome, that people wouldn’t know by looking at you. And I’ve heard so many stories of sexual assault, and sexual abuse. And it was anonymous, so we wouldn’t know who it was. But I feel it’s like three fourths of the room experienced sexual assault or sexual abuse. And of course, a lot of those could have been men. And I’m sure a lot of those were women. And that kind of switch by idea, especially as a senior scholar of I need to enter a situation and with my cohorts and everybody with more compassion, and a more loving spirit. And and I kind of felt a shame that I went into the situation thinking I want to see women, especially you seen that, knowing that a lot of these women are broken, and have been through so much. So many traumatizing experiences. Right after that activity. We had our moment where we were like sitting in the grass and everything. And I asked, you know, tell me about yourself. And that really brought me back to God, just knowing the truth of the situation, and how I need to be more compassionate, and be more vulnerable. Because during that experience during that activity, writing on a note card, I didn’t say anything about myself, I didn’t say anything my past I didn’t I wasn’t ready to deal with my trauma. So I barely said anything. I said that. I was the first to go to college and my family. I didn’t say anything about the drug abuse or my family or domestic violence or my teeth or anything I just said, go to college, my family knows it and hear her story. And meeting her. She’s such a strong and passionate person, like the smartest person that I know now and sparse, smart person, and more so mature and everything and to see what she has overcome. It just made me know that so many men have taken advantage of her in her life and tried to read. So so many men have taken advantage of her her life that I know I didn’t want to be added to that list and I wanted to be vulnerable as well and take that first step and being vulnerable so she can open up. I wanted to be open as well even though it took me a while to get to talk about my teeth and everything. I wanted to be open and vulnerable to her so she can feel safe and maybe something that she’d never felt before being safe with the with the man seeing So many men have taken advantage of her. I wanted to be someone who she could be open and honest and vulnerable with his love.
Incredible, absolutely incredible. That’s awesome. I love, I love the perspective of becoming aware of the amount of pain women have experienced and responding to that with grace, and with wanting to help heal. And I think for the men that are listening, how powerful that can be for your wife with you know, I think what happens a lot of times is men have, you know, they really feel like they’ve been cheated because they’re, maybe their wife has experienced sexual trauma. And so she brings that into the marriage. And so she’s not free sexually. And he feels like it’s not fair, he should have a healed up woman that can be free sexually can, you know, enjoy frequent intimacy, can love all those things? But I mean, how is that something for you, Alexis, because you have experienced sexual trauma? Like how have you learned to be free in intimacy? And that’s, again, if you’re willing to go there. Yeah. But how has that been something you feel you’ve gotten to a place where, where you can be, you know, have a healthy sex life with your husband? Yeah, and it wasn’t it, I guess my sexual trauma didn’t just come from my dad, it also came from, like sexual sex, several sexual partners that I’ve had. And specifically with that, that boyfriend that I had for eight years, because, like, for example, I was on birth control, and I had a negative reaction to it. And so that made me not want to be intimate at all. And the amount of abuse that I received for not wanting to be intimate and just the extreme tearing down of my character of, of my looks of I mean, everything about my identity, and as a woman torn down, and she tried to strip away, I don’t really know, the purpose was other than to Him always have power over me. And I got so bad one time outside of his grandma’s house that actually threw up because I, I just, it was so bad, how bad it was. And then, like another time, he asked me specifically about something that my dad made me do to him. And, um, I was like, You know what, I’m not gonna lie, because it happened, I can’t take it back. And he asked me to do this happen. And I said, Yes. And, um, he didn’t come to Thanksgiving the next day. But when he did show up, it was outside of my family’s house. And he was screaming at me in front of my entire family calling you dirty and nasty, and literally anything mean thing that you could say to another human, and telling me that I need to take a shower and bleach like all these things, just how horrible like I am as a person, going from that to a man that is led by God and believes in healing, and I’m just his extreme faith. And that, to me, has restored so much of my faith. But I think also because I’m very aware of what triggers me. And it’s my job as a survivor to say to my partner, that these certain things trigger me and I need you to be aware of that. It’s not his job to know all of my triggers, but it’s his job, to be compassionate, and to listen. And so I’m being the one to being able to, like I had to communicate that with him, of certain things that were that were hard for me, and just him respecting that. And then also 100% of the time, when we’re intimate, it’s consensual, and he asked me, and I think that is one of the biggest things too, is that he respects me enough to ask me. And I know that for a lot of men, that can be really hard, because you want the spontaneity you don’t want to ask every time like, this is your wife here, you’re kind of entitled to her and her body, which I would never do that. Because no matter if I’m married, you’re not entitled to me, I’m sorry. But, um, but at the same time, it’s like, it is not my job, but like, I’m his wife, and I want to make sure that I that please Him and his partner. Um, but sometimes that can be difficult if I’m struggling with something but him just not making me feel bad for it and him saying, you know, it’s okay. Let’s watch a movie. Let’s just talk, let’s hang out, like, you know, our relationship isn’t based on that and that’s okay. And so it’s having a partner that just is willing to listen and love you through, you know, all the processing. Yes, I love it. I love it. And Justin, can you share a little bit of your heart around helping her heal sexually and like from sexual abuse? Because a lot of men are trying to grapple with that and know what to do how to how to help. Do you have any thoughts you want to share?
Yeah, because six can be elective physical act. A lot of times for men, we can let our flesh our body kind of just say I want it. And yeah, if there is another reason why, you know, my wife can’t do it or doesn’t want to, then she’s the problem and everything and you know, it kind of just get upset and think and speak out of your body and your flesh without being intentional, it your mind and your spirit saying that, Oh, she, the problem is she’s been, you know, she’s experienced sexual abuse and all this other stuff. And she’s a problem, or why me? Why do I have to, and being honest that those ideas can start to come to my mind, but I have to be intentional. In my spirit, and in my mental that, okay, there is a there’s a reason, there’s a purpose and us being together. And your purpose and as a relationship as a couple will carry you. And knowing that me respect to her wishes will go a lot further than me getting what I want in that moment. Is is huge. And I’m saying if if I’m saying it’s not that as the person has mastered his ideas, you know, this is a kid, again, everything we talked about is a continuous struggle, you know, not I won’t lie and say that those thoughts of oh, why me glad to deal with this will never come up in my head again. But I have to be intentional about those ideas of okay, me respect to her is the foundation of our relationship and we listening to her is the foundation of our relationship. So even if I need to take a breath, go pray or do whatever I need to do, or just stay there and lay with her, and be there for that’s what I need to do. And again, I’m not saying this as like, I know how it’s easier, you know, you know, it’s hard, it’s definitely, with the hard things that are difficult things will be the things that will sustain your relationship, the things that will carry you and push you forward. And it really takes a lot of spiritual maturity for you to get there. You can’t come into a relationship with lust with lust and a heart full of lust and sexual desires, fueling you and filling your heart because those things will show and getting married won’t fix that, you know, you need to be spiritually and mentally mature enough, especially when you’re dealing with someone with trauma to overcome that.
Right. Which is amazing. That is amazing. And I I love also that you mentioned, you know three fourths of the room of the women that you were, you know, the the situation you just described have had sexual trauma and just a stylistically speaking, one in four women have experienced sexual trauma. And personally, I identify a lot with what you mentioned, Alexis, and needing a lot of healing from my husband from the patience and the gentleness and the consistently being there. Regardless of what I can do physically. Those are the things that gave me the healing that I have now that now we’re in a very different place. But to recognize that, for those men that may be listening that are like, Yeah, I wish that we weren’t in whatever we’re in because of whatever she’s gone through. It’s like, it really doesn’t. Like every woman, this is the journey like we all need patient men that treat us well that are like Jesus, you know, that’s the process of the beauty of marriage. So awesome. So um, guys, you you were just incredible. Can you share a little bit about the I know, you’ve got a couple of businesses and ministries and all that and about your book, if you don’t mind? Yeah, so one of our businesses is the scholarship expert, where we help students find and apply for scholarships. And because both of us graduated with over $340,000 in scholarships, we we have three degrees between the two of us certification who graduated debt free, and we studied abroad 13 times so I mean, we’ve been able to do so much. God countries. Yeah, man. So over 30 countries so yeah, so God is so good. We definitely talked about that in the book as well. Just how he got is just so good. And me. So we really wanted to pour back into other people all the things that we learn so that’s the scholarship expert. So it’s the scholarship expert calm. And the other one is a rising over societal expectations, or rose empowerment group. And that one is the rose empowerment group calm, and we was mainly Justin, trying to close the information gap for black and brown youth. And then the other one is redefining normal and that’s our book. Yeah, our
book redefining normal how to foster kids beat the odds and discover getting happiness and love. This has been a thing this has been a project we’ve been working on all year during quarantine. Funny story. I was actually preparing a study abroad in South Africa. Alexis came along to volunteer and we’re going to scholarship expert, and the trip started in February. This February we were emergency evacuated in March on March 26, I believe, we came back and returning to living with her parents. And during quarantine, when we came back into the country, we were in her parents RV right outside of the house. And we needed to stay there for like two weeks. And so we’ve kind of like worked on the book. That’s when the idea and our, you know, ideas for the book started to roll even more. And we started to actually dig into the content of the book and everything. And that two weeks of being in the RV, it was rough. But we were able to express so many good ideas for this book. And we completed it from March to June. And of course, the editing process takes probably forever, probably the longest. So we just finished the editing process, I would say maybe September. But now we have it is ready to go. This is our baby, our first baby. Our first baby is her cat. But yeah, so this is our second baby, the something that is is just changed, gonna change our lives. And God has really had his hand all over this project. And we’re just blessed to be able to share our lives. And also one thing I love the book about the book is that we lay the foundation with our lives, and everything with the book. But on the second half of the book, we kind of switch roles as like a teacher of how we were able to overcome and communication within a relationship, patients within a relationship, and so many different aspects of seeking God for mental health issues. And, you know, going blind to God with your issues where certain issues and not your partner, because you don’t want to put those traumatic experiences and that trauma on your partner want to go to God and figure things out within yourself. So there’s so many key things and amazing things within this book. And we’re just challenging people. Everybody’s really redefining normal and things that they were raised on their family culture.
Amazing, guys, congratulations. That is huge. And I’ve got to say, I mean, both of those other businesses that you just mentioned are like, so much my heart the scholarship piece, but also rose, like all about empowering black and brown young men is it from young men are both
in a young men and women, I will kind of create something section off for young men because I’m a young black man. So I want to be intentional about that. But it is for black men and women.
That is so amazing.
Oh my god, everybody, anybody in general, who needs services. But my intention with creating the business was to close information gap for black and brown people. But I feel like the information and the resources we have to offer is for people of any gender, any race.
Yes. But I appreciate that focus on black and brown men and women because that is I mean, there is so much need there. And that is just so powerful that you are meeting that and focusing on that. And yeah, so much of my heart is right there. That’s awesome. Well, guys, let me, let me pray for you. And let’s wrap up sound good. All right. Well, Father, I just want to thank you so much for this couple. Thank you for the way that you have led them and grown them and taught them and protected them in so many ways and healed them in so many ways. Father, thank You for their willingness to be used by you, thank you for the many experiences that have shaped them and allowed them to get to where they are right now to help their generation to help people that identify with them, whether it’s people who have experienced trauma, whether it’s people who have come out of the foster care system, whether it’s people who are experiencing racism in our culture, in our society, Father, I just pray in Jesus name, that you would use their ministries in huge ways, Father God, that you would use this book that you would use their different aspects and avenues, Lord, their platform, God give them the grace to be humble and wise in all of this. Give them the grace to be strong in their marriage. And we just ask for your hand on them. Lord, we are so honored and grateful for what you’ve already done and what you’re going to continue to do through them. In Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Thank you. And if anybody wants to contact us, you can email us at info at REI dash defining are more calm. And our book does come out on November 6 on Amazon, but it’s available for pre order now.
readers to find it no more calm. Yeah, but
we’re always available for any questions or anything. I know that people reading this book will have things that they want to process or things that they want to maybe just tell me like, I’ve had several people who’ve already read it and reach out to me and say, Hey, I realized through reading your book of how much I need to heal, but then also so many things that I didn’t even tell my husband And so that’s, that’s why we wrote it. Um, for people to use this as an opportunity to heal from what they’ve done. That’s the only way that we’re going to heal generational patterns and curses and all the things that are being passed down for kids to kids. I wanted to, I didn’t want to be another adult healing from my childhood for the rest of my life. So that’s why we wrote this. Amazing guys. Amazing. Okay, well, God bless you. And thanks for coming on. Thank you. You’re amazing. Thank
you, we were so grateful to be on.
Amazing, thank you so much, Justin, and Alexis, just incredible, to be inspired by their story and the work they’re doing. I think sometimes life makes us feel jaded about what is possible for us to serve and love and do the important work to help others heal from the very same things that we have experienced. And I think they are such a great example of seeing the pain they’ve gone through and seeking to help others through it. So that’s my encouragement to you is, is the very thing that has pains you the most in your life may be the thing that God wants to help others through your story through your compassion because you understand their pain. Let me pray for you. Father, the person that’s listening, Lord, whatever you wanted them to hear is what would stay with them, God, the inspiration, the possibility of healing if they’ve experienced sexual abuse, or if their spouse has, I pray God, that you would heal them. And I pray for the spouse that he would be patient, and that he would be guided by your Spirit. And I asked for wholeness for both of them in their marriage. Lord, we love you and thank you. Amen. Thank you again for tuning in. If you’re a wife, again, I’d love to invite you to get this advice. It’s the seduction tips. And you can go to delight your marriage.com Tip s. And yeah, there’ll be some really exciting free trainings coming up. Alrighty, God bless you and I look forward to speaking with you next week. Thanks so much. Bye
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264-When to Share Hard Things With Your Spouse
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I’d like to give you a view of communication that isn’t repressing feelings but also isn’t open with all of them, at least not all at once. And when you are open slowly, you are in a way that encourages the good rather than discouraging everything.
I think in our fast-paced society nowadays, we feel this inappropriate pressure to share all the feelings we have about a topic (sex is a big one!) with our spouse because we need to get that checked off of our mental burden list. Or we need to finally unload or get it off our chest.
So we pile on all these painful complaints, criticisms, and unacknowledged feelings all at once.
And it causes huge divisions between partners and can take years to heal if at all.
My encouragement in today’s podcast is to think of your relationship not as a 30-minute conversation, but as a 90-year conversation. There is no need to address everything right now.
There is a need to be respectful, kind, gentle, grateful, and loving in all your communication with your spouse. When that is your “normal” then there is an opportunity to strategically place encouragements towards a general movement in a direction that is important to you.
“But that could take months, even years”. Luckily, you have that. And you are strong enough to shift things slowly but surely in the right direction. The shocking thing is, if you are disciplined and you are careful it may take way less time than you think.
One important piece is you can make yourself happy during that time and happier as you wisely encourage and compliment in the direction you desire. (More on that in the podcast).
This is giving the truth in love. We don’t need to rhetorically cut each other because we’re lazy or we’re “good at fighting”. We can be gentle, humble, meek, self-disciplined, and patient with the truth–even in response to our partner’s accusations.
This way is harder and requires Jesus’ strength and character, but it will actually move you farther faster. The other can set you back for years to come and may undermine the very thing you’re trying to improve.
I hope you’ll listen to this podcast with an ear for what Jesus wants for your marriage and interactions in it.
Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. You’re joining me belah rose as I dive deep into the beauty, power and
truth about intimacy, learn not only the practicals, but the heart behind what making love is all about. delight your marriage. Hey there and welcome. I’m so grateful that you are joining me. So I’d like to talk today about how you share what with your spouse and when. And before I do, I just want to thank you so much for tuning into the podcast, if you haven’t yet, actually review the podcast, I would love for you to do that, and then just snap a screenshot on your phone. And you can just send that to Bella at delight your marriage.com. And I will send you back a training that I did for gentlemen, all about how to romance your wife. And it’s actually what I consider to be around a $97 value, because it’s within a program that’s a $297 value. And I think it’s got really good insights that I’d love all husbands to have. So go ahead and send me that email with a screenshot and I’d love to hit you back with some really good value. All right, let’s dive
into today’s topic. How do you know when to share difficult things with your spouse. So this is not easy. This is not an easy topic. And
my opinion of it is very different than the norm. Because I just have seen, I guess I guess I’ve seen my way work many times over. And I’ve seen the other way, not work many, many times over.
So this is not like normal wisdom that you get from marriage communication. So just to be aware, here’s here’s what I want to share is your spouse is the most important person in your life.
Aside from God, it is the most important relationship. And the truth of the matter is our marriage impacts our relationship with God in a huge degree. So what your spouse thinks of you, impacts the way you think about yourself. And when you think about yourself a certain way, it actually impacts the way you see yourself and your identity. And when you have a negative identity, then you actually live into that identity. Let me clarify that if your spouse says that you’re sloppy, and messy and disorganized, you’re going to start thinking that about yourself. And that becomes a self fulfilling prophecy of I am sloppy and messy and disorganized. So then what’s the point? I’m lazy, I’m sloppy, I don’t care. And the way your spouse speaks to you and about you, is the way you think it’s true. Because obviously they know you the best they know you better than anyone else. They see you at your worst, they see you at your best. And if they say negative things to you, then that’s what you’re going to think is true. Why is it so important to be careful around how you talk about difficult things to your spouse. Because without meaning to what you say to your spouse, even in a weird moment, even in a bad mood, even in a space where you are just feeling crummy and you decide to complain or criticize.
They carry that
it is a wound that you inflict on your spouse. Just a careless word. Just a rude comment. Just a mean jab. Those things are wounds that you never I see. And this goes for men and women. But sadly, I see it so frequently, with men in the way they speak to their wives about sex. They think they’re being open and honest and sharing and even vulnerable. And it is vulnerable to talk about sex, it’s vulnerable and hard to talk about things that you don’t like in your sex life. Yes, I understand. For men, it’s a it’s a difficult thing to share with your spouse. And so they share it. But it comes off in a way that’s extremely painful for their wife. And what happens when they are when a wife feels criticized about her sex in any way, whether it’s frequency, or variety, or initiating or any possible thing. It makes her feel like she’s not good enough. And it makes her feel like you want someone else. Even though you’re saying those things because you want her? Not because you want to go somewhere else, otherwise, you would have gone somewhere else. But no, you want to share it with her because you want her to be everything to you sexually. But she doesn’t take it that way. And so how do you share things that are hard in your marriage? How do you share when you’re dissatisfied with something your spouse is doing or not doing? Well, my invitation to you is to take the long view. To take the long view. Your marriage is not a 30 minute conversation. Your marriage is a 80 year conversation. 60 years, however long you end up living, it is a long conversation. There is no reason to get everything out on the table in one, conversation. None, there’s no reason for that. You don’t have to share all of your thoughts. You don’t have to share all of your complaints, you don’t have to share all of the negative things that’s going through your head right now. What my encouragement is, is to broaden, widen the time line, make it longer, you can share a little piece. And then a couple weeks later, another little piece, but bathed in so much gratitude of the good. Bathed in so much encouragement of the good the things that you see about your marriage that are good, and that you appreciate about your spouse. If they have this incredible concept of themselves because of the things you say about them all day long every day. Why then and encouragement around I’d love to, you know, do something minor in the bedroom is going to be well received because you’ve told them about all these amazing things about who they are and, and what they do. But the criticism and the correction and the Oh, I just wish we would do this. Those kinds of things are just going to make her clothes off and make her feel like she’s not good enough and make her not want to try. No one wants to go towards something that they feel like they’re going to get criticized for. It’s just like for a husband. If wives I’ve been there. So that’s why I’m saying this because I have been there. When I have felt like my husband wasn’t putting any effort towards romance I have flat out told him that he’s not putting any effort and I’m putting in all the effort and he’s not doing what he needs to do. Was it true? Sure. Sure. That’s how I was feeling. Was it helpful? I don’t think so. I don’t think it moved the ball forward. I don’t think it made him any more motivated to please me. If instead I had shared some things around his identity of who he is,
you know that he loves me and I can tell he takes care of our family and I’m so grateful for all the things he does for us and I’m very specific about posts compliments and then I talk about the things that you know, I love when we go out to a restaurant and yeah, that would make me so happy if we could do that sometime. Like, that is the easiest thing to, to drop a hint there. And then a week later, maybe you go out to a restaurant if not, okay, give it two weeks of continuing gratitude and gratefulness and all that. And then you mentioned I’d really love to go to this restaurant here. And there’s an event coming up, that would mean a lot to me. And then great. Maybe you go to the event, maybe you don’t maybe another week goes by and you’re grateful for all the good things and then you share honey, I’d It would mean a lot to me. If we could go someplace, is there? Is there a possibility we can put that on the calendar? And you’re a bit more vulnerable? You’re a bit more open? And yes, this is a process? Yes, it’s it’s not. I mean, honestly, it’s lazy communication, complaining, and criticizing. It’s just lazy communication. It’s we’re not thinking about the other person’s feelings. We’re just thinking about our own. And I’m not inviting you to bottle everything. That’s not the invitation. I think, strategically, though, you need to be kind. You need to speak the truth in love. Loving truth does not mean immediate truth. Jesus was so careful about timing, when people were ready for what? You know, when when the woman caught in adultery. You know, he treated her very differently than he treated the man who was totally righteous. And all he needed to do like the next step of because he was doing every single thing, right. The next step was the rich young ruler, right? He was doing every single thing, right, though, the last step Jesus said, was to give everything you have to the poor, like, people were ready for different things at different times. And he was careful about that. He didn’t give everyone the same advice. So my invitation to you is to be cautious, and to be careful, and to recognize that your words can leave wounds that take so much more effort to heal, than the effort it takes for you to just be careful about what you say, and to have peace reign in your home. You know, it’s, my husband and I were hosting someone recently. And it was just so beautiful. Obviously, with COVID. We don’t, we don’t host people regularly. This was this was someone in particular, but I remember they said, you know, it’s the it’s the best sleep I’ve had in weeks. And then they stayed for another night because it was and then again, they said is the best sleep I’ve had in weeks because of the peace in your home. And there’s a we have some another, it’s just something we’ve heard many times is that there’s peace in our home. It’s just like, you come into our apartment. It’s just this oasis of peace. And I think that comes from our marriage. You know, we’ve got two robot, rambunctious boys, there’s no reason for it to be peaceful. I mean, and you come in, it’s not immaculate, seriously, it’s not even beautiful. Like we’ve got, you know, kids scrawling with pencil and marker on the walls, like it is not a beautiful apartment by any means. But it is peaceful. Because of the way my husband and I treat each other. Because of our intimacy is generous and frequent. And free and enjoyable. It it builds each other up, we’re careful about how we speak to each other, we respectful, we use all those extra words that seem unnecessary, like honey, would you mind? Or oh, excuse me just a second, or oh, gosh, I’m so sorry to interrupt you. Like those are the things we say to each other. And yes, we’re married, like, why would you say all those things? Because truly the other person is the most important person in our lives, and we’re not going to take them for granted. I was with my mom. And she goes, I said something like, Honey, do you want do you want me to get
something or whatever? And my husband’s like, no, no, I’ll bring it down. And my mom’s like, you know, he was going to do that for you. And I was like, Yeah, well, of course, but I don’t want to take him for granted. And it’s true. Like I know the the character and the you know the generosity of my husband and the way he always goes far out of his way to serve me and carry my bag and do all the chivalrous things like I love it. I love being treated like a queen in my own home. But I don’t take him for granted. He doesn’t have to do that. He does I have to clean the dishes every night. So I don’t have to and I get to go primp at night, like, he doesn’t have to do just be immense amount of things he does for our family like the the dishes, the laundry, the vacuuming the cleaning the bathroom, like he does those things, gentlemen, he does those things. And of course, I’ve got energy at the end of the night to do other things that matter to him. Because I haven’t been scrubbing, and cleaning, and grocery shopping and all those things. So just let that be a lesson to you, gentlemen. But the point is, I don’t take that for granted. I recognize how important it is that he does those things for me, and I’m grateful and I constantly share with him how grateful I am. So that’s the way our communication is in our home. If I want those things to happen, if a wife is listening is like I wish my husband did those things. Well, it wasn’t immediate, it wasn’t automatic. Where we are today is careful, strategic, important communication, and my husband is gonna listen to this audio, he listens to everything I put out. It’s not manipulative guys. It’s, it’s genuine gratefulness and appreciation. And of course, your spouse wants to make you happy. Of course they do. It’s not going to help for you to complain until they get it that doesn’t help. It doesn’t help. What does help is for you to gratitude yourself into them, feeling so happy to make you happy. It takes a process that takes time it takes self discipline, and not saying everything that comes into your head. But that’s the process. And it’s effective. And it makes you happier. So that’s my encouragement is to get superduper grateful in your heart and share the things you’re grateful for. And little by little slowly, slowly, slowly bathed in peace, bathed in appreciation. You can share, I’d love to try this, or I’d love to do that. But it can’t be fast, can’t be pressured. It can’t be impatient. It’s got to be the fruits of the Spirit that you live out between the two of you. And it’s not bottling things up. But it is the truth in love. The way Jesus modeled it. He was patient, he was gentle. He was kind. He was self disciplined. Let me pray for your father. The person that’s listening right now needs wisdom. They need wisdom on how they’re going to speak to their spouse, how they’re going to speak to their spouse in front of others. When it’s just the two of them in front of a counselor. They need wisdom on how they’re going to speak to their spouse because they those words, leave scars or those words, he’ll give them the grace to heal the wounds of the past. Give them the grace to be wise. And to speak the truth in love. And to use all of the wonderful wisdom of Proverbs. There’s so much wisdom in that book. That they speak to their spouse respectfully kindly, with all the fruits of the Spirit in their home. That their marriage would be a true testament to non believers of what love looks like. We love you, Jesus. Amen. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you for being a part of the delight your marriage. Group. I don’t know. movement feels way too pretentious, but just the people that share delight your marriage and pray for it and do all the things you do. Thank you.
I love you. I’d love to receive a review for you from you, on whatever place you listen to the podcast. And if if you do that, send me a screenshot and I’ll send you back some trainings. Alrighty. God bless you and we’ll talk soon.
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263-Will My Wife Say No…Again?
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Hi there,
This podcast is for men (or the women who want to peer inside of hearts of men) it’s all about the specific Stages to Sexual Freedom that a husband can employ to transform his marriage—even if he’s the only one doing the work.
If you’re an action-taker once you know the process you’re going to start and fix this once and for all, this is the podcast for you.
I believe that those who listen will feel empowered to do what God wants them to do in their marriage to truly transform it.
In the second half of the episode I’ll be sharing more about the Masculinity Reclaimed: Be respected, enjoy fierce intimacy, and love being married again program.
We’ll even hear from Vikas who went from a sex-starved frustrated marriage with a young child to a place where she often initiates 3+ times per week and she doesn’t’ even know he did the program.
Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. You’re joining me belah rose as I dive deep into the beauty, power and truth about intimacy, learn not only the practicals, but the heart behind what making love is all about. delight your marriage. Hi there and welcome. I am so grateful you are joining me. And so today what I want to talk about is when your wife rejects you. And for many, it’s over and over again. And it’s very, very painful. So that’s the first piece I want to be diving into. The second piece is if you’ve been following along with either the podcasts or the masterclass, I’m really excited that enrollment is open for this session of masculinity reclaimed. And what I’ve done is three part three lessons to a full masterclass. And the response has just been mind blowing, just amazing with with people sharing their hearts and the vision that they have for not only their marriage, but most importantly what they’re going to do after they get the marriage that they believe God wants them to be. I mean, some people, they want to start ministries, they want to be better fathers they want. I mean, all of these things, they need to get their marriage and intimacy straightened out. And so that’s actually what I want to do on today’s podcast is I’m going to share with you the first half of the third masterclass. And somebody said, in an email to me said it’s one I am here. And I wish I could tell everyone that this is worth it. That was one one comment. Another comment said after this section that I’m going to be sharing with you they said next time trying to remember the quote something like next time you decide to share God inspirational message, would you please let us know we need to bring a box of Kleenex is. So I expect and hope and pray that this is going to be really encouraging for you. If you’re the husband, that gets rejected a lot. Because what I want to do is give you a sense of the process to change things in your marriage, like actually understand that there is a system that can transform. And it’s wisdom to do that. And plenty of people in the Bible model wisdom to us, not not only Jesus, which he definitely does, many, many, many times around. But how does someone very key in the Bible that I really want to elucidate their, their process for changing their spouse in an extremely dramatic way. There is a process for this. So if you have been rejected by your wife, there is a process to change this, there is a way to change this. So let’s go ahead and dive into the content. There is one part where I specifically say, I’m going to be taking a break in a little bit. But before I do, I want to tell you the most important thing whether or not you take my course this is the most important thing. So I would encourage if you’re writing in your car, if you’re, you know, mowing the lawn if you’re doing something else, which I know, I know you’re busy, so it makes sense. But this is the you know, few minutes that I would encourage you to pause and, you know, sit down take a moment to see what God might want to speak to you in that section. Because I think that if we don’t if we’re not attentive to the, the opportunities God gives us to be impacted by him, then we won’t be impacted. So that’s my encouragement if you listen to my podcast two times fast, which is what I do during that when I say I’m about to take a break, I would love for you to slow it down. Really take the moment to focus in and then after that segment, it’s finished there’s going to be some calming music and just see if you can connect with Jesus and let’s dive in
thank you so much to this final lesson of the masterclass oh my gosh we have been through an amazing time right I feel like every single night so far God has shown up in amazing ways I’ve heard just amazing encouragement from you from literally all over the world we’ve had a chilly and hungry Oh your bed from hunger. You know it’s 1am in Hungary right now. And in this gentleman is here like incredible somebody here from England. It’s midnight. Like, God is so good. There’s so many people. I really do believe in that there are those that are on this call right now that because of tonight, their marriage will be transformed. And I say that because I get to see that over and over again. And so it’s really up to you. It’s really how much you bring to this class is how much you’re going to get out of it really. And so my encouragement to you is to close all the tabs, silence your phone, get off a Facebook, I’m just kidding, you’re not on Facebook. Just close it all off. And really dial in you’ve, you’ve taken the time some of you are, you know, woke up in the middle of the night to join us live, and join me live. And I’m so honored by that. So, so give it your all be here, be present, and, and see what God might want to do in your life that we’ve been
through years and years of counseling, I’ve read a ton of books on marriage and everything else. This has been the most awful thing that the honorable men involved with,
can to have this roadmap, you can go back to your room and close the door and say, Okay, where am I and you can go through the checklist and say, Okay, this is where we are, this is what I need to start doing again, because this is what I forgot to do. And that’s why we went off the rails. So many people say it all starts with you, but you don’t have the tools to regroup. I’m not, I’m not worried. I’m not scared. That’s all because
of you. It can only be considered spirit led and guided because there’s no no human way this can be like this. It’s it’s this is as important, as important is as any evangelists or minister, leading people to Christ, this is healing families and marriages. This is what this is about. You are fully spirit led and guided here. Incredible. And I bless you Bella, Jesus name
Let’s pray. Father, we, we invite you here God, you are the God of miracles. You are the God of healing. You are the God of transformation. God, you are the one who heals hearts. When you walked on this earth, Jesus, you healed us. And you are still in the business of healing us in marriages, and families. All over the world tonight we ask that your presence would be felt would be known. I pray God, these would not be my words, but yours, I pray God that you would be opening eyes to what you want them to see tonight In Jesus mighty name. Amen. Alright, so I’m going to go ahead and recap lesson one and two. And let me just mention, I really think that we learn by repetition. I mean, that really is how we learn is we actually get it. And what I try to do is always teach even the same principle, a little bit of a different way. Because sometimes we don’t get it in this direction. But we’ll get the same principle if we kind of go at it a little differently. So hang with me, because I think if you kind of just keep your heart open to learning and insights, you might gain something a little new. In this again, recap of the last two nights. And for those that weren’t on the last two nights, here’s your recap. Okay, so lesson one, your wife is your most important human relationship. That’s what God makes it very clear. So love God first. Love your neighbor. Second, your closest neighbor is right next to you on the bed, hopefully, and, and then your kids and then that’s when the discernment process has to happen, whether it’s your ministry, your work, your friends, and how that but we’ve already got it established your marriage is first, above your work above all these other responsibilities. Then what we did was we talked about the intimacy framework. So what does your wife need to feel fulfilled intimately and what do you need to be fulfilled intimately and we talked about men they need to be respected, admired and wholehearted sexual intimacy and that includes the visuals and the teasing and the seduction and the fierceness and the excitement and all the stuff in between. Loving as member all of those things are included in the wholehearted sexual intimacy for men. All right, so hopefully, you’re on board with me there. Those are valid. God designed you with that desire those cravings. Women are designed with the desire for being known, being safe and being wholeheartedly cherished. And we learned about what that what that means more specifically. So If you’re holding on to pains and hurts from the past, and even just me saying those things out loud, just Oh, I wish I wish I’m so angry at my spouse, my wife for not doing those things for me. First of all, I get it because I’ve been there. But second of all, that means you’re carrying all these rocks, these heavy burdens. And you have to give those over to Jesus for you to have any motivation, any energy, to do something new in your marriage to get anything done. You have to give those over to Jesus. And most importantly to that, more importantly to that is, our eternity hangs in the balance. He says, if if you don’t forgive others, I’m not gonna forgive you. Like, that’s what he says he probably not in that tone. But he does say that in the Bible. And so that’s important. It’s, I mean, it’s vital, if our most important human relationship is our spouse, and we’re not going to forgive that other. That’s a big deal. So we addressed, we had a really cool exercise that, that some men cried on the thing, it was just beautiful. It was just incredible what that did. And then we saw the video of the cost, because so many people think, you know, if I, if I do all this work, let’s say she’s the one that needs to change, etc, etc. So the cos video, he changed and. And she then started making love to him and initiating and all these things. So definitely check out his testimonial, because it’s powerful. But yeah, she didn’t know he was doing the program. And yet, because he changed himself, she changed. Alright, so now let’s talk about lesson two. Now between lesson one and lesson two, I asked you to get really clear on your vision. What? What will you do with all the extra brain space, with all the extra motivation with all the extra stuff that you will get when you have a good marriage? Like, on the other side of a good marriage? What will you get the dream marriage that fulfills all your intimate needs?
What will you do? Are you going to start a ministry? Are you gonna start a business? Are you going to be a better father? Are you going to like what’s your vision, because you need that vision. Otherwise, you’re going to, you’re going to lose steam and forget and realize, well, this isn’t that important. But if you have a vision of this matters, because and that’s what we really focused in on in lesson two, we talked about the story of Esther, and and you learned from a woman because women all the time have to learn from the Bible stories of men. And so you hung in there and you thought about Esther of what you can learn. Because she was not only brave, she was wildly strategic, wildly strategic with the most evil man and in in history. I mean, he was horrible, murdering people, raping women, capturing young virgins and raping them all. And I mean, like, horrible, and yet, she was not only brave, she was strategic. She waited in what season, she had to love him. He didn’t deserve it, love him the way he did. The way that would be effective, so that he would trust her. And eventually, she asked her request, and it saved the entire people of Israel, God’s people. So we talked about Esther, we also talked about a gentleman who was married before I called him Jeremiah, he was married before a Christian counselor told him don’t pursue sex. You know, she doesn’t want it don’t pursue it. So he didn’t. And they were sexless for years and then got divorced, then he got married a second time. And sex was happening twice a week on the same day, every week. And it was a duty, she was thinking about her grocery list, it seemed like and that hurt him. And then when he applied a strategy, even though it kind of seemed like at first, it was the same thing that the Christian counselor suggested. But then I talked about his results was, she didn’t know he was doing the program. And his results included. Like I gave you the full quote, but basically extreme, extremely passionate, she let him do all sorts of things. She got on top all this while she’s pregnant, like all these, and yet, and yet she didn’t know he was doing the program. So that’s the difference between not having strategy and having a strategy. Awesome. Okay. So we also talked about emotional, spiritual and physical intimacy and what those mean, and we talked about defining where you are in each of those in a very, what number you are on those scales, and so on. Ask you to kind of get your average of those. So if you weren’t here the last couple nights, then just kind of zero to 10. And kind of based on what you kind of think those are, where are you on average in your marriage, zero to 10. And you can, you can type those in the chat, because what we’re learning about today, is really putting all of this together, like what does all of this mean? All this strategy, all these things? What happens when you put all of that together? So let’s, let’s go ahead and talk again, about the phases to sexual freedom, the process to sexual freedom, and what I’m going to do is share my screen again, because I want you to look at these processes very specifically. So marital health, zero to 10, you’ve got your number, zero to 10. Openness, where you will talk about strategically what that looks like, in this kind of simple graph here. So on openness, right, if you’re a three out of 10, you’re not going to be 10, out of 10, open with your complaints and your frustrations and your sadness and all of those things. Because what that’s going to do is just push you down on the scale of marital health, you want to go up. So when you’re around here, you want to employ strategy. So you can go up and what are those phases? Phase one is peace. So what does this mean in a very quick summation is, in this phase, you are focused on letting her feel safe, letting her feel known and cherished, but primarily safe. So peace, that includes no arguments, no criticisms, no controlling, we’re going to talk much more about safety here in just a moment, because that is pivotal, pivotal in you getting your marriage healthier.
Alright, so then we’ve got the next phase is the healing phase. And so that includes a culture of gratitude, a culture of gratitude, this is when you are shifting your marriage culture, you know how there’s a culture in, in businesses or culture in different countries, which we’ve got tons of countries here, it’s just incredible. Thank you for joining. But it culture makes a big difference, it makes a huge difference. What’s the culture of your marriage? What’s the culture of your family? Are you creating an atmosphere where she is attracted to you? Or is the culture of your marriage? Full of complaints and you know, what’s normal, in your conversations, what’s normal in your interactions, that’s all based on the culture you have cultivated. And it was a cultivation of a healthy culture or cultivation of a negative culture, just by not being intentional. And I’ve been there, so I’m not. I know this by experience, not by I don’t know, some other thing. Like, I have sadly been in that spot. Okay, so what else happens in this healing phase, and so to be thinking about, right, so we’re doing, you know, three to 10. And we’re at more at like, five to 10. So spiritual modeling happens in this phase as well. You are the spiritual head of your household. That’s the way God set it up. And so you need to be closer to Jesus, for her to feel safe for her to feel like I can trust him. So this has got to get started. Now, keep in mind here, that piece goes all the way across the board. So you can’t like get up to seven out of 10 and start doing a ton of like mean arguments. It’s got to go across the board. Same with the healing this, this stuff has to be consistent with the gratitude with the spiritual modeling. Alright, let’s talk about what trust is. That’s the next phase when you’re like five to six and seven. Basically, that’s when you are really time is huge. Because your wife is not your wife is not stupid. You know, she’s not silly. She’s not she knows that either. This is a permanent change, or it’s a fad and it’s going to go away. And so that’s what this process here is so important, because time will tell time will tell if these are real changes, and she can actually trust You and she can actually let down her guard. And she can actually be free in intimacy. Because they’re all connected when she feels like she can trust you why then you’re not going to judge her why then she can disrobe and be all playful and all those things, but unless she feels safe, unless she feels safe. So in this piece is a lot of times men get to this and they’d like rocket ship, like, everything’s changing, oh, my gosh, it’s amazing. It’s amazing. And they get to this stage, and they’re like, Oh, I’m exhausted, I have to keep going. Because the thing is, the thing that I just love seeing as a third party, you know, objective outsider looking in, is like, it really doesn’t take that long, it feels like a long time. But it doesn’t take that long of consistency for you to get to the freedom stage. And that’s when all the fun happens. That’s when you’ve got the playfulness and the masculine sex introduced. And you’ve got the playful culture and the teasing and all the things that you’ve seen the testimonials so far, and you’ll see some more about what this process is. But again, it’s it’s extremely, extremely intentional, very careful about it. All right, so let me stop sharing that. Okay, so in a bit, we are going to take a break. After that break, I’m going to do a bit more, um, let me get some water. We’re going to talk through the first phase, more so and what that entails since especially with what you all have shared, there’s a lot of people in that need that phase. And of course, even if you’re higher up in the, the phases, if you’re more like a seven or whatever, you still need that foundation. So that is very important.
And so then we’re also going to hear from this incredible man, who is kind of like a king David story or a soul to Paul story. And he’s going to share his insights. And but what I want to do now. Okay, sorry, sorry, sorry, let me clarify. So we’re going to do that after the break. And then we’re going to talk about the program very specifically, I’m going to really lay it out. I know lots of you are asking questions about it. So I’ve got all sorts of information about that. So that’s kind of the trajectory of the rest of this conversation. Before we do that, I want to, I want to talk through the most important thing that I’ve shared on this weekend, or that I will share whether or not you come into the program, I want to talk about it now. So if you don’t have phase one, phase two crumbles, if you don’t have phase one, and two, then phase three has nothing to stand on, and it’s not going to work. To be clear, phase one is different than phase four. So in the first two stages, you’re probably going to feel like a doormat. And that’s when a lot of people are like, I’m not going there. I have been disrespected for far too long. No, thank you. But my invitation to you is to be wise. And again with Esther, the murderer, captured in wait raped women plans to have a full on genocide in his kingdom. And yet, she did a ton of work for him. And he didn’t deserve any of it. But she realized the purpose was greater. The purpose was greater. She didn’t act out of a selfish like, I just want to be loved. She acted because she saw more. There was a vision for more if she worked, if she was wise, if she was diligent. At the other side of it, a whole nation would be saved. So you’ve seen some stories already. I was so honored to receive your comments of your vision. A lot of you mentioned things like you would you would be able to serve people better, you’d be able to be a better father. Those things like we don’t know who your children are supposed to be. You know, the end times are coming. And it might be your kids that are going to have to deal with it. Are you modeling the kind of character they are going to have to have to go through that? It’s not pretty. You are their father, you get to hold that place in their lives. You are the only one that gets to influence them the way that you can So to clarify, many of you said, you want to be able to serve others more you want to do God’s will better. So I mean, is that it’s, it’s, it’s worth to get that to get to that spot to get the vision, it’s worth setting aside your right to respect for a season. And I do mean a season I do mean, with all compassion and honor to you that respect is a God given craving. It makes sense that you desire it. Just like for Esther, is a God given desire to be taken care of and to be cherished. All these things that came didn’t do that. He didn’t do that. Okay. All right, he didn’t do that she still had to be wise. So um, one thing that’s that’s very, I think, helpful, is that for Esther, it was very time sensitive 1000s of men, women and children that she loved and knew personally, were going to be killed on a certain date, there was no guarantee that the king would ask her what she wanted. Or that he would come to the dinner, or that he would come to the next dinner. And each time it happened. Esther, I’m sure there was fear in her. So the king the first time he said, Esther, what? Anything?
I’ll give you up to half my kingdom, what would you like? Esther knew where she was on the scale. She knew she hadn’t built the trust, she hadn’t loved enough, she hadn’t gotten to the next stage to have a conversation like that. Instead, she just did one little step up, she did the next phase of Let me serve you more. Let me love you more. I know what you need. I know I can love you that way. That’s what Esther did to the king. And then he asked again, what can I give you, Esther anything up to have my kingdom? Now, again, like she’s got, like murder, like people will be killed? And there’s no guarantee he’s going to ask a third time none. And yet she trusted God, that the door would be open if she consistently was disciplined and strategic. Until eventually, yes, he asked a third time, and she was at a spot eight to 10 8%. Who knows, you know, something like that. And she could have a hard conversation because he was at a spot where he was receptive to it. You can’t have hard conversations, when you’re two out of 10, there’s no receptivity. There’s no real. You can’t a four out of 10 You can’t have a hard conversation. There’s no productivity that’s going to happen. So why is Esther worked, she did all sorts of work, preparing a feast before she even knew he was going to agree like all just just tons and tons of work. So being perceptive of where he was in his receptivity to her request was vital. And so that’s my invitation to you is to count the cost to count the cost when you get to eternity in front of Jesus. And we’re all going to be there. It’s very clearly laid out. We are going to have a meeting face to face there will be a judgement day when you get there before Jesus and he’s going to look at you with love in his eyes and he’s going to say what did you do with this life? What did you do with this life? And I can see I can feel the anticipation for tell me what did you do with this life that I gave you? Did you like it? Did you enjoy what it what was it about what did you do? And I just would hate for his eyes to look at me with disappointment. If if I don’t have something of substance to share with him. Say Yeah, I loved this life. Thank you for giving me this life. Thank you for dying for me. Look, this is what I did. These little 80 Puny years I get to enjoy Hundreds of 1000s of years with you, because I was faithful for 80 Little years. So what I want is for you not to say, your answer is, well, I would have done more but the woman you gave me sinned. If she had just done her part, I would have done mine. Because I think we know the end of that story. Eve sinned first Eve bit the apple first. And then she gave it to Adam and Adam sinned also. But what did Jesus What did God do? When he found out about their sin? Eve sinned first, but Adam was responsible. Eve sinned first, but Adam was responsible. So yeah, I agree your wife is sinning. Yes. But you don’t get a free pass to lazily sit by and not do your work because you deserve to be treated better. Jesus was never treated the way he deserved to be treated never once, not by me, not by anyone. No one treated him the way he deserved, ever. Even his nearest friends couldn’t come close to recognizing who was in front of them.
They couldn’t come close. And yet I and yet he served and yet he loved and yet he sacrificed it all for his bride, for his bride. That’s us. We are the bride of Jesus. And He sacrificed it all for us. So that we might be who the father wants us to be. And with him in eternity. So I mentioned that I’m going to give you a break here. And I’m going to play some music. And I invite you to allow the Lord to touch you. My words are weak, but he is the mighty, mighty mighty transformer of lives and human hearts. And my invitation to you is not let this moment go by. Because we are not promised any more. So let’s pray. Father, we are honored and grateful for your presence in this place, in the place where these gentlemen are around the world. We are honored. We are honored that you look at us that you are looking right at that gentleman right now with an expectant, desirous look, what is he going to respond? How is he going to respond to you, Jesus, not my program, not my philosophies but you, Lord, that’s what this is about. That’s what matters here. So God, I just ask Lord, that if there’s any sort of sin that needs to be repented of, if there’s any sort of rebellion that he needs to come back to you if there’s something he has never committed or surrendered his life to you at all. That now is the moment that you have an invitation on the table. That right now he gets to say Lord and you can just repeat after me Lord. I thank you for loving me. I thank you for dying on the cross. For me that my sin the bad things I have done are so bad. But because of your perfect life and your sacrifice I am a NEW NEW MAN everything I have done is washed, clean and I accept you Jesus. And I asked you to come into my heart and allow me to be who you want me to be in this world In Jesus mighty name Amen. So I will give you about five minutes and when the it’ll be clear when I want you to start coming back.
Amazing, I’m so grateful that you went there. I’m so grateful that you dialed in. So what if you’re at a spot where you have been contemplating the masculinity reclaimed program, and we’re really shifting gears to talk about that. Now, if you’ve been contemplating it, and you’re trying to decide, is this right? Is this the right fit? Is this not? Is this the right timing? Or maybe once again, you’re just like, I’m all in belah. But my wife is not gonna allow me to do this. She’s not gonna allow me to invest the money. She’s not gonna want me to think about sex and focus on it and try to fix that, because she doesn’t value it. Why would she want me to invest in a course, and three months of my life to try to fix something that she doesn’t think should even be there, or she doesn’t think is a valid desire. For me as a man, I want to dive in and let you actually hear from somebody who he decided his marriage wasn’t at the level where she would actually be receptive to a conversation with his wife, which may be where you are, she’s not going to be receptive to a conversation. So of course, she’s not even going to be receptive to you trying to take a class to make yourself better, which then in turn makes your marriage better. So let’s, let’s listen in to the cost of store I think it’s powerful.
I’m married about five years and just celebrated our anniversary. And before I came into the program, we had a new baby daughter, she was born just a few months. Well, she’s about like, eight to nine months old now. Yeah, just adjusting to being a new dad and you know, the impact that has on intimacy and negative impacts, honestly, and just adjusting to that and feeling. Feeling, you know, like, I’m not a priority for my wife, and then little one, you know, even from just what society kind of expected from me and I felt, you know, I just finished grad school and I had a lot of stress and anxiety from that. So I thought a lot of my stress and anxiety was kind of just bleeding into you know, what spelt kind of trapped in the situation and it didn’t feel good it felt like things were kind of spiraling downwards. And I think all those things combined and having a baby just put a magnifying glass on kind of where things were and where things might have be headed. You know, if we had future children, and I didn’t like it. It scared me about the future. I didn’t know how good I could be with my daughter just did my duty and just tried to do well but you know, lots of fighting between both of us a lot of apathy in some ways of just now. Now this is life and this is what it’s gonna be and it’s just it was just very draining very sapped my energy. You know, I think we had our ups and downs of course, there are definitely good spells and definitely a lot of dry spells but I think I think we’d gotten into this pattern of you know, it was at best once a week if not, maybe at worst, like once a month, that type of thing and very, kind of just, oh, let’s get this done. You know, you need this kind of Every week, enthusiasm almost out sometimes one sided. She was kind of doing it for me, this part of my life was actually the biggest dress and, and cause my anxiety. I’m happy that I recognize that and worked on it. One of the best days, probably in my life, I would say it was our five year anniversary sunny day, we went to the beach and everything. But the crazy thing is we, we made love twice. And she initiated both time, that level of just desire and love and it’s just happening naturally. And and even just just by the numbers to, you know, frequency twice in one day. I think that’s only happened maybe one other time. And I was very early on in our relationship. I don’t think I realized that. It’s not just about sex. It’s about she trusts me, she comes to me as her kind of most trusted adviser, she just wants to hold me sometimes he wants to tell me when she’s having a bad day, we like hanging out together. That’s Benson, who usually initiates Oh, it’s now it’s not one sided. anymore. Through the program. It was mostly mostly her, you know, it’s more passionate, more just not, oh, let’s just get this done. He is, you know, we’ve had a couple weeks, maybe two or three weeks where it was three or four times a week where that’s crazy. And I think the other thing is, it’s it’s it’s, it’s any day of the week, it’s not just reserved for this one time on the weekend. My anxiety was something I struggled with on a daily basis for years, three or four years, and I haven’t had it for the past four months. It’s it’s crazy to just call my mom and just relaxed and in a moment in the moment with my daughter in the moment, my wife, and my friends, everyone, I have more energy. I don’t require as much sleep even more energized. They don’t need as much caffeine and hard to drink caffeine nowadays, how your body feels about the program. She doesn’t know about the program?
Yeah, she which is incredible.
She doesn’t know about the program. What is I think incredible is she tells me almost on a weekly basis that you’re a different person cheats and she doesn’t just tell me this, she tells the friends as he tells her family. He’s completely different. Now, I don’t know what’s what’s going on. I think the other thing is you have to want to internalize it yourself. All has to come from your heart. You know, I feel like I’ve struck the gold. Right under my because how I feel is like what is actually make me making me happy as a as a man. And really identifying that and understanding and being honest with yourself and not being ashamed to admit that sexual intimacy matters. And it’s important. And it’s way more important than a lot of other things. You know, I always think about at this at this point in my life, do I want a birthday present? Or would I have better intimacy, you ask any man that it’s like, I’ll trade $100 gift, you know? $1,000 gift $10,000 Whatever it is, if you’re watching this right now, it’s probable that sex is a problem for you or that you want it to be better somehow. And your program fixes it. It really does. I would recommend you do it now. Do it. Don’t Don’t wait, just just do it now.
Amazing. All right. Well, I am so looking forward to having you in the masculinity reclaimed program. Now’s the time to join especially since enrollments closing soon and if we get filled up I’ll have to close it sooner. So go to delight your marriage.com/mrsp Do it now. Let’s let’s get this done. Your your family is worth it. The other things that God wants to do in your life is worth it. Join me now delight your marriage.com/mr SP join me now.
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262-Her Anxiety + His Masturbation Transformed to Frequent Intimacy! Interview with Captain
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This interview is with a man who had suffered in intimacy in his marriage for 14 years.
She had intense anxiety and it made intimacy very difficult for them. Sex would happen maybe 1x a month, but it was never something they could talk about. And masturbation was something he turned to alleviate the loneliness.
Now they make love 3x per week–and she initiates 90% of the time!
What changed?
Well, it all started Steve the rooster. This is a good story. Moral of the story…
Step #1 – Buy a rooster
Step #2 – Invite your mom over
Step #3 – …Just kidding… but, there are fantastic keys in his story and the process they went through to get to the other side.
One important note I share at the end:
If you are a husband and you want your marriage transformed like Captain’s be sure you’re not accidentally undermining your wife’s confidence and that is exactly the topic I’ll be speaking to on this weekend’s Men’s Masterclass.
- Another awesome resource Captain shared: Pure Desire Ministries for men looking for support on pornography and masturbation.
Looking forward to speaking with you soon!
PS Don’t forget to sign up for the LIVE, FREE Men’s Masterclass, sign up here with me THIS weekend!
Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. You’re joining me belah rose as I dive deep into the beauty, power and truth about intimacy. Learn not only the practicals but the heart behind what making love is all about. delight your marriage. Right Welcome. Welcome. Thank you so much for joining me. This is belah rose. And I am so excited this weekend is the weekend of the Free Live men’s masterclass. It is so exciting. Oh my gosh. So there is such great content and my prayer is really that people’s lives would be changed the their their whole lives would be changed on this weekend’s live masterclass. I’m going to be there giving it my all and you get a front row seat from the convenience of your own couch. So just for men, and really to focus bring your pen and paper you know, ask God to be with you. And yeah, be in a private place quiet be able to, to focus in I think it’s gonna be awesome. Alrighty, so let’s talk about today’s conversation that I had with a graduate captain. So he graduated from the masculine at reclaimed program. So after the third lesson of the Free Live men’s masterclass, I’ll be sharing more about the program. But that is far after tons and tons of teaching and value that I’m going to be giving you for free so, but Captain went on to continue the the journey of growth and took the masculinity reclaimed program. And this is his story. So he started out with quite a lot of suffering in his marriage in intimacy. But he also brought in a lot of difficult stuff from before he was married. So I’ll let him share the story. But it’s a really beautiful healing journey that God took he and his wife on, throughout, and I’m just really excited to share. Yeah, his journey, and you’ll hear just through the conversation, not just his story. But also, you’ll hear the the, the shifts in mentality that he had, that I think are vital for men and women to have in order to really be able to change things in their marriage. So if you are a husband, and you are looking for transformation, your marriage, I think that this is going to be inspirational for you. So look forward to having you on the men’s live training, go to delight your marriage.com/ Men’s training. Again, it’s delight your marriage.com/ Men’s training, if you are listening to this, and you’ve just missed the weekend, for a limited time, there will be a replay available. So definitely sign up as soon as you can. So you can get that if you’re listening to this far in the future, that link will still be live to get on the list for possibly the next training or whatever I have for you men in the future. So so do still go to delight your marriage.com/ Men’s training as soon as you can before you forget because people have asked me that, you know if certain trainings are still available, and I closed them, so they’re not so so definitely do it as soon as you can. Alright, let’s dive into captain’s awesome interview.
Welcome. I’m really excited to talk to you. Yeah, me as well. Awesome. Awesome. I’m curious if you would be open to sharing with me just what was intimacy? What was marriage like before? The Mr. Program? Would you say? Yeah, absolutely.
I’d love to share that. I guess where do you want me to begin? So my wife has struggled with debilitating anxiety for the majority of her life, just from childhood trauma from her mom’s kind of undiagnosed mental illness. And so I knew what I was getting into ahead of time I knew her anxiety, we had talked about it and choosing counseling and stuff, but it was still it was a struggle. So for the first year of our marriage, we couldn’t even argue, because as soon as I would show any frustration or just anything, she would literally her brain would just shut off and she would just shut down and disassociate from the situation, and we would get nowhere. So fast forward a few years. That was actually a fantastic thing in our marriage because it really helped. I really had to deal with my frustration, anger and other ways to be able to communicate with my wife and I can really count on one hand how many arguments we’ve had in Marriage. So we’ve had pretty good communication. So we, we have a great marriage. But my wife grew up in a very conservative home. And so we’re sex was never really talked about unless it was in the area of absence. And sex is only for marriage and not for marriage. It wasn’t ever. It was nothing that was discussed. And so there was all this unknowns and bad heart heart bad. Sex was like for procreation and not for fun. I would say the last almost 13 to 14 years of our marriage has been a struggle sexually. There was, on average, it was probably we would have sex maybe once a month. And there was no connection. It was more like, really felt like she was just doing it because she knew I needed it. Which to be honest, I’d rather masturbate. It’s I know, it sounds crazy. But it there’s more intimacy in that than there would have been there wasn’t my wife and not blaming this on her. But that’s where a lot of my struggle with pornography came in, and masturbation and just that whole struggle, which opened up all kinds of doors. Not good ones. My past I was very promiscuous before I got married, and many girlfriends, many sexual partners. And so I came into the marriage with really high sexual expectations. That bar was set way too high for my wife. And she wasn’t able to do what my expectations were not even close. And so that really caused a lot of problems on my high expectations and her very naive ness to it, or just just her upbringing, that’s always been a struggle. So that we’ve had a great marriage. I love my wife more than anything. She we have great communication, we have fun together, we like to laugh like it’s been great. So leading up to before I started the EMR program, it was still a struggle. It was starting to get better over the last couple years, just because the communication but still maybe twice a month, and we would have sex.
I’m curious how that also impacted just all the many areas of your life, how did having sex once a month, twice a month where it’s still left you leaving? Feeling pretty alone in the midst of Yeah,
big time, did affect a lot of our marriage, because I didn’t feel like my like I was important to my wife, I felt her anxiety was more important than me. And so that caused a lot of there’s a lot, there’s some hard heartedness and some malice, but it was pretty Yeah, closed off to that it hurt. And anytime that that I would want to talk about sex, I would bring it up in a moment where I tried bringing it up, like in the moment, and it’s just not good. So I created the moments and try to talk to about it in a peaceful manner and just say, Hey, can we just talk about sex? Can we talk about just all the ins and outs and dislikes and likes? And anytime that I would bring it up? It would just it would usually shut down. And it wouldn’t go anywhere? Just because once again, it’s very off topic subject for her and caused a lot of anxiety. So she just avoided. Yeah, yeah, that’s where we left off. Just before the MMR program.
Was it impacting you as a father? Was it impacting work? Were there other things that you could tell there? Was it permeated other aspects? I’m curious.
Yeah, I’m stumbling through that, because I just stepped away. I was like, this is just is what it is. And I’d given up on it. Just because I was stuck. I just didn’t know where to go with it. I didn’t really feel respected as a as a husband. And as a man in my house. I didn’t feel like all cause there was always this rift between my wife and I, there was always this tension. You had mentioned one of the last modules that your wife or your spouse should be kind of should be your vacation. When you come home. It’s it needs to be just a breath of fresh air, seeing my wife. And I never felt that for years that when I come home from work, I didn’t feel I never really felt that because it was always that tension. It wasn’t that breath of fresh air. I couldn’t rest in my wife. And I Yeah, and I’m pretty sure that just that frustration it definitely translated into being of into my me being a father. And because I was there was always that tension. It just it did translate into my children who I wasn’t as patient with my children. And I wasn’t as there for my kids because I was just always frustrated. Yeah. And then my relationship my daughter, she’s my baby girl, right? She is. She’s my baby girl. But I noticed that started I started not wanting to connect with her as well. And and I’m not sure like all the ins and outs of that have wise yet but I know that it was all it’s all tied to this lack of respect as a man as a husband, not that I demand it, or I crave it. It translated into work was I became a workaholic. And because at work I was respected at work. I’m a business owner and so I have employees and stuff and I’m the boss and I’m the man and not that I’m not that kind of boss. I’m not the doer because I said so I it’s I’m right in the trenches with my employees working hard with them learning and growing and it’s a great work environment where everybody’s respected. And so I just found myself working a lot 60 to 80 hours a week, just so I could not be home. And then when I get home, I would busy myself even more just to keep myself occupied to just not have to deal with all of the other stuff. Through that I really started feeling like my kids were a burden to me. They weren’t I, they cramp my style, if you can say that it was a struggle. But it wasn’t until here, I’m getting emotional. I’m a crier, by the way. I cried Disney movies was until a probably a month and a half ago that I finally admitted it out loud and admitted to my wife. And I think I made it on my accountability forums that I was not. I didn’t want to be a dad. I mean, I did. But it was just a struggle. It was just a constant struggle. My kids were constantly cramping my style, I was just always frustrated with them. There was no joy. When I looked at my kids, it wasn’t I wasn’t looking at him, like, all these my kids, and I’ll do anything for him kind of stuff. I was looking, I’m like, man, you’re cramping my style, quit asking me questions, leave me alone. But as soon as I admitted it out loud, as soon as I finally came to grips with that, in my head, everything’s changing a little bit. And that’s new. Still, it wasn’t until about a month and a half ago that that I finally came to that. And it’s been an open topic with my wife, it’s been great to be able to talk about it, be able to figure out how she can come alongside me. And it helped me re enter into that father role and how to be a support to me versus a hindrance or like a pointing finger. I feel like she’s in the room with me now. Because before I didn’t feel like she was in the room. I mean, there was one time recently in this last year, that I actually dismounted from her and I said, I’m done. I said, I don’t want to do this. I said, this isn’t. I said, sex is I and I straight up told her I said, I that’s when I told her I said, masturbation is more intimate than this right now. And, and I said, upset. I’m not saying this to hurt you. I’m just this is how I feel. And I’m just, I’m struggling here. I said, but I can’t do this. I said, I want you here with me. I said, because it’s not my penis in your vagina. It’s about me, being close to you skin to skin. Nothing hidden connection. I think as far as sexually, I think I lean more towards the female sex than the male sex. To be honest, I’m very I need that connection, the emotional part too. So
that’s amazing. Katelyn, this is amazing. So I think you’ve alluded to this a little bit already. But yeah, what would you say are some of the celebrations you’ve had now going through the program in your life?
Yeah, we had a couple I had a couple of celebrations before the program. And I think those are kind of really important. Okay, I shared it with you. But I think is the perfect time for it. But so this topic of sex has been an off topic subject for a very long time. And it wasn’t until I would say probably about a month and a half before the Mr. Program started before I even knew about the EMR program. And my parents come up, and we’re visiting. And she my mom has been listening to you for quite a long time. Now. I don’t know how long probably from the beginning. And just her listening to you. And her husband, my stepdad, John, their sex life is phenomenal. They just, it’s helped you to help them out immensely, just by them listening to your podcast. So my mom was excited about it, and was sharing a little bit about it, but not really all of it. But so they were staying at our house and I have a camper and they’re staying in the camper because we’re in the middle of a giant remote process. And they taken a nap and they got up from a nap. And when they got up from the night nap, my mom decided to give my stepdad a hand job. And my mom’s telling us this story afterwards, just as a matter of fact, and my wife, right, yeah, my wife has just beat red in the face because this is my she’s more conservative. And my mom just keeps talking about and pushing it and sharing but she did. She was sharing it because John, when he climax when he orgasms, he couldn’t make any noise. He was just silent. And but just the time he orgasms, our rooster whose name is Steve crowed, right outside their window just got hit. So thanks to Steve, because my mom was telling us a story because she wanted to get the funny part about Steve. Thanks to Steve. It brought up a lot of it was able, we were able to talk about sex and, and all of that stuff. And where there wasn’t any anxiety. What transpired after that a couple days after that, my wife went backwards and went back to you know, being really quiet about not wanting to talk about it. And so a couple days after my parents left, I was on the phone with my mom talking about the MMR program and which just led into more conversation and stuff and my mom was asking me more questions about our sex life and how she could pray for us. And my wife happened to walk in when I was talking to my mom about this stuff. It’s it was not confidential but not that I was hiding anything but it’s just stuff that I don’t that I can’t talk to my wife about. And so my wife immediately got mad and just and so I ended up I even said loving mom gotta go. I hung up and it just there was a massive there was a pretty big argument after that, just about sex and she was my wife made the comment she says she goes I would she was anything that you can share with your mom you can share with me. And I said the thing I wasn’t trying to hide anything. And I said, but the truth is, I can’t. I said, because every time we talked about it, you shut down or you get it, you get real defensive. And you get and I don’t want that. That’s not what I want. I want to be able to talk about it. And so it ended with us just we’re outside when this happened, just parting ways. She was angry, I was angry, I guess I wasn’t angry. I was just hurt. Just Oh, I was really hurt. I was wanting connection with my wife. And it really had nothing to do with sex. It had to do with I needed that intimacy. And I just wasn’t getting it. And I was just so hurt. And in. And that’s where it broke. That was actually a fantastic argument, looking back. And within a few days after that, my mom gave her the book, delighting her husband. And she read it and as soon as she read it, it was like something clicked in her. I haven’t even read the book yet. I want to just to note what what she read. But halfway through reading the book, she literally sends me a text and just says, she goes, Man, this books making me horny. And she goes, What are you doing right now? I was like coming in the house. And so no joke from that point on. It’s been three times a week, I haven’t even had to do anything. She’s the one that instigated and this is the first time she’s ever instigated in our whole marriage. It’s just been great. It’s ironic that the module we’re in right now is about connection sessions and that kind of stuff. But this is her time of the month too. So we’re not we’re not having sex. So we’ve been really thinking about and working through this connection session thing and what that means for us, and it’s been good. That’s leading up to today.
So she read the book, at the same time that you did the EMR program. Is that right?
No, she read it before I even started the EMR program. Okay. I think she was finishing it up our first week or two, she just she dove into and read the whole thing right away. There wasn’t it wasn’t like really, she sent me a text one day is she goes, don’t be mad at me. She goes, but I’ve done nothing today. And I was like, okay, whatever she goes, cuz I’ve been reading this book. And I was like, sweet, awesome.
Praise God. That’s incredible. If things were shifting, I’m curious what made you sign on to the Mr. program and what your experience has been over that?
Yeah, my wife was going through the book, and she was your podcast and stuff. And I just, I’ve had a almost a lifelong addiction to porn. And I’m really, it’s an addiction. It’s sexual bondage. But something I’ve struggled with since I was a little boy. And I was never molested or anything, but I just, I can’t remember all that back from being five and having these crazy sexual thoughts. Nobody showed me anything. And I wasn’t they were just there. And so I’ve struggled with it all through my life. And, and so I found freedom in it. I have good weeks and bad week, some days where, you know, just sexual thoughts or sexual bondage, thought just just come in as a flood. And I can’t even I can’t even take a thought captive, because there’s so many of them flooding in. And other weeks, it’s just fun, like, oh, whatever, and just acknowledge the thought and kick it out and just move on with my day, and everything’s good. But I love learning. And I love growing in more just information on how to help me process my own thoughts. And by just in way and also in way, learning new ways to connect with my wife and understanding this creature they call woman, which is, you know, that the books a mile thick on a woman, they’re just there’s so much to them. And but I know that I was at a heart I was at, I was at a bad month or a couple months really actually with sexual bondage and just trying to just stay afloat, just in my own mind, and just with a pandemic, and not going to church, and my Bible study wasn’t meeting and all this stuff, and it was just, I was drowning. You probably tell I’m a very social guy. I that’s how I that’s how I unwind. That’s how I refuel his connection with friends, and people. And so I just find myself drowning. Kind of everything, just a God thing. Everything just kit at the right moment. My parents came up at the right time. And my mom, she was just very open and honest with what’s going on in their marriage and their sex life. And they just opened doors. And then she shared she introduced me to you as far as just podcasts. Actually, you know what I think what clicked for me, and why I wanted to move forward with more of your stuff was listening to the interview with you and your husband, not the newest one, but the old the one that was further back. And I remember just listening to it, I was just in tears half the time. Just that’s what I want listening to your husband and him share about what how he felt not feeling respected and just feeling like one of the kids half the time and just that stuff. And I just remember just being in tears, just that pain of just wanting that wanting to be able to have that connection with my wife where she understands me and I understand her and and then that’s when surely after listened to those. That’s when Mr. program kind of came into the picture. And I remember looking at the cost going, Holy cow, it’s a lot of money that I don’t have right now. And so I was on the phone with my mom and I didn’t ask and she said she goes and she goes if you want to do the program, I’ll pay for it. My mom paid for it. To deny that there God with situations like this is just, I can’t like everything just lined up perfectly, I don’t know, I can talk forever, about how awesome the program is. And for the program, as the program’s concerned, I really didn’t have any expectations about it, I just didn’t know what to expect. And I knew a little bit just by listening to some of your podcasts and stuff and kind of reading about it. But I’m just learning that I just came to the conclusion that, that 90% of the class is about communication. Like, it’s very little about sex, that it’s more about learning how to communicate with each other, and learning how my wife needs to be communicated with and how she needs to communicate with me, and both verbally, mentally and physically. And, yeah, it’s just been great to just have these new tools and just new ideas and just new things to just try out. And on top of it, I have a wife, who is knows I’m doing the course and is in support of it. And so I get to share with her what I learned and share some of the modules with her the ones that are applied to her. But rather than me trying to explain it, I’m just like, hey, give me 15 minutes here, listen to this with me. And so it’s been great.
A couple of the things that I remember you just sharing from the outset, how is communication between the two of you around sex now,
it is a complete 180 degree turn from what it was, like I said, after my wife after reading that book, it’s something broken her and we’re able to talk about it. Luckily, before we just couldn’t talk about it, because it would just be this, it would just turn into not necessarily argument, but it would just turn into us trying to discuss it, but then she would just get anxious, and then just not want to talk about it. And then it would just go nowhere. And so now we’re able to, we’re able to communicate openly honestly about it. Wow. That’s huge. Yeah. I’m excited for this week’s module because it’s about being able to ask him for what you want. I’m nervous about that. Because every time I’ve asked before, even in a gracious hey, let’s just talk about it totally open ended. I’ve no expectations. Before, it was just like I said, just kind of got that anxious, and they just didn’t go anywhere. And so now I’m nervous about it. But I’m excited to be able to start moving towards that with my wife, and talk to her about what I want and what I desire. As far as you know, that’s
concerned. So that’s amazing. That’s amazing. Yeah, so communication
is great. Yeah, it’s been great.
Wow. And you said from maybe once, maybe twice a month, and now three times a week. And she’s initiating most of them.
Yeah, three, three times a week. Yeah, I think 90% of the time. And she’s usually hot and bothered before we even start now. Because before it would just like it destroys starting an old lawn mower that has been ran forever. He got to really pull on it for a while to warm it up. But but now she’s engaged. she’s there. She’s present. And it’s been fantastic. I feel I feel so much more fulfilled. And a shared in the module in our time yesterday in class was I used to masturbate three times a week, if not more, some times, but I haven’t done it since because I don’t I literally don’t feel like I necessarily need it. I just I totally feel fulfilled. I feel like I’m connected in that bucket of minus full.
That’s amazing. And And what about the respect to peace? Because you mentioned that early on as a huge area. You weren’t coming home to refreshing respect connection with your wife. How do you feel now when you come home?
Because that’s such a I guess, because I understand the neural pathways of the brain creates them. It’s pretty big neural pathway there as far as I’m dealing with old mindsets now. mindsets that I’ve had for years, things that are very ingrained into my mind in my brain and having to reprogram my brain. And so the whole sex piece has helped immensely. But now I’m still fighting once I get home and after about 10 minutes I forget home I can kind of unwind a little bit and fall into my wife but I still on my way home I still get anxious and I’m still fighting those old feelings is what am I going to come home to now because before when I would come home it my wife wouldn’t be excited to see me because she hadn’t seen me all day. She was excited to see me because now I can help with the kids. And same for her she’s having to reprogram her brain. So that when I come home it’s not Oh Evans home he can help me. Oh my husband’s home. I miss him. I’m so glad to see him. Yeah, because before I would just walk in the house and just go start doing my thing. And little hi how are you love you bye kind of thing. And then now I’m really purposefully whether I feel it or not. When I walk in the door. I go give my wife a hug and hold her for a minute and just give her a kiss and say I love you. The very first thing when I walk into the door and then as well as before I leave the house I go into the bedroom because usually she’s usually still in bed. I just give her a kiss on the cheek and say I love you. And I hope you have a great day and just a quick little bite because the truth Because I can walk out that door and die. And I want her to remember me as someone who gave her a hug and kiss and told her I loved her before I left.
Yes, absolutely. It’s beautiful. Yes, yes.
So we’re in a work in progress. Yeah. But we’re moving in. And it’s been good. It’s been really good.
Yeah. So in terms of just the program, is this something you would recommend and, and why? And to who? What would you say?
Oh, my gosh, absolutely. The funny thing is, I’m actually so I introduced you to my friend Ryan, who’s also the senior pastor of the church. He’s one of my best friends of our church. And so he’s been listening to your podcast, and so is his wife. And he sent me a text probably a month ago, saying, Thank you very much for introducing us to belah. He goes, it’s been awesome. exclamation point, exclamation point, at some point. He’s excited about it. And so actually, he’s an Alabama this week, but it’s next week on on Monday, we’re actually gonna get together for lunch. And I’m going to talk to him about the Mr. Program. And I think is a couple modules, I’m going to have them watch just to get a better idea. This is probably something that we’re going to start pitching in our church and really starting to push. For years ago, I started a program called pure desire at our church. It’s it’s not my program, but it’s called pure desire ministries, and got him Ted Roberts created it. But it’s all about sexual bondage, about addictions of a mainly around sexual addiction for men and women. And so I started that program at the church and small group for men, because I needed it. And so I was like, hey, if I need it, other people need it, but in pitching that, and bring it to the church, I preached a sermon that Sunday and and gave my testimony as far as my struggle with sexual bondage and my addiction to pornography. And I told the whole church Yeah, and so we opened that really opened the door to talking about sex from the pulpit, obviously, with within, within reason. But yeah, it’s been a move in our church over the last four or five years that, that we’re trying to make, move sex and sexuality away from this old school idea that sex is only for procreation, and, and that it shouldn’t be talked about. And the truth is married people have sex. There are 8 billion people in the world. And it’s been a slow go. But we’re our churches starting to really come alive to that and be open and honest. And I think what the straw that broke the camel’s back, that really opened the door was me, coming up and sharing from the pulpit. My struggles, that it’s real 61% of men struggle with some sort of sexual bondage of some sort. 41% of pastors struggle with it. It’s not like it’s it. There’s just a couple people. There’s a lot. A lot of men a lot of women too. I bet it’s yeah, that was more, it’s probably more now. That was probably four or five years ago, the statistics were done. But yeah, it’s 41% of pastors, 61% of men, and it was like 45% of women struggle with some sort of sexual bondage and the majority. And with women, it’s not even. It’s not even sex. Really. One of the addictions is romance novels, because it’s fat. And the truth is the woman’s addicted to fantasy. She lives in a fantasy world. So in her mind, there’s this fantasy that she has, and so that just as bad as a man looking at porn, it’s it the goal fantasy worlds, and they’re not real. But But yeah, so we started that movement through our church. And I’ve led to peer desire groups. And since then, I’m starting to third one, as soon as this is over, actually. Our programs over Yeah, I can only do so much right now. So it
takes courage. That’s awesome. Okay, I think we’ll just wrap with my final question of just would you give any advice to the gentleman who may be considering joining the program? What would you say?
Oh, my gosh, you’re gonna tears again, I cannot say enough about this program, and all that it represents. In the beginning, when I first started hearing about Mr. program, I was nervous I was because you start having some woman talk about sexy it’s usually some radical woman who’s just totally way out in left field. And, but what I can say about Bella is that she is down to earth, everything is just so scriptural and, and connection based. And it’s nothing that’s out of the ordinary. It’s not trying to push a husband and wife to do something they’re not comfortable with. And, and for the men out there, I just man up and quit hiding behind this idea of what the world calls masculinity, and what it is to be a man, because the world idea of a man is nothing. It’s not what a man should be. It’s not real. What the world says a man should be is not it’s literally not possible. And I see so many men falling in the trap of trying to meet this world standards of masculinity, from the media to the news to the social media is just, yeah, this program just really helps you wrap your mind around what it truly is biblically to be a man and how me and my madness is just able to connect my masculinity complements her femininity that we’re supposed to work together. We’re not separate we’re need to be one in the Yeah, I just in a nutshell, that’s really the what it is to me to make that makes this program amazing is it just kind of brings the truth back into it?
Oh, praise God. Oh, that’s beautiful. Awesome. Well kept it you know what I’m, I’m thinking about the gentlemen who may be listening to this or watching this and are really in a spot where you used to be, have one time a month, can’t talk to your wife about it, feeling addicted to something, whether it’s work or anything else to try to get away from it. I would love for you to pray for those men, if you’re open to it that are just like you were several months ago. Yeah,
I’d love to. Okay. Heavenly Father, I just first of all, just thank you. But I thank you for sending your son to die on the cross for us to take that burden off of us. When I think he that he stands in the gap now Lord, I think that we can come and enter into your holy of holies. And just stand face to face with you and talk and be real, not hidden, not ashamed. First of all, thank you for that. I just pray for the men that are out there or that are just there’s hurt, or that they’re struggling or angry, just frustrated, and just really don’t even know where to go. But I just pray that You would just begin to speak to their hearts. And just open their minds, Lord, to who you are. And I pray that You would give me the courage to step outside their comfort zone, but scary. The struggle. And I pray that you just give them the courage to step out and be able to make this step. Just to step into your presence, Lord, into your grace and into your mercy. And then that you would just show them the truth of what it is to be a man. And yeah, Lord, I just thank you for everything you do for us, Lord, I thank you that that we stand before you cleanse because of your son. So we love you Jesus would just lift the rest of stay up to you and your name. Amen. Amen. They’re the tears I’m least empathetic person in the face that planet like I just but when it comes to men and freedom, and and the men that are out there hurting, that are struggling, I just there is either pain, I feel their pain. I empathize with them. I struggle with them. And yeah, so it’s close to my heart. Yes.
Beautiful. Captain, thank you. I know this is gonna touch so many. I know it’s touched me. Thank you so much. Really,
thank you, thank you for everything you do, I’m actually looking forward to being able to start from square one again, and go through the materials again. Just let’s just listen to the modules again, because like I said, I’ve been working crazy mad hours, and I just haven’t had time. And I know I want to put more energy into all the materials. And I’m just looking forward to even after the it’s done to be able to just to watch all the modules again, and just really be able to process through them. And maybe just have my wife listen to him too.
That’s amazing. And that’s actually a really good point, Captain because even though you weren’t able to timewise, which I thought you were a great student, by the way, but but the fact that did a lot through it, even though you are working, you know, crazy hours. And so that’s amazing. To even hear for those that are busy like I would the still Yeah, be helpful for me. So
that’s awesome. Yeah, I started beating up myself. Like, I went, we went on vacation. And as soon as I got back, man, I hit the ground running just in our personal life and work in it just went crazy. And I was having trouble to even find time to sit down and fill out my accountability form. Like, I was usually so exhausted at the end of the day, that I just didn’t even I was like, I’m not even gonna fill it out. Because there’s no, I’m just going to be doing it because I have to turn it in. You know, not because I want to do it. And then I finally just gave up being upset and freaking out about it and just realized, you know what, I can go through this material again and again and again. Yeah, absolutely. And it all doesn’t have it all doesn’t have to be right now. So yeah, I just love the program. So
this is amazing. Welcome.
Thank you to belah
amazing, Captain, thank you so much for sharing your story. And it’s been an honor to journey with you on this. So I want to give a quick encouragement to you listening because the easy thought for a husband listening is like Okay, great. I am going to purchase Bella’s book delight her husband, and my wife is going to change and that’s going to fix our marriage. So, yes, it’s great. It’s a great book. I don’t I don’t discourage women. reading the book, but the problem is not well, how to add, let me say it this way. I have worked with wives, they have done all the fancy things, all the stuff, right? My book is a Christian wife’s manual to passion confidence in oral sex. I mean, I’ve got the seduction course, I’ve got the delight your husband video course of the what’s keeping you from your godly sexiness course. I’ve got the courses for wives. But listen, I worked with women, and they have done the fanciest of the fanciest, the fiercest of the fiercest, the most exciting of the most exciting. And if a husband does not understand his role, he has many times undermined her courage. And the thing she’s doing that it’s now because the what happens unfortunately, is that it becomes short lived, it becomes a short term thing, that’s not actually going to be a long term transformation in your marriage. And what ultimately happens is it pushes her farther away from wanting to do those things in your marriage, because she’s going to be like, well, he wasn’t satisfied even when I was doing X, Y, and Z. So it is key that you dear husband, get your side of the street all cleaned up, all fixed up. So then when your wife is ready for a resource, like the delight your husband, course or books or any of that stuff, she’s got the solid foundation, which is you, the husband and I think Captain really clarifies that really nicely. That you have to be the man that God wants you to be for your wife to be the woman that you are dreaming of. Awesome, okay, well, that’s a that’s a little coaching for free there. But come on the men’s masterclass to understand what it is the very specific things that you may accidentally be undermining your wife’s confidence, freedom and excitement for intimacy with you. Without knowing it, you think you’re being helpful and unfortunately, unfortunately, it is actually undermining all of the good things. So I look forward to having you there go to delight your marriage.com/ Men’s training and sign up. It may be the very best thing you’ve done for your marriage in years, and possibly decades. And that’s not an overstatement when you talk to some of my clients. So I hope to see you there. God bless you. Love you and thank you so much for listening. Talk to you soon.
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261-From Serial Infidelity to Marital P-A-S-S-I-O-N. Interview with Charles
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Hi there,
Not sure if it was for you… but for me it was a whirlwind of a weekend. I put on a church conference on Saturday (in Spanish–eek!) which was scary, but God came through in an awesome way, which was so cool!
Also, on Friday I had the chance to interview 3 different graduates from my Masculinity Reclaimed program. Today’s podcast is of Charles.
His story is hard to believe—but one that will surely give you hope.
To be transparent, I have 2 ulterior motives for sharing his story:
1- To invite you to my Free & Live Men’s Masterclass coming up really soon, sign up here: www.delightyourmarriage.com/menstraining
My prayer is that men’s lives are utterly and forever changed just by attending the Free Men’s Masterclass Live.
And possibly, after the 3-part Free Men’s Masterclass, you decide to enroll in the Masculinity Reclaimed program, which is what Charles went through.
But my plan on the Free Men’s Masterclass is not going to be a “hide-the-ball” presentation, but to genuinely help your marriage turn around!
2- To listen to the man who came into marriage and throughout his marriage with sadly, huge measures of infidelity. And yet, God did an incredible work of grace and healing in their marriage—reflected in their intimacy.
And now, he can scarcely believe what his wife is doing for him in intimacy. (Bucket-list, before-he-dies-type-stuff!)
Wild, right? I think you won’t believe it unless you hear it, here. Plus he drops some serious golden nuggets you can apply immediately to your marriage, that you won’t want to miss. God is good!
PS Don’t forget to sign up for the training now, so you don’t forget! www.delightyourmarriage.com/menstraining
You’ll want to put that on your calendar and clear your weekend to make sure you can attend live!
Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. You’re joining me belah rose as I dive deep into the beauty, power and truth about intimacy, learn not only the practicals, but the heart behind what making love is all about. delight your marriage. All right, welcome back. Thank you for joining. It is such a pleasure and honor to be invited into your time, I know that you are busy, and you’re doing a lot. And I don’t take it lightly that you spend time with me every week. Except last week, I didn’t spend time with you because I was too busy doing lots of random last minute stuff for this Chilean conference. That was on Saturday. And if you listened to the week prior, you know that I asked for prayer around it. And I want to just thank you for praying if you were one of those that prayed or if not, you’re still going to hear me thinking. Because it went so well. It went so well. So if somebody from the conference is listening in, they’re going to hear all the you know, secret backstory that was all behind the scenes. But, um, what happened was, she originally reached out to me like six months ago, and I was nervous because it was in Spanish. So I thought, You know what, I want to learn Spanish. I’ve you know, I probably know a little bit but so I thought this is plenty of encouragement to like a reason to really focus in for the next six months and really learned. So it was on my goal list, like every single week. I mean, the ladies that hold me accountable, they heard me like I practice this week, I didn’t this week, I didn’t this week, I should do it next week, like just, it was all over the place. So finally, the week before the conference, I had most of the conference already written and then translated in Spanish, and then I’m practicing with my husband I’m trying to, and I was like, basically at a spot where I would just need to read the script to them. And as not a non native speaker, just reading to people on a video conference. Like that is not interesting at all. And then my husband was kind enough to listen, it was like a Wednesday. Yeah, it was the Wednesday before the conference, he listened to the talk where I had so far or No, no, it was the Wednesday before sorry. So anyway, and I really I realized, like, there’s no way I’m going to be able to just read this thing, and actually help people like they’re just going to be bored out of their mind and probably just sign off. I mean, a Saturday on a video call. There’s no way they’re going to stick around. And and so anyway, I ended up having to ask for it to be translated, because I was just like, really nervous. Okay, so anyway, fast forward. Somebody did translate. And. And Wednesday, the Wednesday before the conference, I practiced the speech with my husband, like the full conference thing, which, you know, was a three hour deal. And my husband’s feedback, which he’s never said before. And he’s always very kind. He always listens to my podcast, his feedback was, it’s boring. So yeah, so praise God for my wonderful, kind, gentle husband and the way he said it, but that is what basically came across is it was boring. And I think the reason it was is because I was nervous around doing it in Spanish, which is a completely different outside of my comfort zone situation. And so, come to Thursday, before the conference on Saturday, I started over and tried to make it as fun and exciting and relaxing and playful. With breaks and videos and slideshow presentations with music and a little dance it like just a multimedia event. I was like I’m not gonna make this boring. So, so by God’s incredible grace, Thursday night, I practice it again with my husband and he was like blown away at this presentation that again is three hours long.
That was completely different than the day before. So I say that because it was one of those prayers that morning that I was like, Lord, you’re gonna have to do this because I am not able to do this like this is totally on you. Like if these people are going to be blessed it is on you. Which is a great place to be because it’s right in our way. weakness, he is strong. So it really helped me to, to really trust like his hand is in this, if I’m trying to do it on my own strength I can not, it is not going to help anyone. It’s just going to make people feel condemned and negative and all these things. So it was such a blessing. And I really just was so grateful. And you know, after the the full Oh, the other thing that was such God thing is, there was not a single tech issue, not a single tech issue. Like I have tech issues more often on my one on one client calls than I did on a full three hour with all these multimedia things. Like there wasn’t even like a pregnant pause, there was just a chest went and which, again, thank you for praying for me, thank you for praying for this ministry. It just was such a gift. So many, so many people pray for this ministry. And one other thing about prayer is I know, there are people that listen to me and pray for me that I will never meet. And I don’t know. And I have to say thank you so much. Right? Because this work is hard. But the amount of negative feedback I’ve had, and I speak boldly on here, you know that? I mean, I can pretty much counted on one hand. It’s not that people agree with me really, like I say some hard things, and sometimes I’m wrong. But the amount of negative feedback I’ve had is count, I could really count on one hand and I don’t even remember them, really. They don’t affect me. So the reason I say that is I know you’re praying for me. I know you’re praying for my family. The other thing is like the enemy doesn’t want marriages to be healed. He doesn’t want families to be safe. He doesn’t want people to grow closer to Jesus. Are you kidding me? Like my goodness, but because I know you are praying for me. My my family is strong and protected. We are protected. So sorry, that was just a little tangent. But I know even if it’s just one person out there that is praying I am but I know it’s more. I know, I’ll see you in heaven. And I’ll wrap my arms around you and say thank you, Jesus. Yeah, you are you are doing God’s work in that. So, again, thank you so much. All right. Well, today oh my gosh, I have a great guest you are going to be I think he’s just gonna blow your socks off. So two, two immediate ulterior motives I have is one is if you are, man, I hope that you’re going to join my Men’s training. It’s called it’s a men’s masterclass, it’s coming up October 9 10th and 11th. Charles is a gentleman that just came through my masculine a reclaimed program. So the men’s masterclass is three days, at least an hour training, we’ll see it might go to hour and a half. But it’s going to start at 7pm. Eastern time. So the men’s masterclass, totally free. I’m going to teach my heart out, like, I just I want people to get on that call. And it’s going to transform their marriages forever. That is what I want for a free conference. Now there there will be some people who want more and want the practical, tailored guidance and the accountability in my whole program, which is what Charles went through. And if that’s you, then you can join after those three days. There’s going to be like an enrollment period for a week and you can join so totally up to you. But no matter what, I want you to come to the men’s masterclass because like I said this is I really want to help you I want that masterclass to change lives. And I think my perspective has shifted in the way I’m pursuing the men’s training a little bit because I just there’s so much I want to just give and transform men’s lives. So anyway, so Charles went through the mat the the full masculinity reclaim program three month program intensive, like that’s what he did. So his story is just incredible.
Where he started out with severe infidelity and where they are now with incredible passion in their marriage. I’ll let him tell you and then the next piece before I say this, so that’s my one ulterior motive is to come into the masterclass October 9 10th and 11th. Live Free. My second ulterior motive is that you listen really carefully to what Charles has to say, because the things that Charles says Is he has nuggets of gold in his conversation Like just gold. And so I want you to listen for those. Because sometimes we actually learn better when we hear somebody else’s story. I don’t know what it is about stories, but we just, we grab on to actual lessons in there. So I invite you to listen, with an open heart and a curious heart, a curious heart to say, You know what, I bet I have something to learn here. What can Charles teach me? And? Yeah, that’s my goal for you. Okay. No further ado, let’s dive in all right, Charles, welcome. Thanks for being here.
Glad to be here. Thanks.
Yes. So um, so I guess I’d like to start out by just asking you about what your marriage has been, like, historically, over, over the many years, you guys have been married?
Sure, um, probably the simplest way to put that would be a series a series of intense explosions chained together by more or less lengthy periods of apathetic peace that was at work. And, you know, you would get to the passion only ever seemed to flare around the bad things. And the good times were peaceful, but they wouldn’t say they were passionate. Okay. So that’s probably, you know, there’s a long history of infidelity that I brought to the marriage and my wife just found out about a couple years ago. And that’s brought its own unique set of challenges, as we’ve struggled to get through that. And my wife has been very gracious about it all, exceedingly. I’ve actually never heard of anybody trying to work through the stuff that she’s had to work through. And so I’m a very gracious are grateful for that. But there’s a lot of hurdles to overcome. And then, you know, bringing my history into this trend to, to work through my own character defects. It’s just, it’s, it’s a gong show of problems that everybody I’ve brought this to has kind of thrown their hands up in the air and said, I honestly don’t have a clue, we got to start really small areas. Let’s try and make little progress here or there in this tiny area, which isn’t really a big help when, you know, they’re helping me gain an inch, but I’m three miles behind. So that’s kind of where I brought my particular opinion of where we’re at in the marriage. So
Wow. And and what made you start the masculinity reclaimed program,
an error in calculations, I looked around and was looking at stuff and I, my wife had done this course I think you probably familiar with the lady. Sheesh, remember her name, she does a series of webinars for ladies anyway, she did a whole month of them at a time and you were one of the resources that she used. And so anyway, I was happened to have my wife’s email open one day, and I saw this name, some, like, your marriage is like, whatever. And so I went on your website. And there’s a whole bunch of courses that I was like, seriously hoping my wife would take. And but in amongst those, I saw one, it said, masculinity reclaimed. And it was talking about learning how to love your wife again. And I was doing a couple other work. Things that had to do with character work in my air was as I thought, primarily, your course was dealing with character issues, which is not fantastic. I need to get out of this. So I, I bit the bullet, and I did it. And it was correct. I was a lot of character issues, I need to do it. I wasn’t aware that there was nearly as much training in there is there was and so I was in shock for a while trying to figure out man, I’m a dead man. And if my wife finds out, and I just rolled with it and went and so it was good.
Guys. Yeah, that’s awesome. Um, okay, well tell me, you know, going through the program, what are some of the important lessons you learned?
Well, I guess probably the first thing I would have learned is that this stuff should have been taught to people before you got married, quite literally. I have read way too many books have been involved in all sorts of stuff that I shouldn’t have. But I haven’t found anybody who gave you a blueprint to try and find a way to your wife’s heart, just have never found that. And I would have paid money. The money I didn’t have to go into debt for decades to have had that information before I got married, and so on. That’s it, the biggest thing was, I think probably about a couple weeks into it, I started to feel a little hope, and hope will change your world. And I know because I’ve spent like two years without hope coming out and coming clean about all this stuff, left you in a spot where you were, you’re clean, but you’re not healing. And then to not be able to progress further into my relationship to catch my wife’s heart. That was huge. And so to have a little bit of hope meant you could all of a sudden try means you had a path to fall that looked like it had success. So finding hope meant that I could begin to put a little bit of effort into it again, it’s hard to hit your head against the wall three times a day when you’re not making any progress. But if you think you might make some progress, I can hit my head again, you know, and so that was that was a big one was just having a plan that looked like it had a reasonable chance of success based upon the fact there’s a lady teaching me okay, because, you know, if the guy telling me like, Dude, you don’t know anything more than I do. My wife showed me something the other day, she said, when you can understand why. Why pizza comes in square boxes around pizza and square boxes cut into wedges, then you’ll understand why women are women. They’re like, yeah, that’s about right. I understand that. So that was that was one of them was was just sheer hope, having hope. And probably probably the other one was just the, the gratitude, the daily gratitude stuff. I mean, I’ve talked for a long time about forgiveness, I cried, the day, we did forgiveness, I cried, I just like, I turned my turn my video off, and I’m sitting there crying while you’re doing this stuff, as I’m dealing with. I mean, I had, I couldn’t believe how much stuff I had to forgive my wife for and, you know, coming from her side of it with, with all the stuff she’s already forgiven me for it seems inconsequential, but it wasn’t there, there was tons of stuff just backlogs of stuff that that my guy heart, I guess it just been hurting for for so long. And so working through that, you know, even even having the fill in sheets, you know, no one, I’m gonna have to talk to belah he made me sign that wretched. Like, you know, sign your soul away on a dotted line here, you will do what I see for the remainder of the course. That’s where my first morning somewhere along anyway. You get that done. And then all of a sudden, it’s, you know, you got to put the effort into it and, and the the money was, was a motivator. But it wasn’t nearly as much of motivators I promised. Right? And so, because I promise you put in the work, and then two, three weeks, you might start seeing results and then it wasn’t hard to put the work in. So
that’s amazing. That’s amazing. Okay, so you said results. Tell me tell me what are some things that you saw.
Um, I think that some of the biggest results were the most obvious one to me was my wife started apologizing. And, and I cannot get over this fella. Like, I just can’t. The problem when you marry an almost angel is that she’s she’s Angel enough that that most of the time you don’t need to worry about it. But when she’s not Angel, it’s a problem. And they’re in hard to get her to see that over the years. And I love the girl to death, but it was driving me insane. And emote. Like four weeks into this, all of a sudden, she started apologizing for little stuff. And it has just kept on and kept on kept on like, like we have not had a perfect relationship. And the last couple of weeks, we’ve had some insane time, pressure and building pressure like our life is in. Probably if we were talking pressure wise, we’re dealing with the boat of 14 out of 10. Okay, so that’s what our life is like at the moment. And normally in my history, this would be World War four, because three would have been very small. Okay. And we have had some hiccups. And we have had some some tough times and a few heat hours, which is nothing compared to in stuff. We’re like, no, biting my tongue and it’s like, I’m bleeding at the lips because I’m so hard. And I walk away to get some space and a few minutes later she comes over to me and says I’m sorry. You know, case in point this morning. We woke up and she was upset over some miners like okay, well we were update so I start making the bed and everything. A few minutes later she comes out of the shower, she pops your head down she says I had the worst stream of votes you and she starts telling me about the dream and all this stuff was going on in her head. And she says, and she looks at me and she gives me this half grin. She says, You have a lot to make up for selling the dream, as we had a chuckle over this because it was a dream. No, listen, this is a small thing. But that would never have happened before. Never. And I’m still just like, I’m afraid that the bubble is gonna burst. And we’ll stop, we’ll go back to where it was. And I am learning to enjoy the time with her. And I can’t say enough good things about the what’s happened in our marriage. It’s just amazing.
Wow, wow, Praise God. Praise God. You know what I, I loved one story that you shared at some point was the you mentioned your father came to visit? Can you tell that story a little bit?
Yeah, sure. So a little background, I guess is that my pride over the years, and my arrogance and my opinions that I was, you know, all this and that. Basically, let me give my wife a bad rap for a lot of things. And when we would go meet together or be with my parents sent me a lot of pressure on her to act and be a certain way. And I just, I was really cruel to her in those ways. And so as a result, our interactions with family have always been very strained. And when folks have come to visit us, she’s been often worried, I think, from my own background, but my critical tongue would have, you know, chewed her up in that and so she’d be worried about those things. And anyway, my folks came over to visit a while back, and we were just, you know, this is something new we’re trying is right in the middle of this stuff we’re doing with you. And anyway, Dad sends me a note and he says, I don’t know what you’re doing. He says, but keep it up. He says, I’ve never seen your wife so happy, ever. And this is just like, awesome. And it’s the truth. I mean, she’s telling me jokes. I mean, I’ve been wanting my entire marriage long for her to joke with me. And she is all of a sudden started joking with me. And I haven’t been begging her for that often. I came from a family that was cracking jokes all the time. And just straight laced girl was just And now she’s telling me jokes all the time. And I love it. It’s just amazing.
Oh, my God, praise God. Praise God. Well, um, so there are some things would you be willing to share? It’s totally up to you. But would you be willing to share a little bit before and after about intimacy, what it was like and how it’s changed throughout the program?
Yeah, I could do that. Um, I guess simplest way to put it would be because of because of my sin, and my involvement in all sorts of foolishness that I shouldn’t have been. I came into my marriage, let alone after it. But I came into my marriage with a with a playbook and a recipe book that was dozens and dozens of pages long. And they married a girl who had zero training and no information whatsoever. And so I was afraid to talk about anything, because it would reveal everything I already knew that I shouldn’t. And because of that, there, she believed that I didn’t want her and the things that she was expecting, and the things that she wanted weren’t happening either because I was all held back and everything so then we fast forward 20 years to I’ve come clean about everything, we’re all on the same page, we understand everything. But we still have no no real means of going forward. We reached a place where she is experiencing a lot of pleasure in a relationship but it’s not. It’s not necessarily mutual, and my head is not feeling I’m not feeling respected. I’m not feeling really fulfilled. And that has changed. I just gotta say that has changed. I very rarely experienced any difficulties in the bedroom I used to I was having a lot of problems just functioning to get my head out of the place where I felt so disrespected. And so so much as a failure as a man that I couldn’t even get my head in the game and then that has changed a lot and and now my wife is a I’ve often kind of joked that the peacock marry the sparrow, okay, flamboyant. I would wear purple and orange and I would walk down there with white shoes and a bell in my hat. I just don’t care. That’s the kind of the way I would and she’s got me wearing browns and all this kind of stuff, right? So that’s that’s fine. What has surprised me is that this Sparrow mouse has turned into a tiger and I cannot hardly keep up I am I am continually having my socks blown off. I don’t understand sometimes what’s going on. And she’s making me promises and then she’s fulfilling them. It’s, it’s to give you a number variant we have gone from in my mind. And again, this is mine, this is not my wife, okay, so she might have a different opinion and whatever. But I would say in my mind, we have gone from in a few short months, to from from a two to a seven, or eight. And there’s lots of stuff I want to try. And as long as the place I want to go in, there’s a lot of experiences that we’ll learn as we grow together. But I don’t feel any more like, like, I am trying to drag her. I feel like her engine is running beside me. And we both got traction on the wheels, and it’s a unique and crazy liberating feeling. Wow.
Wow. I feel like there have been many, many reports of this was like on the bucket list before I die. And it just happened.
Oh, yeah. Yeah, there’s a, like, the other day, you know, she asked me for something. And I had to ask her again, what she said, Because I was losing my mind. I had no like this. I was okay. Yes, like, please, but wait a second, I gotta write this down somewhere before I forget. Like, it was just amazing stuff. So she’s, you know, and that’s that’s the thing to Bella is that. You know, as guys we grew up, if you grew up in in filth, you grew up thinking that the appearance or the the, the activities, perhaps, that those those are very little of the whole experience, the biggest thing has been for me is that she really seems to care about trying to connect her hearts, and what’s important to me, in inside the bedroom, and she’s all of a sudden, really just. And the thing is, she’s always been like that. But my response outside the bedroom, and the way I treated her before, inhibited all that. And so I have not changed my wife, I have removed the roadblocks of this village idiot for letting her blossom the way the Lord wanted her to. Okay. And that has been the biggest thing. Because there wasn’t anything in the stuff. He taught me about changing her. It was all about changing me, which is what I needed. And we’re just gonna run it. And so as I began to change me, it was like, I just kind of removed the poisons from the flower bed, and she just started to blossom. And it was just amazing to watch. And I’m looking forward to letting him blossom a lot. Oh, my God.
Praise God. Charles. That’s incredible. Absolutely incredible. This is a it’s amazing. And you How many kids do you have? Seven? And how does that impact your kids now that things have changed?
Well, I think I see them happier. I think I see them. I see a little more hope on their faces. Because you got to understand, this has not been an easy road for us at all. Like we’re talking. Just just a hair from divorce for years kind of thing. And the other day, we had a squabble and I was telling my kids, the little tiny ones, I said, See, you got to understand. I said if mom was completely perfect, I wouldn’t have to change because Mum would be able to handle absolutely every piece of credit ever gave her. So but mums not completely perfect. So that means I have to change. Okay, I understand. So if we’re back in a situation that’s tough, and I’m having to work through it, it’s because God’s tested me again to see if I’ve changed. You know, I didn’t win that battle perfectly the way I wanted to. But I think, you know, batting 80 or 90% on a very difficult night is a whole lot better than I want to use the bad 15. So that’s the way we’ve been looking at and the kids have been encouraged. You know, it was a real tough moment, and I got some some bitter emails and whatever. And the kids were like, Dad, you’re coming home. I said, you know, I’m not the person I used to be. And unlucky and lucky for your mom, I’m coming home anyway. And we did and we got things worked out. And, you know, that was a couple days ago and things are still great. You know, we went from conversations that were difficult taking days and sometimes weeks to resolve to taking minutes to taking The theme 20 minutes you know, being able to handle insanely tough times, and and to recover from them so much easier because the emotional connection has grown so much recently.
Praise God, praise God and, and who took the course?
Who took the course? Yeah, that’s great. You know, I would I would I have listened to a bunch of your podcasts. And, honestly, belah. I’ve seen some of the reviews and things you’ve said. But God has obviously gifted you with understanding both sides of the equation. And it’s a talent, it’s a gift that he gave you specifically. And for a time such as this, and I am very grateful that I found your stuff and hoping to take some more of it as we go on. And May my wife will take some too. But the thing is, is this is the whole, you know, haven’t parts of the puzzle. I’ve had parts of these puzzles all over the place. There’s books galore, there’s stuff everywhere. But you can’t, you can’t treat just a little tiny portion of the puzzle, you have to hit it all together. And that’s, for me, what masculinity reclaimed helped me do was hit all the pieces of the puzzle at the same time. So you can see something moving on instead of just you know, add this chunk or add that chunk or whatever it just it made so much sense when I put it together that way.
Oh, that’s incredible. Oh, just amazing, Charles. And that’s that’s the incredible thing to see is that you applied and things transformed. Your wife didn’t take a course like it was just your implementation, which is just amazing.
Yeah, yeah. And you know, the the work I tried to for years. You cannot, you cannot make somebody else change. And I had tried, in ways subtle and not subtle to get her to change all sorts of things. And when I cease trying to change her and tried to change me instead, with some help from you, and the Lord and other places, I saw Mel honestly, I saw more change in my relationship with my wife in the last three months than I saw in the last 20 years. Just industry.
Amazing, thank you. Thank you, Charles. Well, is there any kind of final thoughts that you want to give a to somebody considering taking masculine at reclaim?
Yeah, do it. First of all, do it. And, and I mean it, do it. Like, if the finances or consideration, get alone, hit your father up, get get a loan from the friends who have to bail you out, when you’re having a fight with your wife, whatever, just do it. It’s, it’s, it’s worth it. The second thing is, is that if you focus on what you’re going to get out of it, you won’t, you won’t do the work you need. But if you focus on what you need to change, you’ll get the results you want. And that was for me such a huge thing to find defined how much how much core level details I had missed on a day to day basis with my wife. We’re wired differently as men. We’re wired to build a building, we’re wired to change the world with these massive monumental strokes. And God built us that way. Otherwise, we’d never do these things. But dealing with your wife is a game of inches. And you’re talking about everyday little things all the time. And if you’re coming from a place like I was with your wife, dealing with two decades of emotional neglect and abuse and all this kind of stuff going into it. You can’t afford to just throw one big grand gesture at it and leave a goal you need the discipline to build day upon day upon day. And that’s what this course will help you learn how to be
thank you so much, Charles so much. Listen, can I ask you one final thing is if there’s a gentleman listening who’s who’s in a spot that you were in, would you be willing to pray for them on this call?
Oh, yeah, yeah, absolutely. Heavenly Father, Lord, you know the, the great payment is in broken relationships. And sometimes as men, we want it all inside and we put on that tough exterior but we’re dying when they’re in order. There’s some element is dying on the inside and wondering who’s gonna make it and trying to make it but he’s afraid he’s just not going to be able to win as you give him the courage. If he decides to invest in the course password that you give him the courage to go into it wholeheartedly. Change is possible. If the Lord can change me, and if my marriage can go from near disaster to enjoyable in just a series of months, then you can do that for anybody. And we would ask that you would give whoever this person might be hope. Hope will change his life and give life to his wife and cause it to be joy among his children as they see the relationship becoming what it always could have been what you want it to be. And as you give them encouragement this day, thank you for Bella matching bless her to Jesus. Amen.
Jesus name, amen. Charles, this has been amazing. Thank you so much, really? All right. Well, that concludes it. You just, that was just amazing, seriously, and it’s been amazing to watch this, this whole journey and transformation and what God has done and weekend and week out that just, you’ve done the work.
Thanks. I would have to keep doing the work. You know, like, last couple weeks have been horrible to try and do the work. It’s been difficult catching up. But I was I was relieved to know that I got lifetime access, right? Because there’s going to be one just keep gonna go rolling around and wander around. And do I have access to those worksheets to?
Yeah, let’s see, what does that mean? What do you do? Sometimes
they’re, like, the accountability for this? Oh, yeah, yeah, I’m gonna build my own, emailed all this stuff. And if I can download them off there, then that’s fine. I’m just gonna make sure that I have access to them. Because I need to build my own cheat sheet. And the thing is to like, my wife gave me about half of these things, already, maybe three quarters of these things on the list. Maybe toward Christmas, she said, the kind of stuff I want everything. And that was only on some of the that was on sort of a set the stability page for her right to keep things stable. But it didn’t give me the how to how to get back in the in the making good progress, and aim to make your smiling and smiles a whole lot more.
That’s awesome. That’s awesome. Very cool. Charles. Okay, well, um, as you know, the free trainings coming up. So I plan to just shock that full of tons and tons of training, like just so regardless of who comes on the actual program, this free training, I just want God willing, I’m just really praying that lives will be changed. So
I wanted to just know, I’m using some of your stuff. We’re going to talk in October when we Yeah, that’s right. Yeah, I have talked to my original counselor, and he has really encouraged me to put together I gave him a rough draft of the program. I’m used I’m building because you address a certain issue of it. Yeah, I want to come at it from the perspective of guys that the need for for marriage help in a fair recovery is massive. It’s the scope is astronomical, like, animal Absolutely, probably know, the statistics. But there’s got to be 100,000 cases a month in the States. It’s just insane. You’re right. You’re right. There’s a I’m not gonna pastor again, but I can help people like this. And I want to. So I’ve been told that my ideas are very good. Our area our group doesn’t have anything like that. So I want to use that in helmet. But I would sure love to bring you in with some expert advice. And maybe you can help me do a couple things and point some guys your direction and whatever. That’d be great. I love it. Yeah, I think it’s awesome. Given the ideas you’ve given me like Bella, I can’t tell you how much it changed my head the first time you said a woman need safety. Okay, I have been taught so long that a woman needs security. Security and safety are similar, but they’re a vastly different thing. And just to hear that it triggered so many answers in my head because I have been staring at a puzzle that I did not know the answer for for so long. And all of a sudden, two or three pieces went like this. And everything shifted into place. And all of a sudden I had a path forward and progress to made and answers to help other people with because I was staring at the stuff I knew would work but I was seeing zero progress. And also notes moving so
ah, praise God. That’s awesome. Yes. So I am totally, uh, you know,
my I’m so glad that we’re we’re talking October I mean my my stuff is jam packed until then, but that’s perfect. So you know, prep, whatever you need to prep. Let’s get yeah, let’s get.
The other thing is you’re going to expand if you haven’t already, to the place where you don’t have enough you to go around. Right to help. Do you have you got plans right to hire other people to expand this thing?
Um, you know, we’ll see how God moves up. But yeah, I mean, yes, there’s, there’s a there’s
alright. Well, if you ever he, I hope you do, I hope you hire people that will help you in this year because this section of it needs to get bigger. Okay? The lady side of it is critical, okay? And I know it is it’s stretchy, you’ve got a massive ministry there. But changing how men deal with this in their wives will free their women up. And the men are supposed to leave the thing anyway. And we have lost this component of teaching men how to bleed their wives in the sexual department. We have completely abandoned that to the world by and large. And if if you can do whatever you can do to make this bigger, great. I’m just telling you encouraging. It’s made such a difference. I’ve already told like 30 people about your course and who knows maybe someone will sign up. I’ll have to say that yeah. And if you ever want me to jump in and give a one on one testimony of somebody or talk to somebody for you, I’ll be happy
really? Oh, awesome. Thank you. Appreciate it.
I got nothing to hide. Okay. And as long as I don’t have to embarrass my wife I’ll be okay. And no I mean that like I need to protect her property and all that but I would you know, I’m not trying to get hired I’m trying to help and so this was a game changer a life changer for me. And that would be you know, you want to throw my my contact information to somebody who just has some questions I’d be happy to help
that’s amazing. Thank you so much really? All of this Thank you. Okay, well we’ll be talking more soon Oh Charles. Just you know I ended up not ending the recording because with you I always know you’re going to drop like jewels at the end of the call of course you are so there were some real jewels at the end here that I’m curious Would you be open to me using as well? I might Yeah.
Okay all right. God bless let’s start by Wow
incredible well all glory and praise and credit to God I mean you know as well as I am I do I am very imperfect so for God to use my stuff is a yes is quite a I don’t know when we are weak again when we are weak he is strong. So I just praise God for Charles story and I’m so impressed with the man he has changed into and and the different Yeah, I mean just faithfulness of growth that he has done and and what God has done in their marriage is amazing. Alright, so again, I hope you will join me at the men’s masterclass free and live and especially with with everything being online now. Everything’s better live. So my hope is that you will actually come on live with me. And there’s going to be some q&a times there’s gonna be a lot of teaching and you know, I’m not gonna make a boring I’m just not because my husband’s gonna be honest with me. All right. All right. I’m praying for you. Thank you for praying for me. And let’s talk next week. God bless. Oh, to sign up. Go to delight your marriage.com/mins training. I almost forgot. All right. Talk to you next week. Love you. Bye.
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260-Attract (Don’t Push) Your Spouse Towards Jesus
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Hi there,
If you’re going through hard times, this is particularly applicable because we need a lot of love right now. The right kind of compassion and care from our spouse and those around us.
The best way to encourage your spouse is to attract them. I find it clear in the Bible that people have to be attracted towards Jesus by us living like him. Jesus did miracles and was compassionate to people before he ever rebuked them.
Jesus dealt with people differently based on where they were spiritually. When someone was demon possessed he healed them and didn’t rebuke them for dabbling in whatever caused the possession. However, when the rich young ruler who practiced righteousness–and clearly was at a different place spiritually–came and asked about eternal life, Jesus let him know he needed to give all he had to the poor.
Jesus calls us higher, based on where we are right now. And it’s unique to each individual. If he spoke to the demon-possessed man like he did the rich young ruler, the demon-possessed man wouldn’t have been attracted to him. Instead, he loved that man the way he needed to be loved in that moment. And the man then followed Jesus and became an incredible evangelist of the gospel.
My invitation is to attract your spouse not to force or push them the way you think will help them get to Jesus.
When Jesus said the golden rule “so whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them.” I think he means love them in what they need right now. In who they are. In the way they receive love.
It was my birthday and I shared with my closest friends that I wouldn’t appreciate gifts, but I would love letters and donations to World Vision. If a friend likes to get gifts on their birthday and decided to give me a gift, I wouldn’t feel loved. I would feel like they didn’t really care about me.
So, I encourage you to love your spouse the way THEY receive love. What do they like?
It’s different for men and women. I share what specific differences between men and women in particular. Treat your partner the way they want to be loved. Because you would want them to do that for you, right?
Love and blessings,
PS I’d love to invite you to join me at a Men’s Masterclass at October 9 – 11, 2020 www.delightyourmarriage.com/menstraining
Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. You’re joining me belah rose as I dive deep into the beauty, power and truth about intimacy, learn not only the practicals, but the heart behind what making love is all about. delight your marriage. Hi there and welcome. Thank you so much for joining me on the delight your marriage Podcast. I’m so excited to speak with you about attracting your spouse towards you every day. So before we dive in, if your husband listening, I would love to share with you about a men’s masterclass, it’s going to be live free. And it’s coming up very soon, October 9 10th and 11th at 7pm. Eastern, be sure to sign up. If you are not able to make it live, there will be a replay at a limited time. But I will say as you may know, anything that happens online is so much better live. And this is the same type deal. I’m going to try to make it really interactive. And you’ll be able to ask your questions and all sorts of things. But I’ve had people comment on my webinars in the past, like Where were you 25 years ago, even clients have attended and said that there was things that they hadn’t learned even through my program. So there’s going to be a ton of material there that’s going to help you through really getting your marriage on track, and especially your intimacy. By God’s grace, I’ve been able to work with people who haven’t made love in years, or even just a couple of times a year and then suddenly, in the programs, they’re, they’re making love frequently. So I’d love to have you and I’d love for this to really be a turning point in your marriage. So be sure to sign up, you can go to delight your marriage.com/ Men’s training. So do it now. So you don’t forget. And then I’ll be able to send you all the details around it. delight your marriage.com/ Men’s training. All right, one last comment is thank you to those who have prayed for dy M delight your marriage, I’m so grateful. Because I get to see miracles every day, in in this in this work over and over and over again, miracles really miracles. And you know, God’s power is so huge in this work. And I know it’s because so many of you pray, so many of you pray, you know, this is life changing material and you pray for it. And I want to really thank you. And I also want to ask you, I’m doing a conference in Chile here very soon. And it’s going to be in Spanish. So I would love your prayers. Because yeah, because I need I need prayers on that that’s not going to be the easiest thing. But I know God will help me with it. Alright, well, let’s go ahead and dive in. This is going to be a great conversation.
So if I were to ask you, what is your purpose as a husband? Or what is your purpose as a wife? What is the purpose in your marriage? Well, what I think the answer is, is to attract your spouse towards Jesus, and empower them to do God’s will in the earth. Attract Your spouse towards Jesus and empower them to do God’s will in the earth. I think the word attract is so important. Because really, the truth of the matter is, we are not going to force people into a heart change. We we just aren’t that’s not the way it’s just not the way it works. You know, it’s interesting, Jesus performed so many miracles when he was on the earth, and that attracted people to him. So when he rebuked them when he was strong with them, like they were already at a spot where they were fully attracted to him. And the interesting thing is when you look at Jesus, people, like even children wanted to be around him. He was accused of being a drunkard and a glutton. He would have dinner with his friends, he would go to weddings, he would go to the his lavish parties. He wasn’t one that was, you know, a constant killjoy. Yes, he spoke truth but who he was was attractive. It made people want to follow him around and hear what he had to say. And the interesting thing is, when I read the Bible, I’m attracted to Jesus, I’ve want to hear what he has to say, to me in my life. I’m reading this book or listening to this book called The Kingdom of Jesus. And it’s really powerful, because he’s arguing that the gospel is actually Jesus’s life. The gospel is the accounts of Jesus, that that’s the gospel, it’s more than just the fact that he saved us from our sins. It’s more than that. It’s who Jesus was, what he taught, what he said what he did, day in and day out, I think that’s so powerful, because for me, that’s so much more invigorating, than just a get out of free. You know, get out of jail free card. Instead, it’s like, this is a glorious assignment that I get to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. That’s my invitation. That is the gospel. So I am hungry, to hear what Jesus wants me to do. I am hungry to understand how I am to live this life. It’s it’s an incredible, extremely attractive thing for me to look like Jesus. And I think that’s so much more motivating for Christians, to say, Oh, the gospel is looking like Jesus. That’s what it means. To be a person of the gospel is to be a person that looks like Jesus. So that’s powerful. It’s a powerful book so far. And I recommended it seems really edifying for me really elucidating of a lot of really cool things. But why is this idea of attracting your spouse, so important now, if I want to encourage my husband, to be the man God wants him to be? The best tool in my toolbox is to attract him is to attract him not to push them not to confront him, not to argue eloquently with him, the best thing I can do is attract him. And speaking of Jesus, I was reading this morning in Matthew 712, the golden rule. So whatever you wish that others would do to you do also to them for this as the law and the prophets. Whatever you wish that others would do to you do also to them for this is the law and the prophets. So it was just my birthday a few days ago. So thank you for your birthday thoughts.
But there were a few ladies that I invited to a zoom call and actually a few ladies that I invited to a Zumba dance party out in the park. And that was fun, but way more advanced that I’m good at. I told you that I, if you’ve listened to me before I do like dancing, but I don’t like the skill of dancing. So yes, I was not following the teacher very well. But anyway, I did ask these dear friends of mine, that gifts aren’t encouraged. But I do love letters. And I also gave my address for people to send me letters and donations to Worldvision. That’s also what I would like. And the thing is, I think we sometimes misinterpret this scripture about the golden rule, to mean that we love others the way we receive love. But that’s so untrue. Because if I receive love by letters and gifts to World Vision, then why in the world would I feel loved if someone gave me a birthday present? The truth is, I wouldn’t I wouldn’t feel loved that way. So why do we attempt to love our spouse the way that our that we receive love? So my invitation to you is to really be conscious and present and thoughtful about who you’re spouses, and how do you love them the way they receive love because of my job is to attract my spouse towards Jesus, the fact that I follow Jesus should be the best thing that ever happened to them. The fact that I am a Christian should be an amazing, amazing thing. Because that’s attractive, because I am loving my spouse the way he receives love. And that empowers me through my discipleship of Jesus. I mean, this is this is who he wants me to be is to love others. The way that you wish they would love you, right? You wish they would think about you, and you wish they would think about your preferences, and you wish they would love you according to who you are, not according to who they are. So when I speak about this, it’s really important that I’m very clear on what does it mean to love your wife? Well, well, a wife, to be fulfilled in her marriage. She needs to feel known. She needs to feel safe, and wholeheartedly cherished those three things known, safe and wholeheartedly cherished? What do I mean by known I mean that, you know, understand, appreciate her uniquenesses the ways God made her her passions, her interests, her thoughts, her desires, you know her, you know her, you make it clear that you know her, you make it clear that you appreciate those things about her. That who she is very uniquely from every other woman out there matters to you and is special to you. And there’s many ways to make that clear. The second piece is safety. So the pressuring the high expectations, the making her feel bad about herself, especially around sex, or any of those things that makes her feel unsafe. If you are not trustworthy, if you don’t keep your word. If you have poor coping mechanisms, when you get angry, you do things that are something that makes her feel scared. That’s the opposite of making her feel safe. But making her feel safe is helping her to feel secure, helping her to feel like she can trust you, who you are. That you care about. That piece of her. That part of her and the final pieces, wholeheartedly cherished. She wants the romance she wants that you’re thinking about her and that you you honor her and respect her and, and just find her to be amazing. And think about her you give her flowers, I mean all the surprises. She loves that. That’s those that’s what makes a woman swoon. Those are the things
so then for a husband, what is it that makes him feel loved? Well, the first one is respected. Number two admired and number three wholehearted sexual intimacy. wholehearted sexual intimacy. So number one respected that means no control, it means that there’s not words like, we are going to do this or you need to do this or you should do this. I’m all that stuff is. It’s very disrespectful. That’s not stuff you would ever say to someone you respect. You would never say it. Like to a boss or a, I don’t know a grandparent, someone that you respect, you wouldn’t tell them what to do. And the thing is, that doesn’t mean that as a woman, you are less than your husband, when you respect him, it just means he’s got different needs than you. As a woman, it’s just not the same kind of thing. It doesn’t it doesn’t rub us the wrong way in such a dramatic way. When we’re disrespected, it’s just not. I mean, it doesn’t doesn’t feel good, but it’s, it’s not as dramatic. It’s, it’s, it’s like this is a tenderness on a man. And it’s our wisdom to to be careful around that and to care about that. So that’s respect the second one is admired. So it’s this additional piece where sometimes women don’t realize it but they’re there they mother, their husbands, and whatever that means mothering. They tell them what to eat or they just all sorts of things. It’s disrespectful, but it’s also she doesn’t kind of trust him to be who he wants to be in this world like you admire? What about admiring his strengths? What about noticing? Wow, he’s really good at this. This is an area that he excels in, I trust him to take care of our family. I admire the man he is. If you have that perspective of your husband, he will turn into that man. He will we respond to the way others see us. It makes us a better man. All right, let me clarify that it makes men better men, when they have a woman that trust them. That admires them that appreciates who they are. It makes him decide to be better. It makes him stand up a little taller, put his shoulders back a little more that. Yeah, I am one of the good guys, I can do this. But if a wife confronts and criticizes and makes him feel like dirt, well, he’s gonna keep acting like dirt. Because clearly whatever he does is not going to be good enough, it doesn’t really matter. My invitation to your wife is to admire him at your core, at a heart level. Look for the things that you could admire about him. Look for them, seek them out. In what way did God design your husband special in a very special careful way. And then the final piece is wholehearted sexual intimacy. It’s not just doing your duty, it’s being present and caring about the sexual union between you two, it matters so deeply to his heart. It matters so deeply that she is free and enjoys herself and relaxes. It engages and cares about his member, and wants to be present wants to be there with him. That’s what matters to the man. So as Jesus talks about, so whatever you wish that others would do to you do also to them. To underscore what that means is love others the way they receive love. Love others the way they receive love. This is an opportunity you have as a wife or as a husband, to attract your spouse, towards yourself. But most importantly towards Jesus. Every day, you are either pointing them towards Jesus or away. And let me also read first Corinthians seven. I think we miss understand, so often what being married is all about.
It says if any brother has a wife, who is an unbeliever, and she consents to live with him, he should not divorce her. Verse 13. If any woman has a husband, who is an unbeliever, and he concerns of sorry, consents to live with her, she should not divorce him for the unbelieving husband is made wholly because of his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made wholly because of her husband, otherwise your children would be unclean. But as it is, they are holy. But if the unbelieving partner separates, let it be so in such cases, the brother or sister is not enslaved. God has called you to peace, for how do you know wife? Whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know husband, whether you will save your wife, only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him. What that says to me is even if you’re married to an unbeliever, which many, many of us are, were which my husband and I when we met, he was not a believing Christian. But if you consider your appointment is to this person, to attract them towards Jesus. You know, the very end here it says, Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him and to which God has called him. So in your marriage, you should be able to do what God’s calling you to do. And it also says in the midst of all that God has called you to peace and he peace. We as Christians should not have have the same level of divorce as non Christians. It’s a bizarre statistic. God has called us to peace. We’re not supposed to be pushing and pulling and criticizing and convicting the Holy Spirit can do that. Only let each do the work that God is assigned for that person. You’re not supposed to be looking at your spouse and comparing your commitment to the Lord and your prayer and all that kind of stuff. I mean, it’ll shake out in the end, God knows. It doesn’t, it doesn’t help your cause to do that. What does help your cause is do your stuff yourself, stay in your lane, pray for your spouse, love your spouse, the way they receive love. attract them to Jesus by you just being you and letting them be the best version of them. They can be. Man, is that a good feeling? I am more myself than I have ever been in my life. Because of my spouse, I don’t feel like oh around my spouse, I’ve got to, I’ve got to be someone I’m not. I get to be me. I get to do what I think God wants me to do. And I get to let him do the same thing. I’m, I’m constantly wanting him to do God’s God’s work, whatever he senses that is. And it doesn’t mean we have to be doing the same thing. It’s very clear. Only let each of you do the work that God has assigned. To Him and to which God has called him. Yeah, sometimes God calls people together to do the same thing. Yeah, sometimes he does. But sometimes he doesn’t. Maybe it’s completely different. And that’s okay. That’s okay. God has called us to peace. How do you know husband? Whether you’re going to save your your spouse? How do you know wife whether you’re going to save your husband? So when when I say attracting them, yes, it’s attracting them to yourself. To to you but but automatically that’s attracting them Jesus, because you’re so tied up with, with who God wants you to be that of course, who you are, the closer they get to you is is easily getting closer to Jesus. One thing I want to mention is when we are in crisis situations, our true character comes out. It just does. And it’s hard to admit that’s the case. But it’s true. The waivers respond in crises
shows us who we are. And it also you know, in the fire, the dross comes up to the top like all the shakiness. We start to see in ourselves. And a lot of people are really going through the fire right now. And it’s not easy, it it’s, it’s sad and terrible for so many reasons. But my encouragement to you is don’t let this crises get away from you don’t let this crises make you feel like. Like there’s no purpose to it. There is a purpose here. There is a purpose here for you to display God’s character Jesus character in this moment. There was a heck of a lot of problems going on when when Jesus was around from political issues to martyring. I mean, my goodness, just the fact that crucifying people was the norm is just awful. Like, whipping was a norm like, yeah, there was some pretty awful things going on in Jesus day. And yet, he still said Be anxious for nothing. And yet he still said things around joy and, and peace. And I mean, so my encouragement is that it’s not to downplay the crises, that you are more than likely going through. But there is purpose to it. God hasn’t left you in this time. It’s an opportunity to grow and mature and it doesn’t mean that those who are not going through crisis somehow earned a better life. They didn’t. They didn’t. We don’t know why things happen the way they do. But we do know there’s purpose to it. I do know that that you Jesus went through suffering in his life to be the man who he became, at 30 years of age to be able to take the sin of the world on his shoulders, because he did some hard work during the time that we don’t even know about. So I hope you’ll use this season of your life, assuming it’s a hard season for many different reasons, in a way that causes you to be more of Jesus’s character, to love others the way you would want them to love you, to care about others to be people of compassion. Sometimes the only way we learn compassion is if we go through suffering ourselves. As painful as that is that we wanted someone to care about us during that time, and no one did. And so years later, when you’re in a different spot, you’ll know what it feels like for somebody to care. Personally, we’re going through something with some some close people to us. And, you know, I’ve been in, I’ve been in that spot, I know what it’s like to not have the support of people you love. And so it’s very easy for me to jump in and love them that way. Whereas it’s very hard for other people, because they don’t know what it’s like to not have support in that particular spot. I’ve been exactly where they are. And it’s it’s not, it’s not easy to not have that support. So I hope that’s an encouragement to you, that you would hold faster, Jesus in this moment. Or you will do his will in this moment, that you would love your spouse well in this moment, during crises, love your spouse, well make it easy, make your marriage just a soft landing between the two of you that you can always argue about something later. You can always deal with some difficulty later, just let right now be a place of peace. You know, can always fix that thing later. It doesn’t have to be right now. All right, let me pray for you Father. Lord High pray God that we would be attracted to you. Lord, give us the grace, to walk nearer to you. To want to understand you to read your word. To read your word, I think so many Christians don’t read your word. And it’s heartbreaking that that so many martyrs have died because of the Bible. And here, so many of us are spoiled that we get to read it in a zillion different apps, in different translations, all, all sorts of things. And yet we don’t give us the grace to read your gospel, to know who you are, and who you were inviting us to be. That the gospel can’t be summed up in a sentence, but it is an entirely.
I mean, it’s the person of Jesus. It’s who he was. That’s the gospel, to understand and walk in that. Give us the grace to know what that looks like in our life today. And right now, in our marriages, and in our sex life. How do we love our partner, the way they receive it. Lord, thank you for your hand on each of these families, that you were with them and crises. You tell us not to be anxious. You tell us not to be anxious for tomorrow because God knows what they need. Give them what they need God. Give them the assurance that comfort, the confidence, and even the practical things that they need. And give others compassion and generosity to look for those that are suffering. To give to those that need it. Lord, we love you. We bless you and praise you. In Jesus name, amen. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your life, even in a small way. I’d love to have you gentlemen on the training you can go to light your marriage.com/ Men’s training and sign up as soon as you can see, don’t forget and I look forward to speaking to you again next week. God bless. Love you, praying for you.
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259-How to Sabbath for Intimacy
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Hi there!
Hoping your day is going well? There’s a lot of difficulty you may be facing right now, and one of the best gifts I can give you is rest. Well, not me but God.
It seems strange to think rest could help you cope with the intense struggle you’re dealing with, but you may be quite surprised.
I’d like to share a podcast episode that is dear to my heart and my growth.
Why does rest matter to your life? Well, Jesus by no means hurried through life. He practiced Sabbath. He enjoyed His day to day life. Even children wanted to be around Him.
If we’re stressed we don’t spend the time to connect with our partner in a meaningful way, in or out of the bedroom. For women, usually stress kills her libido but can increase her need for emotional connection. For men, it often makes them crave the release sex brings but he has low capacity to be present to her emotions.
How can any of us not stress? There are bills to be paid, kids to raise, food to prepare, chores to accomplish every single day.
Rest doesn’t fit into our lives.
But I would posit, as followers of Jesus, we can’t NOT rest and be aligned with His will. We need rest to ensure we’re on track. It’s easy to be on the rat race for years and have no perspective to see what does God actually care about in your life.
If you don’t have pause to calm your heart and mind, you can’t discern what that is. It’s not work, it’s rest.
I am looking forward to sharing this with you. Good news: when you’re rested, your intimacy in all ways increases.
Love and Blessings,
PS I am inviting you to save the date for the free LIVE Men’s Training Oct 9 – 11!
Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. You’re joining me belah rose as I dive deep into the beauty, power and truth about intimacy, learn not only the practicals, but the heart behind what making love is all about. delight your marriage. Hi there and welcome, I am so grateful that you are joining me. I hope that your afternoon morning, evening, wherever you are listening to my voice is going well. And I am prayerful that tuning in today is going to matter and encourage you and inspire you to live more wholeheartedly in your relationship with Jesus and in your connection to your spouse. So what I want to talk about today is how rest influences everything in your life, from your sex life, to the way that you are as a parent, to the way you are doing God’s will in this world. Before I dive into that, I want to announce that I have another men’s training coming up early October. Now this time, it’s going to be free and live. Now in my trainings that I’ve done in the past, especially this men’s training that happened just a few months ago. Originally, I had people reach out to me after the training because they heard it on the podcast. And they were like is this still available and I had to share with them that it was not because I wasn’t able to continue to offer the men’s training at that time. So my encouragement to you is to mark your calendar, it’s going to be on a weekend, October 9 10th and 11th. The time tentatively is 7pm. Eastern, so mark your calendars. I’ll give you some confirmation. If you’d like to sign up for that. Just go to delight your marriage.com/ Men’s training. That’s it. So I’d love to have you as part of that training. And yeah, get on board as soon as you can make sure you’re there. Because like I said even clients have attended the men’s training in the past. And they told me that there’s even things on there that they weren’t aware of based on the courses that they’re taking with me. So my encouragement to you is definitely beyond there. There’s great content. And like I said, it’ll be live, there’ll be question and answer times. And you know, everything is better live. So my encouragement is to make sure that that’s on your radar and you get some really awesome content. Fantastic. Okay, well, let’s go ahead and dive in to today’s meat. And we’ll get started so if you see my family and I walking around the park on Saturday, morning, afternoon, evening, whenever it is, you will find out that we are walking slowly, relaxing, laughing a lot. I have a habit of there’s this railing at the park that is about two inches thick. It’s a bar it’s um wrought iron material. So it’s super, super strong. And during COVID One of my challenges has been to balance on that thing and walk around on it. And I’m happy to say that I’ve kind of mastered it to an extent I still fall every now and then but it’s pretty fun to do. So those kinds of things that are just playful fun. A lot of times we play games on Saturdays like practical game, what a physical games is what I’m trying to say so a really great game that somebody was giving away in our neighborhood and my husband got the game for free. It’s called Othello th e ll Oh, and it says that it’s for eight like kids eight and up. But my five year old plays it and has a lot of fun with us and it’s it’s kind of like a glorified I don’t know checkers mixed with bad Oh no, it’s fun. It’s really fun, even for adults. So anyway, we do things like that. On our rest day. Sometimes I paint or do charcoal or some kind of delight something I enjoy. Why do we do that? In our culture today, it feels like that’s wasting so much time. It’s a whole 12 hour chunk of time that should be invested productively, I feel like our culture is all about how much you can get done in a day. And that’s equal to righteousness.
So whether it’s running to take your child to some extracurricular activity, or getting stuff at the grocery store or reading some book or taking some class or, or, or or, you know, working extra hard at some project and you know, putting on final touches or whatever, doing some new renovation to the house, buying that new thing. Keeping up with the shows, posting on social media, making the your account look beautiful, and all these different ways. There’s so much to do. Now, in our culture, it’s overwhelming, really the amount of demands on our time, not to mention we’ve got text messages, pinging in emails pinging in and they are, our concentration is constantly distracted by constant connection. And so many people don’t have any kind of boundaries between work and life, where their boss can call them at any moment or email them at any moment, even in the evening hours, and they take the call or clients. So what does this have to do with rest and stress and sex life? Well, stress is a libido killer for women, for sure. And well, rarely, I would say women actually get relief from sex from stress. So men, though, when they get really stressed, they’re like, oh, my gosh, sex will definitely take care of the stress. A lot of times, that’s how they feel. And the question is, what what? What do you do about it? Can Can you get rid of your stress? Well, you might be thinking, well, you know, somebody’s got to pay the bills, somebody’s got to get a promotion so that we can afford these things. Somebody who’s got to go to school so they can get the right job, the right careers. Somebody had to do these things to take care of the family. And I agree with you, there absolutely is time in place for work. I love my goals. I love ambition. I love business books and academic research. I love that kind of stuff. I love focused work, I love it. The problem is when we are so focused on being productive, that we lose sight of what really matters in life. Because we’re pinging from one thing to the next to the next to the next and it’s less focused work than it is distracted work. And there’s lots of studies to talk about this idea that if you are pinging back and forth, distracted, too distracted, too distracted, whether someone’s I am in you even at work, you get much less done. And you can read a couple books one of my favorite books about this is called deep work. I read it in the last year and my productivity has skyrocketed since I implemented some of the techniques he suggests also another book is called in distractible, which is also extremely practical. I would say deep work is much more philosophical of like why we’re doing this and it’s just brilliant. And then it’s in distractible is a lot more like here’s how to do it. Here are the tools to use here’s what not to do. Here’s what to do. Here’s how to shift this here’s how to change that. So it’s very, very much I would prefer you do deep work, read it and then in distractible, those are my recommendations. Okay, so anyway, um, why, why rest though? What does rest have to do with anything? Well, Jesus came out of a culture of a Sabbath. It’s really the only 10 commandment that we don’t follow as Christians is keep the Sabbath holy. And Jesus even talks about the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. What that means is that the Sabbath is a gift to man that you labor and work six days but the seventh day you rest and you keep it holy. So I’m of the mind and several Christian thought leaders are as well that Sabbath is an absolutely Christian discipline, just like prayer and really fasting which I need to do more of Really,
but just like, the different Christian disciplines of reading the Bible, Sabbath is, is important. And I want to go through a list of why it’s so important, why a rest day, what we call it in our family is so important is because a rest day gives us rejuvenation. It really fuels the rest of your week. Because you have one day, every week, that’s a built in vacation. In Mind, Spirit, body, soul, every part of you gets to rejuvenate, gets to relax. It also gives you perspective, it helps you to see man, all those little annoyances are just not that important. They’re just not that important. And I mean, the annoyances at work, the annoyances with your kids, the annoyances with your spouse, they just aren’t that important. The other thing that I think rest gives is this idea of abundant life. That’s a very important message of the gospel when Jesus says, The devil comes to kill, kill, steal, and destroy, but I have come to give life and life abundantly. My question to you is, are you living an abundant life? Are you living the life that Jesus intended for you to live? abundantly? See, when you have a rest day, you’re, you’re relaxing into God’s peace. You’re relaxing into enjoyment, you’re relaxing into the fact that God is God. And you don’t have to hold the whole world on your shoulders on this day, you get to trust that God’s going to take care of it. You get to trust that, you know, you can’t do everything. Yeah, just can’t. Because this is a boundary that the Sabbath is for rest. For years, my family didn’t have financial means to take any kind of a vacation. And the funny thing is, I never felt a lack. Because I felt like I had a vacation every single week. Like when people would say, how was your summer? Did you guys get out any? The answer would be no. But I never felt depleted. Or like that wasn’t a good thing. I was like, No, we, we didn’t we made a great summer. We know we didn’t travel, we didn’t go on vacation. There’s just we just didn’t have the funds for that. And even now, it’s not a high priority on our list. I mean, traveling to visit family and those sorts of things are, but I mean, I feel rejuvenated every single week. The other piece is it’s deeply and truly a connection with Jesus, a friendship with Jesus, holding hands walking life together with Jesus when you’re hurrying. And when you’re stressed out, you just can’t do that just doesn’t happen. When you’re just distracted and frustrated. And in a rush, we just can’t. We can’t have a slow paced connection with Jesus. Another book to recommend is called the ruthless elimination of hurry. And I recently read that and listen to that I’m a listener. You might be do an audiobook listener. But he really just nails this stuff down. It is really a good read. But the point of the matter is that Jesus was a very different pace of life. He was not rushed. Even when people had crises around him. He did not rush. There were times that somebody was sick and he stopped. Because along the way along the path somebody needed him, even when Lazarus was sick and going to die. And they were pleading with him to come. He waited two more days. And then he came after Lazarus died. And he was sad about it. He wasn’t happy the Lazarus died. So how could this be that Jesus takes his time
in life? When Martha and Mary we’re together hosting not only Jesus, but his disciples and probably a lot of other guests. And if you think about the amount of work that had to be done to Most people back then. I mean, my goodness, it wasn’t even just baking bread, which, you know, I am no Baker. In fact, I don’t like cooking, I’m not good at it, because I’m not patient enough to do all that stuff, which is a funny, funny thing, since I’m talking about this, but back then they would have to, I don’t know, kill the animal to get the meat, they would have to grind up the wheat, they’d have to. I mean, there were so much work to do, honestly, I don’t even know the half of it. And Martha was doing all the work. While Jesus is teaching, while the men are sitting, listening, learning and Mary, the other hostess, who apparently should have been running around with just as much vigor and enthusiasm and diligence as Martha, Mary was sitting at Jesus’s feet, learning, she decided, You know what, it’s more important that I’m here with Jesus. And she could trust that the stuff that needed to get done would get done in the time that it needed to be done. And when Martha approached Jesus about it, when Mary probably I’m just imagining the situation that that Martha had reproach, reproached Mary and tried to get her to come and she wouldn’t come and you know, all this back and forth, and back and forth. And then finally, Martha goes to Jesus, Jesus, get Mary, to come with me, and do the work she’s supposed to do. And Jesus tells Martha, I can’t imagine he’s so gentle, and careful, but firm. And he looks at Martha and he says, Martha, you are distracted by many things. But Mary has chosen the good part. And it will not be taken from her. And I can imagine, you know, the punch to the gut of Martha’s like, Whoa, where my priorities that far out of line. And sometimes I think about, you know, the more perspective I have on my life, the more I think, when I get to Jesus, is he gonna say, Yeah, your priorities were right on? Or is it going to be like, Bella, you’re we’re distracted. You were distracted by things that didn’t matter. Are you kidding me? curling your hair? Getting the wrinkles out of that dress? You know, the things that made you rush your kids so that they were leaving the house crying? Did that really matter? Did that attract them towards Jesus? Did it matter more that I check an email and get distracted right before dinner, so I can’t even listen to what my children are trying to share with me. So then they grew up thinking that mom cares more about her work than she does about us. So what’s the point of following in her footsteps with faith, that doesn’t mean they’re going to be a good parent, that they love me more than they do their work. So just saying this out loud. I mean, COVID convicts me. So if nothing else, this is for me, and my heart. But the thing that I noticed is, the more I lean into rest my rest day, and truly make it a day about presence. And usually what I do I have a whiteboard in my room. And usually what I do is I pick a couple of words, that I want to be my focus on the rest day. And usually, it’s usually just a couple of words. One is peace. When is presence and something about the family or I don’t know making love something, something that I needed to just remember that that’s what today is a marker for it’s a special thing to set aside for. And, yes, making love is a big part of a rest day because it’s rejuvenating for both of us. When women get stressed, sex does help them by the end of it. But usually, there’s not this
motivation to make love because of stress, whereas men are motivated to make love because of stress. Women in retrospect after sex might be like, oh, yeah, that is what would help. Yeah, okay. I don’t know why it is. It’s just the way it is. We can just trust that that’s the way it is. Alright guys, I don’t understand it. But that’s how I am doing that’s how a lot of women are. So my encouragement meant to you whether your husband or wife is to start to work rest days into your lives. And if ideally, I would love your goal to be a rest day, every single week, that may feel overwhelming right now. But my invitation to you then is to work in at least one every single month. And then slowly get to a place where every single week it is possible. But once a month, make it the same day every month. So maybe it’s going to be the first Saturday of the month. I don’t encourage Sundays to be the day assuming that you go to church or have a church meeting on Sundays, because the truth of the matter is, that’s a scheduled activity. That means you’re not resting. There’s things that need to be done, like getting everyone dressed, getting outside, getting in the car, going someplace greeting people. I mean, there’s a bunch of stuff that has to be get done and accomplished in order to make you know, your church service work, especially if you’re in any kind of ministry. And it really does need to be a full day. For us, we we try to clean our apartment ahead of the day, we try to get things kind of whether it’s tidy or kind of prepped, whether it’s kind of food, we understand what we’re going to be eating the next day. And we just really focus on it. One thing also that’s very helpful for us is since we have a five year old and a seven year old, they like to be very rambunctious, but I like my rest day to be very peaceful and quiet, especially in the mornings. So I spend my quiet time with Jesus every morning anyway. But at rest days, I want to spend quiet time with my family, but I still want it to be kind of quiet. So what we do now is we try to plan out a project for them to do in the mornings. So we may have extra cardboard boxes that we’ll have for them and a glue gun and scissors and all that my husband, I will just sit on the couch watching them do their projects. So then they painted and then by the end of it, they let’s say they’ve done crocodiles, they’ve done trains, they’ve done dragons, they’ve done elephants, they just make these giant, cool things. Just from, you know, glue gun glue stick, and cardboard boxes and some paint. Or another thing we do a lot which is awesome is we get let them pretend to be engineers. And so if we have some old machine, like this past, I think it was this past dress day or the time before that. We had an old broken air purifier that we gave them and we gave them screw screw drivers. And I don’t even know what else clipper like a wire clippers and those kinds of things. And we just, you know, we’re, we’re monitoring making sure they’re safe, but they love it. They love it. It’s a great project, they get to discover all these cool things about machines. And my husband and I are just sitting there kind of cuddling, watching all the fun things, talking about how grateful we are. That’s another thing on our rest day is we are very intentional to talk about how grateful we are about life, we’ll even ask each other questions. You know, Honey, what are you grateful for? Three things you’re grateful for. And we’ll just ping that back and forth. And we’ll even ask the kids, because we want this to be a time of really enjoying, I mean slurping out the joy of our life. Because what rest day do is it, it really helps you to get off the rat race of needing more, more, more not being satisfied without this and that and this and that an arrestee that you truly you you decide that you are going to have plenty that what you have is enough for joy for choosing joy. I mean, Jesus talks about joy. He was a joyful man. People wouldn’t want it to be around him children who wanted to be around him. Children don’t want to be around the the depressed, sad, mad people.
I mean, Jesus was an encouraging guy. Yes, he spoke truth but he was a lot of fun to be around. In fact, he was even called drunkards, he was called a drunkard and a glutton because he would go to parties he would be at weddings he would. He would go to people’s houses for dinner and have his friends along with him. This was not uncommon. Even His disciples didn’t fast. Whereas the Pharisees and John’s disciples all fasted, but Jesus disciples didn’t. And he said, you know, the bridegroom is with them. Now, why would they be fasting? So Jesus was very, okay with them with people enjoying their lives. And so my encouragement to you is, you know, Jesus had a very strong and healthy balance of enjoying life, and working. I mean, my goodness, this, this, Jesus knew the scriptures, he knew how to study, he knew how to suffer, he knew the work that had to be done, but he balanced it with rest, with Sabbath, with enjoyment. So my encouragement to you is to enjoy your life. To really let the abundant life that God has given you take hold, and that you don’t have to need need need. Why are our dream and vision boards? Why do they have giant pools and giant houses and these kinds of things that just is like, really, I’m looking forward to heaven for that right now. I just, I just want to time and peace and pleasure with my family, I just want to be in in the midst of God’s will, I don’t want to be distracted by a bunch of shiny objects. I don’t want the responsibility that a big house requires, I don’t want any of that. I don’t want the space. You know, one thing, this is a side. But I have a hunch that since houses have gotten bigger, I noticed that families have gotten more distant from each other. And I don’t know if this is true, but this is my hunch is that children’s rooms are more separated from each other. Parents rooms are more separated from their kids, kids can kind of escape and slam doors and get away from each other. And there’s not even this physical space requirement for them to be near enough to each other to talk. Because they have a lot of space. So I say that, you know, from a New York City apartment that is is small. And and and lovely. I absolutely love it. Alright, let me get back to rest days. We are intentional about not talking about stressful things. I mentioned we don’t schedule things. We, we both are connected, committed to this conversation, to not to not pick, bring up stressful things. So if if he starts talking about something that stresses me out, or vice versa, I’ll just be like, Honey, can we can we talk about something else today, I’m happy to talk about that tomorrow, no problem. And we just shift because we have one day, that’s meant to rejuvenate us. And we have to protect that day because otherwise we won’t have another one for a whole nother week. And we need that to fuel us for a week of hard work. It’s kind of like a sprinter. The Olympians, right. You can’t run, run, run, run, run and then not sleep at night. That’s insane. You have to rest you have to rejuvenate for you to be as effective and attentive and focused and impactful and influential that God wants you to be. You have to rest. You have to wrestle. I’m a huge fan of reading and writing and being productive. But on that day, I don’t listen to business books for the most part. I mean, unless I can tell it’s rejuvenating. But if it starts making me think about work, or if it starts making me think about productivity in a work related situation, I just decide, You know what, I can listen to something else that’s really going to fill me during this time. Another piece, and I mentioned this a little bit but friendship with God, feeling his delight in me. I know I miss that in our fast paced life so often is I’m working for God, but do I realize that he looks at me and he smiles and he’s happy about who I am. And he just loves me because that’s what’s really supposed to keep us centered. Is that God’s love but if I don’t make time to meditate on that, on who he is as a father, as a lover as a as a kind friend as a generous Savior
as someone who wants to spend time with me, if I don’t If I don’t prioritize that time it, it’s so far away from my mindset that what does it even mean to be a Christian if I don’t have a relationship with Jesus so making love is important to resting gets you into your body and out of your head. As a woman, that’s a hard thing to do. And it takes emotional energy, to stop thinking about all the things you got to do. And instead just dropping into senses, what is your body feeling from from your outer skin to the inside of your ReSSA and rest says, receiving Him into her essence. So all the beauty between her legs, that’s her ReSSA. But does she even if she attentive to that, if she doesn’t have rest in her life built in, she’s not attentive to her feelings, she really needs, the space and the opportunity to rest. So as a husband, if you’re listening to this, you get to be a protector of the time of your family, you are the protector of your family. If your family doesn’t have space to rest, it’s your responsibility to help you guys get there. What in the 60s has to get done. So rest is a part of your lifestyle. What can you d commit to because in the realm of what’s most important in life, it’s not that important. I would say put a rest day on the calendar today, right now, stick it on the calendar today. Invite your wife, or if it’s a wife listening, invite your husband, I’d like to have this as our rest day. Just do start with one, just start and start to value. The gift that God has given you a rest, it is a it is a trusting God, that He is going to provide for your family, that he wants you to enjoy this gift, that he has a big enough God to deal with all the things that you can’t deal with. Because rest matters, it’s kind of like trusting that you can sleep at night, that everything’s gonna be okay when you wake up when you open your eyes. Because you know, sleep is required for you to have any kind of life. I think rest is the same way. I was such a productivity nuts that I in fact, I even used to, if I was enjoying myself for two hours, whether it was with friends at a party at a social gathering something if it was two hours, literally on the dot, well, pretty darn close to on the.of. Two hours, I would leave so I could go do something productive, whether it was read something productive, do something productive, write something, pray productively, something very important. And it’s funny when my husband and I started dating. We, I didn’t even realize it. I didn’t know this about myself. But he started to notice that I couldn’t I couldn’t enjoy myself for more than two hours at a time. It wasn’t. I just couldn’t I, I felt guilty. I felt ashamed. I felt like I wasn’t doing God’s work. And it wasn’t until we started practicing the spiritual discipline of rest of a Sabbath that my whole life perspective changed. And it was a trust that I’m like, Yeah, God has me God has this life and I get to walk with Him in it. So that’s my encouragement to you. Let’s let’s pray. Now, Father, I believe that the person listening to this needs to listen to it, that there was a reason they clicked on this, that there was a reason they listened all the way through Father, I pray God that you would give them an insight into why it matters to them. How you set this world up is better than our own conceptions of the rat race that the world tells us is good. Get the most money get the biggest houses get the most stuff. I mean, what what kind of, what kind of way did you live Jesus?
You had a balanced life. You enjoyed the good but you also did the work on the side. I mean, both of those had to happen for you to be effective. And I asked God for effective in God’s will and I asked God that you would give this person clarity on what it means to rest and enjoy and and and decide that what they have is enough that what they have done in the last six days is enough. And then it would fuel and transform their lives more in accordance with your will. And I pray even for their spouse, if they’re concerned that yeah, they are on board, but maybe their spouse isn’t. God given them the wisdom and the grace to know how to approach it. And how to align their lives with this important piece of your well, in Jesus name, amen. Wonderful. Well, thank you for listening. Again, the men’s training is coming right up. So definitely mark your calendar, October 9 through 11th. This is all about teaching you how to get your wife to make love, enjoy sex with you. Some of the people that have worked with me, even if their wife didn’t know they were working with me, their intimate life completely transformed from maybe a couple times a year to a few times a month. So God is good. And I believe this is going to be really important training for all the gentlemen out there to to join. So October 9 through 11th. Hope to see you. God bless you and we’ll talk soon go to delight your marriage.com/ Men’s training to sign up. God bless. Bye
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258-Sexual Health & Medical Solutions for Age. Interview with Ben, Part 2
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In this episode, I have a former student who is in his 70s and has been married over 45 years.
Not only has he and his wife used some of these interventions themselves, he is also very well-versed in the research behind it.
He nor I am a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice, but it is worth asking your doctor about these possible solutions.
He also talks about the important health choices their family has made to keep them healthy sexually and vibrant even in their latter years.
To understand the Framework that I taught he and his wife when they worked with me, go to www.delightyourmarriage.com/framework
Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. You’re joining me belah rose as I dive deep into the beauty, power and truth about intimacy, learn not only the practicals, but the heart behind what making love is all about delight your marriage. All right, welcome back. This is belah rose. Thanks for joining. So this is part two of my interview with Ben, who is actually a former student, and he has been married 45 years, and has got just fantastic insight, but not just over his marriage, I think the biggest thing that I want to help others to understand is that you can have passion regardless of your age. And he is living proof proof of that. And he’s got a lot of understandings around health and medicine to help you with that. But then also, what does it mean to actually have a life that makes passion? Something that kind of naturally happens even at 40 plus years? If it’s possible for Ben, it’s possible for you so so listen in and, and take notes. He’s got a lot of wisdom to share.
So that’s interesting. So in terms of when you made this shift, there was a lot of like blood work that came out positively. Did you notice was that impactful? of intimacy, health things as well?
Yeah. So, you know, my wife really showed interest. And after we started listening to your podcasts, and so what we did was, I got a splitter for our earbuds and we would walk we try to walk in our day, and we would listen to Bella. Oh. And then we also listen to one extraordinary marriage. And, Alicia, we like, the reason why we we listed him some is because we ran out of your right, we ran through your podcasts. That’s okay. You can listen to other people. There’s some really good ones out. Yeah. But I noticed that we were made we’re progressing a little bit, but not a lot. Yeah. And I finally just the light bulb came on one day, and I thought, you know, I don’t need to try to change my wife, I really need to change me. Because I had a hard time being vulnerable with her. And we didn’t communicate. And so I thought, I’m going to call bell. And I called you in then. I’ve told you more than once. I wish I’d had you when I was 20 years old. Our marriage looks a lot different than it does. You know, our did the first 35 years of our lives. Right? Amazing difference in our lives. And my wife, she saw change. And we’ll see. So thankful. I told you before, but thankful for Bella and Annette, are a huge blessing was a bell started coaching my wife. And one of the things that she struggled with in her life was the concept of being thinking that she was a bad girl. He enjoyed sex or rest how much she enjoyed it to me. And she grew up in a very conservative church. And the message that she got was, you know, sex is bad until you’re married. And but I think a lot of times she heard sex is bad, but she didn’t hear until you’re married. Right? Yeah. So she’s, you know, she’s it’s been a real struggle for her. And so, I’ve just learned so much about how to treat her. And I didn’t know, I think I thought women’s wanted what men wanted insects. I didn’t realize that sex was different for women in that you had to set the context. And if you don’t set the context, then you know it’s not going to be enjoyable for the lady. In that context is you got to cherish her and make her feel safe and go slow and to remember to love her and do things for you. And then they, and then they build that trust. And as you teach men they want to, they want to open up to their husband.
Yeah. Yeah. That’s beautiful. Wonderful in thinking about because I, I think a lot of men and women want to know also like as they get in the older years when things shift after menopause, you would encourage the bio T which is that VI O T? Yeah. Medical calm. Okay, cool. So I’ll have that link. And then what? You mentioned that you guys do walk every day? What other health things do you do that you think has an impact on your intimate life?
Well, and there’s one other thing that’s come on the horizon, medically, that? I don’t know if you know, I’ve talked about my life. And you may have talked about it. And that’s, it’s called an O shot. Have you heard of that? Or the piece? I have heard about? Yeah, so what they do is the physician in my physician does it, they draw blood, and then they put it in a centrifuge, and they spin it, and they get enriched plasma. And then they inject that into the European is. And so in that enriched plasma, they’re really cells are common SyncML cells, which will, they’ll grow into the cells that they’re injected into. So they’ll go towards them, they’ll make the penis, rejuvenate the nerves and a penis, they’ll rejuvenate muscles in the penis, and so the penis will get larger, and the kidney will be increased. And so and they did the same thing in the clitoris, they’ll actually inject tiny little diabetic needle, and so it doesn’t hurt dynamic first, without inject that into the clitoris. And in the G spot area. And it like, it renews your sexual organs. Oh, my goodness, they’re having some amazing results. So yeah, it’s it’s relatively new most. But some of these doctors that are specializing No, and Bau T are starting to use that as well.
Well, that is exciting. I definitely didn’t know the details of it. So that is really interesting. Okay, so that’ll be something that people can bring up to their doctors to find out more about and research around. Yeah. Okay. For men or for women? Yes.
I’ve got a good friend of mine, neighbor, who’s an internal medicine doctor. He’s really into diet. He’s the as a big exerciser. And one day I asked him if he was frustrated, trying to practice more of a preventative type of medicine. He said, Yeah, it’s really tough. Because 90% of the patients that come in, that are sick, say, Hey, I don’t want to, I don’t want to change as give me a pill. And so you know, some of the things that we’re talking about are going to seem strange, they’re going to seem difficult to people. But, you know, the more pills you take, the more they react with each other. And, and their efficacy drops, the more long you take them. And so for me, you know, besides the quality of life is really, really important. So I am just trying to learn as much as I can and do the best I can and realize that science continues to move forward. And next year, we may not be doing, you know what we’re doing this year, but we’re going to just keep trying. And we have a lot of years to make up for. So, and things are better now than they’ve ever been. And so we’re excited. We, we I would encourage people to pray together. We knew that in part of our prayers, we asked God, you know, he’ll help us be the spouse that our spouse needs and sex, know that we have exciting sex and we can help them with their needs. And then I one of the things that you taught me that I think have been really good is we ask each other at the end of the day. Hey, what were three great things that happened to you today. You hear so many so much negativity on television, and in social media, try to think about, you know, good things. And when you do that, it brings you closer together. You know, we’re holding we’re really being vulnerable. And so that just helps your spouse know that you’re on their team and tell her you know, so you know, we’re on a team together, we’re not adversaries, we’re, we’re pulling together. I don’t want to do anything that would, you know, device. So he right, we exercise, we get our her gas checked every three months we get our home every three or four months, great, we’ll get those pellets injected. And, again, he’s really a conservative guy, you can trust him, and he’s smart, and work. Awesome. I love that. They take care of business, I don’t think we’re taking any risks. And so yeah, that’s where that’s where we are.
Yeah, I love that. Because then your approach is really about a healthy lifestyle, healthy diet, exercise, and really the quality of your life being extended. And at the same time, there’s these very natural things like hormones that, you know, change over time, and having something like bio T bio identical pellets is is a really great option so that
in 1900, the average life expectancy was, I don’t think it was even 40. It was really low. So, you know, ladies were having babies when they were 15. You know, by the time you’re 30 years old, you’ve lost half of your eggs from your ovaries. And so it’s natural to run out of hormones when you’re 70. Because most seems natural to me, because most most people didn’t live that long. So we’re really, you know, we’re entering a new era. Some people, you know, they want, they don’t want to give up, they don’t want to give in, and they want to try to extend their health. I have a, I have a close friend of mine that just set a world record two years ago. It’ll be two years in August, and he climbed Mount Kilimanjaro and 88 years old. And he’s a vegan. Wow. And he’s a client. 21 22,000 feet.
88 years old.
Yeah. And the exercises every day, he climbs mountains, he snow skis. We sometimes we limit ourselves, by the way, we think,
yeah, that’s right. That’s exactly right. Oh, wonderful. Okay, so then there were a couple things that I think I went a little too fast on asking you about, but I think there were some specific health things that either you’ve read or you understand that I’ve helped you along the way.
Now, one of the things that I’ve never had thought about was what time do you have sex? And so my wife’s a night person and I’m a morning person. So not tons not great for her and so we started having sex more in the middle of the day or you know, right after work and and then I don’t drink any alcohol before you know we have sex. And then also the, the bigger your life size. The less firm your penis will be, you know, the more dysfunction is occurs. And so I’ve really worked hard at trying to get my wife’s down. So whitewashes together
pounds, dance you.
But it’s been, you know, it’s been, that’s probably been the hardest thing for us to do, because we like to, you know, we like to drink wine or dinner. And so we’ve had to, you know, modify our, our lifestyle a little bit, but that’s a good thing. Then another thing that I’ve read recently was another book. It’s called the penis book, and it’s by a urologist. His name’s Aaron Spitz. It’s SPI tz. And it’s a five step plan on how to optimize penis blood flow. Oh, yeah. And he, I’m not sure if he’s still there. But he was in the urology department. I’m not sure. He’s head of the department of UCLA. I think it was UCLA because it was a college metody USC, but anyway, he’s an expert. He said, I’m sorry, listeners. This guy is he really is a big proponent of that.
Really, that’s fantastic to hear. Yeah. Why? Oh,
yeah, and I don’t know. And you know, just a fun thing for your audience that might want to do this. I’m not sure if you’ve done it or not, there’s a video out on Netflix called game changers. And it’s amazing film on sports athlete, it’s, and they’re finding that there are these athletes that are embracing the vegan lifestyle, their performance levels are really going up nearly all the professional way. There’s our vegans. A lot of Believe it or not, a lot of boxers, a lot of Olympic athletes are vegans. I had a patient recently win the World Ironman competition, and he’s a, he’s a vegan. And so that would be a fun video, if you’re not going to read when you want to just watch something. There’s also another video called Forks Over Knives that the good that you might want to watch.
Yeah, I’ve seen I like that one a lot. Yeah. You know,
about our kids. I’m gonna call man here for a second. But I heard our pastor say when I was young is, as far as he’s concerned, church, I’m getting on some really thin ice now, probably, but church was not an option for his kids. And church was not an option when I was growing up. And it was not an option for our kids. And I wouldn’t change that I’m concerned about, you know, what’s going to happen to these kids, because so many of them are entitled, and I’m worried about how’s that gonna affect them when they get married? If you’re entitled, I think you’re selfish when you’re entitled. And you know, what I’ve, what I know, for now, what I’ve learned from you is to have a successful marriage is we have to learn to serve our spouse, and we have to do things that there are days when I do things for my wife that I probably don’t really want to do. But, you know, I realize that’s not what it’s about. It’s not about what I want. It’s about how I can love my life, and how I can provide her with the needs that she wants. Yeah, so I’m worried about these kids, that they’re never been told no. And how are they going to manage when they you know, when they get married? Yeah, I know, some people are not going to agree with me, but I’m worried about. And I’ve seen it more and more in our practices. Another thing is, most of our friends got a divorce. And one of the real seems like one of the common denominators, they’ll the spouses will lose their focus. And maybe the husband will get really into his job, or maybe job. And then the, you know, the wife, Oh, we didn’t take care of the kids. And it’s like, my wife and I, we intimacy was on the back burner. And only by the grace of God, did we say, Mary? We know, we had some tough times, there were time times in our lives when my wife said, you know, we don’t have time for sex or we don’t for sex very often. So you need to find other ways to take care of your urges. No, and that’s from being me, me being selfish, and not not taking care of her. And so, you know, I’ve learned from you and I’m so grateful. It’s too bad. It took me that long to learn it, but I’m doing my best, you know, to try to make up for a lot of loss.
Oh, thank you so much. That’s awesome. Well, this has been, this has been fantastic. So what encouragement could you give to a man who hasn’t been able to have passionate intimacy with his wife?
What’s I don’t give a okay. And I know this is there’s some medical issues that can cause and I don’t know, we’d have to talk about hey, what’s the cause? sure that you and your wife and I get along and maybe you need a coach or do you have a medical issue? Or do you have erectile dysfunction? I I don’t say this to be for every man but I do believe that you can If you’re having erectile dysfunction, and you can get it back, hmm. And I think you can have an erection like you did when you were 25 or 30, you might have to take Viagra to, you know, to help with it. But I think if your practice, if you’ll do your homework, and you’ll practice some of the things that we’ve talked about on this video, you know, that you can, you can take care of that erectile dysfunction. And as far as if you’re having your wife are not getting along, I think do a King Solomon said to do and he said, Seek wise counsel. And that’s what I did, you know, when I purchased those books, and when I called you. And I said, Now, there’s something wrong. And I know that I’m responsible for this marriage. And hopefully, you know, what he eats me? How to be the husband, my wife needs. So I think most problems other than medical problems, I think you can solve them. It’s not going to be overnight. And it’s going to take hard work. But I think it’s definitely worth it.
Hmm. Well, and the amazing thing about your story is that you worked first, you know, you decided you were the one that needs to do work. And like you said, in advance of her, doing anything, really even being all that interested in the material, you did the work first, which then made her receptive to it. And then I worked with her and you and I continue to work together separately from her
email, you’ll say, when you push there, you’re gonna push back. So when you love, hopefully, they’re gonna love back. And I felt like, you know, with what I was raised, and I put so much priority on being successful, that I owed it to my wife to the husband, that she deserved. And, and I’ve learned so much about how to be a better person from you that heaven forbid, if anything happened are, I’m still gonna be a better person. What, from what I’ve learned from you. So I’m treat people better now than I did before. Love better. And so I wouldn’t take anything for it for what I’ve, you know, pronoun gotten from you. So thank you. Think about it. You know, there’s a couple of things. If we’ve got time. Yes, I’m going to read this. I just got this from John Gottman. And I don’t know it just really resonated with me. He said, in a dream world, all interactions in a relationship would go smoothly, everyone would turn toward every bid with great enthusiasm, making their partner feel heard and understood. It’s a nice wish, there’s not a realistic expectation of your partner or yourself. Even the masters of relationships studied by John Gottman didn’t get an A plus on their interactions, they turn towards each other over 80% of the time, what is turning over are turning towards each other. What does that really mean? Turning towards each other doesn’t have to be an enthusiastic response to count any kind of a positive acknowledgement of your partner counts. Of course, a negative response is turning against. And that’s the one you want to avoid. No one likes to be ignored, chefs are treated as a nuisance. The good news is that you and your partner are probably turning towards each other’s bids more than you realize. Try to look, try to look for it and give yourself some credit. And I’ve been a perfectionist my whole life and it taught me you know that I don’t have to have a perfect response from my wife. When I need to do something for her. Just a thank you or a look. Or, you know, touching my hand at dinner is like you said it’s a bid. And I need to understand that we all come from fear and intimacy is being vulnerable at your height, that’s probably your maximum height. The vulnerability is you talk about sex with your wife or you know when you make a bed. So, you know, the other thing that I read this week and wrote in my journal, thank you is that Jesus said in Matthew 16 Anyone who intends to Come with me has to let me lead, you’re not in the driver’s seat, I am in receipt, don’t run from Seth are suffering, embrace it, follow me. And I’ll show you how self sacrifice is the way defining yourself and your true self. Know what a great deal marriages because that’s a symbol of our relationship of Jesus, you know, and if we put our wise needs before our selfish desires, in our marriage, sex, it’s gonna be so much better. If we replace our selfishness, and our worldly desires with Jesus, and His will for us, we’ll spend eternity with Him, you know, and what a ideal that is. To spend eternity with Jesus, and live a life of peace and love with your wife. And I think really starts being unselfish. And admitting that, you know, we have false law have gotten on and said, We’re not going to respond 100% every time. And we just need to become aware, you know, contrast is the essence of vision. And so I’ve got the vision, because I’ve had two contrasting marriages. So the best thing that came from the first part of the marriage is makes me appreciate so much more the second
part. That is so amazing. That’s awesome. Wonderful. Okay. I think that if there’s any other advice, or kind of final encouragement to those that are looking for ageless passion, you’re welcome to share.
You know, I would definitely pray about it. And the other thing that I did that I think was really important is I apologize to my wife. When, when the light bulb in the bell light bulb finally went on, you know, I apologize to my wife, and tell her, you know, that I was sorry. For that, then. And she was really good about saying, you know, you’re you’ve been an awesome has been, so I think I probably feel worse about, you know, our lack of intimacy than then she did. But, yeah, I think it all starts with prayer. And, and I don’t think it’s possible. Well, I think it’s very difficult to do, we’re talking about if you don’t have the Holy Spirit. I was taught there. I would pray, I would ask God, God, you know, make me into the woman or make me into the man that you want me to be? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
That’s what this is all about. Yeah, I love it. Well, thank you so much.
Thanks for the opportunity, the honor, because you’ve had some amazing people, your podcast, I never thought I’d be interviewed by you. So thank you so much.
Oh, my goodness. And thank you for your story. And for all the information and insight. For those of you listening, I’m going to have that all linked up in the show notes. So you can go to delight your marriage.com and search this episode. And you’ll be able to get all the different books that he mentioned, as well as the different websites so you can have access to that. All right, wonderful. Well, before you go, I would love to also give you a free resource. You can really understand the framework basically what I taught them what I teach Ben and his wife in my programs, and you can get that insight for free at delight your marriage.com/framework and what that is, is really the, the bare bones of what I teach. And I mean that all by itself gives you a almost like a way to understand your spouse to love them the way that they receive love which is different for men and different for women. So I’d love to invite you for that. Awesome we’ll again then thank you, God bless you, to you listening and have a wonderful rest of your day. Love you.
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257-After 45 Years Married, Is Passion Possible? Interview with Ben, Part 1
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I’m excited to bring you an interview with a former student, Ben. His upbringing was tense and he tried to stay away from home. His parents’ relationship left a lot to be desired. His wife didn’t have a man in the home to understand what marriage could look like.
Outwardly their marriage was very successful–their kids grew up to be great adults. But Ben knew that if he wanted his marriage to be passionate he was going to have to change. Which is what he did when he worked with me in my men’s coaching program.
He made drastic changes to himself and it impacted his wife’s response to him.
Both in their 70’s is it really possible for them to have passionate intimacy — physically speaking? As a doctor of orthodontics, he knows the rigor of academic research. He has done quite a lot in this area and not only has implemented medical interventions but also natural lifestyle remedies that help both he and his postmenopausal wife.
This is part 1 of our interview where he shares his suggestions for passion even after 45 years of marriage!
Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. You’re joining me belah rose as I dive deep into the beauty, power and truth about intimacy, learn not only the practicals, but the heart behind what making love is all about. delight your marriage. Oh, right, welcome. This is Bella, thank you for joining. I’m so excited because today I actually have a former student on then, and he’s been married 45 years. So he knows a thing or two about how to have a very long marriage and how to actually have health sexually in the length of time for a marriage. So this is broken into two parts. The first part, we’re focusing on his journey in marriage, as well as some really key changes that he made to impact his health, sexually speaking. And then the second half is also the trajectory of how things changed in his marriage. And He even talks about some things that changed as a result of he and I working together. And it’s just a fantastic conversation, I think he’s just a very special soul that you’ll learn a lot just through the different stories that he shares. And he’s well well researched. And I think you’re going to pick up a lot, even scientific and medical things you can do, even right now to impact and enhance your sex life. So really excited about what this means for you and your marriage. Let’s go ahead and dive in.
I would love to Thanks for having me on. I just learned so much from you. And I appreciate you so much. And I’m honored that you gave me this opportunity to talk and I hope that whoever listens to this will something good will come out of it. Every time I attend a course I always come away with at least one thing that that’ll be the same for the people that listen to us. Sometimes I learned what I don’t want to do. But hopefully they’ll find something that will happen in their lives. Yeah, so I grew up in a little small town, the atmosphere at our house when I was growing up as tents. And just discord, a lot of lot of fighting between the kids. So I escaped as much as I could sustain when I was older when I would stay with friends on the weekends and just kind of stay away as much as possible. So that was it was tough. So when I was done, probably about 12 I went to a Baptist encampment and became a Christian. And I started praying that God would send me a wonderful wife. And we could have a great family, but it wouldn’t be like the family that I grew up with. And so God has has been really good to answer that prayer. And, you know, we we have, we have an amazing family. I was president of my high school, and I’ve been President of about every organization that I’ve ever been.
I do not doubt that.
And my wife, you know, she’s an amazing girl. And we are from the same town. She’s a year older than I am. But I’ve known her for a long time. And you know, God did blessed me with an absolutely fabulous person. And so we got married, we got married really early. So I was 2621 We’ve been married 45 years.
Yeah, that’s awesome. That’s so great.
One of the things that I encourage my kids to do is look for a potential spouse, you know, in a church setting. And so they did that they were involved in church, singles groups, and they got out of college and that’s how they met their spouses. So we’re just really, really blessed. Blessed.
That’s amazing. Wonderful. Okay, so you started out, you know, praying that God would give you a marriage that didn’t really resemble the family that you started in that you saw modeled for you. So can you tell me when you got married, you know, your first years what was if you don’t mind sharing kind of what was the nature of intimacy like between the two of you
I would describe our early years of marriage if ignorance is bliss, or as I would describe as delayed gratification. Because when I got into dental school, I wanted to go to I want to go to graduate school. And in order to go to graduate school, you really had to make all lay eggs. So my wife was a teacher, she just graduated from school. So we both roll in about six in the evening, her from work and me from school and, and she’d make dinner. And then I just, we had a, we had a little two bedroom, a terrible apartment, but the second bedroom, we converted it into a study, and I was probably sitting down and studying by set and then about nine o’clock, she’d come in and give me a little peck on the cheek and say, I love you. And then she’d got a bad notice that I would be up to midnight. On some weeks, where there was testing, I’d be up to two, three in the morning, studying and so we pretty much didn’t see each other, you know, during the week other than have dinner together. And then, you know, on the weekends, but by the time that week is rolled around, you know, we were just, we were just, you know, Brian did. And so I was in a fraternity, again with, you know, party guys. And so we would usually go to like, they call them relaxers. So it five o’clock on Friday afternoons, we go to a bar, just hanging out with dental students and the wives and nursing students and hygiene. Just drink beer and talk about how hard the week was. My wife also had another job because we were pro, he would work retail on the weekends. We’re really in survival mode. So you know, we really didn’t have you wouldn’t call it a very intimate lifestyle. I think my wife’s father died when she was nine. Her mother remarried, but he was an alcoholic, the second husband was an alcoholic. And so really, my wife really didn’t have a relationship with a man. And they didn’t really model, you know, what you teach? And so, I mean, I hate to say that, but that might have worked in our favor, sadly, because I don’t think she I didn’t know what to give, and she didn’t know what she was missing. Because I think if you asked her about our early on years, she’d say, well, everything was fine. And it was it was it was all we knew. But in our defense, you know, we didn’t know anybody that had the kind of lifestyle, the intimacy lifestyle you teach, and 45 years ago, there were really no resources that I know of. No, they were out there. So I think, unfortunately, most of the world, I guess they operated like we did. So I’m not sure you you’re the expert in that area, but I didn’t see it around, you know?
Wow. Yeah. Yeah. So if you would be able to go back to some of those seasons. So if I were to break up some of the seasons that you mentioned, you’ve got that time that you were in dental school, the time that maybe you were building your business, the time that you were raising young kids, the times that you were raising teenagers now the time you’re entering empty nesters, that time you’re, you know enjoying grandkids if we were to break it up, I’m sure there’s other seasons you could probably define in there. But if we were to think about maybe even going back to some of those seasons, now what you know about intimacy and that kind of thing, what would you suggest would have been a better way of living? Do you think?
Well, what, there’s one thing I did want to share with you. She we started going to church. So while we were dating, you know, I told her I said, Well, if we’re going to date, you know, I want us to go to church. And so we started going to church, and then we found a church when we were in dental school, and the second year that we were married, she accepted Christ and baptized. So, you know, that was awesome. Yeah. And then another thing that was I think a really significant occurrence is that our last year that I was in graduate school I got into graduate school. And so she decided to go back to school and she went to graduate school. So I got a part time job after school, and would work till midnight, but she had to drive a car to go to college. So both would wrote that about, you know, minutes, not nothing had really, you know, changed. But we saw in that this has to be a God thing, we saw that there was going to be a Bible Conference in our, in the city where my school was, and for some reason, we decided to go and the man is passed away. But the man that held the Bible conference was major Ian Thomas, and he was an amazing man. And what he taught was that Christianity was really about turning your life over to the holy the leadership of the Holy Spirit. And up until that point, we never had heard that concept. And so, you know, Christianity for us was more like, go to church those Sunday and ask God to forgive you for what you did, you know, during the week. So we had a lot, we had a lot to probably offer. But, you know, that really, that blew our minds, I’ll never forget the last night of the conference, I was in tears, because I really don’t think I understood what it meant. So be fully turned over to God. And so that was a, a huge change for us and an eye opening experience. And, you know, one of the best things that ever happened to us. And one of the things I wanted to share with you, because I don’t think we’ve ever talked about this before. And the group, some of the some of the people are listening this, they’ll say, well, but some others may not know, one of the things that major Thomas taught was that animals birds and and insects in the animal world are he gives them an instinct. And that instinct protects them. And a couple of examples of use was that if you, if you put a bottle of alcohol in front of the dog, of course, they wouldn’t drink that. Because their instinct would say, hey, no, that’s, that’s not good for you. But man will drink, too. They, you know, they can’t walk. And another example used were birds as they migrate from north to south, you know, how do they know to go 1000s and 1000s of miles and but they end up back to the same home or destination every time or salmon and they, you know, when they migrate. And so he said that we are born with an instinct. And, and so if you had the Holy Spirit, and you’ve got an instinct, it’ll teach you right from wrong. You see, you know, if you’re going down the wrong path, and that really has to be able to say, you know, when I look around the world, and don’t tell him television in some of the wickedness. And I want to shake my head and say, you know, I can’t believe this is this is what’s going on, or a marriage. It’s the, and it’s just we don’t, you know, we don’t have that Holy Spirit within us. And we don’t have God, you know, showing us the way. So that was probably one of the most significant things that ever happened to me. In that first, the first five years of our marriage was was meeting him and reading some of his books, and I actually became friends with him. So it was Oh, wow. Yeah, he was he was an amazing, amazing person. Wow. Back to your question. You know, what would I do with, you know, our marriage is I would change the priorities.
Because my wife is very ambitious. And I am too. And so pretty much until maybe 10 years ago, marriage intimacies, then not that high of a priority. So I’ve changed your priorities, I would have hired you and I would have just cherished or more like you t helped her out more. We had a consultant early on there was Christian and you know, one of his favorite mottos was, only do things that you enjoy to do. And the rest farm it out. We had hired a lady that had a degree in early childhood growth and development that came into our house. And she helped out with the kids. And then, you know, we had a maid and so we we farmed out, things that we didn’t enjoy doing. But I wouldn’t do that if I had to do over again, I would have more time at home, I would have been out to help with the dishes and, you know, help with the homework and not focus so much on my career. So, yeah, I’m not we accomplished a lot, but I’m not particularly proud. You know, what, how we did it, or what we did. We, you know, we spent a lot of time teaching Sunday school. And we taught Bible Study Fellowship. So we were really involved in church, you know, teaching, and tithing and taking the kids to school, we picked out a church that had a really strong youth group, and got our kids plugged in there. And we got that idea from listening to Billy Graham, he had a book on answers, the last most difficult questions, and one of them was working to save your kids to school. I mean, he, he felt like he says, sit in the public school. And then help them you know, finding a church that they could make friends with, and then find those friends and hang out those friends in school. And then when they were challenged growing up, then they’d have their parents, you know, to help them understand what was going on into the world. And drop them off into college. And they said, Oh, my God, no, where’s this world? existed? You know, and if you look at the statistics, 70% of the kids that are Christians, when I get into college, they turn away from the Lord. So, you know, I don’t know, things have changed a lot since our kids were young. And you look at what’s going on in the public school and think, Wow, no, would I? You know, especially what the curriculum, the curriculums are in school. No, I don’t know what I would do. We used to just say we’re going to take school one year at a time. Now, what are the things I thought was interesting, in this public school in the high school is they had a program that’s called peer assistantship leading, and they call it pals, and student body. And the teachers would vote on kids that they thought were exemplary, and they were good leaders. They were good kids. And they could talk to other kids that were having problems, you know, in the school. And it was interesting that I would say 95%, at least the kids that were in that peer group, the leadership group, were they went to church. I mean, they were. Yeah, you can see, you can see a difference. No, in those kids.
Yeah. Yeah. That’s awesome. Yeah, so it’s interesting, I think, what I’d love to ask you about is, because a lot of the people that are going to watch this are very goal oriented, ambitious, you know, achievement oriented people like yourself. And it’s interesting to hear you, which are pretty close to retirement age, I think, right? You’re, you’re thinking about doing that in a couple months? Probably not? Unofficially, because officially, you’re going to be doing a ton of different things. But in that zone, and you know, you’ve gotten from a place if you don’t mind me saying you came from a place where you call your use that you guys were broke, right, but now you guys are absolutely, you know, wonderfully able to give to others and in those financial ways. And I think that a lot of times, people at where they are now let’s say they’ve got children at home, let’s say they’re about, you know, between their 40s and 50s, or something. And what I often see is this, like pressurized sense of they need to achieve and achieve and achieve and achieve at the expense of loving their spouse while loving their kids. Well, these kinds of things. And I don’t know, how would you maybe talk to somebody in that spot?
Well, there’s a really famous dentist, he’s passed away. His name is Dr. panky. He’s from Florida, and he used to teach the cross of life. And I think to do things well, you can’t do a lot of things. Amen. Think you have to sit down with your spouse and say, Hey, okay, and I think you should do that before you get married. Honestly. If you’re thinking about marrying, inside, hey, what, you know what’s important to you, in your life where you, you know, because time goes by so fast, at the end of four years, like we are, what do you want to have accomplished, you know, 40 years. And one of the things that I told my kids early on is that the most important thing that you can do is, you know, find Christ in a relationship with Christ. The second most important thing is who you choose to marry. And that can be a blessing, or it can be a curse. And so accidentally, I would prioritize, with my spouse. So, you know, we, we decided that we wanted to be physically fit. So we’ve always carved out, you know, an hour a day, our seasons of life have changed over the time. But we want to work out in our day if we can, and the right. And then to, you know, pray every day and study the Bible and try to find out what God wants us to do serve others in church. And then we want to read some every day and you know, grow. But, you know, by the time you spend time with your family, and you exercise, and you do some Bible study, and you do work, there’s a lot, a lot of time left. And so I think I tried a bit off too much. I was out of balance as far as my career. So I built one of the most successful practices in the country. So I had other specialists that worked for me, and employees. And so I was all just hung around with some very successful. Other specialists, we had a study club, and it was, it was my invitation only, and we were just, we were super high achievers. So I think I got that cross out of balance. So I think you have to decide, hey, how much is enough? And, you know, you can overdo anything. You can overdo your exercise, or you can overdo, you know, monks spend all their time, right. So it’s just, you know, keeping things, it’s keeping things healthy, you know, a healthy balance. And like my dad told me a long time ago, my father in law was very successful. Why? All he did was work. So I was bragging to my dad one day about this deal that he had done, where he made millions of dollars on this deal. And my dad, he’s very wise, you know, you can only wear one Rolex at a time, or drive one Cadillac at a time and eat one steak at a time. So he said, you know, how much do you really need? And, you know, I he just sent me on my heels. Because I had a Rolex I didn’t like it, and I sold it. You know, I’m a vegan now. So I don’t eat steak anymore. And you can’t you know, how many horses do you see? You know, behind, you know, a funerals? You know, you don’t you’re not going to take anything to heaven with you. So, how much really, you know, is enough?
Uh huh. Yeah, that’s beautiful. So I want to ask about some things around intimacy. And as you all grew older, how did menopause affect you are all well in
menopause was a tough time for us. Yeah. Because, you know, my, my wife lost most of her desire really to be intimate and know she lost third royalty to become moist. Sex and see, it’s really kind of interesting. She’s gonna kill me when she hears this recording. But her complexion is really seem to change. And she would just it was almost like she was in constant PMS. I mean, she just was angry. A lot. She of course, she had the hot flashes. He didn’t sleep well. No, and not at all. So seems, you know, she’s pretty miserable. And you want to know there’s so many things that I’ve learned working with you and you know, one of the things that we discovered with one of the tests that we took, was that I’m a learner. I think this was number one. For me. Yes. I’ve always been a good student, I’ve always loved to read. And so I thought, Okay, I need to read about menopause. So most of my resources when it comes to intimacy, and lifestyle, I try to find Christian resources. And so I read a Christian book about what happens to women’s brains, their menopause. And so gave me some grace, when I realized that she was just losing some hormones affecting the wife, you know, she was thinking, and then I started reading some other books or books just on relationship and intimacy. So one of the groups that gave a credit to Paul bar. And so I started following him, and he gave credit to you. I mentioned you in one of his blogs. And so I thought, well, this lady I found, you know, found Bella, which is another one of the greatest things, you know, that ever happened. And then I was at my physician, who’s a, he’s a close friend of mine. He’s an internal medicine doctor, he scored number one in the national on the national boards in internal medicine, and he’s very conservative. And so I trust him. He’s brilliant. And so I was in for a checkup. And he started asking me some questions about my more fatigued, no, Ms. asleep, how am I sleeping at night? And what’s my mood, my energy level? So when I answered him, he said, You know, I think we should test your hormone level. Because he said, he says, It sounds like you’re low testosterone. And so sure enough, I was completely out of gas. Wow. Yeah. So testosterone level was about as low as you can, can get. And so he said, I think, you know, you need to start taking testosterone. And so I started taking these tests, testosterone pellets, in their bio identical testosterone pellets, they’re not synthetic. And I could not believe the difference that it made as far as sleeping at night, and I started putting on more muscle mass when working out, started getting stronger and better erections. It so you know, I said, you know, to the internal medicine doctor, I said, I think, maybe at a gas too, and he said, well bring her in. So he tested her shirt. She was low on estrogen and testosterone. And so he started giving her the pellets. And it was like 25 Again, really, wow, it was amazing. sleep all night, or sex drive, probably higher than it’s ever been. Wow. And
it was like, we were alive again. And it’s been pretty amazing. The benefits that we’ve received from this academy is called bow TT. I would encourage anybody that is starting to have some of those symptoms, know that they look into it, you can go to the bowtie website, and you can do a doctor locator in your area. Okay. That might be a really good resource for somebody that wants to be, you know, check, I would try to find a doctor that specializes in long liberty and does Bau T with prevention, you know, as well as my wife had to have a stent. And that really scared us because we thought we had been eating properly. And turns out, she had a 95% blockage in her main career. So I went to work again, it started reading and I found a book called prevent and reverse heart disease by Paulo. And then I found a couple other books one is called How Not to Die. Dr. Greger while your last?
How Not to Die. Sounds great.
So Dr. Greger is reviewed he is he’s got tin physicians that work for him. It’s a nonprofit network. Over a million articles in the last 10 years, and they’re called out the biased articles, or they’re all unbiased articles, and he’s boiled down the results into these into chapters. And the chapters are on different the different diseases that kill people that live and they live off in the West states in Europe. And so it’s basically 15 chapters, and each chapter relatively short. But it involves, you know, heart disease, or breast cancer or prostate cancer addresses each one of them. And now what he’s found is a plant based diet will pretty well protect you from the top 15 killers. Wow. And cardiovascular disease is the number one killer. And the number one symptom, you know what the number one symptom of cardiovascular diseases
is that your clogged
arteries? Sudden Death? Oh, which is pretty scary, because that would have that’s what happened to my wife. So she developed chest pain. And I remember from my dental studies that we need to do give her some adult aspirin. So I gave her one and she continued to have pain. And then, you know, an hour later I gave her another ended up giving her five. But we got her to the emergency room. And the doctor said that probably saved her life. Whoa, yeah. So she had to have an emergency stent placed. And so we went to work, and started trying to figure out, you know, what our problem was in both our cholesterol score, within with the American cardiology Association says is normal, which is under 200. But it turns out the research shows it needs to be below 150. Really. My wife’s taking her cholesterol down from I think it was around 207. And the last time she got it measured, it was 114. Wow. Yeah. And her LD Gail, the bad cholesterol. She has it down around 50. I think you don’t want it to be over 70 If you’ve had a cardiovascular event. So if you haven’t had a cardiovascular event, you don’t want your LDL to be over 100 is around 70. Now, wow. You know, they’re finding that erectile dysfunction is also a symptom of cardiovascular disease. Because those penal arteries are, they’re really tiny, they’re about 1/5 the diameter of a coronary artery. And so those arteries start filling up with little plaques. And so you can’t get as much blood to your penis. And that’s why the penis is unable to become fully erect or erect. Is because of their, again, the plaques in
wow, I didn’t know that. That’s right. Why fit the size? Wow. Um, so and Dr. Esselstyn I’m familiar with, and I’ve I’ve read some of his stuff as well, the China Study, did he do it? Or was it another?
Colin Campbell, wrote The China Study. And that was the third book I read in that book a blow your mind. It’s a little scientific. But it’s an amazing read. And there’s a direct correlation to prostate cancer and lung cancer and breast cancer to diet. And I would really encourage people to grab those books and read because they’re, there’s a lot of rumors out there. There’s a lot of people that are selling diets. And a lot of those diets are going to give you heart problems. And erectile dysfunction. Yeah, and keto is one of them. So I would really urge people to do your homework and go do it. You know, when your buddies tell us.
Okay, so Ben, and I just kind of started talking about the health, things that impact intimacy, but I will tell you on our next show coming out next week, we talked so much more in depth, and he is so well researched, but he’s also lived in he’s, he’s in a you know, in his 46 year of marriage, so he really understands, and there’s some medical interventions as well as health practices that he and his wife do that really impact things in their age. Now where most couples are really challenged in this way. So I want to encourage you and give you those tools. So I’m very much looking forward to having him again next week. And in the meantime, I’d love to offer you a free resource. It’s my framework that actually gives you the insights on how to love your spouse the way that they receive love. So if you’re a husband, how does your wife actually want to be loved what is most important to her, so that when you love her and fill her up in those ways, she will naturally respond to fill you up in the ways that you receive love. So this framework is for husbands and for wives, and it’s to really understand your spouse. So go to delight your marriage.com/framework delight your marriage.com/framework and you can get that download. Alright, God bless you and I look forward to next week. Take care
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