
Delight Your Marriage | Christian Marriage Transformation

Transform Your Marriage


You matter to us because
you matter to God

Whether you’re doing pretty well or at your wits
end, we’re here to journey with you and witness God
do incredible healing.

At Delight Your Marriage, we are committed to
biblically-based training, accountability, and coaching. We focus on you, individually, becoming the man or woman God designed you to become. 

As you’ll see from our many transformation stories, SO many times, the by-product is an amazing marriage with wonderful physical, emotional, and spiritual intimacy.

We believe, when your marriage thrives, you can do
God’s will better.

Delight Your Marriage - We focus on you, individually, becoming the man or woman God designed you to become. 

Top 1% Podcast

Millions of Downloads

God's Miracles daily

Marital Health Assessment

When you’re not sure why things aren’t
changing, and you feel you’re throwing
darts in the dark — it’s vital you know
where you’re standing right now to improve strategically.

Delight Your Marriage - Marital Health Assessment

Delight Your Marriage graduates say...

“My wife and I are closer than we have ever been! Life is fun, and I can’t stand to be without her.”


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“This has overflowed into intimacy emotionally, spiritually, and physically. I look forward to being around her and to pampering her and loving her well.”


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“I have never felt more known, safe, or wholeheartedly cherished. It is easy to respond to a man who loves me like this.”


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“I am amazed at the peace and unity in our marriage. I no longer feel like sex is an obligation but something that I am really learning to enjoy!”


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“We are a more joy-filled family. Our growth in intimacy is a big celebration.”


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“The program has given me the tools I need to have a thriving marriage. More importantly, the program has changed my mindset and outlook… Our intimacy isn’t just physical like in the past. It is now emotional, spiritual, and physical. It is new and AMAZING!”


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“After 20+ years of this [suffering], I had very little hope that things could change… [Now] I look forward to being around her and to pampering her and loving her well.”


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“Our intimacy is the most frequent and fulfilling that it has ever been.”


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“My wife was able to trust that my change is not a passing fad. I have gained understanding in how to love her well.”


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“This program has changed my mindset and outlook. I now have a renewed hope that a thriving marriage is possible!”


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“We were at odds for most of our 30+ year marriage. Once I learned the 3 basic needs for my husband I had a new understanding… My feelings towards my husband came back to life.”


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“Belah always pointed us to Jesus, NOT to a strategy or an idea or concept. It was directly and purely to JESUS.”


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Ready for transformation?

If you’re ready for your marriage to become playful, passionate and purposeful, we invite you to take the
next step. 

Sign up for a confidential Clarity Call. This is an opportunity to speak to a team member who has been transformed as a result of the Delight Your Marriage programs and gain insight into the real issues facing your marriage.

Working with us means...

Empowered personal growth
Renewed faith and purpose
Improved connection and intimacy
Gamechanging tools and strategies
Refreshing joy and fulfillment
Delight Your Marriage - Founder, host, and coach at Delight Your Marriage

Meet Belah Rose

Founder, host, and coach at Delight Your Marriage

From experience, Belah found that the marriage relationship can harm or heal someone the most. Given her painful history, she wanted to understand how to heal a marriage — based on the Bible and through God’s grace and leading. 

Now, she is able to help others out of their suffering into thriving, wholeness and freedom in God’s will and design. 

Our Mission

A peaceful, playful, passionate, and Christ-surrendered marriage in every family.

Why? It’s about the Kingdom. 

To non-believers, when the Word of God doesn’t matter to a marriage, it brings shame on the name of Jesus. Forgiveness, kindness, self-sacrifice are all needed for marriage to thrive. 

When we actually implement His teachings in marriage, Jesus is obvious and the Word of God is proven relevant and attractive to the world. This is about your kids’ faith, your family’s Kingdom impact, and your eternal treasures.