Hi there! This has been postponed until 2019.
If you’re interested in knowing more about when this class will begin accepting students, please sign up here.
Virtual Class – cultivate intimacy and passion in your marriage!
For the many men who have reached out to me over the years who want to help their intimacy life, I prayed through it and decided to launch the Delight Your Wife virtual class!
Many men have said that I understand a husband’s heart–sometimes better than they do (by God’s grace!).
But as a woman, I can speak to the potential blind spots, men unknowingly have that turns their wives off, makes her resentful, or just doesn’t allow her to feel free and pleasure in sex.
This private but classroom environment gives me the opportunity to teach men from their perspective on how to love their wife into a place of allowing their marriage to flourish. The aim is for their union to thrive for both parties to feel fulfilled in intimacy and every other way in marriage.
With Delight Your Wife this would be a weekly online class for husbands. On these recorded classes, I’ll give a teaching and answer the men’s specific questions. It is a semblance of group coaching, which allows the men to ask specific questions that I can speak to directly.
This would provide consistent teachings that would provide specific guidance to husbands and speak to their particular situations while protecting the privacy and anonymity of the specific men.
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