Hi friend,

This one’s pretty personal.

After 10 years of podcasting, coaching, and quietly building Delight Your Marriage—without social media—we’re finally stepping into a new chapter. (I’m still kind of holding my breath saying that.)

In today’s episode, I share the real behind-the-scenes story of:

  • Why I stayed off social all these years (and it’s deeper than just “not liking it”)

  • The Gideon moment that confirmed my calling to do this in secret

  • Publishing my book under a pseudonym—and the fears behind that decision

  • How God still grew DYM to a team of 10, hundreds of clients, and millions of downloads

And most importantly—why we’re trying social media now.

But! Before you go hunting down our Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube… wait just one more day.

Tomorrow (Friday), we’ll be sending you all the links (if you’re on our email list — if not go to delightyourmarriage.com) so you can follow, share, and help us get this message out to the world.

For now—I’d love for you to hear the story of how God brought us to where we are today.

With love and (slightly trembling?) excitement,

P.S. I won’t be reading the comments (my team will!)—but if something resonates, share it with a friend. That’s how this whole thing started in the first place. 🙂

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