Enjoy this Gift -- Orgasm

This is our first post in the topical series Orgasm. My guest today Julie Sibert from intimacyinmarriage.com talks about how sexual intimacy is a gift from God and that includes orgasm. He wants us to enjoy this gift. There’s plenty we can do to get there. If you’re a wife and have never experienced this gift, you’ll want to give this a listen and try out Julie’s suggestions.


  • We need to let go of this idea that sex looks a certain way.
  • Sex is enjoyable, messy and holy.
  • There are Christian women who like sex.
  • Faking an orgasm isn’t actually protecting his ego.

Join us next month (second Tuesday of the month) to continue this Topical Discussion series on female orgasm.




Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. This show where you hear from amazing and inspiring wives sharing their struggles, triumphs, and advice for this journey called marriage. Here’s your host belah. Rose.
Hi there. And welcome. Thank you so much for joining me again on the delight your marriage podcast. So you know that we are in the midst of discovering joy in sexual intimacy. That’s our theme. That’s what I’m really focusing on for these topical discussions right now. And today, I have a wonderful guest, Julie Seibert, and we are focusing in on orgasm for the female. And so if you’re a husband, this listening, you’ll probably get a lot of insights about your wife. But this is really for wives and understanding the joy in orgasm. And so we first of all, talk a little bit about the keys to feel freedom in your marital intimacy, we talk about those couple of keys. And then we talk about a tipping point of eventually getting to the place where you really can embrace and embody that freedom, then we get really practical, the last half of this interview, we are talking about how to orgasm and how maybe trying different things and we give you let’s see seven different keys on how to do this and do this well. So I want you to listen attentively and get excited about learning. Becoming a woman who is orgasmic whether you were pre orgasmic, or you are orgasming. And you just want some new insights and ways to apply. We get really practical, in and again, this is in the appropriate context of marriage. That’s what we’re talking about in the bedroom. So let’s go ahead and dive in
All right, well, welcome back delight your marriage listener, I am really excited to have you here today. Um, today is a little different. If you’ve been trekking with our series, you have heard from other wives who have really talked about the difficulty it might have been to enjoy sex and also what they’ve learned through that process. And today, I’ve got Julie Seibert, on who has been on before. And she actually has a wonderful intimacy blog as well. It’s called intimacy in marriage.com. She’s also an author. And I just love Julie’s insights. And so I want to say welcome, Julie, thanks for being here. Thank
you. I’m so happy to be here.
Yes, and, uh, well, I mean, this is the topic we’re really diving into not just sex in general, but we’re really focusing in on orgasm, because, you know, I think some, it’s some of the, the numbers look like one in three, maybe even one in four women, you know, at least 25% of women really don’t orgasm yet, or they’re pre orgasmic. Have you heard something around that lines to Julie? You
know, I have heard something like that. Um, I think it’s hard to say, because I think it’s a topic that a lot of people don’t talk about, obviously, um, but I think there’s a general consensus that, obviously, orgasm for a woman typically is more difficult, obviously, than orgasm for a man. So I think we can just start from that basis. And yeah,
absolutely. Well, and you mentioned, you know, it is hard to say, because a lot of people don’t talk about it. I mean, even in my own friends circles, I noticed the difficulty. I mean, women practically get there. The you know, their voices hush down, and they’re like, I don’t really orgasm. Yeah. And then it’s like this big day. And it’s like, well, yes, of course. I mean, that’s what we’re talking about. That’s the biggest thing why why do women have such a difficulty discussing this? You think?
Well, I think it’s a number of things. For one sex just in general is a very personal issue. We do not get a lot practice about authentically talking about sexual intimacy. So it’s just a hard topic generally, for people to talk to talk about because we don’t get practice talking about sex. So I think it’s that and then also, it’s interesting because we sometimes tie orgasm to performance. And so if someone feels like, Okay, I’m somehow not measuring up or I’m not doing something quote unquote, right. You know, a few people want to really expose that because they tend to internalize and think well, it must be something wrong with me, you know, I must have a deficiency or I must not know how to quote unquote, do sex right. And you know, a few people want to feel that exposed. And I think so much of that is based in just some skewed thinking and performance mentality. And those things just, I think, kind of get in the way of getting at the heart of authentic sexual intimacy. And I think once women start to get real about talking to safe female confidence about, you know, hey, I struggle with this, or I’ve never had an orgasm, or I rarely orgasm. I think that them what they find out, it kind of opens the door. And other women start to say, Oh, well, you’re not alone. Me too. You know, I struggle with that, too. So we just need more authentic conversations.
Yes, yes. Yes. Yes. And that’s, and that’s really what you champion? Oh, yeah. On your work? Absolutely. I want it. I think you said a bunch of really important things just now. So one thing you said was it, we often tie orgasm to performance? And I think that’s totally right. Because even in our media, you know, the the R rated films, or sometimes they’re even in PG 13 rated films. I mean, you see, basically the woman is, uh, you know, crazy in the bedroom, because she’s having so much pleasure. And then it feels like, Well, I’m not having that kind of pleasure in my bedroom. Does that mean I’m broken? Yeah.
Yeah, I think that’s a fair assessment that Hollywood has kind of messed us up. Even in rather team romantic comedies, we get this impression that sex is always easy. Sex is always passionate sex is always mutually satisfying. And what we have to remember about Hollywood, I always say this is it’s called make believe, for a reason. You know, they’re doing stuff to make you believe something that isn’t actually happening right there on screen. You know, in legitimate films, when we see sex scenes, the people are not actually having sex, you know, they have it’s a scripted thing, where everything from the props to the lighting to the hair and makeup to the sounds to what they say. Everything is very, very scripted. And I always this is the running joke, I always say is, you know, hey, when I make love to my husband, I don’t have a lighting director in my room. You know, I don’t, I don’t have a props manager, you know, a dusting my pillow. And I don’t have a hair and makeup person making sure I look absolutely, stunningly gorgeous. Because, you know, that’s what everybody looks like when they have sex. Right?
Right. No, it’s true. So I Hollywood
has kind of robbed us of some authenticity. And it’s not Hollywood’s fault. I mean, they’re doing their job. That’s what they do is make believe. And so we have to differentiate real sex from fairytale make believe movie sex. And when we do that, we start to see if we’re patient or more willing to learn that real sex is better. Real sex is better than depicted sex. So
right, right, somebody? Yeah, trying to halfway enjoy somebody else’s intimacy, you know, it just sometimes, you know, I feel, I think we all probably feel embarrassed when we kind of are in, I mean, we would have no reason to have exposure to someone else’s intimacy, except through the TV screen, like just, you know, it’s just this bizarre thing that our culture this generation is having to deal with. Whereas 100 years ago, less than that, 50 years ago, we weren’t even seeing that kind of nonsense. We didn’t even have to filter it. What do you think? Yeah,
I agree completely. Is that Yeah, I think also in today’s world, it’s not just like your romantic comedies, are boundaries with, with what is depicted have really the boundaries, there are no boundaries. And so, you know, reality TV has really messed things up. And we get this, like, false perception of what marriage is like, and what sex is like, and what healthy relationship is like, because when we see stuff on the screen, or on YouTube or on, you know, social media or whatever, it’s, it’s tends to be snippets of something or something that’s been fabricated or pieced together in a certain way. And it’s just not reality. Yes, no, I, you know, and I, I think some of the reality shows, even the ones that are quote, unquote, above board, you know, they’re not really explicit or anything like that. I think that they have done marriage a lot of harm, because they’ve given this perception that the everything is smooth sailing in a relationship and whether that’s sexual or otherwise, and that’s just not the case. But if you put the effort in and the work in what you do build is better than what You see on TV?
Right, right. Right. And and so, so far, I mean, I love, you know, kind of two major themes that we’ve already discussed is tying orgasm to performance. I mean, that’s inappropriate. And and, and I think, I mean, how does a wife, because there’s a couple things underneath that, that you mentioned is like, we feel like there’s something wrong with us if we’re not able to really enjoy sex and ends. That’s funny, because here we are talking about it to give people some freedom in that, right. So. So it is kind of like, you know, we’re kind of asking you to go with us on a little journey so that you can enjoy sex more, right? So there’s like two sides to this, like, you shouldn’t feel inferior. But there is some keys that you can discover to become more free and enjoy?
Absolutely, absolutely, there are. And I would say, the, I think I love that you’re using that word freedom. Because I think the first place we have to start and this kind of ties into our conversation, you know, three minutes ago, is that I think that where we have to start is letting go of this idea that sex looks a certain way. So that’s a good place to start. If we want to find authentic freedom, we have to let go of this idea that sex is going to look like it looks in the movies. So once we kind of push that aside, and it comes down to a husband and wife in the privacy and the exclusivity of their own bedroom, then I think we have something to work from we have a foundation to work from. And within that exclusivity. And that privacy, I think a husband and a wife have tremendous freedom to discover ways to please each other. And I think that that giving yourselves permission to learn and to try and to communicate what feels good, what doesn’t feel good. I think that is where we start to discover true pleasure. And I just wrote a blog about this saying, you know, when we, when my husband and I embraced that kind of freedom, that is when I think both of us, I think I can speak for both him and I our orgasmic pleasure was much more intense and much more enjoyable than it was earlier in our marriage when I think we just fell into this routine of, you know, just having sex and kind of, you know, the same way every Yeah. And so I think freedom is kind of the key, I would say that. And then I think the other key is embracing a right perspective about sexual intimacy. Because I think sadly, women in particular, if they have not heard positive messages from other women of influence in their life, as they grew up about sex, they carry that with them into the bedroom. And so if you have women who’ve always heard, sex is gross, or sex is just your duty, or sex is just what you do to get babies or whatever, if they’ve been poured, those messages have been poured into them. It’s it’s hard to kind of then get in the bedroom, and see sex as enjoyable, pleasurable, fun, messy, and be okay with all that. So and then, of course, in more serious instances, we have situations where women have skewed perspectives about marital intimacy, because of abuse that’s been committed against them, either when they were children, or young adults or whatever. And so, you know, you have those kind of places where I think women have to seek healing and men if men have been abused, but you know, where there has to be healing sought so that we can gain a right perspective, because sex is not what is wrong or bad or gross or, you know, it’s when it’s taken out of its context, when sex is taken out of its right context of exclusive marital intimacy. That is where we get all these these problems and these mixed up messages and stuff like that. So sometimes it’s big issues that have to be addressed. And sometimes it’s just embracing that, hey, I have freedom in my marriage bed to give pleasure and freedom to receive pleasure and how my husband and I do that. That is exclusive between us. That’s no one else’s business. You know, no one else is in there. And so vital, vital things about freedom. And here’s where I think the tipping point is in the once a couple gets that, you know, once they figure that out, I think it’s phenomenal because I think once they get that there’s no turning back. You know, like, once you’ve experienced freedom and really enjoyed orgasm and really enjoyed making your spouse climax, and once you’ve gotten to that point, you it’s like a lightbulb moment. It’s like, oh, well, I I never want to have boring scripted sex again. I only want to have intimate free sex. So yeah, powerful, powerful stuff. For
sure. Yeah. I love Okay, so So you said basically two keys, to really embrace that freedom in your bedroom. And number one, letting go of this idea that sex looks a certain way. Try love. I think that’s absolutely on point number two, embracing the right perspective of sexual intimacy. I mean, the God ordained kind of perspective that he created this to be good in your marriage bed. So I love that. And then you mentioned a tipping point that maybe it’s going to take a process of getting there, right? Oh, once gently, what do you think? Yeah.
Well, I think that once here’s the thing, it’s like a lot of it has to do you know, every couple is unique. So if you have a couple, I’ve always said you and I probably talked about this previously, that healthy patterns are intentional. unhealthy patterns typically are not intentional, we fall into them, and we, they, we perpetuate them for so long that they become our normal. So let’s apply this to sexual intimacy. So if you have a couple who got married, and let’s say the woman has always heard messages, or grew up with the impression that sex is just duty, sex is gross, you know, sex is just to get babies and sex is just, you know, what you go through to keep him happy. And you check it off your list. So she kind of came into the marriage with that, and then that’s the lens from which she lived the sexuality in her marriage, let’s say for 10 years. So there’s a very unhealthy rooted pattern in their sexual intimacy. So it’s going to feel very foreign to her. And probably to him to the she would embrace or start to move towards a different lens, you know, a different way of viewing sexual intimacy. And sometimes that can be a lightbulb moment, she comes to on our own more often than not, here’s what happens in the emails I get is we have one spouse who is at their wit’s end with the lack of sexual availability and sexual enthusiasm from their spouse. And so they’ve, they’ve done it for 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, and now they’re at a breaking point. And they’re like, Yeah, I’m tired of being sexually rejected or sexually feeling like you’re just going through the motions. And so sometimes it can be a come to Jesus moment like that. Other times, women, maybe hear other women talking about enjoying sex and think, oh, wait a minute, maybe I am missing out on something. And then they start on their own to research and they read, you know, blogs like mine, or come across podcasts like yours, and, and then they’re like, Wow, there are Christian women in the world who likes sex. Right? And and then it’s like, oh, wow, I want to light set like sex. So changing those patterns, it’s different for every couple. But I will say I think a lot of it has to do with how long the patterns in place, which is why I just have a heart for trying to get to women when they’re engaged in early marriage to try to help them embrace a healthy perspective about sexual intimacy. Because it’s easier to build something strong from the start, then to repair something later. It’s not that it can’t be repaired later. We see examples of that all the time. Yes, but I think you would agree. Easier to build something good from the beginning, than to try to have to 1015 20 years in you fix it. Yeah.
You know, and it’s that actually because we are talking about orgasm. It makes me think about women who fake orgasms sometimes. And to me it just it sets a pattern of dishonesty in the bedroom and it makes it so that you know the your spouse won’t actually know if he’s pleasing you or not and I think that you know, it just kind of like you’re saying like re creating a newer right patterns from the beginning is just never do that and always, always be honest with what’s really going on with you. Yeah, but yeah, what do you think? Well, I
think the whole faking orgasm and I’ve written about this before and other bloggers and authors have written about it before. Here’s the the interesting irony about faking it. orgasm most women fake orgasm for, I would say probably a couple different reasons. One, the, they feel like their motives are pure and that they don’t want to hurt their husband’s feelings. So they want to protect his ego, that he feels like he is satisfying his wife. Because they know that will make him feel good to have that mindset. So some it’s like pure motives in a way. Like, I want to protect his ego I care about him, I want him to feel like he’s satisfying me. Other times it’s they’re just trying to get sex over with, you know, right there. They’re like, Okay, once i i climax, then this all be done. And so I’m just going to pretend to climax and he won’t know the difference. Anyway, you know, the famous scene from When Harry Met Sally, you know, could a guy really tell the difference. And I tend to agree with the scene I think most women have wasted at some point I have faked it. I mean, I think most people have faked it most women have, at some time it most guys say it’s never happened to them. And but so I think those are probably a couple different reasons why it happens. But this is what I’ll say is regardless of why it’s happening, it brings a lie into your marriage bed. Yeah, so that’s the first thing not healthy, not healthy, to have an authentic self, that’s an authentic, you know, in your marriage read. So that’s the first thing and then too, it robs a woman of the reality that sex is supposed to be pleasurable for her. So she she starts to embrace this mindset that, oh, I’m not supposed to. It’s no big deal. If I have an orgasm or not, like if he climaxes that’s important. But if I don’t, oh, whatever, you know, and that’s not healthy, because this is where we get women who just default to going through the motion, because let’s face it, orgasm feels really good. If you were never experiencing that, your default is going to be just go through the motions. So I think the faking it is not healthy for any buddy is, because then when you eventually realize, hey, I’m tired of faking it, or hey, I do want to then you, you have to get real with your husband.
Right? And, and then there’s all this resentment that is built, because you have been serving his needs. And you’re, you know, I love this woman who I mentor with, she basically says, to make sure you’re looked after I love she says that phrase, you know, you’ve been looking after him, but you need to make sure that you’re looked after. Yeah, and God has given you those specific needs. There’s specific desires sexually to be fulfilled by your spouse. And so I just love that. And I want to make sure that we really zero in on orgasm, probably for the rest of this interview. Okay, just so that, you know, the wife that really hasn’t experienced it. Or maybe she has, but she’s feeling like, there’s more out there than she’s experiencing. But let’s focus in on the woman that is not experiencing it. First and foremost, do you have experience either personally or with other women that have come from someone who was kind of pre orgasmic. And then she went through the process to become orgasmic?
Well, I would say yes, I mean, I talked to women in those situations, and I hear from women who like, you know, email me or contact me and say, Hey, I don’t I haven’t had an orgasm, or I get I think I get close. And I don’t know how to, for lack of a better analogy, you know, get over that cliff that yeah, and and then I think early in my marriage, I think before we really embrace that freedom, you know, it took us a while to figure out my body and for me to figure out my body. So yes, I do definitely hear from women and in my own experience, and you know, what I always say is one to be patient with yourself, but two, I think and I’m going to just get blunt and real here, I think is that and this is where movie sex has messed us up a lot is that we think like, missionary position is just yet like no way and most women who have intense orgasm will tell you that through just regular into you know, regular missionary position it can be very difficult and here is why because the erect penis is not making enough direct contact with the Taurus. And so couples have to start to try different things. Now if they like missionary position, what I say is you just the man has To move forward enough, so instead of being so face to face, typically, he has to move forward, more so so that his penis is in more direct contact with her clitoris, there’s actually an acronym for this called Cat, coital alignment, something I say, okay, okay. But I know, I know, when I read that I’m like, okay, whatever, he just needs to move forward. Right? I hate what most women discover is that they got to try other positions and other techniques both either with hand manipulation, meaning like, either the way he’s caressing her clitoris with his hand, or different positions like her on top. I mean, I think that’s a great position, because she has more control over the angle and the rhythm. So these are the sorts of things and of course, women who’ve only been having missionary sex for the last, you know, 510 15 years. This seems like crazy to them to like that they would be on top and, or that they would try other things like the use of pans or oral sex or, but yeah, I think that you have to get outside that comfort zone and try different things. And so that’s part of it. And then also, what I would say to husbands, is, be willing, invite her to tell you what feels good, and be willing to listen to that. Because sadly, so many men the knowledge they have of a woman’s body, particularly from a sexual intimacy, they learned from very, like not good sources. So they may think, Oh, I know what it takes to make her climax hard. And they may be completely off base. And so we need a place where there’s grace and an invitation for good healthy communication of what feels good. And it’s okay if what feels good doesn’t look like movie sex. So yes, exactly. Yeah.
I love that. And yeah, I think it does. I mean, everything that you just mentioned, and I’m just gonna kind of clarify, point by point you mentioned, one, you know, be patient with yourself and with your your spouse and with your intimacy. I think that’s a huge one. I mean, I can look back in my own marriage and see times that I was like, so frustrated that my sexual intimacy wasn’t to where I knew I wanted it to be that it could become. And I think the patient’s is something so just consider this interview as one more step on that journey, you know, to get to that freedom. And then number two, try different positions. I think that’s really important. I think knowing that God smiles at your marital intimacy is really important because he gave you the freedom he gave you the freedom to try all sorts of different things, all sorts of different pleasures, different scents different. Italy, I like that. You said the word messy. earlier. Yeah, sex is definitely messy. Yeah. But But yeah, different positions, different ways, using using hands, using oral sex using different positions and getting on different ways to do things. I mean, variety is a huge piece about sex that we’re supposed to embrace. Well,
the other thing I would say to along those lines is I think, we tend to underestimate the role that foreplay plays in arousing a woman’s body. So if you are a woman listening to this, and you and your husband tend to just like go through the motions, because he’s ready right away, you know, he maybe doesn’t need as much foreplay. And so you just go through the motions rather quickly. Well, you probably haven’t allowed and given your body enough time, through foreplay, to really become aroused. And I think arousal leading up to orgasm is what makes orgasm more intense. And so I always encourage couples, you know, take that time. Even if it’s an ex, even if you typically only have like five minutes of foreplay, if you can stretch that out to maybe 15 minutes of foreplay with more touching, and not just genital touching, you know, the body is amazing. And I think when we start to explore the entire body, and we figure out how powerfully arousing foreplay can be, I think it makes getting to orgasm all the more likely. So don’t downplay the role of foreplay. And don’t downplay the role of like, touching other parts of it and know that yeah, just about and you know, interestingly, guys would say this, too. We as women, make this assumption that all they care about it’s what is what’s going on with their penis. And that most guys but admit that their whole body, you know, when their wife caresses other parts of their body or takes the time or runs her fingers through his hair, whatever. That is very intense, you know, that makes his orgasm better too. So we got to let go of this assumption that what makes for good sex is only happening at the genital area. Yes, Grace. And once you discover that, I think it’s very powerful. It’s very freeing. So yeah, I kind of jumped in there. But I think the foreplay thing is huge. And then the other thing I would say, particularly, you’ll hear women say, Well, I get close, you know, I get close. So I think, yeah, I’m just there, and then I lose it or whatever. Well, I think in that moment, you do have to become kind of selfish, but in a good way. Meaning you have to it’s okay to focus in on your pleasure and your orgasm. I think that can help get you over that edge, like to help you let loose and let go and experience that pleasure. Because if there are women out there listening, who think they don’t deserve that pleasure, or they associate it with promiscuity, or something like that, then when she gets close mentally, she might shut down. So I think when you do get close, it’s better to lean in to that pleasure. Focus in on that pleasure. And I think that that can that can help a lot.
Absolutely. Yeah, I’m really glad you said that. Another key thing that was really important for me, is to often take a break right before you like, when you’re really really close. Yeah, sometimes you just need a couple sec, like, you just need to have kind of signal with your husband to be like, Okay, we need to like, you know, just pat or something, let him know, maybe have a sign that you’ve worked out before. So you need a little break. And then you can have that that small break to then focus in with that extra energy on the last final, you know, frontier. And, and one thing about women that’s different than men, is men get to this place of point of no return. There we are. Yes, yeah. Point of no return. So basically, they get to a place where they’re, they’re going to orgasm no matter what really, like you could run in the other room, and he would still work out. Yeah. Once he’s to that place, women not at all, we could get a millionth of a second right before orgasm. And if the even if the stimulation stops, we’re not going to orgasm. Yeah. And so that’s a key thing to know about yourself and your husband to know about you too. Because he might think, Oh, you’re about to orgasm. He wants to kiss you on the lips now because he wants whatever. And he might just be totally missing this big difference.
Absolutely. And I think too, the other thing that and this is kind of cliche, but I think most women would say it’s true that the mental part, I think the mental part is so important to helping us climax because yes, we kind of women tend to multitask. And so we don’t really shut that off in our heads. And so I think women more so than men have to be a little more diligent and disciplined in focusing in on that moment. And so I agree completely, and this is where the communication comes into. So like if she’s really, really close. It’s and whatever he’s doing is working. It’s okay to tell him to not stop doing that. Right. Tell him Don’t stop. Keep doing that. Yeah, keep doing that. And because here’s the thing, most loving, compassionate husbands, it’s a huge turn on to have their wife climax hard. So if you can help him understand that something he is doing or something that’s happening right there in that moment, is getting you to that point, it’s good and healthy to tell him that. And I think after a while, couples, when they embrace more freedom in their bed, they start to realize what each other likes and what it’s going to take and so powerful, powerful stuff. And I think that once we figure that out, like I said, I think we don’t want to go back to not having orgasm during
sex. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And, and, and I’ve just read so much literature about the pre orgasmic woman I really love. I believe it’s intended for pleasure. They talk about the pre orgasmic woman because instead of saying I don’t orgasm, it just means you haven’t orgasm yet. But everyone has the plumbing to become to get to that. Space is what I’ve read it, you know, experts more more so than myself. No. So I just Yeah, and I love that you started out Julie, this interview, really talking about that freedom in your marriage. But cultivating that freedom letting go of this idea of sex should be a certain way. And number two embracing that right perspective of sexual intimacy what God wanted you to have when he set this in motion. So Julie,
here’s I want to add one more thing real, please. Yeah, the here’s the thing, like when we think about the clitoris, okay, so if we want to embrace the add to the Okay, God, the Creator. So this, this as a creator, He made male and female he made men and women. So everything about us was part of his design. So it’s not like he put the clitoris in as an afterthought. You know, I’ve had some people say to me, or like, you’ll have people argue, Well, God had to put pleasure into sacks or otherwise we’d never do it, you know, we would never create, we would never populate the earth. And I take a different viewpoint, I say, he is a good and a generous God. And so I think the clitoris is a fabulous example of his generosity, because it serves no other purpose. It doesn’t do anything, it’s not going to regulate your breathing, it’s not gonna, your pancreas working, it’s not to assist in bone growth. It’s not gonna you know, I mean, it’s just the clitoris serves no other purpose, but sexual pleasure and a wife. And I think that we can’t possibly think that a good and gracious creator just threw that in as an afterthought. Yeah. And so I really think that if God believes something was important, then it would be prudent of us to be to view that from his angle as well and say, Wow, what a gift God has equipped us with. And if we just now have to embrace willing to a willingness to learn how to use that giftedness and that pleasure, so yeah, so I say God, thanks.
Amen to that system. Exactly. It’s awesome. Yeah, very cool. Julie, I’m sure people want to know how they can find you and follow you online. Could you just share how they can get in touch? Yeah,
the best way would be my website, my blog, intimacy in marriage, calm. Very easy to remember. And then also, you can find me on Twitter at intimacy. And then the number four and the word life so intimacy for life, that’s Twitter, and then Facebook is intimacy and marriage as well. So yeah, I mean, I, I love hearing from people and I love especially when every now and then I’ll get an email and somebody will say, you know, something I read on your blog, God really use that to help us change unhealthy patterns in our intimacy, and now we xx. And so that that’s what kind of keeps me going, because I hear a lot of sad and unfortunate stories to so when I hear good stories. That’s that’s very encouraging. And so I’m glad along with you to be a voice for healthy side, missy, and married.
And, and you really are Julie and anyone who listened to this podcast, just that we’ve done today, you can tell, you know, you’ve got a lot of thought behind it and a lot of bravery as well we were talking about. So Julie, thank you so much for this interview. I really appreciate
it. Oh, God bless you. Yes, thank you. And I hope we get to talk again.
Well, I hope that you have enjoyed this podcast. Again, consider this one more step in your journey and your process of getting to be the woman, the wife, the marriage, the marital intimacy partner that you believe God wants you to be. And I love that Julie mentioned at the end again, this is God’s plan for you to enjoy what he’s given you the good gifts. He’s a good father and he gives good gifts to his children. That’s why it’s so pleasurable. That’s why it can be pleasurable. And I believe for you, dear wife, that it will be just stay on the journey. God is leading you through it. I just encourage you and listen again to the next series. This is going to come out every month on our topical discussion. Tuesdays so you know that starts with the T topical discussion. It’s going to be on enjoying the beautiful pleasures, the wonderful pleasures of sexual intimacy and marriage. Well, I will check you. I will talk to you next Tuesday. God bless you my friend. I’m praying for you. And I’m praying for your marriage. I love you. Bye.
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