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There’s a lot we can do to make our love lives more lively. More than you might have thought. What about making sex into a game?
Here’s a wife who made a Christian app that makes sex more fun for all of us! Amy’s passion has come out of a place of understanding the significant impact that comes out of a place of marital intimacy.
This is the second half of her interview and it is so important for us all to prioritize and enjoy making love. We all can only be so creative—Why not get a little help to make it more fun and spicy?
Her desire is to make more marriages succeed. So much of the app is free, I would really encourage you to check it out: ultimateintimacy.com At the end of the interview, Amy walks us through step by step how the game works (so you can download and walk with her through how to use it).
My other encouragement I share on the podcast, is maybe you’re not at a place where an app will help you spice things up. Maybe there are significant challenges that need to be worked through before you can get to that stage. I share a lot of the challenges I’ve had to fight through in regards to intimacy and I want to help you get to the other side. Coaching 1:1 with me is 30% from now until Nov 24. We meet via video chat every week to dig into the deep stuff to move you to amazing intimacy.
Check out Amy’s app—here’s their hilarious video!
Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. This show where you hear from amazing and inspiring wives sharing their struggles, triumphs, and advice for this journey called marriage. Here’s your host belah. Rose.
Oh, right, thank you for joining. This is Bella, I just appreciate that you’re here. I appreciate that your heart is to be encouraged in your marriage to be the best person you can be in your marriage in your intimacy. I think God blesses that heart to, to desire to be open to learning to growing, it’s not easy. You have to be humble and a teachable spirit to be impacted by other stories. When I look at the difficulties I’ve had in intimacy, I mean, there’s so I mean, they’re huge. They’re huge things, the ways that I was brought up, it was basically just never talked about. And so I learned that it was gross and dirty, never do it. You know, I saw pornography when I was young. So I learned that it was very sinful, and anything having to do with sex was bad. You know, and I brought that into the marriage, but I saved my, my self for marriage. And then when I had the, you know, green light from God, so to speak, I couldn’t do it, I was in pain and uncomfortable. And I still felt like it was wrong, even though it was with my husband. Um, some other challenges I’ve had are getting over my own fears of confidence, and knowing what to do, you know, understanding how to work his body, and how to receive pleasure with mine, how to orgasm, that was a big process, that I thought it was broken for a long time. Another intimacy challenge that I faced was just feeling like my husband wanted sex all the time. And that’s all he really wanted me for, was not for me. And so I tell you, some of these, and these are, you know, there’s more, but I tell some of these examples, because I want you to understand, if you’re listening your wife, if you’ve, you know, experienced those things, I’ve been there. And now I coach women who are there to help them get to the other side, you know, cuz you don’t have to stay there. Your intimacy is so important. It’s vital to your marriage, sex issues, tears, couples apart, the toilet, it tears entire families apart. So I’m just wondering, how can I help you to move to the next stage in your intimacy in your marriage, that you can move through those obstacles that you can get on the other side, where there’s peace, and there’s pleasure, and there’s joy in your marriage, because your intimacy is just the way God wants it to be? The way he designed it to be. So that’s why I want to work with you. So you might be thinking, well, how does she know? You know, she’s just like, a woman like me? How would she know? And just to let you know, I get emails from husbands all the time, in fact, vastly more emails from men than I do from women. You know, I hear things like, for example, here are just some quotes. Because of our sex life, I became very keenly aware of how depressed and unfulfilled I was feeling. Another one said, I was recently feeling like a frustrated and hurt husband. Another one said, she says that I’m pathetic for needing sex. And to add to their hurt, she dislikes my body or the erogenous portions. Another husband said, my wife and I are struggling with sexuality in our relationship. I just listened to your podcast for husbands which is prompted me to write to, I don’t know what more I can do. Another one said, I am in desperate place in my marriage and have been for several years. Another one said our sex life is well, it’s been really tough. Frankly, it’s a source of great pain for me. I’m trying not to tear up as I type this out. So that’s the kind of emails I receive from men a lot. But then I also get emails like this. It’s freaky how well you understand the mind and heart of a man. And the other one said, I think you know more. What guys think that guys do. And that is scary. Keep up the good work. Wish you had been around 40 years ago. And then another husband says I’m a husband, I’m guessing You get a lot more emails from husbands than you do from wives probably like 80%, if not more, I am one of those men who is astonished by your ability to get inside my head.
And so those are just a couple quotes. Those are just a few, you know, mentions from husbands. But I want you to know that, you know, it’s not to puff up myself, it’s to let you understand that this is real, what we’re dealing with, I’m not just trying to sell you on what I have to say it’s something about what we’re talking about is the real thing. It’s really intimacy, it’s really that important. It’s really that significant. And you need to get the right advice, the right understanding. I will say one other comment I received from my husband, recently, and he said, as a medical professional colleagues do talk about anatomical physiological things that normal people don’t. So I’ve had occasion to talk to some women that sort of get men at some level. But I have never heard any woman that seems to understand and be able to articulate and express the heart of a man as well as you do. It seems to be at a very deep level. How did you learn that? Were you born with that understanding? What did you read? Who did you talk to? It is amazing to hear a lady with the level of understanding that you seem to have. So again, this is not to puff me up or to any of those kinds of things. But I need you to have confidence that I’m not making this stuff up that this is true, this is real. And so if this is what you need for your marriage, if you need to understand if you need freedom, in intimacy, let’s work together. Let’s dig through this one on one 30% off, go there today. delight your marriage.com. And I look forward to working with you.
Now today, Amy McKinley, she’s here with her second part of the interview. Now after our episode, she kind of goes through step by step some of the bells and whistles of her app. So after the after the episode is complete, if you want to listen to that, and you can pull it up on your phone, you can actually see step by step what she’s talking about. So anyway, let’s dive into her story
so it’s funny, like three different experiences happened, just the past. It was like about a year ago. The first story is that I was sitting in Las Vegas with some, some girlfriends, and we started talking about one of their daughters, and how she had just barely gotten married. And, and they, you know, kind of asked her, you know, joking around, you know, how is you know, how’s your honeymoon night? And you know, how’s your love? Like, you know, how did it go? And, and she just kind of looked at her mom and said, Is that all there is? Oh, got it. Yeah. And you know, that was just so saddening. Because, you know, all of us were like, oh, it’s awesome. Like, it just takes time. It just takes figuring out, you know. And so it was sad to think that after, you know, several months of marriage, that she wasn’t finding enjoyment and intimacy, being intimate with her husband, especially, you know, they’re so young and the second experience my friend, we were sitting at lunch about a month after that, and told me that her husband had gone into pornography. I mean, that’s a whole different situation than the self, but she was devastated. You know, and there’s so many women going through that and heartbreaking to me, and, you know, a lot of it, you know, she tried blaming it on herself, which was even more sad, but no, like, I don’t really enjoy sex. You know, I don’t, I don’t really want to be intimate with Him. I kind of feel like it’s a chore. And that was heartbreaking to me. After that situation, I was at lunch with a bunch of girlfriends and I, we had talked you know about going through trials together and how we stay strong and marriage and just having a good marriage talk. And she’s like, she’s like, What advice would you give me like, why are you so happy during your hard times? And I was just joking. Joking around. I said, Oh, I just need to have more sex. Yeah. She looked at me disgusted like, Why? Why I feel like it’s a chore. why would why would you say that to me, you know? I’m like, it’s like gift. It’s supposed to be wonderful. And it was saddening to me to hear so many women say that it wasn’t exciting to them anymore, or it had turned into a chore. And so, anyways, so I was kind of, I mean, we’ve always had a really get into it and sex life in our marriage, I, I felt we were figuring each other out fast, my husband’s always been very good at taking care of me first, never being selfish in our marriage. So it’s always been absolutely great. But like I said, we’ve been married, you know, 15 years now. And about six months ago, I just kind of crazy, I wanted to spice it up and do something different. And so I ordered a sex game online, I thought it would be appropriate, you know, no graphics or anything, just, you know, different things to try. And I received in the mail, and honestly, I, I looked over some of the questions and things that was telling you to do with your spouse, and they were not Christian friendly at all. I thought the words were vulgar, very crude, almost like some college kid Hebrew, written them up. And anyways, we decided to play you know, some of the cards and try some of the things out and it was, the game was, it was awesome. It definitely spice things up to the to new level. But we were really kind of offended by some of the language. And we, I sat there that night, and over the next week thinking, holy cow, I have this brilliant idea. I want to make a game where it’s on an app, and it’s on a phone, and I don’t have to play a game on my bedroom in the dark with a flashlight or be trying to use pieces or things that are not appropriate or have bad pictures or bad language. Yeah. And so my idea just started coming along. And we went with net with an app guy and decided to take it to the next level. And so the whole purpose of this game, and this app that we have created, is number one to, to teach couples more about each other in a very loving, great way. It’s entertaining, it’s a great way to just build up your communication, I feel like intimacy can always be improved so much when you are communicating fully, and able to talk about what you like and dislike, and when couples are open with that. And yeah, that’s kind of where it got started. So I hope that answered your question.
Yeah, that’s so cool. Yeah. And, and now it makes sense that you’re a graphic designer, because it’s gorgeous. Oh, did you do the graph had a
lot of help? I actually, didn’t we hire that out? I was, yeah, they’re nice. Well, you
have a good eye for it, then.
Well, thanks. And you know, I just, in our mission really is to, I want women to enjoy being intimate with their husbands, I want them to be able to talk to their husbands about what they want, and figure out what they want. If they, if they don’t know, you know, a lot of Christians go into marriage not having a clue. Not knowing how they like to be touched or pleased, or how to orgasm. And I, there’s a lot of help out there. I just want women to be excited about it and passionate about it. And it’ll not only affect them wanting to be excited intimate with their husbands, but it will just like we said it. It’s a reaction in so many other areas of marriage, just communication. And I think when a husband and unity and and becoming one with God, I just it’s a beautiful thing. And I just want everyone to be excited about being intimate with their spouse and women especially.
Yeah, why women especially.
I don’t know, I guess I there’s a lot of women that love to be intimate. I just I guess with my experiences and a lot of friends and people I know just I, I want to women to stay passionate about it. And I think husbands I think if they and so many men are so so wonderful. Like I have such a wonderful man. If they really take the time to know their wife and their wife’s body and what their wife likes. I think that the women just want sex as much as they do. Yeah, it’s a beautiful thing. What a beautiful thing to be one both want to be intimate. So much the same amount, you know?
Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so earlier on, you said that you’re a very sexual person you always have been. I’m sure there’s wives out there that are like, well, how can I be more sexual? How can I enjoy sex more and I don’t know Is there are there ways that you’re able to help other wives that are not enjoying sex, like just some things that you can tell us at this time. Get your app is the one is number
one. You know, I think that is why we developed it is because it’s not just about physical, it’s, it’s about emotional and, and it takes a lot to desire to be intimate, you know, they say women, you know, we’re complicated and that it turns us on more when our husbands are doing the dishes and helping with the kids and sending us little love notes or whatever. And we’re also different, but the app has so many different features of all the things that the ways to communicate the differences between men and women. I just think that it’s like, in our game, you know, starts with romance, talking, you know, communicating about life and our M kids and what’s going on with things and, and at a deeper level, you know, communicating that way and, and then, you know, it goes to light foreplay just touching and massaging. And, and, you know, just getting excited to be close with one another. It leads up to wanting to be passionate with each other. And that’s the great thing about the game and ultimate intimacy is that it builds up step by step to wanting to be intimate with your spouse, and I don’t know, it just it’s such a deeper level. The ultimate intimacy takes your marriage to a deeper level, not just sexual, but just communicating. And
this is amazing. And it’s, it’s very beautiful. It looks like very modern and very, very beautiful. Well, I am so excited. Well, cool. Okay, so let me ask you what do you think the chief three things has been central to your marital success?
The chief three things, um, definitely God. Faith in God
because of God, I mean, it kind of all stems out from that. Forgiveness, love and faith. Not just faith in God, but we’re faithful to each other. Like our my husband’s my best friend and, and we have the same goals to be together forever.
Yeah, that’s awesome. And I just love how much we’ve talked about sex. Because when you are so consistently and so deeply intimate with your spouse, friendship, does that’s a normal response. It’s not, you know, it kind of seems like well, you can’t be their friend if you’re their sexual lover, you know, but that’s actually the opposite. You are incredibly connected, incredibly unified. Best friends because you are so sexually connected. So?
Absolutely. I feel like because we are sexually close. And we both love to be intimate. It’s made every aspect of our marriage better. We are best friends. We are business partners. We are we work together all day long. We want to be with each other all evening. We we want to be intimate as much as we can at night like he I know. We’re We’re soulmates. I wish everyone felt like that.
Yeah, I Yes, I completely agree with you. I feel like my husband and I talk about that all the time. We’re like, we just want everyone to have this. Like, you can do so much more for God when you have an amazing marriage. You just you can help people more you can love people more you can give more to others. You can be better parents, like make love to your spouses and yes, good. Okay, great. I love it. So, um, okay, so if you could kind of dial in a little bit and give maybe, obviously, you have a ton of tips or advice, but was there some tip or advice that you wish someone told you about sex early on in your marriage?
Let me think about that. You know what, I, if I could go back, you know, I never really had any issues in our marriage or in our sex life. I really feel like we figured things out fast. We were we communicated well. I think I was a little hesitant at the beginning of our marriage to tell him exactly what I wanted in the bedroom. I think that I had little fantasies or little Little things I wanted him to do to me that I was a little hesitant to come out and say, maybe this feeling being nearly wet? I don’t know a little shy about that. Yeah. I think if I could go back now, I would just feel like this a little more open in that category and communicating a little bit better in that area. And yeah, I don’t know, I, I feel like we did a really good job. I think we figured it out really fast. But if I would have had this app when we were first married, yeah, it would have been awesome.
Question for you about communicating your desires as a woman because I think that’s super common, right? We just feel like, you know, we just feel frozen. You know, our mouth is tongue tied. We can’t talk when we’re making love, when you would suggest to a wife when to tell him what you want during sex before after? Like, what? How would you guide a woman who has trouble telling her husband what she wants in bed?
Um, I would probably would probably tell them to be open with it. Uh, before it started, I, I’m not an expert, I have read a lot about what women want and need in the bedroom. And you know, how different we are from men. And I think a lot of men don’t know quite so much about the woman body. And I would probably just tell them to be very open about it before six, and even during if there’s something that they wanted, you know, not not to hesitate. Don’t have to do it in a way where you’re offending them in any way. But maybe you just move their hand or show them what you like, just to, just to, I don’t know, I think that women are afraid to tell men what they really want sometimes. But when it comes down to it, our husbands really want to take care of us. They want to please us, they want us to find as much enjoyment as sex as they do. Yeah, they really do. They’re not they’re not trying to be selfish. I think a lot of them if they knew exactly what their wife wanted, would absolutely be dying to do that for them.
Yeah, yeah. Because it gives them the most pleasure to give you the most pleasure.
Absolutely. My husband, his number one focus is to take care of me first, it always has been. And that’s probably why I enjoy it so much. The more I enjoy it, the more he gets to enjoy it. Yeah,
it’s true. Yeah, it is really true. It is really true. And I think something that I, again, going back to surrendered wife, because I feel like if you get the stuff with sex, right, if you, if you love, you know, if you do sex, well and love it and do it a lot. And you get the surrendered stuff of respect and appreciation of your spouse. Those two together make for an amazing, amazing a marriage, like in terms of what a wife can do productively to, to be her part of the of the puzzle, but I think in terms of how to speak in sex, I think, using the language I would like, or I love it, when you do XY and Z. I would like to do XY and Z because sometimes, without us meaning to we say things like, Oh, don’t do this. Oh, don’t touch me there are and the poor guy is like he’s just trying to third. Like, he feels like, you know, these big, chunky fingers and he doesn’t know where to go. You know, and he’s trying. So at the same time, if you say things like, Oh, I love I love that or that feels so good, like, try to direct in a positive way rather than direct and negative way. That’s that’s one thing. Yeah, I mean, it’s just one thing to keep in mind as we’re, as we help guide our our man into our pleasure zones. Okay, absolutely. Yeah. Right. So due to your specific marriage, how do you feel you’ve been able to serve and get to know God?
Oh, man, marriage is the biggest test that we are set forth for. Hmm, I truly believe that he has created two completely different beings and said, Get married and make be joyful, you know. And here we are totally different in so many different areas. And sometimes marriage can be absolutely the biggest test. But that’s why it can be so great to us because we can pass that test and we can pass it together. Yeah. And I just I believe with God’s help But if we’re, if we’re trying to be selfless and loving and forgiving, yeah. And doing all those traits that we know we should do. I think any marriage can succeed.
Yeah. Yeah, right. And it’s a daily test, it’s a absolutely day by day, minute by minute, I’m gonna do the dishes so that he doesn’t have to.
It’s never marriage is the most selfless act of love. It really is like, when I am thinking about myself more than I am about myself. And he’s doing the same, we are completely committing ourselves to each other and giving complete service. I, you couldn’t have a happier marriage when you’re both doing that. Yeah, it’s hard. It’s hard sometimes.
Can I dive into that a minute? I totally agree with that. Sometimes, though, I think how, you know, in light of eternity. I. So here’s a question. How do you recognize God in the midst of that service? I mean, I know it’s his will and these kinds of things. But sometimes I’m like, am I loving this man more than God? Does that ever come to mind for you? And what would you say?
Oh, I think I think a lot of people question that. Probably. I. Yeah, it’s hard, right? That’s a good one. It’s, I I feel like I love my husband more than anybody. So I know when I see God one day that that love is just going to be amazing. So I can I can’t even imagine, but I don’t know. I? I? Yeah, yeah, that’s a hard one.
I mean, it’s one of those things like, you know, when Jesus was asked, What’s the greatest commandment, the first one Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, with all your mind with all your strength. And like, and the second is like it Love your neighbor as yourself. And I feel like we so often just focus on the second one, which is love your neighbor like yourself, which has nothing to do with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul, all your strength. And, you know, sometimes I throw myself at God’s grace, I’m just like, that feels like this giant mountain that I can’t get even anywhere close to by having, like, loving you with everything that I am. Like, it’s just impossible to love you the way that you deserve the way that I should. And it’s like, well, that’s why Jesus, you know, his grace, is that good? Because there’s absolutely no way. There’s absolutely no way. And I guess the other piece of it may be kind of what you’re saying is like, for me to understand how much I love my spouse, and like that, but times a million is the love that God deserves to also realize that that’s the grace that Jesus gives us that that’s how big his his you know that, that, that because of his sacrifice, we still have access to God, even though we don’t give him what he deserves. So yeah, ultimately, those are some of my thoughts on it. Any other thoughts?
No, that you just hit right on the head. That was beautiful. Awesome. Yeah. Yeah, I, you know, until we are in front of God, I don’t think we’re gonna realize how much love he has. That will be something that we experienced, but we can only try our hardest here, you know, to love. Like he does, and we’re just human, we’re, we’re never going to be perfect. And that’s why we have Christ is because we don’t, we don’t have to be, we don’t have to be perfect. We can just try our best. And I think that’s where marriage comes in, is we just have to try our best every day. We just try to, we have to remember to put God first. And when we do that, everything else kind of comes natural. A little we’re a little bit better at forgiving. We’re a little bit better at being self less selfish, and giving to our spouse. And I think that’s when we we feel that kind of love.
Hmm, that’s beautiful. All right. Well, let me ask you finally, if you could go to back to year one of marriage and sit yourself down. And what is one piece of advice that you would give to you? Oh
that’s a hard question.
Get Amy Mackenzie’s app.
Oh, wow. Yeah. I seriously, I when this app came about, I was like, I want this in every woman’s and husband’s hands, because I feel like it can do so much for a marriage. But
it’s awesome. So great.
Yeah, I hope with the whole reason I did it seriously is to just, I want to see more marriages succeed. I do. I just want people to be so in love, that they find the most joy in their entire life with being intimate with each other.
I had to give a pause there, because I think I might need you to say it again.
Really, I just want every person to be so in love with their spouse, that the biggest thing they desire is to be intimate with each other. That’s awesome. Cool. Well, thanks.
I love it. Well, this has been so fun. Amy, I really, this has been great. Yeah, tell me tell everyone where they can find your app, find you. Website, all that stuff.
Okay, so the app is on the App Store. And it is if you type in ultimate intimacy, it’ll come up. And it is downloadable, free, no charge. With the no charge, you will get all the resources, you’ll get the conversation starters, the products. And the first two levels of the game. If you want to take your marriage and your intimacy to a hot and spicy upgrade for the small price, you get the rest of the game, which is amazing. It’s the heavy for playing the hot and heavy. And it’s it’s just the best intimacy game ever. So I hope that you will all go download ultimate intimacy in the app store and just take that little step of improving your marriage and spicing things up.
Awesome. Well, Amy, again, this has been such a pleasure, I really appreciate you coming on.
I’ve really enjoyed talking to you. Thank you so much for letting me absolutely.
So awesome to hear from Amy on. How important. Exciting, spicy, wonderful intimacy is in marriage. And I just cannot agree more. It really, really is. So go to ultimate intimacy, check out her app, you can listen after the music to find out, you know, more specifically what’s involved in the app, you can even follow along in your phone. But the other thing I just wanted to mention, you know, maybe an app isn’t going to do it for you, maybe you need some real one on one deep work that needs to be done so that you can get to a place where you know fun games or something you’re even open to or maybe some of the stuff that you know, just is not where you need it to be. So I would love to talk to you. I’d love to receive any questions I can answer. You can just send them to belah at delight your marriage.com That’s B as in boy, e l a H at delight your marriage.com I would love to hear emails, any questions you might have. For me there. Anyway, like I said, Go to delight your marriage.com Click on Resources, click on intimacy coaching with Bella. And you can see all the full details. Well, God bless you. Thank you for joining. And again, I love your heart. I love that you want to grow in your marriage in every way. God bless you have a wonderful week. I will talk to you next Tuesday. Oh, and the topic for next Tuesday is actually how my husband who originally proposed to me with fast food became into this amazing romantic husband. Pretty incredible. Join me next week.
Thanks for joining. If you’ve been inspired by this show, would you help spread the word. If you take a moment to review and subscribe others can find us more easily. Find out how to delight your marriage.com forward slash iTunes. Until next time, live with love, wisdom and passion
So you can download ultimate intimacy. And then pause this. And then once you download it, come back. And then Amy, could you kind of walk us through what? What we would do kind of like, first, second and third, like what are as we’re looking at that first like purple screen?
Okay. Are you ready? Yeah. Okay, so when you when you first open the app, there is a couple different sections you can choose, you can choose to play the game. We also have resources for physical and emotional intimacy. The Reese’s sources tabs include anatomy for men and women emotional intimacy, which is great. It has some romantic ideas, data ideas, what healthy sex is, and tips for a happy marriage. There are some great resources on that. We also have the tab that teach you some more techniques in the bedroom. If you’re wondering, you know, what women like and what men like those are just some ideas, and they give great descriptions of how to do different things.
Pictures are so beautiful.
The great thing about the ultimate intimacy app is that it was built by you know, us and another Christian couple, and we want it to be clean, appropriate. And we just want you to feel good when you’re getting on it together and and doing some real research about likes and dislikes between each other and how to communicate. In the sugar and spice section. They’re fun and sexy dares you can do in the bedrooms. Eight reasons why you should have sex tonight. We also just added which is awesome. If you want to take your bedroom experience to a fantasy escape. We have sounds from the beach and islands.
Oh my goodness. Yeah. It’s
awesome. Different audios. There’s a now there’s a mountain Brook Secret Garden romantic for us. Anyways. And then there is a sexy bucket list where if you decide there’s some fun, kinky things you want to try or put on your list, you can make your own little list on there.
Oh, really? Is it like one that you could save your own? You could?
It’ll save on your app. Wow, this is amazing. It is amazing. There’s so much to offer so much to offer. If you go into let’s see conversation starters, this is a great way. If you’re on a date, or if you’re just sitting around and you want to get in the mood, but you just kind of want to talk you know and get in some good discussions. We have tons and tons of different things to discuss family life, intimacy, romance, all sorts of categories finances, screen for date nights just driving in the car.
I’m confused. So I just went to I clicked on conversation starters. And then it gives me one question, is there a way to go to all of the left so
at the top, you can scroll through the different sections that you want to talk about family life finances, see those arrows at the beginning? Miscellaneous romance there just at the top.
Oh, yeah. Okay, so the arrows, okay, so I see finances, but there’s arrows on either side. So if I click on that, it’ll go to another one. Oh, that’s
so cool. Got it. Yep. There’s lots of different topics to discuss. So if you’re out of things to discuss, I’m pretty sure that you’re gonna find something here to start our long conversations.
Oh, my goodness, oh, this is so fun. And this is ultimately to get you to a place of being connected. And after and done and excited.
Wow, it all, it all starts with being connected with each other. You know, having a great, deep discussion is always a great way to start. If you go, we also have a product stuff section. We have books that we recommend, and then there’s bedroom fun. Lots of toys, lubricants, pillows, all sorts of that kind of stuff you can use in the bedroom. Cool. They’re all they’re all awesome. Yeah. And they’re all pretty and
not. Yeah, great. Yeah, they’re pornographic or anything like,
Absolutely, they come in discreet packaging. They are definitely Christian friendly, great way to order something if you’re hesitant. You know, I don’t know, for me and for our marriage, we don’t like to get online. We don’t like to research about sex. I don’t want to buy I don’t dare buy anything online. Who knows what the package is going to come? Yeah, everything is discreet and just completely Christian friendly, which is what we’re so excited about so people can feel like they’re safe, downloading it safe playing it and safe ordering anything they want off of it. So the best part of our ultimate intimacy app is definitely our game. Like I was telling you about it. The game is amazing. Our app guy did an amazing job. If I could just take a sec to go through. Yes, please. So it is completely customizable, which is so amazing about it. And it’s so personal. So when you first click on the game settings, you actually, there is a view instructions button if you have to go back and read through it. But can I
just pause for one quick second? If any listener is not looking at the app right now, it’s a free app, just go get it loaded onto your machine. And look at it right now is we’re talking because Anyway, okay, now you keep going.
Amy. Okay. So the game is the best part of our ultimate intimacy game, okay, or app, it is. Awesome. It’s so first of all, you actually when you click on it, you will type in wife’s first name and husband’s first name. So when you are playing the game, you are actually it is giving you the questions under your name, it is so personal. It’s awesome. That’s cool. It’s so cool. So there’s a romance section of foreplay section, a heavy four play section, a hot and heavy section. And so you can click on you know, if you’re just in the mood to talk, do some massaging that night, great. Just put on those two sections. If you’re really, you know, want to get hot and heavy that night, you could click on all the sections, you know, you could totally customize it. You could select your minutes per action. So what the game is doing actually is taking turns from husband to wife, having the spouse, the wife do something to the husband, and then for that certain amount of time, and then the timer goes off, and then it turns to the other person. So you can pick how long you want those actions to be. You can include if you want oral or not. You can include if you want read aloud actions, so it’s hands free, so you won’t even have to touch your phone. Oh, cool. Okay,
so you just scroll down, I didn’t realize that. So you scroll down. And then you can see Advanced Settings. Okay, cool.
Yeah, background settings. So that’s there’s a hands free mode, and it will just read the positions or whatever it’s asking you to do to between each other, we’ll read it to you, so your hands free. And then you can actually go into customize actions. And that is the upgrade, and in app purchase. But that way, you can actually go see every single part of the entire game, all the different, different actions that you’ll be doing between each other, you can see every single one in the entire game and you could thumbs up and thumbs down. Whatever you want to be in your game. It’s completely customizable. So cool. If there are certain things you don’t want to do, or you want it to do, again, it’s you know, it’s kind of like Spotify, you’re completely customizing your game to your marriage, which is awesome. So once you have customized put your name in, put exactly what you want to do, you push play your game, and you push the start button, and it will have a timer. And it will just take turns showing what the the wife does the husband and the husband does to the wife. And then the little timer will go off and it’s other person’s turn. Oh my goodness, it is an awesome game to play.
Oh, that’s so fun. Okay, so question. So I started with romance and foreplay. So then I, I started it was first a question the husband asked the wife, it was that question. And then I went to the next one, and it said, Oh, is it because I didn’t click start? Okay, but then you can’t skip through it. Maybe?
You can you could skip through it. Just in case if you don’t like that one swipe over. Okay. Oh, yeah. Anything you’re not comfortable with you just swipe through and go to the next one.
Oh, so fun. Oh, my goodness. Okay, so I have to ask me. So I see the prices of doing the customizable is like $5 a year at the most, pretty much. So why is it so cheap? How do you how, how do you make money doing this? If it’s so it’s free and then doing it for the year? It’s cheap. Like, is it just a gift, like you give it to everyone? Just out of the goodness of your heart.
You know, like I I told Nick You know, I would pay big bucks to get an app on my own phone just so I would have this game for us to play. That was my main goal. And now that I have it on my phone, I’m the most excited. Oh, let’s be honest with you like it just, I don’t know, my goal is seriously to strengthen marriages and to get people to love to be intimate with each other and to save marriages. And I I feel like the game is fun. It’s put sparks in your marriage. It’s exciting. It gets you to try new things and a really fun way. Yeah, it connects you you know, like we were talking about with the romance and the foreplay, just talking and getting to know each other better. And like I feel like ever since we’ve had this on our phone and we’ve been playing this game like I feel our intimacy has just evened out. We thought it was perfect. And it’s just that is so cool. That’s our goal. We just want everyone to have it and to enjoy each other. Oh,
I love it’s so fun. Because I just told you this wonderful romantic story that my husband did for me, which was absolutely incredible. And the funny thing is he and actually he does things like that. Now, he does things like that all the time, which is such a gift. But I’ve recently found out that a lot of times he gets the ideas from other women, because he can’t come up with these ideas himself, which is like, Wait, way to go for him, for him for being so resourceful, but also like, it’d be nice if if there was like something giving him some ideas that he could like, utilize. He could just click the how do i romance my wife and then you know, a million ideas pop up.
Hey, if a guy if a guy doesn’t know how to romance his wife, turn on his wife give his wife an orgasm, any one of those things. They’re gonna find it on ultimate intimacy. Oh my goodness. I just was really quick. Not it’s designed for both like I would hand this to a man that’s barely gonna get married and say this is a great asset to teaching you all about your your new wife, all the ways to romance her all the ways ways to treat her how to touch her. And vice versa. This is great for a guide to I built this with my husband right by my side is benefiting both people. Absolutely.
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