In the long view of your 100 years on earth, what is going to matter in THIS season?

I had an abrupt and unsettling realization when I had a parent teacher conference a few weeks ago. Though I believe I was discerning God’s will and way for my life. I don’t believe I was pursuing it in God’s timing.

And that is one of the central themes around today’s podcast. What is your season (mine is a quarter inch) in the grand scheme of life? And what matters most right now.

From there, what do you do with that understanding? How does it become practical and lived out?

Some topics covered:

  • The enemy wants to distract you from what matters in eternity
  • Parenting requires focus. I was allowing other “priorities” take that focus.. which now I realize was foolishness given my season.
  • Distractions include Netflix, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, food (a personal struggle I’ll talk more about in the new year)… just to name a few.

Next DYM Season is all about “Body” image, food, insecurities… it’s a series in confidence, acceptance and comfort in your body.

Check out Delight Your Husband: The Christian wife’s manual for passion and confidence in intimacy


Hey there, welcome. Welcome belah rose here, Happy New Year, I hope that you have had a fantastic break, and you’re ready to dive into the new year. All right, well, I wanted to share about what should your life be about at the beginning of 2019. I went ahead and actually posted this video up on my private Facebook group today, the first day of January, and I’d love to share it with you. So here it goes. Hi there, how should you spend the first three months of your year? I’m belah. Rose, I am intimacy expert and coach, award winning podcaster and author. And I am joining you this morning because I wanted to help you deeply. And I had a really good demonstration of colorful things and all of that that I was going to share, and it just didn’t feel like that’s what was going to be helpful this morning. So instead, I’d like to share my process for discerning what my life should be about. So every three months, I take time to pray, and process and journal about what I think God wants me to do in that season. And I break my years up by seasons, or quarters, because I can’t focus on things for a whole year. You know, and I, that’s how I teach my coaching clients, you can’t, you can’t just focus on something for the entire year. That’s why people give up their resolutions. Three years down the road, four years down the road, because they’re like, sorry, three months, three months into the year, four months into the year, because they’re like, I just can’t, it’s too long. And a lot of times you you change as a person, you’re like I’m different than I was in January, I can’t change these things. So they feel like a failure. And it really negates this whole process of goal setting and and vision casting, which I think is a really godly thing to do. So what I do is I discern my season. And then what that does, is it helps me to know exactly what to say exactly what to commit to exactly what not to commit to exactly how to reassess my life and my goals, and what I’m accomplishing and what I’m not according to those particular those particular themes or goals for the the quarter. So I’ll tell you what, my quarter one 2019 goals are up leveling, delight your marriage. So I have done a lot of podcasting, a lot of creating courses and in book book, only written one. So that’s my book. And in speaking and you know, it’s fantastic. It’s such a great calling, and, yeah, to uplevel that to grow that because it’s really a responsibility to help to help to help marriages and women and children is is it ends up affecting children, it ends up affecting society. And okay, so many things like you keep talking about that. And the next thing is to focus in on cleaning the inside of my cup. You know, Jesus talks about the hypocrites of the the, the Pharisees being hypocrites in their hearts, you know that they’re clean on the outside, but they’re dirty on the inside. And, you know, we all have very dark hearts, and full of negative things. And I’m certainly not exempt from that. So I want to really focus on and let God guide me on how to clean when I see something dirty, just what what to do about it in my heart. And then the next thing is my boys, my son’s spiritual development. I was really convicted recently by Matthew 24. And talks about really horrible things are going to happen in the end days. And at the very end, it says, but are in there somewhere it says, but those who endure to the end shall be saved. And I really pray that I will endure to the end, in the midst of the awfulness that I will have a life that says yes to Jesus every single day, so much so that by the end of that horror, it’ll just be so normal and natural and habitual to have said yes to the hard things of Jesus every single day. So then it’s just another yes, no big deal. And I want that for my boys. You know, because they might experience the end days, and I might not or we might experience it together or they might need to teach their kids I don’t know. But no matter what I want to teach them so those are my goals for the new

year. I recently talked about how if your marriage is not fixed, your goals might only be about marriage this year. And I would encourage you in that, because if you have the capacity, if you have the peace and the joy and the encouragement that a marriage can provide, you can live on purpose, you can live on God’s purpose. And yeah, I want to talk to you for free. Like I said, this is my focus in 2019. So you can get on a call with me 30 to 40 minutes, and we can get you to a totally different place in your marriage. And if I think that it’s that I can help you that I can get you into the right spot, I’ll ask you, you know, if we think it’s the right fit, maybe you’ll want to work with me. And that’s the focus that you’re going to have in 2019 in the next three months. And then you’ve got all this capacity, emotional energy freed up so you can focus on God’s will for your life, for the rest of the year, for the rest of the years, the decades. I often say, you know, how much money did you spend on your wedding day? And then, how much money did you spend on your marriage? decades and decades of years? Whereas a wedding day is one day? Why did you prioritize that? And so maybe it’s time to prioritize your most important human relationship. So go ahead and click below, I’ve got a link. If you liked this video, if you are thinking about how do I priorities, how do I goal set? I want to hear from you. I want to hear how you goals. How did you go set? How did you think about what’s important in 2018. And you’ve got the first week or so of 2019 to still have that, you know, energy that everyone has for the new year. So yeah, comment below. I

want to hear it. I want to comment back, I want to think about it with you. But yeah, let’s jump on a call you and me. I love doing that. I

love working with women. God bless you and we will talk tomorrow. All right, so that is the Facebook group. But right I do I want to work with you. Go ahead and sign up. The link is in the show notes. So you can just find the free link there to do a free breakthrough call with me 30 to 40 minutes. And I’ve scheduled some time in my calendar for that. And then you can also just go to dym dot A s dot M E, and that is the full website to get to my scheduling page. Well, gosh, I hope that you have a wonderful, wonderful beginning of your new year and that this is encouraging and helpful for you to be thinking about and prioritizing getting the most important human relationship in your life in order. All right, God bless you and I will be sharing a full length delight your marriage podcast soon. Love you. Bye