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Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Discussed in this conversation:
- Divorce is an option, for Christians and non-Christians.
- I hope I can convince you of the importance of this truth.
- If you are not aware that this is possible for your marriage, you may be blind sided by this reality. But if you believe this from the get-go, I think you can walk more circumspectly and wisely.
- What are things about your husband that you rely on? How can we be grateful for the things we rely on?
- How can you be grateful for the man you have instead of the man you wish he was?
- As I am a woman who was divorced, I wish wives started marriages believing divorce is an option so they would be more careful. So they felt more responsible and accountable for their choices and believe there are natural consequences to consistently choosing poor behavior towards to their spouse.
- 1 Corinthians 10:12 “Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall.”
- How to have habits of gratefulness to help each other grow in noticing the positive. What you focus on grows.
- Not to be motivated by fear but motivated by freedom.
- How to be careful to ensure affairs are not blind spots.
Ensure that you’re infusing your marriage with exciting sex:
I’ve released the first 4 parts of a new course I’m really excited about: The Seduction Course: (Christian) Hot Sex, Step A, B, C.
I didn’t feel I could give the specificity I’d like to on a public platform like a podcast or website. So I’m including VERY practical understandings and examples (language, scenarios, actions) you can use immediately in this course!
Right now you can get the course at its lowest cost (it will go up in the following week as the 5th part is released). Check out The Seduction Course now.
- The 3 Components of of Seduction
- Freedom in Language & Actions (Why & HOW!)
- Teasing & Variety for Hot Sex (Specifically)
- Three Things to Steer Clear of At all Costs
Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. This show where you hear from amazing and inspiring wives sharing their struggles, triumphs, and advice for this journey called marriage. Here’s your host, belah. Rose.
Hi there, and welcome. Thank you so much for joining. I don’t know where you are and what you’re doing. But the fact that you decided to spend some time with me in the midst of such a full full life, I’m sure you’re doing so much, you might be in the midst of doing a whole lot right now. Maybe you’re washing dishes or getting ready for dinner or walking out in the park, maybe you’re driving, whatever you’re doing, I’m just imagining that you tuned in because you want something that’s going to encourage you and make you take pause and reflect on some things in life. And I hope that that’s what this does for you. And, yeah, I’m just really grateful that you’re here. I wish someone had clarified this stuff to me before I got married the first time, because I think it would have changed a lot of my perspectives on first of all, before I got married, and second of all while I was in marriage. So that’s what I want to clarify in this episode. So let’s dive in. I have heard it many times, and I’m guessing you have to that divorce is not an option. And people say that, like it’s this biblical notion that they are just kind of putting as the baseline for their marriage, divorce is not an option. So there is and yeah, it is biblical. God hates divorce. But I want to discuss what that even means. And how does this phrasing and this understanding of divorce help or hurt, our pursuit? Our connection, our journey of marriage. So there’s a phenomena in this world that I’m sure you are familiar with. It’s called living together. I think the reason that people choose to do this is because it’s like, a way of protection, that they’re not committing to too much if this is the wrong person. But then also, they’re not like letting themselves go. Living together isn’t a guaranteed thing people people easily could just be like, Okay, it’s over. I’m out of here. And there’s not a whole lot tying them together. Maybe it takes, you know, an hour to pack your things, maybe four hours to pack your things or a day. But still, it’s pretty easy to leave. But when you’re in a marriage, you know, it takes some paperwork, it takes some time you, you know struggle, because all your friends No, and they were all at your wedding. So there’s, you know, a little bit more that has to happen. Living together, I think, in some ways, seems to work better in our culture. And the reason I think this is the case, is because people are a little more on edge. They know that either one can leave pretty much with a day’s notice. At any point, they can leave, it doesn’t even have to be a date. They can walk out right then and never be seen again. And that’s it. But marriage is not as easy. So, unfortunately, what happens a lot of times is when couples get married, they say I do they promise to love each other for the rest of their lives until they die. And then they both relax a little. They both kind of sit back and take it easy. And that’s a really great thing. If you continue to appreciate the small you’re grateful for Every day, you don’t take each other for granted, you’re respectful, a lot more than I’m going to talk about. But unfortunately, a lot of times what people do, is they do take each other for granted.
They start to feel well, he’s not going anywhere. So, you know, this cookout at the church is more important than making sure we make love, even though we haven’t made love in the last week. Like, well, actually, he is a person that you have chosen to spend your life with. And the cookout can wait, there will always be another cookout. But your husband won’t. He could always end up I mean, every step in the wrong direction is a step towards you know, one way or another so. So what I’m trying to say is that though you’re married, divorce is always an option. It may feel like it’s, it’s easier. And it’s safer than living together. And I agree, it absolutely is. But it’s always an option. People get divorced all the time, half of marriages get divorced, it is always an option. And if you don’t think that, then it leaves you more susceptible to getting divorced. And that’s what I hate. I hate seeing couples and I’ve talked to too many way too many that feel like their marriage is okay. Because they will never get divorced. So yeah, they’re not thrilled. They may have even had conversations of I don’t like being married to you. Maybe they’ve even said that to each other, or said to their girlfriends, I think I marry the wrong guy. And they think that’s not a dangerous conversation. They don’t think that’s dangerous, because they’re like, well, it’s not like we’re getting divorced. We would never get divorced. Divorce isn’t an option. I’m not ever going to get divorced. It just feels like this right now. So to me, maybe those are tame things, because it is such a temporary conversation and maybe, you know, girlfriends need to vent to other girlfriends. So I don’t, I don’t want to put a bunch of rules on you and say you can’t say these things. And you can’t be honest. No, definitely be honest with people you trust, and that can mentor you and guide you and help you and pray for you. But at the same time, those are very significant conversations. That means a huge red flag. Those are really big deals. Yes, divorce is an option. Yes, Christians well meaning Christians that love Jesus get divorced all the time. It’s not because they don’t love God. It’s because for some reason, there’s plenty, plenty, plenty of reasons. But I think a large part of it is because they didn’t think it could be possible. They didn’t think it could happen to them. So they let their guard down. I don’t know why maybe they let their guard down because they thought for sure I would never fall in love with anyone other than my spouse I’m so head over heels. So they didn’t put appropriate guards in place. Or maybe they they stopped caring about the physical intimacy between the husband and wife and so they they let that go and both felt so distant and, and sad and lonely. And then it came into something that it should never have. You know, maybe it was all about the finances. They just kept arguing there was so much strife and they just argued, argued, argued until someone was like I just can’t handle this. I can’t handle strife all the time. I don’t know how to cope. But it didn’t just happen. It happened little by little by little by little. And the unfortunate thing is because the wife assumed it could never happen. She said divorce is not an option. But she didn’t realize that this train was inching its way over the mountain. And she didn’t realize that there was even an edge. She thought it could never happen. So I want to tell you right now very clearly, my dear, it is an option. It’s not what God wants. Because God doesn’t like seeing broken hearts. People ripped to shreds because that’s what marriage is It’s a binding, it’s a unifying of people. He doesn’t like when that gets shredded up and ripped apart. Because that hurts.
He doesn’t want his people in pain. But please, please don’t be blindsided by wondering, how did we get here? Because you thought it could never happen to us? Because the truth is it can. It can, especially if you think it would never happen. You have to be careful about your marriage. Don’t let it inch towards the wrong direction. Because it could, it could go right over that edge.
I want to talk about affairs for a minute. When I talked about guards around your marriage, if we use that analogy, kind of metaphor about a train, you know, that’s going going around the the side of a mountain those guardrails, right, you need to have guards to make sure that your your train is stays on course, that it’s not going to go over the side. And so one of the guards that I think is really important is around making sure there are guards around. I guess a fair proofing here marriages, some people say, but the way I think people fall in love is they need two things. They need chemistry. And they need time together. And I think that’s it. That’s all you need. Chemistry and time. So if you got married to your husband, because you decided he was the one it’s probably because you had chemistry with him, and you spend enough time with him. But now that you’re married, if you find someone else that you have chemistry with, the key is to not spend time with him. It’s okay that you have chemistry with him. That’s okay. But it’s now your responsibility not to spend time with him. Because the mind does strange things. And even if you’re like, Oh no, it would never happen. The point is, you don’t want your mind to go in places it shouldn’t. You don’t want to let yourself start to be considering someone else’s strengths. Or Oh, you’re so funny, or oh my goodness, you, you have this and this and this. And suddenly you’re flattering someone that’s not your husband. So don’t spend time with someone you have chemistry about. And actually I have a or yes chemistry with, I have an Episode Episode 100. It’s called How to find the love of your life. And I talked about this when I talked to singles specifically is that you make yourself some lists about when you want to find the person is that you figure out your values before you ever go out on the hunt. To find the love of your life, you need to first of all clarify who you want to be finding and you want it to be character you don’t want it to be, you know, tall, dark and handsome you want it to be who is this person going to be when you know, the stuff hits the fan, and everything goes black, I want a person with character, someone who’s honest and loyal and faithful and kind and a hard worker because life is hard. And you don’t want the curly brown headed man that you thought was on the top of your list. That curly brown hair that you so needed is not going to pull you through in the midst of the really hard stuff in life. So go for character, the rest of it can take care of itself. But focus your your energy, your effort on character. And then the last piece is chemistry and then you spend time with them. So anyway, if you have some single friends feel free to give them pass them along that advice and also episode 100. Anyway, the next thing I wanted to talk about was so I saw I mentioned a FERS when you are considering your spouse, it’s really important important to guard Your Mind. So again the guardrails? I think people say this sometimes and they think about it sometimes did I marry the wrong person? did was that was he not the one for me? Maybe I missed the one or am I looking for the one? And I don’t like that phrasing at all. It’s not biblical at all. It’s about it’s about who you chose. You chose the person you got married to you said, Yes. You said I do. Those were your choices. Okay, maybe you prayed, and you asked God to guide you, and all of those things, you have to trust that he did.
But ultimately, it was your decision. And so now it’s up to you to have the character strength to go back and say, I chose this person, it’s not did I marry, quote, unquote, the one it’s did I choose him, I chose this man. Instead, now it’s up to me, to make sure that I guard my heart and my thoughts, and that I focus and love and serve, the one I chose. Because who you chose, as a man God designed, God created, God loves God breathed life into, that’s God’s Son you’re dealing with, it’s not just anyone. And so you were given a gift of God’s Son. And so it’s up to you to honor and respect and appreciate who he is, in your own heart, in your own mind. It’s not just about you. This is the man you chose the man that you were given. And so it’s up to you to appreciate those things to appreciate who he is to be grateful for those things. I also wanted to talk about when you think about the fact that he could walk out at any moment, that divorce is actually an option. What it does is it starts to help you to appreciate the things you rely on. A lot of times, we don’t realize what we rely on until suddenly, it’s not there. Let’s say you take your car to work every single morning. And you’ve never even thought about your car until suddenly it gets stolen. Oh, my goodness, how am I going to get to work? How am I going to get you to store? How am I going to get to take my kids to the play that I promised them? How am I going to get to a million different things. But you really never would have considered being grateful for your car yesterday, but suddenly, when it’s gone, everything you have starts crumbling, because you didn’t even realize that you relied on it. And I want you to think about that. What are the things about your husband that you rely on every single day that you’re not appreciating? Something that I think people especially take for granted is just the spirit of another person in a house, that you’re not alone. It’s surprising to think that but just to be grateful that he’s here. Let’s say he’s watching football in the other room, my husband loves to watch soccer. I’m so grateful that he’s here in the house. Something about him being in the house, makes it easier for me to be in the other room, journaling, listening to music, I just am more at peace. I don’t know why there’s just someone there, there’s a presence. I’m not by myself, I’m not alone. Something about that is important to me. You can find the smallest details of things about your husband that you’re grateful for. Because you don’t even realize that you rely on them. What are things about your husband you rely on that if he weren’t there? They would be gone? Is it his interaction with your kids? Is it just having someone that you sleep next to Is it someone who calls you and you know asks how you’re doing or you know, whatever the the elements, how can you recognize more and more and more
who this person is and how you can be more appreciative of them. So when you appreciate what you rely on about your husband,
then the Question is how can you relinquish control? How can you appreciate who they are rather than who you want them to be? How can you be grateful for the man you have instead of the man you wish he was? Because those are the the changes, when you start to appreciate, you start to look at who he actually is, and be grateful for those things. And how can you encourage him? How can you serve him? How can you love him? Now some, sometimes you may be like, well, it’s really hard, because there are some things about my husband that I just absolutely cannot stand. And, yeah, that’s okay. He’s broken. So are you, so am I, so as my husband, we all are very broken people. But when you start speaking in faith about your spouse, about the wonderful things about them, even if maybe right now they’re small, you know, maybe, maybe you see your husband interacting with your daughter, you know, once in a blue moon, you can be grateful that he did that. Because that’s one memory she will have of her father, that if he was dead, if he were dead, she would never have that memory. So instead of being like, you never see your daughter, you have never even seen her. You don’t spend time with her. You know, I’m the one that always does XY and Z with her. Instead, you could be like, Honey, I’ve got to tell you, do you remember when you spend time with her? At the softball Park? Can you throw the ball with her? I could tell how her face lit up. It just made her feel amazing. And I really grateful that you did that. It really meant a lot to me. And I know it meant a lot to her. Now, if you can imagine being the husband reciprocating, to either of those scenarios, which one do you think he would want to do? Again? Would he be inspired to go and spend more time with his daughter when the wife is being so critical and judgmental and trying to force him to do it again? Well, if he does it, he’s not going to do it with a good heart. And it’ll affect his daughter. Because she’ll feel like he doesn’t even want to do it. But if it’s the other one, he’s thinking, wow, my wife really is is is amazed by the things I did here. This must really mean a lot to my wife. And then he realizes, wow, this meant a lot to my daughter. And that will make him want to be a better man in this area. And so when you start appreciating those things, it might actually encourage him to make some changes that you would be thrilled of, but maybe not. Maybe you can relinquish that control. And you can be a more dignified human being of rather than griping and complaining, instead be a woman of dignity and grace and gratitude. That you don’t have to be, you know, picky and condescending and rude. Instead, what you can be as a woman of gratitude, and gratefulness and kindness and gentleness with your husband, you can be a simple woman that’s easily pleased. And then, my goodness, he’ll want to please you. And when I said speak in faith, sometimes you might be feeling like it’s really hard to say things that you don’t fully believe. Like, maybe you were disappointed. And I’ll give you an example. I got a new job. And I’m really grateful God has just given me so much favor. And just so so, so grateful. And I got home. And I was actually going to interview someone for the podcast. And it was very exciting. And I you know, my husband’s been a huge, huge, huge supporter throughout the whole thing. I mean, he just, he really has put things on the back burner to help me kind of practice and just throughout the whole interview process and pray with me and encourage me and help us to really have faith that this was going to happen. And
when I finally found out it was Friday, and I come home from work, and I was a little bit rushing because I only had 15 minutes to start the interview. So it was So we were just kind of quickly speaking. And then then I went to interview the person I called them. And they were. And then I checked the email. And it turns out, they were unable to make it, they had a cold. So they were sick. So. So I kind of finished up some things with a podcast, and I went back to talk to my husband, because you know, to kind of enjoy our time together. And during that, because he knew we were going to have a podcast, he was going to take the boys out and go play. And he ordered pizza. So he was going to just grab the pizza and go with the boys. And the pizza came. And, you know, because we had kind of a mich mismatched communication. You know, I had kind of misunderstood what the pizza was for. And he kind of said, it was a surprise. And then I was really confused. And I felt like maybe I messed up his plan. And was the surprise for the job, or was it for something totally different? And honestly, in my heart, I just felt really disappointed by the end. But throughout this interaction, I was just just like, you know, I just got a job, why aren’t we celebrating with the pizza, rather than? I don’t know, going you were going to go with the boys was I even invited to go with the boys and the pizza. Like, it was just this kind of bizarre, like, concern in my head. But I, the feeling was disappointment. I felt disappointed. And, you know, I just like, I kind of tried to get it clear with him, like, like, Honey, I bet I don’t understand is this, you know, I tried to just kind of understand, and then I just finally, you know, kind of excuse myself, I went to the bathroom and was just like, okay, feel disappointed. But let’s think about this. You just got a job, your husband knew that you had a plan, the plan changed, he had a plan. And here, we’ve got pizza. Now, there’s some ways to respond to this, you could be very hurts, and this whole night, could turn into a very bad situation where your husband feels really negative about what happened because you feel frustrated that he didn’t do anything to surprise you about the job. Or what you could do is enjoy, you could just assume that the pizza was a surprise for you, which is something we don’t often have. So, you know, isn’t a great I don’t have to cook dinner tonight. And while I was in the bathroom, I just decided, well, it’ll help if I just take a shower, that’ll kind of also change my state right now. And I did. And I just felt so much better. And I kind of asked the Lord to give me the grace to have a positive attitude and go back in there and enjoy the situation. And I did, I went back in there. And I was like, Honey, thank you so much. For this surprise, I’m so grateful to be able to enjoy it with the boys and with you. And this is just so special. And honestly, I felt that way probably. If it was like zero to 10, I might have felt that way. Maybe number six. But it doesn’t matter. Maybe I wasn’t a number 10 on the scale of of that feeling. But I was at a number six. And I can still say that. And I can still make him feel encouraged. Because it’s true. He didn’t have to do any of that. He could have said, Honey, I have supported you. For hours. I read all of your emails, I read all of the preparation materials that you had I read everything I helped you practice all this stuff. Like why do I have to now give you a congratulations party? Like I did this work to with you, honey. I mean, that was that could have been his response.
So there’s, there’s always reason to be grateful. There’s always reason to change our attitudes. And like, take a step back and be like, Wait a second. What can I be grateful for right now? If I want it to be grateful? What could I be grateful for about this situation? What could I be grateful for about my husband? How about the fact that he was going to take my boys out, and I didn’t have to do that or I didn’t have to hire childcare while I was doing this podcast. Like those are amazing things to be grateful for. The fact that he gave me a big hug and a kiss. Congratulations that I got the job. Like those are huge, wonderful things that many other couples don’t get to enjoy because they don’t have what we have. So I just encourage you, when you’re having a situation where you’re fighting the feelings of disappointment. Take a moment to focus to refocus on what can I appreciate what are the things that if I didn’t have him? What would I miss?
So to underline to make this easier, speak gratitude all the time. I mean, all the time, speak it out loud all the time. Have it your habit. One thing that we do in our house is when we want to connect with each other, but we don’t exactly know how or what to say. We just say what are you grateful for baby? What are you grateful for kids? Give me three things you’re grateful for. And whoever is most creative gets a prize. You know, they’re not quite old enough for that understanding. But they still say things are just cool. Ah, but there’s so many things to be grateful for. And the more you practice, the more you make it a habit, the more life feels sweeter. Yes, there are hard things in life. Yes, our lives are hard. A lot of times, there’s a lot of suffering that we go through. But when you focus on the gratitude, the things that God is giving you. Maybe you’re wondering how in the world do I make my mind? Think about things differently? Like, is that even possible? Well, the truth is, yes, you can choose what you think. It has to be intentional. And a lot of times, you have to just say it out loud to interrupt whatever’s going on in your head. But, for example, in Philippians, four, eight, it says, Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are, just whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there is any virtue, and if there is anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things. Think about that for your husband, whatever is true, noble, just pure, lovely, have good rapport, if there is any virtue, if there’s anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things. Meditate on the things that are good about your husband. And then it says in verse nine, the things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do and the God of peace will be with you. So my dear wife, meditate on the good things there in your life, that are about your husband. And again, as this becomes a habit, you will become more content in your life in your marriage, you will become happier in the things that God has given you. I’ve told you many times on this podcast, we don’t have a lot, my husband and I. But we are so content. Yes, we suffer in different areas. But we are content in many, many areas of our life. I mean, I have told you if I had to move out of this neighborhood out of where I believe God wants us a million dollars could not make me move. I really don’t believe that God intends us to be anywhere. But here right now, unless he made it very clear. That it was it was his will. Philippians 412 says a little bit further, he’s or I guess 11 It says not not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am to be content. I know how to be a based and I know how to abound, everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full, and to be hungry, both to a bound and to suffer need. And I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. So I think that’s something to hold on to in your marriage, that if you are a bounding that’s great. Keep Christ at the center. If you are based and you are just suffering in your marriage, still keep Christ as the center and recognize
when do I say this? In talking about marriage I mentioned in the in the beginning, God does hate divorce and I do think it’s because it rips people apart. What God has joined together let no man separate. But it’s because we had to join together when it’s unified. If you just think about, you know the Unity skin against skin it’s it’s stuck, glued together. And then ripping it apart ish is, is tearing up the flesh of each person ripped apart, families ripped apart communities because of divorce, and ripped apart apart hearts and shared experiences, the pain. But what I think God wants is, is if you think about your relationship with Jesus, you know, so often the marriage relationship is compared to our relationship with Jesus. And the marriage, I believe is when we say yes to Jesus for the first time, when we get married, you know, we say God, you are Lord of my life, I live to serve you and love you, from here on until I die. That is my aim. That is what I seek to do. So then, when I say that to Jesus, I say, you know, thank you so much for saving me for, for forgiving me of all my sins, that I get to be with you forever, when I die. But then at that moment, I want to follow you, I want to follow you, I want to love you, I want to seek to honor you, and give you all the glory and affection and appreciation that you deserve God. So then my life follows that desire. And I might, you know, sway here and there. But my goal is to keep doing that. But I will never, it would be foolish for me to say, because I made that first commitment, that I am never going to sin again. Or I’m never going to struggle with things again, or all these, you know, negative things that I want to do sinful things that I want to do, I can do no matter what. Because then I’m going off the path of loving Jesus and, and, and being married to him through my life. Instead of going towards, away from that I’m going towards what I want. I’m ignoring the relationship, the journey that I’m with, with God. And that’s just drawing me further, further further away, until eventually maybe I just forget about Jesus altogether. And I’m just like, well, you know, that was something I did a few years ago. But it’s not really doesn’t really matter to me anymore. And then I have no relationship with Jesus anymore. And I think that’s a similar thing with marriage that we have to be intentional. Yes, we committed? What does it mean today that I committed to my husband? What does it mean, this week that I committed to my husband? What does it mean this year that I committed to my husband? And it’s the same with our relationship with Jesus? When I said yes, to follow him with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind with all my strength, and to love my neighbor like myself, when that’s what I said yes to? What does that look like today? What did that look like this afternoon? What did that look like tomorrow morning and tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow night? Are these things consistently in my life in my heart? Am I inching things closer to the Lord? Or away? am I allowing my train to inch off of the edge? Because I think well, it doesn’t matter ultimately, it’ll never happen. So I just encourage you to, to appreciate that. Your marriage requires care. And there’s always free choice in it. There’s always free choice in it. Okay, so I encourage you to, to be grateful, every day, every moment, be grateful. And the same with your relationship with God. Be grateful for every moment every day, be grateful that he is always there that he is never leaving, he doesn’t change, but that you would be the bride he deserves. That you would be the woman he deserves that God deserves to be with that you would be that woman.
So I encourage you that though God will never leave, though I’m talking about marriage and people are human and they could leave. God will never leave. He always will love you. Always. Always, always always. But if you’re not careful, you might not you might leave. He’s not going to leave but you might leave well, my dear, I hope that the kind of the larger points of this message I wanted to say is, is first off. Number one is it is an option. You always have freedom in your marriage. And it’s an important piece to understand that living together. Number two, is motivated by fear. I don’t want you to be motivated by fear, you should be motivated by freedom, that you want to love them, you want to serve them. You want them to be encouraged and loved in their marriage, as as they deserve. They’re God’s God’s Son. If you’re not in number three, if you’re not acknowledging that this is not something that can be forced, you might have blind spots that you’re backing into issues. So number four, I wanted to talk about was affairs is that one of those blind spots might be affairs if you’re not careful. So recognize that that is something that can always be on the table, if you’re not careful. So you have to be another one number five, that I talked about was appreciating what you rely on about your husband. Number six was guard your mind, did I marry the wrong person? The point is that you chose him. And that’s a matter of character to keep choosing him in your mind over and over and over again. The Seventh One was speaking faith. Talk to your husband, the way that you believe he is. Tell them the things you appreciate the things you love about him the way he’s amazing in your eyes. And number eight, speak gratitude daily. Make it a habit all the time. All right, my dear, Let me pray for us. And I’ll, I’ll send you home till next Tuesday. Father, thank you so much for the woman on the end of this microphone. Lord, I don’t know where she is. I don’t know what pain she’s going through the challenges and, and the good things in her life. God, I pray that you would open her eyes to the amazing gifts, that her marriage is Father, I ask that you would give her the grace to truly, to truly meditate on whatever is true. whatever is noble, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there’s any virtue, if there is anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things. I pray that You would give her the grace to do that for her husband, for her marriage for her family for her life, God, that she wouldn’t meditate on the negative. But she would meditate on the beauty, the goodness that you have given in this life, Lord, and I pray that ultimately all of it, Lord, all of it, would draw her closer to you, God, I pray that for myself, my husband, my kids, and everyone listening, Lord, that this is ultimately a journey with you, God. And this marriage is just teaching us more about what it means to be like you to look like you to act like you to be with you god it’s It’s this incredible, complex, very complex and wonderful metaphor and I thank you for that. That this is just an s an aspect. And I pray that every every woman on this on this some audio God would would just see a glimpse of that in her own life. In Jesus name, Amen.
I talked about living together. And I think there’s motivation there to be really sexually free, fierce, Frisky. But when you’re married, there’s not necessarily that motivation. And I think it’s also harder for Christians to go from. This is dirty, this is sin, this is wrong. And suddenly you get married. And boom, it’s amazing and awesome and be free and get excited and do all the things that you thought was sin your whole life. And that’s what this course bridges that gap. How to support a wife’s journey from being insecure. feeling like you don’t know what to do or or how do you enjoy sex and how do you make it see me and fun and fierce getting from that place to actually knowing how to make your man wild with intimacy in intimacy. So that’s the point I’ve had a great time putting this together this material it’s I think just going to live in your marriage but up amazing it’s it’s just, I think going to be fantastic for You and I give really specific examples language. Because I want you to have that I don’t want to send you home and say, here’s all the theory, go figure it out, I want to give you here’s the steps, here’s what to do. Here’s the borrowed courage because I told you to do it. So, this, I’m, I’m releasing another section of it. I’ve released a few sections already. Next week, it’s going to be at a higher price than it is today. So right now it is the lowest price that will ever be. So I encourage you to go to the website right now. delight your marriage.com Click on Resources and get on board and, and catch up. We’re doing week by week. So I hope that you can really put in some effort to do the homework and really get to a place of spiciness in your marriage in your marriage. But it’s a it’s a huge, huge piece that I think is very important and don’t take that for granted in your marriage. That’s all I have to say. God bless you. I will see you inside the course and I’ll talk to you on Tuesday. Bye.
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