1 in 4 women this year will be sexually abused. You may never know who… your sister, best friend, daughter, mother, wife…

You may have been the victim. I’m so sorry for your pain and what you have been through. You are not alone and you do not need to feel shame any longer.

Today’s podcast is to help all women process the pain of abuse. I think it affects all of us whether we ourselves have experienced it or not, we live in a culture where that is the norm…

  • When was the last news show you were able to get through without hearing at least one incident of violence against a woman?
  • 1 in 5 searches on the internet are for pornography and 90% of pornography is violent towards women.
  • Most women who have been abused are not believed even if they have the courage to speak out–so most stay silent.


Here’s what I cover:

  • Why are women abused?
  • Why the shaming question she is always asking herself: “why didn’t I know better?” or “she was asking for it” isn’t her fault based on her God-given nature
  • My experiences with sexual abuse
  • Why I think it’s vital that we continue to understand women’s experiences and give them a voice and let them know we hear them and believe them
  • Why we all need to be speaking about it and not expect only the victims to


How does it affect your marriages…

  • What if you have sex without wanting it in your marriage? Why that makes you feel abused even though it might not actually “abuse”


  • It affects sex, her feelings of safety and I have some specific guidance for that (get my specific guide referenced on the show! Send me a message to get the Connection Session Guide email, me here: belah@delightyourmarriage.com)






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