Are you having the WRONG type of sex?

  • Why your wife doesn’t LOVE intimacy
  • Why sex feels carnal (and maybe sinful!)
  • Why sex feels like it’s just for HIM
  • Why sex isn’t fulfilling (EVEN if you orgasm)
  • I argue that there is a very legitimate reason… You guys haven’t made feminine sex….ever
    • Have you ever even been exposed to what feminine sex is?
    • Let me give you a description and then the tools on how to get started!


  • Resources referenced: 
    • Miss Representation documentary
      • If you want to know more about our sexualized culture and how men have defined those you can check this own
      • My very serious warning is there’s a ton of very negative visuals–sexually-explicit music videos, movies with very provocative clothing… but they have really educational good content
      • What I would suggest is turning it on your phone and then turning your phone over so you can hear the content without being exposed to the crude and sinful visuals…or just trust that somehow I gleaned what would be helpful for you!
    • A great TED talk which explains how our movies are lacking female influence, thus the feminine values and sexual desires: The Data Behind Hollywood’s Sexism


  • FREE (Potentially Life-Changing) Opportunity
    • I am doing a limited amount of FREE Clarity Calls to help wives go deep and truly understand and get clear on what is prohibiting them from getting to the intimacy and marriage God wants for them.
    • The catch? IF I think I can help you (and I don’t think I can help every woman I speak with) I may invite you to be one of the few women I coach this month.
    • But if not, you’ll definitely get a ton of value from the call, so get on my calendar soon — right I believe my next Clarity Call is available in 3 weeks from now… so get on the calendar as soon as you can so your marriage can blossom as God wants it to!!
  • transcript
  • 0:02
    Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. This show where you hear from amazing and inspiring wives sharing their struggles, triumphs, and advice for this journey called marriage. Here’s your host belah. Rose.

    Hi, and welcome. Thank you so much for joining me. I am belah rose, and I, by God’s grace am intimacy expert, and coach, award winning podcaster. And author. So by God’s grace, this podcast is actually been named one of the top 30 relationship podcasts on the net, can you believe that phrase, God, so I was so grateful that you are joining me, and I’m so grateful for this work has helped so many around the world. So, yeah, let’s dive in. This is a very important topic to me. Because when you have both types of sex, and I’m going to tell you what that means, in your marriage, you are able to have a very fulfilling, and life giving intimacy for both husband and wife. Okay. So before we dive into the full content, I want to tell you that I in the time right now that I’m doing what I call Clarity Calls, and essentially what this does is, is it provides a space and time for a wife to speak directly to me about what’s going on in her intimacy. And I don’t know how long this is going to be free. But for now, I am able to offer it for free, and 40 minutes plus that sometimes that goes far over that. But the idea is to help you see what’s underneath the surface and us to go really deep. So that you can have that amazing marriage so that you can walk in God’s will more fully because your marriage is actually supporting that. So I’ve had so many of these amazing conversations and women have been so kind to trust me with their stories and their hearts things that often they have never told anyone. And so it’s just an amazing time to see so much. Yeah, release and feelings of being heard and processing through the pain and the hurt that they have endured for so long. But this is an opportunity for you to get on that call directly with me. The catch is that if I feel I can help you, and I don’t feel like that with everyone, in fact, sometimes I will instead direct you to other resources. Because it doesn’t seem like it’s the right fit. It doesn’t seem like it’s the right time, it doesn’t seem like I’ve got the specialization that’s really going to help you. But if I do feel like we’re the right fit. And I feel like you have the qualities that I know I can work with, because I can’t like I said not everyone is committed, decisive, resourceful, and coachable, which is required if you’re going to work with me. But if those are in place, and it feels like the right fit, I may invite you to be one of the few clients that I take on this month. So either way, even if we don’t go that direction, you’re going to get amazing value. And so yes, sign up as soon as you can. I think that the next opening unless I’m able to shift some things around in my calendar. I’m not totally sure. But right now, I believe it’s in three weeks. So definitely get on the calendar as soon as you can. So that we can jump into that, that call together. Awesome. Okay, well, let’s dive in. And I’ll talk to you in a moment.

    Oh, right, awesome. So what do I mean by if you’re having the wrong type of sex? Well, I didn’t understand this for quite a while. And what I understood was what the enemy wanted me to understand was that sex was just for him, that I was doing, essentially a service for him when we would make love and I knew that there was more to sexual intimacy, I knew that there was more joy for me as a woman to be had. I knew that there were more you know, deeper orgasms in the vagina. I knew I had heard about these things. I knew that there was more awakening for my ReSSA and I knew that there was ways that I just knew there was more but I was not experiencing it. And so what I want to talk to you about is first off, you know why? You as a wife Why don’t you love intimacy? What? What is it about intimacy that you don’t love? Why sex feels carnal to you? Number two, number three, why sex feels like it’s just for him. And number four, why sex might not be fulfilling? Even if you have are having orgasms. Number five, why aren’t you physically craving sex? And then I want to talk about what is fully underneath all of those things. Why? What is going on? And then I want to talk about what practically you can do to get all of these things turn around? How can you have quote, the right kind of sex? Alright, so the first one is, why doesn’t? Why don’t you as the wife love intimacy? Well, a lot of times when I work with women, one on one, and myself, like I said, how I felt before was that what we would do insects was essentially, you know him, when when he was aroused, that’s when we would make love and when he was finished, that’s when it would stop. And even if he was generous in different activities, I still felt like ours, our sex life, my sex life, was really beholden to his desires and sex rather than a connection I wanted, I wanted an intimacy I wanted, even a spiritual union. And what we were doing did not feel like that in the least, it felt like he was just getting what he wanted, or he needed a release, rather than we were to be this unified, spiritually empowered experience for the both of us, it didn’t feel like what we were doing was what Jesus was talking about when he said the two will become one flesh. Now, a lot of times husbands listened to my podcast. And so what I want to say to a husband is that you probably are not on the same page with thinking this way. Because you are probably like, yeah, I totally get how this is a spiritual experience. I’m like, high in the heavens, by the time we are done, and I’m super in love with my wife, and all the oxytocin that’s been released all the chemicals that’s just been exploded all over my body and my brain and all over the place. Like, of course, this is spiritual, but for your wife, not necessarily the case, not necessarily the case. And so, yeah, that was me. That was me feeling like, feeling like, this wasn’t something that was actually like a deep, true, intimate connection. It was like, Yeah, I mean, there was benefits afterwards, like we were kinder to each other there was, you know, it was easier to be on the same page. He definitely had a better attitude for the next couple days, you know, those were the kinds of things but it wasn’t like the experience was actually what I as a wife felt was spiritual or unifying, or connecting or emotionally. Yeah, there for me. It wasn’t, it wasn’t that. Yeah, it just, it just felt very, very non helpful in in the ways I really wanted it to be. Alright, so that’s the first one. The second one is why does it feel carnal? Why does it feel sinful? Well, for me, you know, for a long time, I thought that sex and the the activities and the views the visuals, I knew he wanted to see me I knew he wanted me to seduce him. But I felt like I was doing something that looked like all the sin I had seen in movies and X rated stuff that, you know, I was doing things that reminded me of the sin I had viewed. And so why does it feel carnal? Well, of course, you know, if I’m comparing myself or looking at myself as though

    you know, I were one, I was one of those women, you know, of course, I would feel that it was sinful, but I did feel like that regardless of the commitment in, in, in, in, in marriage, I still felt like I was doing something that was wrong, because it looked just like the stuff I knew was sinful. So that was number two. Number three is why sex feels like it’s just for him. So this, again, was like, okay, he needs it. It’s been a couple of days. It’s been a few days, like, Okay, we’ve got it, we’ve got to get this done. And it just felt like something that was on my calendar, something that was on the schedule, something that had to be accomplished, otherwise, you know, he wouldn’t, he wouldn’t get what he needed. And that was not a good feeling, you know, sure, I could do it for a while. But after years of feeling like, Okay, I just got to get this done, you know that that’s not going to support you guys, and it wasn’t a support for us eventually, you know, I’m resenting that, I’ve got to have this on my calendar, I’ve got to make sure my whole day is planned around this, because he’s the one that needs it. And so that was very important. A realization of like, you know, this has got to change because if I continue on like this, I’m going to be just like those women who are, you know, 30 years into their marriage, and they do their, quote, duty, or they don’t, because it’s felt like a duty for so long. And I don’t want that. I don’t want that for me, I don’t want that for us. And so it’s got to change is what I made that realization that it just can’t be this way. Just can’t. And the next one, though, is I wanted to talk about how I felt like even though I was orgasming, even though I had the, quote, pleasure in sex I It wasn’t fulfilling. It didn’t make me want to return for more. It made me to feel like, okay, there was that. But I’m not craving the physical experience, my body doesn’t desire it, I felt like I would have to just drum up, you know, excitement. And then you know, this unfulfilled experience, even if it did result in orgasm, even if that wasn’t an issue for us. And it’s an issue for far more women than you would think. And a lot of, I’ve seen statistics that say like, one in four, one in three women have never orgasms. So don’t don’t feel alone if you’re in that situation. But even for women that do orgasm, on a consistent basis doesn’t mean that sex is this unbelievable experience, because sometimes women have only experienced clitoral orgasms. And that’s not the only sexual orgasm to be had. There are more that are deeper in the rest of that, that cause you to feel this deeper different connection and different release and different unification that yeah, let me talk a little bit more about that. But yeah, why sex wasn’t fulfilling, even though I was experiencing what quote I was supposed to be. I was supposed to be experiencing this fulfillment. But I, you know, didn’t matter whether or not I was I was having the orgasm. So let me tell you, what I discovered by God’s grace. So these were really things that I was just like this can’t go on, especially since I myself was teaching women to make love regardless, to take to make love in your marriage because of all those important benefits. But for a long time, I wasn’t receiving the emotional intimacy, that I needed, the spiritual intimacy that I needed to truly feel that this was fulfilling for me. You know, but I had a lot of times just had to trust that this is what God wants. But I wouldn’t necessarily feel that it was that spiritual connection for my husband, he did. But I didn’t. And that was important, of course. So what I did was I really invested in a journey for myself, to learn more about why this might be the case. And by God’s grace, now I’ve developed a framework to understand what was wrong. And now that I’ve worked with women on this, it’s been super, it’s just been so effective and helpful for them to have this greater

    just revolutionized understanding of themselves and their bodies and the intimacy that they can experience. So let me talk about what that framework is. It is the masculine sex versus feminine sex. Now let me start off this conversation saying that men, whole men can experience and enjoy both and whole women can experience and enjoy both. So first off, don’t feel like this means that only men enjoy this or only women enjoy this. But what it is, is it represents kind of categories that I believe is really helpful for us to understand so that eventually what are intimacy looks like is amazing masculine sex and amazing feminine sex and eventually get to a spot where when you are, you know, deeply enjoying One and you deeply enjoy another eventually, you know, your your sexual intimacy might end up looking like times that you are intertwining each of them, or you’re mostly focused on one or you’re mostly focused on the other. But let me tell you about that. So the masculine sex, that is what I want to tell you, is probably what you’re having in your sex life, if you are all those things I described, if you’re a wife that doesn’t love intimacy, if you think that sex is carnal, if you think that sex feels like it’s just for him, if you feel like sex isn’t fulfilling, spiritually, intimacy emotionally. And if you feel like it’s just not fulfilling, even pleasure wise, even if you have orgasms, more than likely, you are only experiencing masculine sex in your marriage. And I want to just kind of talk about that, because what we have been exposed to in our society is what I would argue, just masculine sex. So what we have seen in movies, in X rated stuff is all about the masculine sex, and kind of what that looks like in intimacy. And so what, what I want to just, like, you know, tell you about is the reason that we have only seen masculine sex in our society, the places that you sadly have probably learned about sex is through movies, is through advertisements is through pornography. And here’s what I want to say is that movies are representations of masculine sex. And you’re like, what, come on Bella that that can’t be true. There’s women involved in films. Yeah, there are women actors, but the women actors are representations of what a man wants in sex. And let me argue that a quick moment because movies are generally male actors, even women and men in the industry, when polled, when asked questions of who you think, would be a better director of a movie? Generally, the answer is a male, because that is what the industry has looked at for many years. And it hasn’t changed. So from the 1950s, I believe it was the 1950s Till now, the amount of male directors, to female directors, that ratio has not changed. So for the top 100 movies of 2017 92% of the directors were men 92%. And so men, obviously see as something attractive and exciting, and fulfilling of movie is if there is a sexual presentation. But for men, that sexual presentation is of the male sex, because they don’t, they are not fulfilled by what feminine sex would be. Let me give you a bit more statistics between 800 films between the years of 2007 to 2015 886. Directors, this particular research search group studied, only 4.1% were women, out of 886 directors, only 4.1% were women, which means that the values the sexuality, the understandings of intimacy, were from men. And if you’re a Christian, and for most of the people that listen to my podcast, they were not taught about sex in their home. So they never had a good, biblical, appropriate understanding of sex. So they learned it through

    movies, they learned it through the representations of sex on film. Now, I’m going to give you the specific statistics, the sites and whatnot in the show notes, so don’t worry about that you can always go back there’s an awesome TED Talk. That will also reference the talk about this specifically. So yeah, so that is so you can double check these kinds of things, but there’s also a really fantastic documentary called Miss representation. It is on EMI SS and the second word is representation. The it’s on Netflix. The caveat I would say is that it’s packed full of really amazing material. The trouble is that they give you a lot of visuals of the bad kind of, you know, just, you know, the negative ways that women are viewed and so it gives you a million visuals of music videos and you know, women shaking their you know, the stuff that only has a budget say, they give you a ton of all that, those, those visuals. So if you are going to watch it, I would just be careful. And you know, for me, I ended up having to like just turn the turn my phone down and just like listen to it as though it were an audio book. And that was actually totally worthwhile. But anyway, what this documentary really dives into is for girls, they get the message that what is most important about them is the way they look. And boys get the message that what is the most important thing they should want from girls is their body, and is the way they look. So women get these lies. And there’s a huge, you know, obviously obsession with the way women and men look 65% of women, this was a the film was made, I think 2011. So they had a statistic from 2009. So it’s 10 years ago, but I am sure it’s only gotten worse. But they said the 65% of women have an eating disorder. Now I had an eating disorder years ago. And it’s a it affects your whole life. It’s an obsession, and it’s a shame, and it keeps you from doing God’s work because you’re again, obsessed and distracted with not living in God’s will, because you’re so yeah, seeking what the societal norm is. The other thing to be aware of is advertisements, the media, it is shaping our society. And, you know, billboards and and all the things their true purpose in all that advertising. And I’ll tell you that, again, this documentary, in 2009, the US spent $235.6 billion on advertising. And they said that 80% of countries of the whole world have GDPs less than that. So 80% of countries have GDPs less than what we spend on advertising. So this is insane how much our culture our society seeks to make us feel insecure. So that we will purchase so that we will buy their products and for women so they can feel sexy and good and attractive, so they can attract men so that they can, you know, buy clothing that accentuates all the assets for men and for men, so that they feel powerful and good enough and you know, able to take on this earth, the world and you know, all that kind of stuff. Advertising is is affecting our values. So deeply. So significantly, it’s pervasive, even though we don’t realize it. Now, let me tell you, you’re like, okay, great advertising, great, but there’s probably women that, you know, there’s women that are directing that kind of stuff. Well, there are, there are women that are involved in you know, the industry, but let me tell you what misrepresentation that documentary talks about is at the very, very top of these media companies, and and just so you know, you know, media companies are

    purchased by other more larger media companies. And then obviously, you’ve got larger media companies that then purchase those. And, you know, it’s it’s a, it’s so you’ve got, you know, tons of companies, it seems like our media, we’ve got, you know, tons of options. But actually, all these media companies are owned by only a couple of companies, only a few, very few. And so what they talk about is actually at the very top of these media companies are men throughout the leadership, it is men. Not only that, but even if women start to infiltrate these leadership roles, when you have a culture of a company a certain way, there is very little you can do to change that, as women, even when we get leadership roles in companies, which it’s still quite a glass ceiling. And in many companies, you look at the CEOs, you look who’s at the table, there might be a woman, there might be two, but there is not 50% women but even if there were the culture of the company has already been established, and has been established on male values, desires, sexual understandings. It’s already been established. It is hard to change that to change the track of a company, the culture of a company. I mean, I don’t know where you’ve worked in your life. But has it been easy to, to change what already was established before you got there? If you found your own company, if you, you know, created the company yourself why then that’s a very different story, you establish the culture, but if it was there before you got there, it is not easy. So what we have seen, I hope that has made it clear what you have seen, what you have experienced is the masculine understanding of sex, what men crave from sex, and obviously, pornography, you know, one out of every five searches on the internet, and this is a horrible statistic, one out of every five at least, is for pornography. One out of five, the billions of people on the earth, the billions of companies that that use the internet for really wonderful things. And then for it to be one in five is searching for that sinful, sinful stuff. That is so sad. It is so sad, but it is mostly men. You know, certainly women are addicted to pornography. You know, I was, and that any started out by just my curiosity, just seeking how to understand sex, what am I supposed to even do? What is sex, I mean, I had no exposure, I no understanding. And so that’s how it started. And then, actually, it started by stumbling on a pornographic site when I was trying to do my homework, as terrible as that is. So get some guards on your computer, parents get guards on your computer, covenant go there by a plan, how important it is for the soles of your kids to not accidentally stumble upon this, that then will cause them to have an addiction, the shame, the pain, the guilt, the pulling them away from Jesus, destroying their soul. That’s what it says adultery does. And Jesus said lusting after someone is committing adultery with them in your heart. So once again, just kind of circling back to the pornography is mostly for men. It is mostly for men, it’s it’s their, their what they enjoy in sex, you know, that dominance, that power that? You know, release the woman desiring him. And, you know, I talked about that on my last week’s podcast, and I got so much amazing, positive result of responses by God’s grace. But that’s what men want in sex. That’s what men want in sex. And it’s so important. It’s so important. That’s, I mean, this is a vital, important thing. So I’m not demonizing male sex, but I’m telling you be aware that that might be the only kind of sexual experience you have ever been exposed to. So if it is not.

    If you’ve never, if it’s not fulfilling, why then that’s probably because you’ve never enjoyed anything else. And a wonderful, intimate relationship is when both happen in your marriage. Alright, so you might be chomping on the bit and you’re like, Okay, well, I get it, I get it. I get it. Let me just know what feminine sex is. Okay. Let me tell you. It is about connection. It is about slowness. It is more meditative. It is about the energies exchanging which is the spiritual aspect. And so if pornography and advertisements and media and movies are essentially the unredeemed understanding of masculine sex, what I would then say is the unredeemed understanding of feminine sex is tantric sex and Taoist philosophies of sex and Hindu philosophies of sex, that are centuries and centuries old, that are so much more focused on once again, the spiritual energetic realms of how to enjoy intimacy. And so what I have practically for you, is what that looks like to enjoy. But the idea is that there is deep union to be had that is fulfilling for her and when she feels fulfilled and safe in her bedroom, through feminine sex, why then, she is awakened and able to then really indulge in the masculine sex because I certainly I’m not trying to throw out masculine sex that’s amazing and fun and seductive and exciting and powerful and dominant. Back and forth and back and forth. That’s great. That’s what my resources are about. Obviously, my podcast is is so frequently about that kind of stuff. But if you are not enjoying the other ways of making love, this other more feminine way of making love why then she’s not going to potentially she’s not going to be a genuine in her ability to make love in the other ways. And that potentially could turn into feeling like it’s a duty or a chore. But if she is filled up in the feminine sex way, then the masculine sex is so much more of a outpouring of that desire. And she can physically crave that as well. How do you start getting into this feminine sex where you’re like, well, that, you know, I could I, we are not at a place where we can even start doing this other kind of thing. And it how do we start. And so what I work with women on is what I call connection sessions. And so it’s very important to start slow with this, because it is, essentially connection sessions are going to be an investment into having fiery awesome sex in more masculine sex. So these connections, sessions are not going to feel like necessarily, like you’re, you know, doing a whole or getting a whole lot done. But what it is going to do is, it’s, it’s a practice, that’s going to be a foundation, for her to feel safe in sex, for her to feel like she has a voice in sex for her to be present in sex, for her to have power in sex, her own feminine power and sex. And so this is training her to have those things. And it is also training him to value her in those things. And most of the time, men want it, they want her to have a voice they want her to enjoy, they want her to relax, but they don’t know how to get there. And their connections sessions are a training for a couple and it doesn’t.

    It doesn’t excuse me, it doesn’t replace the other ways of making love. So what I often say is for masculine, that’s I call it fear, sex, and then for the more feminine, that’s more passionate sex. And then we’ve got connection sessions that allow a woman to get to a place where both of those sexual experiences are very fiery and good and fulfilling. So yeah, go to www dot delight your So that’ll be giving you the, you can get the download the PDF that I’m going to send you that give it a bit more explanation. And as well as the actual how you do these connections sessions, because I want to give you it very clearly. Obviously, working with me one on one is you can get there far faster, you can get there far better, because I can tailor my work with you specifically to what you are going through what you’ve gone through where you are in your marriage, how safe do you feel in your marriage? You know, is he even willing to do this kind of stuff? And how to why? Or how do you get him to and like I said, I love working with women on that, because it’s so important. How do you how do you get there so that you are loving intimacy so that sex feels right and good and holy and spiritual, and godly, so that sex feels like it’s for you just as much as it’s for him. So that sex is fulfilling. And you have deeper orgasms than just maybe clitoral orgasms, where you have that deeper release that causes you to have that route of relaxation and safety and feeling held in in emotionally. But you get that feeling through sex. It’s like how that seems bizarre. It seems totally outside of any of my experience. Well, the beautiful news is, it’s it’s some it’s out there for you, it’s just for you to take the steps to do it. And like I said, I love walking women by the hand through this, so that they can get there. You know, as much as I want to give you free material to get you there. working one on one with women is deep heart change. You know, I talk to women all the time that have listened to my work and been a student of my teaching for a long time. And then I get on the phone with them. And it feels like there’s so much that they have missed not not because, you know, they haven’t, you know, been a good student or whatever, but just because they weren’t able to apply it to their life. And so by God’s grace, I have the ability to work with them one on one and say, oh, okay, this is an underlying belief system that we need to root out and we need to deal with head on and if we don’t, you’re not going to be able to to enjoy these things. This is what’s stopping you. Okay, so let’s go ahead and talk more about that go to www.dy M dot A s dot M, E, and you and I can jump on a call for 40 plus minutes to really get clear on what is stopping you. Okay. And once again, it’s a free call for now, I’m not totally sure how long it’s going to be able to be free. But for now, definitely lock that in as soon as you can.

    Alright, well, I am excited for you. I’m so excited for next steps with you. And I will send you that documentation if you go to www dot delight your T Y P E. And you’ll get more understanding and clarity on the different types, as well as what a connection session would be for the two of you. And definitely haven’t listened to this podcast episode before you dive into do the connection sessions because that’ll also give him a lot of understanding and commitment to the experience himself. Awesome. Well, God bless you. I hope this has been a really wonderful investment of your time. And thank you for just joining me you didn’t have to you could have done so many other things with your life. I know you’re busy. And I’m just grateful that I got to have your ear for 40 minutes or whatever. So God bless you. Let me pray for you, Father, God, the wife on the other end of the line, Lord, she loves you. She’s seeking you god she’s seeking your well God, every step of the way every day Father, what is it that is keeping her from doing your well in this world? What is it what is the obstacle God from from keeping her from having amazing intimacy with her husband from having that unification from having that spiritual connection to then do your will be supported in the desires, the passions of her own heart that you have given her God? I asked God that you would reveal it to her that you would show her her next steps God and she would not end this podcast even without deciding what her next steps should be. There’s so many distractions in this life and in this world that, you know, can lie to her and make her feel like something other than her marriage is priority. And you know, God, your priority is you first, then our marriage, that our kids, then loving one another everyone else or ministry, whatever that looks like. And then it’s making money. And then it’s that career or, you know, investments or whatever that you know, financial pursuit, I pray God that you would give her the grace to prioritize the way that you want her to in her life, God, not the way she’s expected to because of our society, but the way you want her to God, and give her the grace to say no to everything she’s been taught about her body, her sexuality, her value, based only on those things, but that she is truly your daughter. She is a conduit of your power, and your might and your change in this world. Lord, we love you. You’re so good. Thank you for teaching us whatever you whatever nuggets you needed her to hear. Let those things stand out in anything that wasn’t for her to hear that wasn’t appropriate to her life or what she’s going through that you would just cast that aside and let her just forget that and that she would really move forward with what you have for her. Amen. Awesome. I’ll talk to you next Tuesday. God bless you. Bye.

    Thanks for listening. If you’ve been blessed by this, why not share it? Until next time, live with love, wisdom and passion.


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