What does money have to do with your marriage? Finances are often touted as the biggest reason for divorce… but get this: when you have an awesome sex life studies estimate that it’s equivalent to having an additional $100k per year! So… NO financial issues…

But there’s more, the BIGGEST financial DISASTER that can ever befall someone is divorce. SO an awesome marriage and sex life can either pay big $$$ or cost you a ton of money!


With all that said, how well are you prioritizing life so that your marriage is protected and your finances support it? WISELY.


The Bible is very specific: wisdom is more valuable than silver and gold… “nothing your heart desires can compare with her”. So, how high are you prioritizing wisdom to ensure you have an awesome marriage?

The cool thing is that Solomon first asked for wisdom and then God also gave him riches! So if you invest your finances into wisdom the rewards may also be material wealth!

I talk about the way to prioritize your life that is accorded with the Bible and how your money should reflect those priorities.

Right now I’m doing FREE Clarity Calls (I am not sure how long I’ll be able to do these as I have limited space) but on these we go 40 min to uncover the bandaid to discover what is underneath the surface issues of your marriage. If I feel like you’re the right fit and I can help you I may invite you to be part of my program: The Delighted Wife: Reclaim Your Sexuality, Live In Your Womanly Wisdom and Witness Him Transform Into Who You’ve Always Wanted. www.dym.as.me

Find out what is preventing you from having the marriage of your dreams? Sign up for a FREE Clarity Call quickly as my schedulle fills very quicly. www.dym.as.me

Looking forward to working with you one-on-one soon!



Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. This show where you hear from amazing and inspiring wives sharing their struggles, triumphs, and advice for this journey called marriage. Here’s your host, belah rose.

Hey there, and welcome to the show. I am belah rose. And I’m really honored that you spent the time to listen to me today on the podcast. So essentially, what I want to talk about today is money versus marriage. Now, this is not an easy topic to talk about, in this day and age because as a society, money, trumps all other goods. I mean, the whole idea of the, quote, American dream is to, you know, go from rags to riches, isn’t it? But Is that Biblical? Is that a biblical notion? I mean, my husband and I have actually taught and facilitated financial stewardship courses, and we, ourselves are very budget oriented and very frugal, so much in our life is very creative, to save money. But at the same time, what we are not skimp. What we do not skimp on is what we believe, are most, most priority in our lives. And one of those things is tithing, which we believe is God’s order of things that that’s first and foremost, where we put our money is 10%, to our spiritual community. And secondly, is wisdom. So, after that, you know that our money is really in service to our values. And so when I talk to women on this podcast, and in my coaching, and you know, all of the different speaking engagements, what I do is say that, you know, your priorities should be this way, first God, then loving his people, and your first priority is your husband. Second is your kids. And then comes the rest of your ministry, whatever that looks like for you. And then after that comes your work, or your career, the way you make money should be after those things. And your finances should align in pursuing wisdom to support all of that, that your income should be supporting those values. If you’ve listened to the podcast before, you know, at the very end, I have my announcer encourage you to live with wisdom, love and passion. And the reason I say that is because those are the three words that I essentially would hope that I have lived out in this life. That kind of anchor me when I think about my funeral, or what will be put on my tombstone, that’s truly what I hope will just be written there. And that’s what I endeavor. It’s also something I’ve painted in big letters in my in my house. So I just keep that at the forefront of my mind. And it’s been something that I’ve sought after for years, because wisdom is truly what God wants us to be pursuing. Right? If you just, you know, do a really quick, you know, open to any page in Proverbs, you’ll see the value of wisdom. And Solomon was the wisest man that ever lived. And so when he talks about pursue wisdom, pursue knowledge, he even says, buy it, purchase wisdom, purchase knowledge, purchase instruction, he talks about wisdom, being more valuable than gold and silver and he even says, Nothing you can desire compares with her. I mean, you would think he’s, I mean, I don’t know what he could be describing other than God, but he’s talking about wisdom of how important wisdom is. And so you know, Proverbs is actually my favorite chapter because I feel as though you know, if we can get a handle on wisdom, my goodness, we can avoid so much suffering, and we can help so much more, so many more people with that wisdom. So, you know, if you’re a listener of this podcast, and by God’s grace, this podcast was awarded one of the top 30 relationship podcasts on the whole internet, which is incredible in an honor. And I’m very humbled and encouraged by that. But it also means that people are hungry for truth, and honesty and wisdom in their marriage. And so what I want to do is help you, to encourage you to say, yes, absolutely align your value system with wisdom.

And so you know, one thing that I realized recently is, you know, I do these free Clarity Calls, and I’ve been only doing them recently, because I, I have some, some limited time in my schedule, to do them. But what they give me the opportunity to do is to dive deep with a wife into what’s going on, and we go, we go deep, quick. And so I ask uncomfortable questions. And I asked the questions that you need to see what’s really going on, and some of the causes for what you know, to really unearth the causes of what’s going on. And then I describe if I feel like we’re the right fit, and if I feel like your situation is appropriate, and if I feel like you are ready, and specifically that you are decisive, that you’re committed, that you’re coachable, and that you’re resourceful, I may invite you to work with me in my program, the delighted wife, reclaim your sexuality, live in your womanly wisdom, witnessed him transform into the husband, you’ve always desired him to be. So this is my proven system that actually takes a wife by the hand, and I coach her one on one. And we go through the modules. It’s a 90 day program, and we work through at your pace, and I walk you through this process to end up getting you at your goals where you want to go. But like I said, we have to figure out where you are now we have to dive deep in those calls to determine, you know, is this something that’s going to help you. And now when I say that last one is resourcefulness that is key, because I cannot help a wife who does not value wisdom. If she does not place a high value on her priorities in life, why then I can’t help her. My husband and I don’t skimp on wisdom. We recognize that though. We can get clothes from other people. And we do we rarely buy clothes. I don’t remember the last time I think I actually do remember the last time I bought clothes for my sons. And it was because someone gave us a gift card. But people just give us clothes. Because we, you know are in a community of people running, you know, running through clothes with their kids. And so they just are like, Oh, okay, we’ll give it to their family and we accept it with with great gratefulness and move forward. And that’s, you know, that’s the way we live with so much. So many of our choices in life have been around saving and be creative and you know, renting out a room so that we don’t have to pay a full rent you know, of New York City and you know, most of our furniture has, has been for free someone giving it away, you know, my husband has a scours, Craigslist, the free section and, you know, gets different things for our kids to play with, or, you know, we get little projects for them to take apart, I found a toaster on the side of the road. Yesterday, I brought it in, and we’re gonna use tools and screwdrivers to undo that. And that’s going to be a whole project. So, you know, you can be creative with your finances, you don’t have to go buy them a Gameboy to keep them occupied. Absolutely not. And that’s, that’s the way we live, we live outside of the box with our finances, so that we can value what’s most important in our lives. And one of those things is wisdom. You know, my degree in School was philosophy. There was no practicality for philosophy who pays someone to think except that is exactly what everyone is paid for is their thoughts. And especially now that things are becoming more automated, I don’t know if your this is a little sidetracked. Commentary, but I don’t know if you’re familiar with some of it TED talks, I love TED talks, but they talk a lot about you know, AI Artificial Intelligence and the the top 10 qualities that that they see in the future that that people need to really be developing so that they, you know, have jobs This is number one, or I don’t remember the order of these, but one of the top 10 is creativity. Another one is problem solving. Another one is interpersonal skills. And another one is leadership, people management leadership. And so anyway, it’s just interesting to think about,

you know, the real values, even in, you know, the looking forward to the future actually, is wisdom, developing skills, developing these wise skills, rather than, you know, technical skills necessarily, certainly, there’s places for that, and, you know, there’s great stuff there. But the point is, wisdom is valuable, even outside of Christian circles, but let me dial it back in in terms of what matters in your life, and what you should be purchasing. You know, again, one of our bigger expenses are books, I purchase books, for my own development, audio books, a lot of times, and then courses, programs that are actually going to move the needle on me up leveling different parts of my life, different businesses different or Yeah, up leveling my business and up leveling, my fitness, my ability to be healthy, you know, paying professionals to help me emotionally, like there’s just these elements of wisdom that are so vital to our lives, but if we don’t value them, you know, our finances reflect what we value. And, you know, when you look at finances, it’s more than just money, what finances actually are, is your life. It’s your life, energy, because whatever you do to create money, that’s what money is representing. So let’s say you spend, you know, eight hours a day, doing whatever career job position, you have to make that money. So the way you spend it is actually what you’re spending your time doing, you’re spending on that thing. So if you spend, you know, eight hours, and then you purchase a vehicle, you know, that equals what you make in, you know, four months, or six months or a year? I don’t know, you know, I don’t know, all those numbers are. Anyway, if you, if you by that, I mean, what you’re saying is that your life for a year of eight hour days, is that value of that life equals a car. So you’re you’re trading your life of a year for a car, does that make sense. And so what I don’t want you to mistake is that when you buy something, you are are trading that time for that item you just purchased. So with that in mind, I suggest and encourage and submit to you please use your time. Use your life, use your money, which is your life, use it in a way that is aligned with your values, do not waste it. Because you and I both know that if you do not use your money, for wisdom, for getting wisdom for doing God’s will in this earth. Then you will use it another way. You will use it one way or another whether it’s on a vacation for you know two weeks of bliss, or whether it’s on getting your life on track and getting your marriage on track, getting the pornography addiction dealt with getting the marriage on track and getting your ability to connect as a couple getting your peace in your marriage, getting your sex life consistent and free and enjoying and pleasure getting that connection cemented together or a two week vacation. Like what, how in the world? Could you say that those are equal? Because one is an investment for decades and decades and decades of your life and one is a respite of time. Two weeks of hanging out at the beach. Like, what is that going to even matter in

six months? What is that going to matter in a year? What’s that going to matter in 10 years, whereas when you invest in wisdom that will affect you for ever. And let me just read a couple of scriptures that just are so clear that, that God is saying, My goodness, the enemy wants to lie to you and distract you and, and tell you that that money, the only purpose of an investment is to make more money, but that’s not true. That’s not true. Now, let me tell you a few verses that are just so powerful and, and, and, and let me just say, okay, Proverbs 2323, it says, purchase truth, and do not sell it. Purchase wisdom, instruction and understanding. Proverbs 2413, my son eat honey, for it is good. And the drippings of the honeycomb are sweet to your taste. Know that wisdom is such to your soul. If you find it, there will be a future and your hope will not be cut off. Proverbs 313 Blessed said, is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding for the gain from her is better than the gain from silver. And her profit is better than gold. She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her. And then proverbs 810. Take my instruction instead of silver, and knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is better than jewels, and all that you may desire cannot compare with her. All that you may desire doesn’t compare with wisdom. And then proverbs 812 It says, I wisdom love those who love me. And riches and honor are with me enduring wealth and righteousness. So it’s even saying, when you purchase wisdom when you go with wisdom, money is gonna follow you, which is amazing. And it’s true, isn’t it? Proverbs 1616, how much better to get wisdom than gold, to get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver. Rather than silver? How much better is it to get wisdom than gold? Isn’t that interesting? You know, Solomon was asked, Solomon was asked by God, you know, what do you want? I’ll give it to you. And Solomon asked for wisdom. That’s what he asked for was wisdom. Solomon could have asked for anything. But you know, what’s awesome, is even after he got all this incredible wisdom, the wisest man that ever lived aside from Jesus, then he was also incredibly wealthy. And people came from all over the world to listen to him.

He was he was incredibly wealthy, even as a result, but the thing is, you have to buy and invest in wisdom first. Otherwise, the rest isn’t gonna follow you. See, one of the things, one of the reasons I do these Clarity Calls is because I need to help women get clear on what’s going on. You see, Proverbs 2712 says the prudent who sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it. I have been doing this work for too long. I have seen too many marriages demise because of their short sightedness, their inability to see the danger. But I myself have been there, I myself have endured a destruction called divorce. And it is the worst financial calamity that can happen to a person. So let’s just think about that for a second. The concern of divorce solely financially speaking, that means you’re you’re sacrificing the entire income that that person was bringing in. So let’s lowball it and say they’re we’re bringing in after taxes $30,000 a year. Let’s multiply that buy 10 years, 30 years, that’s $900,000 of money just just gone. A million dollars, at least if that’s if that’s what you’re earning after taxes, right? Much less. Let’s think about all the bills now that are on your shoulders all by yourself. So that’s, that’s 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of dollars over years, that you now have to endure yourself. Furthermore, Now, you might have to go to work or get a second job to make sure you can make ends meet. And not only that every expense for the kids, you probably have to shoulder all on your own. So that’s food that’s diapers, that’s field trips, that’s car payments, that’s gasoline. That’s every bill that you have electric, electrical, internet, whatever bill you currently have. Now, you’re, you’re doing it all on your own. And what you could have done previously, is, maybe if you had stayed in the marriage, and it had become healthy, you could have taken on a second job anyway, if you wanted to, or started your own business or whatever, and then all that income would be additional. So you’re actually losing income, that potential income there. Now, much less divorce requires lawyers and lawyers are expensive, they build by the hour, and it is not cheap. And then you’ve got to deal with custody battles, you’ve got to deal with courts and the systems there, you’ve got to have all that time and attention. And that takes the focus off of your own career, and your own time. And there’s a ton of stress and effort that way. And so you might end up needing to go. You know, you won’t be able to advance in your career as far or as fast because now you’re so emotionally and time effort into your, you know, just getting a divorce, it’s so intensive time and focus and energy and emotion and effort. And so these are just some of the oh, let me also say that asset, dividing assets is a huge issue, because you’ve got to divide it quickly. So that means that the you, they’ve got to sell the house quickly, they’ve got to sell the cars quickly, all the different, you know, things that you guys have to gather, you’ve got to, you know, sell it immediately. Otherwise, you know, you’re just hanging in the balance of getting a divorce. And so, a lot of times people lose a lot of money just by not getting what they should have gotten mark under market value for their, their house. So they, they lose a lot of money in this whole situation. Tons and tons and tons of so these are sometimes million dollar decisions or more millions of dollars, depending on you know, how much money you’re earning, how much you could be earning, how much you know, your things cost, whatever. That is what you’re dealing with when you’re like even flirting with the idea of divorce.

And so think about the difference between that and an investment to save your marriage and investment in wisdom. I mean, I am serious. When I’m talking about this, I know what I’m talking about. I’ve witnessed too many divorces, they come to me way farther down the line than they should have had, they only come to me when they were suffering. And they knew something was up, they knew that they were numbing because they want to be distracted that they knew they were only having sex once a month, but assumed there was nothing wrong or that they didn’t just they didn’t want to face it head on. And then they they knew that their sex life wasn’t what it should be, but they thought maybe their husband would just deal with it. And, and it wasn’t that great. But you know, she didn’t want to try any harder. And they they knew that they weren’t emotionally connected. But you know, probably that’s going to be okay. And she can just get her emotional fulfillment from the kids but he’s probably going to be okay to deal with, you know, his life lonely and his loneliness, you know, or she’s going to deal with, you know, his sin what he did in the past and she’s not going to actually head on he’ll and and get rid of that hurt so that she can really walk in God’s fullness now. Because what happens is if you let that stuff fester, that you know, under the BandAid, if there’s a stab wound, that’s gonna kill you. That is going to kill your marriage. You need to uncover that bandaid. You need to look at it hard. And you need to get that thing fixed. And that’s what my Clarity Calls are all about. They’re all about honesty, in love, but helping you to see and uncover what that what is underneath that bandaid. What are you numbing yourself against? What are you distracting yourself away from seeing what potential harm what is the danger that you were flirting with? And then I will talk to you about my program. If it’s the right fit with you. For you. I do not invite everyone into my program because it’s not it’s not for them. You know they might not be decisive. emitted coachable and resourceful, they might not be there. And or I might not be the right coach for them, I might not have the specialties that they need. And sometimes I do that I just give them a little free coaching and say, you know, here’s your next steps, and it’s not going to be with me. But those that I specifically have the opportunity to then say, Yeah, this is, this is the right, this is the right person, I can see that they are committed, I can see that this program is exactly what they need. And if it seems like the right fit, I might invite them in. Because I truly believe that if I don’t help them see the danger, they may just move forward just how they’re doing and suffer for it. And again, I only outlined the financial piece. You know, it’s one of those things have. There’s this great quote, it says, suffer the pain of discipline, or the pain of regret. And so if you discipline yourself now to get on a call with me to say, You know what, I’m going to be brave, I’m going to take that step, I’m going to let an expert Be honest with me in my situation, I’m going to be honest with her and tell her what’s going on. And I’m going to let it expert assess, see what’s going on. And we talk through it together and see if there’s work that I need to do. If there’s action I need to take if I need to say okay, I’m done. With the status quo, I see what’s really going on, I see the stab wound, and it’s time to heal it. It’s time to get this thing back on course, so I can do God’s will in this earth. Because I encourage you to think very carefully about what’s going to be on your tombstone. What is going to matter at the end. You either suffer the discipline, you suffer discipline now, or you suffer the pain of regret, you suffer the pain of discipline, or you suffer the pain of regret. I want you to suffer the pain of discipline. Now it’s so much easier. It’s discipline, but it’s easier. Oh my gosh, it’s so much easier. And I haven’t even talked about the emotional baggage and pain and suffering that I see so many women go through. Oh, it’s just Oh, it’s so horrible. I can only imagine what happens in heaven. When they you know what I see now? You know, I don’t know.

It’s just so important. I don’t want you to be distracted and suffering when you don’t have to be. You know, wisdom is crying out in the streets. Oh, simple ones. How long will you love simplicity. That’s what says in Proverbs. Don’t love simplicity. Move into God’s will for your life. I entreat you to make changes. Do not listen and say okay, I’ve consumed that podcast. I’ve listened to that episode. I’m done with that. I talked to too many women that have listened to me for years. And it’s like they never heard a single word I said. And I’m just like, What? What? By God’s grace, I’ve also you know, heard other stories that people have completely transformed. But if you are at a spot where you are not in the place in your marriage that you should be. You need wisdom, wisdom and knowledge and instruction. Do not skimp on those things. skimp I think that’s the word skimp. Do not be cheap on those things. Tighten your budget. You know, tighten your belt, don’t go out to eat don’t have a vacation for the next two years. Get wisdom. I don’t even know the last time our family had a vacation. I do actually we did have a vacation last year. Typically we don’t have vacations because we do rest days every week and I don’t actually feel like we need vacations very often. But we will I mean, God Willing here and there we will have them but it’s it’s not. That’s not it’s not something where we are valuing to spend our money on things that are not most important. Make sure you’ve got your priorities straight. Don’t take a vacation. If your marriage is a mess. Get that sorted first. You know don’t buy a new car. If your marriage is a mess, get that sorted out first. refinance your house Sir, you know, do something with your mortgage. I don’t know how that works. I don’t have a house, you know? Like, why are you trying to do investments before your marriage is solid. That is your first priority after God is your marriage. And that is going to support your kids, your family. If there’s not safety and peace and generosity and love in your household, it affects your kids, whether you think it does or not, it is dramatically affecting them and their spirituality. Yes, it does. Get your priority straight, suffer the pain of discipline, or suffer the pain of regret. So I hope that you will make the choice to uncover that bandaid and look at what you’re trying to numb against what you’re trying to distract yourself against, because it may be a roading the very things that you actually want. You actually want to get home to Jesus, and you want to hear your master say, Well done, good and faithful servant. But if you are distracted away from that reality, it’s really, really going to be painful. You know, I was reading in Matthew. And you know, there are some serious things like Jesus talks about, he’s a God of love, but he’s also a God of significant warning. You know, I was reading about the parable of the 10 virgins, and I’ll just read to you really quick. Says, then the kingdom of heaven will be so it’s Matthew 25. The kingdom of heaven will be like 10 virgins who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. Wow, I didn’t even realize five of them were wise. For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them. But the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps. As the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy and slept. But at midnight, there was a cry, here is the bridegroom come out to meet him. Then all those virgins rose and trim their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, Give us some of your oil for our lamps are going out. But the wise answered, saying, since there will be not enough for us and for you go rather to the dealers and buy for yourselves. And while they were going to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready, went in with him to the marriage feast, and the door was shut. Afterward the other virgins came also saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered, Truly I say to you, I do not know you. Watch therefore, for you know, neither the day nor the hour.

So it’s pretty powerful to think that the wise virgins, were ready. Why does that matter to your marriage. Because if your spirituality consists on you, praying for your husband, to be the, the spiritual leader of your household, and your spirituality consists of you, just trying to keep yourself from not cursing at your husband or yelling at him, I want to say that you’re distracted. You need more in your life than just that God is calling you higher than a fixation on your marriage. But if you don’t get your marriage straightened out, if you don’t get the wisdom, the applied knowledge that you actually have a different marriage, then you will not be able to focus on all that God wants you to do and be about. It’s going to affect your kids. It’s going to affect you doing God’s will. It’s going to affect your prayer life. It’s going to affect your ability to consistently meet with God, it’s going to affect your focus at church, it’s gonna affect your focus at work. It’s gonna affect again, I mentioned over and over and over again about your finances. Get your marriage figured out. Be wise, live your life in priorities. Get God first in your life. Don’t let the horrors are the pain, the suffering the loneliness of your marriage, crowd out your relationship with God. So that might be getting that out of the way might be the first step in realigning your life with God. Because too often people are so deeply in pain in their marriage, that they cannot connect with God because they are in so much pain and so much heartache that That’s what I want for you, I want you to choose wisdom, to have your values in wisdom in buying wisdom and valuing it over gold and silver. And I help women I have a proven process where women transform their lives I’ve even had let me give you a quick example is a wife came to me she was homeschooler. So she had several kids, five, or six or seven, lots of kids. And so it and she and her husband were just having the most difficult difficult time he had a part time job and wasn’t able to. It wasn’t making ends meet, but she really felt discouraged by him not really trying to get another job. And it just seemed like he was, you know, lazy and he wasn’t helping around. And he wasn’t doing it was supposed to do. And he felt like she didn’t care about sex. And he didn’t. He felt like she didn’t care about him. And she was always scolding him and criticizing him. And it was only after four sessions that he emailed me and he said, I don’t know what you guys talked about. I don’t know what was said. But I don’t even know if my wife is doing everything you told her I haven’t asked. But I tell you what, my wife is a different woman, I have never seen her changed so fast and over 20 years of marriage. And he was like, he was like, it’s like, she’s behaving like the woman I married. In fact, like the woman I wish I had married. So I’m just like, praise God. You know, transformation can happen quickly. With wisdom. With wisdom, you can go your whole life with all the free information in the world. Again, people listen to my podcast constantly, you know, all over the world by God’s grace. But until they get that tailored insight, the accountability of the help, they could be really missing what they need, they could be really missing the amazing transformation they need. And that’s what God does through my work with them. Again, my program, the delighted wife, reclaim your sexuality, live in your womanly wisdom, and witness him transform into who you’ve always wanted him to be.

Let me give you another story. I’ve recently worked with a wife who really didn’t enjoy sex at all. And, you know, just really felt like it was a chore. And by God’s grace, in just the short amount of time she and I work together, suddenly she’s having brand new sensations in her reso, where she is feeling more excited to have intimacy with Him, where she is looking forward to it where she sees sex differently than she ever did before. And she’s a dedicated listener. So that’s very cool. Give you another one where, you know, a wife and her husband felt so distant, and their Bible believing Christians they are. They’ve got amazing ministries in the church, and they’ve got kids, and they’re, you know, really, really struggling with peace and their household. And just constantly at each other’s necks at each other’s throats because there’s an addiction involved, and there’s just different. But in our work together, what she has done is transform the way that she sees herself, and the way that she protects her hearts, and the way that she acts towards him. And that has transformed the way he is towards her. So it’s very interesting. You know, and amazing what God has done. And I’ll tell you, I actually have just started working with someone who I’m so grateful that she has started working with me. But I’ll tell you the first, after our first session, I was having trouble reading her face and I asked her how she’s feeling. And she said, Oh my gosh, that was amazing. This is the real deal. I have never gone so far in such a short amount of time than in this session. This is not fluff. Then I was like awesome. Praise God. Tell your husband but yeah, that’s what we do. We go far we go deep. I’m not willing to let you go to danger. Go to the the hell that I went through in my divorce. I don’t want that for you do not. I do not let you go there. I do not let you go there. So get on that clarity call with me. I’m going to treat you just like a coaching client. I am going to help you uncover that pain. To date, and we are going to look honestly, together at what is underneath, we’re going to go deep. And we’re going to go in fast. And that’s going to be a 40 minutes conversation maybe more. And we’re going to, yeah, really focus on how to get you to the next step, and what it would look like if you worked with me. And if that’s the right next step for you, if not, you’re going to have a phenomenal time, you know, a ton of value, a ton of clarity. And, yeah, it’s totally worth you being brave and signing up as soon as you can www.dy m.as dot M E. And I think I have a couple of openings that I was able to shift my schedule around this week, if you can jump in there really quickly. Otherwise, I think, um, maybe in two more weeks, I have some more openings, but get on my calendar as soon as you can. Cuz it fills up pretty quickly. So very quickly. All right. God bless. And I really hope that you’ll spend some time in Proverbs this week. And really value wisdom. Do not value your other things more importantly than wisdom. Because again, anything that you can desire does not compare with her. That’s what God says. It’s right there. Alright, God bless you. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

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