“I can’t go on like this”

“I don’t think we can make this work”

“I’m at the end of my rope” (what I hear the MOST)

I hate these phrases. They’re not literal, and they mean this person is in severe pain. I am sad about that. I am sad that you’re in such heartache. I’m sorry that you feel so alone, frustrated, discouraged and desperate.

But I want you to have hope. I want you to have FAITH for your marriage.

Ephesians 6:12 “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

If you’ve been fighting with your spouse… there’s stuff you can do. God hates divorce not because He’s waiting for you to mess up and wants you to be miserable and live in suffering… but because divorce shreds hearts–what God has joined together–that which has become ONE FLESH. What that disconnects it truly shreds humans, families, children.

I love working with people who are on the brink of divorce. Its honestly my favorite–because I get to see God get the most glory from it!

From people who are in agony and fear of the future, to people who are living the abundant life and loving God and people to a greater degree than they ever have (and having fun, playful, passionate intimacy on all levels!)

If you’re where I was before my divorce of my first marriage–I understand you. Now I know that it doesn’t have to end that way. It really doesn’t. Listen in for more.

I’d love to get on a free Clarity Call to hear your story. I’d love to see if I can discern if God would want me to help you. And if it feels like that’s the case, I may invite you to work with me. Otherwise, I’d be happy to give you this $500 value session for free anyway. Sign up: www.dym.as.me





Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. This show where you hear from amazing and inspiring wives sharing their struggles, triumphs and advice for this journey called marriage. Here’s your host belah. Rose.

Hey, there, this is belah rose. I’m glad you’re joining me. Thank you. So the end of my rope. That is a phrase I do not like. But I hear it so often from people who join me on Clarity Calls, that I wanted to give you a sense of hope from this conversation. I wanted to pray for you and I wanted to give you some insights. Just start off let me just pray for you. Father, the person on the end of this line has gone through the wringer. They have been hurt. They have been wounded. They are at a spot of desperation. Lord, I ask that the people who decided to click on this episode needed it. They needed to hear this today. And I asked in Jesus name that you would perform miracles, perform miracles, God, you are a miracle working God. Father God, you set a word, and the world was created. It was by your word that you did. The miracles you did. Lord, I ask in Jesus name, that the person on the other line God through this conversation through the faith that’s produced, I ask in Jesus name, the insights, the Wisdom, what you want them to hear God is what they would hear, regardless of what I say, God, I pray, what would resonate, is what you want them to hear that it would provoke reminders, images in their head that they had forgotten about things that would stir in their spirit God, Lord, You are the God that transforms hearts. You make hearts of, of rock into hearts of flesh. That’s what your word says. And I ask that you would do that, and do it in their spouses, Father God, you are a God of power. Lord, give us the grace of faith through this conversation that you would do that. In Jesus mighty name, amen. So I was listening to an unbelievably powerful conversation from a woman named Caroline Kane. And she’s extremely enthusiastic. And I was quite touched by what she shared. But one of the things she talked about was the word Marvel. The Hebrew word marvel in the New Testament FOD maso. So I definitely trust her because she’s a Bible teacher much more than myself. But I did go back to a great resource called Bible hud.com. If you’re not familiar with it, Bible, H ub.com. And it gives the Greek translations the Hebrew translations. It’s an incredible concordance. It’s got phenomenal commentaries, I would totally encourage you to do that. For Bible study purposes. It’s amazing all for free. But anyway, thought mezzo is only in the New Testament. Jesus only says it two times. And here are the two times he says that I’m going to read this from my Bible, which is the English translated English Standard Version. And it says, this is talking about the faith of a centurion, which is a Roman commander. So you know, Jesus was walking around, and Jews were the ones that were following him, because they were the ones that had understood the scriptures of old and the prophecies, and they had realized that he was the one the true God, and I’m sure that there were other, you know, people that were following him as well. But, you know, essentially, it was it was the Jewish people. You know, and the Romans were actually the ones that had authority in the area in Israel, because it was, they were, it was Roman occupied. So they were like the, the oppressors, they weren’t the good guys, if you will. But anyway, So. So when Jesus had entered component, and this is Matthew eight,

five, a century and came forward to him appealing to him, Lord, My servant is lying paralyzed at home, suffering terribly. And Jesus said to him, I will come and heal him. But the centurion replied, Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof, but only say the word and my servant will be healed. For I too, am a man under authority with soldiers under me. And I say to one, go, and he goes into another come, and he comes into my servant do this, and he does it. And when Jesus heard this, he marveled, and said to those who follow him, Truly, I tell you, with a no one in Israel, have I found such faith? I tell you, many will come from east and west, and recline at a table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven, while the sons of the kingdom will be thrown into the outer darkness. In that place, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, and to the century and Jesus said, Go, let it be done for you, as you have believed, and the servant was healed at that very moment. So I want to point your attention to when Jesus says, he heard this, and marveled, and said to those who followed him, Truly, I tell you, no one in Israel, have I found such faith. Which is insane, insane, honestly, because these are these other people have been following him around, following him and following him, have been watched, witnessing all these miracles, all these things, God feeding Jesus feeding the 5000, healing the sick, raising the dead. And yet this Centurion, who said, don’t even you don’t even need to come, I’m unworthy of you even coming under my roof. And this is, this is the man once again, who’s oppressing the people, the Jewish people. I mean, he’s, he’s the Roman leader, he leads he’s a commander. And yet he goes low and says, You’re I’m not even worthy of you coming under my roof. But whatever you say, I know. I know he will be healed. And so is it credible to think that Jesus marveled at his faith, and, and again, from Bible hub.com it? This word Thau, mad, so proper, it says, to wonder at be amazed, astonished, out of one senses, awestruck, wondering vary greatly. Regard with amazement. So anyway, it’s, it’s incredible. And now later, in Mark six, Jesus wonders, again, he marveled again. But this time, it’s quite a lot different. Mark six, one, he went away from these and came to his hometown, and his disciples followed Him. And on the Sabbath, He began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were astonished, saying, Where did this man get these things? What is the wisdom and wisdom given to him? How are such mighty works done by his hands? Is this not the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James, and Joses, and Judas and Simon, and are not His sisters here with us? They took offense at Him. And Jesus said to them, A prophet is not without honor, except in his hometown, and among his relatives, and in his own household. And he could do no mighty work there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them. No big deal, right? But he says, no mighty work there. He could do no mighty work there. And then verse six, and he marveled because of their unbelief. So it’s incredible to hear that Jesus could do no mighty works because of their unbelief. And once again, Jesus marveled, he was amazed, astonished, awestruck at their unbelief. So it was really great. My church actually invited me to speak about my brother’s resurrection that happened about two months ago, almost exactly two months ago. If you haven’t had that, if you haven’t heard the full story, I’d encourage you to hear the Episode where I think the title is my brother was found last week without a pulse.

And anyway, I shared the account. And I was just so grateful because I’ve shared the account. Many times, I actually still have the hospital band on my arm. Because I want people to ask me about it, I want it not only that to be a constant reminder to me, of the power of prayer and faith in what God can do now in our world today that he is still healing the sick, he is still raising the dead. But you know, about three weeks before that all happened. We went to the funeral of a man that my husband and I had prayed for fervently. And even I had taken the risk of praying with non believers for this man. And we sought God, we sought his, his power. And we didn’t see the fruition of that we didn’t see it. And yet, when I was praying about what I should share, on Sunday with my church, I felt like God wanted me to say, and I don’t hear God very clearly, often, that’s a very rare kind of situation. For me, I just pray in faith and believe He guides me and, you know, there are certain kind of movements of my heart and inspirations that I feel like, okay, this is this is from God, but it’s not usually like a specific phrase that’s more pronounced. That’s the way I hear him. I think a lot of people hear God very different ways. So I don’t want to put God in a box. He’s much bigger than any box could ever hold. So I think he speaks to everyone in different ways. But But anyway, what happened Saturday night, I felt like he said, share with them, the way you experienced this healing. And it was really powerful, because I hadn’t shared that with anyone except extremely close friends, maybe only one and maybe only my husband, if that? I don’t. Yeah. But anyway, so I, I shared that when I got that call Thursday morning, that he was with found without a pulse on the side of the road and had been non responsive in the hospital for three hours, which I actually didn’t know that full part. But he was non responsive in the hospital. I didn’t fear at all. I wasn’t nervous that my brother wasn’t coming back. There was nothing in me that had concerned that way. My knee jerk reaction was okay, let’s get the prayer chains going, you know, who can I call that’s going to have faith for his healing. That was my, that was what was in my head. It wasn’t. Who can I mourn with or who’s going to comfort me or who’s going to pray for comfort, it was who’s going to have faith for healing, who’s going to have faith for God’s transformation power in this situation, because that’s the only thing I was going to accept at that time. And at the same time, I took risks, and I texted tons of people to ask for their, to ask for their prayer of faith, to ask for their prayer of faith. I was very specific about that, for his healing. Because I don’t want people praying for my brother who’s not going to believe for his healing. That’s what we needed in that moment was faith. And I remember praying with a woman, because I was taking the train down to where my brother was. And even in the train station, we were praying was the first person I prayed out loud with, you know, I asked my husband to pray while I was heading to the train station. But this was the first person I was praying out loud with. And in that, in that prayer, I remember praying, you know, God, I don’t know what your purposes are for this. But I asked in Jesus name for his healing, to bring You glory, I pray for his your glory, God to be done the purposes that you have in this situation to be done, God, I don’t know what they are, but God, you know, that you would be glorified that people would come to know you through this. There was, I mean, honestly, there wasn’t concern. There wasn’t doubt that he wasn’t going to get through this. And when I arrived at the hospital, my mom told me, you know, that the doctors had just shared with them that he might be brain dead. And I held her and I was like, Mom, I don’t care. That’s not our brother. That’s not your son. That it doesn’t matter to me. We’re praying for healing. And, you know, there were Christians in the room with my brother and Not everyone.

But it was it was extremely difficult to see that they didn’t start prayers. For my brother, they didn’t put his hands on him, but by God’s grace, He gave me the strength to go for it put my hands on, I’m in proof in healing, praying in faith for healing for my brother, because that’s what the Word of God says, You shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover, you will cast out demons in my name. Over and over and over again, by his stripes, you are healed. God cared about the human body, Jesus, Jesus laid hands on the sick and they shall recover. He did that. And he asked us to do the same in faith. And if you hear that recount, it is incredible. What we found out recently, again, if you’ve listened to that podcast, what we found out I literally found this out yesterday, actually, the man that found my brother, the first man that found him, which we didn’t find, for a while we couldn’t figure it out who it was, it was the wrong phone number, even in the police report of who the guy was. But finally they found him. He was a 53 year old man who was running late to work, he is never late to work. And he had taken a CPR class back in college, you know, 25 plus years ago, he’d never performed CPR before, and had never taken another class since. And he was the first responder. You know, he happened to be driving by 530 in the morning was dark out. And he called out to my brother, no response, he got out, started performing CPR, the next guy to come was a nurse who was running early to work who was never early to work. And he happens to be an ICU nurse. So he was able to jump in and support CPR. And then the next guy that came was a police officer who happened to be going out for a coffee. And then he was able to join in CPR. And then after that, just in context, my husband actually just took a CPR class and is now certified. He said, even just practicing in the CPR room, it is extremely challenging. And my husband is very fit, because he plays soccer every three days a week. So he’s very fit very strong. And for him for it to be challenging for him, much less of you know, someone that wasn’t quite as fit as him, I can only imagine how extremely exhausting that could be. And you, you actually have to take as the person administering CPR, you have to take a break after two minutes. Otherwise, you could get so lightheaded that I think you could pass out. So there’s that. Then when the ambulance came, what they did was they took the defibrillator, you know, and they and they use it. And then they put it you know, it’s the defibrillator, they go okay, clear. You know, they put him on his chest and do that. They did it five times to my brother. And the vast majority, they don’t even most people don’t wake up after even just three times. So I’m even amazed. Not only that he woke up, everyone’s amazed that he woke up after five times or that not sorry, he didn’t wake up. But his heart started after five times. But even the fact that they kept going after three times, I mean, the fact that they just in faith kept going because he didn’t have a pulse. And so in, in, in retrospect, we know that he didn’t have a pulse for at least 13 minutes. So the only thing that was getting oxygen around his body and into his brain was CPR. So it’s just amazing what God did. And the story goes on and on. So you can listen more to that. But the point of the matter is that in that situation, there was faith and prayer in faith. And you know what, Jesus? He marveled at the centurions. Faith, and it was done. It was done. You know, when I talked about the man that we prayed for, we prayed for fervently, and it felt like God was going to do it. There were there were coincidences. It seemed like God was going to do this healing. And yet, he didn’t. So I don’t know why God doesn’t do the things he doesn’t do when we pray. But I would not want him to not be able to work and do what he does want to do because of my unbelief. Jesus was in his hometown, and he could not do great miracles because of their unbelief.

I don’t want that to be my story. And I don’t want that to be your story. So when you are at the end of your rope with your marriage, do not let it be true. Do not let your unbelief, not allow God to do the work he wants to do in your heart, and your husband’s heart and the situation, in your circumstances, in your finances, in your living situation, in the opinions of others, you don’t know what God wants to do. But don’t let your faith be the reason that God’s not doing his work. You know, is interesting. Over the last few months, God has really grown my faith. And again, I hadn’t realized this until last night, because I was, I was actually blaming on on something else. Why God has grown my faith. But since then I had stopped doing that thing that I thought was actually the thing that was growing my faith. And I realized that actually, in the last few months, I had purchased a really cute Bible. And sounds funny. But a while back. I lost my Bible, essentially. And so I didn’t have a physical one. So I was using one on my app on my phone. And I just wasn’t finding life from the Bible. I was I was feeling like a chore. I was scrolling but not finding. It wasn’t life giving. And so I decided, Okay, it’s time let me go. Let me get a Bible. And I went and found one that was really cute. And I really liked and it fits my progress. And so anyway, I also was provoked to meditate on the Word of God. So not just read for, you know, reading a chapter sake, but actually to read and find a scripture and write out that scripture in my journal, and then write my own commentary about that scripture. What does it mean to me? What is that insight that maybe a God is showing me or maybe it’s just my own thoughts around it, it doesn’t necessarily, I don’t have to get so spiritual about, like, God showed me this, maybe it was just me needing to process something in my life. And not that scripture provoked it. And thank god, he’s, he’s tweaking things in my own heart. But the point is, I started interacting with the Word of God, more so than I have in a long time. And what I realized yesterday was that God was so kind to give me several months of delving into his word, in a way that I hadn’t before in a long time. And it was, it built my faith to such a degree that when the time came, that I really needed it. It was there. So that I was the one starting prayers for my brother in the hospital room and laying hands on the sick. And laying hands before he went for a procedure and laying hands and praying, you know, and praying in the in the waiting room with everyone. And, you know, those were the things they prayed with me, they joined in, but for me to be able to start, you know, because I often have a challenge. And I wonder if you do to that, you know, it’s hard to navigate situations sometimes, because even though they’re Christians, it’s, you know, they’re uncomfortable with sticking their neck out there, because they feel kind of like they’re responsible for defending God’s person, you know, God’s reputation. And I’m just like, I don’t know, you know, I don’t know those things. I don’t know why God does the things he does. I can’t explain them. I can’t explain them to Christians or non Christians, I can’t even explain them to myself. So how in the world am I going to say, you know, what? I get to choose whether or not God gets glory for the things he does or doesn’t do. And instead, I’m just supposed to be faithful. And I’m supposed to do what he does say that. I know, he says, you know, and, of course, all that aligned with wisdom and kindness and the truth in love. You know, I was really, I was not perfect around my family. I’ve got to say that it was, you know, it’s challenging, but at the same time, there were elements of God’s grace that were able to be revealed in that situation. So I want to challenge you. I want to challenge you in your faith. I want to challenge you to go buy a Bible. You know, I am a severe under spender. You know, we live a very minimalist lifestyle. You know, we save and don’t spend, you know, by God’s grace, for the most part, we’ve really focused on that.

But this is definitely worth it. Go buy the Bible spend the most 30 30 bucks 40 bucks to buy a Bible you like something that’s pretty something that you will go to something that’s not bulky and giant that’s going to be hard to, to ride around with in your glove box or in your purse, you know, but something you’re actually going to go to and look at and read. Because count the cost, count the cost if you truly are at the edge of divorce, what in the world are you doing? Do everything you can, the enemy wants divorce for your family? You know why? I think the Bible says God hates divorce. Because it shreds hearts, it shreds life, it shreds families, it shreds them. Family is supposed to be the means the birthplace isn’t it. It’s where people it’s where people start, where they’re grown, where they’re raised, you know, Mary and Joseph. Right? Why was it so important that we knew the account of Jesus’s birth over and over and over again? And why was it important that Mary and Joseph, you know, raised him? Why was it important that we actually don’t know what happened, you know, through that time, but something we do know, is that Mary was a part of his life his entire life. There’s something to that, that Mary was there the entire time, they did not become estranged at any point in time, they think that Joseph may have died because he wasn’t there. And that’s telling of a situation. But we also know that Jesus became a carpenter, which means Joseph taught him the trade of carpentry, which means they were close throughout his life for him to have even gotten that skill. So that’s profound. That’s an important fact, to think that a, a unified family unit, brought Jesus into the world and allowed him you know, they were the ones that brought him to the temple, and they were the ones to raise him in the faith, and to be a good Jewish man to understand, you know, to bring him up, knowing the all the traditions and Passover and all the things that he was to do as a Jew, you know, that’s, that’s powerful that Jesus was able to be brought up in those important traditions and in a, in a home. So do not rob that from your children, because of your own unbelief. I challenge you, and I encourage you, that we don’t know what God wants to do in your heart and your family. But I challenge you to have the faith. And what practically, does that look like? It says, Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and Romans, Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. You need to be in the Word of God to grow your faith. That is the key. That is the element. All we know. All we know about Christianity is through the word of God, you know, and in other countries, and in some of the countries even that dy M is listened to in the countries which is insane. I have no idea how this happens that God has just given this there are countries that literally have downloads from those countries. And Christianity is legal to evangelize in. And so whoever’s listening could get in serious trouble, to the point of death, actually. And anyway, there are countries where Bibles would be confiscated and execution would be the result. There are people that are dying, because they seek out the word of God, they want to know more about Jesus. I have a friend that did mission work in Iraq, actually, she was one hour away from ISIS. Literally one hour. And she actually went when she knew

ISIS was going on in Mosul, while the whole situation was happening, I guess, three or four years ago, and excuse me, and she said that it was incredible to see some people who who came from the Islamic faith come to Jesus, and they kept their traditions of Islam. But the change was to fall in love with Jesus. But she read that Bible, she read the New Testament in a night, over and over, she poured over the scriptures. It’s life giving. It’s lifegiving I want to challenge you and encourage you, I want to encourage you that you don’t have to become a crazy, non relatable Christian person because you believe in the word of God. You don’t have to, you know, some people have that as their as their ministry that, you know, that’s the way that they interact. And, you know, and but you don’t have to be scared that you’re gonna lose your relationships, because suddenly, you start believing scripture like you never have before. But we are going to do is start giving the Glory to God in ways that you never have before. And that’s what he wants. You know, a lot of times when I start out a podcast to speak to you about, you know, I, I I’m prayerful, and usually my prayer goes something around like, Lord, how do you want me to? How do you want this podcast to transform my audience that actually came from another podcaster their, their advice, but but now it’s, it’s, it’s more of a prayer. But what I realized last night, that the prayer should really be tweaked in quite a large way, actually, Lord, what would give you the most glory? What would give you the most glory, because I don’t want to have a ministry and a business that is a is lukewarm, that brings people from a, a place of, you know, just block intimacy to a place of fiery passion. In bed, I want to bring people through that situation to a place of being in love with Jesus, and having a fiery, passionate life with Christ, where they pursue God with their whole hearts, with their whole minds with their whole strength, and soul. I don’t want my vision of this business and ministry to be so small, you know, and that’s why actually, I love working with people who are on the brink of divorce. I really, really love it. Because I feel God gets the most glory out of those transformations. Yeah, it’s great when people go from blah, intimacy to fiery passionate intimacy. It is it’s great. And a lot of times, that’s my marketing stick because people want that transformation. It’s great. That’s a side effect. I think from my work, you know, the most important thing is for people to get on fire for God. And it’s not that I do that work, but I aim that God would get the glory through the work I do. You know, the people I work with I pray for on every call at least in my in my groups, not necessarily on my one on ones but a lot of times but they’re in my personal prayer time too. So not only do they get the the one on one attention but also the one on one prayer, the one on one and intercession. And that’s a value that that’s priceless. You know I pray for you who listen, I pray for the you who take my courses, my book, those things but there’s, there’s a there’s a deeper connection when when we walk this path together, and I support you and help you change. You know, through this. Here’s some things I wanted to share. Now, I’m jogging my memory on what I feel like I wanted me to share this morning was you may be wrong. The other person may be wrong, but you may be wrong. And it’s important to acknowledge that and understand that because here’s what it says in James

this I love this verse, James 317 says but the wisdom from above is first pure. Then peaceable. Gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. Now if you are not all of those things you are wrong. There are elements of what you have done that have been wrong. So yeah, maybe the overarching theme of your marital discord is not wrong, but you have errors that you have made. There have been responses that have been wrong. And it is time to have the meekness this is what’s powerful. It says, who is wise and understanding among you This is 313 by his good conduct, let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but it is earthly unspiritual demonic for where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. And then once again, the scripture this, verse 17, but the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere, and a harvest of righteousness is sown by those who make peace. So I don’t know what’s going on with you guys. It’s really hard to give general sweeping statements. There’s a lot of work I do with people who are on the brink of divorce. There’s a lot of boundaries that need to be set. There are things but there is definitely aspects of seeking forgiveness, and providing gracious forgiveness. It doesn’t mean that you fold in, you’re a doormat and all these kinds of things. No, but there are aspects of you that are not without blame. And that is a good thing. That means you have opportunity in this situation. That is a good thing. It’s good news. There’s a verse in the Bible that says it’s his kindness that leads us to repentance. It’s beautiful. It’s a good thing that He convicts our hearts, so that we can do God’s will better. You don’t want to destroy and shred the hearts of your kids in their futures. It’s destructive. It’s the pain that they have to endure for the rest of their lives as a result of the choices you make. Is it jealousy, selfish ambition, it says that those things, it’s demonic. It’s desorb disorder. It’s every vile practice. But by your good conduct, let us show your works in the meekness of wisdom. That’s why it’s so funny to me. Sometimes when people justify themselves, and they think that they’re wise. Let me clarify what wisdom is. It’s first pure, then peaceable. It’s gentle, it’s open to reason. It’s full of mercy and good fruits. Once again, the fruits of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self control. And then to continue in verse 17, impartial and sincere. Let this convict you. Let your heart be rent, let your heart weep. You have made mistakes we all have made mistakes. Our sins condemn us to death. Okay, what are you going to do about it? You are not dead yet Jesus died for your sins. What’s the next step? What can you do about it now? It is not the end you are not at the end of your rope. That is not true. Doo doo get off the victim train and say Okay, it’s time.

God has given me strength. am a warrior for Christ it is time to say the enemy has got to flee. I am not going to bow down to what the enemy wants for my life. I’m not going to bow down to what the enemy wants for my kids. What the enemy wants for my my spouse. I’m not going to bow down to that. What is fighting mean? Fighting doesn’t mean fighting with your spouse. Fighting means choosing the fruits of the Spirit. Choosing to honor God choosing to get in the word choosing to love choosing wisdom. So let me pray for you, Father God, thank you. Thank you for your sweet conviction. Thank you for your kindness that leads us to repentance God. Thank You God that we make mistakes, we have thorns in our flesh. And it keeps us humble. That Paul said he has a thorn in his flesh. And if he didn’t have that, it would not he would, he would be prideful. God, I have plenty of thorns in my flesh, plenty of reasons that keeps me humble. That my mistakes are many, many, many, many. But Lord, I ask in the name of Jesus, that we wouldn’t use that as an excuse to say, I can’t do what God wants me to do. So this, so the person on the other line has made mistakes, what’s new, it’s time to be responsible, take responsibility. Ask God for forgiveness, and accept and receive that forgiveness because Jesus paid for it. There is a payment, and it is time to receive that forgiveness, and move forward in that grace in that confidence and that faith, ask for forgiveness of your spouse. Maybe you’re not responsible for the main part of the issue. But there are aspects that you can be responsible for, and you can change and you can seek to move the ball forward, at the expense of your own pride. Good. Put your pride on the floor good. That’s called doing what God wants you to do. Taking that first step, even if your spouse never acknowledges that, ever, even if no one acknowledges it. Jesus knows and he loves that you decided to put your pride on the floor. That’s wonderful. That’s wonderful news. You’re just a tiny bit more like Jesus because He hung on a cross when He didn’t deserve to. And everyone scoffed and laughed, and that, that man, God could have brought him himself down and killed every one of them. Every single one of them, and he didn’t. He remained. He remained humiliated, and wounded and vulnerable to all to see. God I asked that we would walk in that way, Father, that we would truly have wisdom, your wisdom. In whatever situation this person is facing God. They are no longer at the end of their rope. They are more than conquerors in Christ. They are standing up out of that victimhood. And they are walking and they are doing your work. And I asked for the grace of God, that the enemy cannot lie to them any longer, that they don’t have a choice in this. In Jesus mighty name, you are God. Amen.

Thanks for listening. If you’ve been blessed by this, why not share it? Until next time, live with love, wisdom and passion.