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(Note: Free resources offered in this podcast for a review are no longer available.)
As a husband, maybe you’re wondering where the passionate nights went from your first months or years.
Your wife may be wondering where the romantic DAYS went.
But, maybe you’re stuck at home and it feels like you’re not able to do any kind of romance given the circumstances.
I hear you… I will add that I live in NYC, in a 1 bedroom apartment with two sons (age 5 & 6) during quarantine. Which means we’ve probably left our physical apartment 5 times in the last 7 weeks…
…and I’m here to tell you, you can DEFINITELY have a Wild Romance even during this season. (You’ll understand more on this show).
I want to gift (for FREE) two valuable resources from a $297 course that I have only offered to my current students…
Because it’s almost Mother’s Day & I think you need to understand the template on How To Be Romantic while at home…
And this will help you forever understand what your wife wants when she says she wants to be “wooed”.
There’s a catch. I give you a behind-the-scenes-look at how the business of Delight Your Marriage works. And how the podcast is made and why I think it’s God’s will for me to rely on people like you.
If you jump through some hoops, you’ll get the resource for FREE.
Don’t worry, I’ll guide you step-by-step on how to “jump through the hoops”–we’ll do it together! If you still have questions, I have a specific step-by-step guide, here!
THANK YOU, so much. If you’ve been a listener for a while, I am SO honored that you would take the time to listen all the way through this episode.
As you know DYM doesn’t have ads because I care more about your impact than the revenue that comes in that way. So THIS is how you can make sure the podcast continues.
And if you pray for DYM, please pray that people would listen to this podcast and do the steps so it can grow. The podcast is listened to in 155 countries worldwide and that’s because you have spread it–or done what I request in this podcast! So, thank you!
I have included valuable encouragements and insights for you but also an ASK from me.
It means A LOT that you would do this for me and for the spread of this work.
I love you.
(PS — We’d still love a 5-star review, however, over 3 years later we no longer offer the free training. Head to delightyourmarriage.com and see what is available now!)
Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. You’re joining me belah rose as I dive deep into the beauty, power and truth about intimacy, learn not only the practicals, but the heart behind what making love is all about. delight your marriage. All right, welcome, welcome. Thank you so much for being here, I really do appreciate you. So if you have been in the podcast for a while, there’s a few things I’m going to share on this show. One is the vital importance of romance and why it matters to your wife, even in the season where there’s quarantine, and then I’m going to gift you two resources that I think are going to be extremely valuable for you, I’m actually going to give it to you for free. The catch is that you may be a little upset at me because I’m going to ask you to go through a couple of hoops to get it for free. And then finally, I’m also going to give you a little bit of the back ground behind the scenes of this work. And the reason I do that is because I mean, you’re you’ve listened to me maybe for a few weeks, few months, maybe years. And I know that you value this material. And I know so many of you have messaged me and emailed and shared this with others and I so appreciate because I know you want to give back and I want to be very practical, on how you can help this show. And, and the work that God is doing through it. Alright, so let’s dive in. So the first thing I want to talk about is the value of romance. So a lot of husbands are like, when we first got together, there were romantic days and passionate nights. What happened, maybe your two three of marriage, it just feels like everything kind of fizzled out, and normal life took over. I hear that I hear that a lot from husbands and I also hear it from wives like she doesn’t feel pursued. She doesn’t feel wooed and life is too hectic life is too busy. And maybe you noticed that it happened because the kids came along. Maybe it happened when the career started getting more serious and commitment started going on. So a lot of husbands are like, where’s the passion? Where’s the intimacy that we had the fire the flame it was, couldn’t keep our hands off each other. What happened to that? Well, your wife may be also thinking, what happened to the romance? What happened to the young man that I fell in love with because he wooed me with all sorts of cool things. And it’s almost like both parties kind of forgot how we got here. How did we get to a place where we fell in love with each other. So even in the midst of quarantine, it’s so important to continue romancing your wife. It’s so important. If you want to continue to have intimacy, physical intimacy, then you should obviously have romance. Sometimes I say that to a guy like I don’t know what happened. Like, well, you know, you don’t want your wife to just forget about intimacy. Right? If you forgot about romance, do you want her to just forget about intimacy? No, you don’t. So what does it look like practically speaking to have wild hot passionate intimacy? And I mean, actually, I’m in just a wild, hot, passionate romance that that naturally leads into wild, hot, passionate, physical intimacy just naturally leads into the other. And you might be saying, well, we’re in quarantine, we’re home all the time. We’re practically stepping on each other’s toes. Every day all day, we, you know, we’re constantly around each other. The kids are here. There’s no way that we can have romance in this season. So I’m going to respond a little bit a little bit strongly here because my husband and I live in a one bedroom apartment in New York City. In the living room, we actually used to have a roommate in the one bedroom and we used to live in the living room. And we had built a small room for the boys in the living room space. So
now Thank God, we don’t have a roommate and we live in the one bedroom and the kids still live in their in their room. And there’s a living room slash play room area that that’s the way we live. I think A wonderful way of living, I think it’s frugal and allows us to give generously, it allows us to do what I think God wants us to do. But I’m saying this because we’ve been quarantined when we rarely go out, and I have a five and six year old son, sons, so that means they’re, they’re jumping on everything they can jump on, you know, we understand quarantine. And yet, we have a wild passionate, wonderful romance, where there’s butterflies and excitement to see each other. So I want to give you very practically what you can do. So there’s two, two things I want to give you, I want to give you a video that’s about guidelines on how to romance your wife during quarantine, like it feels impossible. It’s not it specifically bulleted out guidelines, and even gives you almost a template of how to romance her at home. And then I also have in that document and and video, a couple of bullets at the bottom that are focused on basically, if you don’t do these things, right, you’re gonna undermine it all, you’re gonna mess it all up. So get this right. So I want every husband to have this resource. I think it’s hugely valuable. And the second video is very practical ideas on how you can do romance like what what specific things will she do. So in terms of the value of these, these videos, I actually created a full course called Wild romance. And, and I love the chords, I’m very proud of it, because I think it’s extremely helpful for husbands. My husband listened to it. And actually, he was inspired to do something romantic that night, that kind of made me melt. And it just, and he does a lot of this stuff. But the course is wild romance. I’m not offering it to the public at this time. I, I may be launching it here in a few weeks, maybe around June ish time. So stay tuned for that. But right now, it’s only, I only offered it as a $297 value for people who are already my clients. So they’ve already invested in coaching. And then they have this opportunity. Because it’s not available to anyone. That’s why I’m trying to kind of share with you the value, I would say these two videos, it’s video trainings with the PDFs that go along with it, I would say a $97 value in terms of the value
for what this is. So like I said, I want to give you this for free.
Here’s the catch is that I would love for you to spend a few moments and we’re actually going to go through the steps while we’re on this podcast. So if you stay with me, you’ll you’ll go through it with me on the call. And by the time we’re finished with this, this audio, you would have earned the videos yourself. So what am I asking you to do is leave an iTunes review. Let me tell you why. Alright, yesterday Wednesdays, I spend time with Jesus. You probably don’t know that because I don’t think I’ve shared that on the podcast before. But Wednesdays, I kind of use my nine to five time to spend with God. And the reason I do that every week is because I’m really convicted by there’s several verses in the Gospels. But I’ll just read one of the, I guess the versions that have the exact same kind of meaning here, Mark 942 It says Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown into the sea. Like that’s serious, that is serious. And I think because God has given me this platform and because you listen, and I am so honored and so thankful that you do so so thankful. And because you do you listen to my voice, even in a small way, somehow it affects your life somehow, even during just the, you know, 40 minutes that you listen each week. But the gravity of if I’m wrong. That’s a big deal. It really matters to Jesus that we get this thing right, that we don’t misrepresent him and cause others to stumble. I have been hurt by people who have called themselves Jesus followers, I have been significantly hurt. And it’s caused me to go away from Jesus. So I would never want to be I mean, by God’s grace, I came back only by God’s grace like he, he had me I don’t just incredible, but the, I think he gave me those painful, painful experiences, because he wanted me to realize how vital it is, for me to be tethered to him every single day. And for me to have an ounce of doubt as to whether or not I’ve really got this thing called following Jesus figured out because if I, if I feel arrogant about it, and I feel like oh, I know all this stuff, then it’s like, okay, what, what, what role does Jesus actually have in my life, because it’s, I’m relying on experience or knowledge, but not day to day relationship that I want to convey to you. So it’s very important for me to have those days. Like I said, it’s, it’s every week, I really prioritize that time. And I don’t take on as many clients as I really, I guess, feasibly, could because at the boundaries, it’s just, I want this work to go deep. I want there to be deep impact in people’s lives and hearts. And I’ve realized that I don’t have the grace to be on social media and mark it in those ways. Because I can’t go deep with Jesus. If I do. It’s just not my grace. I know there’s plenty of ministries and in businesses that can I don’t. It distracts me, it causes me to be self conscious causes me to compare. I mean, it’s kind of crazy how it affects my heart. And, and maybe eventually I’ll, I’ll have the grace, like, who knows, God might grow me and be like, Okay, I’m better, whatever. But right now, the way this business is set up, and I’ve really tried to follow God’s leading on it, I’ve messed up. I definitely messed up. But I think he has honored my desire to follow him. And he’s, he’s caused a lot of things to to come into place in a really beautiful way. But But here’s how I’ve set up this. This podcast is the reason you’re listening to my voice right now is because this podcast is financially supported through the coaching I do. So you know, I don’t put ads on this podcast. And I do that because I don’t think it serves the work. I don’t think it serves you to get you distracted all the time by by ads. Now, it does mean that I talk about my coaching, because that’s what financially supports the podcast.
And I know that there are many of you that listen, that are just not in a place feasibly, financially. Or you’re just not a spot maybe that you even need coaching. Maybe you’re at a you know, eight out of 10 in your marriage and in coaching. It doesn’t feel like it’s really needed for you guys. So how do you get back to this podcast? Well, it is through iTunes reviews, because the thing is, most of the people I talked to most the vast majority of the people I talked to found the podcast through an iTunes search. And so if you go to iTunes, on your phone or on your computer, you’ll see that there are 20 Sorry, 221 reviews on iTunes. So the reason that the people find this podcast is because 221 have you reviewed this podcast. So I want to thank you. I want to thank you so much. It seems strange that technology. God’s hand is in that kind of technology. But it is the that’s the way he uses it. And so if you pray for this podcast, and I hear people that tell me that they pray for this podcast, and I thank you for that. I thank you, you pray for my marriage, you pray for my kids, my family, you pray for dy M and its impact. Thank you. I want to ask you to pray that God would help people to leave iTunes reviews. And you know, there’s a part of me that feels silly even asking. It’s a part of me that’s like, I want to give these people content and value. I don’t want to waste their time asking them to do iTunes reviews. And so, you know, God has been so kind to elevate this podcast and allow it to be heard in 155 countries worldwide. And on my side I can see downloads, and I don’t remember the exact number, I really try to look at it less often than more because it either inflates my ego or, or makes me other feelings. I’m just like, this is not this isn’t good. So, but something around 700,000 downloads of this podcast have been, you know, heard, there’s much. In fact, I think it’s more like 740,000. But I might have been looking at the wrong column. So there might be more than I really don’t remember. But the point is that 221 of you have all of the 700,000, you did it, you you persisted in the technology, and you made it so that it rises up in the charts in iTunes. And it causes other people to listen. And those people that listened, have been able to hear the gospel of Jesus. Like you have a hand in that you have a hand in that. Now, not just the gospel of Jesus, but obviously, truth that can change their marriage, and trues that are based on the Bible, when when there’s such a assault against the, the, the beauty of the Word of God, you’ve been able to hear those people that have listened to have been able to hear God’s word. And it was because 221 of you persisted through iTunes to do a review. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s a it’s technology, that is the game. When you listen to podcasts, they grow, because the people that listen, take action to make it grow. And so I don’t have the grace to market on social media on these other platforms. I had an assistant for a little while that was really focused on that she had a health thing, she wasn’t able to continue. And really I don’t, I don’t see that as the right step. Again, for dy m in the in the short term, I don’t. Again, where’s my grace, I have to follow where God is leading me. And I don’t think that that is where God’s leading me, I think God wants me to go deeper in him, and rely on him. For you, to allow this word to be spread. And I’ve also heard from a lot of you, it’s like I have
I want to share this podcast with my friends, I want to be able to do that. But come on sending them a sex podcast, I mean, that might offend them. And I want you to know, I get it, I get it. I am not. I’m not unaware of the the taboo around sex and every other topic that we discuss on this podcast. So you don’t have to do that. You don’t have to do that. If you do an iTunes review, people naturally see it, it comes up naturally in their feeds, like God can use you, and your persistence in that for doing it. Now, if you are at a spot where you’re like, I’m not gonna waste my time and do an iTunes review, you know, let me just bless you and say it’s okay. I appreciate you listening, I appreciate you getting what you need. And that is still an honor. So don’t don’t feel don’t feel pressured or that kind of thing. There’s no no hard feelings I, I get, we all have limits to what we can do. But if you can spend the next few minutes with me doing this iTunes review, I would love to reward you with these free videos as video training that I think is really going to impact you and your marriage. So what I’m going to do here now is if you have an iPhone, we’re going to go through the steps together. And if you’re in your car, you can just pull over and you can just, you know, just get it done. So then you don’t have to think about it again and you get these awesome, awesome teachings trainings. If you have a Windows phone, like let’s say an Android or something, don’t worry, I’m assuming you have a Windows computer or a tablet or a laptop, something like that, that has Windows, you can still review on iTunes through that there are a few more steps. But to find those instructions, you can go to delight your marriage.com/itunes delight your marriage.com/itunes and so I have been very intentional to pull out every single step 1234 to make it as easy as possible because one thing I realized is that you’re in quarantine, you have probably been forced to use way more technology than you have ever used or are even comfortable using. And you may be overwhelmed by that. And I have a lot of compassion for you, I, most of my clients are, excuse me, didn’t grow up with computers, they’re in their 60s, some even in their 70s or more. So I want to just be super, super understanding of that. And I want to just walk it through with you really patiently and and kindly. And I’m really prayerful, even in this time that this will be an easy process for you. So that’s my encouragement. All right, so let’s go ahead to your home screen on your iPhone. So your home screen means where all the apps are. So like when you turn on your iPhone, you’re on your home screen with all the apps, then go to the podcast app, the purple one. That’s probably the way you listen to my voice is through that podcast app. Now, on the bottom of the screen, there are four icons. It says Listen now library browse. And then on the bottom right it says search with an with a magnifying glass, click on Search. And then at the top, it says all podcasts. So click on that. If instead it says your library at the at the top, just click on that. And then there there will pull up an option to go to all podcasts. So click on All podcasts. Okay, now you can type in, in that search bar, type in delight your marriage. If you’re already subscribed to this podcast, you still have to do the steps of searching for it. Alright, so let’s say that you have typed that into the search bar you searched. Now the shows come up. And delight your marriage is the two people holding hands with the sunrise, you can go ahead and click that image. And now my iTunes page and look at that there’s 222 ratings. So somebody already did this work. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you. Okay, so now you’re at the page. And now you see some episodes. So scroll down for episodes. And you can see, there is a part that says ratings and review. And it says 4.5 out of five. So just so you know what that means is that the average rate on this podcast right now is 4.5 out of five, because there were some people that this podcast obviously wasn’t serving and helping them. So they did a one out of five review, which is the lowest you can do. Excuse me, I would love your help to get this up to five out of five, because again, that makes people listen, and it puts you higher in the charts. So that would mean a lot to me if you did do that. So how do you do that. So now you see tap to rate and you see five stars that are empty. If you haven’t rated or reviewed before they’re empty, there’s just an outline. So you want to tap the star that’s all the way to the right. And then go to the place that says write a review. And underneath the most recent review, you can see it says write a review. And there’s like a pencil and a square around it. On my phone, it’s purple, it might be blue on yours. Okay, click on that. Then there’s an option that says title. And then it says review. So this is the part where you can be as encouraging as you can for people to listen, and it encourages me absolutely no doubt. But more importantly, it encourages others to listen, and it causes this work to continue. Again, that’s how this work happens. So if you’re not able to monetarily you know, invest in coaching. That’s okay. You can help spread the word of the podcast. So then people who can invest in the coaching, do so this is an incredible part of you making sure this podcast continues. So thank you, thank you for doing this. So you write in the title and you write in a review you can do that now. Thank you so much for doing that. If you need more Feel free to pause me and keep going until you’re done. So before you hit send, take a screenshot of your phone. Now if you don’t know how to do that there are buttons on your physical phone on the left. And those are volume buttons, and you have a power button on the right. So if you have one of the later versions of iPhones, the way to do a screenshot is to hit for example, that top volume button and the power button at the same time. So you have to use your hand to push both of them at the same time. And then it takes a screenshot. And that screenshot is now saved in your photos. If you have a little bit of an older version of the iPhone, you hit the circle button, the physical button on the bottom, and the power button on the top right, you click both of those with your fingers at the same time. And that will do a screenshot. Okay, so you’ve done the screenshot. Now, the top right, hit send. And you did it, you reviewed the podcast. Thank you. Now all you need to do is send me those screenshots, so go to your photos, which I’m sure you know how to get there. Open your photos, click on the screenshot that you just have of the of the review. On the bottom, there’s three icons again, there’s the trashcan, the heart, and then all the way to the left bottom is a square with an arrow pointing up, click on that square with the arrow pointing up. And now there should be some options on how to send this. So you could text it, you can’t actually text it to me so but there, there should be different icons, one of the icon should be your email. So click on that email icon. And then you can send it to belah, B E L A H, at delight, your marriage.com and then click return which is enter. And that is it, you just hit send.
Which is usually in the top right. And that’s it, you have done it. And I once I get that I will send you these resources. And I hope it’s extremely valuable for you. I really think it is my husband love them. I think it really is. So thank you for doing that. Um, I realized I just spent a long time going through my request for you to do a an iTunes review. So thank you, thank you for hanging in there, I, I want to thank you that I get to do this work, you are the reason I get to do this work. Really, if you didn’t share the podcast, if you didn’t do iTunes reviews, if you didn’t subscribe like that is why I get to do the coaching that I get to do. I feel like this is absolutely God’s plan for my life. And and I thank you that you are supporting this just by just by doing what you’re doing. And if you just left an iTunes review, thank you. If you don’t have an iTunes, an iPhone, but you do have a computer or tablet that’s on Windows, you can go to delight your marriage.com/itunes. And I go through step by step, if you are still struggling on how to do this, just shoot me an email, we’ll figure this out together. Honestly, it’s worth it to me. It’s worth it to me for these for these reviews to increase so that God can increase the impact of the podcast. This is my humble request that that you have a lot of power in in if you spend the 10 minutes to get this accomplished or not. So it means a lot to me. Thank you. Thank you for those that have persisted and have done this. I want to say I love you and have a wonderful Mother’s Day. I hope that you are extremely impacted through the resources I send so let me pray. God thank you for this listener, thank you that you have moved them in some way through this conversation. Maybe just because they learned some new piece of technology that used to confuse them. I don’t know. But I do know that you are present and I do know that you are with them and whatever they need. In this time they will receive from you. Even if it’s an encouragement that everything is going to be okay. Everything’s going to be okay. I pray God that this iTunes reviewing would be easier than they God, I pray God that they would be motivated to do it. I pray that they would understand the gravity of it and how much it helps. And I pray also God that every other form of technology that they’re almost being forced to use now in the season would become easier for them will become more intuitive for them. Later, thank you for what you’ve done. Lord, we love you and we praise You. Amen. Again, thank you so much for listening. It means it means a lot to me that you went through this with me and for me and for the podcast in the work. I love you and and I’m praying for you. All right, we’ll talk next week. Bye.
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