Darcy is a busy business owner, mother, and grandmother–married 28 years. 

She loves God and has had a better than average marriage all that time.

A friend of hers invited her to listen to the podcast–saying it had brought them to tears. 

And when she listened, she too was brought to tears with a very different understanding of intimacy than she had ever realized. 

God did an utter miracle in her heart and her marriage.

For days she had a voracious appetite for intimacy with her husband. She says it gave her insight into how a man feels all the time. And she feels a oneness with him she’s never felt previously.

Her husband changed! His low-grade depression disappeared! He is becoming a better father and man of faith. He is thriving before her eyes.

Their daughter even asked: “Mom, what happened to dad??”

If you’re a wife, I encourage you to listen with an open heart.

God may want to speak to you through Darcy’s story of love for Jesus. Which fueled a change of heart towards her husband. 

I encourage you, if you know someone who may need to hear this story, send this to them. That’s how Darcy’s life changed. Someone had the courage to share it with her!

God bless you, 


PS – Also, I have MANY free resources! I would love to invite you to check them out: delightyourmarriage.com/free



Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. You’re joining me belah rose as I dive deep into the beauty, power and truth about intimacy, learn not only the practicals, but the heart behind what making love is all about. delight your marriage. Hi there and welcome. This is Bella. And I just want to thank you so much for joining me. So today’s podcast is very close to my heart. Woman, a listener, actually, Darcy reached out to me and she said God had done a miracle in her marriage. And through, you know, some emails back and forth, I was able to listen into a conference call that she created for other women to hear about the miracle in her marriage. And she has been married quite a while over almost three decades. And it’s got kids and grandkids and she said her, God had absolutely changed her heart. And I want to share with you what she’s talking about. And this episode is for wives. But if you’re a husband, I’d love for you to listen, because maybe this is an episode that you could share with your wife. Pray about it, pray about it. But maybe this is one that for a wife that wants to follow God’s heart and God’s Will I think this will speak to her. Aside from that, if you are a wife listening, I’d love to invite you to a free training, delight your marriage.com/s See, it’s about confidence. It’s about intimacy and confidence in it and understanding more about your husband who God made him to be and what does that really mean. So right now, I’d love for you to do that it won’t be available for long so you’ll be able to find the details there when the training is going to be available and how long it’s going to be available. So delight your marriage.com/sc Alrighty, let’s

dive in. All right, welcome back. delight your marriage listener. I’m so grateful that you’re joining me and I have an awesome guest Darcy on welcome Darcy.

Thanks, Bella.

So excited to have you. So Darcy is a listener of the delight your marriage podcast. And she’s got an absolutely amazing story. And she connected with me back in a few months back and, and told me her story. And then she actually hosts hosted a conversation with other women. And I was able to attend that. And it was it was awesome to hear her full testimony. So I was like, I need to have you on the podcast so others can be blessed as well. So I’m so grateful that you’re on Darcy, would you be able to kind of share a little bit about yourself and introduce yourself to the to the listeners.

My husband and I have been married for 28 years, and we have a son and his mate. He’s married and they have a little voice that we’re grandparents. And we have a 16 year old daughter. And we have been entrepreneurs had our own business for several decades. And that’s the summary of what’s going on in our lives. Awesome. I love that.

Wonderful. Yes. So busy life entrepreneurs. Not only kids, but grandkids. Wonderful. So yeah, tell me a little bit about that. Just how intimacy has been over these 28 years.

It started out really good. My husband I have had what I would consider a better than average marriage, thanks to our upbringing, and thanks to God’s word. And, you know, we had had a good marriage. But in the area of intimacy, it was probably my biggest source of struggle. And my husband would often say, he wished I liked him. And, you know, I would translate that as the he wished I wanted to have sex with him. Yeah, I didn’t really understand what he was getting at, because the differences between men and women. So for me, unfortunately, and I’m ashamed to say I felt like sex was a burden across the bear. And it wasn’t until I was listening to your podcasts that I began to see that the way I was viewing sexual intimacy with my husband was actually probably very offensive to God, although God shows us grace, and is merciful to us. I didn’t recognize the gift that he had given us in marriage. And as a result of listening to your podcast, I was convicted of that and asked God to forgive me for it. And my view of sexual intimacy now has totally changed because of the information I received in the podcast and because of a miracle like I did in my heart.

That’s amazing. That’s so awesome. So to sum up, what you’ve kind of shared is, you know, over these 28 years, you’ve had a great marriage really, above average, let’s say, and successful, even you’ve you’ve had kids, you have a grandchild, you’ve worked together in a company like that’s, that’s a lot of kind of above average of life. But there were times that your husband said, I wish you liked me. And at that at saying those sorts of things. I mean, what did that during, when he would say those things? What did that mean to you? What did you think he was talking about?

I would translate that to mean that he wanted, I wished I wanted him sexually. I didn’t understand he really meant what he was saying. And, you know, to me, it made me feel inadequate, it made me feel even maybe a little resentful. You know, I’m being available. I’m trying to take care of your needs. And you’re saying why do I like you? And I mean, I wish she liked me. So, you know, that’s kind of the feelings that it brought up in me.

Yeah, yeah. Do you think that other women are in the same spot that you were that they feel like sex is a burden?

Honestly, I wouldn’t know for sure. But my hunch is that that’s pretty broad. I would think that it’s probably most case.

Yeah, yeah. And what? Why do you think that’s the case?

Well, from my own experience, I would say probably it’s either misunderstanding of how men feel about sex and how women feel about sex. I would say that’s probably, at least for myself, that was huge. And beyond that, I’m sure that most marriages are not as good as mine has been. And you know, my husband is good to me. If my husband weren’t good to me. I would think that would be all that much harder. Yeah. To be wholehearted in intimacy.

Yeah, that’s right. Yeah. So. Okay, so yeah, I’m curious what, what changed and maybe share the story that that you shared with me?

Well, I was listening to belah. I operate a bulldozer in our business. And I can listen to podcasts and messages and music while I’m working. So I was listening to Bella, encouraged by a very close a person very close in my life. And this person had testified as to how much you had had an impact on him. And so I began to listen more out of curiosity, then thinking that I was going to find a solution to my particular problem. And as I listened to you, one of the interviews that you did, was with Captain, and his interview impacted me huge. And one of the things that I hit me the hardest in his interview, was how he felt about sexual intimacy with his wife when she was not, I’m not sure how she was in the relationship, and I wouldn’t want to presume that but the fact that he would rather do alternatives and have intimacy with his wife, that to me, hit me like a freight train. It was like, is that true? I almost found it. Unbelievable. And that was the beginning of what God And to do in my heart. And he went on to say how he influenced his relationship once he and his wife did experience a wholehearted intimacy, how it impacted his degree of stress at work, how it impacted his relationship with the kids. And his general overall well being. I that interview was huge. And then you had interviewed your husband and your husband? Well, actually, maybe it wasn’t an interview with your husband, it was at least your husband’s perspective, you had had sexual intimacy, and he had said everything was going to be okay. And, you know, as a woman, what does having sexual intimacy have anything to do with everything being okay? So, you know, hearing his testimony and how that made everything, okay. It was like, Oh, wow, it’s a big deal. And then, and then listening to, I listened to I think it’s called the high sex drive, male or husband or whatever. I listened to that one. And you were talking about how God created our bodies, obviously, for pleasure, because not all the body parts were necessary if it wasn’t for that. And, you know, I understood that and agreed with that. But then you went on to say something that I was like, why he said that our husband sex drive is a gift from God. And that brought tears to my eyes in conviction in my heart, because I had seen it as a burden, and asked to bear and in knowing that God created our husbands the way that he created them. That’s true. their sexuality is to give our sexualities a guess. And when I began, I asked God to forgive me right then and there while I was driving the bulldozer tears down, my eyes are down my face. And I’m like, God, forgive me for this attitude. And so um, I, you had mentioned in one of the podcasts, I had listened to that day, about the blocks for women, seven blocks for women, and I had downloaded them on my phone, but I hadn’t read them, because I was at work. So when I got home, I talked this over with my husband, I’ve been listening to you over maybe two or three days. And I went home and I talked about it with my husband, I said, is that really how you? Is that really how it feels to? Would you and my husband, we he doesn’t believe in masturbation is okay, so that’s not an option for him. But I asked him if he did, what would that, you know, how do you view sexual intimacy when I’m not wholehearted in it, and he, I was just, I was shocked at some of the things I was learning. And, um, we he looked actually at seven blocks before I did, I was getting something ready. And as I looked at them, two of them really stuck out to me. And one of them was, the more you, she thinks, the more you want, the more you get, the more you want. And the other one was the expectation, or the pressure to have sex. And I knew those two were big for me. And as my husband and I taught, we were both looking at each other, like, what do we do about that? Because if we have sex on my schedule, the poor guy would be starved. It was like, how do you not have expectation? And how do you you know, it’s like, I don’t know how to overcome this. And Bella, you could still probably help me with that subject. But

um, I had come home that day determined that I was going to be wholehearted in well, at least as much as I could, I was going to initiate intimacy with my husband, in and as I was talking to him, I just said to him, I said, Honey, I’m so sorry that I can’t give you what you want, or what you need. And I said, I don’t know how to change how I feel, and I don’t, if I if I knew how to change it, I would. And God did a miracle like instantaneously, right then in there in my heart, it has never been the same. And I get somewhat similar to our salvation experience. You know, when God’s when we come to know Jesus and Jesus transforms us, we become a new creation. And I think that you know, as we grow in our walk with God, when we grow in the love of God, and we grow in the fruit of the Spirit, he wants to do miracle after miracle after miracle in our heart and transform us in the image of Christ in this I see this as a another step toward becoming like Christ. And he did that miracle in my heart similar to salvation. And the crazy thing of it is, um, he can do that for all of us, and he wants to do this in us. Yeah, in being willing to say, God, I’m sorry, and recognize where our attitudes don’t line up with what truth is, and being willing to ask God to fix that within us, and believing that he can, you know, having faith to believe that God can do the impossible in our hearts.

Yes. That’s amazing. That’s amazing. I love that I so agree. You know, God does he wants to do miracle after miracle after miracle. And that is that’s a that’s our daily practice of following Jesus. And so I just want to commend you for having an open heart. Because I, especially for years of you hearing from your husband, you don’t want sex, you don’t like me, I mean, 28 years of those things, when you, you were available, you were, you know, doing your duty as a wife, and then for you to listen to a podcast that, you know, shares a man’s heart, where he said, and I think the the quote you specifically really struck you was when Captain said I’d rather masturbate than make love to my husband, and I’m on the I agree with you in that I don’t think masturbation is is God’s best. I think that that actually moves couples away from each other. And instead, this is just not, it’s not. It’s not the right thing. And I think Captain believes that too. But the point is that what he’s saying is that if his wife is not wholehearted, then it’s it’s not fulfilling, it’s not a fulfilling experience. And, you know, a fantasy in his head is more fulfilling than that sort of thing. So, anyway, what I love that you said, is that, that you were able to then, you know, come to your husband and apologize and allow God to just completely change your heart about it. So when that happened, what happened next? I’m so curious.

Well, this is continuing to unfold in our relationships. So I’m still trying to figure out what happened and what what God’s up to and what he’s trying to teach us. Yeah. And one of the things that dramatically changed in his stayed with me, is, I now see, taking care of my husband’s sexual intimacy needs as a pleasure and privilege as a joy. And that is all God, that’s not me. That was God, changing my heart. I know, it was a miracle that he did. Yeah. And so I want to give Him all the glory for it. The other thing that that changed, at least temporarily was my appetite, my sexual appetite. That was actually a very bizarre, strange experience, a period of several days and even I mean, a sexual appetite. I haven’t I shared on my inner the conference call that I had done, that I could count on two hands, how many times I had actually had desire for sexual intimacy in my marriage. And that shifted so much so that I actually wanted to do it twice a day for several days. Um, I mean, that’s not still not that way now, but what I experienced over those several days I see it as such a gift from God, because the closeness that I was feeling with my husband in those days, I really can’t say that my experience is how men feel. Because I’m not a man. And I only have talked to my husband about it. I wouldn’t want to talk openly about that with just any guy but um, I was trying to find out from him if that’s maybe how it feels, in just the desire, it wasn’t just a desire for sex. It was a desire for connectedness, a desire to just be with him to touch him to be near him. And there was also an element to it that I’m this is still unpacking in my heart. It seemed almost like a worship tight, like a, like a worship to God type of thing. And I, the oneness that I was experiencing with my husband, which I still feel oneness with him now and connectedness with him now. But over those few days, I really am beginning to think that there was something spiritual in that lesson that it was bigger than just a husband and wife bonding relationship, I think It was bigger. The oneness that God has offered us as a couple, um, the connectedness, the, the genuine love and compassion for each other, the lack of any kind of stress is the lack of any sort of ill will or hurt feelings or unforgiveness and resentment or any of that it all went away. God took all of that out of my heart. In that oneness that we were experiencing, it almost felt like this is what God is offering to us as individuals, and also as a church body, you know, the body of Christ. And however he wants us to be one, Jesus prayed in John 17, that we would be one as he and the Father were one. And a marriage relationship Jesus used as an analogy. Well, Paul did, inspired by the Holy Spirit to write that the Christ and the church is a picture of our husband and wife relationship is a picture of that relationship God has with the church. And that’s pretty profound, that can that oneness that God wants with us, and that God provides us to have his husbands and wives, even if we will allow him to do that transforming work in us that we can love each other the way God wants us to, in a way that blesses each other, and exhibits what God wants to exhibit through a marriage relationship.

I love it. I love that. Yes, that’s right. So, so when you had these few days, where you just had this incredible appetite for intimacy with your husband, you know what change, you know, the change, you said, between you two was this feeling of oneness, this feeling of connectedness and almost like, just Grace exploded in your heart of forgiveness, and letting go of resentment and bitterness, and all the little tiny things that just don’t matter. And it was as a result of sex, do you think so?

I think it was a result of the miracle that God did in my heart. But I think, because whatever God did in my heart, it gave me a generous spirit toward my husband sexually. It gave me a I have no I haven’t struggled with respect. Since then. I haven’t struggled with a lot of the typical resentment type feelings that would come up if he did or said something a certain way. I kind of laugh because we have to Jack Russell Terrier dogs. And one of them in particular, we call him he gave up all his brains for love, because he’s a lover. And, and when he thinks he wants to just get near you, so he’ll get right up on it, he’ll put his front feet on your lap and lean his head right up against your chest. And he just lays there. And he said, he’s just loving you, you know, and if, especially if he’s in trouble, he wants to do that. And so I have found myself responding like our dog Max. It’s like, whenever something like that happens, I just want to get close to my husband, in my hand on his chest and like, I love you, babe. There’s like a, um, whatever God did in my heart, it’s like, I’m, I’m constantly trying to have resolved whatever that is that’s causing any sort of friction. It’s like, leaning on it and love on it and in, you know, deal with it with forgiveness and love and grace and mercy in don’t let it get a foot.

Yeah, yeah. So I see what you’re saying. So, God, this miracle happened and suddenly you have a desire to make love. You have a desire to be wholehearted in sexual intimacy God, God shifted your heart and the respect because you know, it became a, an innate desire to love Him the way He receives love. Yes. Is that right? Yes.


Awesome. Awesome. Well, this is awesome. So um, one thing I loved that you said when I listened into your story, a couple of weeks ago, you said during those few days, your voracious appetite for sex. You said something about how you feel like God may have given you a window into how men crave intimacy. Can you talk about that a

little more? Sure. And again, I can’t say for sure, because I don’t know what that feels like. But it may be if men listen to this, and they’ll say, Yeah, that’s exactly how it feels, I don’t know. But all I can say is my experience. And so over this period of days, I gained a respect for the sex drive that man God has given to men, because I could see the danger of such a gift. If a man was not feeling his needs were met in that particular area. It was a very consuming, like, I couldn’t even think about my work. It’s like, focus, focus. And I made it my husband, not anywhere near me, I was he was like a magnet. I was like, right, I wanted to be next to him touching him, or, you know, whatever. And even he went to the woods, where he had a logging business, and my husband had gone to work. And I wanted to be with him so badly that I packed him a lunch, and went to go see him. And I was just gonna take him lunch and eat with him. And it was just just wanting to be with him wanting to touch him and be close to him. And as I already shared, my appetite moved from counting on two hands and 28 years to twice a day. And it was like, I kept asking him, am I too much? Is it too much is that I’ll go get a cold shower, if it’s too much, because I didn’t want to bug him, you know, cuz I’m like, you’re gonna get sick of this, if this keeps up, you’re gonna get sick of this. And he’s like, Oh, no, this is wonderful. And, you know, I’m not sure if they had kept up, he might have gotten to the point that it was not too much. But regardless, I’m just the appetite was really voracious and realizing that. Man, if that’s even a little bit of how a man feels, it’s quite a responsibility and important that we as wives understand the temptation. You know, I realized after that experience, why, because it because when I was, so when the appetite was like that, if my husband had responded to me, like, you are really over the top girl, Cool your jets, you know, if he had reacted to me that way, it would have hurt, you would have felt like a wound and rejection. And I think that’s probably true how men feel when women are not interested in their sex drive. Yeah, and so is I experienced that myself in how I would have felt if he had not been anything less than gracious and glad to, um, it made me realize this is a really, really big deal. And as wives, we really don’t understand that. And we don’t experience it. So we don’t know what it’s like. If I did, indeed experience what it feels like to be a man, even a little bit in that department, I would say, this is a really, really, really, really big deal. And I finally understood what drives the man to have an affair or what motivates a man to get involved in other things, and you shouldn’t, because I’m not making excuses. There’s not excuses. But understanding that we as wives have so much power to make our break our husbands in that department. Realizing that our way, the way we respond to them sexually, has huge implications on who they are, how they live, how they successfully overcome temptation. Even the satisfaction that they feel from day to day, my husband testified that a low grade depression that he had felt, and he didn’t know why he didn’t know where it comes from. From that day on, it has been gone. It’s it’s totally gone. And my daughter has made the statement. What happened to dad? Um, that’s really, yeah, it’s really cool to see the dynamics of how this has impacted my husband and I’m just watching him blossom.

Even Even his relationship with God, he’s understanding because I have learned how to love him. Well. Yep. He in turn is understanding how important it is to love others in the way that they feel loved. So that translates to me that translates to my kids, that translates even to God. And he is now understanding that because I’m loving him, well, he’s understanding how much God’s love is greater even than that. And it’s just, it has been a phenomenal journey in our home over the last couple of months. So yeah, it’s been very cool. But wives, I just, I just want to encourage the wives that are listening, I realized that this is a difficult thing, especially if you are dealing with resentment, and you’re dealing with unkind words or whatever other kind of baggage that we can bring into our relationships. You know, there’s, there’s, I realized that this is a hard pill to swallow. And it’s not that we just ignore it or shove that stuff in that corner it but it is a, a yielding to God, trusting that God knows what he’s talking about. Interesting. God’s prescription for a healthy good marriage works. And so yes, I did not refuse my No, I did not refuse my husband sex prior to this miracle. And I think that was the right thing to do. God’s word tells us as husbands and wives not to withhold ourselves from one another. Obviously, there’s moving from doing and being obedient to getting our heart and attitudes in the right place. And not only that, but hopefully getting healing in the behavior that is creating or causing resentment or bitterness. And I think it’s important for us as wives to communicate with our husbands and talk to them, tell them how we feel and tell them why we feel the way we feel. And I highly recommend Bella’s podcast because she’s talking to men and women teaching men how to love their husbands while and teaching women how to love their husbands well, and both is important. And one of the things that I learned even in this miracle that we’ve experienced in our in our own marriage, one of the things that struck me about God’s love is his love is perfect, he never loves wrong, he never does it incorrectly. And yet, we still as people, respond to His love or don’t respond his love. And so we as a wife, or we as a husband can be loving our husbands or wives exactly the way God tells us to. And they still have to come and do it too. And the only way that as couples we’re going to have the oneness that God wants us to have is if both husband and wife learn to love each other well. But But what I have been what I have been struck with, is we can’t decide for the other person, whether they are going to submit to what God says and do it. That’s only our choice. And we’re the one that needs to make that choice. And God always blesses obedience. And God always blesses faith in Him interest in what he says. So my encouragement would be that no matter where you find yourself in your marriages, that you go to God with your junk, your stuff, your sin, your failure your incompleteness. Give the pieces to God. Ask him to forgive you for your stuff and ask Him to fill you with a love and grace that you can extend to your spouse, right where they’re at, no matter what is going on. And I’ve been impacted lately, even with God, you know, God wants us to love our enemies, and to do good to them. And our husbands, you may feel like your husband is your enemy, or your wife in if we are called to even love our enemies. Learning to show learning to love our husband and our wives. The way God tells us to is going to get us in a much better position to see miracles and to see God’s healing in our relationships. And I’m convinced that God wants to heal our marriages and our relationships.

Yes, yes. Amen. Oh, it’s amazing Darcy. That’s amazing. I I love that because I think it gives very actionable you know, as somebody who’s listening if they were in your shoes for 28 years, were you you know, you were obedient. You were doing you know, the you were doing the law, if you will, but getting the spirit of what God is asking you to do to love your husband well from your heart and I remember on when I heard you speak before you said You know, the difference was the element of wholehearted sexual intimacy. That was the key wholehearted sexual intimacy.

Yes. Yeah, I had heard all my life that sex is important to a man. But I never been told that wholehearted sex was important.

I mean, amazing. That’s a game.

That’s a game changer.

Amazing. Amazing, amazing. Well, Darcy, I would love to things. So if there’s any kind of final encouragement that you want to give a wife that was in your shoes, maybe, like you mentioned, bitter, resentful, you know, you’re doing, you’re doing your duty sort of thing, if you want to give any final comments to her. And then I’d love for you to pray for her in as well.

Absolutely. My biggest encouragement is to fall in love with Jesus, and to get full of His love. Because we cannot love our enemies. We cannot love anybody. Well, unless we understand God’s love. And I had a partial breakdown in 2013. And since that time, I have been giving God the best of my time and my attention. And as I have immersed myself in him, he has filled me with His love. And consequently, that’s what’s coming out in even the willingness to see things. You know, God is the one that does that stuff in us. And if I have also found to be honest with God, be brutally honest with God, you know, lay it all out there, God, this is how I feel, I feel resentment, I feel hurt, I’m whatever you fill in the blank, and ask God to heal that part of you. And ask him to help you see how to love your spouse, as God would want you to. And as we get full of God and His love, then at least us in ourselves, we will be healthy and well and, and then communicate with each other is so important to communicate with as husbands and wives in to share how you’re feeling in in, and I encourage you to listen to the podcast together, but let’s podcast together and talk about what what’s being discussed. And, you know, that’s a great way to find healing in your relationship where you’re at. There’s over what 270 some podcasts? And Adela does one on one. And, and you know, I mean, there’s so I just want to thank you for you being out there and ready and willing to help people and it’s very apparent to me that the Holy Spirit is using and blessing your ministry. And I I just very grateful for the courage that you have to address these subjects and talk about it and offer what you do so much for free even. So thank you.

Oh, thank you, Darcy, that means so much mean so much.

So yes, I will definitely pray, thank you. Hi, there, thank you so much for the miracle in my own heart, and in my own marriage and family. And God, I know that this is a hard subject for a lot of women in for a lot of good reasons. And God help us to let go of the things that we hold on to help us to recognize the lies that we believe help us to let go of the resentment and the anger and the bitterness and give it to you and ask you to forgive us for it and ask us to see our husbands differently, to be able to love our husbands and husbands to love their wives, as Christ loved the church and to sacrifice for one another and to pray for one another to forgive one another. And God I just asked for miracles, in other words, and I just pray that we as people would go to your word for the instruction that you’ve given us in there and more thank you for the blueprint that works. And help us to rely on the Holy Spirit and the transforming power of God to bring us about in our marriages, and may you be glorified and honor in our marriages and in our families because, Lord, these are the foundation of our society. Yeah, God, I pray for those who are in the pit of despair and discouragement that they would reach up to you and find hope and find joy and find peace and help. And Lord, I pray that the enemy would not keep them down, but that they would climb out of that pit. Find joy in Jesus name. Amen. Jesus name,

amen. Amen. Amazing, amazing Darcy and I. I cannot echo what you’ve said enough that truly it is a relationship with Jesus that gives us the love that we can then, you know, bucket over our husbands. It is it is so true. And I love the clarification of It’s the miracle that God did in your hearts that caused you to want to love him, the way he receives love, and I’m just, I’m so honored and grateful that you shared your story not only with me, but then with every wife and husband listening. Thank you so much Darcy. Really,

it’s my privilege. Thank you.

Amazing, thank you so much Darcy. What a beautiful story. What a beautiful woman and a heart after Jesus. I’m so honored and grateful to have her on. So if you have been touched by what she had to say, what she shared how she prayed, I do invite you, there’s so many resources, not just the podcasts, I have free trainings for you, you can actually go to delight your marriage.com/free. And I have got a ton of resources that are free for you, whether you’re a husband or a wife, and I’m always trying to figure out more resources that I think will help my listeners and you know, just like Darcy, somebody shared the podcast with her. I would love for you to share it with a friend, somebody that you feel needs. This information needs this insight. Pray about it. We all know marriages that are on the rocks, we all know, kids that may grow up without parents together. And I hope and pray that you would have the courage to share something like this with someone that’s close to you that you care about. Just simply emailing a link, saying This made me think of you it may touch your heart. I love you. That’s it. Just texting that link emailing link. Well, I am honored and grateful to have you listening and hoping that you have a wonderful rest of your day you can go to delight your marriage.com/free and check out tons of free resources I have for you. Some of the ones that specifically we’ve talked about on this podcast are going to be there and you can see them. Alright, God bless. See we’ll talk next week.



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