Have you ever felt like your intimacy was just a duty that needed to be marked off the “to-do” list? 

What about that sex was great physically but emotionally it was empty? 

Or, have you gone to bed wondering why this amazing, God-given thing is causing so much strife in your marriage?

Kyle & Ali were both there at one point in their marriage…

Ali saw sex as a “thing” that was constantly there pestering her. She was intimate with her husband to please him and only him. 

Their children noticed that their marriage was suffering. They were not emotionally connected, so they were not acting as a team. They communicated solely to run their family.

But then…

They took a leap of faith and joined the Delight Your Marriage men’s program and women’s program!

Now Ali loves communicating with her husband; she gets excited to talk to him even about mundane things–just sharing life together. 

Their home is a “peaceful and cozy environment.” The pressure is gone and she feels the freedom to initiate. Intimacy is a priority now and not just another chore to be done. 

In fact, she shares, “I desire sex now! I didn’t think I’d ever say that.”

Kye hated that his wife did not seem to desire him or intimacy at all. He spent a lot of time discouraged so he struggled to be fully present as a husband, father, or friend. 

He did not understand why this God-given thing was causing so much stress in his marriage. He wanted to enjoy intimacy and for Ali to actually desire it. 

After their programs, they both discovered the missing link to their chain. Kyle described their intimacy as being a 10 out of 10 now! 

He began loving his wife the way Christ loves the church in practical ways and now intimacy is no longer a duty, but instead, it’s full of mutual service and love. 

To hear the way God is truly using these programs to transform lives is such a testament to His goodness and faithfulness. 

Be sure to join in; you don’t want to miss it!





PS If you’d like to join the free masterclass coming up on March 25 for men or the other one for women, go to delightyourmarriage.com/masterclass (It’ll be free for a limited time)


If you’d like to find other free resources go to delightyourmarriage.com/free



Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. You’re joining me belah rose as I dive deep into the beauty, power and truth about intimacy, learn not only the practicals, but the heart behind what making love is all about. delight your marriage. All right, welcome. I’m so grateful that you are joining me. So today’s episode is pretty cool, because we’ve got a married couple, but I interviewed them separately. So what they did was they took the program separately, they, you know, Alli took the wife’s program, Kyle took the men’s program. And, you know, last week I shared a testimonial where and and Glenn spoke about their relationship together. And I got some really awesome feedback. So I thought, you know, what, why don’t I share some more of these testimonials on the podcast, because whether or not you want to do the program, what this is doing is giving you a sense that wow, if it can happen for them, it can happen for me, if even after many years of pain and difficulty, if they can completely transform. God can do that for me. And that’s the mindset I want you to have going into this episode. So if you want to find out more about the programs that they took, basically, I have a women’s program called intimate freedom. And then I have a men’s program called masculine ated reclaimed both of those are enrolling by the end of this month. And enrollment doesn’t happen that frequently over the year. So I encourage you to jump on it to get more information or if you want to just go for the free masterclass that I’m offering. I would encourage you to go to delight your marriage comm slash masterclass. If you’re the husband, click on husbands if you’re the wife click on wives. And basically what that masterclass is is, is a is a free training, which is awesome all by itself. But if you decide to move forward with the actual paid programs that Allie and Kyle did, and Glenn and and, and others that you’ve you may have heard their stories already on the podcast, then you’ll know about enrollment. But essentially enrollment is happening at the end of this month. So get on the email list, get the free training, at least. And then if you decide to move forward with enrollment, it’ll happen at the end of the month. All right, well, let’s dive in owlie shares and then Kyle shares and it’s pretty incredible. So let’s hear Karen, welcome, Alex. So happy to have you for having me. Yes. So. So I’d love to start by kind of talking about how you and your husband were before we started in the program together.

Yeah. I mean, our communication was just little to none. It was it didn’t produce anything. It kind of left us both feeling like we weren’t heard, did not achieve, I think what communication was designed to achieve. And then our intimacy level was, um, it was it was happening, but it wasn’t what God designed it to be. And I think also it was it was kind of just this, this thing in our marriage, it was this thing that I knew my husband wanted and needed. And was this thing that I had to do. It wasn’t I think was enjoyed by both of us. Kind of both.

Absolutely. Yeah, I hear that. And how do you how did that really like affect you? Just your day to day? Yeah,

I mean, I think honestly, it affected every area of our life. It affected our our home and my kids could feel when we were off our kids could feel when our communication wasn’t great. They would hear our fights they would hear things that would bring us down. If we had a fight of course then we did not want to be intimate with each other. So it kind of affected both of those areas. And then just I don’t know just I think a level of stress and just the level of discontentment. What kind of be a foreshadow or a shadow over over our marriage?

Mm hmm. And, and in terms of how did you think it was? So affecting your husband.

Oh, gosh. I mean, I know that he did not feel heard. I know that he did not feel like he was a priority. In my life, he felt like he was last on my list of things to do, which is yucky and gross. And I never wanted him to feel that way. And I don’t think that I was even aware or notice that I was making him feel that way. And I didn’t know kind of what I’m, what my communication was doing to him. What, um, the way that I viewed Sex and the way that I viewed kind of his needs was not accurate. Um, so just overall, I think it definitely he was not feeling how I really want him to feel. Oh, yeah.

And what do you think? What were some of the big, like, even lessons that you feel like you’ve learned through the program?

Um, I think I learned foremost what sex really means to him. What intimacy means to me as a woman, and the differences that men and women need and, and desire. And so I think that has been life changing. To kind of know, like, this is what he needs, and this is what I need. And like, just to know, that we’re both fighting for that now has been awesome. Um, and then like, our communication has just been just tremendous. I mean, we both when we speak to each other, we both know that the other person is really listening, and really just wants to hear what the other person is saying. And then it’s just been encouraging to know, like, if I go to my husband, with something that I need help with, or I feel or whatever it is, I know that he is like, in my corner fighting with me. And we’re not fighting against each other anymore. Yes.

Wow. Oh, that’s so

awesome. It is awesome. To Yes.

Oh, my gosh, and what do you say as just like, given that he went through the program, as well, what are some things that you feel like he really changed? Do you think,

um, for us, um, sex was always something that was right there in the air. I’m just this thing as how we always kind of coined it, um, and him going through it, I think has taught us him to have it not be this thing that’s ever present and always there. And in turn, I think it’s also like, I mean, our sex life is amazing. But I think it’s amazing because it’s now something that like I desire as well. And it’s not something that is ever present and always there and is always kind of put on me by him. It’s now become something to where I’m able to initiate it. And I’m able to enjoy it. And I’m able to and he enjoys. He enjoys greatly. Yeah, I think just going through that. And I think it’s also been super encouraging to know that we’re both going through the course. Because I think we both know that like this is super important to both of us, and important enough to both take time to put in the work to do the things. And even when there’s been days that I don’t want to do the work, I do the things. I see him doing them and I’m like, Okay, no, like he’s valuing this, so I need to value it as well.

Awesome. Awesome. That’s amazing. Yeah. Amazing. Um, so what do you think in terms of just what would you say are some big celebrations that you guys have had through the program?

Um, I mean, I can’t speak enough about our communication. Like, it has just, I think a win is like we, we just talk more like we and it brings us close to like, we used to just communicate to for the things what, what’s the schedule today? What is going on all those things and like, now we talk because we enjoy each other. Like, I want to learn from him. I want I want to tell him about my day. I want to hear his thoughts on it. So just our just, overall, overarching our communication has just grown immensely. Um, and then again, like our our sex life Awesome. I want it. Like I didn’t. I didn’t, you know, desire that in the past so even even just in that little sentence like, I would never be able to say, I’m like I desire sex and like, I desire sex now that is

so good. Do you feel also like, you know, desiring sex is I mean, that’s, that’s so many husbands dreams is that their their wives would desire it?

Yes. And he said I mean, you know, like when we’ve had a great experience, you know, it’s awesome to hear him talking about it like all week long, like my husband carries with him like a great experience a great memory a great thing to think about, like, I want he thinks of me, I want him to think of those things that think of good, peaceful, you know, wife, who is just awesome. Not like, oh my gosh, I don’t want to go home to her. Yes. Yeah, she’s gonna nag me or I’m gonna have to beg for sex again, or, you know, those kind of thoughts?

Absolutely. That’s huge. That’s huge. And where would you say, you know, how in your life? Has it affected you? Where do you think?

I mean, I think, everywhere. I mean, if, you know, if you really think about it, because I think that when he comes home now, it’s not this, like, when when we have to fit it in with do this. It’s like, we get to fit it in now. We get to, like, make time for it. It’s a priority. It’s a priority in my life. It’s not just something that needs to be done. So for him coming home now, it’s just been so much more of just the peaceful cozy environment. I mean, it’s just been it’s just been I can’t I don’t have enough words, to speak on it. It’s just been awesome. Yes.

Amazing. Amazing. And, and have you seen it impact other people even?

Yes, I have, we actually, we have been on vacation with some friends. And there’s been a few there was a few situations to where and this is a childhood friend. So she knows me very well. Or I would have reacted to certain things in certain ways. And later on, she’s come back to me and said, Hey, my husband, and I noticed that when your husband said this, you were really quiet. And like you didn’t, you didn’t react in the way that you used to. Or like, I really noticed that you respected your husband, like in this situation. So just to hear that other people have noticed a change in not only in our marriage, but in myself. And then also, like, that’s just such a beautiful are for us. It’s been an awesome picture of the gospel to others. Because we have been able to be like be a representation of Christ and the church to other people. And for them to see that has just been. It’s been awesome. Like, we’ve we’ve had people ask about it. So that’s been, yes. Amazing.

Amazing, amazing. And what do you think about your kids even? How do you think it’s affected?

I mean, I just think that they, I’ve even seen a change honestly, in their communication. Because there were times where I’ve got a son and a daughter. So it’d be times where like, I hear my daughter say something, like I say, and I didn’t like hearing it coming out of her. So that has been it’s helped me to see that. But also, I think now I hear her say things the way that I say things now, and even seeing that has been, like awesome. Just to hear like her more of a quiet tone about things and just the way that she speaks to her brother has changed and so that has been has been great also.

Amazing. Amazing. Awesome. Okay, well, what would you say to somebody who is? Well, let me ask you this, would you recommend the program to others and why

I would recommend the program 110% to everybody. You have been just awesome to work with and never felt like there was any judgment or just totally felt free to talk about, you know, anything that was going on in our lives, and just the work. It works. You just you have to put in the work. But it’s worth it. I mean, you really you’ve laid such a great bond. for it, and all you really need to do is follow it and do the things, but you have to do the things. You can’t not do them and expect, you know, for their soul to be change. So yes, I would definitely recommend the course. And I think the principles are awesome, the accountability has been great. Um, and again, I recommend, I mean, I liked I loved being doing it with my husband, I love my husband doing a course with you and me doing a course with you as well. I think that that has been, that has been awesome to go through together.

Amazing, amazing, amazing. And so, um, so if a wife or a husband are listening to this right now, and considering the program, what would you say to them,

do it, jump in both feet, I’ll be in the deep end. get uncomfortable. I mean, just, you know, I was at such a place of such uncomfortableness and modesty, and I’m just wasn’t happy with myself wasn’t happy, or it wasn’t my marriage. And we had no deep hearts, deep things that happen. We were we had a great marriage. And I just never, I think that even as a great marriage, I never knew how great our marriage could be until taking this course. It has just been, I mean, just life changing. And I could see doing it over and over and over again. Also, so yes, please do the course.

Thank you. Well, um, you know, so I kind of if you can even like put yourself back into where you were before the program and like, what? Why would you say to maybe that that wife listening? Like, I didn’t ask you to do this ahead of time. But if you would be able to even like pray for that woman that you know, maybe is in a spot where it doesn’t feel like communication was fruitful, feels like kind of, you know, doesn’t want sex. It feels like it’s a to do list you know, doesn’t appreciate those kinds of things.

Yeah. Um yeah, I would love to pray for her. Yeah, um, Dear God, I just come to you right now, Lord, for for the wife in the spot that she’s in right now. Or that maybe it just feels like she isn’t enough Lord or feels that she can’t do enough God or she doesn’t see how, how she can do what she feels like she needs to do or how she can make her husband feel. Feel like he is enough. Lord, I just pray for her right now. God, I just pray that You would give her just the boldness and courage God to just take. Just take the first step, Lord, this course works God and it has done just amazingness in my life, Lord, and I just I want it to do amazingness in her life, God and in her marriage, Lord, and I just know that you can do that work on it. I just pray. I just pray for her courage. God just in taking the first step Lord and signing up for the course. I just pray blessings, blessings, upon blessings over her and her marriage. In Your name I pray. Amen. Amen. Thank you, Allie. This was my pleasure.

Oh my gosh, I’m so so at work. We’re done with the recording stuff. But um, it’s just been such an amazing journey and seeing you just just awesome, like from day one to day now.

Thank you for all you do.

Oh, my goodness. Amazing. All right. Well, thank you, Ali. I just so appreciate it. And now we are going to hear from Kyle. What he learned how he changed and what, what he has to share I am so excited to be talking to you Kyle. Welcome,

welcome. Glad to be here.

Yes. Awesome. So yeah, so we are going to just kind of dive into how things were before you did the EMR program.

All right. Um, I got a lot of notes here so I might be looking around a little bit. The biggest thing really for us was I must say probably for most, probably our whole, our whole relationship. Like it was just a thing. And that was a that was a conversation that that we had that it was a thing, and we knew it was a thing. And it I think I wrote on one of my accountability phones like it, it had its own pulse in the, in the relationship. And I mean, it was almost say, most of the time or a lot of the time, it was just a dutiful physically fulfilling for me kind of thing. And, yeah, I mean, she, she was there, but she wasn’t really there was not something that she wanted, and asked about it way too much. Communication around around sex was tense. And I mean, we’re open about it. And we both sit down and talk about it. And we would have bad experiences. You know, one of us expecting something or the other one expecting something and not verbalizing that, and afterwards laid out should be this awesome thing. And afterwards, it just been a, it was like, what just happened? You know, we would just sit there and like, I’d roll over many nights after having tics and just sit there and be like, Oh my gosh, like this is supposed to be the great thing. And like, I want to cry right now sometimes. Yeah, I mean, it was I was asking. And it was, it was happening. Regular enough. But it was our biggest thing for us is like if I knew, and she knew that was not God honoring, and it was not a picture of the gospel like it was supposed to be. So yeah. It was just a thing. And we were kind of stuck and didn’t know where to go from there. So there you are.

Yes. Okay. Well, I mean, some of the things that specifically hit home, from what you just shared, is that it she was there, but not really there felt like you said duty full, like it’s a obligation or something. Yeah, and I think the biggest thing that stuck out to what you just said is, you know, even after sex when it would happen. It felt like like, I mean, so much so that you’d roll over and sometimes even tears. Were there. I mean, that must be

the same for her. Just kind of like lost. Wow, why? Why is it this way? Like we we are. And this is what, like, before we had a I think I put it on, like when I came in the group, we were at eight or nine out of 10. If you asked each one of us, like is great, awesome marriage, you know, trust, was there respect was there wanting to do the right thing. All of those things were there. And this is just like, I’ve got it written down here. Like it was just the missing link. So, yeah, it was like, but it you know, that, that. And now, understanding that intimacy is that was really, you know, more than just her checking a box for He needs this physically, which is what it came down to a lot of times. I mean, there would be times that like, that she would enjoy and we I mean, we’d something sometimes it was mind blowing, and it was awesome. But then, most of the time, it was like, oh, okay, what just happened, and why can’t we do this all the time. So yeah, but it hurt. Okay. And it was heavy, really heavy weight to carry. Because all I wanted, all I wanted to do was be able to please her. So yeah, rolling over and like, Oh, I’m a failure. I’m a failure. I’m a failure, you know.

So. Yeah. And how would you say that was even affecting other areas of your life?

Oh, well, I I can see a lot of them now. I wouldn’t have been able to completely verbalize it before. But the way that the so a while back, it was probably, I don’t know, I don’t think I’m talking. Five, seven years ago. Maybe even more. We’ve been married 10 years or 11 years. Going on this this month. So it’s been a me sitting around and me wanting to, like maybe she’ll initiate, maybe she’ll initiate the date. Maybe this is the day, like, I’ve given hints and all this other stuff. And it’s, it really kind of hurts me to look back. But I’ve laid down everything that that I enjoy doing, and quit doing it all. And that was that was it was really eye opening and just sitting here writing all this stuff down. But we don’t really have a group of male friends. I don’t hang out with guys. But I don’t like what I’m there with her into kids. Like it’s focused on her and focused on her and looking and waiting and all this thing. So I’m not there and I’m not present with the kids. Yeah, there’s less present father three and and ministry Maroubra. Just yeah, it was. Yeah, so much, so much. Changing my schedule around and quit and doing things just to just be in time. And like, maybe this is the time that it’s, you know, everything’s gonna click and it’s going to change in that same time. Again, really hurts to look back. But yeah, I wasn’t doing a whole lot of changing myself. I was just settled in. Oh, this has got to work. Like it’s just gonna turn so then. Never did. So.

Yeah. Wow. So you said

Oh, yeah. Yeah, but I’ve got down here. I’m trying to remember everything because it’s a lot a lot. Ah, quit dreaming. Quit I was I was staring at the right now. And the what if, and, you know, not being huge bummer. I mean, I used to have some of the biggest dreams. You know, for me, Wow, just wild stuff. And I would take those and push them down and put them aside and, you know, really, really, really, really doing what do to do to make our relationship better. And it was not going well. Our relationship was great, but not not this part of it felt like it was it was this one little this one little part of the chain that was missing but and I was aware of how how that touched every other link of the chain, but I didn’t know how much so yeah. Great. Wow. Wow, Kyle. Okay. Oh, Kyle, this is so good. This is amazing. Praise God. Okay, I’m awesome. Okay, well, I really, it really is good. I’d sit down and write it down. Like I was, I was kind of mind blown. Looking back to, to me that really, that really, really hurt. Looking back of how much I’d given up and how much I had shut down. And even how we talked yesterday, how much how much I’ve changed and become just a serious person like that. That was never be you know, I was always light on my feet and dreamy in like, everybody was always like, hey, like, what are you thinking today? You know, and just losing all that it was? Yeah, looking back and notice that I lost all that in pursuit of like this. You know, perfect, amazing whatever. And the pursuit of good thing can can couldn’t be so bad. If done wrong. Yeah. Yeah.

Amazing. Okay, well, well tell me you know, so uh, so the, what was the let’s hear maybe some of the celebrations that happened after the throughout the program after the program. Graeme, let’s hear Tom, you

got um Oh, no, my, like I told you, we were eight or nine before, um It’s the tan bar just keeps getting raised every day. So now, if, if I say we were at an eight or eight or a nine before, we were probably closer to a five or six, compared to what a 10 is now. And remained even, like right now. And I just mentioned she, I don’t know, where just texted me My birthday is coming up in 15 days, and she said, I want you to buy me something to wear for your birthday. So, yeah. And that was not like, get me a new outfit to go out to eat. And that was. So like I said, the team board is just keeps getting raised. But like, Penny, has been more work than it has in the past 10 years. And it’s amazing. I mean, just her her openness is, is completely, completely different. Our, her communication and my communication around it. And just really about everything. Everything has has been different. A huge change early on in program was like, Don’t Ask, Don’t Ask, Don’t ask about it. Don’t ask for it. Don’t ask for

how there’s so much. I would say one of the biggest things is her accepting me just how I am. And vice versa.

And I don’t need to be fixing her. She don’t need to be fixing me. We don’t need to be like, it’s just here I am. And here she is. And, you know, service looks completely different. Like that. And it makes it you know, it makes it more comfortable. And it makes them more genuine. There’s just like, there you are. And you’re enough complements, compliments are awesome. From both sides. I see her really respond until and that’s, that’s great. relationship with the kids have been better and more playful. Yeah. So so much. Maybe me being open about other needs, and communicating about other needs. And I’m gonna say filling the lightness, the light and airy, not carrying that weight around anymore. Sorry, not carrying that weight around anymore. has just lifted a load and made me be able to, to just, I don’t know how I’m thinking about so much. So many things right now. So much good. It’s good. Yeah, but accepting each other is I think, right now, where you are, like, push her into God. And I mean, washing her with water with the, with the word or whatever that is, you know, just right with her and, and push her forward or push her into Jesus and let him do the work. So

So that’s amazing, Kyle, because, you know, a lot of a lot of the celebrations that you’ve shared, are very, are very sexual. And yet, the things you’re talking about are really focused on character and who you’ve changed yourself to be. Is that Is that right?

Yeah. Yep. All of that. Yeah. Um, and that was that was why, what it was one of the biggest things looking back then it was so hard for me to see. Over over 10 years of marriage, almost 11 Now that I was a essentially by my actions like I was right. And I was just sitting around waiting on her to change. And yeah, the growth and practically, practically implementing the biblical knowledge that I had before you know, love your wife like Christ loved the church, you know, how, how does Christ loves me? How is Christ this, you know, but getting disconnected between that and what does this actually look like? And practically steps that I can do? Yeah, just so. So on point and here’s 15 to pick from, you know different things that we can do. And it’s just it’s taken all of those biblical principles in like, Hey, here’s a map or a snap on toolbox full of brand new tools that you know, just pick up the right one or just pick out one and it’ll work. It doesn’t really matter. So that’s right.

And can I ask you How was the How was the feeling that you sent in the beginning like this duty aspect where you know, she’s there, but she’s not really there. It’s just maybe checking a box. How is that now? Would you say

that? Yeah. Yeah, there’s, there’s no duty. No duty at all. I think I don’t know if I wrote it down somewhere here or not, but like, the most say, before, it was like a think duty full service, I think is what I mentioned. Or I wrote down somewhere. But now it’s, it’s it’s just serving. And it’s just loving. And it’s, you know. Yeah, it’s I’ve never heard like, no, no, no, you just just hang out. This is for you. Didn’t like the first time she said that? It just blew my mind. You know? So. Yeah. And that was not the last time that had happened. Yeah. And rode rode Penny. Penny is great. Yeah, that was a that was a new level of service.

Oh, praise God. That is so cool. So cool. So cool. Okay, well, let me ask you, you know, would you recommend the the Mr. program to other gems, what do you think?

Um, I was trying to think of an age range, but I don’t, I don’t know that it’s an age range. This almost say just the, the, the practical steps of just godly relationship. Like, there’s no reason that a lot of this shouldn’t be taught. Started in elementary school. Or High School, you know, anywhere in between, I mean, it’s actually made me it’s made me implement. What was the word? I’m looking for? emotional literacy to my kids. And we’re starting homeschooling this year. So just picking a no emotional literacy. We’re like, hey, a feeling. Be able to tell people what you’re feeling and be able to just It’s okay. You’re who you are be able to implement that. Yeah. I love my kids. And I got down a little rabbit hole there. What was the question? Oh, I love it.

Yeah, so yeah. And so if you would, would you recommend the program and why would you say,

oh, yeah, that was where I was going with it. I would recommend the program to any male. Definitely, any anywhere, it wherever you’re at. Like I said, we were We’ve been married for going on 11 years this month. And I wish I would have had it in high school and premarital counseling, and just listen to some of the other guys on the calls and where they’re at and been married for two years and the the growth and the similarities and definitely every, every every male in it doesn’t really matter where you’re at in world I think needs needs to be take the course. Yeah, absolutely. Oh, praise God, praise God will be I will be putting my son through this

means a lot. You’re gonna make me tear up Kyle. That means a lot.

That’s alright. You deserve every bit of it. Yeah, thank God, God really, really has to work through. And I really appreciate it. You’re obedient. Oh, thank you. It’s so awesome. Awesome, honestly. It is.

Oh, praise God, that’s awesome. That

makes me want to go do better. And more and more focused on like, whatever it is. Because you’ve you’ve definitely, like, carved out your niche. And it’s great. And it works. Thank you. My life. And I think I put it on one of my little things there. But like other than Mary and her like this is a an in obviously being saved. This is the next best thing that’s ever that’s ever happened to me and us.

Before new levels of tans. Yeah, I just don’t like I don’t need I’m just going to call it. I only want to put a number over the board.

Yeah. Oh, praise God. Praise God. Okay.

Don’t limit God. Let him show you what a 10 is gonna be.

Amen. That’s amazing. That’s amazing. So my my final wrap up question is, what advice would you give to the man watching this or, or wife and husband watching this that they’re considering the program? What would you say?

Sign up now. Yeah. And actually, in our, our interview, beforehand. We talked and, and I don’t remember what exactly what it was, but like, what are you? What will you do? What will you do? What how are we going to make this happen? You know, and I was literally to the point that like, yeah, yeah, I’ll walk to work, but didn’t really matter. So that was where that was where we were, that was how important it was to me. But, yeah, but right now, it is, by far. The best money that I’ve ever spent in my life. And, and it’s, it’s the great thing, really, to me is that it not only changed my life, but it changed my wife’s life, but it’s already what are we, I don’t know, two and a half months into this or something, but it’s already people are already receiving our relationship and asking questions and like, what happened, but What are y’all doing? You know, and and just being able to not necessarily point in the program, but just hey, try this, Hey, try this. Hey, and just given people thoughts, and, and, you know, if they keep coming back, I mean, there’s been one guy who just came back three times and 100% plan on, you know, telling him like, Hey, I don’t know when it’s coming up, but you do need to get in here and sign up. So yeah, it’s starting to hell right now, and just do whatever We have to do to make it work. You won’t be disappointed

that’s amazing Kyle that is amazing My hunch is that there are men listening that have really lost hope that things could be different and I’m I’m curious if you would even be willing to pray for the person listening or watching that may have lost hope that things could change.

I’d love to awesome yeah Father God just guy would just come to you now when we just thank you for the work that you’ve done sin in my marriage been and just working in and through Bella we’ve got just a pray for the man out there or the woman out there the group the couple of God, it just is struggling. That is where we were gathered and may not be in as great of a place as we were God but we have just your, your, your glory, your amazingness and your your love. Your love shows us what what real love look like, looks like. And God, I just pray for them, then for for you to work in their heart right now God for you to point them to let them know like if this program is for them, if it’s not, that’s fine. But just be you are enough. And this program is completely 100% based around you. And it’s your principles, and that’s why it works. Yeah. So God, I just thank you for for Bella. And I thank you for whoever’s listening. I mean,

Amen. Yes, amen. Well, I am so grateful to you, Ali and Kyle for sharing your story. It takes courage to be vulnerable and share. I mean, the reason this podcast in ministry, business slash, whatever this is exists, is because sex is so important to our lives and to our hearts, to our walks with Jesus to our marriage. And I hope that you caught some of what it means on both husband and wife side. And I hope that you will join me for the free masterclass and even in a program, if that’s what the right next step is for you. But yeah, may God bless you and that you’d be encouraged from this. This, this testimony of what Jesus has done in their lives. Thanks for joining, and look forward to speaking with you next week.
