Pastor Nathan’s wife had abuse/trauma growing up that severely inhibited her sexual desire and affection with him.

They were good people and she wanted to love him well, but couldn’t because of her past.

And her libido was SO low.

Pastor Nathan went through the Masculinity Reclaimed program and his wife transformed before his eyes.

(She didn’t do a program).

His favorite moment was when he said after a very passionate experience and he said “thank you”–she responded “well, it was because I wanted it so badly”!

Pastor Todd & Donna had a great marriage. (Donna joined him for this interview!)

They come from a long line of pastors and are very busy doing a lot for others.

And it was really good — but intimacy was physically painful for Donna and she also had low drive.

Pastor Todd joined the MR program (almost by accident) and he felt like he didn’t belong there because everyone seemed to have it much worse.

And he felt that her physical pain wasn’t because of him at all.

But, he took a step of faith and signed up. She didn’t do a program.

BUT… through the program SHE started initiating way more than ever and she didn’t even notice.

She started enjoying it more and their marriage has flourished!

He has a Masters in Family Life Ministry said in an email to me:

My wife and I have been to and led MANY Christian marriage conferences and retreats and
Bible studies and have watched many marriage videos and read many books and I have done
pre-marriage counseling with couples in my role as a pastor and camp director, but I have never
experienced anything as comprehensive and effective as Masculinity Reclaimed!

Excited for you to hear these two mens’ stories, as professionals in the field God has used MR to help their own marriages and I am SO honored, humbled and grateful.



PS – If you want to see what MR is all about and get some fantastic free training, sign up for the Free Men’s Masterclass coming up next month: October 11, 2021 ( )



I’ve led many pre marriage counseling sessions with with couples as a pastor. I’ve got a master’s degree in family life ministry and all that is great stuff. But I just couldn’t believe there’s so many men I’m like, man, these guys have just got such challenges with their marriages. I want all of my married friends to have this not just information but but this experience.

Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. You’re joining me belah rose as I dive deep into the beauty, power and truth about intimacy, learn not only the practicals, but the heart behind what making love is all about. delight your marriage. Oh my goodness, I am so excited to bring you today’s episode. So we are going to be hearing from Pastor Todd and his wife, Donna. And we’re also going to be hearing from another pastor pastor Nathan, and they both are graduates of the masculinity reclaimed program. And not only do they share their stories, which you’re going to want to really listen to, because just a quick overview is Pastor Nathan’s wife had a really tough childhood. And it impacted their intimacy from day one and affection and they had a great marriage aside from this area, and then it gets better. So you’ll want to hear his and then speaking to pastor Todd and his wife, it’s pretty exciting because she actually started out with more of a physical issue around pain with sex, and it was really impacting their connection. And lo and behold, he went through Mr. She did not go through a program and yet things transformed. So you’re gonna want to listen in. Now before we get into that, I want to invite you personally, to the men’s masterclass coming up here, October 11 12th, and 13th. So you can kind of think about this as a sample class that goes through a lot of the material that we go into in the masculinity reclaim program. So for free, and it’s only available for a short amount of time, so put it on your calendar. Tons of I mean, men reach out to me and they’re like I was on vacation, or I couldn’t do it for this reason, or that and unfortunately, you know, it only comes around a couple times a year and so I want you to really prioritize it and make sure you can do it. And even the men who have gone through the went forward and did purchase the masculinity reclaimed program. After they watched the masterclass they told me how valuable that masterclass is, so I want you to be there. Sign up at delight your All right, let’s dive into these stories and really hear how you can glean from the wisdom that’s presented. Welcome, Nathan.

Yeah, good to be here.

Yes, yeah. So can you share a little bit about you and who you are?

Yeah, I’ve been married five years. And it’s been a wonderful marriage. But physical intimacy has been was difficult. And we couldn’t really figure out what was ragged. And it just, it was always difficult for us. So that’s gonna be a summary of our marriage.

Got it? Got it. Okay, so, so difficult for her difficult for you? Do you mind sharing a little bit more?

Yeah, yeah. Um, as they definitely for my wife, which means it’s difficult for me to just no desire. And I always felt like, it’d be funny because, um, and then that was kissing and just all that connection wasn’t really there. So I was hurt.

Yeah, of course. Yeah. So. So even kissing outside of the bedroom. I mean, just kind of affection. Is that what you’re talking about?

Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Even that was not that much theory.

And can you tell me a little bit about her history around all these things?

Yeah, um, I would say, just in terms of her previous history, some counselors have wondered like, maybe she had some, some trauma, even some childhood trauma, but we haven’t. We don’t think any of that. As far as we know, but she did have a very difficult childhood. And we’re pretty sure that affected some things somehow. Yeah, so we wonder about that.

And how that impacts everything. Absolutely. Yeah. And Um, yeah. So was she. So when you? Oh, and do you mind sharing just a little bit about your who you guys are like what your work is? That kind of thing?

Yeah. I’m a pastor. And so my wife is a pastor’s wife. She takes care of our kids. She’s a wonderful stay at home mom. And we’ve been very blessed.

So cool. That’s awesome. And so why did you decide to take the masculinity reclaim?

I’ve been looking everywhere for help. Is it to the point where we’re like, we need some sort of help some counselor of some sort. And I’ve been listening to your podcast, and it’s like, wow, these are so good. And then it’s like, oh, my, she has a program. And so as not to.

Oh, that’s so good. Yay. Um, do you remember was there like, a moment that you heard something and you were like, you know, whether it was somebody’s testimony, or just,

um, you know, a lot of it was hope. Just that I could tell that you understand how marriages work. And I know that in counseling, as long as you get one person, usually that one person will help change the other person. Or maybe I was the person who needed to change. But either way it works. It works to have one of the one one spouse so for me, a lot of it was just understanding. It’ll work. If this program works. It’ll work.

Amazing. Amazing. So yeah, so what was your experience through the program?

I would say it was very well done. And I enjoyed all of it. It takes, it takes some, some discipline to do it all. It does take work. But it’s good work. And it’s a lot of fun to do. And it’s the type of thing where it puts your marriage in motion for for the future. And everything gets easier. Oh, wonderful. Oh, that’s so good.

Did you uh, did things start changing even though you were the only one doing the program?

Oh, man. Yes. Yes. It maybe took a month or two before I started really noticing results. But yeah, yeah, things started changing.

Oh, my goodness. Can you tell us more?

Yeah, well, I’d say most of our issues were around intimacy. And the first month or two, it was always like, I’d like to ask her like, is this different, but I can do that. I don’t want to mess up the program. But like, slowly, her desire for me changed a lot. And I, it was just, I mean, three, three months is a very short time. So in a way was fast. But when you’re in the middle of it can feel kind of slow. But by the end of the program, she initiated three times in a week.

The last time I thanked her and I was like thank you so much. And she’s like, well, I just doing that for me. Like, she’s like that sweet of you. But But I just wanted it so bad. And as the best words I’ve heard in my marriage, since we’ve been married is so wonderful.

Oh, isn’t that amazing? Wow. And what about the affection you talked about?

Oh, my so much affection. We went from not kissing at all to kissing almost all the time. And it’s been it’s been wonderful.

Oh, wow. Do you think she’s happier?

Yes, I do. I think she’s happier.

Yeah. Wow. Wow. Isn’t that phenomenal?

So you were in? Yeah, you were in the class with a bunch of other men. How was that for you the experience of that.

Um, for me, doing the Skype stuff makes me kind of nervous. So faces kind of like, well, this is kind of scary. But after a couple of weeks, everyone feels like a friend. It is very laid back and is very helpful. So I would say is very, very helpful and worth my time.

Mm hmm. And, um, would you consider yourself an extrovert or an introvert? Nathan?

Oh, I’m an introvert. All the way.

So for you to open up, you know, with a bunch of gents, how I mean,

what was that like for you? Um, I’d say it’s not hard for me to open up but just around People I’m close to. So it phases kind of awkward to just open up and be like, well, he’s, he’s, he knows what’s going on and have everyone hear about it. But after a while, you realize everyone cares. Everyone’s going through the same thing. And, and it just got easier.

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Everyone’s going through the same thing. Did you notice? What? Were other guys going through difficult things in their marriage? And did it change for them? Or what did you see?

Yes, I did notice that. Some guys, definitely were going through some difficult times. And I noticed throughout the chorus, how it improves, and they talk about how happy their wives were. And yeah, it was wonderful. It was great to see.

Wow, awesome. Awesome. Were there any specific lessons that you were like, Oh, my gosh, this was so important. You know, for somebody listening, maybe that would be a light bulb going off for them?

Yeah, like specific examples for work in that. I would say the the feminine sexual practices are so helpful. My wife loves them. And I can tell that was one of the points in the course where things started changing. Oh, my gosh, yeah. So that’s been very helpful. Yeah.

Oh, that’s so great. So great. And, you know, I’m so a question about, since you’ve listened to the podcast. You know, why do you think it was different in terms of your results, rather than just going to be, you know, from a listener to actually being in the program, you know, because a lot of gentlemen will reach out and be like, I’ve tried everything you said, Bella, nothing’s working. I’m like, I wish you were in a program, but I couldn’t work with you. What, what do you think is a difference there?

Yes, that’s a good question. I think the the way the program is set up. Certain things happen at certain times that are very important for how you’re setting the, the structure for everything, and you’re in your relationship. And I could tell the way it was structured, and one, you implemented certain things, that it made a huge difference. So I think a lot of it’s just how the program is structured.

Okay, so um, oh, this was the other question I want to ask you. So Nathan, the fact that you’re a pastor, what was that like for you? Because obviously, you know, different denominations. I work with people on every denomination pretty much that, you know, was that hard for you? Were there things that you were just like, No, this is way wrong, because of the denomination you’re part of? What do you think? Yeah. Um,

do you mean, it’s just in terms of marriage or marriage? Yeah, I would say there were some differences. But does that mean that that the program wasn’t helpful? No, not at all. With Egyptians is a phrase that that my seminary likes to use a lot, which is, people have really wonderful stuff, then you don’t have to agree with everything. So, so taking the course was such a wonderful blessing. And it didn’t get in the way of anything. No.

Awesome. Awesome. That’s, that’s really, for me really assuring reassuring, because that’s my goal is not to divide, but to unify in the ways we can. And why not? Yeah. No, as wonderful programs. Wonderful. Oh, that’s so great. Oh, so Well, is there any other if somebody you know, on the fence, and they’re like, I don’t know if now’s the right time? I don’t know if, you know, financial I can afford if I don’t know if my wife will really change. She’s never been somebody who’s been affectionate. Why would she change now? I mean, all those things kind of come up for a man when they’re considering this. What What would you say?

Yeah, I would say I would say this program works. works very well. And God can use you to help change the whole marriage, the whole recall aspects, everything about marriage, everything else seems. So I would just say do it. If you’re in a place, if you’re in a place where you feel like your marriage is wonderful, but intimacy is difficult. And even if you feel like it’s not your fault, take the course it changes everything is wonderful.

That’s awesome. I love that insight of like even if you feel like it’s not your fault, because so much of weight we went through with you Nathan, I just remember of like, yeah, there was a lot of hard things that your wife has gone through a lot and And because you were that person that was able to walk through all of these things with her, she was able to heal so much and then respond to love you the way that you receive love, would you say that’s correct? Complaint?

Yes. Within our marriage, that’s really been kind of this kind of a summary of our marriage where we have issues that we’ve had to work out for childhood, and, and showing for love goes up so much in this program stepped that up to 10 times more than what it was previously. It helps so much.

Wow. Wow, that’s so good. Wonderful. Are there any kind of final things that you want to make sure somebody listening? Knows or any final thoughts? Yeah,

I would just say, it’s very much worth the money. It, it covers so much. It’s a lifetime of, of material, it will never get hauled. So I highly, highly recommend it. So thank you.

Good. You’re so welcome. Well, you’re doing wonderful, wonderful work and ministry. And you know, if we can support you, I mean, you’re doing the hard work of bringing people towards Jesus and loving them well, and let’s make your marriage safe and good, and overwhelmingly good and loving. And then you can do the hard stuff.

I appreciate it so much. So thank you.

So welcome. Just amazing. Thank you, Nathan. All right, well, you are going to want to hear Donna and Todd’s story. So pastor Todd is super happy to share the details. And we do get pretty specific. And so I want to just honor Donna and she asked if we could keep some extra anonymity. So I went ahead and change the voices a little bit. So it’ll look it’ll sound I will sound a little different in my voice. So that’s why, but I love what she shares and how brave they both are for, for sharing their story with us, which is truly incredible. So let’s go ahead and dive in.

Well, Donna and Todd, thank you so very much for Yeah, for joining today. How are you? Awesome. Awesome. So yeah, would you just give me a bit of background about you all and your marriage. We’ve been married for 35 years, and we’re empty nesters. Now, we have four grown children that live ways away. We love them very much and talk to them. You know, good communication every week. Our relationship is very strong. And it always has been that we’ve had different challenges. We were 20 and 21 when we married. And we I think all the different moves God’s had a skill through has made us closer to each other because we just had each other and we’re through it everything. And so that’s a little bit a little bit Donna. Yeah. How about you, Todd?

Yeah, I mean, we we met the first week of college and started dating six months after that and got married, married before the last year of college. And, you know, our dads are both in ministry. And so that’s been my, our lives really. We’re working in ministry at churches and camps and, and and so it’s just been a really neat joy to be a part of that. So

amazing, amazing, such important work. Well, what were challenges before you took the men’s program, Todd?

Well had to do with because of my wife’s health challenges here is that we, we really were looking for a lot of like, more tips for physical intimacy. And what we found was at least what I what I found or whatever was some more enriching and

how about you, Donna? Was there specific challenges that were happening before the men’s program? Pretty much the early days, I don’t know how far into marriage we notice we had quite an equal libido which is really common but just also, you know, might not come into orgasm very often. We’re just hoping to find some secret sauce. Yeah. Tips, you know, on that kind of thing? Yeah. Yeah. Were you nervous? Donna, when your husband signed up for the program? No, I really wasn’t. I wasn’t nervous at all. I was just excited and hopeful. Good. Okay. Wonderful. Wonderful. Um, so how was it going through the program, Todd was, you know, just seeing some changes in your wife or in your marriage? or what? But did you?

Well, it was just me, because she seemed a lot happier in a lot of different ways. And it was just weird, because when I, when I first started this program, I kind of felt like maybe I didn’t belong, because most of the guys in the group at the beginning had a lot of challenges with their marriage relationship as a whole. And, you know, we, you know, you asked us this week, you know, are they I mean, we have a great, we have great marriage. And so our struggle was really in the whole physical area here as far as, like some of the health challenges that Donna was dealing with. And so it was really good, because there was things that, that I was able to go, I love that the daily gratitudes and things like that, where I can kind of learn to appreciate my wife more and more each day. And, you know, even thinking about the specific ways that are unique for her, her special gifts that God’s given her. And as well as just having a real more in depth understanding of what all women have in common, you know, not like, well, you know, not kind of like taking it out or blaming my wife for some challenges, or from special ways that God’s made all women. And so it’s just been really nice to be able just to kind of discern the difference between those subtle things between things that are special gifts, and things that are common to all women, so that I can really appreciate her. Uniquely,

yay. I love that. Donna, isn’t that nice to hear? It is it’s he brings that up a lot. And it was really eye opening to him. That that wasn’t just my thing that that women are and it seems like it’s been really helpful to him. Amazing. Well, what did you see Donna? In the changes in Todd as he went through? Yeah, um, well, it was just a really sweet time. Because, like you said, we are we always get along great and very close and, and talk a lot. But um, I just noticed that he was really becoming more appreciative of me and more thoughtful, more intentional about our relationship. I really liked that. He was going through some heavy stress at work. And this was just perfect timing, even though as extra time involved, it was so worth it, because it just made him less stressed overall, and it made him more sensitive. And it was just like a sweet time for our relationships. So he started talking more during our times of lovemaking which for years, like you say, so

I thought it was just her, I guess, like,

oh, yeah, just, I’m just being more thoughtful of me and wanting to make me happy. And it’s just like, I feel like, yeah, the inquiry I’m being courted or something.

Well, and that’s the thing is that, you know, I thought I was already loving her unconditionally. But I found out there’s just so much more depth to unconditional love, then then the the superficial, unconditional love. So anyway.

Oh, wow. Oh, that’s powerful. I love that. Oh, well. I mean, if you’re comfortable in sharing with either of you share what what changed and intimacy as a result, would you say?

You I mean, the thing is, is that, you know, it just seemed weird, because, you know, and I don’t know if this is a secret or not here, but there was a period of time where, you know, there’s no initiating on my part, and I was just really amazed because, you know, from my perspective, we were having sexual intimacy, way more than we had for a while and I was just surprised because I was initiating, and so it’s just a blessing in many ways. So

what did you think of that? Donna? Did you feel like there was more frequency? I did. That’s interesting. I don’t know. I think maybe sometimes he was tracking it. So he might know. But no, he didn’t to me. But, you know, I mean, do you think it’s a result of you feeling more loved in the ways that you receive love? And so it was just kind of a natural outpouring of loving him? Yeah. And just that he was more sensitive and intentional, like, it just, it may, it makes me think that way. Because, you know, he’s just busy about his day. And in his mind, he’s like, Oh, she won’t want to, you know, it never crosses my path. But if he’s like, being so sweet and loving, then it’s like, Oh, I love this guy, you know? And makes me think that like,

well, and that’s the dude. And, you know, because you’re not before I took the class, you know, it was a challenge for us, because of her health issues, pain and love making things like that here that I forgot to mention earlier. But it was like, neither one of us really wanted to initiate anything, because it would be bad for her. And so then, and so it was just kind of a catch 22 Because it was just, you know, kind of messing things up. I think over time, it’d been, you know, unhealthy for for marriage to continue that way. So it’s great to have that shift.

Mm hmm. Yeah, that’s, that’s awesome. And that is like an extra extra layer of challenge for you all with, with health challenges, where, you know, intimacy for any of us can be really tough. But, you know, when there’s health issues that preclude it, and now you’re saying, here, you did a program that seemed like you weren’t quite the the intended audience. And yet, because of your changes, Todd Donna actually decided to do way more frequency, but it was natural. And you were like, I didn’t realize I didn’t realize there was more frequency anyway. Is that right, Donna? Yeah, I would say so. I mean, I guess, probably, probably, I noticed there was a little bit more, but it just kind of goes in spurts, depending on if we focus on that, I mean, if we are intentional, then then that’s natural. Yeah, right. Well, what do you think? Would either of you recommend others take the program?

Oh, yeah, absolutely. Yeah, well, and that’s thing is that, you know, I mean, every, I mean, and honestly, that’s why I don’t care who sees this or hears it or wherever, however, this is presented, if at all, but, you know, I don’t care if people know, me or whatever, because I want all of my married friends to have this. Not just information, but but this experience. That’s why I’m happy to go public with this here. Because, you know, I’ve, you know, we’ve attended many different marriage retreats. And I’ve led many, you know, pre marriage counseling sessions with, with couples, as a pastor, I’ve, I’ve, you know, I’ve I’ve a master’s degree in family life ministry, and all that is great stuff. But, you know, and I highly read, you know, recommend those things. But, but, you know, but I just couldn’t believe that, you know, I mean, I just loved the specific steps that you take us through the, like, the minute a group here, because there was this. I mean, it was just, it was just amazing for me to see the change. And I wish I could go back and watch our first call. Our first group call because there are so many men, I’m like, man, these guys have just got such challenges with their marriages. I’m like, What am I even doing this group here. But it was very inspiring to me. Because, because, because I wasn’t just reading books, or watching videos, I was living in alongside these men in real time and seeing how God was using, you know, this program to change them and their marriages. And so it was just amazing. And we just need because, because this is a really great thing because, you know, Bella, God’s gifted you as, you know, with, with, with unique way of understanding, you know, the many challenges that men and women both have and, you know, you were able to look at the, you know, the not only just the educational, but the psychological, emotional, sexual, spiritual components that impact marriages, and you’re able to speak the truth in love with lots of laughter to be a good coach for us. I mean, you just seem weird at first like, you know, okay, why are but a nice bunch of guys getting together with this woman. That’s strange to me. But then after a while, I realized You know what, what better way? Who else? Can we? What what other woman? Can we ask questions about this topic? And and not feel creepy or weird or whatever here, but it’s just a very wholesome Christian environment and safe place to talk and learn and grow.

So amazing. Amazing. Thank you. Well, God, God be the glory. That’s awesome. That’s awesome. Yeah, I mean, Donna, that’s true. I mean, somebody, a wife could listen to such a thing and be like, what’s my husband’s doing? What? You know, how did you feel about all that? Oh, we just, it’s just we’ve been very open about this whole topic. All these years and yeah, just ready to learn and grow. And so yeah, it was, you know, like you said, I was the one that first told him about your program. Yeah, like, maybe you can figure this out. Like, fix it? Right. Oh, that’s right. That’s right. So, um, yeah, well, what do you think Donna? Would you recommend husband’s take the program? Yeah, I sure would, it’s, it’s just really neat to see how impactful it is for him. And just what a sweet time of you know, how it’s affected our marriage, and just very sweet ways that the star really enjoyable to just see and just just see that growth and encouragement for him. And that encourages me and yeah, highly recommend it. Amazing. Yay. That’s so good. Um, yeah. So I mean, if, if somebody is kind of on the fence, and they’re listening, or watching or what have you, um, yeah, what would you what would you say to that person? Do you think? Just do it? Just try it?

Well, for me, I see it, as you know, it’s not an expense. It’s an investment in your marriage. You know, I mean, I’ve, I’ve counseled men who have spent 1000s of dollars on porn, and I’m like, Okay, can you spend some of that money on your, on your marriage, that’s just so much more valuable, I think, I don’t know if you saw my, my illustration from a few days ago, about candy bars and steak and salad, you know, did you just see that?

I did, I did that it was Yeah.

But just how, you know, porn is sort of like something that, you know, it’s sort of like a candy bar, where it just kind of satisfies you temporarily, but not very in depth. And, you know, whereas steak and but it’s, but it’s a quick fix, you know, I mean, you know, like parents tell, you know, don’t eat candy before supper, you’re gonna ruin your appetite. And, you know, that’s what point does is, is it ruins your appetite, and then it’s a steak and salad, they take a lot longer to prepare, you have to, you know, spend time making a steak or making a salad. But then, you know, satisfies your hunger for so much more, you no longer and it’s just a really, you know, so So for guys that are struggling in those areas. You know, this is just an amazing blessing. So

awesome. Awesome. Yeah. I mean, it’s in to take your metaphor further, you know, candy, if that’s that, that ultimately destroys, destroys the body good pills. You know, spiritually, it’s the same. It’s the same thing. So yeah, I think that’s a beautiful way of describing like, you have an opportunity here to, to truly enjoy the intimacy that you’re given in your marriage. But it does take longer, it takes more work. It takes you to become a better man, that Donna is now getting to intentional goodness of the marriage. I love it. I love it. Wonderful. Well, you know if there’s any other thoughts or otherwise, you know, I’d love for you to pray tied for a gentleman who may have been where you started out.

Sure. Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, there are many guys out there. Someone who’s listening right now who needs this program. And Lord, we pray that you would be with them and guide them and help them to know your will because, Lord, you know, these people don’t know what they don’t know. But you know, move in their hearts and help them to know your will in all of this. And we thank you for the special insights and gifts wisdom that you’ve given Bella and her humble way, and Winston way of sharing your truth In love, you’re an awesome guy.

Yes, man. Amazing. Well, thank you both. This was awesome.

Yeah, absolutely amazing. I’m so grateful for Pastor Nathan and Pastor Todd and Donna and just your willingness to share your stories. I’m absolutely I just want to convey it’s so funny, I was speaking to a client today. And he was telling me that sometimes the testimonials almost make him sick because he’s like, I just can’t believe that they would be, you know where they were and now where they are. And I do this because you need to have hope. You need to have hope that yes, it could change for you. It could change for you. And here are pastors who not only it’s changed for their own marriage, but they themselves witnessed really difficult marriages transform as well. So I want you to have hope. Here we are about to launch this masculinity reclaimed program, the next cohort is going to be starting the enrollment period starts. End of October. So sign up for the masterclass you’ll get that free sample class and then you’ll have the opportunity to join the cohort, you’ll get all the information if you sign up. So go to delight your Sign up as soon as you can. October 11 is when the masterclass starts and I don’t want you to miss it, because this is what I want for you. And just as pastor Todd mentioned, he wants all of his married friends to go through this experience. And yeah, by God’s grace, it’s pretty exciting on the other side. All right, let’s go ahead and he already prayed for you. So I will just wish you a wonderful day. And I will talk to you next week. God bless you