JUST in time for the holidays!

Please listen to this before you have a blow-up with the people most important to you. I’ll give you a lot of tools that you can implement immediately.

(Warning: All of the scriptures below and in the episode are personalized to your spouse, but if you know you’ll be seeing a certain someone who triggers you, put their name in there, too!)

When I look at scriptures like…

Phil 2:3

“Do nothing towards [your spouse] out of selfish ambition or strife but value [your spouse] above yourself.”

“Care not of your interests but care about the interests of [your spouse].” 


That’s kind of a knock in the face needed to stop always thinking about ourselves, isn’t it?

And don’t most of our marital fights start because that’s the only one we’re thinking about?


I just wonder if we’d be proud of ourselves if a transcript of the last fight was read from the pulpit on Sunday.


But…you may be thinking about when your spouse comes at you with…

-Untrue accusations…

-Totally, self-centered criticisms…

-Immature and discouraging complaints…

What are you supposed to do?


That’s what I’m going to help you see in today’s conversation. 

Here’s the summary if you can’t listen in right now…

1 – Have a daily prayer time for your spouse & a daily time in the Word so your heart and mind are shaped by God’s leadership.

[Enter negativity from spouse]

2 – Wait. 

3 – Could there be something you don’t understand that is why they are reacting that way?

4 – Compassionately circle back after emotions have calmed and listen to understand, not to respond.

5 – [Several other things I include in the podcast]

6 – Witness God do amazing things.


In this episode, I also teach you how to personalize the Bible so it helps you with your marriage.

And how to get started loving this book (even if it feels like a chore now).


Suffice it to say that God cares about what comes out of our mouths. Here’s another motivating scripture…


Prov 12:18 — “Your reckless words pierce [your spouse] like swords.” 



Let’s let that word picture motivate us to hold our tongue!

Start at home, because that’s your most important human assignment. The person you can harm or heal the most. 


The final part of Prov. 12:18 “…your tongue — if you are wise — brings healing to [your spouse].” 


Isn’t that what we want, everyone around us to be healed? Is us “being right” more important than their healing?


When this habit is strong with our spouse, it impacts our habits with our kids, our extended family, our friends, our work, our light in the world… 



I pray that this encourages you to be the peacemaker in your home – as that is what God, through His Word, asks of you.




PS – Get the help you need by speaking to a Clarity Advisor (a $300 value) for free here: delightyourmarriage.com/cc 

A recent grad from the Masculinity Reclaimed course said, “Thanks for changing my life and my marriage in ways I didn’t even think needed changing.”

PPS – I’ve got a ton of free resources if you haven’t yet checked them: delightyourmarriage.com/free


Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast.

You’re joining me belah rose as I dive deep into the beauty, power and truth about intimacy, learn not only the practicals, but the heart behind what making love is all about. delight your marriage. Hey there, thank you for joining me, it’s Bella. And I want to just tell you how honored I am that we get to connect today. And any moment that you join the podcast, it means a lot to me. So thank you. Before we get started on the importance of well, really the harm of arguments and fights in your marriage, I want to let you know that if you need help in your marriage, if you’re desperate, there’s your planning playing with fire, right, you’re playing with, you know, financial ruin, but your kids potentially eternity, they need a mom and dad in the house, they need to be loved well, and when we’re so focused on the love, we’re not receiving from our spouse, it takes away from our ability to love others well, including our own kids and those those souls that God has entrusted you to steward Well, it’s a big deal. So for the sake of your own kids, I want to challenge you and encourage you to get this marriage thing sorted. And we can help you you can go to delight your marriage calm slash CC, sign up for a clarity call with one of my clarity advisors who themselves have gone through the program, and it’s changed their own marriages by God’s grace. In fact, everyone that is in the dy M team, every single person, our graduates, and they have seen it, transform their own marriages, and they get to see it every day in the marriages and lives we get to serve. So praise God for that. And let’s dive into this just important topic, I’m so excited that you’re listening. And I hope it encourages you and gives you a different perspective on your words and the importance of not arguing and not saying things, even when you feel them so strongly. Let’s dive in. So I want to just share a story of something that happened when I received a message from someone I deeply care about but haven’t talked to in a while. And it was actually a very inflammatory message. And it kind of caught me off guard. And I I was in the middle of spending time with my boys. So I saw it and my blood pressure rose. And I was like, You know what, I’m gonna take care of this later. And so I just kind of let it get away from my mind. And then I kind of revisited it that night and looked look back at the message and just realized, you know what? It’s not evening. Exactly. But it is late afternoon. It sounds like this person is hurting. I’m not sure what’s going on. But I will tell you immediately. My inclination was oh, yeah, they feel that way. Well, hey, I’ve got some things to tell them. Like that was my immediate day, to be completely honest with you. There were some temptations that arose. And I think that’s important for you to know that. Yes, that was my temptation was to immediately be like, Hey, I’m gonna win this argument. I’ve got way better ammunition because, you know, that person is way, way more wrong than whatever they’re accusing me of. But instead, I said, You know what, I this is what I texted back something like you know, thank you for reaching out. It’s good to hear from you. I’m not sure I totally understand what we’re talking about here, but I’d love to find a time to chat tomorrow. If that works for you, I think of you often and looking forward to connecting. And so that was essentially what I said. I think I might have even said I love you too or something. I don’t know, but it was maybe I had a heart something that let them

know I’m thinking good things of them. And so immediately the text back was, you know, tell me what time works for you something like that. And so I easily could have gone back and forth and back and forth. And, you know, I don’t know what exactly was happening with that person. But I know that it was not the time to have a big long text engagement. And so I just didn’t respond. And so the next day, I called them at a time that worked for me. And I left a message and said, you know, it was great to hear from you last night. Sorry, I didn’t know my plans Exactly. Today, so I wasn’t able to give you a time. But if now works, I’ve got the next hour and a half available. So hopefully, we can connect. I don’t know, 20 minutes later, they called me back. And we were able to talk. And they basically share that they were in a really rough spot. Yesterday, they were regretful that they had sent that message. And you know, they were going to get off the phone after that. And I was like, you don’t have time, we haven’t connected in a while, how are you like what’s going on, and come to find out, their closest friend had passed away yesterday. And so that launched them into drinking and some other things that they didn’t tell me all the details. But ultimately, like, that’s the context of what they were going through. And had I responded in kind to that text message. I mean, consider the ramifications of my words, in in the midst of an extremely hurtful, a place that this person was in. And so it’s just another reminder of, we don’t know what’s going on for other people. We don’t, and it includes our spouse, we don’t know what they’re really going through. Maybe they haven’t shared everything, maybe they have. But I love the phrase that was taught to me when I went on a mission trip when I was 16 years old. It was a mission trip that changed my life, I went to India and it was just it was so good to change so many perspectives in my heart of seeing people in utter poverty. I mean, even without a roof on their head, literally the storms blew it away. And they only had bricks to live in with their family, with their with their baby, I’m thinking of particular person. And she was so grateful that we were there in she was so there were just so many things that that mission trip showed me and, and taught me of the the way we’re able to be grateful for the meager minor tiny things. The way other people live, literally in a small room for their entire family. Or I remember there was one Christian in her whole village, her whole. everyone she knows everyone she knows and spends time with or not believers. She’s the only one and in to help differentiate herself. She wears all white as a as a ministry tool to help, I guess, spur on conversations. They were so many times that people had us come and pray for them because they were needing healing or they were needing God’s touch. They were needing God’s provision, or they wanted God to help them be more effective to bring more people to Jesus. Like that is their focus. That’s their goal. That’s their mindset, their heart. I come back to America. And we’re so lazy, or so lethargic, we get all up in our tiny little grievances with each other and we get all distracted by these stupid things. To be completely honest, they’re tiny. It’s like when you see your kids arguing over the little piece of plastic that they got from the birthday party and one of it broke and the other kid wants the other kids and it’s just like, Oh, come on. That doesn’t matter. The car can’t start today. Why don’t you think about something that bigger and more important. But then you compare your life to somebody who is does doesn’t literally have food to feed their own family, you start to put your own life in perspective.

So what I heard on that mission trip was one of the leaders. I remember I was having some trouble with a particular person on the you know 16 Right, so I was very immature. But I remember we were going back and forth with this. This other kid, and I don’t really remember what was said, or whatever, but maybe I was telling the leader, what he said to me. And the leader told me, hurt people, hurt people, hurt people hurt people. And what that really helped me to see is somebody is hurting, which is why they then say painful things to others. And I have to say, when I have been hurting in my life, there have an extremely painful situations when I was married, and just going in it through absolute daily heartache and pain. I was extremely poisonous to other people. Extremely so I didn’t care about their feelings. I didn’t care about what they were going through, because I was in such misery and pain. And so when you think about somebody else, and the words that they attack you with, I want you to really consider what pain are they going through? When my wife comes at me with accusations? What pain is underneath there when my husband attacks me with? With accusations, what is the pain he’s going through? Because let me tell you, the Bible is very clear. That piece is important. The Bible is very clear that your words matter. It matters, Jesus even says we will give an account for every careless word we say, every single one. So I don’t know how that works with the grace of Jesus, because I know that Jesus grace is, you know, because of the blood of Jesus we we get a you know, clean slate and all that. I don’t know how it’s gonna work, I’ll tell you honestly. But I do know that Jesus is very clear, we will give an account. So I don’t know if that means Jesus blood gets us into heaven. But the assignment we have when we’re heaven affects is affected by the things that we do on Earth. I’m not sure. I don’t know how it works. But I do know that it matters in eternity. The Bible’s clear on that. And I just want to go through a few verses. And then I want to give you some encouragement, and maybe some advice on how you can make these verses really applicable to you and make sure that it affects you and the way you are with your spouse. So again, these are ones that I literally found this morning just by flipping through the Bible. So this is not exhaustive, by any means. And you can probably think of verses if you’re familiar with the Bible that go way further than the ones I’m going to just share super quick with you. So James 318 peacemakers, who sow and peace, reap a harvest of righteousness. James is full of these sorts of verses just to be clear. Philippians two, three, and do nothing out of selfish ambition, or vain conceit. Rather, in humility, value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests, but each of you to the interest of others. Proverbs 1518, a hot tempered person stirs up conflict, but the one who was patient calms a quarrel. Proverbs 17, one better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting with strife. Proverbs 1623 gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 1112, whoever derived their neighbor and derived looked it up means ridicule, or express contempt. So whoever derives their neighbor has no sense, but the one who has understanding holds their tongue. Proverbs 1125, a generous person will prosper, whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. And then the final one, again, super non exhaustive. list here but I’m going to share proverbs 1218 The words of the reckless Pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. So why is it in our society and popular psychology research, etc, etc. Says you just got to be on honest, you just got to share what you’re feeling. If you’re feeling it, you got to say it. And I just, I don’t know, all these things tell me that our mouth and our words that come out of it, match her. And whether or not we’re sowing contempt, or we’re sowing peace, or we’re piercing, like swords because of our reckless words. That’s just not what the Bible says, See, the Bible is so cool, because it gives us the answers, you know? Yeah, like we get to pursue the Word of God, and learn all the days of our lives. We get to be in powered with transformative truths. So if you’re not in that word, you’re listening to all sorts of voices in the world that aren’t, aren’t aligning you with God’s heart. I mean, Proverbs, man, oh, man, is it good and deep, all you need to do to start is just think about one verse. Every morning, just get one verse in front of you, and just a Bible, you don’t you don’t need a devotional. You don’t need someone to interpret it for you. To fall in love with the Bible. I think it only takes a Bible. That’s, that’s my experience is I do like devotionals. But I tell you, I love the Bible. And it’s because I spend time with the Bible. And I just, every morning, I might just get one verse, you know, a sentence. And I ponder it, and I write it. And I asked God to help me understand it, and it gets in me. And I’ve got so much growth, to go, but this is what we need. If you’re struggling in any of these ways, if you feel convicted by the words I just read, which I do, get in the Bible. It’s it’s sharper than a double edged sword it pierces to the division of soul and spirit, the word of God has power. Jesus calls it that he calls it the word of God, and he’s talking about the Old Testament. The New Testament is great, too, right? It’s it’s scriptural. It’s scripture. It’s powerful. It’s good. The gospels, all of this. But don’t ignore the Bible anymore. All right. Are we clear on that? Good. Okay. So, here’s what I want you to do is just these verses, for example, I’m going to do it as an example. There’s 12345678, I shared eight of them with you. But when you get to a verse that talks about others, I want us to just replace it with your spouse. And even as I say, your spouse, I want you to say out loud, your spouse’s name. So hopefully, you’re in a car somewhere by yourself or maybe you’re with your spouse and you’re listening to this together. Maybe you both say each other’s names out loud. But repeat after me. James 318. I am a peacemaker who sews into my spouse. Peace, and I will reap a harvest of righteousness. Okay, Philippians, two, three, you’re doing great by the way. I do nothing towards my spouse out of selfish ambition. I do nothing out of vain conceit. Rather in humility. I value my spouse above myself. I do not look to my own interests. But I look to the interests of my spouse. Proverbs 1518 I am not a hot tempered person because I do not stir up strife and conflict with my spouse but I am one who was patient with my spouse and I call them the quarrel with my spouse


17 One keep saying it out loud repeat after me and continue to replace their name better in my house is a dry crust with peace between me and my spouse

then my house full of feasting but with strife with my spouse proverbs 1624 My gracious words to my spouse are a honeycomb sweet to my spouse’s soul and healing to my spouse’s bones proverbs 1112 I do not ridicule my spouse because I am very smart I am one who has understanding which is why I hold my tongue with my spouse proverbs 1125 I am a generous person to my spouse I will prosper as a result I refresh my spouse and therefore, I will be refreshed by God not necessarily my spouse FYI proverbs 1218 If my words are reckless to my spouse they pierce like swords into my spouse I really want you to say this out loud. If my words are reckless to my spouse they pierced like swords into my spouse Do you want to pierce your spouse like a sword? Do not be reckless. Sorry, I got I got impassioned, let’s keep going. But my tongue is wise and it brings healing to my spouse Say that again but my tongue is wise and brings healing to my spouse

so I want you to be reading the Bible and thinking about how this impacts your spouse who you are with your spouse is who you are before Jesus. They’re your highest priority assignment if you are failing with them. I mean that’s that’s your assignment. It’s like It’s like we we think that okay, the people at church I don’t say mean things to and so I’m good. These these verses say others and with everyone outside of my house I’m good with so I’m good. And that’s Not scripturally the way it works, I mean, some of these things are specifically saying in your house, like we cannot get away from this. But the truth of the matter is, God loves the people in your house, and the people in your house, this, this is real, this is real. This means our kids, this means our spouse. So no being reckless with your words, just sharing all your feelings, especially when they’re ridicules, or complaints or criticisms. That’s piercing, your spouse like a sword. I didn’t make this up. This is what Jesus called the Word of God. We need this to transform us. So if you think Jesus lived, if you think he was wise, you if you think that Jesus is the one you’re following, the word of God is what should shape you. These are the words that should shape you. And if these do not reflect who you are, then you got to look at yourself and say, What am I doing? If I say I’m a Jesus follower, but I’m not doing this in my own marriage. In the human that I’m assigned to, what what is happening here, here, that’s the thing that makes me so sad. You were assigned to your human, I’m assigned to my human, but you’re assigned to yours. So that’s what love should look like, is his peace. We should have peace in our home, we should have an encouraging tang to our spouse. We should not be pursuing selfish ambition, but we should value our spouse above ourselves. And no, I’m not talking about if you’re being abused, I’m not talking about those things. That that is not what I’m talking about. I do have a series about abuse that I would love for you to scroll back on. It’s, it was a while now. So I think it’s probably the winter of 2019. But I have a series that I love to you to listen to. Especially if if you’re in that camp, but most of you aren’t. And this is what you need to hear. You can’t be following God and have all sorts of strife in your marriage is just isn’t it’s not? That doesn’t make sense to the way God asks us to be as followers of Jesus. Jesus wasn’t reckless with his words. He wasn’t, he had compassion on his people. You know, and, and, you know, it’s interesting. As a coach, I am. If this is one thing I noticed is I cannot come at a brand new coaching client. With all the conviction I think they need to have when I noticed them in the beginning, I’m like, okay, here are the gaps. Let’s work on all these things, because this is where they need help. No, the only way I can get to a place where I can give them insight is when they really know how much I care about them. I think I heard that first from John Maxwell. People don’t care how much they that you know, unless they know how much you care. And you know, Jesus was hard on his disciples, but you know what, he had a very deep relationship with them.

You know, who he wasn’t harsh with. He wasn’t harsh with people who were suffering. He wasn’t harsh with people who needed healing. He, he was kind to the children. He was kind to the people even who, you know, I’m thinking of the of the woman at the well, I’m thinking of the woman who was supposed to be stoned. You know, he, he was kind to those that needed his help and were receptive to it. But also, the thing that I also want to encourage you is Jesus was also God. And so he needed to give us really strong edification. But he also lived perfectly, you know? And so, one thing that I think about is do I have grace in this person’s life, to speak into it in a more specific way do have they given me are they open to it? Are they receptive? And so that’s what I say well, with my clients, like, we’ve got to go step by step, but the biggest thing is if I don’t have rapport with them, if they don’t know how much I care about them, and I just go straight to the jugular with the insights I think they need to have, then they are not going to respond well, there’ll be offended, they won’t be encouraged in a, in order to do those, the things that I encourage them to do, they won’t, they’ll just feel offended and maybe not dive in as deeply. So that has also given me a really good template for my non client relationships is, if I don’t have grace with this person, and they don’t want to hear what I have to say, I just don’t offer my opinion. You know, I’m lucky enough to have a podcast where all my opinions are out there. Just you have got an opportunity for, you know, 300 plus hours to hear about my opinions. And if anyone in my life wants to hear them, there they are. But I don’t necessarily have grace with just my friends or my acquaintances, or even family necessarily. No, maybe especially in fact. And so it’s just, I don’t have grace there. I know that my words, it’s like casting pearls before swine, right. That’s what Jesus says not to do. I know, it’ll impact my heart, if I’m sharing my insights or convictions with somebody who is not open to them. And in fact, rather than planting a seed, it may harden their heart even more. You know, I love the phrase, always leave them wanting more, that that’s what I want in my relationships. I don’t want them to feel like oh, here’s Bella again, gonna preach her sermon? Like, no, if they want to ask me what I think, then I’m happy to share it, if I feel God has given me some insight around that. But I would rather them wonder and hope I’ll share my thoughts rather than force it on them. And I think that’s a helpful template for you to think with your spouse is, do they want my opinion? Do they want me to share my thoughts on this? Or do they really want me to listen, and love them through listening? I mean, think about how often somebody has really listened to you. And how helpful that has been just that they really listened deeply, they really cared about what you had to say, less than what they were going to respond by. I want you to have that in your marriage. And that, that heart de escalates arguments, the heart of wanting to listen, wanting to listen more than you want to be heard, is going to pay dividends in your marriage. Hugely, huge healing in your marriage. So you know, we’re supposed to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. quick to listen. And so here’s the thing, I promise you from the beginning, what you need to do to to recover from an argument. And it’s important. Hopefully, all this insight has helped you feel

the Holy Spirit’s conviction if you needed to be convicted, because I need to be convicted all the time. And God is always teaching us and that’s a good thing when we’re learning and growing. And that’s why I know you clicked on this episode, because you want to grow. That’s why you’re here. And that’s what I think God’s smiling about. He wants you to be more effective in all of your relationships, including your marriage. And this if you can get this in your own marriage. Oh my gosh, does it affect every other relationship because you’re so well trained in your own marriage to hold your tongue, you you easily can do it elsewhere. So that’s something to keep in mind. But here’s here’s the way to recover. Apologize as soon as you can. Especially if you know that you said things that were reckless you’ve said things that were careless you wrote raised your voice, your tone of voice was not calm. And, and then I want you to just expect a low don’t expect them to embrace you right away. Don’t expect them to, you know, smile and laugh. Two minutes later expect there to be a gap in connection. That’s just normal. Natural, but your apology has got to happen. And get back in the saddle of serving them in even being playful at times, slowly back in into that again. And just re rekindling the connection. One thing I like to think about is that I always have room to grow in every situation I always do. And I was reading a book about forgiveness, actually, last night. It’s a great book, let me tell you, the author, Adam Hamilton, super short book, but really insightful. And in fact, I didn’t even realize this, but I have stolen his ideas. Because I read this years ago, and I am now just going back through it, I realized that oh my gosh, there are examples that I say with my clients all the time, that came from him, so. So just assume that plenty of the things I say on here are not original, and I just can’t remember where they came from. I may even think I made it up. Oh, my goodness, Lord have mercy. Um, so from there, I wanted to say, though, that he talked about, I’ll actually just read this out, he says, regarding your release of anger, bitterness and desire for revenge, you must forgive, the more serious the wound, the longer the process may take. But failure to forgive, in this sense gives power to the one who wronged you. It is you, not they who are hurt by your unwillingness to forgive. You continue to carry the stones in the backpack of your heart. And they rob you of life, joy and peace. And so there’s the example that I have used many times that I didn’t realize came from him. So now you know where it goes. But what I would encourage you to do is really be thinking about why is it that I want to be reckless with my words, and more than likely, it’s unforgiveness in your heart. When this person sent me a text message that was accusatory, I immediately was like, whoa, wait a minute, you have got some baggage yourself that I can point out to you. But it was really amazing. God was so kind. I actually picked up this book, again, the forgiveness book, because my husband and I were having a conversation about somebody else that I deeply love, but who has deeply hurt me over the years. And they’re at a spot in their life, where I kind of have the opportunity to be part of an experience for them that they unfortunately really hurt me when it was my turn to have that experience. And so I I realized that there was some significant opportunity for forgiveness, which I’ll just be frank, I did not realize this, my husband pointed it out to me. But he also pointed out to me after I had been listened to, and I really was open to him giving me some guidance here and giving me some feedback here. But he was a listener first before he ever gave any kind of response. And I was open and receptive to it. So that’s just a guide. If you’re not, if you notice your spouse is not open and receptive to it, it doesn’t matter how righteous your

motivations are, know how righteous your actual opinion is, it’s not going to be helpful. You’re not planting a seed, you’re just going to be pushing them away, and possibly hardening their hearts further to the opinion you are trying to share with them. So anyway, I was I was in a receptive place, he could sense that. And so he kindly gave me some, some insight on that. And I, I agreed, there was a lot of unforgiveness here. Sure, it came by pain. And that’s what it was, it was hurt. That’s why I felt bitter. That’s why I felt like, you know, I’m not going to do good things for them, because look at what they didn’t do for me. And, and that is just not God’s way. That’s just not God’s way. And he was good enough to share that with me. And I asked him if we could pray together about it. And we did. And I was specific in the things I wanted to let go against this person. And I have felt a lightness. And you know, what’s crazy? I think it was either the next day or the day after that. I was talking to that person. And I just felt so free of this thing that had been hanging over my head. And so I was able to really engage with that person in a more authentically loving way. Because I had let this thing go. Did that person apologize? No, no, they hadn’t. And that’s okay. I don’t I don’t need that to free myself from the burden of unforgiveness. Yeah. So that’s a great book. And again, I picked it up because my husband was kind enough to make make it clear that that’s something I was struggling with me know, struggling with sin? Could it be yes, we, we all have an opportunity to grow in all of the things God is constantly growing me. And I hope and pray that that would be your ambition, too, that God would constantly be growing you. Because he has so many good things for us to do in this world. And if we can get on his team, and on his side, he can help us to see things his way and do more of his work, and love people better and on and on and on. He’s our King, and we want to follow him well. So yeah, so hopefully, his teaching us hopefully he’s convicting us. Hopefully, he’s growing us. And hopefully, that God spoke to you in some way, at some moment in this podcast episode, so thank you for listening. And let me wrap us up here by praying for us. Father, I ask Lord that whether it’s the versus the conviction that peace is your priority, that our mouth and our words matter to you, to what we say to our spouse, how we approach them, how and if and when we share our feelings. And I also ask God, that You would give grace to forgive our spouse, because they certainly have heard us. That’s what a relationship is. It’s messy. We all make mistakes, and we need not only forgiveness from them, but we need to forgive them as well. I also ask for a grace, to step into a love of your word, God and all it has to do is start with one verse a day. So maybe pick proverbs and, and one verse, God give them the grace, this is a spiritual battle, I always need to be reminded of that, that I am not fighting against flesh and blood work. This is a spiritual, the fact that they joined this call this this episode means that you are working on them. God let it be that this would be a spiritual connection, that your Holy Spirit would encourage them to pick up the Bible again. This is the Word of God. Jesus had the authority and the conviction because he studied the scriptures. That’s where it came from. When he was able to battle the devil was because he lived and breathed that the scripture and he was the embodiment of that scripture, he was the word and it dwelt among us. So God, I just asked for a grace to honor the word that you have given us, Lord and let it shape us. Let it shape our perspectives, and let it really help us to personalize how to love our own spouse, our own human assignment God.

We’re talking about eternal things here, God give them the grace to see that. And Father, if this person wherever they are in the world, so honored that many, many different cultures and countries listen, I pray, Father, that You would give them insight, and how this relates to them, even if it’s a different culture than my own. And a lot of these things don’t make sense to their culture. I just ask that you would give the translation that they need, translated into their own culture in their own time and their own situation, father. We love you so much. Thank you for what you’re doing. In Jesus name a min Amen. Amen. Amen. Thank you so much for listening. Again, if you’re desperate if you need help, don’t don’t wait a second longer go to delight your marriage.com/cc either a husband or a wife. We’ve got opportunities to work with you to really see God transform things for you to let your marriage.com/cc God bless you. Thank you so much for tuning in. And we’ll talk to you next week. Love you.
