I think we often forget about the power of words. Especially if the “party” we’re talking about isn’t present. 
But what about the “party” that is present? 
Here’s a true saying: “those who talk to you about others, will talk to others about you”.

And when your spouse hears you judge another person, they may feel glad that you consider them a confidant. 
But the problem is, they also get to hear what kind of person you are.

They understand if you judge others, you’re going to judge them the same way. 

And judging outside of the bedroom means judging inside of the bedroom.

A judging mindset doesn’t stop when you get in the sheets — and your spouse knows it.

And specifically, women, can’t feel safe and free if she knows she’s sharing a mattress with a meany. 

Then, Jesus has some pretty scary things to say about our words:
“But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken.”

Who needs to go delete a few social media posts (or dozens?), amazon reviews, apologize to our spouse/kids/family/friends/acquaintances/coworkers, and repent bitterly for the silly nonsense we say!?

Gossip. Slander. Criticism. 

Lord have mercy.

This episode is a message to encourage all of us to watch our tongue. 

Or… keyboards.
(Regardless of how many followers someone has… you may be reading/listening to plain-old gossip.

And it’s on each of us to look away from the “juicy slander” and recognize it for what it is and recognize that the speaker will have to give an account for it.)

This episode is a message is to remember the power of the tongue.

In James, he says A FOREST FIRE is ignited through it.

I want to challenge our cultural norm to say…. all sorts of immature things 🙂 I can only say that with a knowing through experience expression. 
Thank you, dear listener…
…for always wanting to grow. 
…for always trying to do better. 
…for always wanting to make God proud of you.

Bravo — and good on ya!
Have a great weekend. 
Love and Blessings,


PS – If you need help with your marriage — do not hesitate to apply for a free Clarity Call.

One of our Clarity Advisors (a former graduate of a DYM course themselves and experienced transformation in their own marriage) will guide you through the process to determine how we can help you.

Sign up at delightyourmarriage.com/cc

From a recent graduate:
“This has been an amazing experience for me. To hear you and the men talking so openly and freely was incredible. “