I promise I didn’t put them up to this…

But I was nervous about what they’d say, so I asked if they’d let me hear it before it went live. 

Golly…make me blush. It meant a lot to me. 

But more than that, I hope you feel like you’ve been invited into our DYM family virtual living room and know that we love you and we care about you. 

This DYM Team is truly amazing. I am honored and blessed to be a part of others doing this amazing work. 

I just came back from sabbatical this week, and things are better than when I left 🙂

So, God is working through these amazing individuals and I’m so glad you finally get to meet: Dana, Darcy, Kevin, Vikas, Kyle, and Ali!

I believe that you’ll be encouraged to hear more of their stories and their work. (If it can happen for them, it can happen for you! Don’t lose heart!)

May it encourage you!

Love & Blessings,

PS — if you’d like to witness your marriage transform as these team members have (all of them saw dramatic changes in their marriages due to the DYM programs) then get on a call with one of our Clarity Advisors to see how we can help you: delightyourmarriage.com/cc

A recent grad wrote: “This shed incredible light on circumstances we’ve faced after I began implementing material from a men’s discipleship course.

I don’t know that a lot of men are passing down the type of instruction to their sons that reflects/models I Peter 3:7. I would recommend this to any married man, regardless of how they would grade their marriage.

It will be worth the financial investment.”



Well, first of all, I just want to thank you so much. I just got back from my sabbatical. And it was truly incredible praise God, he really met me in sometimes weakness, and he really showed me some things that I needed to grow in and I had the space to be present and really focus on some big priorities is, there was a lot that happened. It was really surprising. So anyway, I’m back by God’s grace, and I’m grateful I’m back. But my team surprised me. And they also said, Uh, well, they told me I should say that this was a takeover. And I did not know they said any of these things. And I am. Yeah, I’m just posting as as they recorded it. So, team, I love you. Thank you for giving me this month. And I’m so grateful for each of you. This was a really special recording to hear. It really touched me. So thank you. And I love you each. Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. You’re joining me belah rose as I dive deep into the beauty, power and truth about intimacy. Learn not only the practicals, but the heart behind what making love is bound to delight your marriage.

Welcome. So glad you’re joining us here. I am not belah rose. My name is Kevin, and I’m on the delight your marriage team. Bella mentioned recently that she’s on sabbatical and that our team might take over the podcast. And so we decided this was our chance to take over. We thought it’d be fun and inspiring to take you behind the scenes and tell you who we are, what we do and how we got here. And believe it or not, we’re not sitting together in a fancy recording studio, we are recording this on our computers and phones from all over the United States. In fact, most of us have never even met in person. By God’s grace, every person on this team has had miraculous changes in their own lives, and in their own marriages because of dy M’s podcasts and programs. And so I think you’ll be inspired and enjoy today’s podcast.

So let’s go to Dana here. Dana, you. You’re a clarity advisor. Tell us about that. But maybe you want to tell us more about your journey in all this and how you got to this point.

Yes, thank you so much, Kevin, it is a huge pleasure to take over this podcast with this amazing team. super fun, super fun opportunity. So I’m Dana and I, my role on this team is as a clarity advisor. And so what that is, you’ll hear Bella at some times the beginning the end, or somewhere in between, you will hear Bella invite you in to follow a link and fill out an application and have a phone call with someone on her team personally. So Kyle and I are in that role. We are the people that are blessed to be able to speak to you listeners who just want to go that extra step and see if delight your marriage is something that that you want to take the adventure and go on. Whether it be like your like Allie and Kyle whose marriage is great, but they know that it could be better. Or maybe you’re struggling in your marriage. And that kind of leads me back to my story and how I got here originally, I wouldn’t necessarily say that my marriage was struggling. But my husband and I were more like roommates than we were really living in truly biblical, foundational principles in our marriage. We loved each other. We had two great kids, we were awesome parents. But we just were lacking we were lacking a lot of things communication was was broken. And I knew that there was more for us. And so I was very specifically led by the Holy Spirit to Bella’s bot podcast. And so I was a listener for several months. And then I dove in to an opportunity that she presented in a masterclass. And it was within that master class, which I’ll just side note here. I’m going on one year almost of graduating from that master class. And I participated in that. And it’s within that time that the Holy Spirit completely moved in my marriage. But more so than that. He moved in. My he moved in me, he renewed my mind, and he gave me a completely new heart for my husband. And so it really truly was a journey just for me. I knew that I needed the work I needed to soften my heart toward my husband, I needed to just learn what it was what it meant to be In the marriage role as as the Lord had provided, for me and for us, and this is a learning opportunity for life, I’m still almost a year in and I’m still learning principles, and I’m still learning to how to break bad habits and, and communicate well and really love my husband, the way the Lord wants me to love him one year in, I have participated and graduated from our women’s program. And it was shortly after my marriage miracle that the Lord also very specifically told me that I needed to tell my story, I needed to be out there speaking so that women and men would hear that there’s hope, even if just one person does the work in their marriage. So I volunteered and got on the on the list to do a podcast episode with Bella, probably one of the scariest things I thought I’d ever do in my life. But you’re listening and you’re listening because of Bella, meeting with Bella to do a podcast is like sitting down in a coffee shop with your friend. It really truly was such a life giving opportunity, not just for me, but for the people who now have been touched by that podcast. Shortly after that I got a message from Bella that she wanted to meet with me on a call. And I thought Yeah, awesome. I’m gonna meet with this, you know, this awesome celebrity again, and we’re gonna talk marriage and she’s gonna give me some more tips. And of course, she’s Grayson gracious, she did do that. But the purpose of that call was to offer me this clarity advisor position on the delight your marriage team.

I was blown away. It was yet again, another moment for me to just really sit back and recognize that God was moving in my surrender. So I surrendered my heart, I surrendered my mind, those were renewed. And now it was an opportunity to just surrender more of myself to give to others. And to help people come to the place where they too can learn in their marriage, and they can thrive and flourish. My household went from tension filled to playful and loving and connected. And it’s just it’s a world of difference. So I’m, I’m grateful. I’m grateful for delight your marriage at the whole. I’m eternally grateful for belah Rose and her gift for sharing God’s principles and foundations for marriage. And now I get to spend my days with this team. And it just ignites a fire in me every single time I get to talk to a new person, every single time I get to have a meeting with the team, it just reignites my entire story. So it enables me to live my marriage miracle over and over and over again. So, so grateful. So happy to be here.

Well, Dana, we’re so happy that you’re here as well. And we’re just great grateful to God to have you on this team. It’s one of my favorite moments in some of the recent podcasts was listening to ebony.

Ebony, she has such a special place in my heart. Oh my goodness. Yes. Yeah.

About how she’s like, she was talking to you on a clarity call. And she’s like, and I heard this podcast by Dana. And that turned things around for me. And then you’re able to tell her that was me.

Yeah, she’s such a special moment. And I’ve been on call after call where I end up the one blessed by the person that I’m speaking to, I end up the one in tears, because of the one you know, the person that I’m speaking to and their heart for their spouse, and how much they want to fight to save their marriage, or they want to fight to make their marriage so much better.

I think I think that’s one of the cool parts too. We’re like, what, I think we wanted to do this because it was like, We are real people. You know, we are we have all you know, gone through these programs. We’ve all had these experiences and the end like we just want everyone to experience that. That’s right. Absolutely.

Let’s go Darcy Darcy tell us about you and and your path here and what you do and everything for dy L

I’m delighted to be the office manager. It’s it’s like God formed me and knit me together for this position at this time in my life. And how I got to be involved with dy M My initial contact with delight your marriage was through the podcast. My brother had told me about the podcasts and I began listening to them and within I don’t know, there was like two or three days that God just got a hold on my heart. And those podcasts just really challenged me. I was the work I was doing. I could listen to podcasts all day long. So I don’t even know how many I listened to over those course of a couple, two or three days. But as I listened God the Holy Spirit just worked in my heart and like Dana said, my heart was just totally changed. And I ended I mean, this didn’t happen while I was listening to the podcast. But I asked for God for forgiveness because I became aware of my the way that I was missing it. In my marriage, although my marriage was good. Again, it was I knew it could be better. And it was just, I didn’t even know it could be fixed. I had asked questions about this at my church, I had, you know, this is not something that people talk about at church, and certainly don’t want to go to the world for my answers. So to be introduced to belah, and to delight your marriage in the topics that she covers, it was just like, Oh, my goodness, where have you been all my life? So but but God brought it in my life at just the right time. We know he has a plan. And so I went home, I asked my husband to forgive me. And I told him, I don’t know how to change my heart, I don’t know how to change how I feel. Cuz, you know, my, I have resentment toward my husband. And so I asked him to forgive me, I knew that part I could do. But when I asked him to forgive me, and I said, you know, if I knew how to change how I feel, I would, and that’s when God changed me, you know, it was an immediate part change, like I hadn’t, he took off the old heart and gave me a new one, I was just like, Man, I lived on cloud nine, for like, two and a half months after that experience. I felt like, we’re supposed to share all good things with our teachers. So I’m like, I gotta let belah know, she has no idea of the people that listen to the podcasts and their marriage changes unless we let her know. So I emailed her and told her what happened. And of course, she was thrilled. And we ended up doing a podcast and I did a lady’s call, because I feel like, you know, we, as older women need to teach the younger women how to love their husbands and children. That’s also a biblical principle. And, you know, the Bible tells us how to love people, in lots of ways, but we don’t understand, you know, in terms of how that’s felt, by the people in our life, it’s important that we learn how to communicate love in a way that’s important to that person. So they feel the love. And that’s what Bella and delay marriage does for husbands and wives is it helps us learn to speak the language of our spouse. And so when I learned to speak the language of my spouse, our marriage was changed. And so Bella, did the podcast with I did the podcast with Bella. And then I invited her to do a to join my call for the ladies. And after that, I was on her email list, and I got a notice that she was looking for a person in a position. And I did end up getting the position of the office manager and what a thrill it is for me to use the skills that God has given me in this in this work. You know, we get to interact with those of you who are out there struggling and suffering and hurting. And Jesus heals our hurts, he can fix the things that we cannot fix. He knows how to do it. And Bella’s principles or laws are in line with the scriptures. And I just love my job. And I love that we can be a part of helping other couples experience more and more and more of what God wants for us in our in our marriages. And although I have had a miracle in my marriage, that doesn’t mean that my struggles have gone away. You know, this is a process that we are all in growing in the character and development and in love of God. And whatever temptations and struggles that we face. God enables us to overcome.

Well, Darcy, I know I speak for the whole team. When I say that we just love having you on this team. You support us very well. And the office manager position we are grateful to God that you are amazing. Yes, yes. Yeah.

So grateful.

Glory to God for all of us. He’s so good. Yeah, you all I mean, God has knit the team together. It’s just undeniable. You know, belah is the gifts that God has given to belah to even begin this business, this ministry. And you know, to be able to work with each of you and to see how God has brought us together. It’s amazing. All right. Well, I

guess I might as well go ahead and tell my story here. I’m Kevin, I’m the new kid on the block, the newest member of the UAM team, my wife and I met in college, and we got married before our senior year. In fact, we were so sure we were going to get married that I thought that I didn’t even have to ask the question. I mean, we were on our way to tell our parents that we were going to get married. And she reminded me that I had never really actually proposed to her. So I pulled over the side of the highway and proposed to her. Well, I know I’m not that great at the romance part of things here but the We’ve always had a great marriage and but after our third child was born, my wife’s health crashed. And years later, we found out that she had Lyme disease biotoxin illness along with other chronic health problems that caused her exhaustion, low libido, pain in physical intimacy, and so forth here. And, you know, so throughout the marriage, then after that, I didn’t want to cause her pain. And so I started to initiate less and less over the years. And since physical intimacy wasn’t very pleasant for her, she wasn’t worried about initiating very often, I assumed that, that my drive was just getting less and less as I was getting older and older. Well, my wife heard about dy M, through another podcast, I believe it was Kelly resuts podcast, and suggested that I take three free classes for the men’s program. And and this was nothing unusual for us to do, you know, marriage programs, because we’re always going to marriage conferences and watching videos and reading books about marriage, just because, well, it’s like every great car needs a tune up every once in a while. Great marriages need tuneups, as well. And so I was blown away. I had never seen a program this good. I mean, I have a master’s degree in family life ministry. And I’ve never seen anything this amazing. And, you know, because a lot of the programs are good at education. But this one is good at transformation. And so I asked my wife if I could go through the whole program. And she agreed. And so I signed up because we both wanted me to learn how to improve the physical aspects of marriage. But also I needed help with the romance side of things, obviously. Well, anyway, at first, I thought I didn’t belong in this course, because there were so many guys who had way worse marriages than I did. I mean, I just, you know, they were arguing all the time with their wives, guys who hadn’t had intimacy with their wife for months or years. And I just didn’t even see how these guys were even going to be able to change the marriages. But I was surprised. I was amazed. Every one of these guys in my group had miraculous changes in their marriages, including me. And I found out that the problems that my wife and I were having were just because they weren’t just because of her physical issues, I found out that I had problems that I needed to fix as well. And as much as I thought I knew, and as good of a marriage, as we had, I learned how to love my wife way more unconditionally, than I thought I already was. And seeing the transformation in these other men’s lives has been so inspirational. Maybe you’ve seen some of these, these lives change too. If you go through a website, look at the the different testimonials for men and for women. Well, anyway, there’s a lot more to this story. But just to keep it short, a few months ago, Bella asked me to be in charge of operations and marketing for you I am. So I quit my dream job of being a pastor and camp director here in Montana, and join this amazing team, or I’m so happy to see God working miracles, in all kinds of marriages all the time, all over the world, in all kinds of powerful ways. I’m just glad to be here and glad to be part of this. This this amazing team. Glad to have you, brother. Yes, that Oh, thank you, some of our dy M mentors started with because who has been on this team for just over a year. Because tell us about your journey into like your marriage.

Yeah, I started listening to bellus podcast about two years ago, which is crazy. And eventually decided to join the masculinity reclaimed program, and was just astounded with with all the growth and the change. That was, you know, able to happen and just just, and most importantly, just just growing closer to God through it all. I was so just impressed with dy M and the class and you know, all the material that I just wanted to continue the journey and was just really grateful that Bella offered an opportunity to be an MR. to mentor and so what I am is an MRT mentor and that is for students of masculinity reclaimed, who have graduated, gone through the program and want to continue the growth or the accountability or both, and just have the support that they hopefully found in Mr. I think it’s such an honor just to meet with with these men every week. We have weekly calls where you I feel facilitate these calls, and a monthly coaching call with belah, where everyone gets the continued answers to any questions that they have, or, or issues that they’re dealing with, I think an important part of the Why am because a lot of the change and a lot of the transformation, a lot of the miracles really don’t happen on our timeline, they happen on God’s timeline or a timeline that maybe we didn’t, you know, think about and, and, or consider for themselves and for their marriages. And it’s just really an honor to to be witness to that and to help support that. And we also have a private slack group. So slack is a social media app to stay connected to each other. Daily, if needed. And the beautiful thing about it is, there are people in our team from all over, all over the world really, and in different time zones. And so all of us are in different places in each moment. And sometimes we need support, and we reach out. And there are other people who are in a place to give support. And we all go through life as a team, really. And it’s, it’s just another great way to stay connected.

That’s awesome. That’s awesome. I’m so glad that you are doing that you do a great job, I bid on your calls and appreciate your humility and your guidance in all of this. So it’s really great. And now we’ll hear from a few more of our mentors here. I’d like to introduce to you, Kyle and Allie, and they are in fact married. Yeah,

so, um, we had a really good marriage. We both I think would have said about eight out of 10. And we were just off on the physical intimacy part. And it was just not what God designed it to be. And we knew there had to be somebody out there who had it figured out and had all the tools that we needed. Alan took a course one on one with belah. And our took the masculinity to reclaim course. And yeah, by God’s grace, it’s completely changed our marriage. And, yeah, now we get to do this.

Yes. And I’m Allie, I’m his other half. Yeah. And like Kyle said, we both came into the delight your marriage world through the podcast. And then each did our own separate courses. But we went through the courses separately, but at the same time, and then after graduating from both of those, I now got the privilege to be the women’s mentor. When you come on and you join the delighted wife program, which is just amazing. You get put into these just amazing groups that meet each week just for encouragement and accountability. And I get to be a part of those groups with just amazing women each week. And it’s just really just a special group, a special niche that Bella has created for us to just be able to just share without feeling judgment or feeling comparison, or just really being able to share in a safe space each week. What’s really

awesome, Allie, I’m really glad that you’re doing that. I hear a lot of great things from the women in Kyle, you are also a mentor for the men, but your job is changed recently. You’re also doing a few other things. Can you tell us about Oliver about those other jobs that you’re doing as well?

Yeah, so I’m a man’s mentor own Mr. To. So masculinity reclaimed as a 12 week program. And then after you get out of masculinity and reclaim, you have the option to stay in and keep the progress going and have accountability and just a brotherhood of man, honestly, that that I haven’t ever found in any church, we literally can come in the door and talk about anything that we want to. And it’s all safe, and everybody’s vulnerable. And everybody’s talking about what really happened that week. So that’s what I get to do on the Mr. Two side, everybody shares what’s going on and hey, I just had this happen and how do y’all deal with it? How, you know, I’ve never been through this before and sharing celebrations and just how God’s working in our life, what God’s showing us you know, in the scriptures that we’re reading and all this Yeah, so I’m gonna teach an assistant also for Mr. One, which is the the 12 week program when you first come into measurement and reclaimed. I’m on the Mr. One Slack channels and same kind of deal for as Mr. To you got all of the accountability, all the Yeah, just the brotherhood and slack there as well. And then a clarity advisor as well. Well, I tell you what,

I think I just wanted to lean into, you know, obviously how blessed we both feel to just be able to do this together, but also just can’t speak into just enough about how this program changed our marriage. Like I think Powell said that beginning we didn’t have a broken marriage, it wasn’t, it wasn’t bad, we just knew that it could be so much better. And just having the tools that Bella gave us just really transformed our marriage into into what it is today. And now just the fact that we get to, you know, mentor men and women each week. It’s amazing.

Oh, for sure, for sure. I’m glad you’re in that role. So we have a few minutes left here, I thought maybe this be a good chance to say a few things about Bella. I know we already have, but just a thing that because she’s part of this team, and she’s not here to defend herself. So go ahead. Now,

I’ll jump in. Um, yeah, it’s what y’all hear on the podcast. That’s the real Bella. She’s the real deal. And she’s completely submitted to the biblical principles and a grind. Now she’s on sabbatical, right? Just taking risks. Because God calls us to take risks, we love you. belah you’re awesome.

The incredible thing with Bella, she has a, a way to put things in perspective, that don’t minimize where you where you are, and also come up with steps to address the issues instead of just, you know, thinking them away. That’s one thing I really love about Bella is that she is able to book can conceptualize things, but also come up with pragmatic, practical ways to, to address things. And I love that.

Yes. And I think too, you know, just to have just to have a woman so blessed by the Holy Spirit, and like the way that she’s able to speak into women in a way that gives us a perspective on men. And then, you know, the other way to, to be able to speak and coach men, you know, in a way that you know, where they can, you know, try and understand that wonderful history of women. But she just makes it so applicable. So, like, oh my gosh, why did I not know that already? You know, like, thank you so much for putting that in such easy, an easy way for me to understand that now. I know. I understand that. And I can apply it. So yes, she is like how’s that what you what you hear is exactly what you get. She’s just an amazing leader and such a good model or a little word. Yeah, how you know how to set your days up and you know, prioritize your time with God first, and then everything else after and it’s just, it’s just been a huge blessing to get to work for her with her alongside her just in this journey.

To me, Bella is like a celebrity. You know, she’s, I look up to her probably more than most people it’s like, in like, in like Kyle said, there she is true blue, what you hear is, that’s who she is. And to work with her is an honor to call her a friend is like unbelievable. And I’m just so thankful that God has allowed me to be a part of this and to know her. And to be a part of this team. Even I mean, each one of you are special to me. And this is and then the work that we’re doing. I mean, good grief, this is amazing. It’s really,

it really is overwhelming what we get to watch every day. It is

true. You know, I learned something, I learned something from belah when I first stepped into her podcast, and that was as long as you have breath, you have hope. And I clung to that as a promise. In the beginning. Sorry, I get emotional. But she is that hope. Like, we all have our own journeys. And she breeds so much hope into every single person that comes in to this community. It’s it’s life giving. So yeah, as long as you have breath, you have hope.

I think of the verse that says a word aptly spoken. I forget how the rest of it goes. But it’s like a treasure in in Bella knows how to help us in our marriages. I mean, she’s just specially gifted. Yes,

yes. Yeah. Yeah. And to the people right now who are listening to this. You know, I think that I know, we’ve all shared our stories and what we do and we just want to encourage you to like take the leap, sign up, just not today and sign up to talk to Kyle. Um, you know, really just take the leap. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain

wealth Adding, in terms of the event investment, you know, when I first started, you know, I had a miracle through the podcast, so I didn’t you know, when I, I didn’t really want to spend the money to, I’m good, I don’t need that. I don’t need the course. But it’s like, I guess I better take the course. So I know what I you know, cuz miracles are miracles. And then and then there’s the work, right? Yeah. So, you know, to, to have a mindset shift is step one. And then how do you carry this out is another deal. And so the nuts and bolts, the tools that we need are in these courses, and builds each tool builds on each other. And, you know, as we apply these principles into our marriage, and even not just even beyond that to other relationships, you know, it strengthens relationships, our home, our whole home dynamic has shifted, even though it was really good before. Then there is more playfulness, there is more honor and respect, and love and peace. I mean, our home was pretty peaceful before but you know, it’s just everything is better. The fruit of the Spirit is increasing, the volume of love is increasing. Yes, patience and kindness. Yes, you know,

the ripple effect of the work that, that you can, that you do. And you may have to sacrifice financially to do it. But it is there’s no greater thing to invest in than your marriage, not just for you, but for your connection with the with God, with your husband and or wife and their connection with God. And then your children, if you have them, the generations to come that will glean from the the newness and the change is priceless.

And that’s something that I’ll point out on the man side, often that this work that we’re doing, it’s not just for us, it’s not just for our marriage, but it’s for great, great grandkids, right? It’s for everybody who looks at our family and just looks in and like, I don’t know what they’ve got going on, right. But I want some of that, right, whatever that is that they have or some of that. And it’s so so much bigger than than just the marriage. It’s it’s our own hearts. It’s the hearts of our spouse, it’s the hearts of our children. It’s the hearts of our yet, like I said, our great grandchildren. So it’s much, much bigger work than than what we’re actually doing. Just for marriage, but it’s it’s huge. And it really is it’s it’s and I think I said it on my podcast or when she interviewed us. But like, besides being saved, like it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me, you know, and obviously, I’m married early, but haven’t happened yet. But ya know, but love you well, and I didn’t for the first 13 years. Because I didn’t understand it. But to be able to love you well is there’s no, no greater investment that I could have made. And, and it’s funny because I actually mentioned Hey, belah I’ll, I’ll sell my truck and I’ll work to walk to work on my podcast, right? Hey, I’m actually on our clarity call with Bella. I said, Hey, I’ll send my truck. I won’t work. I don’t care. I’ll sell the house. So to start Yeah.

I think to at the end, I think Dana, you touched on it. Yes, this is a marriage course. Right? This is marriage work, and intimacy work. But like, we had no idea how many different areas of our life like that touched, like it has affected our children. And it has affected like our friendships and our like relationships at church and it has just literally touch our finances. Like it’s touched every area of our lives. Not just our marriage. Yes.

Yes, yeah. Because I think when you free up the struggles in your marriage you free up you free yourself up to be more obedient to God or to be more receiving of His grace and and and you’re able to see other things in your life and you can be a blessing to others, you know, besides your children, but to everyone else, you mean it’s just great. Mm hmm.

I was just gonna say just as a disclaimer, you don’t have to sell your house

I was kind of something I wanted to do anyway. That’s great. I wanted to live in

you know, I now feel like this is such a good investment. I’m willing to invest in other people’s marriages and pay for them to go through the course. That’s how much I believe in what I’m seeing. But when you when you find something that that changes your life. You can’t help but tell other people it’s like, come on in join us. This is too good to not share

really is that thank goodness Yeah. Well on that note, I’m gonna close this up with prayer and then we’ll wrap up this episode here that we sort of hijacked I see it as we’re just sort of giving her a break from her comes back she doesn’t have to, you know stress out about putting out a podcast right away so we’re just doing her a favor here.

Yeah, you’re well, you’re welcome Bella.

Yeah, we do love and appreciate you fellas so Oh,

so much.

Alright, let’s pray. Heavenly Father, there are husbands and wives everywhere that be your grace and your love because they don’t know what they don’t know. And we just asked you to their hearts. Help them to know your will and in you know the importance of investing in the most important relationship in their lives. how that will impact children and generations and those around. And Lord we just pray that You know, you have loved us unconditionally help us to love our spouses and our children unconditionally. Thank you for the special gifts and insights and wisdom you have given Bella. You get the glory God you’re awesome and precious to Jesus. Amen. Man