I’ve been there. 

Angry because he wouldn’t change. 

Hurt because he wasn’t giving me what I needed.

And God was kind to me. 

He helped me to see that there were places in my heart that needed to be utterly changed. 

This journey to freedom in your marriage is one that should start with the heart. 

If you’re a wife, you may see yourself in Emily’s story. I know I do. 

If you’re a husband, you can see more of how you can serve and love your wife, and also, have hope that God can do miracles in your marriage. 

Looking forward to you being blessed by God’s kindness through this testimony of Jesus’ transformation.





PS – If you’d like to find out how your marriage can shift in the ways Emily speaks about, I invite you to join a free Clarity Call ($300 value) at delightyourmarriage.com/cc

We’d love to serve you and witness God do a miracle in your life as well. Schedule now: delightyourmarriage.com/cc


PPS – Last year, Belah was part of the special intimacy expert panel in the 2021 Sex Seminar (a huge success!). Well, she was honored to be invited back for the 2022 Sex Seminar, presenting alongside 22 other professionals in the field. Her topic is THE 8 BARRIERS WOMEN HAVE TO SEX. 

Next week, we’ll be sending you a discount code for the entire seminar (which is packed full of value and helpful insights from all sorts of important intimacy topics) and we hope it will be a blessing for your marriage!


Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. You’re joining me belah Rose is I dive deep into the beauty, power and truth about intimacy. Learn not only the practicals, but the heart behind what making love is all about. delight your marriage. Well, good morning. If it’s not morning for you, it will be at some point. I am grateful you are joining me delight your marriage. This is a fantastic conversation between me and Emily. And I think it’s going to encourage you, if you’re a wife, listening, there are so many insights, Emily gifts into her journey, and how God challenged her and encouraged her and inspired her. And she went from irritability that she didn’t even realize she had an hurt in her marriage to by God’s grace, freedom, and flirty and exciting connection with her husband. And so I’m excited if you’re a husband listening to have hope, that your wife could change as well. Now, either a husband or wife, you know, the Bible talks about you know, Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church, that is a tall order. But then it also says wives, respect your husbands. There’s a lot of other guidance on marriage in the Bible. But one thing we have to be so intentional about is disciplining our heart to ensure that we are only paying attention to the verses that mean something to us. So for example, when it says husbands do XY and Z, that chunk of Scripture is for husbands, it’s not for wives to look over to the side and say, Hey, is he doing that? Because he’s not, he’s not blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I’ve been in those shoes, so I know it very well. And in the same way, when the Bible says wives X, Y, and Z, that again, is meant for a wife, not for a husband to look to the side and say, Well, is she doing what she’s supposed to do? Because the thing is, that’s not how this works. We are supposed to die to ourselves first. That is the way God set this up. Anything else is honestly self centered, worldly immaturity. It is not the way God intended us to live in looking to the side and saying, Are you loving me the way that you are supposed to? And so when you listen to Emily’s story, if you’re a wife, I want you to focus on what can she teach you? What has she learned that you can gain? Where is her heart and her perspective that you can be edified through? Ask God to help you to see, to open your understanding to what God might want to show you here. That he would soften your heart and give you fertile soil. To say, Lord, You know what? I need your direction. I need more of your insight. Maybe Emily story can help me. And if you’re a husband, I want you to say the same thing. What can I grow? How can I learn to love and honor the heart of my wife? Now, keep in mind, First Corinthians 13 says love is patient. Love is kind of been meditating on this verse quite a lot. Let me read it to you. Love is patient. Love is kind. Love does not envy. Love does not envy. Keep that in mind. So, dear husband, if this is going to trigger you to envy, just turn it off. It’s not going to help you. But if it triggers you to seek to love your wife well and to have hope that God could do something different. Then go ahead and listen. But you’ve got to keep your actions and your thoughts on your side of the street. What can you do? Not what is she doing wrong? But what can you do? To Love and Honor? The rest of it is love does not boast. It is not arrogant or rude. It is not arrogant and it is not rude.

Oh man, if we just live that out. It does not insist on its own way. It is not irritable. Love is not irritable. It’s pretty great. Or resentful. does not love if you’re resentful. It does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. It rejoices with the truth. I feel like that’s a big theme in Emily’s perspective, and what she shares. It says Love bears all things, it believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. So I want to encourage you to listen with an attitude and a heart of love for your spouse. How can this story encourage you to love better? If you’re like Emily, and you need this kind of work, and you know, you’re thirsty for change, you know, you need it. Even if you have a good marriage, by God’s grace, we get to see good marriages go to great marriages, where they think they’re an eight or nine out of 10. And then boom, they do this work and by God’s grace, their whole scale is different. I hear that a lot. Like I didn’t know what a real 10 out of 10 felt like. And so if you are looking for help, we may be able to help you, we may be the answer to prayers that you’ve prayed. I hear that a lot. And so what we have as a system set up for you is to talk to a clarity advisor and allow them to hear your story and allow them to empathetically care. I mean, that’s one of the things we talk a lot about with the clarity advisors is, this is your opportunity to love them well, by listening to their story. And you’ll be shocked at how encouraging it is. But anyway, the way to get on one of those is delight your marriage.com/cc. Now it’s a $300 value, we want to give it to you for free. And a lot of people, even if they don’t continue with signing on for a program, just a clarity call was wonderful value for them. But further, if you need what Emily talks about, I would invite you to go and sign up for those take the brave step, and join us there. And this is for husbands or wives. If you’ve listened to any of the transformation stories, you know that God works through the work that’s that’s done on the inside of delight your marriage. So the way to do that is to get on a clarity call, we only take on the people that we are confident we can help. Which is why by God’s grace, it worked so, so so well. So let’s go ahead and dive into Emily’s story. I’m so excited for you. This is going to really encourage your heart by God’s grace. Well, I am just so excited to have Emily here. Thank you.

I’m glad to be here.

Yeah, I am, too. I am too. So. Yeah, just getting started. Could you tell us a little bit about you, Emily, and your life? Yeah,

I’m my husband, I have been married 16 years. We have three boys. We got married very young, with no guidance, no help, per se no warnings no counsel, and just really didn’t know how to do marriage. Honestly, we didn’t We both didn’t have great examples growing up on either side. Both of our parents are still married. But that’s a whole, you know, just still not great examples. In so just went through a broken marriage of just our whole marriage just we didn’t know how to do marriage. My husband hid a pornography addiction from me for seven years, the first seven years of our marriage. And I never could understand why he was distant why? My there just wasn’t that connection. spiritually, emotionally. It was just he was physically there. And then, because of that little did I know that I was vulnerable. And in the workplace, and other man showed me attention, and therefore I had an emotional affair on my husband. And then my husband came clean and when I came clean, and he said, Well, I’ve been hiding this for you from you. And so it’s just a time that the Lord did bring just honesty and some some healing in our marriage then and that was eight years ago. We thought we walked through like we we forgave each other and we just think kept moving forward and that’s when then we had our first child. We thought we were doing well but then as time went on, I got lost Didn’t raising our children. I didn’t know how to be a wife and mother, and a mother that didn’t receive much help from family. We don’t have as much family around. And so it was like me, I’m the caregiver everything. And I didn’t know how to do both. And I didn’t know how to do both. Well, I just went 100% all in with my kids and therefore neglected my husband. And so it was just a wedge between our marriage it was passionless, it was just we were roommates living in the same house, but we didn’t know how to love one another. He didn’t feel loved to you. And he would share that with me. Eventually, he came around and told me I feel like I’m the last person on your priority list. I feel like you just want duty sex. And he knew that I can’t really hide my feelings very well. They do show and so he was very aware that it was just duty sex to me. I thought that that was enough for me and no, and that was what I did learn was that they want wholehearted sex and passionate and that you’re there he was. He could see I wasn’t there emotionally. And that I was just doing that as a checkoff. But I thought, well, I’m giving that to my husband. So at least I’m I’m doing that I thought that that’s, you know, what’s wrong? I’m providing that, but it, it wasn’t what he was wanting. And he came to me last summer, it was like, I am vulnerable. I am. I can’t do this passionless sex anymore. And I was just like, listening to him. And I’m like, I don’t know how to fix it. I don’t know. It’s, and that’s one thing that kept coming around was like, I kept having tones with him in our marriage in our conversations. And he and we both knew it. Like, I would admit it, he would call it out. And I’d like I know, I don’t know how to fix this. I don’t know how and so looking back, it was a matter of my heart towards him. I had unforgiveness in my heart towards him that I thought I resolved eight years ago, but um, obviously I hadn’t. And that’s one thing that your program was just revealed to me that, wow, no one else had been able to help me. I’ve been called crying out to my girlfriends. I have a very intimate, very close group of seven girlfriends we meet every week, and we bear our souls together. We pray. We are all seeking the Lord wholeheartedly. And one even did ask me a couple years ago, do you have unforgiveness in your heart? And I was like, No, I forgiven him, you know, but through your program, it helps me recognize like, Oh, my goodness, that’s it. And it totally took the tones away. They just dissolved on their own. It was a miracle. And

yeah, so the Lord really did. Yeah. So he brought us to a breaking point where my husband just laid his sole bare hands, like, I can’t do this anymore. And then I was like, I need to fix myself. And, and I just knew, I just thought that was the first place to start because I can’t change him. And I can’t make him go get counseling, but I was like, I have to go get help. And I don’t know where I’m going. But I just pray the Lord would lead me and he led me to you. So

Oh, Emily, that’s amazing. Yeah. Okay. So yeah, maybe tell me that press. I mean, just, first of all, your heart is so clearly for the Lord. You know, you want to make him proud of you. You are seeking His love and His goodness, the thing that I love is hearing women that pursue Jesus. They were just maybe blind of some things here. And when they see it, and they just like voraciously, eat it up later. It’s Oh my gosh, I just didn’t know. And I’m just curious, you know, what was your process? So you say you said the Lord led you to? Can you give this specific process? Do you remember how you found out? Okay,

absolutely. My husband came to me and is like, well, first, my husband found your podcast and didn’t tell me and I had a child. I had a new husband, he was touching me non sexually. He was look sitting down to have eye to eye contact with like, conversations with me. He was like, he would be like, let’s just cuddle with no intentions in bed, you know? And, I mean, I’m like, Who are you and what has happened? And just by listening to your podcasts, I went to my girlfriends and I’m like, I have a new man. I don’t know what happened. But it was almost smothering in a way because we were so distant first So long we didn’t touch we never touched until it was in the time to have that time in the bedroom. And so then he’s like, all up in my business. And um, it was a little much for me at first, but I didn’t dare tell them. But he probably read my body language. But yeah, so he found your podcast and was listening to that. And then he came and said, eventually, he’s like, You should listen to this. And I’ll tell you what, what I discovered looking back now on your program is I did I was mowing the lawn, and I put my headphones in and was listening to your podcast. And I don’t know which one it was, but it was about sex and meeting the man’s needs, I’m sure. And I could not receive that. Then I was like, I was in no position in my heart to be like, oh, yeah, just telling me how to please my husband in the bedroom when my heart wasn’t there yet. Get it? Like, it wasn’t healed, I needed to I needed a backup 10 steps. And that’s what I felt like your program did for me. But anyway, so this was like, a year ago. And then, or it was last summer. And then we went through the fall and came about December. And that’s when just he just bared his soul. And that’s when he said, I can’t do this anymore. I am being bombed. Like, he was feeling vulnerable to temptation, because we were so passionless in the bedroom and and he wanted, what really hurt him, or what really hit him was he has a friend that is divorced. And his friend would be like, which his friend is an unbeliever. And his friend was like, Yeah, you know, I had a date. And then we just made out on the couch after a movie. And my husband came home and was like, mad. And he was like, Why does a person of the world have a better relation, like a better like, just, he can make out with his girlfriend, but I can’t even make out with my wife and have passionate lovemaking with my own life. And it’s in the covenant of marriage. And so he was just baring it all out. And I was just seeing him being so truthful and honest, I was like, Oh, my word, I have to do something. But I didn’t know what it was, like, all out of my capability with the knowledge I had currently.

Oh, my gosh, wow. So So did he suggest doing? Because actually, this process? So many men want to hear? They want to know, okay, so where do we go from? And thank God, your husband changed. So if there’s a husband listening, you got to change first. And Emily would have been open anything had you not changed for us for I mean, that was six months. That was between summer and December, where he was treating you the way maybe he should have treated you all the time. But he didn’t know how and so now he knows. And then he did it. And then you became to a place where, okay, his feelings, his vulnerable feelings of sharing. I feel like I’m on the edge of temptation here. You are actually more open to whereas maybe had he not made all those changes for consistent time. You probably wouldn’t have really cared what he had to say. Because you’d be like, Yeah, I’m hurting too. Thanks very much. Is that true? What do you think?

Yeah, I felt like he like applied your steps for a time. And then he just kind of went back to his old ways. And that’s, that’s a whole nother story. A he does have work that the Lord needs to do in his life. But yeah, it came to the point where we were having I’ll never forget the moment where I just, it was just a hit a reality that like, I need to get help. And then I was just looking at my different options. And I knew he had listened to you in the past and loved what you had taught him and then your email I had been signed up for your emails because he had told me about your podcast. And one day just your the subject of your email just popped out at me like like never before, all the times I’ve been ignoring your emails, like not opening them, you know, I’m just being honest. And then this one, that’s why it was the Lord it was the Lord did this one just I don’t know what the subject was, but it just popped out in I just clicked on me. And then one thing led to another in variant I mean, I read everything on your email, even to the very end if you want a clarity call free clarity calm, like, Oh, why not? Yeah, like, you know, I was like, Yeah, I’ll try this and so so

good. How was your clarity? Can you tell me that because I think a lot of people it’s it’s scary to think of doing that. What do you think

it was not scary to say least? It was very good for me because I don’t ask my I’ll be honest, I don’t ask myself serious questions. I don’t introspect very well, if that’s the correct word, and he or she was asking me these questions that I never asked myself. And it was so good to process and hear and even she did I have to say it, but I was like, Oh my word like I was hearing it. And like, I have unforgiveness in my heart. And I have bitterness and resentment in my heart. And she didn’t have to say any of that. She was just listening, asking me questions. So yeah, it was very, very. Wow, good. is so good.

Oh, yeah. Oh, that’s so exciting to hear. Yeah. Dana is utterly amazing. So yeah. And she’s been on the other side of that, you know, she’s done her processing in the programming. Okay, so tell me, so you got into the program? What was that process? Like?

Yeah, number one, I was so thirsty, to I was, I was at the point where just tell me what to do. And I will do it. Like, I just need the tools. And I didn’t have the tools. And I was just like, tell me what to do. I was so thirsty. I asked for your curriculum to be unlocked. And I got it done in six weeks. In a 12 week program. Yes, I could not drink fast enough. Yeah, it was so good. And just, I went through, you know, the forgiveness part, which was so good. I mean, nobody really talks about how do you reach forgiveness? How do you people are just like, you need to forgive because you’re a Christian, but you like have walked us through that process through the steps and, and telling us that it can be it might need to be a daily thing for you to go through this and daily repetition of focusing on this. And I didn’t do it as often as I wanted to. But I did do the, you know the prayer several times. And I remember one time, I was laying in bed, with my eyes closed listening to this. And I had this mental picture of Jesus walking up to me, and handed me a plain white clean paper. And he was asking for mine, in return in mine had the things that I needed to forgive. And forgiving myself was on there, I needed to forgive myself for the betrayal to my own husband. And yeah, so it was just so powerful. Yeah, so

yeah, wow, that is just Oh, I got chills. I’m just beyond thrilled. Oh, my goodness, wow, he’s so

good. He’s so faithful. And he wants us to walk in freedom. And in the marriage, he designed us to have you know, and we just felt like we didn’t know how to get there, you know, and then I went through your other programs. And it was just which the first two programs weren’t even about sex. In the beginning, it was about I needed, like I said, well, I need to backup 10 steps, because you can tell me do this, and this and this, and just give your husband sex and be passionate. But I wouldn’t have hurt you. I needed a backup and be like, Okay, I need to forgive myself, I need to forgive my husband, I needed to get rid of the resentment and the bitterness and the anger. And then I needed the tools to know how to get him to lead and in really small things, but they were so impactful. And my husband, I would, he would just say, How’s the program going? And I’d be like, good. And that’s all I would ever tell him. And he was like, he would bring it up then sometimes and be like, I am noticing you are so much more respectful. That’s one thing he said to me. And I was like, that’s what I wanted. I wanted to learn how to be respectful. Number one, it wasn’t modeled to me growing up. And so I didn’t know what that looked like how that looked like, I mean, and then my heart being in the shape it was in, I couldn’t give them the respect. I was angry and mad and all that stuff towards him, you know, so the tones just Yeah, disappeared. And that’s where he felt the most disrespect, but I didn’t know how to fix it.

That’s so good. And tones of like, like a describe that a little more. So

yeah, it was. I had a certain way of how I talked to him when I was upset with him or it wasn’t we didn’t have the yelling, but I just I would just have this disrespectful tone when I talked to him. And like showing that I was angry at him or not happy with the choice he made or whatever whatever situation situation it was, but And it happened quite often weekly. I don’t even know how many times a week. I mean, because we were in a healthy state. We were just scraping by and barely. We were not in a happy marriage and I was just not how it was just eating away at me, like, eating away at me the condition of our marriage. And but I didn’t realize that till on the clarity call, she kept asking me how is this affecting this area of your life in this area of your life? And I’m like, Oh, I don’t think it’s affecting, you know, not that bad. You know, she’d say, How’s it affecting, you know, your kids? And I’m like, well, we don’t like yell in front of them or anything. But Oh, my word when I arrived to that point where we were doing good, and we were healing because I was healing and he was feeling respected and loved. It was like, the whole house shifted, and changed. I could I thought it was a good mom. But I became a better mom, like, meaning like, I was more loving and more patient and more gentle and not so you know, irritable, you know, and that’s how I noticed that if we weren’t doing good, I was more irritable. Like, and that came out towards the kids or whatever, whatever situation, you know, but I never saw that pre the program. You know, I didn’t even recognize it. Didn’t even recognize it.

Wow. Well, yeah, tell me what did happen. What what kind of things happened in your marriage?

Yeah, so um, well, we just, I just went 400% in. And my husband was just like, wow, I, I have now become the one that initiates. So that even like, a couple of weeks ago, I’d be like, hey, you know, it is okay for you to initiate, like, show me that you still desire me? Because I was like, doing all the work here for several weeks. So we just laughed. But yeah, I’m not saying that. That’s still not like, the mindset. I’m not I’m being truthful, that the mindset is still a daily chore and a daily thing that I have to choose to do and choose to walk in. And such as the gratitudes, like, I have to choose, like, what am I going to be thankful for? Because the test was after the program, I went weeks without doing the gratitudes. And oh, did my mind slip, my mind went downhill. And I was like, I’m not doing my graduate, I’m not choosing to find the things to be thankful for in him. And that is just monumental. It just was awesome for me, really changed me. So yeah, just, he was recognizing, you know, just a happier life, and one that would lift him up and not put him down. And yeah, just finding the things that I was thankful for in him. And, yeah, in the beginning, it was hard. I just was scrounging for things, you know, in the beginning, like, thank you that he goes to work and provides for us and, you know, thinking that he doesn’t go to the bar and get drunk every day. You know, like, I was just scrounging. But over time, I got to see more of the good in him. And it really did help change my heart towards him. And we still have work to do. Because I know the Lord has a work to do in him. And I hope someday he can do your men’s program. I know he’d be so blessed by that. But yeah, just the bedroom definitely changed. I did never felt like I had a lack of, like, image problem problems or insecurities. Is that a better word, but it was the desire the, the, he’s entering such a vulnerable place of a woman and man is entering a woman, and nobody enters a man, you know, a woman is being interred. And it was just such a vulnerable place for me. And yet, it was so hard for me to do that when we were so disconnected. And so like, I don’t even know you and you don’t even know me. Like we don’t even seek each other’s hearts and to know each other, we’re just like, hey, yeah, we need to do this duty, because that’s what marriages do. But I felt no connection in my heart to him. So it was always very hard for me to have the passionate, intimate time and he could recognize that so just over this process, just smalls went down and we had really great conversations and we were ready to talk about our sex life like pre the program. I was like, No, he would ask me and because of he learned that through your podcast and he would try to have these so you know, try to talk to me about stuff in the bedroom and I just shut him down like I, I didn’t want to talk about it, I didn’t want to be fixed. And he knew that he recognized that. But that was hard for me to talk about things in the bedroom and, but go, I’m going back like introspecting. Like, I didn’t know married couples talked about that. I didn’t know married couples had passionate sex. I didn’t know married couples liked each other. I did.

All those things. Nobody in my life. Our parents don’t talk about that our parents didn’t teach us anything about that. And so we were just left hope you’re married. Good luck. And nobody came alongside us and taught us anything. And I’m not blaming anyone, but I was just clueless. I thought, oh, that’s the thing of dating, or that’s the thing of when you’re newlyweds. That was always my mindset. But I didn’t recognize I had that mindset until you asked me some hard questions. And it revealed some of my beliefs that was hindering our marriage, beliefs about myself or my sexuality or my body? Or, you know, I had to I know God made sex. But did I ever sit in and tell myself sex is good. God made this for married couples, like I had that, like, have a pep talk with myself, like, I knew that here. But it needed to move down here. You know? And, yeah, my husband definitely saw like a transformation. And, yeah, that your program worked for me and blessed our marriage. And he got a mazing just a fun, passionate wife in the bedroom. And I didn’t have any of these creative ideas or any ideas I was, I didn’t know. Like I said, I didn’t know married couples have fun and do things like that. He has loved the new me where I just tried to get a I tried to I do it to try to get a reaction out of him, like, look at look at us now. And look at the freedom I feel now. And that carefreeness and the joy that we can have and that it’s okay to flirt in marriage, and it’s okay to embrace this that God made like nobody ever told us that no, I didn’t

know what a joy how much. I’m just imagining how happy your husband I mean, the kind of arriving he feels now is just ah, and Emily, it took so much humility for you to go into this process. You know, that’s amazing. It’s such a testament to the character of you that that you have allowed God to form and you this character of humility and wanting God to show you and how to love Well, you know, it’s it’s astounding, if there’s a wife who’s listening, who really is at this place of, maybe she’s heard my stuff. And she’s feeling that way that you were feeling mowing the lawn that you were like, Are you kidding me? Like, tell us take us back to that place? And and if there’s a wife listening, who is reacting that exact way, for the reasons of the pain, she has been through very valid reasons of feeling pain around this. What would what would you say?

Yeah, I would say, give the program a chance, it will blow your expectations away. Because you you can enjoy the podcast and glean so much from the podcast. But this like personalizes it to you. Because like going back where I couldn’t receive just ways to spice up your sex life, I couldn’t receive that. Because I had to do the heart work before that. And so to encourage other women, if you’re feeling that, like, this is great material and stuff that you’re hearing on the podcast, but you feel like it, you’re not able to receive it. I would say definitely jump into the program and give it all you have. And you will be equipped with the tools that you need to, to work on those heart issues that you might not even know you have. Mm hmm.

That’s awesome. That’s awesome. Okay, and then what would you say to the wife who’s even before that, who’s like, I’m not even thinking about a program, but she’s like, feeling offended by even this topic and all of it, there’s so much of it, like, what? How do we reach that woman? What do you think Emily?

I would say that was me because my husband didn’t he like was trying to get me to talk about our sex life in the bedroom and I would just shut him down. And I don’t want to talk about that. And yeah, I would just say, just jump in 100% and just surrender. What you think that fixing your marriage would look like? Just surrender that To the Lord and ask him, you know, how do you want to move in our marriage? And what do you need me? What do you need from me? Because it starts with us, right? It starts with us just to ask the Lord how, how he can use your program, or even your podcasts or whatever to, to change their marriage change the hearts of a woman. I think it all starts there in the heart. You know, we can’t be great any other thing towards our husband can’t love him. Well, if we’re holding on to resentment, and unforgiveness and bitterness. So I would say you would start there and just step out onto the water and be courageous, and walk hand in hand with the Lord. And He will walk you through this in through the messy and through the hurt, he will walk beside you through that and get you to the victory, victorious side it says he, he will lead us into triumph. And, and I believe that over everyone’s lives, that surrender to Him that He will lead you into triumph. And he will lead you down the path of righteousness into victory for your marriage. And he’s certainly, like I said, we’re not there. 100% We still have work to do. But we are. I have been equipped with tools now. And a new mindset. That was the biggest thing my mindset needed to change, and healing needed to take place in my heart. And so I believe that that can happen for any other woman that is recognizing a need for change in her marriage.

Oh, Emily, that’s just so beautifully said. Just amazing. What would you be willing to pray for a woman listening who may be in a similar spot that you were in?

Yeah, absolutely. Lord, I just lift up any of these women that listening right now that are in a hurting marriage, or they’re hurting and they don’t know how? Or what to do? I just pray that you would, Holy Spirit, just come and meet them right where they’re at. And I pray that you would just guide them and lead them into wisdom and knowledge on on how to take the next step and where to take the next step Lord, and, and I just pray that you will equip them with boldness and courage, and to step out in the unknown territory, where they may not know what this looks like. It may be scary, but I pray that they would be comforted knowing that you are by their side, and walking this journey with them, and leading them to healing and wholeness and a marriage that glorifies you. In Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Amen. Emily, thank you. It was fun. I so appreciate I so appreciate you. Thank you for your program. And just being willing to talk about the hard things and the real things and the raw things. I’ll tell you what my I referred all seven of my girlfriends to you because I meet them every Thursday, every week, they’d be like, what are you learning? So much so that my one of my girlfriend’s husband in particular was like, I don’t know who that belah rose lady is, but I’m like, and her wife started listening to your podcast, and he was seeing such a change in her in the bedroom, that he was like, oh, yeah, whatever. You can listen to her all you want, honey. That’s what he said to her. You can listen to her as much as you want honey. And so all of our husbands then, so all of my girlfriends has been signed up for your free masculinity course that a couple weeks ago. They all partook in it. And yeah, it was just, they all were just so blessed. And my girlfriends have been so blessed by what they’ve learned from you. And yeah, I just tell everyone about you now. Yeah, I love your ministry and how you’ve impacted people and just thank you for doing that in the midst of you’re raising your children and just thank you for your sacrifice on time and to give to others who Yeah, can glean from your knowledge and your wisdom. It’s been amazing and incredible. So thank you. Oh, Emily,

that makes me so happy. Well, Please hug your girlfriends for me. I feel like I just met them. I’ve got a whole new group of friends. Oh, just amazing. Okay, well, I will see you on the next big coaching call for the ladies. I’m excited. Thank you so much, Emily. Yes.

Thank you. All

right. God bless Have a great weekend. Bless


Amazing. Thank you, Emily. Wow. I hope that you have gained encouragement, hope inspiration. If you would like to witness transformation in your marriage, I encourage you to go to the light your marriage.com/cc get on a clarity call and take that first step to see what God could do in your marriage. I am excited to speak to you next week. God bless you