You’re doing it. You want to hear where you might need to grow. You want to see where you might not see yet. That was Meredith’s heart and what led to their amazing transformation. 


It is God’s kindness to lead us to repentance. 

He loves those He disciples. 

What are Christians…?

Who are Christ-followers…?

What is a Disciple of Jesus?

We’re the ones who ask:

“Jesus, what do You want to teach me? What can I learn to be more like You? How can I walk more in Your will today? Show me. Teach me. Guide me.”


We are all broken and blind to many things.

(I am in that category, for sure!) 

We are all missing some things that others already know — because God opened their eyes.


If you click this episode, I am proud of you.

You are seeking how you might need to change.

You are seeking what God might want to show you, too, just as He opened Meredith’s eyes. 


This is a story of transformation from a woman who chose to see the world as God set it up. 

Not because it’s easy. 

Not because it’s “natural”.

Not because the non-Christians agree with this mindset. 

But, because when the Lord spoke truth to her heart surrounding her marriage, she chose to have an open heart and be moved by His truth. 

May God speak to you through her story. 

She loves God.

She wants to share her story not because it’s easy to share.

But, because it’s her duty to share what God has done in her, and now, how He can do it in others, too. 


What is her story: 

Through many things, she started her young life away from God and was promiscuous.

So, sex was tainted from the beginning. When she got into marriage, she associated negative things with sex and now she is a repentant Jesus follower.

This sex-thing must not be important to God.

But then, her eyes were opened and God has done incredible things in her, her husband, and their family.   

Now she even has the desire for intimacy. True desire. She’s enjoying it and desiring it for herself. 

It wasn’t immediate, it was a process.

But you can get there, too.

I love you and I’m rooting for you.





PS – We’d love to join you on this journey. A single podcast episode isn’t enough. 

I’d encourage you to take the leap of faith and decide it’s time to address this head-on. 

And like Meredith, we’d love to join you on a (proven) journey, where you can come to a place of healing, joy, and even desire for the gift God gave Adam and Eve. 

Let’s talk:

When you sign up for a time with a Clarity Advisor – a trained graduate of these very programs – where it’s fully confidential and judgment-free, you’ll have time to process things you may never have before.

An opportunity for us to see how we can help you in your specific situation. 

We love you.



Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. Your joining me belah Rose is I dive deep into the beauty, power and truths about intimacy. Learn not only the practicals, but the heart behind what making love is all about. delight your marriage.

Hi there, welcome. Oh, my, this conversation is such.

I mean, it just draws us closer to Jesus. It’s really a wonderful response to God’s conviction of wonderful Meredith, you’ll hear in her voice, her genuine desire to love God well,

in all areas of her life, and through the DBM work, she was able to uncover her role in missing that.

In the second highest commandment of loving your neighbor as yourself and realizing that her own husband has been suffering.

If you’re listening and your husband in you are suffering,

I want you to know, I hear you. I hear you don’t give up. Don’t give up there are too many men that come to delight your marriage. And

I and my team hear the pain. To the extent that they are considering ending it all. These are Christian men

who are leaders in the church.

And yet they’re considering ending it all because of this, because of the absence of intimacy in their marriage. This is a huge deal. Huge.

If you are a wife listening,

don’t you want your husband to not only be content in life, but to be thriving, thriving, so that he can be the man he’s meant to be called to be? To serve in love at 100% capacity?

No, this isn’t every man’s story and plenty of men have their work to do which is why I do the men’s program and I love it and by God’s grace, so many men are able to turn around their marriage only by them doing the work.

But if dear wife you hear your mistakes in Meredith’s words and her story.

I just pray that your eyes would be open.

That you could no longer tell yourself it’s because he’s this pigheaded jerk. That’s why he wants sex. No. It’s because God designed him with that desire

that only his wife can meet in a holy way.

wholehearted sexual intimacy including frequency

he was designed for that

the world didn’t make it up pornography didn’t make it up.

The oppressors of the world didn’t make it up.

The people who have abused you and treated you badly and oppressed you in your childhood and and maybe as horrible is as

any kind of any kind of negative past you’ve had around sex.

They did not make up sex. God did.

God did.

You may need to go through a healing journey

to get to a place where you can embrace this gift. I don’t want you to feel like I’m condemning you. But I want you to know there’s a gap here. There’s an issue here. And it deserves your attention because your husband is suffering

to the extent that he may be contemplating taking his life and you have no idea

it’s it’s not the way to live.

He’s not asking for intimacy because he wants to look pathetic, because he wants to be rejected yet again. But because it matters that much to him. It either

almost disables his ability to focus and it causes he has anxiety and concern and

I mean so many negative things depression and despair and


not having confidence, all of these things as a result of you’re not willing to be generous. In the very area, you promised to be on that wedding day, because that’s the only difference between a marriage and a very close friendship

is sex, you promise to do that?

I’ve been in your shoes. That’s the only reason I can say this with conviction because I’ve been there. And I needed somebody to tell me the truth. So I pray that my words and Meredith story

would give you truth that you need to hear.

And for a husband.

If it can happen for her, it can happen for your marriage, too.

If you don’t know where to start, start with a clarity call. Start with us listening to your story to see if we can help. Because by God’s grace, we do help many couples, even if only the husband does the work.

Let me warn you that this probably is not an episode that you need to Ford, your wife.

Usually, that kind of thing doesn’t work.

Unless maybe it’s honey for Father’s Day. My only request is that you listen to this episode.

But honestly, that may not work anyway, because it may just make her mad and feel like she’s not good enough. So be prayerful.

But it might just be you need to work on yourself first. Because here’s what happens a lot of times is even if I work with the wife, if the husband doesn’t work with me, in some capacity, he undermines her progress. He doesn’t mean to, but he does. And so then she gives up. Forget it, nothing’s ever good enough. So I would recommend, I always recommend the husband goes first.

And only after he does his work, and he, by God’s grace changes his heart through it.

Then inviting her on but wife, if you’re listening and you’re the only one who’s willing to do the work, then do the work yourself. And trust that God’s going to change him through it.

If you are interested in finding out more about our programs, a clarity call is your first step. Go to delight your and you can sign up for a time and one of our clarity, advisors, calendars and they will listen to your story. They love you. They care about you. It all starts with prayer for them.

They want to hold you in this space. Let me let me just pray for us beforehand God.

If this conversation so far had truth in it,

it is your kindness that leads us to repentance. That means you love this dear one on the other side. You love them. You speak truth and open eyes and open ears.

You share truth because you love them. You disciple those you love. You’re the good father who wants good things for them.

This is your plan. This is the way you set up life. This is the way you set it up.

And we can either go with you in the way you designed it or we can go against you and witness destruction

as we see so often with destroyed marriages it started here.

God would you give eyes to see

in Jesus name.

Meredith is so sweet. You are going to love her. Let’s dive in

all right. Meredith, thank you so much for being here. Thank you happy to be here. So

there are variants and learned.

So I have kind of thought about what I would say I feel that’s important.

Just earlier today, I was reviewing some things I have written down over the past year. It reminded me of going back to school and cramming for a test.

But it was just important that I keep my thoughts focused on this time.

So yeah, I guess I really should start with my background. I feel that does play your

Roll, a huge roll. And what led me here,

I was very blessed to grow up with Christian parents in a grace filled home.

Always, you know, we’ll always be thankful for them. But I have a history of struggling with anxiety and depression.

And it’s gripped me, you know, since childhood, really.

And when I became a Christian, at an early age, probably 10, or 11. And so I know God has been with me

through this all, but as a teenager, made very poor choices, I think it was all in an

effort to understand who I was, to try to feel better when feeling these anxious thoughts, not knowing who I am trying to find identity.

Thankfully, I know now my identity is in Christ. But that led to poor choices. And so for a couple of years, I really did let you know, live a promiscuous life.

And a lot of it was by choice.

But some of it was not.

So that it’s hard to say that because you know, even now it brings up feelings.

So, you know, I know that it’s a process of healing, maybe a lifetime, really.

But just knowing that, you know, whether it was in my control, or out of my control,

it all impacted me. And I don’t think I realized how much.

But I’ve healed a lot through that. And I’ll tell you how. But when I went off to college, I moved out of town.

And I went through, I really healed a lot in that time.

You know, if we look back in our all of our lives, really, we can see how God has just been there protecting us, providing for us, if we really look, we can we can see it, he wants to show us his goodness, and you know, he’s there. So a lot of healing. But I wasn’t having sex. So I did not realize, you know, that that was an issue. I met my husband right out of college. And,

and so we were married in our 20s. And we we’ve never had what apparently would look like a bad marriage.

You know, we were both very,

into our jobs. When we first got married, you know, there was a lot of distractions, a lot of work. Therefore, I don’t think we really put much into our marriage.

Regarding sex, I, it was, it was easier back then, for one thing, I had a higher libido. I did not have kids, you know it, there were more opportunities.

But I looking back, I can realize that I never felt good around sex. emotionally. I never did. And I didn’t know that at the time. But fast forward now into my 30s and working children dealing with an autoimmune disease, low libido, you know, things just weren’t happening like they needed to. And I think in the earlier parts of my marriage, maybe my husband felt

satisfied in that way.

But I guess slowly over the years, it trickled down to know, you know, that he, he wasn’t, you know, we were maybe,

you know, intimate once a month, or

not even that much or, you know, sometimes maybe twice a month, sometimes once a month or not. You know, well, there was a time period, when I was really really sick for about five or six months. I don’t think anything was happening during that time.

I was very sick, and he’s never been one to push me

or pressure me in that way.

But he would instead just separate himself from me. And so that’s kind of what our marriage turned into.

Just not good communication.

We just weren’t, we weren’t connecting. And

I don’t I didn’t realize where we were. I didn’t realize that we

aren’t really in a good place.

Well, I changed my job a few years ago. And

in that I was able to step down to part time, which really helped so much with struggles that I was feeling.

And just challenges overall, you have just a lot of challenges with that. And it was a tough role. So I needed to step down, it was destroying me really, physically, emotionally, spiritually, it was just a bad place. So I needed to step down.

And when I stepped down to part time, I started commuting more. And that’s how I came across this podcast.

And so I would listen

to it a lot. And at first, I was just curious, you know, like, this is interesting, I’d never heard a podcast talk about sex in this way, you know.

But initially, I didn’t think too much about it.

I think.

So I started the

I joined dy M about a year ago. And what led me to that was falling into a depression. And thankfully, it’s not like it used to be it just comes for a few days, it will go it’s gotten a lot less. And I can explain how

later, but

I so I was feeling in a bad place. My husband was very disconnected. He didn’t like it when I got into that place. And

so I decided that I was going to have a talk. So I sat him down, and we never did this, we would never do things like this. And I, you know, I said something’s wrong. You know, this is not what our marriage should look like. And

one of the things that he said, that I think a lot of women can relate to, is, you know, what, I don’t feel like you prioritize me, is what he said. And I asked for clarification. He just kind of shrugged his shoulders, I don’t think he really knew how to express that.

And because I had been listening to some of these podcasts, I had him listen to one of yours. And when I got home later that day from work, I could just see on his face, he felt heard.

So he really did. He’s like, you know, this lady, she, she really understands exactly how I’m feeling.

And so I think that’s what started.

Just that’s what started our healing process.

I had received notifications. And you had been talking about the women’s masterclass. And if you know me, this is not something I do. I do not open myself up in groups, I do not

enjoy meeting new people, it’s a struggle.

But I just I felt led, you know that something needed to change. And it was actually one of your podcasts, I think it was entitled A marriage miracle was about a year ago. And you were talking about the person who was paralyzed, and their friends took them up onto a roof to get down to Jesus, and just understanding, you know, to get something, you have to step out in faith, and you have to,

you know, take action. And so that really helped me drive me to make this decision to join the dy im team. And

I asked my husband, I told him, I was thinking about doing it. And I asked him, you know, what do you think I should get out of this? And he said, Well, he’s a very smart man. So he’s very careful with his words, he knew what to say.

And he said, I just hope that you get more confidence, you know, hope, more competence for you. So he knew he was very, yeah, on board. Go ahead. Sure. Of course, you know, it was relating to, you know, intimacy. So he was all for it. But he didn’t want that for me. So

I started it. And,

you know, I guess that kind of leads me to,

you know, why it was good for me.

I can easily get overwhelmed with information material. If I’m not careful. If the best analogy I can think of is, you know, when you’re thirsty, you don’t want to,

you know, go to the firehose

was to drink, you know, you go to a garden hose. And if I had tried to do this on my own, I would have gotten overwhelmed, I probably would have given up, gotten discouraged. And that’s just my pattern. And I think we were especially regarding something so special. And so,

you know, difficult to deal with, you need guidance. And so that’s what this really did for me.

The the coursework was, it was not overwhelming, I love that I was able to just go at my own pace. And the way it’s designed, you know, it really allows for God to move, let allow for God to move in my heart. And,

you know, because God has to be in this, you know, in order for things to really change and heal. And so it really did.

And I love that in the videos, and the training that you provided, you do go into a lot of the physical challenges, you talk about our anatomy, male anatomy, and it’s in a safe environment, it’s not uncomfortable, and you talk with such a gentle, compassionate tone, it really helps, you know, just listening to those videos, I felt like you understood

it and so that that was really good. And I think I actually well, I know that the groups were a big part of it. And that was the hard part for me, you know, to open up.

Partly just talking about sex in these groups and being natural, I think just verbalizing, it helped me heal from those thoughts of sex being dirty. And

just and we were all there for the same purpose. And we could talk about things and it wasn’t uncomfortable. Any other environment I can think of, you know, it’s just not talked about, or the is talked about, it’s not talked about in a proper way. And I know there are a lot of, you know, safe Christian resources. But again, I wasn’t ready for that, you know, I may be now to kind of venture out on my own

and find things but I was not ready at that time.

So it was just, you know, invaluable, really,

to have that it was you know, I could not be forever grateful for it. Really.

I remember when I first started one of the ladies,

she had been there for a while, and she was postmenopausal. I love that we have different stages, I can, you know, just see in the future, I can look in the past and kind of see how we’re all, you know, going through different phases.

But she was talking about how she was desiring that time with her husband. And I just did not understand I just felt

curious, like, how is she, you know, How was her libido bad? Or like, How was she getting there, because it was not resonating with me at the time.

But I, over the course of this year, begin to understand what it is. And it’s not just about low libido.

And I, you know, that’s one of my I’ve had two miracles this past year.

One of them is de YM,

just how it’s just transformed my marriage.

But a big part of what allowed me to get there and it goes to show God’s sovereignty and his place and everything was helping to change my thought life.

Because that has been a big challenge with my depression and anxiety.

A friend of mine sent me a sermon, and I was listening to it. And it was like a light bulb just turned on in my head.

And it was referencing Philippians four, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is pure, you know, think on these things. But that first part, whatever is true. I realized my whole life I have been telling myself lies, lies about myself, lies about my circumstances. And it was God has just really

opened up my eyes so much. And that’s really what has kind of gotten me into

Got his word because, you know, if you want to know the truth, you have to go to Scripture, you have to, it’s there and you can’t trust your feelings, feelings can be misguided.

But the truth is there. And so my second miracle is how dy M just shaped

my truth around my marriage. And, you know, I, that’s I didn’t, I had no idea how much I needed to change. I hadn’t, I had no idea, I thought I was just gonna be kind of learning how to make intimacy happen more.

But there was so much more. And

you know, one thing that I realized I was doing, just to kind of think about where I was, and where I’m at now, regarding intimacy, I used to often

not want to be touched, like, say, we were riding in the car,

if he would put his hand on my leg, I would just kind of pull away that that was a problem, I would often before we would be together, he would be, I would say something negative about myself, just you know, before intimacy, and it was often.

And, you know, his response, I think, to me, not prioritizing him, which now I know what that means, was just to separate himself and not connect with me. But as I started taking those steps, and at my own pace, and I did not feel pressured. But as I started taking those steps, I started to see that change in him. And,

you know, he, one of the things was eye contact, so much better. But the biggest thing was that we were communicating better. And I know, it’s because he was trusting me more, because he could see that I was pursuing him. And he was trusting me. And so I’ve just learned so much about him in this past year, you know, my thoughts towards our marriage before, I was very selfish. I, I didn’t see him as a person with feelings and struggles. He’s always he has always been very even keeled. And so I just took advantage of that.

But over this past year, you know, I have come to understand his heart. And that just means so much to me. And it wouldn’t have happened if I had not opened up to him in this way. So,

you know,

it’s hard to talk about because I think,

you know, but, you know, I just, I understand why this is important. And

even, even though there’s struggles, even now, in this area, you know, with intimacy,

the longing is there to, to, you know, have that desire exactly what I was talking about with this girl in my group, and I did not understand. So, even though those struggles are still there, I had that longing. And I know that if a certain amount of time has passed, and I have not, you know,

show my husband love. I feel like oh, not guilty. But you know, something is wrong here. But

can I ask you something? Yeah, this is so special. I love everything. You’re saying there was a moment just just a bit ago that you, I saw this emotion come over your face, and tell me more about what you were feeling?

Yeah, I think, um,

you know, just

you know, as a wife, you know, God calls us to be a certain way, not out of shame. But it was it was very important that

I show him God’s love. You know, and I wasn’t doing that. And I,

because I was just focused on myself and my own feelings.

That has been the driving factor, really just

not wanting to, you know, make my life better. And I praise God for this because he put this in me, but just now that I was starting to understand his heart, I understood what he needed. And he needed to see unconditional love. He needed

encouragement, you know, and

I would not have known how to do that, if it was not for dy M, I would not. And he’s been going through this journey.

Not in dBm, he has it done the courses that I needed to go it alone. I know I did, there were times that I felt discouraged about that. But again, I had to learn to just trust God, and what was happening and focus on what I needed to do and what he put in my heart.

And, you know, my husband has been put in situations, oh, God has put him around people and circumstances that has allowed him to heal in a lot of ways and help him grow closer to God.

So I know, do you I am was a part of that. But I think it was more about me just learning my wife role, and trusting God with everything else. And

you know, just for example, how I can see God’s sovereignty, and in this when I first started,

and it was all very new, and I had to prioritize it. So there were other things that I had to let go up, when you prioritize something, you have to be willing to let go. Whether it be time, resources, thoughts, you know, that for me, I think it was more of my thoughts that I had to let go of.

And he was put into a new position at work, and it was a leadership role. And through that, they offered these courses which outside of work, it would have been 1000s of dollars. So he met with this man who helped him guide him as a manager. But he dug in to understand what made him tick. You know, he was digging down deep to his past. And so he was going through a lot of healing from problems in his childhood.

He had a very angry father. So he that was, you know, he was just these things were just surfacing. And while he was going through that, I was focusing on how I could love him better. And this job that he was in was putting a lot of strain on our family. But it was not my focus. I was focusing on loving him. And I really feel like God was protecting him in that way. Because he needed to let something surface and he did not mean me to get in the way.

So it, it was a big part of it. And since that has happened, you know, there’s been walking length. Our communication is, has never been like this. It’s never been, I feel more secure in my marriage. I don’t know, you know, where we’re headed. I don’t know, our our future. But I feel secure that it’s with him. And that that was not a security I had, you know, before this. And

we recently started going back to church over this year.

Yes. And

that, so God is just really this has been a season of growth for us. And dy M has given me confidence through it all, you know, if we ask for God’s wisdom, in the book of James, he says he will give it to you generously but do not doubt. And this was wisdom. It really was it was wisdom on how to be a wife and how to love my husband.

And it’s going to carry on, you know, through that. But

yeah, so he, you know, he’s, he’s lighter. He’s, you know, he doesn’t feel his way down.

And we’re still growing. And there was a verse that our pastor had asked the congregation congregation to memorize. And I was thinking about that this morning. It’s enrolments, I think it’s

Romans chapter 12.

But it says that, you know, I urge you brothers and sisters in view of God’s mercy, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice,

holy and pleasing to God so that you will know what you said that you will be able to test and approve what His will is his good, imperfect and pleasing will. And I was thinking about what that means to present yourself as a body as a living sacrifice and it’s not just sex how

Um, you know, God directs us that that’s important. That’s a part of it. But just, it’s so important to just keep

drawing nearer to him. And then things will become more clear. You know, there’s a lot of things even now that I don’t feel a lot of direction on. But he’s guiding me. And I feel that, but we have to keep drawing nearer to him to let that happen.

So, yeah, that’s kind of my story. Meredith, this is just amazing. It’s just amazing. And it just shows God’s kindness. I mean, every step of the way, and your willingness to follow, even though this was scary territory, so much that, you know, uncomfortable sorts of situations needing to, you know, learn and willingness to step into that, I have one question that I’m sure men listening would really care to hear is,

if they’re at a spot where their wives are basically where you were,

you have any advice for them as to how you made that switch to say, Hey, this is something I might need some focus on.

I think

a big part of it is going coming with a loving approach. And

one thing that my husband did, even though he wasn’t in the men’s program,

he never He and maybe this was just God’s grace to help me through it. But he just stopped feeling the, the weight of it, he started focusing on other things. He

he did not pressure me, he did not he did not pressure me. And never

did he

say something that was hurtful. But I could feel

in his interactions, how it was making him feel loved. You know, I think that’s the biggest thing, whatever

your your wife does,

just ensuring that it goes noticed. And be so kind, be kind in your words.

That that is something that, you know, words we can heal from, but they still scar, they scar. And,

yeah, so I would say just pray, pray for God’s direction on that. But you know, it’s important that we’re going into this, whoever decides to go into this, don’t let your expectation be that your spouse will change in a certain way.

Because it may not God does not promise us that. But

instead, just think about how his goodness will be shown and given to you and how he’ll reveal Himself to you. Because he will, he’s a good father, you know, he, he wants to show us love, and he wants to help us through this. But it just may not be how you expect it to be.

I just love this narrative. I love this so much.

One last thing, if you would be willing to pray for the person listening, again, that they were in your shoes, whether it’s a husband or a wife.

And just anything that’s on your heart, you pray for them.

Happy to

do your Lord, just thank you for this time.

Thank you, first of all, for just showing us who you are. And just your faithfulness, your sovereignty, and everything. Thank you for Bella in the dy on team and all they have done to to help us just to grow in our marriages.

Right now. I pray Lord for these men and women listening, that you will help just remove any skills from their eyes or

hardened hearts that you’ll just open up the Lord to, to just be willing to try new things, to step out in faith to see how you will you know show us Your goodness and Your glory.

Because we know that again, you are a good father, and you are loving Father help us just to

feel wrapped up in your love and therefore be able to show it to others.

I pray that you’ll help them just find a way to take that next step.

Whatever it may be,

just help them to step out to step out and take that next step, knowing that you are right there with them.

Your spirit is in them, and that you will see them through and make a way. Thank you for all you do. In Jesus name, amen.

Amen. Amen. Marina, thank you for everything. This was just I just know that this is going to be so encouraging. So inspiring. So

God glorifying. Thank you, really. Thank you. Thank you. And thank you for all that you do. And your team. They’re all great. They are. All these ladies in the slack group are wonderful too. I mean, they’re a big part of it. Everyone. Thank you so much.

Oh, thank you, Lord. This is amazing. Thank you, Meredith, thank you for sharing your story.

I want to tell you another hard truth is that one podcast episode won’t fix all of this. By God’s grace, it’s a taste of truth. But I want to challenge you to go on a journey

that you focus on this aspect of life.

If you know there was something important you need it from the story, whether you’re a husband or a wife,

you saw your lack, you see that there’s a gap. And you see you’re the only one who can change yourself.

You’re the only one who can do something. You

I want to challenge you to spend three months focusing on this and have mentors around you who have gotten past where you are, or where you want to be.

And humble yourself and say I need some help in this. I can’t do this by myself.

We’d love to help you.

We’d love to help you.

I just I’ve done this too long a book is not enough of a one episode is not enough. Even the whole 300 Plus episodes. That’s not enough. You need community around you encouraging you processing, listening to you process.

So go to delight your get on a clarity call. Let us hear your story. Let us see if we’re the right fit for you. And if we’re not, we’ll tell you that’s all right. But no matter what, you’ll have a real empathetic ear on what you’re going through to see how we can help

in this process of transformation for you.

Don’t lose hope. Don’t lose faith.

God is good and he is doing things. He is transforming marriages and he can do that for yours. in all ways, by God’s grace

will talk to you next week. God bless