Encouraging believers is a very biblical concept in the New Testament. 

I want to encourage you in this episode. 

I am praying for several people through this episode:

7:00 – invitation prayer

8:30 – prayer for men who feel like they’re not leaders in their home

12:28 – men who are receiving frequency in intimacy, but it feels like a duty from their wife

14:30 – men who don’t have frequency in intimacy and lack joy in their marriage

17:00 – women who have a critical and judgmental husband

19:45 – women who want to find pleasure and desire

23:30 – churches and ministries and pastors who would have courage to address the hard issues around sex, sin, desire, & God-designed passion

May God give you grace and strength and encouragement – wherever you are in this mix. Or, if you want to agree and pray with me on these topics.


Love & Blessings,



PS We’re here to bring hope and help in all these areas of your marriage…we invite you to schedule a Clarity Call to see if we can help you.


*”I speak the name of Jesus over you

In your hurting, in your sorrow

I will ask my God to move…”

*Lyrics to “In Jesus Name” by Katy Nichole

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