An episode for a struggling husband — or his wife. 

To give you hope. 


See, if you don’t know what is the root of a behavior, it’s very hard to “white knuckle” yourself out of the behavior. 

Therapist Sam Tielemans specializes in helping couples who have suffered through the pain of porn addiction. 

He gives the specific reasons he sees over and over again at his practice (in Las Vegas of all places!) what is at the root of the porn addiction. 

Why does he keep going back? 

Why is he overwhelmed by shame but can’t seem to stop?

And for the wife, how can she find healing in this?

Could she understand this addiction to see that the behavior is covering up the pain?

Should she have boundaries, and what should those be (we touch lightly on this — there’s a lot more depth we’ll go into in the ladies program — if you’re interested, go to so we can support you)?


For the man listening, Jesus took your sin. If you accept his sacrifice — you are clean. Whiter than snow. As though it never happened. 

You can walk with that confidence.

We speak more about it — but if you only read this — I want you to know the truth. 

Jesus took your sin (yes, this is a bad sin). But HE — the God of the universe — died for it. 

Don’t keep the sin and pay the price of shame anymore — God came to die to pay the price FOR YOU. 

The gift you don’t deserve. 

That’s the good news. 


As a person who was addicted to porn for years, I know you can walk in victory, too. 





PS — The men’s training is coming up! All new videos and fresh training for you. I can’t wait! It all starts September 12, 2022 — sign up

Ladies — if you want to witness your marriage transform — go to and get on a Clarity Call to see how we can help you. 


PPS — Sign up before you forget! It’ll be gone before you realize it!

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