Is there dignity in humility? 

Is there dignity in humiliation? 

Initially, you might think not. 


But then we have to take a moment to consider the cross.

An excruciating death, reserved not for Roman citizens, but for rebels and slaves… 

because it was





And yet, the God of glory, the One who DESERVES all glory and honor… 


Himself not only to come as a baby,

giving up His power,

constraining Himself to human form,

and giving up His rights in an infinite number of ways…


to then suffer the humiliation, the pain… 

for the joy set before Him. 


Not because we deserved it,

…but because it is a testament to HIS surrender to the Father’s will that He endured the cross. 


This is why you are humble and a servant to your spouse,

…because humility is the VERY dignity of Jesus. 


Humility is what Jesus Himself modeled. 


Why do you close your mouth when you want to criticize your spouse?

Why do you pause instead of, “let them have it,” when they deserve to be dressed down for their bad behavior?

Why do you go out of your way to make them feel special, even though they haven’t done it for you? 

Why do you forgive them for the pain they have caused you? 

Why are you joyful even though they don’t add to it in the ways they know you’d love?


Because you are walking in the humility that Jesus Himself invites you to. 


Every single day, in your marriage, you are invited to walk in His humility. 


What does humility look like?


Was He a pushover? No.

Was He passive? No.

But was He an extravagant servant? Most definitely.


So, are there boundaries to humility? Yes. 


I invite you to have a curious heart if God has something for you here. 


I reference the book “Humility,” by Andrew Murray, a lot in this episode. I also reference the Bible a lot. (I highly recommend it 🙂 )


Love & Blessings,



PS – Have you already downloaded our intimacy framework so that you can love your spouse the way they receive love? If not, go to


PPS – Are you ready to be the spouse God has called you to be, but need some guidance about what that looks like? Click here to schedule a free Clarity Call to see if our programs could be what you need.


A Graduate’s Testimonial:

“I would recommend this program to a fellow Christian who is looking to make their marriage better in all aspects. The intimacy aspect is important but there were so many other ideas and realizations around other ways to better my marriage.

I appreciate so much Belah’s enthusiasm and honesty. There is a lot of great info and expertise in here. She did an amazing job propping guys up and being positive which was infectious!”