Roy was married 25 years with 5 kids. And they had a good marriage.

They love the Lord and seek to serve Him with all.

Intimacy was tough though.

And every time he brought it up, she would get defensive, or feel like she wasn’t good enough, or like he’ll never be satisfied.

Anyone else feel that way? 

He had heard about Masculinity Reclaimed for a couple of years and finally decided it was time. 

He kept hitting a wall. 


And if you’re in that place, I want you to know…

It’s legitimate that issues around intimacy hurt.

They hurt deeply. 


But Roy got to a place where trying to change her wasn’t working. 


And so, he decided it was time to look at himself. 


He knew going into the program if he let his wife know, in the beginning, she would put many, many more walls up… 

So, he decided to go forward without her knowing. Because, as he said, this was a coaching program FOR HIM.

He had to talk to someone. 

It was either therapy or a coaching program.

(And he said she doesn’t really like therapy either).


Anyway… that’s where things started. 

But, in 12 weeks, God did something amazing. 


If you’re a man looking/grasping for hope and/or you want the tools for changing your marriage, I invite you to listen.

If you’re a woman who will listen with a curious heart to find out how men really feel about intimacy, I invite you to listen.


Love & Blessings,



PS – Would you like to work on your side of your marriage? I invite you to sign up for a free Clarity Call here at

PPS – How healthy is your marriage, really? Take the free Marital Health Assessment here!


Quote from a Masculinity Reclaimed Graduate: 

“I’ve learned so much, your course helped me figure out so many things I’ve been struggling with in my life and I’ve really been able to make sense of pain and emotions that I haven’t figured out until now.  

There are many more great things that have come from doing your course!”