So… a serious ex-military gent (on his way to becoming a drill sergeant) decided it was time to fix his marriage.

Then as a business leader and a leader in the church, people would come to him for marriage advice. Their connection looked good on the outside, but sadly it was lonely.

When he started the program, he began to realize maybe he should stop giving marriage advice.

He shares in his story how hard, but necessary it was to become humble.

Which as, Andrew Murray says, is the chief sin — all others flow from it.

Murray goes on to say, if you think you don’t struggle with pride, sadly, you do more than those who are at least aware of it.

We all have to fight against pride.

Steve decided to take on that challenge. (Maybe his military background helped?)

And he decided to listen and deeply consider if his heart, perceptions, and approach have been wrong in his marriage.

He not only became humble, but he also became teachable and asked the Lord to change him from the inside. And that caused him to lead as God designed.

Well, God is faithful… and did that.

And when we seek first His Kingdom — it’s possible He changes things in our world as well (not guaranteed… but what IS guaranteed is we will see eternal riches though!)

Steve ended up being so grateful for what God did through the Masculinity Reclaimed program.


Before, he admitted that he would feel jealous of his own children because his wife gave them so much attention, affection, and pursuit and he was left with less than crumbs.

Now, things have shifted SO much that she pursues him!

And he LOVES being around his kids now. He said he feels he is the father they need.

He said this program has ultimately changed the trajectory of all 5 of their lives because it has changed their father and the home they grow up in.


It’s a story in which you’ll be inspired and challenged and encouraged. If God can do it for Steve, He really can do it for you.

(And Steve’s wife didn’t do the work… in fact, she didn’t even know he took the program! Seriously, it can happen for you too. Have hope. God does miracles still!)





PS – The only way to get into this program is through a selection process called a Clarity Call. It is free, however, it takes a lot from our team and is a true gift to the one who signs up.

If you are ready like Steve was, make the call:

We work with wives in a separate program and God does amazing things there too!

A different, recent graduate wrote:

BEFORE the DYM program:

“I didn’t enjoy time with her, intimacy was not passionate, physical touch was lacking, we didn’t have a connection anymore besides being parents to the same kids.

Every day was a struggle, and I often avoided my wife because I wanted to protect myself from attacks”

AFTER the DYM program:

“I have rediscovered joy! I am the leader of the home, in terms of mood, spiritual life, finances, relationships, everything. And by leading my house, my wife will become the partner I need and the woman she was created to be.

I’ve become the man my wife trusts, someone she can talk to openly and at length. We enjoy each other’s company again & look forward to spending time together. Physical intimacy is no longer a chore, but a way to connect in addition to frequent non-sexual touch.

This program is so incredible, it has changed the trajectory of my household forever. ”

(His wife also didn’t know he did the program).


Let’s see if we can help YOU just like this! Sign up now, it’s worth it: