You are teaching them.

Whether consciously or unconsciously, they’re observing you and figuring out whether you have something they want.

Do they want the marriage you have?

Is marriage worth it?

Do you have guidance that would actually give them the result they would want?


If you’ve been around Delight Your Marriage for a while, you know we are passionate about helping marriages get better, SO THAT they can do God’s will better in the world.


But what if your marriage was set up with the right framework, role modeling, and good habits BEFORE you even started your dating relationship?


Since we started teaching marriage, we have always been told that our clients WISHED they knew this before ever getting married. It makes them want to cry.


And that has been so heartwrenching.


And it’s so true.


So many people didn’t start out with the tools.


They’ve never even seen a good marriage!

But your son or daughter could get a leg up.

They could get started on the spouse pursuit journey by having not only a great example (you!) but also the tools clearly articulated for them.

What if your son or daughter knew how to find and attract the right partner to help you fulfill your God-given purposes?


In our climate that may seem like a tall order!


You are teaching your kids whether you like it or not.

They learn that you have nothing helpful for them, or they learn that you can give them the tools and insights they need to thrive in their most important human relationship!


With all of our work with men and women, we have seen it done well and done very poorly many times.

And it is the right time for us to help this next generation START their marriage pursuit well. Ultimately we want them to find, marry, and sustain a wonderful marriage built upon biblical wisdom SO THAT they can do God’s will in the earth.


Today’s podcast is about how you can help the next generation.

We’d like your help as we’re finalizing a pre-dating resource! If you’d like to offer your wisdom and experience and suggestions, we’d really appreciate your input! Partner with us by filling out this survey How to help the next generation get and stay married?





PS – Seriously, I want to know what you think! We’re finalizing pre-dating resources now – get in on this!

Survey: How to help the next generation get and stay married?


PPS – If you need help on your own marriage for the sake of your kids, go to

A recent grad: 


“Prior to doing MR I often felt alone and that my sexual desire was a problem. I felt my wife often intentionally withheld intimacy from me.

It was difficult to discuss because my wife felt I was blaming her and she wasn’t enough.”

“Understanding my wife better.  Learning Health ways of responding. More and deeper sexual intimacy.  More freedom and playfulness

The learning and growth has meant I can focus on God better which enables me to be a better version of myself. This has enabled me to focus more on others.”

If you need help on your own marriage for the sake of your kids, go to