Pastor David had a rocky start with his marriage. 


Facing his hurts wasn’t what he actually wanted to do. He was nervous to bring it up to his wife — they share all their finances. So he brought it up to her and said he wants to transform into the man, husband and father he wants to become.


Even only 4 weeks into the program, Pastor David’s wife commented, “I have noticed a change. Keep it up. It was worth the money.”


And she is not a physical touch kind of person, which was his highest love language. Yet, even in just those 4 weeks of implementing what was taught in the course, this has increased.


It’s hard to face our pain, isn’t it! It’s tough to be vulnerable about the things we struggle with that are closest to our hearts…yes, it takes courage to open those wounds up so that we can get them healed.


Husband… wife… you don’t have to struggle alone. Do you desire to grow but don’t have a safe space to be open and real with what is going on in your heart and marriage?


We’re here for that…we’re a safe place to gently open up that really private, hurting space…or that struggle that you don’t dare to share with anyone in your life.


We want your heart to be healed. We want to help you break free from the chains that hold you back. We want to breathe life into your weariness, hope into your despair, and help you be the man or woman of God that you long to be in your marriage and family…and ministry.


There is hope! We invite you to fresh faith and to follow even closer to the One who is THE way, THE truth, and THE life. 


We’d love to help. Schedule a free Clarity Call at to see if our program would be a good fit for you.



Darcy (on Belah’s behalf)


PS – The Pre-Dating workbook is finally here! If you’ve been blessed (like David — who said he already bought 6! and plans to buy more!) by the content from Delight Your Marriage over the years and want to see young people get these tools before they ever get married, get your copy now!