Oh, the pain of frustration, being consistently misunderstood, and having your needs (legitimate needs) consistently trampled upon.

Both Jerry and Joyce felt it. And Jerry desperately looked for answers. Delight Your Marriage wasn’t his first program — but unfortunately, the other one gave advice that almost drove his wife to a nervous breakdown.

Jerry didn’t get out of his marriage, though his frustration level (due to his hurt) was through the roof.

The pain was so deep for her, she couldn’t even attend the church he pastored.

Joyce was considering separation and even talking with lawyers.

But then Jerry decided to give Delight Your Marriage a try.

Now… a year later, Joyce not only loves her husband again, but “likes him,” too.

(“Liking” your spouse can be way harder than “loving” them.)

She’s actually looking forward to raising their small children together and is happy even being a pastor’s wife now.

The healing that has taken place in just over a year, is now impacting every single person in their ministry and family life.

God is amazing and we give Him all the credit for this transformation!

We are honored He has used the programs of Delight Your Marriage to help bring about these changes for them.

If you’re at a similar place (or not quite as extreme), then know there is hope for you, too.

There is a price for change like this — effort, time, financial investment, energy, courage, humility and even getting uncomfortable —

But take it from Joyce…

It is worth it.

Your next step is to get on a Clarity Call ( delightyourmarriage.com/cc ) to discover how to change you that will impact all those around you (and specifically your marriage).




PS – Seriously… It’s time to discover how you can be the change agent God wants to use to turn your marriage around, so you love AND like your spouse.


Have a free Clarity Call to gain insight and discern your next steps: delightyourmarriage.com/cc


PPS – If you know a marriage that needs hope like this, will you take the courage and care to forward this episode on? You may be saving a family and faith community in the process.


Quote from a course graduate:

“The things that I’ve learned are really priceless when it comes to my marriage… When I first started this program it seemed like my wife didn’t even want to talk to me, much less make love to me.  Man how things have changed…The changes that I see in my wife are nothing short of a miracle, she has went from being cold and callous, To warm and loving!”