I’d like to share Kevin’s story, mostly in his own words.

As always, there is a huge message of hope and transformation available in this story, so I hope you’ll listen in!

After 28 years of marriage, feeling like roommates, Kevin said “I felt helpless” and “very isolated, very alone” in the struggles he experienced.

As a very successful (and busy!) IT exec overseeing teams in India, UK, France, and elsewhere, and really being able to figure out most things on his own…

It was confusing to not be able to figure out marriage in the same way. And it was painful to hear his wife caring more about something like Diet Coke than him. Logically he knew it wasn’t true but it sure felt like it at times.

He listened to the DYM transformation stories (like this one!). And they sounded too good to be true.

But he kept hearing parts of his story over and over again through other people’s DYM interviews.

He thoroughly checked into the DYM work and dived into the podcasts. Analytical and cautious by nature he was very careful.

Of the work, he said, “the more and more I listened, the more I found and heard the biblical basis of everything and heard the logic.”

Then, he took courage and had the Clarity Call which he said “the Clarity Call was exactly what it says: it was very clarifying.”

Once in, of the program: “It was very incremental, very linear, and based in a way where it clicks, where it makes sense.”

“The feedback loop, the accountability, the camaraderie of all the other gentlemen going through the program, that environment is an extra dimension of learning that I think is important, if not key to success.”

“It pours all the ingredients together to make things work.”

“I talked about things I have never talked about with anybody in my whole life during that part of the program.”

Through the Delight Your Marriage program, Kevin experienced beautiful transformations in his marriage and walk with God.

We would love to take the next step with you too. Sign up for a free Clarity Call at delightyourmarriage.com/cc and we can witness your transformation as well!

(And who knows, maybe just like Kevin, you’ll be our next transformation story who initially thought it was “too good to be true”!)

Love & Blessings,


PS — If you’re wondering how healthy your marriage is right now so you can get clear on the aspects to improve, fill out the Marital Health Assessment for a free evaluation of your marriage health so you can take steps to make it even better! delightyourmarriage.com/health

PPS — Take action now and sign up for the Clarity Call. Sign up for a free Clarity Call at delightyourmarriage.com/cc and we can witness your transformation as well!