I don’t have to tell you that the enemy is out for families. Because the best-case scenario is a mom and dad that love each other raising children that grow up to be the men and women to do God’s will in the earth.

So, if the enemy can tear at the soul of the marriage. The most sacred part. The intimacy. Then the family crumbles.

But God.

Wayne is so courageous to share what God has done because he knows it can help someone, maybe like you to know you’re not alone.

This is a story I’ve heard many times. Wayne made a big error. One that could have changed his family’s future to one completely different with so much pain and heartache.

When he was found out, it was the hardest days of their lives. It was devastating.

A friend told him about Delight Your Marriage.

When he heard Mick’s testimonial (Episode 363) he knew he had to do the program and he went ahead.

It wasn’t easy for him. It took ownership. It took struggle. It took perseverance. It took time. It took patience.

It took prayer. It took other men rooting him on. Encouraging him. Praying for him.

He didn’t give up.

And God healed their marriage.

God healed their connection.

God healed his wife’s heart.

There is so much good in that home now. Their many kids feel more relaxed and able to be themselves in the home. Their friendship is stronger. He appreciates all the levels of connection he now enjoys with his wife.

She said, “if you told me this [is how it would be] a year ago, I wouldn’t have believed it.” He agrees “That’s not who I was” but now it is.

God be praised.

I hope you are encouraged by another journey that God is healing families. It’s not easy but it is SO worth it.

If you needed this to own your mess and turn your family’s future around. It’s time. Don’t waste any more precious time and join our men’s program to transform it all.



PS – Have a conversation with Dana at delightyourmarriage.com/cc to see how we can help you.


PPS – A different husband who graduates next week wrote:

“I feel very different. A kinder, more gentle, caring human being has emerged.

I feel more confident in myself and in my masculinity.

I can safely say that I have learned more in this course than any course I have done in the past, whether secular or religious.

More importantly, no course or teaching has effected such a radical change in my character and behavior as this one.”

Maybe it’s your turn: delightyourmarriage.com/cc

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