There can only be 1 answer to this question:

Yes, or No. 


Well, who do you go to to answer questions like this?

Do you have a pastor?

A friend?

A mentor?

A favorite author?

A researcher?

A scientist?

A porn counselor?

An SA therapist?

A previous user?

Your own experience?

Your own intuition? 


Who has the authority in your life to answer this question?

Ahem… “the great Belah Rose?”


Just so we’re clear, when I said, “Let there be light”… it stayed dark.

When your pastor said it… when your favorite author/researcher/friend/counselor/author/confidante said it… probably the same.

Maybe there was a window already open, so God’s light actually allowed it to be light… but ultimately, they don’t have power or authority anywhere, ANYWHERE close to God.




But is He the biggest authority to you?


Does what He says matter to you the MOST?


I invite you to pause. Ponder. 

Are His words MOST important?

To you?


Let’s say, your answer is yes.

But then, how do you know what God says… especially about an exclusively 21st-century issue, i.e. porn?


Well, actually it isn’t a 21st-century issue.

And God speaks about it. Many times.

And He clearly answers this question.


I don’t know if you want to hear it, but He does speak to it.

Before we get there.


In truth…

Apathy is easier.

Skepticism is easier.

Laziness is easier. 


But just because you don’t care (apathy),

or believe (skepticism),

or want to (laziness),

…swim away from the impending waterfall, 

doesn’t mean it won’t kill you when you inevitably get to it.



Do you care what the Bible says? Do you believe what the Bible says? Do you want to discover what the Bible says?

I had a conversation via email with a dear friend about a year ago. I would love for you to read it to learn why I think the Bible should be pursued, is trustworthy, and can be utterly wonderful for you:


So, to answer this question…

“The great Belah Rose” fears God too much to not tell you: 

yes, it is a salvation issue.


“Anyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart…

better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.”

Jesus says it is. We’re talking about hell. We’re talking about lust. We’re talking about salvation.

(In Matthew 5:28)



I hope one day this will be true of me…

“I never shrank back from telling you what you needed to hear… either publicly or in your homes [or in your earbuds].

I have had one message…

the necessity of repenting from sin

and turning to God,

and of having faith in our Lord Jesus.”

Acts 20:20-21





PS – Next steps:

Repent from your sin.

Turn to God [i.e. read your physical Bible to learn / discover / encounter who He actually is] and have faith in our Lord Jesus.

PPS – There IS hope AND help. Maybe we can help. Jesus most definitely can help! If you’d like to investigate whether or not we can help, we invite you to schedule a free, no obligation Clarity Call at

Quote from a graduate of Masculinity Reclaimed:

Before MR: “My sex life was a mess before I found DYM. It’s really hard to find anyone that will talk to you about sex in a godly way. The world is full of lies, DYM pulls the truth out of the Bible and gives you exactly what you need to get on a healthy trajectory for your marriage and sex life!”

After MR: “I think my biggest celebration is just having the weight of discontentment lifted. It is so frustrating and depressing to be constantly dissatisfied with your sex life. It truly is like carrying around a huge weight. To finally be free of that and realize that I could be satisfied and happy without doing anything but changing my heart posture was amazing. I no longer feel like the victim of a bad marriage, but rather the recipient of a blessed marriage!”

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