I just have to apologize ahead of time because this headline is way too sensational. I can hear you saying, “It’s frankly not realistic.”

I get it. 

But, hear me out. (Or, hear him out…? 🙂


So, Hunter had twin 4-year-old girls.

His wife was fed up with asking him to change. To pull his fair share. To be proactive in the family responsibilities. 

She said she was done. They had talked about divorce in the past, but there was finality this time. 

He could tell she was serious. And she was.

This is when a lot of people would feel helpless and decide they’re going to give up and end the marriage since their spouse wants a divorce. 

Not Hunter.


He had done a Clarity Call a year earlier and wasn’t ready to take that step then. But knew, at this point, he had to dramatically change to save his marriage.

He said, “At the beginning of the program, I had trouble getting just a few sentences out before I would bust out in tears…”

Week in and week out Hunter plugged along. 

But because of the amazing men in our program, he didn’t feel he was doing it by himself. 

They were texting him, praying for him, encouraging him each time it got hard. 

When he had a bad week and felt absolutely worthless and hopeless, they’d be there to brush him off and remind him WHY he was doing this. They’d help him get encouraged and refocused.


Hunter did one scary change after another, one step forward and one step back, one awkward skill practiced after another until it became normal, natural, and just who he is… 


And his wife started to respond. 

She started to end the snarky, mean comments. 

And she started even being receptive to his touch.

Ever so slowly, she started to trust that he is indeed a new man.


And he was indeed able to heal his marriage even though she didn’t do the program.


Now he feels closer to God and he can see that she is closer to God, as well.

Now they are in love again… like when they were first married.

Now their 4-year-old girls are 5, and they are in a family with parents that are unified and loving.


This is a big deal and worth a giant celebration! And, a sensational headline (because it’s true). 





PS – If you need a transformation like Hunter, please don’t let hopelessness overtake you. Focus on WHY it’s so important for you to save your marriage, and get help. 

We have resources to help you every step of the way (literally, it’s step-by-step). You may be so flooded with fear and pain that you can’t even think straight. It’s okay, we’ve got a step-by-step process. It’s proven, and it works. 

Wife or husband, we want to help you. Go to delightyourmarriage.com/cc for a free Clarity Call. 


Like Hunter, take the next courageous step. It’s worth it.

Like Hunter, gain clarity on a free Clarity Call at delightyourmarriage.com/cc

Like Hunter… it could save and transform your marriage, forever.


From a recent lady graduate: 

“Delight Your Marriage has brought a breath of fresh air to our marriage! It helped me to forgive myself and others for wrong that had been done in my life.

DYM [Delight Your Marriage] gave me new tools to use to revive my marriage and a renewed focus on God to guide and direct our marriage through the next phases of life!

I enjoyed every aspect of this program! From the first podcast I listened to, to the clarity call, accountability calls, modules, and coaching calls! It all has been a joy, challenge, and work that has helped me and my marriage now thrive!”

We invite you to learn more! delightyourmarriage.com/cc

(If you know someone who needs this… forward this episode to them! Maybe you’ll save a family.)

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