They saved themselves for marriage. (Yay!)

But there were other hurdles encountered as a result of a lack of insight around intimacy and God’s wonderful design.

Hear how Lindsay got to the other side. Was it just flipping a switch and suddenly there’s freedom? No.

It was a process.

It was a journey, and it took support and guidance.

I look forward to you hearing from someone who got there, and you can, too. 

For men: her husband went first. 

For women: she had to commit and realize it was important enough for her to get free. 





PS – Like Lindsay, if you want freedom in your intimacy but have hang-ups from purity culture, you can get on a free Clarity Call to be listened to and asked questions. Maybe our program is the right fit for you.

If you’re a husband who sees his wife “holding back” because of this, Lindsay’s husband took the men’s program first, so I also encourage you to get on a Clarity Call.


Program Graduate Quote: 

Before the program:We had recurring arguments surrounding intimacy. I felt like [my husband’s] love was conditional and he felt like I neglected his needs.

It was so discouraging. [My husband] felt lonely and I felt like a failure. The cycle would repeat every couple months, leaving both of us discouraged and hopeless that things could ever change… especially after 23 years of marriage. It impacted every relationship in our life, including our kids, work, in ministry, etc.”

Same graduate after the program:I am amazed at the peace and unity in our marriage. I no longer feel like sex is an obligation but something that I am really learning to enjoy! It’s better than it has ever been. I have a hard time taking credit for it because [my husband] is killing it at implementing the principles from his ‘Masculinity Reclaimed’ program. I have never felt more known, safe or wholeheartedly cherished. It is easy to respond to a man who loves me like this. It is easy to be attracted to and vulnerable with a man who loves me like Jesus loves his church.

I have really grown in vulnerability, boldness and freedom in my sexuality, including discovering how sex can be so enjoyable for me.  And turns out, [my husband] LOVES when I enjoy it!  I am overcoming my physical insecurities and realizing that my body is a gift for my husband.  What a beautiful design and privilege that I can please, comfort and bless my husband in intimacy.  I want to continue being courageous to experience all God has for our marriage.

I see how my upbringing and the influence of culture have warped how I think and hindered me from experiencing marriage like God designed. I see how I desperately need God to renew my mind to see myself, marriage and sex the way He does.


This is the best marriage material we have ever come across. The Lord is using you in huge ways!”

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