My son, age 10, is going to talk to you today.

And I invite you to imagine this is your son.

What kind of father do you want him to see?

A leader? A man of character? A man of strength and integrity?

So many wives want that for their sons, but they are unwilling to do what’s necessary to make space for that to be a reality.

These wives (and sadly I’ve been in that place way too many times) give into fear. Fear that he won’t do what “needs to be done” in her eyes.

So, instead of letting him lead, she takes charge and controls, criticizes, and even “mothers her husband” (yuck!)…

Then… she expects him to stand up and lead?

That wouldn’t be sensical. So your husband either shuts down and reverts to apathy or he may get angry and explode.

And ultimately, how does that impact the kids?

On our episode, my son is actually going to be painfully honest about how we live this out (and there are some less-than-flattering revelations un/fortunately).

The point is…
Your kids need their father to take his place as the leader of the home.

He was designed for this.

My son points out, that it’s a burden.

And taking responsibility for the home is a scary thing.

How do you “get” your husband to lead?

There’s a way to get there and it’s not by controlling… it’s about giving up the control. (I’ll define what that means).

I hope wives listen to my son with fresh ears from the perspective of a little boy who needs a dad to look up to.

As it may change your heart in a way that my words couldn’t.

(Also, my son sings a song to his papa at the end… I hope it makes you smile.
Song: Saved My Life by Andy Grammer and R3HAB)

Listen in to today’s podcast: 402 – My Son’s Appeal to Let Your Husband Lead
on iTunesSpotifyGoogle Podcasts, or your favorite podcast platform



PS – If you’re a wife who is scared to give up control like we are encouraging, I was there! Your next step is a Clarity Call here:

A wife graduated today and wrote:

“The trajectory of my life has changed in a dramatic way. I feel more sure of the direction my life is heading.

I am no longer allowing emotion or fear to control the direction of my life. I want my GPS to be the Bible, and Jesus as the driver.

I am sure that God is trustworthy and capable and I am growing in allowing him space to work.

I have grown in my character, my life goals are more aligned with God’s, and I believe I am being obedient to God’s will in my marriage.”