He’s been a Christian for many years, yet couldn’t seem to “crack” how people transform. He knew he wasn’t where God would want him to be, but couldn’t figure out how to get there.

He had followed Delight Your Marriage for years and applied what he picked up, but it didn’t seem to move the needle.

Finally, he decided it was time and joined.

He started seeing changes in himself and changes in his walk with God. And he was thrilled to discover a community of men that was, in his words, “extraordinary.”

He learned to be a man of God in a real sense alongside other men growing, as well.

He finally felt unstuck. I hope this is encouraging and inspiring to you as well.





PS – If you’re a wife or a husband, I encourage you to sign up for a Clarity Call to see how you, too, can witness this kind of transformation in yourself and in your marriage.



From a wife graduate who also felt stuck:

“Coming into the program, I felt stuck. My marriage was 1 year into recovery from my husband’s infidelity, and though we had been counseling and working on moving forward, I felt like we hadn’t made much progress.

I had a major lack of joy and felt depleted emotionally and physically. I was unable to be the mom I wanted to be, and certainly wasn’t able to love my husband well (though I wanted to!)”

After the program: “The trajectory of my life has changed in a dramatic way. I feel more sure of the direction my life is heading. I am no longer allowing emotion or fear to control the direction of my life. I want my GPS to be the Bible, and Jesus as the driver. I am sure that God is trustworthy and capable and I am growing in allowing him space to work. I have grown in my character, my life goals are more aligned with God’s, and I believe I am being obedient to God’s will in my marriage.”