You may be one who is really good about getting yourself filled up in order to be your best for your spouse.
But for the rest of us… I hope this episode is an encouragement. 

I think we know that we cannot give what we do not have.

But that doesn’t stop us from trying (and failing often…Oh, how many times I have been there!)
Then my stressed feelings take over and I am not kind or loving to my highest priority human, ehemm, my spouse.

I want to encourage you that God is one who can fill your cup. But you have to discipline yourself and make room for him to renew and refresh you. 

Ultimately, your spouse cannot satisfy. God does. 

We want to get filled up with him and from that overflow, we bring our best to serving our spouse. 


PS – How can we help you?

From some people who graduated recently (not married to each other).

Women’s program:
Before:  “There wasn’t peace at home, kids constantly see us arguing, I didn’t want to be at home…

My husband was extremely resentful of me. I’ve lost respect for him. Was close to divorce.”

After the program: “Impacted everything, it turned everything around.

My husband is now loving, patient, caring, and a very present and patient father.”

Husband’s program:
Before: “There were many big marital struggles. Coming in, I knew my wife felt that I was unsafe for her, and that she felt alone and unknown by me.

On my end, I felt deeply regretful of marrying her, angry with her, and hopeless to ever have a joyful marriage. I felt totally unattracted to her and trapped.”

After the program: “I’ve seen progress in almost every area. I have grown in my own perspective on my wife.

This has stunned me, and given me more hope than I’ve ever felt. I sincerely have a delight toward her that I’ve not felt in over a decade.”

How should we improve it? “Wow, I can’t begin to think of improving it. It’s amazing.”

PPS – If you’re ready for these changes. Who knows, maybe these stories will be yours in 3 months? to learn more.
