Have you ever been in a place where a conflict has absolutely consumed you?

Whether you’re grocery shopping or with friends, that conflict is just circling over and over in your mind.

Maybe you find yourself wondering how you even got there in the first place? And even more so, how to get out of that place?


Well, author and speaker Donna Jones is here today to talk about just that. 


In her new book “Healthy Conflict, Peaceful Life: a Biblical guide to Communicating Thoughts, Feelings, and Opinions with Grace, Truth, and Zero Regret”, Donna walks us through how to handle conflict with love and grace, how to be an Addresser of Conflict, rather than an Avoider or Attacker, how to lead with listening, and so much more. 

We were sad to have this episode end because it was such a treasure!


We hope this episode blesses you and brings you and your spouse closer together- shoulder to shoulder, against the problem, rather than against each other.


We believe God can heal any relationship and He can use you through His wisdom to do just that.





PS – We encourage you to follow Donna at DonnaJones.org and check out her newest book here:


PPS – If you’d like help with your marriage, if you’re ready to go against the problem instead of against each other, we’re here and would love to witness God transform it and bring you the connection and unity you are looking for in your marriage! 

Your next step is a free Clarity Call at delightyourmarriage.com/cc



PPPS – Here is a quote from a recent graduate: 

“My biggest struggles in marriage was centered on my wife being hurt by my past behavior. My wife did not feel safe with me or trust me in our marriage relationship. Also, romance was lacking in our relationship. Our marriage was on what I call a merry-go-round. We would go around and around with the same issues over and over again, it seemed like we never made any progress!.. Both of us thought the other person needed to change.


My biggest celebration in the program was learning not to focus on myself, but to focus on my wife! I started to look at her through a different set of lenses! I came to a point where I began to really appreciated who God had given me as a wife!…Each week I took the tools that were presented and started to put them to work in our relationship. I found that each week the modules build one upon another. I started to see changes in me and changes in my wife… Words cannot begin to express how much I appreciated the teaching in this program! These are things that will help me with my marriage for the rest of my life!”

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