Tom felt like his marriage was good, but knew it could be better. His wife was his best friend, but he was craving romance and passion in their marriage.


After stumbling upon Delight Your Marriage through a Google Search and taking our free Marital Health Assessment, he realized that the marriage he thought was “good” was actually only just “okay” and ended up scoring a 5 out of 10 in the Marital Health Assessment ( 


He knew it was time for a change, so he signed up, hoping his wife would take the course at some point. Because that’s what needs to happen… right? 😉 


Well, Tom found out, like all of our MR Graduates do, that change begins with ourselves. 


And as he took the course and began to implement the principles, he in fact, did see a change in his wife! 


She became more flirty and playful and the romance and passion that Tom had been wanting finally happened in their marriage after 4 decades! 


All because he decided to take the leap, take the Delight Your Marriage course, and truly implement what he learned.


We know that God is in the business of transformation and He LOVES transforming marriages because the impact goes much further than just an individual couple. 




Belah & team


PS –
If you are like Tom and feel like your marriage is pretty good, but also feel like there could be more, we want to invite you to listen to this episode and to take our free Marital Health Assessment ( 


And just the way Tom started, we would love to chat with you on a free Clarity Call! (


Here’s a quote from a recent graduate-

Before MR:

I was struggling with bitterness against my wife for rejection and unmet expectations. We were growing further apart and we were both dissatisfied with our marriage. I felt like I was competing for love from my wife with my kids, house chores and Facebook. When we were intimate it felt like she didn’t want to be there and wasn’t into it. I was aggravated and short tempered with my wife and kids.  I was distracted at work. I spent a lot of time thinking and worrying about my marriage. 


After MR:

I have learned how to love my wife in the ways she feels love.  I knew a lot of these principles in theory but lacked the practical ways to apply them. I have more patience with my kids and have been able to connect with them at their level. My morning devotional routine has improved greatly.  I have been able to be more open and vulnerable with my wife. Our conversations on intimacy have been more positive.  My wife has been regularly initiating love making which was only happening maybe once or twice a year before the program. My wife will snuggle with me on the couch multiple times a week now. 


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