
Clarity is a Christian’s speciality. 

Amidst a confused culture, a clear understanding of God’s word is what we need. 

If you’re a husband, I invite you to consider how Jesus led and what the Bible says about a husband’s leadership in the family. 

If you’re a wife, I invite you to hear what a man can be (really) so you are happy to be led. 

My story started without good role modeling. 

And then I tried to “submit” and it was soul crushing. 

Then I decided I would NOT submit, and it was stressful, frustrating, and deeply painful. 

Then I discovered God’s way  (though I still make mistakes at times), and it has made both my husband and I flourish. 

I can lead in many, many ways outside of our family — but I love that in our home I am not the leader. My husband is trustworthy and good to me and our children. 

I hope you can catch a vision of what it can mean for you as a man or a woman to empower the right order of family. 

We are to be a light on a hill for the non-believers. 

I hope you’ll curiously seek to gain perspective and growth into more and more of who God wants you to be in and through your marriage so you can do more for the Kingdom of God. 




PS – We can help — if you’re a husband or a wife — that’s what we do. Check out to learn more.


PPS – Here a quote from a recent graduate:

Before the Masculinity Reclaimed program: “I had quite a few struggles when starting the program…we were arguing quite a lot, I was defensive in my responses and even blamed [her] for the issues. I also hadn’t been intentional in terms of dating or cherishing her for a long time and she was feeling neglected and getting more and more upset about the situation. 


Neither of us was very happy. I tried to do more around the house to make [her] happy, tried to act perfectly but still failed and ended up walking on eggshells most of the time. Not feeling or acting confidently or as a leader.”


After the MR program: “I can see now that I had been both aloof and independent towards my wife…but also very dependent on her mood and feelings/actions towards me. 


I feel more secure now in who I am, I don’t get defensive much at all any more and we rarely argue… I realized that I hadn’t been a very good husband for a very long time. I didn’t know the extent of it until I went through each week and realized that I hadn’t really been doing the basics of knowing my wife, or making her feel safe and cherished. That was a hard realization, but actually really helped me to understand the situation and where [she] was coming from and also helped me to own my part in it. 


It’s been a huge change for the better. I have daily devotions now, I practice gratitude daily now. I have more confidence and less anxiety around people or stressful situations. I feel closer to God now; what could be a bigger impact than that?”