Hello everyone!

I hope you all have had a good week so far! For today’s podcast, we are doing something a little different!

I wanted to give you an inside look on what a Coaching Call with us is like. Confidentiality is of the utmost importance to us, so you won’t hear any names or any confidential information, but you will get to hear some of my coaching and some good truths being shared. We wanted to give you an example of what it would look like to be on a Coaching Call with myself and a few of your fellow peers.

Based on the men’s questions, we cover a few important insights directed at men specifically:

  1. Embrace humility in your identity as a believer.
  2. Pursue sexual purity and healing.
  3. Stay connected—accountability is a choice.
  4. Lead your wife with courage; it’s what she desires.
  5. Guide your family spiritually with practical ideas and encouragement.

If you are wanting encouragement, coaching, and want to seek out Truth and encouragement for your marriage, we hope you’ll consider joining the program and being part of a company of men running together to achieve the prize and gaining a wonderful and healed marriage and intimacy in the process…

We want you to know:

Change is possible. Healing is possible. And God loves you.



Belah & Team


PS – If you want more information on how to be a part of a Coaching Program like this, here’s your next step: delightyourmarriage.com/cc


PPS – Here is a quote of a recent graduate’s favorite celebrations from the program:

“Where do I begin? I have my wife back.  We are having fun again. I almost feel like we are newlyweds again, but this time it is even better now after 28 years of marriage than it ever was.  My wife feels safe with me. I’m loving her the way she receives love and she’s loving me back wholeheartedly physically intimately towards me. No more duty sex. YEAH!!

 She is pursuing her own pleasure too. She is frequently initiating to be intimate with me. She is flirting with me and she even did a tap dance saying how good it was the other day after we made love. I am holding back the tears as I am writing this. I will come back to this in a bit. Ok. I’m back. I have a heart filled with gratitude.

 She even grabbed me as I was leaving the house today. She has never done that before. I think she is starting to crave my touch and now she likes to snuggle next to me. All of these celebrations while at the same time my wife is walking one of the  most difficult seasons of her life… As I am writing this, she just sent me the most amazing text. I feel like I couldn’t even come up with this if I had to. God is so so so good!!!!”