We’re excited to bring you a story of a woman who was nearing the empty nester phase and, if she was really honest with herself, wasn’t looking forward to it at all.

Her oldest had already left and grieving that separation added a strain on the marriage. Julie generally felt frustrated and unhappy and blamed her husband for the distance. 

However, she did a very wise thing. She realized she is the only one who can change anything in the marriage by changing herself.

She decided to take us up on our free Clarity Call offer and ended up feeling like she got a counseling session for free just by talking to our Clarity advisor.

Thankfully, she didn’t stop there and decided she wanted to join the program to gain the tools she needed to change everything in their connection. Which is exactly what happened.

She started out feeling that she and her husband were opposites and maybe weren’t even meant to get along. And thank God, through this work, she discovered her husband is a man who is actually complementary, she deeply loves, and even misses when they are apart. 


With love,


Belah & Team


PS – If you want to try out a Clarity Call like Julie did, here is the link: delightyourmarriage.com/cc

PPS – Here is a quote from a (different) recent graduate:

Once I learned the 3 basic needs for my husband, I had a new understanding… He started to open up to me and we made more progress in a few weeks than we had in years.”