Have you ever felt so disconnected in your marriage that you wondered if it was worth fighting for?

Kevin found himself in that very place—emotionally, spiritually, and physically distant from his wife. Harshness and criticism seemed to cloud their every interaction, leaving him discouraged and ready to give up. He felt his energy was drained and was unmotivated in many aspects of life. 

He took the courage to sign up and speak with Dana on a Clarity Call. He felt it gave him insights into himself and helped him discover what was at the root of their disconnection.

He felt he wasn’t the role model he’d want to be for his children. He had allowed his marriage to be transactional which he knew wasn’t what God designed marriage to be. That’s when he decided he wasn’t giving his family all that he should and he signed up for the men’s program.

Through this journey, Kevin began to implement the daily gratitudes—a practice that sparked a profound shift in his mindset. He was encouraged through his Coaching Calls to stand firm as the spiritual leader he longed to be for his family, even amidst resistance. He finally feels he is spiritually leading his family.

We are so proud of Kevin and know that the same change he saw in his marriage can happen with yours. As he shared with us, where there is breath, there is hope. We believe this podcast will encourage you that God CAN heal this marriage. He may be calling you to be the very one who does it, by changing yourself. 




Belah & Team


PS –  If you are interested in a Clarity Call and speaking with one of our advisors as Kevin did, we would love to talk with you: delightyourmarriage.com/cc


PPS – Here a quote from a (different) recent graduate:

Some of my biggest celebrations: Our relationship, our discussions have become much more peaceful, easygoing and playful than before!… She has expressed often how she likes the changes she sees in me… I have a renewed hope that things can get better. I now have a clearer vision of my role as a husband and how things can and should be. I have grown in confidence by learning what is the path to get there. I understand my wife so much better now and realize that contrary to what I thought before, she is not broken!… One change that I think is the most telling of how the DYM program has impacted our lives: Prior to the program we had been sleeping in separate rooms for years. I am thankful to say that I am back in our marriage bed, physically, emotionally – for good now!”