Her Marriage Was “Dissolving”, Now It’s Saved & Growing: Kalee’s Story

Before she began the Delighted Wife program, Kalee was in a place of deep discouragement. She and her husband, Chris, had been married for eight years, built a beautiful family together, and yet, they felt utterly lost. Their marriage was dissolving, and hopelessness had settled in.

She didn’t see a way out.

But God did.

In His divine intervention, Chris was introduced to the program through a friend who had experienced transformation in his own marriage. Chris took a step of faith, signed up for the program, and invited Kalee to do the same. What she didn’t realize was that the biggest transformation wouldn’t just be in her marriage—it would be in herself.

Finding Confidence, Finding Herself

Kalee entered the program believing that her marriage was the only problem. But as she journeyed through the teachings, she came to see something deeper. She lacked confidence. She didn’t understand her worth. She had been seeking validation in others, rather than allowing God to restore her from the inside out.

Through the program, Kaylee began to see how deeply God loved her, how valuable she was, and how her identity wasn’t defined by the struggles of the past.

And as she changed, so did her marriage.

A Marriage Restored

Kalee and Chris both went through the program separately, which turned out to be a gift. After years of couples’ therapy, they found that what this program allowed them to do was heal separately rather than working together. 

Instead of coming at each other with blame, they were each able to focus on their own growth, healing, and the changes they personally needed to make.

The result? A marriage that was once on the brink of destruction was now filled with trust, forgiveness, and connection. The barriers of past hurts were broken down, and they began to see each other through fresh eyes.

Kalee describes it as the first time in years she didn’t feel fear lingering in her mind about the future of their marriage. She and Chris were finally on solid ground, and for the first time in a long time, they had peace.


A Ripple Effect of Joy in Her Home

But this transformation didn’t just stay between Kalee and Chris—it overflowed into their home. Their children, especially their oldest daughter, began to experience the difference.

Their daughter, who had been cautious and unsure about marriage because of what she had witnessed in their home, was now talking about her own future as a wife and mother. In her playtime, she began to play “Mom” and “Wife”, something that Kalee had never seen before.

Where once there was tension and uncertainty, now there was joy. She saw her parents in a new light—loving, affectionate, and truly connected.

There is Hope for You

Maybe you find yourself where Kalee once was. Maybe you feel hopeless, uncertain, and afraid that your marriage won’t survive. But let me encourage you—God is still in the business of restoring marriages. He still brings beauty from ashes. He still makes all things new.

If Kalee’s story resonates with you, I invite you to take a step toward healing. Don’t let fear or hopelessness hold you back. Your marriage can be transformed. Your home can be filled with peace and joy. It starts with taking that first step.

God bless you on your journey. 

He is able, and He is faithful.




Belah & Team


PS – If you’re ready to take the step that Kalee made, schedule a free Clarity Call here. Not quite ready for that yet? Take our free online Marital Health Assessment to learn more about the current health of your marriage and next steps to take.

PPS – Here is a quote from (another) recent graduate:
I feel so much more joyful. I have learned how to be playful and silly again…I am growing in my understanding of my value based on Christ’s righteousness, not my own accomplishments. My eyes have been opened to many areas where I am Martha instead of Mary…I have so much more hope for the future…We are a more joy-filled family…there is HOPE and we are healing!”



Belah Rose  00:00

To be transparent, it was our marriage was dissolving before the program,

Belah Rose  00:08

and we are both so now connected to each other that that that is not even a lingering fear in my mind.

Belah Rose  00:19

Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. You’re joining me, Bela rose as I dive deep into the beauty, power and truths about intimacy, learn not only the practicals, but the heart behind what making love is all about. Delight your marriage. Hi there. Welcome. This is Bela, and I am thrilled to bring you Kaylee’s story. What an incredible miracle God did. She started out just really being hopeless that her marriage would survive. They really were in crisis mode just thinking it’s all going to end. And then God did a miracle. So I cannot wait for you to hear what happened, and I really believe it’s going to encourage you that God is still changing marriages. He’s still changing lives. If you want to know how to have your marriage changed, I invite you to go to a couple of different options we have for you. First of all, lots of free resources at delight Your marriage.com but also, there’s specifically a marital health assessment, which can basically show you where you are right now and then give you some free tools of how you’re going to get better go to the next step. And then finally, there’s a clarity call that’s what Kaylee’s first step was for us to hear your story and find out how we can help you and the clarity advisors themselves have been through this process, and by God’s grace, their marriage has been, have each been transformed and in such a wonderful, wonderful space now. So go to delight your marriage.com/cc. For that. Well, I’m thrilled to bring you Kaylee story. So let’s dive in.

Dana  02:21

Hello, Kaylee, hi.

Belah Rose  02:23

How are you today? I’m good. How are you I am

Dana  02:27

I’m doing well. And I have to be honest, I’m very excited about this conversation we’re about to have. We just thank you so much for being willing to come here and share your experience with the delighted wife program. So Kaylee, if you don’t mind, we’ll get started. If you could please tell us a little bit about yourself.

Belah Rose  02:47

So I have been married for eight years to my wonderful husband, Chris. I have two beautiful little girls at home, one being seven, and the other three, and we have a precious fur baby. We actually lost our oldest fur baby during this program. But yeah, that’s a little bit about us. We’re a fun, active family, and, yeah, we just love to have a good time.

Dana  03:16

I love it. That’s awesome. So, so good. Kaylee, and do you remember how you found delight your marriage? I

Belah Rose  03:25

Yes, I absolutely do. I was actually introduced to the program through my husband and a friend of his that he looks up to actually did the program as well. And so it was kind of like God’s intervention there, and putting that in my husband’s ear, and then my husband decided to do the program and asked me to do it as well, incredible.

Dana  03:50

And you decided to come into the process, and that’s through the clarity call. Is that right? Kaylee, yes, that’s so sweet. I love that, that he took the lead in this and and you were willing to follow. That’s so special. Okay, so, so special. So how did, how did the clarity call process go for you? What was that like?

Belah Rose  04:11

Oh, it was. It was already life altering. Just speaking and being heard is what I really appreciated. I knew that the program was going to be spot on for me as an individual and for my marriage.

Dana  04:25

Wow, that’s incredible, really incredible. Do you mind digging into that a little bit? Kaylee, the about really feeling heard and and seeing, you know the some changes just within you from the clarity call process,

Belah Rose  04:40

yeah, so it was just getting to know me and Chris’s story and having the platform to really dive into the things that, in the beginning, we were going to be working through. And so it really encouraged me to face that. On because I wasn’t facing a lot of our issues, quite frankly, in that moment. And so it really encouraged me to not only look forward to the program, but to face it and be like, Wow, this is this is going to be life changing in whatever angle we go with. But the clarity call definitely made me feel confident that the the program was going to be beneficial for us. Oh,

Dana  05:26

that’s incredible, Kaylee, really incredible. Thank you for for sharing that. I’m so grateful that that was the that was the experience that you had through that that’s really special. Very good, Kaylee, what challenges were you facing before you joined the delighted wife program. Um,

Belah Rose  05:43

well, now I can confidently say that I had no confidence before the program. Um, wow. I went into the program thinking that my marriage was the only issue in difficulty, I should say, in my life at that time, um, but through the program or the the main struggle was I had no confidence in myself, and I really didn’t understand my self worth very well, and I had a it’s still a battle, but I would say the tools have obviously changed my life, but going into it, I was desperately seeking in other people what the Lord was trying to restore in me. And you know that was that was difficult, because, again, you go into a marriage program thinking, wow, this is just going to change me, my husband’s life. But my biggest triumph in this program was I learned to love myself again. So I would say coming into it I didn’t have a lot of confidence or really understood my worth.

Dana  06:53

Wow. Kaylee, that’s incredible. Thank you. Absolutely incredible. So how did the delight your wife program help you overcome that?

Belah Rose  07:09

Uh oh, man, I’m gonna I thought I wouldn’t get emotional. Oh,

Dana  07:13

sweet. Um,

Belah Rose  07:17

the light your wife, the the program really brought me a sense of community and, um, finding friendships that I was unprepared for. In this sense, I didn’t think I would be so open and transparent with a group of people about my situation, and coming in every week and having women just to support you and your struggles and also your triumphs and everything there is to celebrate or be. You know, just having a person to lean on in moments of weakness was huge for me. The program also just taught me a lot of things about myself and how much God loves me, because truly coming into this, I was not very open to seeing all that the Lord had blessed me with. And yeah, the program was life altering for me. It was, it was wonderful. Wow,

Dana  08:25

incredible. Haley, how do you think it was possible for you to be open and transparent?

Belah Rose  08:33

I i would say it was easy, because, again, going back to the community I built in the program, just walking into it, even seeing other women be so strong and have the courage to share their testimonies, really encouraged me. And the program is laid out so beautifully in the sense that you don’t feel I struggle with self awareness, heightened most of the time, anxiety, things like that. But the program’s laid out so wonderfully that you don’t go into it with those fears of being judged. And so I think with it being such a judgment free zone, it allowed me to be very vulnerable, incredible,

Dana  09:22

absolutely incredible. So in addition to gaining confidence and understanding your self worth really, really being able to see the blessing that God made in you. Kaylee, what other results or improvements. Did you experience?

Belah Rose  09:45

Well, it saved my it saved my marriage. Wow, yeah. I mean, I can elaborate so much on that, but just to be transparent, it was our marriage. Was. Is dissolving before the program, and we are both so now connected to each other that that that is not even a lingering fear in my mind. Wow.

Dana  10:18

Wow. Kaylee, wow. Yeah, would you, would you be willing to give me an example of of, you know, one of those areas that you were able to work through?

Belah Rose  10:33

Oh, yes, absolutely. Trust forgiveness, um, forgiveness being the the very, very big block that me and my husband had between us and so working the program you get to start in in the area of really facing what’s stopping you, from forgiving and really work through that and put different a different perspective on it, and then throughout the program, just continuing to grow on that. And then I also have to share that my husband was doing the program at the same time, and so we were the fundamentals. We were both bringing to the marriage, is what transformed it, and that is, throughout the whole program, there’s not one thing I would say didn’t work that was in the

Dana  11:27

program. Oh, it’s so incredible. And it is, it’s, it’s very powerful, I will say, to have a husband and wife going through the program at the same time, and I say specifically at the same time, Kaylee, because you know that at no point in time Do the two of you actually, your you and your husband actually work together. Yes, so, so what was the what was the program like, in that sense, from knowing that you were both, you know, quote in it, but not working together, working individually.

Belah Rose  12:05

I actually think that is the best thing that me and my husband could could have done, because we have been through many years of trying different routes, such as, like, very extensive therapy, where specifically couples therapy, and so I feel like this allowed us both to heal in ways that we truly needed that if we were collaborating, I don’t think we would have hurt each other as willingly or really put into action. I think it helped separate us and we could see our own difficulties and work through them, compared to coming at each other with them.

Dana  12:48

Wow, wow. So having a coach on your side, having a coach on his side to help you see those, those pieces,

Belah Rose  12:59

Oh, absolutely. And just feeling both feeling heard and respected, just because we were in such a fragile position, as I know, many people will be coming into the program that sometimes, or in my opinion, the separation, you know, staying in your own lane, essentially, was uh, peaceful for me. Oh, it brought a lot of peace in my household, not having, you know, just letting my, you know, my husband do his thing and I do my own thing and not have to worry about what Chris was doing. That was actually very peaceful.

Dana  13:36

Wow, peaceful. Yes, that’s incredible. Yes, I love it. Oh, my goodness, wow. Okay, yeah, so coaching, right? So we know we’re talking about what we’re talking about. Bela, who was your coach through this program? Kaylee, what was it like to be on the calls live with her? Oh,

Belah Rose  13:58

it was. It was like being on a FaceTime with one of, like, your friends, or, you know, someone, I mean, obviously she carries so much knowledge. And so you’re being, you feel led. I will say, you feel led to Christ every time Belah speaks, it is, is just very genuine and very pure and but again, what I liked was it was like you were on a call with your friend, and in moments that you need to, you know, be turned around and you’re thinking, she’s so good and respectful about that. But, yeah, I would say she was, she’s wonderful. She’s an incredible woman. Yes, incredible.

Dana  14:43

When you say turned around is another way to say that, like she made you toe the line also, yes,

Belah Rose  14:50

but I would say she respectfully puts you in your place. You know, that’s a

Dana  14:56

great guess, but it is. It’s all and it’s, it’s a very loving one. I Yes, absolutely, but, but it’s also for a reason. Oh yes, and it’s, I’ve been there, Kaylee, so I understand exactly what you’re talking about. And I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t have changed any of Yeah, absolutely world. Wow, wow. So incredible. How would you describe Kaylee? Just your overall satisfaction or experience in the program,

Belah Rose  15:25

I would say that if I could recommend it to every single person I encountered for the rest of my life, that is what I would do in not that I was skeptical coming coming into the program, I was unsure and hopeless. And in Oh,

Dana  15:51

Kaylee, you’re doing great. Thank you. You’re doing great. This is so sweet.

Belah Rose  16:00

In the program, I found hope, and I found my husband, because for so many years, it felt like we were so lost, and it just feels so good to not have to be concerned about things that that we went through or that we were holding on to, and that was strictly because of this program. Nothing else worked for us. I mean, when I tell you, we’ve been through it, we have been through it together. We’ve done it all together, but it has been a journey, and to have just peace and joy is something that like again, if I could just recommend it to anybody and everybody, I would, and I do so

Dana  16:58

and you do well, we thank you very much. Kaylee, that’s wonderful peace and joy. And I love that you started off this call, you know, describing yourself a little bit as a as a fun family. Yes, how does, how does peace and joy through the program connect to fun family. In your opinion, how does,

Belah Rose  17:24

oh, it’s I would say the program has connected us to consistency be because we are very fun and light hearted family until we’re not meaning, until someone’s triggered or someone’s off set. And I would say the the program and the tools that me and my husband have both gained has allowed us to be in a household that no longer has disagreements, um, or arguments. We have disagreements, but we can respectfully handle them now, and we just have seen so much incredible change in our children from, not, you know, going from a very toxic situation. And I would say, yes, the consistency of the joy in our household is what, how, how those two combined together so well,

Dana  18:20

incredible. And, and the ripple effect has, has you’ve seen it in your children? Oh

Belah Rose  18:27

my goodness, that look like, yeah, yes. So with my, not so much. My our baby, she came after, you know, we had been in therapy for a little bit, so we did have some tools, I wouldn’t say they were awesome, but some in our toolbox, okay, and but with our oldest, just hearing her play now, for reference in our history, she was very much didn’t understand What marriage or a healthy marriage, looked like so affection between me and Chris like that was just so foreign to her. And so now it’s just funny, because when me and Chris are being affectionate with her, you know, she’s just like, oh my gosh, I can’t wait to be married. And like,

Dana  19:16

Haley is

Belah Rose  19:17

so she went from being very timid is how I should face it. Timid about marriage, not timid in general. She’s very outgoing, but timid around specific subjects to now, you know, actively playing like, Oh, I’m going to be a mother and I’m going to be a wife. And, you know, it’s just all laughs. And it’s just when me and Chris interact with each other, there’s no fear on her end that it’s going to turn into an argument. Wow.

Dana  19:49

Okay, Kaylee, you got me on that one that’s just tears of joy. It is it tears of joy to hear that it

Belah Rose  19:58

  1. And that was one of. Our both of our agreed, coming into the program, that things definitely had to change for our children. Wow,

Dana  20:09

wow. My goodness. Okay, I am curious, and you may have just described it, but I’m curious, what, what, what was the most impactful moment for you during your time in the delighted wife program.

Belah Rose  20:25

It was actually my graduation from the program when Bela read my closing out comments during the call it it was a full circle moment for me, when every person I cared for in the program, because they were on the call as well, were in celebration and like just people, were so moved by the testimony of me and Chris that I think it hadn’t even really set in with me, until I could experience it with people that actually cared about us. What was happening and just, I mean, the whole program was, I should rephrase the every module I did during the program was eye opening for me, and it took me into the next week excited, but the very Yes, the pivotal moment of seeing, you know, so many of my friends and Belah included in celebration and moved. It was one of those moments where I was like, Oh my gosh. Like, it just felt so good. Wow.

Dana  21:34

What incredible, an incredible experience. Yeah, you’ve rest referenced to the community a couple of times, Kaylee really does sound like that was an integral part of of growth, but also the confidence piece and the safety and the security to really just lay your heart out there and let the Lord in and let him do the work that he had intended for you when you said yes to your invitation to join this program. Yes, okay, it’s so special. I cannot thank you enough for sharing your story with me today. It is, it is truly impactful. I We really appreciate your your time and your courage, your honesty to share it. But before we finish, I’m curious, Kaylee, what advice would you give a wife who’s in a similar situation to where you were prior to the program?

Belah Rose  22:39

I would say go all in with no hesitation. Everything that’s asked of you, do it and stay consistent in the work and just stay focused on being in your own lane. Your husband’s in another lane. You’re on your side of the road. Yeah, and just embrace everything the Lord’s going to present you with during this program, because once you start just focusing on his voice and what he’s calling upon you, it will literally change your life. Wow.

Dana  23:19

Excellent advice, really excellent advice. Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Belah Rose  23:27

There isn’t just that this has been, again, I just can’t express enough how much it’s changed my marriage and my life, and that if, if anyone is listening and and on the fence about, should I do it? Should I not do it? Just do it. Just do it.

Dana  23:47

Just do it. I agree. Kaylee, just do it. My goodness, this is just, it’s beautiful. It is absolutely beautiful. From from gaining self confidence and self worth and who God really is calling you to be, especially in the context of your marriage, to to instilling peace and joy and playfulness into your family, to seeing the results that have had an effect directly on your daughter and her outlook on marriage and motherhood. Well done. Kaylee, well done, and praise God for every single ounce of it. Oh, absolutely, absolutely, thank you, Kaylee, yes, thank you. You’re so welcome, so wonderful. You

Belah Rose  24:49

so awesome. Thank you. Kaylee, it’s amazing to hear what God can do, and I’d love to pray for you. Listener, Lord Jesus, you know that. This person listening, you know their story. You know what they’ve been through. You know every detail. Father, maybe they’re at a spot of being hopeless that their marriage is going to end and their family will be broken apart, and all these things. But Lord, you can change it all. You can transform it. Father, I pray for this, this individual. I pray for their spouse. I pray that you would turn their hearts towards each other. Lord, whatever way you’re going to do that, whether it’s through a program like ours, whether it’s forgiveness and healing through many different ways, Lord, I ask that you would do that we trust you, Lord, we love you. Jesus, name Amen. Alrighty, my precious listener, thank you for listening and thank you for holding on to hope. God can do it. He can. He’s doing it so many times over and over. If we’re the next step for you, go to delight your marriage.com/cc. For a clarity call, or if you want to find out where your marriage is right now on the marital health spectrum, go to dot Light Your marriage.com/m. H, A for marital health assessment. Alrighty. God bless you. Have a Wonderful day. We’ll talk soon. You

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