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Hi there! Belah here. Today I have Bonny talking about her story. Bonny of oysterbed7.com has been married for 20+ years. Her story is about God’s redeeming power of something that could have broke them. Bonny was raising 3 kiddos almost single-handedly when she learned of a secret that caused her so much pain.
- Psalm 27:13-14 “I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”
- Romans 15:13 “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
- Ephesians 5:21 “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.”
You’ll Discover:
- Bonny was surprised by a sad revelation about her marriage, in the midst of caring for her kids by herself it almost broke her.
- It was only when Bonny said she was totally broken that she had to rely completely on God and He brought her the resources.
- She admits that though her husband made serious mistakes, she also didn’t understand or meet his needs.
- As we’ve all felt I’m sure: “Who wants to make love when you don’t feel valued?” But what she learned “His way of showing my value and connection was through sexual intimacy”.
- She shares exactly how she was able to extend him grace. The grace that ultimately saved her marriage.
- She says “some of our husbands were exposed to pornography very early. So when daddy yells at them or tells them they’re stupid or worse and they happen upon porn, what a fun release. For 10 min they can forget that Dad just called them an idiot”. What an insight!
- She goes on to share that this addiction early is actually a intimacy disorder, that can be “grown out of” with hard work.
Books & Resources Mentioned:
- Christian Women’s Job Corp facebook.com/CwjcILM
- The Dyamic Marriage Class that helped transform their marriage after the difficult season: familydynamics.net/
dynamic-marriage Surfing For God: Discovering the Divine Desire Beneath Sexual Struggle
- Study about PTSD Symptoms from a sex addiction revelation
- He had needs that I didn’t understand and I had needs that he didn’t understand.
- We get stuck in the thought of ‘I’m never going to change, this is the way I am’. No you can evolve. You give it to God, and He’ll change you.
- He didn’t understand I needed conversation to feel connected. I just wanted to meet him over coffee and he wanted to meet me in the bedroom.
- You have to not put your foot down in the very beginning and say I’m never going to forgive you. Let yourself process through the rage it’s healthy. But don’t stay there.
- What happens in childhood is not your fault. You have to heal from it, but it’s not your fault.
- If you are having any kind of sexual issue, don’t struggle alone.
Thanks for listening! I hope you are encouraged to live in wholehearted intimacy!
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delight your marriage episode 16. Bravo, bravo. Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast, the show where you hear from amazing and inspiring wives sharing their struggles, triumphs and advice for this journey called marriage. Here’s your host belah rose.
Hello, and welcome. I’m so glad that you’re here today with me, thank you for coming. Yes, that was my son, he’s, let’s see, 21 months and full of energy and a lot of fun, but also trying Have patience. I feel like I’m learning patience more every single day, and having to rely on God for that. So anyway, I want to just welcome you if this is your first time, this is really a podcast for wives, to encourage them, inspire them and help them really live wholeheartedly in their marriage. And that means intimacy in every part. So I just want to say that sometimes we think that marriage is like a, you know, some kind of a, if you think of like a pie chart where one person gives 50%, the other person gives 50%. And then you get to the end of your life and you have a happy marriage or something. The reason I don’t like that analogy is because who’s to judge really, I mean, God’s the judge, and we don’t know what our husband went through in his past that caused him to come to this place today. In the same way, he can’t judge you and figure out why you are the way you are. But as a wife, as one part of the equation, you can be proactive, you can do everything you can to make this thing work. And you know what, today is a story of an amazing woman named Bonnie. And you can hear that she was not willing to accept the cards that she was given the difficulty that came her way the choices her husband made that hurt her so deeply. She was not willing to just give up. No, this woman fought and she fought hard. And you can hear at the end of the day, she’s got an incredible marriage and incredible family. And I just want you to dive into her story and just listen to the insights that she gives, that are wrought through years of pain. And I’m just grateful for her story. So I hope that you’ll really, really be benefited and inspired through this. I’ll catch you on the other side enjoy.
Miss Bonnie from oyster bed seven is here with us. Hi, Bonnie, how are you today?
Hi, Bella. I’m doing fabulous. Thank you. I’m delighted to be here.
Oh, I’m so glad. And and we like that we’re delighted. So awesome. Well, would you go ahead and share a little bit about yourself and your day to day life? And what that looks like,
Oh, my day to day life? Well, let’s let’s I want to tell you what my day to day life used to look like. I used to be corralling three little boys. I had a husband who traveled a lot for business. And so as those that it was just crazy, you know, single mom, three little children that were within three years because a set of twins. And there was a lot of the our marriage started to disconnect because of business travel and little children. And then as the children grew, then then my day to day life look like getting them to elementary school and going to a part time job and still having a husband who traveled a lot. And now my day to day life is much different. My day to day life is calm and just at peace. And it’s not just because my three little boys are now three little men is because my marriage has evolved. And we still deal with a lot of business travel, but we’ve learned how to manage our connection in spite of it.
Wow, that’s awesome. Well, and we’re going to dive more into that soon. So I’m excited for that. Would you share a little bit about you and your husband’s personalities and how that works? Sure.
Our personalities are kind of feisty. He is He is quiet with a lot of surprises. He’s very introspective. And yet he can be very stubborn. But he’s a man who’s willing to evolve and he’s also got a great sense of humor. He’s very funny. He likes to twist words and, and I love laughing at him. I and my, and my personality is I’m more. I’m more reticent, although I can be the big talker in the family, I’m usually kind of reserved, he would disagree. But, and I like to have fun and joke, but I also like to be serious with people. And I like to help people, I like to point them in the right direction. I like to walk alongside of them while they’re hurting. And that’s my passion is helping hurting women.
Actually, I know I talked to you before. And could you share a little bit about your other endeavor? Aside from oyster beds seven that you shared with me about?
I’d love to I am chairman of a board a very small outreach program in Wilmington, Wilmington, North Carolina is called Christian women’s job corps. It’s been around since the 90s, our particular particular sites about 12 years old, we empower impoverished and hurting women through job skills, life skills, and Bible knowledge. And all of our women are paired with mature Christian mentors. And that is the key. We work with a covenant with the we call them protegees, or women that come to us they go through an intake interview, to make sure it’s the right fit. But it’s it’s all about walking with them towards stability. And stability looks different for different people. So we have to take that into account. But that’s, that’s my other passion is watching women grow. What God has purposed them to be confident women with the purpose.
That’s awesome. It’s such an amazing mission.
We also have a Facebook page to us, CW JC, I LM,
I’m sure people will want to check that out and see how they can support because it’s just amazing. And I’ll have this all in the show notes. So if anyone wants to go to delight, your marriage.com All of this is going to be linked up so you can easily just click on it. So that’s great. Okay, awesome. Well, this whole podcast, the whole purpose is really to empower and inspire women, in their marriages and in their intimacy with God as well. So would you be willing to share a scripture or a quote that’s meant a lot to you over the years?
Well, actually, there’s three. I’m just one, I guess that’s part of my personality. I can’t ever just pick one. But my, what my, my grounding through. through hard times of our marriage was Psalm 27. And I’m flipping to it here, I’m sorry. Psalm 27. At the very end, it’s all about you know, The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The very last two verses are, I am still confident of this, I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living, wait for the Lord, be strong, and take heart and wait for the Lord. That gave me two things that gave me that empowered my patience, that I had to wait to see him. But the second was that he would give me good things here. And now I didn’t have to just wait for heaven, that the kingdom of God is here as well. And and he would show me goodness while I was alive on this land. And right now, our life verse is Romans 1513. And this was actually comes from my husband, but I adopted it as well, because it just so powerful. Again, it’s a lot about hope. 1513 May, the God of hope, fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope, by the power of the Holy Spirit? And that just carries me through the tough stuff.
That’s awesome. And did you say there’s a third one as well?
Oh, yeah. What was that? No, well, there’s two right now.
Um, no, I love both of those. That’s just fantastic. And it seems so both of them seem so forward looking, you know, even in the waiting even in the midst of waiting until until God comes through. Still having that hope having that forward. Vision, you know, that God is going to come through?
Yeah, I think we get lost and when we’re so in the muck in the mire, and you know, caught in it, we we have a hard time seeing forward, all we can see is the problems we’re in at the moment and it’s hard to look ahead, and I think that’s so important.
That’s amazing. Well, and I wonder if this is associated with talking about the difficult season in your marriage because I imagine You have learned that through, you know, the trials and the difficulties. So could you share a little bit about that that season,
that season happened, we were about 15 years into our marriage. So we weren’t young. It wasn’t a young marriage. But we reached a kind of a boiling point, I’ve mentioned that there was a lot of business travel, and we just didn’t have the tools to stay connected. Our marriage was founded on respect and communication, we had only I’ll backtrack here, We’d only been married a week or two, maybe in my husband, we were in the car driving somewhere. And my husband looked at me and said, You know, I want our marriage to be based on a verse he said, I can’t remember what the verse is, but it’s all about mutual respect and mutual communication. And I’m like, Hey, I am on board with that, you know, let’s, that’s perfect. So we we went home, and we found out that the verse was Ephesians, 521. And that was my third verse. Now I’m remembering, submit to each other out of reverence for Christ. And that that’s been our anchor through all of our seasons, but the bad season was a result of, you know, this disconnect. And he had needs that I didn’t understand. And I had needs that he didn’t understand. You know, I did not realize that sexual intimacy. Yeah. And we didn’t understand that it came to a boiling point when I discovered his strip club visits. When, when, yeah, he was off on business travel. The same week, I also found out that one of our sons was acting out, and in ways that could hurt his health and his brain. So, um, that was a lot in one week. Wow. That hit me. And it really we our marriage had been struggling and I’ve been praying for, you know, please, God help me know what to do that kind of thing. But once I was totally broken, yeah. And then I was willing to just say, whatever, you’ve got it all. I’m just gonna sit here. And you’ve got to bring me the resources. God, I don’t know where to turn. And he did. He did bring the resources. You know, I have a godly, godly husband. And he. And some people can say, well, how can a godly husband go to a strip club? Well, he had needs, he had things are still human. And yes, it’s flesh. And it’s wrong, and it’s a sin. But I wasn’t addressing those needs. So this class came to us. And it’s called dynamic marriage. And through family dynamics dotnet. It’s an eight week class, but it changed our life. It gave us tools, and it gave us understanding of each other. It was the best thing we’ve ever done. And since then, we became facilitators, so that we can pass along this hope to others. So it’s been a you know, that was 15 years ago, we’ve been married 29 years now. So it’s still growing. And that’s the beauty of it. It showed us that we could evolve. I think people get stuck in the thought of I’m never going to change, you know, this is the way I am. No, you can evolve, you give it to God and he’ll change. Hmm.
Yeah, that’s incredible. And I mean, if you don’t mind, I’ll, I’d love to ask questions about the, about the story. So, so how when you happen upon this, I mean, what was kind of the status quo beforehand that in terms of intimacy, or how you were thinking about it, what was your point,
um, it was a, it was a big conflict. I didn’t feel valued. And so because I did not feel valued, who wants to make love when they don’t feel valued, when they don’t feel like there’s a connection, and yet, his way of showing me value and his way of being emotional with me was through sexual intimacy. And that’s not what, that’s what I didn’t understand. And he didn’t understand that I needed conversation to feel connected. So he just wanted to meet me in the bedroom, and I just wanted to meet him over a cup of coffee and it was, you know, not working.
Yes, I think that’s a huge, huge point that is not doesn’t always compute with wives, especially since our society has just Well, I mean, in the wrong context, sex is, you know, such a power thing, but in the wrong context, but in the right context. It’s a beautiful, unifying experience that’s meant to encourage your whole marriage. So I’m interested when you were, you know, caught in This understanding of sex. How did you move past that when you found this?
So how did I change my thought process?
Yep, that’s the good news.
It was really a heart change. It wasn’t in my head, it was more in my heart that I just, God put compassion in my heart for my husband, even though you know, my first reaction was, how can you do this to me, I’ve been raising his children and, you know, alone through the week and all this stuff and not feeling supported. How could he do this to me, but God put compassion that, you know, he’s working really hard, and maybe he doesn’t enjoy being gone all the time. And he would enjoy some comfort when he comes home. And no, I don’t blame myself for his pornography use. I want to make that understood. I do not blame myself. But I do know that there are things as you know, we are called to be intimate in marriage. That’s, that’s holiness, and marriage is sexual intimacy. Yeah. And the society. Society just really skews that, and then that Satan, he’s taking something that is so powerful, and so bonding, and so thrilling, and just skewing it and using those things against us. Yeah. So how and so, you know, it was it was a, not an overnight click, my brain didn’t automatically embrace sex. And that’s where oyster bed seven came from, it was a journey. And that was an encompasses all of my life, not just my physical self. It encompasses spiritual and emotional and everything, exercise, all parts of my life, are part of my libido.
Hmm, yeah. Yeah, that’s just I love what you, you share that God had to put the compassion in your heart for your husband. Because I can imagine the way you felt happening upon this, and many women feel when they discover their husband’s addiction to pornography. You know, it, it’s it’s affecting a lot of marriages, I mean, billions of marriages. In fact, even in the church, it’s about 50% is struggling currently, that doesn’t even include the people that struggled beforehand. So it’s huge. So why is out there, you’re not alone, if you found this, this difficulty, and it’s something that’s affected my life as a young woman myself in pornography, other family members, extended family, man, I mean, it’s just a huge thing.
And that 50% I’ve read is of who’s addicted. It’s not just might be casual viewers. So I think there’s a whole you know, I think it’s 50% are addicted. And what about 70% of viewed or something’s addicted? That’s huge.
That is yes, yes. So, I mean, how were you able to understand your husband, as you know, not this monster who is doing all these terrible things to you? I mean, how are you able to understand him as a person that is that needs your forgiveness? I mean, I think and the reason I say that is because I’ve got kind of some backstory in a very close marriage that I know. Basically, that was the tipping point when she found out the pornography addiction to cut the cord. You know, that was it. And I just wonder how can wives understand their husband with grace and be able to move past that?
Well, I didn’t come into this marriage unblemished. I had had premarital sex and college and my husband actually was more pure. So I came to the marriage already, you know, blemished sexually. So when this happened, and yet I’ve been loyal to him all these years, but I had to think, you know, he forgave me for all of that. My husband had, he knew, he forgave me. And now it was my turn. And, you know, forgive as you’ve been forgiven. That’s, I had to extend that and even if you’re not a wife, who has had sexual sin, there’s other things I’m sure your husband is forgiving you for. But I completely understand your rage. I completely understand the betrayal. And don’t get me wrong. I wasn’t forgiving him that very first day. I was raged I wanted to punch him in the stomach and I am not a physical person. So I you know, I understand there’s rage and this was all a process but you have to not put your foot down in the very Beginning of, I’m never gonna forgive you, you can’t put your foot down in rage, you have to let yourself process through the rage. It’s very healthy. But don’t stay there. That’s not healthy. Yeah.
what would what practical steps did you take to process through?
I did a lot of Bible study and prayer. Unfortunately, what I wish I would have had was a friend. I had no Christian woman who had ever admitted to dealing with this kind of issue in our marriage. And of course, there had to be many. And so I, once we found the class that helped. But the class still didn’t address pornography specifically, but it addressed all of our other issues. So we were able to heal with other help with the pornography, but I wished I’d had a discerning Christian woman friend to just commiserate with.
Yeah, yeah. Yep. And I love that you shared earlier that you don’t blame yourself for the addiction. Well, and could you even expound on that?
The addiction, yeah, yes. Our men are still eat for all their bravado. They are still a little boys inside this, like, we were little girls, you know, and when they should have been developing the ability to have intimate relationships. Some of them were exposed to pornography very early. So when, when Daddy yells at them, or tells them they’re stupid or worse, and they happen upon pornography, what a fun release, you know, for, for 10 minutes, they can forget that dad just called him an idiot. And when they should have been developing the intimate relationships with other people, the the, you know, just the seduction of the pornography overrides the ability to connect with other people. So it were a lot of addicts, it starts very young. And as I learned that, and knowing my husband’s history, and knowing that there were some pain, you know, I, I understood that, that it’s not my fault. It’s not his, it’s his choice. It’s his choice. But childhood, you know, what happens in childhood is not your fault. You have to heal through it. And there’s a great book, it’s called surfing for God. It was the healing book for our pornography battle.
Wow. God says all sin is the same. It’s not, you know, murdering is just as bad as, as lying as judging as we’re all all of our riches are filthy rags to God. So he’s got to forgive all of us. And so just the way he forgives us is the way that we should extend grace to our husbands.
And it wasn’t, but it was not an overnight thing. You know, it’s been years. And it took, um, you know, I would say it took four years, I was part of a study for PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, because there’s, they found that people who are sexually abused or who have had pornography revelations or, or infidelity, Revelations can sometimes have post traumatic stress. So it can take years to really be able to think about it and not get all worked up again, people who had had porn revelations and the correlation to post traumatic stress disorder. And the study, when it concluded, showed that it could take up to three or four years for the thought of the porn revelation to not affect you emotionally. And that’s what happened. For me, it took about four years before I could think back on that day, and not have my heart race, and not get ticked off again. But it did it happened. It was a gradual decrease, but it did happen. And now I can think about that day. A whole lot different. Wow.
That is really amazing insight. So just to clarify for the listeners. So this was a study about or for wives who have who have learned of their husbands either addiction or sexual infidelity or something along those lines. And then it was a study about how they basically were able to move past this this trauma. Yes. Yeah. And I’ll have that linked up on the show notes too. So and, and can I ask, I mean, that just seems amazing to me. Because when I think of marriages that have had infidelity, and this kind of thing, they never wait. I mean it almost never I mean It’s so interesting that it took almost four years for you to kind of move out of that that trauma phase because generally women don’t wait four years to try to see if they can, you know, forgive and forget.
Well, I think the key to it was my husband was working really hard. He was working very hard to develop emotional intelligence, to understanding his own emotions. He was working very hard to meet my needs. And it was a snowball effect, the more he tried to meet my needs, the more I tried to meet his, I mean, it was, but if you have, and that’s where all of my wait for the Lord scripture plays in, you have to wait for the Lord. It’s not going to be overnight. Yeah.
So I’d also like share that, you know, it was before we were married, but I basically really, really hurt my husband in, in areas that are similar to what we’re talking about. And it’s interesting to listen to the PTSD thing to understand how long it may take for him to totally get over and totally forgive and totally have grace with. So if you’re on the other end of the spectrum, and you, you know, have been the person that has hurt your husband or wife so deeply, to realize also that even though God is forgiving you and you’ve totally repented, and you’ve come clean, and you’ve been open and you are serving and all this, it may take four years for them to fully be able to just physically not have those PTSD symptoms. And so you mentioned heart racing, were there other you said, and having that rage and having that kind of fear at what were some other things that that really
worked? That that those physical things are really what come to my mind first. And, you know, it also would trigger distrust all over again. So I would have to intentionally, you know, work towards the trust and to put doubt away, and, but of course, that happened because my husband did what he needed to do to build my trust, too. So, you know, if he hadn’t been working so hard, I don’t know. What, I’m not going to think about what would have happened. Right, but we but we my husband, and I totally understand how divorce happens.
Wow, well, that’s incredible. What? What, yeah, what made you stick it out in the midst?
Well, we had three, you know, sons that really needed us. But I think it just goes back to our covenant. You know, we took those vows seriously. And I truly loved him. Oh, I still love him. I’m passionate about him. I mean, even through all that, and that’s why it hurts so bad, because I loved him so much. Yeah, I loved him. And I wanted to make it work. We both did. We’re both miserable. But we both loved each other. And we took our covenant very seriously. I read to another study, and I can’t even point you to it. But it said that if a bad marriage can wait five years, it will change.
Wow. That’s great. I mean, you know, and sometimes it can even take less.
Sometimes it takes more to but yeah. But it absolutely can change can change. Yes.
I’m interested, Bonnie, how were you able to kind of move to this place of being willing to be open about the struggle?
Oh, it was the marriage class, once we got through it and decided we want to help people in this way. The marriage class, you really need to be as transparent as possible with this marriage class. And as we came to a place of more healing, where it was a more distant memory, we’ve become more and more transparent. And my husband is totally on board with these conversations. Because if it can help someone that’s hurting, and bring them into a better place than to God, once they’re in a better place, they’ll be able to better serve the kingdom of God. Because when you’re miserable, you’re older, you’re wounded on the battlefield and, and you’re not, you can only take care of yourself. You can’t help take care of other people. So that’s why we want to help marriages heal.
I love that. I just think that’s so true when you’re in a difficult place in your marriage. I mean, it’s all encompassing encompasses all of your thoughts, your stress, your emotions, your worry, your fear. I mean everything And you absolutely don’t have any room to be helping and serving the kingdom of God. Exactly. So if a wife is scared to talk about it to open up an intimate struggle, either from her end or his end, I mean, what kind of advice would you give her?
So she’s afraid to talk to someone. There are a lot of blogs now, through Christian marriage bloggers Association. There are a lot of women and men, you know, writing, sharing their stories, but you can also submit questions and comments to those authors, you know, to the blogs. And that’s a way to do it anonymously. If you’re hesitant, you know, to talk in real life to someone. But you could also find a Christian counselor who will keep everything you say, totally confidential. But don’t struggle alone. And it’s no reflection on you. If you are having a sexual issue in your marriage, whether it is your problem, or his don’t struggle alone. There’s, you know, there are people out there who have been there and want to help you.
That’s awesome. I love that encouragement, don’t struggle alone. Exactly. Wow, Bonnie, that was just awesome. I’m just so grateful for her story. And her just willingness to share it like it is because this is something that so many couples struggle with. And they struggle in silence. And so I’m just grateful that Bonnie is brave enough to open the doors, bring the light in, let people know so they can be encouraged. And kudos to her husband. That’s all for this that he says, so many people are struggling. So why are we going to hide our own struggle and not help people? So it’s just beautiful. Bonnie goes into some really great things in the next episode. That’s coming out on Thursday. So I really want you to hear specifically how to increase your libido. I mean, to really take this thing seriously, if sex is one of the important keys in marriage, then why are we not putting on our warrior helmets and, and doing real work for our marriage? Ultimately, like Bonnie said, For the kingdom of God, no joke, ladies, let’s let’s really dig into this. Just to transition, I got a review that I loved. And I’m going to share reviews every now and then because I want you to know that this is encouraging people and you’re not alone in this journey. So this is the title is from a guy he gave it five stars. And he said bravo to all the committed women who take the time to listen to this podcast. from a guy’s perspective. belah Rose has our number. She knows what makes us tick. Great approach. Great content, can’t say enough good about this podcast. So I just want to thank you, sir, for, for leaving the review. And just the encouragement that really, it really helps me to know that I’m on the right track. And I’m yeah, getting getting things done. So if you haven’t listened to Episode 14, that’s the one that I really go into oral sex and what I think it can mean for your marriage. I’m guessing that’s what this guy is talking about. Because it’s really something that can make a difference in your marriage. So I want to encourage you listen to that episode. But the other thing is I’ve got a webinar, where I’m going to go into some specifics about oral sex, but it’s just for the ladies. So sorry, guys, you’re not invited. But that’s going to be happening just next week on Tuesday at eight o’clock Eastern Standard Time. So I’d love for you to be there. It’s live, it’s not recorded. If you’re in the future, I’ll probably do another one of these webinars depending on the feedback. So if you still go to delight your marriage.com/fourteen you’ll see an updated link and more information there. And I just like to mention, it’s totally anonymous, I just want to make that very clear. It’s just for you. Of course you can be there live you can type in your real name if you want. We can acknowledge each other that way on the webinar, but you don’t have to you could use a you know a pseudonym like I use so anyway, I just want to encourage the wives that it just like this, this guy said, you know, if you want to serve your husband in the best way to be the best wife you can, why would you not want to understand the nitty gritty and really feel free and confident in the bedroom in the right context, which is marriage and witches with wives just like Titus two four says, women need to teach other women how to love her husbands. Go to delight your marriage.com/fourteen All right, I love you. I’m praying for you. And please remember that you might be called to give more than your fair share. It might be for season it might be for lifetime but Remember Psalm 2713 I remain confident of this. I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Alright, I love you and we’ll talk soon. God bless you.
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