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Hi there! Belah here. Today is Part II of my interview with Jenna. On this episode, she talks to me about how she and her husband got through the struggles they experienced, including the falling of their child into the claws of drug and alcohol addiction. Jenna emphasizes on putting God in the center of your marriage and the importance of humor too. As a wife of 30-plus years, Jenna has lived through the intimacy issues that are being faced by most women—and she couldn’t be more clear: intimacy changes as you age. It’s a reality, but something can be done about that. Listen in as she gives her tips and advice on how to keep intimacy interesting, fun, and comfortable for you and your husband.
Check out Part I at delightyourmarriage.com/51
You’ll Discover:
- How a wife should love her husband before anyone else
- How we have to be deliberate about our intimacy
- How intimacy changes as we grow older
- What this wife wished she knew earlier in her married life
- How you try to outlove each other—which is the secret to marital success
Books & Resources Mentioned:
- Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs
- The 5 Love Languages by Gary D. Chapman
- Not a Fan: Becoming a Completely Committed Follower of Jesus by Kyle Idleman
- Saturdays with Stella: How My Dog Taught Me to Sit, Stay, and Come When God Calls by Allison K. Pittman
- Finding Wedded Bliss, Jenna’s personal blog
- The secret to marital success is you have to outlove each other.
- This little thing called marriage can affect so many more generations down the line.
- Keep things light with humor.
- If a couple remains focused on pleasing the other, then that intimacy they share will blossom.
- Because we’re both committed to seeking God first and fighting for our marriage, we don’t only survive it. We flourish.
Thanks for listening! I hope you are encouraged to live in wholehearted intimacy!
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Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. This show where you hear from amazing and inspiring wives sharing their struggles, triumphs and advice for this journey called marriage. Here’s your host belah. Rose.
Hi, there. This is belah rose. And I want to thank you for listening. Today, we are going to talk about what intimacy does, even in later seasons of life. I really love our guests today. Jenna, this is the second part of her interview. If you haven’t heard the first you’ll want to listen to that. But she gives really specifics on how we can expect bodies to change. And as love matures, what happens and I just love her heart. And I think we can learn so much from her. Before we dive in, though, I want to mention, if you’re ready to take your marriage to the next level in your intimacy, this is an opportunity for you, up until July 31. I have a free coaching strategy session where you and I are going to talk about what you’d like for your marriage. And to see if you would be a good fit for the coaching program. What will happen is it’s just you and me. And we’re talking about your goals and how to move you past your reservations and the things that are hindering you, in order to have full, wholehearted intimacy as God desires and has destined for you. So I want to walk this journey with you and go to your email and just email me belah at delight your marriage.com but you’ll need to do it as quickly as possible. Because July 31, is just around the corner. So B E L A H at delight your marriage.com and all return your email as soon as I get it. Okay, God bless you. And let’s dive in you know, think about well, I wanted to ask you a little bit more about how you said, it’s still really hard for you to kind of allow your husband to lead. What does leadership look like in your household? And how do you kind of know when you’re stepping outside of that or continuing in that zone? Does that make sense?
Oh, yeah. I had to laugh because I remember one. I don’t know what it was Bobby, I tend to use a lot of humor. We try to keep things light, we try not to let things get too serious and too heavy. I don’t remember what it was we were talking about. But he was he was saying something. And he was sure that he was right. And I was sure that he was wrong. And I said, you’re not perfect. You know? And he said I am so yeah. Because it was fun. And you know, he just He lightened up right off the bat. And that, you know, that kind of says okay, let’s just calm down here and talk about it. Yeah. Father is a really laid back guy. He’s, he’s very fair minded, very logical thinker. And he’ll just look at the situation and say, Okay, well, what I think we should do. And typically I agree with them. There have been times we have disagreed. And there have been times when I was sure that he was making the wrong decision about something. But I said, Okay, you know, what, God puts you in charge. So I’m going to back off, and 99.9% of the time, but instead on he said on, right. Usually the trouble star, if I want to force my way of doing something, and typically talk things through. Usually, if there’s a big situation going like, like with our son and his addiction, he would, he gives things a great deal of thought possible, give things a great deal of thought, and really think about the best way to approach it. That fair, but gentle, and still kind of extend that idea that we love you and we really want to do what’s best for you. He he tries to be very merciful in his approach. And I go back to the people of our son and his addictions, because that was such a big thing. And it was it was recent, just a year ago, and he just had away. He’s not, he’s not overbearing. People often will misinterpret the scripture that speaks about a wife being submissive, and they equate submission with slavery. And I think you know, that is so not true. That word submission. Going back to the original translation, it was actually a reference to a military term that dealt with a subordinates committing to the authority of his superior officer. And the idea was this, your your officer has more training, and more experience and more wisdom. And this person was placed in charge for that reason. And by submitting to that authority, you are saying, I trust your judgment, I know that you’re doing what’s best for this family. And I know that this will be for my protection, and my safety and my well being. And it’s when you get out from underneath, or the trouble starts. And you start trying things your way, when you are just not equipped to do it, you just not. And in the military, you have your superior officer, he has his superior officer and in the chain of command, as far as God is concerned, God is the ultimate authority, and then the husband, and then the wife, if I am mindful of that, back off, but if I decide to dig in my heels, and there’s some be some trouble, and it’s gonna be trouble I create. And there are times when I’ll just dig in, like, whatever you say, Well, I’m just gonna do it this way. And then inevitably, I end up, you know, coming back on him, oh, please forgive me.
Well, you know, it’s interesting, because sometimes, with Adam and Eve, for example, he was the one that took the fruit, but Adam was the one that was responsible for it, which I think that’s something kind of powerful. There’s, when God puts a husband as the person that’s responsible, that’s a big deal. And then if we were kind of outside of that covering, going away our own way, like had Eve, you know, went and did something else without her husband even knowing it, why then he’s not responsible for you anymore. He can’t be that protective person that he’s supposed to be. And that’s what I kind of see it as Is that something that you would, um,
you know, that Adam and Eve story is a fascinating read. And if you reread it, reread it, you really start to get some new stuff out of it. You know, if you read through, it clearly states that, obviously the serpent tempted eat and what did he do? He called, he put a little seed of doubt in her mind. Did God really say that? So then he starts to compromise on it, she starts to swell, you know, he said, and she throws in things that God didn’t say, God obviously had instructed Adam to instruct his wife. So he knew she knew what God says, because I’m cooler. But then it says that he took the fruit and ate it, and then gave some to her husband who was with her. And when you think of the matter with Adam, that he dummied up, when the serpent was testing his wife walking, he opened his mouth and say, No, we don’t do it. But he just stood there like an observing, and then he participated. And then you’re right. Who did God go looking for? Adam? Where are you? What did you do? And what did Adam do? Well, it was that wife, you gave me more? The one who gave me that’s sort of a picture of what we do in marriage, oftentimes, like, you know, okay, well, you know, God’s gonna hold you responsible, and then you’re gonna find God for the wife. Yeah, no, I don’t think so. And at all, always God holds the husband responsible. And throughout Scripture. There’s so many examples of the wife trying to usurp the husband’s authority, thereby usurping God’s authority. And Sarah and Abraham was a classic example of this. You know, God promises them a child. And Sarah, you know, she’s like, No way. I’m just too old. And that’s never gonna happen to here and Abraham here, take this maidservant mind and you know, you go lay with her and you haven’t begun blah, blah, blah. Okay, well, that was stupid. I don’t know what she was thinking, What wife would do that. But anyway, that whole act of disobedience caused everything it that was the beginning of the month of religion through that main service chop fold. And that that One act of disobedience. I think, you know, I would like to think that if God came to me and told me something, I wouldn’t laugh at him and try to do it. Probably would, because that’s what humans and she usurped Abraham’s authority. She served God’s authority, and it cost her dearly, and it is costing us to this day because of her disobedience. And, you know, that’s a whole nother story is this little thing called marriage that exists between two people affects so many other people and can can affect everything in history. From here on down the line. Yeah.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, no, that’s really good. I love that you said this little thing called marriage can affect so many more so many more generations down the line. That’s incredible. So I want to hear a little bit of how how your marriage looks like now after, you know, you talked about the struggle, kind of in the beginning of how it was difficult to have your husband above your children, you know, and how, how has that kind of happened? And what does it look like now?
Well, a marriage now is, it’s just the list. It’s really very, very sweet. And, you know, I’m always very, very troubled it not possible to separate and divorce. And I think, you know, if you work through these battles, and obviously, there are just some battles that can’t be worked through, there are some situations where there really is no hope. And I don’t mean, at all to condemn anybody who’s been divorced. I don’t mean that at all. But there’s so many people nowadays that divorce for really petty reasons, and meaningless reasons, or they just get tired of one another. And I think it’s so sad. I just think if you can work through those battles together, you just have no idea how sweet marriage can be, when you’re 30 years in like we are and how awesome it is to love waking up together. And spending time together on the porch playing and taking walks. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or fabulous. It just being together. That is such a sweet, sweet thing. The closest comparison, don’t laugh, John and Olivia Walton. I don’t know if you’ve ever watched. But John and Olivia. I know they’re a fictional couple. But there’s so much like Bob and I, there’s so much in love after decades of marriage. They’re very affectionate. They’re just absolutely devoted to one another. They kind of communicate with a secret, unspoken language that really can only be developed after years of marriage and life and struggling side by side and working very, very hard to protect. That precious relationship, that marriage relationship. John Walton is like my husband in a lot of ways. He’s pretty no nonsense guy, but he’s always very loving and attentive to Olivia, he only has eyes for her. He just cherishes her above all else in the world. He’s nearly head of the household, but without the airing and that being harsh. He’s very firm with the children, but very loving. And he always he’s always fair, always fair. Olivia is kind of like me, she’s very happy to admit to John’s leadership because it’s not an overbearing leadership. But But Olivia is not above voicing her own opinion. She’s very independent. And John, appreciate that about her. And so he encourages her to spread her wings, and to explore her God given gifts. Alinea always allows John beliefs. And together they are just a team to be reckoned with. And that’s best Bobby Nye, we just, you know, after 30 years of marriage, you survive enough stores to be pretty well seasoned, assuming you weathered the storms together. And you’re determined to again, and at this stage of life, I don’t feel the need to panic at the first sight of conflict. I know from experience that we’ll work through it. We work through whatever comes our way just like we have in the past. And you know, during the past three decades, we’ve been trials we never, never would have expected. We’ve dealt with mental illness and addiction and you know, some financial trends, injury, the course of our times was altered or maybe redirected. But because we’re both committed to seeking God first and to fighting for our marriage, we don’t only survive at least flourish, we allow not to transform those ashes into roses. Make something beautiful, out of something that could be ugly. Marriage now today is strong and healthy, loving and affectionate, very passionate and deliberate. We both purpose to please the other or attentive to one another we pick up the slack but the other is struggling. We expensive one another last reason a lot of and we work through the tough times and we celebrate the happy times together always together. And Bob has this little motto that he’s always used and it really sums up how to have a happy marriage. I think he just simply says you have to try it out love each other. You Your sole focus is on making the other person happy, then you’re gonna have a good thing. A really good thing.
That’s so good. So you have to try it out love each other.
I love that loving.
Yep, yep, yep. Yeah. So what a beautiful picture of where you have, you know where this, this 30 year long journey is taking you. That’s just incredible. Praise God. It’s just incredible. It’s a beautiful picture of anyone who is on the side of difficulty, that you can weather these difficult storms and maybe even come out with this beautiful, beautiful picture. So I’m so grateful for that. And I want to ask what are the three chief things that you feel have been central to your marital success?
Um, the first and foremost is Christ and biblical precepts. No matter what comes to us in life, whether it’s regarding our marriage, or politics or child rearing, or whatever. The question is always, what does God’s Word say? That’s it. That’s it. For us. It’s what does God’s Word say about? What does God’s Word say, if you base everything from that point is that if that’s your anchor, then you don’t have to, you don’t have to be whipped around in the store, you will have definite direction, you’ll have definite answers. You don’t have to try to make it up along the way. The second thing is making the others happiness, our priority getting back to that out loving one another thing, you know, just really every single day, how can I make Bob happy today? What can I do for him that will please him today? How can I help lighten his load. And a third thing is just keeping things light with humor. Don’t be too too serious. Obviously, there’s going to be situations that really don’t call. But a lot of times, humor can really defuse a situation and take, take the darkness out of it, lighten it up, and make it not so big and heavy. That’s that’s a really important Laugh. Laugh a little bit laughing.
Yeah, I love that. So it was first of all, keeping Christ in the center. What does God’s Word say as being number number one, and number two was make the others happiness, your priority. And then number three is keep things light. And I’m so grateful that yours was Yeah, included the the lightness of things because I find that in my own marriage too. It’s just so easily we can stop an argument, right? When you see it’s like perking up you’re about to that you can tell there’s an argument coming then just laugh at each other about it. Laugh at yourself, poke fun at yourself about it. This isn’t that big of a deal. Most of the time, think about how ridiculous these arguments are, you know? What was it sorry? Yeah, I almost think about if someone was actually videotaping, when people had arguments in their relationships, you’d be incredibly embarrassed to see though if anyone were to actually have those. It have those videotapes because they’re just ridiculous. We that starts with, you know, accidentally bumping into each other or not thinking first to offer like just random ridiculous stuff. So I love that so much. Great. Well, now here’s here’s the steamy part of the interview, I want to ask you if you’d be comfortable maybe to share a tip about intimacy that you wish either someone let you in on earlier or it’d be helpful for the wives that they could even implement tonight.
For me, I wish that I had been a believer when I gotten married, I think that would have helped at all. I was raised going to church, but I never knew Christ in a personal way. I never understood salvation. I never understood that you could know God on a very personal and intimate level. Thankfully, though, I came to Christ at the age of 26. I’ve been married seven years at that point, but simply found God a little, little, little bit later in life. I had a lot of catching up to do a lot of learning to do and a lot of misinformation to dispel in my heart. I think if I had been a Christian, when I got married, had that true understanding of Christ to God, I would hope that I would have had a better understanding of the sacredness of sexual intimacy. fish that I would have known how important it is to the marriage relationship and how important it is for my husband. I wish that sexual intimacy is a very unique way that I can minister to him in a way that nothing else and no one else can, that it establishes a bond between the two of us that some part from me What else? I wish I’d known that God uses sexual intimacy to strengthen that bond. And that that strong bond helps prepare us as a married couple for a life of serving the Lord in unity. And I wish someone had told me to relax. Yeah, I’m terrible. But after 30 years of marriage, and a very healthy and active, intimate relationship, I’m still embarrassed for my husband. And
I also wish I don’t know if it would have mattered to me at that time, because I was so young. And some things just don’t enter your mind. But I do wish someone had given me a heads up on how sexual intimacy would change throughout the marriage would have been nice to be prepared ahead of time that intimacy would sometimes have to be placed on hold, like after the birth of a child or during a lengthy illness. You know, a selfish lust filled spouse would use those difficult times as an excuse to indulge in sinful behaviors, just to satisfy their own fleshly desires, but of some less spouse like mine, willingly and patiently wait until the crisis is over. And that’s really, really important. I know there’s too many married couples, either the husband or the wife that puts the guilt trip on the other, and sometimes just can’t be helped. You just have to extend that extra measure of grace and mercy and just be patient. It’s not about us, it’s about him, it’s about her. I also wish someone had told me that as a woman ages, her body changes from the inside. As you progress into the menopause process, everything dries up and becomes accidents and tender skin, hair, nails and vaginal tissue. In conjunction with the changes in a woman’s body, a man’s body changes too. Sometimes, a man might have more difficulty achieving and maintaining an erection of making just requires more time and more patience. And you know tenderness, just a lot of tenderness. God knew this in advance. And even as a cut, if it comes as a surprise to marry couples like it kind of came to this surprise. The timing usually works out fairly well. Usually by mid life. Couple are become empty nesters or at least close to it. Usually there’s a little bit more time to spend with one another, just in general, but also in intimacy, just because adults are a little lighter, you’re not tending to young children or running children to various activities. During this midlife stage, sometimes it becomes necessary to try things that were necessary in years past and one of those very simple things of vaginal lubrication. And conventionally, After much trial and error, we find that coconut oil works very well and it’s non toxic. I’ll just
Yes, thank you for that.
Yes, if a couple remains focused on pleasing the other, and that’s just generally speaking, but this also applies to intimacy, then that intimacy they share will blossom into a new and really delightfully sweet season, it can be a really precious time. It’s it’s different now. We have more time now, we need more time now. But know that it’s still a very important part of our marriage of any marriage. And it’s, it’s imperative not to neglect that part of the marriage.
Yeah. I just love that. Thank you so much for sharing those things. Jen, I think we can all learn from all of that, because it’s very important for each of us to understand that what’s working now might not be working in a couple of years, or what we need to be flexible. But the most important thing is to recognize that that is a central piece in your marriage and not to neglect it, which is basically a huge and this is again lived wisdom. You’re not just saying this as someone who’s done it for a couple of years, you know, but this is 30 years of, of continuing to minister to your husband this way and yourself and making sure that you’re in Union together as you do this, do this thing called life I just I’m so grateful that you shared all of that. Well, and I wanted to ask you with with the kind of thinking about the specific marriage and the specific road that your marriage has taken, what are the some of the opportunities you’ve had to serve and get to know God?
I think because God has always encouraged me to nurture my gifts. And he’s always kind of spurred me on to do things that I never thought I could do or would do. He always had a lot of confidence in me, even if I didn’t. And I might say, I could never do that he pictures you can. One really practical example is power tool. He told me these power tools. You know, my mom and my sister look at me, and they just think, wow, you know, that’s the coolest thing. Bobby taught me this, Bobby taught me that. So I’m pretty self sufficient. has always given me that confidence. We both always purpose to serve God, and whatever we do. And God is always teaching us new things along the way, but some of my personal adventures. Some of the things that I did that I never thought I could or would do. homeschooling, I you know, I homeschooled our kids, years, I opened the bed and breakfast, and I ran that for eight years. And that was my ministry for eight years. And writing, you know, writing is something I love. And I’ve written a blog for a number of years, and I’m just starting a new marriage blog. And I’m also working on writing a book. And these are things that I always wanted to do. I wasn’t really sure that I could, but he’ll always say, Sure, you can. Of course, you can, you know,
praise God. That’s awesome.
Thanks. Most, I guess the most important opportunities I’ve had personally have been really one on one. And this really goes back to marriage again, which has always been my number one passion. We had a honeymoon couple that are Bed and Breakfast a couple of years ago, the husband was military and he was deployed and only able to come home for three days to get make and have a brief honeymoon. Now, this sweet young couple spent the entire first year of their marriage living in different countries. They really struggled with being apart. No emails and phone calls can only do so much to strength. matrimony. Sadly, for whatever reason, the wife’s family did not like this man for husband. I don’t know why I really don’t know why. She didn’t either, for that matter, but they, they were really trying to persuade her to file for divorce, instead of joining her husband overseas, when his assignment when his deployment ended. She was really troubled by this. She just didn’t know what to do. She came to visit me one afternoon, and she shared her struggle, and just couldn’t decide if she should end the marriage or not. And I said, you know, what does God have to say about it? What’s God’s opinion about marriage, and she didn’t really know she wasn’t quite sure. And her family was calling her one way. And she just didn’t know what to do. And because they were physically separated, it was just putting such a strain on their relationship. And they were arguing on the phone a lot. And so she started to believe, well, maybe I made a mistake. I said, you know, if you don’t join in your husband, how will you ever know what your marriage could be? I told her that if she didn’t join him, she’d spend the rest of her life wondering what would have been or what could have had, if she hadn’t joined him. So enter cursor, just just get on that plane and go to him. The best thing that could happen to your marriage would be for the two of you to be in another country together, all alone with no distractions and no family. Here, so she finally did decide to go ahead and join him. When his deployment was over, she joined him overseas sided just give it a try. The first few weeks were very tense and very difficult, but they did work through it together. And they’ve been married for over two years now. And very much in love and very committed. And that just blesses my heart and I I just pray, pray, whatever word God may speak to me in any given situation, I pray that it would be uplifting and valuable. And conversely, I pray that God will shut my big mouth and or the listeners ears if I steer them wrong.
That’s really funny. Well, I yeah, I’ve I pray those things, too. But I just I just love the I just love that that picture that. Who knows what’s gonna come from that marriage? You know, there’s so many good things that come from marriage, just like you said that you and Bobby are encouraging each other to do what God has for you to do. And just think about how many more people that even just that one couple will touch and then yes, and now your blog coming up and this interview And praise God for that. Now, is there a book or a program that you would specifically recommend to the listeners?
Yeah, there’s a few, a few books. So I recommend love and respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. And I’m not sure I’m pronouncing your last name correctly. But that’s an excellent book a lot, I’ve given that book to a few couple. And a lot of them when the wife starts reading it, because the first half of the book is really directed towards the wife. They stopped reading it because they get a little bit out of shape. And they don’t like what it has to say. But you know, I don’t make any apology for God’s word. And this book is just God’s word elaborated. And that’s just, it’s a very, very good book, read the whole thing. Don’t, don’t shut it down. Also, The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman is very, very good. And that focuses hours of trying to please the other. If you become acquainted with your spouse’s, quote, love language, they’re their most I guess their greatest need, then you can better minister to them in that way, and you will have a better feel for how it is you can meet their needs. And oftentimes, so whatever love language you have, for example, if my love language is words of affirmation, I tend to minister in that way, I tend to be very affirming in my words, but if his need his physical touch, then meeting his need, I’m missing the mark a little bit. So that was a really good book that I read more recently, it’s called Not a fan. By Kyle Idleman, not a fan poses a question. Are you a fan of Christ or follower of Christ? And it really causes you to question your walk and really dig a little deeper, and look at your Christian life. And the term well, you know, am I a fan, we’re an island follower. It’s, it’s just a really, really good read. It’s, it’s really meaty. And then there’s a real lightly very humorous, quick read. It’s called Saturdays with Stella by Alison Pitman. Stella is Allison’s dog and Saturdays with Salah is relating her experience with going to dog obedience class with her dog, and how that really caused her to look at how we are living the obedient Christian life and the correlations that she draws. They’re really, they’re, they’re very scripturally accurate, but it’s, it’s done in a very light hearted way. So that was just a really enjoyable book. Just for any, any believer, really.
That’s really good. Well, and again, I think it’s nice that you’re giving ideas of just Christian books that you have found really helpful, because again, that’s the foremost in her marriage. That’s what’s keeping her marriage together is Christ at the center. And so I love that and love and respect is a huge favorite of mine as well. My last question for you is if you could go back to year one in your marriage and sit yourself down, what’s one piece of advice that you would give to you,
I would tell myself, treat your husband with the God ordained respect he deserved. Be obedient to God’s word, and trust God in all things. Don’t withhold a portion of your love. Give your husband all of your love all of yourself. Put your husband first above all, hell.
I love that. Don’t withhold even a portion of yourself from your husband, give yourself to your husband above all else, that’s awesome. Or give all
all of yourself and put Him first above all else.
Give all of yourself and put Him first above all else, I love that. Okay, now where can we find you or connect with you online?
Okay, my my new marriage blog, which I hope to have published this afternoon. It’s a little bit a little bit long the blog name is finding what is bliss. And the web address is finding wedded bliss dot Wix Wi x.com/healthy-living-blog That long
Well, you know, what we’ll do is we’re going to have that linked up easily for our listeners on the delight your marriage show notes page for this episode, so we’ll have that all written down for them. Yeah, okay. Well, Jenna, thank you so much. This was so delightful to hear from you. and all of your wonderful lived wisdom. And I just appreciate it. Thank you so much.
Thank you, and thank you for this series of podcasts. I mean, you are tackling some subjects that a lot of Christians don’t really want to deal with. It’s it’s a tough subject, but it really shouldn’t be. It’s a very biblical subject. And you know, as far as sexual intimacy in particular, we need to talk about these things. And it’s okay to talk about these things in a godly, scripturally based manner. And I really, hats off to you belah. Rose, you’re good. You guys.
Thank you so much. It really means a lot to me. Thank you. Wow, what a great story and testimony. Jenna has 30 years of lived wisdom, and I’m just so grateful that she shared so generously with us. Thank you for that. Also, if you are listening, I want to thank you for taking this journey with me. Every time you listen to a delight, your marriage podcast, you are investing in the most important human relationship in life is the one of your spouse. So thank you for that. I really want to acknowledge you. This is not easy work. This is hard work matters of the heart. So thank you. And if you are ready to go ahead and take the next step with your marital journey. And there are just certain things that you need to get through. I want to take that journey with you. So go to your email and email me at belah at delight your marriage.com and I’m really looking forward to working with you. Okay, well thank you again for listening. Thank you for diving in today and digging deep and being real. God bless you and I love you and praying for you and your marriage. Bye.
Thanks for listening. Stop by delight your marriage.com to check out all the show notes as well as many more resources and articles. Until next time, live with love, wisdom impassion
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