It has been a glorious 5 months since I was pregnant! But for those in the midst, I wanted to share with you!

I was recently interviewed for a podcast by dear Alexia about my birth stories (the most recent happened in my bathtub…because we didn’t make it to the hospital!) Who delivered may surprise you!


(Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and any advice given here, should be checked with your doctor to ensure safety for your particular situation.)

Here are some positions and tips that may make the last trimester a little more pleasurable.

1.Side Scissoring

This is one that allows your hubby access to your jewel while you are lying on your back and your legs are between each others. He is lying on his side entering you. You also have full access to your clitoris and you don’t have to worry about bouncing much. So enjoy and let him do all the work.

2. Doggie Style Isn’t Just For Pups

You may be surprised that I recommend this during pregnancy. But if your chest is on the ground and your knees are bent. Your bump rests lightly on the bed but there’s no pressure and risk of hurting the precious babe. Also it allows you to use your hand or vibrator to stimulate your clitorous. The pressure this position puts on your jewel can make for a pretty intense orgasm.

3. Edge Of Bed

So, while your hubs is standing, you can inch to the edge of the bed. That’s a great way to alleviate the need for you to do much of anything. And depending on the way you’re feeling, that could be exactly what the doctor ordered! This takes the pressure of moving off of you and on to him. You may need a couple of pillows to support you depending on height of the bed.

4. Mutual Stimulation 

Truly, when you get close to the time you’re due, nothing is comfortable. Or sometimes back pain, hip aches or moods make almost nothing comfortable (yes even sometimes before a bump appears!) Remember adding a little vibrator or manual stimulation to your love making, can bring you and your partner to orgasm especially when you’re body is not interested in doing a lot of work.

All in all the point is to connect. Bring each other to a place of contentment. It probably means orgasm to him and generous foreplay for you. If that’s true, then do that. If you figure out what it is, communicate it and make sure you’re prioritizing your marriage, first and foremost.

Keeping your marriage strong in preparation to bring into the world another  human, is wisdom!

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