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In this episode, I’m diving deep into how the enemy lies to us that change is so hard. But let’s talk specifically why the enemy tries to make it very hard to change.
Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. This show where you hear from amazing and inspiring wives sharing their struggles, triumphs, and advice for this journey called marriage. Here’s your host, belah. Rose.
Hi, there, welcome, welcome. I’m really grateful that you’re here. Thank you for taking some time to listen in. And I just hope that this show really encourages you and gives you an excitement for what God wants to do in your life and in your marriage. So just a quick mention that I have got some openings for wives to speak with me directly one on one free of charge. For a limited time, I’m not quite sure how much I’m going to have available or for how long I’m doing this, but I encourage you to go sign up, it’s d y m dot a s dot M E. And that is the purpose of that is a clarity call to help you uncover what is really going on what are the pain points and what are causes for those. And to give you some clarity. And if by the end, you know, the catch is that if I think I can help you, I’m going to go ahead and, you know, share with you some opportunities to work directly with me, potentially, as one of the few clients that I take on this month. So feel free to book in a clarity call. And once again, if I choose to take you on as a client, and I don’t choose everyone, unfortunately, because not everyone is in the place where they can change or ready to change. Or I feel I can actually help them. But if so I may I may discuss that with you. So anyway, either way, it’s a free call, and you’re going to get a ton of value from it. And it’ll be a really good special time for us. Let’s talk today about fear of change. Now this I find is very, very common with women I speak with. And I think in our society today, it’s extremely challenging to change. And I’m going to talk about why in just a minute.
Awesome, welcome, welcome. All right, well, first off, I think that, you know, sometimes we get so used to how things are, and we just make the best of it, that we don’t see that there are even in any possibilities outside of the way things are. So maybe in our family of origin, you know, boundaries wasn’t a thing. You know, what was yours was your parents no matter what they could come and grab whatever was yours at any time. And especially if you grew up with addictions, in your family, alcoholism, or just just unhealthy relationships, dysfunctional families, that is really hard to change later in your life, maybe when you get married, and you have to tell your mother, no, we’re not coming for Christmas this year. I mean, the kind of guilt that you would end up, you know, not only receiving from her, but also just feeling on the inside, whereas that’s a perfectly acceptable answer is no, that’s that should be honored and, and respected and yes or no should not take away love from a relationship. So that’s just one example, as something that’s really hard to change as you move into a new season of your life. So I want to talk about the fear of change the fear of something different in your marriage. And I think that the problem that we encounter when we don’t change is that a lot of times that fear is actually keeping us from Godswill. As a Christian, we are supposed to look like Jesus, we are supposed to talk like Jesus, we’re supposed to think like Jesus. You know, the Bible is our guide guide. It is our light to our path. You know, we’re supposed to be changing by the renewing of our mind every single day. We are a new creation, we’re supposed to be led by the Holy Spirit. So if we are shackled by fear, then we’re not able to change. We’re not able to do what Jesus wants us to do not we’re not able to start that ministry. We’re not able to have that amazing marriage. We’re not able to parent the way that God wants us to. Because maybe for 1015 years we’ve been doing it A different way. So I want to talk about why change is so hard? Well, the first and I think one of the biggest reasons, and maybe the reason that, actually, you know, is the underlying thing of even all the rest of what I’m going to talk about, but it’s vulnerable to change, it is vulnerable to change. I just got this picture in my head of hermit crabs. I don’t know, if you grew up with hermit crabs. But every time we went to a beach, not every time, but it feels like it was multiple times, we came back with these hermit crabs. So my mom just thought it was fun to get us I don’t know, they were like a couple bucks. And so you would buy a hermit crab and they have a shell, if you’re not familiar with hermit crabs. So they have this shell, but eventually, they grow out of the shell. And what they have to do is shimmy over to the bigger shell. So you have them in this box. And when you start to realize they’re getting bigger, you put another shell in there that’s bigger. And sometime in the night, they shimmy on over to that new shell, and that’s their new home. Now, when they are changing shells, easily if a predator were there, kill him right away. Because the way hermit crabs deal with life, and for that what they deal with predators, is that when they find a predators coming, or they get scared, they quickly go inside their shell, they just completely retract inside.
And so if they have to change shells, they are completely vulnerable, they have no protection at all, I actually have never seen what a hermit crab looks like on the like soft part of their body, I only know where their crab legs look like, maybe I’ll look that up after the show and posted on our show notes. But anyway, the point is that, you know, when you’re changing from one person to another, you’re vulnerable, you know, you’re taking off your armor and saying, I’m different, I’m becoming different, and everyone else can see it. And that’s hard, you know, again, with this hermit crab, when in the morning, we saw that he was in a different shell, and we’re like, Oh, he did it, he moved over. And we all could see it, we all knew that he changed shells. And that’s vulnerable. That’s hard, because you’re like, I don’t want anyone to know that. And this, you know, moves into my next point is this fear of being inconsistent? You know, so often we are, you know, we state our case over and over and over again, in our heads, to our partner, to our kids, to social media, to our friends. And so if we change our views on something, or we change our approach to something, or we change our behavior to something that is a ton of pressure that we’re going back against, we’re saying, shucks, I was wrong about all those things, or I’m changing my view on those things. So if you just recognize how difficult that is to go against all of that history, and be inconsistent with it. That is the first step to change. If you just recognize how hard that is. But then you realize it’s a paper tiger. It really is. I mean, honestly, it’s a paper tiger. Why does it matter? That you are inconsistent? You’re human. That’s what life is we change we grow older, we hopefully are growing wiser if we are wise. I’m going through a lot of the proverbs recently and I’ve got it just a ton of you know, Proverbs you know, underlined and they’re just constantly about wisdom. They’re just talking about constantly, you know, get wisdom. Here’s one take this is Proverbs 810. Take my instruction instead of silver and knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is better than jewels and all that you may desire cannot compare with her. Isn’t that incredible? To think that everything you could desire in this world, whether it’s houses or even just good things like a great future for your kids or all this kind of stuff. Get wisdom, get wisdom. And wisdom requires you to change, it requires you to live according to it. Otherwise, it’s not wisdom at all. It’s just something you consumed and spit back out. You didn’t, you didn’t. It didn’t change you, because that’s not wisdom. So, um, so yeah, so so there’s this, this fear of being open of, of, of people thinking badly about you. You know, I think this is something that even, you know, even in Bible times, like, this was a big deal of people thinking badly about you. But you know, there’s Bible verses about the fear of man, that we shouldn’t be concerned about that.
But nowadays, I think it’s extra, because, you know, public figures forever, you know, have had that pressure, especially because so many more eyes are on them. But you know, what social media has made? Most of us public figures, oh, my goodness, most of us are public figures, whether we like it or not. And, and, you know, now that the generation especially, that’s growing up now, I mean, they have been public their entire lives, you know, unless their parents have been vigilant, which, you know, we have been really careful about not posting most things to social media, just because I don’t know if my kids are going to want that posted in 20 years from now, are they going to want those silly stories? Or those funny videos? Or is that going to, you know, is that going to be ostracized or used against them someday, you know, so. But the point is, like, no matter what you are public, and you’ve got maybe 1000 friends on Facebook watching you. So that’s hard, because you’ve got this, you know, history of being a certain way, and suddenly, you’re going to change your views on things, suddenly, you’re going to act differently. You know, suddenly, instead of, you know, thinking your husband’s a devil being like, you know what, I’m going to actually respect Him and serve Him. And, you know, speaking of Proverbs, I just, here’s one that I was just looking at was, oh, hatred, okay, so this is Proverbs 1012. Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses. So, yes. So, you know, part of that, for me, it has been, like, you know, that’s, that’s why I don’t, you know, I, that’s why we’re not supposed to be gossiping, I’m, we’re loving by covering up offenses. We’re not, you know, when we are finished, you know, with a situation, you know, we can forgive them and cover it up, we don’t need to be telling people about this situation that happened, for example. Alright, so the next probably final thing I’ll say about the fear is, if I change, it’ll prove I was wrong to him. So all those many, many, many fights. I’m the wrong person suddenly, whereas I thought I was right for ever, you know, over and over and over again, I thought it was right. And now suddenly, I’m wrong. You know, that is pride, that his pride getting in the way for us walking in what God wants us to be walking in. And that is not God’s will. So, I want to talk about what’s necessary for change. Alright, and then I’m going to talk a bit about why are you afraid of change? Alright, so what’s necessary for change? Number one, vision? Why are you doing this? What’s the point? You know, what’s the point of making changes, making big, scary, difficult changes, facing your fear? And saying, You know what, this is a new way of thinking about my marriage. This is a new way of thinking about my sex life. This is a new way of thinking about our dynamic. But I want peace. I want purpose. I want to live in God’s will. I want joy. I want satisfaction. I want enough time to be able to pursue the ministry that I feel like God wants me to be pursuing. What is your vision? Why are you making changes? Why are you you know, doing the hard work that is going to make you
again in line with God’s well is that what it is, you know, is at my you know, and then you have to you have to break that down like it, tear it tear down, you know is is the enemy just lying to you, you know, this is just selfishness. You just want affection, you just want to be the center of attention in your marriage, you just want him to desire you sexually, which is all carnal and lustful, anyway. And, you know, you just want to have pleasure in sex. And that’s not something that’s important. And, you know, I don’t agree, I think that those are things that God wants for you. And those are going to support the will that God has for your life. You know, sex is vital to the way you and he enjoys this life. And a fruit of the Spirit is joy, and peace. And that’s the Spirit working in your marriage. And sex is vital for that. So then, the next thing is, so I said, having a vision, that’s what’s necessary for change. The next thing is knowing your worth. You know, through Jesus, we are worthy. You know, God made our innermost being. He made our minds, he made our personalities, he made our bodies he made all the peculiarities of your skin, your skin color, your origin, your, your ethnic background, wherever you grew up, he made your accent, whatever language you speak, you know, God is the one that did that. And he so loved the world, he thought you were so awesome. Your worth was so great. That he dropped out all of his glory, to come after you and die. So that he could be with you. That’s the worth he sees in you. So you have to see it in yourself. You have to see that in yourself. Because if you don’t see your own worth, then why why why not settle for the mediocre life that you have? Why not just settle for, you know, the, the stuff you’ve been given? Why have a vision for more? Why? Why even consider that you could do a ministry that actually matters, because you’re not that special. But the truth is, you are you are Jesus thought you are worthy. So much so that he came from his glory, dropped all of that, to come after you. You are worthy because he said You are worthy not because you’ve done things well. But because he said that you are worthy. And so it’s up to you, then to believe that. And the third part I want to talk about is protecting what he values. What is beautiful in Proverbs also is that it says guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it flows. And it says the issues of life. But that’s like, basically it flows your ability to deal with life. Like that is what you’re protecting, protecting and guarding your heart guarding that worth that Jesus sees in you. You know, Jesus also talks about not casting your pearls before swine protecting that, you know he so if you imagine like having a pearl, like I just imagine, you know, something that’s, you know, almost the size of a dime. And just like hurling that into the slop of where pigs are eating like white. Why would you do such a thing? No, what you have to do is protect
protect your and guard your heart. And so protecting your worth protecting what God has given you. And that’s what healthy boundaries are. That’s when you know you know that you have to say no to the good. So you can say yes to the best. Because if you’re constantly trying to please everyone, you’re not going to be on mission for doing what God wants you to do. You’re not going to be able to be prioritizing your life appropriately. So it’s God at the top and you make sure you are spending time with God every single day you are trembling at his word. You are humbly seeking Him every single day after that is your marriage, your most important human relationship. After that, is everything else. Maybe you have kids, so that’s next marriage, God, marriage, kids, after that is everything else. So your ministry, so maybe your ministry includes making money. You know, ministry is loving people. Okay, so whatever that looks like in your life, but if you don’t have priorities correctly, then you’re not valuing what God has value, you’re not protecting those things, you’re not protecting what’s most important. God loved you so much, so he could have you. And if you are not guarding what he has chosen, that he has chosen that relationship with you, if you’re not guarding that, then you’re walking outside of his will. And that’s hard, it is hard to guard that it’s hard to guard the priorities, he is requiring of you. But that it requires change. Okay, so the next piece of change. So I’ve got vision, know your worth protection. And the next one is support, to change and require support. So first Corinthians 1227 says, now you are the body of Christ and individual members of it. And God is appointed in the church, first apostles, second prophets, third, teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, helping administrating and various kinds of tongues. And if you can think about those, all are needed in the church. And he’s saying you’re the body of Christ, and you’re all members of it. And he gives all these different types of, of gifts. And the thing is, if you aren’t receiving those gifts, there’s another part, maybe around the verses there. But there’s another part of the Bible that says, all the gifts are given to edify the church to help the church. And so if you’re not involved in other people, what you’re doing is you’re missing things, and missing supports. Because what you need is people to help you to give you wisdom to pray for you. There’s a verse in Proverbs that says that he who isolates himself is not wise. You know, our ego thinks that, well, I just don’t need all that I don’t need, you know, someone to help edify me, I’m all set. It’s just me and God here. But the thing is, you need support, because it’s not easy to change. You know, he placed us in a body, Jesus left them as a church as a community. And it was important. Even Jesus had 12 disciples when He was on earth, you know, and four of them were his best buddies. You know, he had to get away from, again, kind of going back to boundaries. He had to get away from the crowd. Sometimes, even though that he was, he was purposed for the crowds. That was his ministry, but he had to get away he had to be restored, and even more so he had to get away even from his disciples, I need to go pray with God. You know, if Jesus needs that kind of guarding himself, boundaries, and then support from others, I mean, they went with him everywhere. They followed him around, they ate dinner with him, they ate breakfast with him, they took naps together. I mean, they were on the boat together like it was constant. And if he needed that, how much more did we need that the next piece of change is consistency. It really is about daily, daily daily persistence, consistency, persistence, consistency habits, you know, faith as a mustard seed moves mountains.
Faith, though, as a mustard seed, moves mountains and a mustard seed isn’t a mustard seed for half a day. Or it’s not just a mustard seed during a church service. It is a mustard seed in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening. And then the next day it’s in must receive the morning and the afternoon in the evening. It is constantly a mustard seed. And that mustard seed gets watered, and then slowly it’s growing and slowly it’s growing and it just climbs in between those rocks. Slowly like a vine you know, just as And then slowly it gets bigger, bigger breaks the rocks apart, because it’s just growing. But it’s constantly a mustard seed, it is not inconsistent. And so by God’s grace, may He make us consistent that our faith would be consistent. And that’s the change, that’s going to make a difference. That we are consistently making new habits forging new pathways in our mind. So that it, it’s consistent the way we think now it’s natural, the way we respect our husband and the way we speak to him and the way we persevere. That’s just normal. And we’re adored in return, it’s normal for us to seduce him, it’s normal for us to have affirmations about how sexy we are. And we start to feel that way. And we think that way about ourselves. But that takes us to not just do it once. It takes us to be consistent, and to put things in our life to make sure we’re consistent to make sure we’re accountable. You know, I have women that know, my goals, and they know what I am seeking to achieve and to be about and what the season is about in my life. And if I’m not consistent on those they know about it. Again, having those people in your life not isolating yourself from the changes that you need to be making. And the next one is to have wise mentors. Proverbs 1114 says where there is no wise intelligent guidance that people fall, and they go off course like a ship without a helm. But in the abundance of wise and godly counselors, there is victory. That is the amplified vite Amplified Version. And I really love that I’m going to say it again, where there is no wise intelligent guidance that people fall. And they go off course like a ship without a helm. And when it says fall there, it’s like they die. Right? Because they’re at battle. They’re in battle. But in the abundance of wise and godly counselors, there is victory. I encourage you, my dear sister, my dear wife, that if there are not wise mentors in your spot and where you are, you need them. You need women speaking into your life wise women that have been there. You know, that’s why there’s elders of churches. That’s why there’s pastors. That’s why there’s ministry leaders, you know, I myself have mentors that speak into my life. And if I didn’t have that, I could easily be speaking into my own head, and the enemy would just be, you know, speaking there, it’s his own lies, and I wouldn’t be able to have those course corrections. And I, I wouldn’t see my own blind spots. You know, don’t do this alone. Get wise counsel, get people around you who are going to see things that you don’t. Once again, there’s verses about, you know, Paul talks about there’s different parts of the same body. Some are eyes, some are arms, some are feet, we’re not all the same, and we’re supposed to be helping each other. And that’s one reason I love books so much. You know, because someone experienced and something I don’t know a lot about, or, you know, maybe they spent 20 years experiencing something, learning something, God showed them something, they were taught something, whatever, maybe 20 years of that, they pack it into a book in an organized way. And I get to glean from it for by, you know, six and a half hours.
You know, it’s incredible. My clients know a ton more than me, in so many areas. But in the area of marriage and intimacy, they have blind spots. And my job is I come alongside and guide them through. And God gets them to amazing changes to amazing places because they didn’t see it. They didn’t see those blind spots. And I myself have changed in incredible ways. Because I have worked through my blind spots with people individually and I still do. I’m very open to change. I’m very open to changing who I was yesterday, years ago, years and years ago. It’s so funny because I was journaling this morning. In my morning routine. Part of it is journaling and praying and all that but I picked up a journal because I had finished or almost finished the journal I had been journaling and, and it said goals for 2018. So that was last year. And I looked at the goals, and I think I probably achieved a quarter of them. But when I was looking at last year’s goals, I was like, Whoa, I am a very different person than I was last January. Those I mean, I have no no issue that I didn’t achieve those goals, because they’re not even in line with who I am anymore. So it’s just cool, like, be open to the God who molds and who changes us. I mean, we’re supposed to be, he’s the potter, we’re the clay, we’re supposed to be moldable, we’re supposed to be changing. So tell me why you are afraid of change? Is it your pride? You don’t want him to be the real winner of all those past arguments? You know, is it your sense of yourself, maybe it’s your identity, you are a perfectionist, so you can’t be anything else. That’s why everything has to be in a certain way in your household, and it can’t be done any other way. Because you are a certain way. And so then he has to do it your way. Right? Is it affecting your identity? Is that what it is? Is that why you’re afraid to change? How about this one? Is it how you feel your time right now? Oh, I’m too busy to focus on on anything other than what I’m doing right now, to put in the effort in really looking at what’s going on. I’m too busy to focus on changing my sex life or getting more pleasure out of sex, or making sure that we have sex and have it consistently and making sure he’s seduced and happy and excited. You know, I just am too busy. But the problem is, time is ticking. And if you don’t have the space, and free time to listen into God’s voice, you might be going in the wrong direction. You might be Martha, and you should be Mary, sitting at Jesus’s feet, listening to his voice. And choosing the good part. That’s what Mary did. Martha was busy. She was doing what was expected of her as a as a woman in that timeframe. She was the hostess she was doing what she was supposed to do, quote supposed to do. And she’s this was like, married it Mary’s actually chosen the best part. She’s doing what she should be. She’s listening. She’s at my feet listening. You know, the next one is, is going to be hard for me to say, you might your ears might feel a little uncomfortable by saying this. But is it your money? Is it your money? Maybe you have specific ways that you planned to use your money, and any other way that God may put on your heart to use it isn’t even an option. Nope, nope, that’s tied up. That’s tied up those resources, my resourcefulness to even get money? Nope, nope, I’m not not even looking at that. You know, God has changed my life. Because of the way I’ve used money at times. When I didn’t want to give. And then I gave God has expanded my life. I remember, shoot is recently like, somehow I felt encouraged to give a significant amount of money somewhere I can’t quite remember. And then suddenly double of it was was returned. What was it?
That’s what it was. So I this is a little embarrassing. I I feel like I gave maybe a homeless person like something. Either I gave them $50 Or at least 25. And then either that afternoon was the next day I was talking to a tax person on the phone, explaining that I had a late tax sales tax thing and so they were going to give you know, then I had to pay the $50 penalty for that. And she just up and decided to waive it for me I didn’t even ask her to but then suddenly, you know, the money I had just given that I was going to use on buying a bag. Instead that I gave it away. By God’s grace, it just was returned to me. I don’t even like what and then another thing not even that long ago is my husband and I decided to invest in something that was actually kind of out of the blue. But it felt like the right thing but it was a large investment. And you know God has transformed so much in my life in his life in our family, because of that, but had we just had money in our fist so tightly, we would never have been able to experience that transformation. And it affected every part of my life. Every part? I mean, how do you put a value on that? So God is a God that requires us to think about things differently, to have an open hand to be willing to be the clay. And then the last thing, if you’re afraid of change, maybe you just don’t know what to do. You don’t know how to you don’t know what to do. You don’t know how to make things change. Maybe you’re doing your best you’re open to change. You just don’t know what to do what God wants you to do to change in your marriage. Now first off, I want to say that’s the best place to be. That you are open to it. You are saying God, I want to change if I can change and impact this marriage for your glory. Let me do it. Let me do it. God teach me show me. That should be your posture if you want wisdom, get that kind of attitude. And read Proverbs. Oh my gosh. Here’s another one. I’ve got my Bible open here it’s proverbs 833. Here instruction and be wise I do not neglect it yeah. How about this one? This is okay. So this is great. This is Proverbs eight, does not wisdom call does not understanding raise her voice on heights beside the way at the crossroads, she takes her stand beside the gates in front of the town. At the entrance of the portal she cries aloud to you oh man, I call and my cry is to the children of man. Oh, simple ones learn prudence, oh fools learn cents, here for I will speak noble things, and from my lips will come what is right, for my mouth will utter truth wickedness is an abomination to my lips. All the words of my mouth with mouth are righteous, there is nothing twisted or crooked in them, they are all straight to him who understands and right to those who find knowledge. So that is the kind of thing that God wants for us is to pursue wisdom is to find knowledge. And again after that, take my instruction instead of silver. And knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is better than jewels. And all that you may desire cannot compare for you. Anyway, I just think that’s powerful. So, I did mention, you know, for me, I come to mentors for specific areas of my life, I don’t open my book to everyone. I don’t say, you know, here’s my whole life to any one person. Because that’s God’s job, he sees everything. And the Holy Spirit leads me and guides me I don’t, I don’t say this person knows everything. And so I, you know, I have specific people that are gonna be able to help and give me guidance around finances, that’s one, I have someone who’s going to help me and give me guidance around dy M direction and prayer and,
and that kind of thing. And then another one more around parenting, and another one more around spiritual development and character. You know, and these are just women that are mentors in my life. And and so I encourage you, you know, who are those in your life you know, protect and guard your heart but But who are the ones you know, once again, I love and I devour books, but when I actually work with someone who I respect as an expert in their field, I can trust that they have wisdom tailored to my situation. And they have a deep care love and vested interest in my success in that area. And I don’t let you know my fear of being vulnerable. My fear that no one else is doing my fear of being inconsistent my fear of being a public figure and everyone knowing that I have changed my fear of what people think my fear of if I change it’ll prove my husband wrong that you know that I was wrong and he was right. Not at all. Don’t let that keep you from changing. But us you know, you Use these different things to help you having a vision, why are you doing this, knowing your worth knowing that the God of the universe came. And so you can follow him, you can do what he wants you to do, you can change to be the woman he wants you to be. And third, be protected. Don’t cast your pearls before swine, don’t let your heart be trod upon guard it. And then get support, have people, friends, women around you get in a church who can pray for you. Don’t isolate yourself, the next one is be consistent, be persistent, be a mustard seed for life. Don’t stop doing it, get habits around your new identity, and the changes you’re making, and then have wise mentors that are going to help you that are going to inspire you in the hard times. And that are going to teach you and are going to encourage you. So I hope that has been helpful, I hope that is encouraged you. And I want to bless you in in in the changes you’re making, I want to say, My dear wife, do not stop, do not give up and make changes, because those are things that are gonna help you and move you towards doing God’s will.
Fantastic, thanks so much for joining me, thanks for listening. And I just pray that where God wants you to change that you would have the grace to do it, you would have the strength. And you would make these hard choices. As much as I love you. I don’t want you to stay where you are. Don’t let the enemy lie to you and say it’s okay where you are. We all need to be changing. We all need to be growing. And where you are lacking that you would look at in the face. And you would say this needs to change. And I have the strength to get over my pride to get over my sense of self and the way I used to see myself to get over the way I used to spend my time or money and seek out what I’m supposed to do seek out what I am to do. Let me pray for you, Father God, you know this wife, you know what’s going on in her marriage, you know, her ministry, her dreams, the callings, the pursuits that you want her to be engaging in the areas you want her to be learning. Lord, don’t let her off the hook. She is too strong, to let herself off the hook. She knows where you want her to go. And let her truly walk in that Lord, your sheep know your voice. Let her attune her, her ears to your voice. Let her be looking up to see where your staff is pointing that she would go in that direction, Lord, whatever her next step is God, I believe that you are going to guide her and show her and teach her in Jesus name. Amen. Awesome. Well, if your next step is to speak to me directly, is to have that clarity call. Just know that you don’t have to be scared of that. Because I’m actually very pleasant to talk to you on the phone. I’ve heard that before. Don’t worry many times. So I’d love to speak with you. I’d love to give you some value, some clarity. And potentially, who knows, I mean, maybe this is going to be the right fit to make you move to where God wants you in your marriage and in your life. And I mean, it affects everything. You know, potentially you could be one of the few people that I take on this month. So either way, it’s going to be an incredible conversation. So feel free to go ahead and schedule dy m dot a s dot m e, my dear god bless you have the faith and strength to make changes in your life today. Love you. Bye.
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